Jag – “That side is not f***ing around they’re trying to make big moves.” ** Updated **

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household:  Hisam
Nominees: Reilly & Cameron
POV Players:
POV Winner:
Veto Ceremony:

Lock your ranks in before midnight

The situation veto Tomorrow today! Best case for the handfuls is Matt wins Veto. best case for the olds is Nominations stay the same. Should be a fun battle. Jag is safe from the block as a result of some neather twist and from brown on brown crime alliance. Sounds like there will be more people going into Neanderthal land and Jag gets to selects the next person like Jared selected him.

1:00 – 1:24 am Jag and Reilly
Jag – If it is true that Hisam told Jared I am putting up matt and Cameron and that comes forward well.. hisam talks a lot about integrity. that’s one. Second, If it is not true well than Jared lied. Something happened there and I love them both but something happened and the game is being played. the game got played with lies at some point today.
Jag – at some point you if you choose could get to the bottom of that to create some sense of distrust or people going against each other. It lessens the target on your back.
Jag warns if she does this it might influence jared’s vote this week.
Reilly – he will cut me off straight up
Jag – can we trust his vote right now as is? If he is lieing can we trust his vote?
Reilly – I made him pinky swear me up and down and if he pinky swore me and kissed his thumb than that is f***ed up
Jag – it is.
jag – the only thing that doesn’t sit right with me is that. I don’t know what
Reilly – Jared was the only one lied to.
Jag – yeah.. Why would Hisam be 100% honest with the two nominees and everyone else in the house and then suddenly to Jared he lies.
reilly says she really believes Jared. Jag says they need his vote this week so best not f** that up by digging up the truth.
Reilly – everyone is so afraid of Hisam.. I’m telling you if Hisam stays in this game nobody has a chance of winning.
Jag – you have to be careful who you say that to. You’ve said that to Cam.. Jared..
they seem confident that they can pull in 8 votes if Nominations stays the same.
Jag jokes and calls it “the new 8”
Jag talks about how last week they were happy they started building alliances and now they see the rise and fall of everything.
Reilly – we are going down in Big Brother History
Jag – as the worst .. the f***ing worst.

Jag – with the neather they said there will be multiple souls
Reilly – Corey was the first
Jag – for this week.. I was the first one that was chosen posts Jared. I got something good and Jared got to pick. Following there will be something bad. I may have to pick who goes to the nether and gets something bad.
Jag – I got saved this week nothing good ever comes out of pure good.. I’m already thinking of who. Don’t mention this to anyone. The one person Cam is closest to is Red. That is the one person I am least close to so if I had to justify myself.. I never talk game with you so it is what it is. A unitard, you don’t play in the veto ,you don’t get a vote whatever it is.
Jag – I’ll have a roll this week I’ll get blood on my hands and I want reds blood on my hands.
Jag now saying he doesn’t know if the next neather will be bad or good. “either way if it’s a costume f** it I’ll see Red in a costume”
Reilly – Imagine if you can take away someone’s vote.

Feeds flip a couple times
The conversation wraps up. They agree Reilly needs to start working Bowie, MEME and Felecia.
Jag – people want you around the house the way you were acting today that was so funny it was so goofy. Like that is who you are just keep doing that until post Veto then you have to haul HARD HARD HARD campaign. You can sort of tease with that right now.




1:43 am games

2:12 am Most of the house is trying to sleep

2:20 am Reilly, Matt and America
Reilly saying the votes she can count on are. Cirie, American, Matt, Jared, Jag, Corey, Felicia, Cirie, Blue.
Reilly – you guys are going to be my votes but if the veto happens and one of you get picked Obviously take me down. We’re hoping that corey would be teh replacement nomination.
America – we’re thinking it’s Corey we don’t know. WHO SNITCHED?
Reilly whispers “Cameron”
Reilly – he had good intentions doing it. He told me.. I thought he was going to tell everyone..
America – I don’t talk any game with him. He pretends like he’s still in it
Reilly – mentally he’s not.
Reilly explains how Cameron was trying to get in with the other side and act as a spy
America – he didn’t thought he played pool with RED 24/7
Reilly – I know he told Cirie everything. Like how we formed. I assume he had a heart to heart with Hisam. I love you Cam but don’t f***Ing do that.
America – we formed this thing before any of us knew each other yet. All we were saying was Numbers. There was no loyalty on some of these people’s ends.
America – Why snitch?
America goes on about how their alliance never met up she never talked to Jared or Cameron. Whenever they were together Cameron would get up and leave.
America – we need those times to talk game together they did it.
Matt – is he a pawn? why is he up?
Reilly – they saw that he flipped and is a unloyal solider. I don’t think Hisam and Izzy love him very much.
Reilly – I have 8 votes right now. Cirie today swore up and down, Pinky promised. I have her and Felicia 100%
America – I think you can have Bowie as well.
Reilly says she’s trying to get MEME.
They agree Cirie and Felicia are not liars.
America – how do you feel about Jared?
Reilly – I know he is going to keep me
America – I know he will. I just wish he was more open
Reilly – me too
America questions how tight Jared is with them. She brings up that he said hisam didn’t tell him her name or Reilly’s “Just trust me”
America – if we’re in an alliance trust me? Talk to me and tell me. You’re not going to keep these things to yourself
Reilly – I was begging him to send me to the nether region. 100% I was going on the block if you don’t put me there. Not to be that guy Jared I love you but like I did save you last week can you just return the favour.
America – I feel like he’s also in teh middle
Reilly – I think so too
America – Him, Cirie, Felicia, They get along REALLY well. He’s close to Luke before all this He’s close to Izzy.
Matt – Jared thinks if you get taken off the block it’s either Corey or me.
Reilly – the worst case is Cameron wins Veto.
America and Reilly complain that last week they didn’t have enough team meetings to strengthen their group. America says Blue has just started talking to her now where last week she didn’t want to. She spent her time talking game with Hisam and IZzy. Points out they have that side alliance.

Reilly knows about he Izzy, Hisam, Blue alliance says Blue is ultimately loyal to them.
America says she’s solid with Matt, Jag, Reilly and Blue.
Reilly – Corey is with us he’s not with them. Hisam has him on a string. Hisam grills him.
they talk about how much of a threat HIsam is
Reilly – he’s one two comps in a row now. and he’s won them with ease.
Reilly – I am scared Hisam will talk to every person and threated them and noone will vote for me.
They agree the house will be calmer with Hisam gone.
Reilly – He freaks me right out.. I’m not afraid of him but he’s
America – he’s a threat
Reilly – whenever he’s around I’m like Blegh
America – he’s a good guy he’s very honest but I don’t know.. I don’t know if people will like that in this game. They might not like teh straight shooter. It can come off a bit self righteous
reilly – that speech today.. I was like.. really?
Matt doesn’t understand
America explains “he’s honest a straight shooter”
Reilly – He is like that but He’s announcing it to a point to tell Cameron and I that we’re not and I didn’t like that during this speech. You can play like that but why are you scolding me. Just say I think you guys are great go win teh veto. Don’t be like I AM PERFECT AND YOU ARE NOT.
Reilly – that is how is sounded.. I hated that.
Reilly – that is the sort of player that will take it all the way and win. He’s way too smart and way too good at comps.
America says Cerie and Felicia are with Izzy and Hisam. “cerie and Felicia were so comfortable all day so was Izzy they were smiling laughing. Felicia was even saying ‘today is a great day it’s a really good day’
America – they are all together they brought in Red and they Brought in Bowie.
Reilly – Red will vote to keep Cameron

2:42 am Jag joins them.
Jag – I chatted with Hisam. He knows about the 8. We don’t know how he knows about the 8. We have our theories but it’s probably Cam.
Jag knows why Reilly is on teh block but he’s not sure about Cameron. “One of my theories is if Cameron is the one that told their side about us that is not a trust worthy thing to do. Cameron was on our side why would you trust someone that leaves their alliance. I think it’s something like well I don’t trust Cameron either.”

Jag – have you talked to Jared
America – Jared is very tight lipped with me he doesn’t say a lot.
Jag – I am concerned about .. if somebody uses the veto who is going to get put up.
Jag says he’s most concerned it will be Matt going up. “he associates you with Reilly, He associates me with Reilly but I’m safe for the week”
Jag – there’s only a few ways we can leave this week unscathed.. actually there’s zero ways we will take a casualty this week. The Game is being played already we can’t play into their hands.
Jag – if they are like OHH don’t use the veto or do this don’t do that. They are strong holding us into doing anything they want.
Jag – stresses matt has to play in the veto and he has to win.
Jag – you are scared to use the veto
Matt – no really

Reilly – he told him not to use it
Jag – if you win the veto you have every right to use it. He knows that everyone knows that. he’s a competitor and he will respect that.
Jag points out if Matt doesn’t use it it’s not like everyone will all of a sudden start thinking “Hey this matt guy must not be working with Reilly he’s totally on our side of the house”
Jag stresses no matter how hard they play into the other sides hands to be cool we will also be at the bottom of their totem pole
Reilly – he is going to use you
They ask Matt if Reilly gets houseguest choice is he cool if they pick him.
Matt says yeah “As long it’s a competition I can f**ing hear”
Jag – if Cameraon gets houseguest choice who is he choosing?
Reilly/America – RED
jag – this week it’s going to be a split vote. They have their side we have our side. theres not big secret
jag counts the vote says if the nominations stay the same it will be a 8 to 4 vote. they count the votes to. Matt, Jag, America, Blue, Jared, Corey, Cerie, Felicia.
Jag – Hopefully Cerie

Jag – we can’t be scared in the veto we have to win the veto, If we get scared we’re done.
Reilly – you know Cameron isn’t going to be scared. He’s a VET
Jag – Hisam no matter who wins will talk to them and say Don’t use it. It is good to be in that conversation because now he’s talking to you now he’s working with you. that is a path to working together. When you hold power it has implications on him the moment you use the veto he’s got to get blood on his hands.
Jag – You have to win Veto.

3:00 am America, Jag, Reilly and Matt
Jag – don’t let him figure out your whole game..
America leaves
Jag – if one of us got HOH and we tried talking to him he would not give us everything.
Matt – he’s s mart player
Jag – that side is not f***Ing around they’re trying to make big moves.

Jag – last week happened the way it did. That alliance whatever it is doesn’t exist anymore that is the story.
Jag – we all got thrown into an alliance because that is the way thing happened we don’t know how to play the game.
Jag talks about how hey just made an alliance based on who they like hanging out with now they have to find the people they want to work with and form an alliance based on that.

Jag – what about Bowie?
matt – I don’t talk to her
Jag – I think she likes us.
Matt – I’m going to try and talk with Bowie, Cirie and izzy
Jag – Izzy is loyal to Hisam but I’m more scared to talk game with Izzy than Hisam. Izzy is like REALLY smart. She’s seen every season and she’s super into it. She’ll let you talk and she’ll dig in for information.

Jag says Izzy has approached people to be in an alliance with her and early on in the game she approached Jag about forming a “hard alliance”. “this was early I told her I was still trying to figure things out and know everyone. After that she doesn’t f*** with me anymore. This was day two”

Jag – I do know she has approached other people to make an alliance and clearly there is an alliance that is the outside of everyone of ours. HIsam did mention when there is a IN group the OUT group has to form together
Jag – if we want to be messy in this game right now is the only time because there’s no Jury. Lets get out who we need to get out lets do that right now.
Matt – if I win (veto) who does he put up Corey?
Jag – I think Corey
Reilly – he would have no other choice he’s not putting up Jared. He really likes’ Jared.
Jag – Corey and Cameron up there is better than her and Cameron
Matt – for sure.

Reilly – everyone keeps Cameron, that’s f**ed for us
Jag – Corey is f***ed if he’s up there
Reilly – Corey is growing on people Cameron is not.

Jag counts the votes the best they can pull is a tie if it’s Corey and Cameron on the block.
Jag – can we get Cirie to keep Corey
Reilly – probably if we ask her. Jared and I can go talk to her because she LOVES Jared.
Jag – Cameron has put in a lot of work with that side.
Reilly says best case is Matt wins veto uses it on her. Hisam put ups Corey Cameron get votes out.
(They seem nervous they don’t have the votes to keep Corey not knowing the other side would keep Corey over Cameron)

Jag gives out a round of hugs. Sys they need to go to sleep.

Reilly – We’ll get through it at the end of the day if I am still on the block at the end of the week
Jag – then we’ll save you
Reilly – then we’ll safe me.
Jag – the more I keep thinking of it the more I think they don’t have the numbers to send you home.
Reilly – I don’t either.
Jag – We took 1/2 the house into our alliance and he happened to put up the one person that leaked and you’re up there and Hisam can’t vote. It’s a split house but we have people on that side that want to work with us. if they don’t want to work with us and that’s their move that’s going to be a really really clear line in the sand. If you don’t want to work with us it’ll be a war.

Jag heads to bed.

3:17 am Reilly and Matt
Reilly warns him to be very strategic when he talks to the other side of the house.
Reilly says Cirie loves her “She’s loyal to me”
Reilly says Bowie isn’t a good game talker “She’s just here to have fun so if you are straight up with her”
Reilly says Hisam is using Matt “He didn’t want anything to do with you until … right now”
Reilly – I hope he picks your chip.
Matt – he told me he wouldn’t backdoor me though.
Reilly – if he had wanted both of us up he would have done it.
Reilly says Jared doesn’t trust America. They both seem to think Jared is on their side.
Reilly goes on about how her, Jag and Blue are tight with Cirie and now Matt needs to become tight. “She’s literally so chill”

Reilly says the reason she didn’t want to keep Kirsten last week is it would BURN the bridge with Cirie’s side. “I’m glad I didn’t because look I need them”
Matt – if I don’t get picked for this comp Cameron can’t win.. but if Cameron wins he puts up Corey?
They go on about Hisam has to go next week.

Reilly – he said ‘I don’t believe in backdooring’ But I DO
Reilly – I say we put Hisam and Izzy up together so one of them goes home.
Reilly hopes the veto is easy for her She’s nervous she’ll have to compete against Cameron and Hisam.
Matt says if it’s a drop out challenge and just the two of them left she’ll have to drop and give him the veto win.
Reilly – Of Course
Reilly says even if Hisam won the veto and kept the nominations the same that would better that Cameron winning the veto. They think she has the votes against Cameron.
Matt – I hope I get picked because I am ready for it.
Reilly – I have to pick you.. Holy sh1t I have to pick you.


3:32 am they head to bed.

4:00 am zzzzzz
7:00 am possible wake up

7:20 am Houseguests waking up

8:50 am Feeds have been on pound puppies for about an hour.

9:05 am America and Reilly
They are talking about Jag picking Red to be blocked from playing in the veto.
Reilly says she’s up against Hisam and Cameron in the veto “I have to pick Matt we have to manifest it”

9:50 am Feeds are down again.

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9 thoughts to “Jag – “That side is not f***ing around they’re trying to make big moves.” ** Updated **”

    1. If I was working at BB, I would only supply the house with only cereal and milk just to get on Felicia’s nerves.

    2. Thanks for posting this! It’s TV Gold! I thought she would annoy me when we first “met her” on episode one. But with such a chaotic opening to this season, she’s been great comic relief. Thanks for all the hard work you do for us!

  1. Didn’t I read somewhere hisam said him n Izzy can’t go on block together because that would be homophobic? So him n Jared also couldn’t go on block because 2 men of color. So I suggest an Izzy/Felicia block. Just seeing Izzy spiral wondering who cirie would choose would make the week worthwhile.

    1. All this you can’t put 2 gays or 2 people of color is ridiculous. It’s a game, put up who you need to, to get further in the game. If Hisam wasn’t so self righteous and Izzy so annoying and hard to watch it would be one thing.

  2. I can’t believe I missed Cameron telling someone that he thinks Felicia is Denzel Washington’s sister!! Lol

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