Head of Household Competition – Pressure Cooker **updated **

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household:  ?
Nominees: ?
POV Players: ?
POV Winner: ?
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots:  ?

Lock your ranks in before midnight

The Situation

7:19 pm Big MOmma Felicia alone “C’mon Cirie”

7:20 pm Pressure cooker

Cam thanks the houseguests that wished Stevie a Happy Birthday “that was awesome”

7:40 pm everyone still in it

7:51 pm Corey’s shoelaces are untied. everyone still in it.

(You can hear a plane in the background they must be outside in some tent. )

7:52 pm Matts in the zone

8:07 pm Everyone still in it (I guess I lose the bet)
8:18pm – 8:30pm Big Brother blocks the feeds..

Jared & Cirie are out.
Cirie – the only thing I could thing, that my shirt was between my hands when I pulled it because I didn’t change hands.

8:38pm Cirie – Lets go Blue! Lets GO! F**K! Oh sorry! I could have gone another hour at least. Stop moving Izzy. It doesn’t take a lot. Jag moving his hand. It don’t take nothing. If you move too much I am telling you it don’t take nothing. Oh this is going to go for awhile.. ya’ll keep playing.

Snakes in the centre of of the circle

8:50pm Cirie – I am used to peeing from of people. It don’t matter to me. I’ll pee in this bucket. Cirie starts running in one spot. Cirie – that helps me! I am freezing!
Inside the house: Felicia – Come one Izzy!
Jared is 3 beers deep now. (There are beer in a cooler beside Jared and Cirie)

8:59pm The room goes dark again. BB turns out the lights. Air hoses start going off blowing cold air on them.
9:05pm Jared goes for another beer. Cirie – you drinking another one? Oh god! Are you sure?

9:21pm Cirie and Jared trying to keep warm while the lights are out..

9:31pm Bowie – how are those beers going Jared? Jared – there’s only one left. Bowie – oh.. I’m jealous!

9:37pm The lights come back on..

9:50pm They’re still going strong

Cameron – Kind of boring in here. Izzy – I’m having a great time.
Jared whispers into his mic – I have to go to the bathroom, where do I go? (LOL all the beer Jared drank) Big Brother then blocks the feeds.
10:22pm They’re still going .. No one is really talking.

10:32pm Cirie whispers into her mic – I’m going to pee into this ice bucket.
10:34pm Cory pulls his shoe laces out of his shoes and drops the laces on the floor.
Izzy is out. That means that Cirie and Jared can go leave the pressure cooker.
11:01pm Kaysar shows up on the tv screen in the room. Kaysar – as for everyone else, nothing makes the time fly faster in the pressure cooker than a little music. Enjoy!
The lights start flashing and death metal music starts blasting through the speakers.

11:15pm In the house: Felicia – I am still trusting and believing, see we getting worked up when we still got people in the room and I have to believe. Meme is standing, she ain’t budging. Meme has not flinched. And I am working on Meme. Girls staying in the room. Cirie – I think Meme is solid. Felicia – anyone else shifts, I am blowing their damn game up. If I go out the house I am blowing their damn game up. Jared – I am so f**king sick of Bowie YO! Jared – you cannot act different towards Cory though. Jared – I would never. I don’t feel as if Cory is gone. Felicia – Cory is okay till we get to 7. Then that sh*t is finished. Jared – Cory acts as if he can beat us. That is a good thing. Felicia – because he thinks he can get down to the 7 and then wipe our a$$es .. and I am going to wipe his a$$ clean. Jared – Cory knows that at the end of this game there are no more physical comps.. it goes straight mental, straight memory. Felicia – after we get Red, Cameron and.. Jared – you have to remember the most threatened people in there are me, Jag and Blue so I don’t see them letting go any time soon. I am truly not worried about Cory. But as soon as they said the challenge I was like this is RED BRO. Felicia – I don’t care what Cory says he is not 21 year old college student. He is lying through his teeth. Izzy talks about how she was falling asleep in the dark and shifted around and let go of her button.

11:30pm Jared and Cirie going off talking about how Jared never told them that Hisam said he would never trust them again. Cirie is annoyed because Jared never told them that information and they never would have flipped back and forth had Jared told them that. Jared is annoyed because he feels like they don’t trust him when he tells them not to trust Hisam. Cirie – we need the supporting facts to make our own decisions.

11:45pm – 12am Felicia, Cirie and Izzy watching the competition on the living room tv. Felicia – she (Bowie) is a snake! A straight snake! This week is when I picked up on it. Cirie – I feel like Bowie Jane is a lost cause until we get Red and Cam out and then she will come scurrying back. Felicia – I keep hoping both of them f up and lose their tension and the pressure in the palm raises just enough. Felicia – We have to get out Red and Cameron. Cirie – whoever wins has to have the guts to put them up next to each other or Bowie Jane. I know Jag will. I think Blue will. I just don’t think Meme will have the guts to do it. Felicia – she will, she don’t have nothing else. Cirie – I don’t know if America is going to have the guts to do it. Felicia – If she doesn’t, I’m going to tell so you need to go on back over to that side and get your a$$ gone. And as soon as they get down to 5-6 ..then you’re gone.

12am The death metal music starts up again.
12:31am Living room – Meme, America, Matt, Jag, Cory, Red, Cam, Bowie and Blue are all still holding onto their buttons. In the house, Felicia – Jag is looking solid too. I wouldn’t mind him winning. Izzy – yeah I would too, I just want Meme to win. Felicia – yeah.

12:43pm – 1:03am The death metal music starts again.
Inside the house: Izzy – I feel more than a little bit responsible for our fractured relationship with them. Felicia – why? Why do you say that? Izzy – because I can’t not snap at Cameron and I can’t not make this face when Red is talking. They know that I hate them and they know that you guys are my girls. My biggest mistake so far is how I have not been able to control myself with them. So I want to apologize to you. Felicia – oh you don’t need to apologize. I think even if a Bowie Jane won, I dont believe right now she would be dumb enough to come after me, you or Cirie. Izzy – its just the longer we wait to get one of them out.. Felicia – right, right we do need to get rid of them.. even if they take out a Jag or a Blue this week. Still right next week we go right back after them. Izzy – if Jag and Jared are on the block, we have to find a way to get Jag out. Felicia – we do. Felicia – Meme has not .. Meme is going to win this.

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75 thoughts to “Head of Household Competition – Pressure Cooker **updated **”

    1. If I had to guess, its embarrassment. I think he’s doing his best to act like he’s not bothered that he was evicted but in reality he’s devastated.

    2. With Julie laughing hysterically at nothing funny. It was a phony laugh obviously, the first we’ve ever seen from him. He’s embarrassed and humiliated at the massive blindside, so laughing is a mechanism to make us think he’s fine when in reality he’s horrified, pissed & insulted at leaving this early.
      He cringed at the thought of hearing what the houseguests had to say, just wait until he watches the show AND reads our viewer comments !!
      IMO he’s not a King, he’s a fool. Don’t flatter yourself Hisam.

    1. Please stop it! He’s been deaf his entire life – he know how cope without people simping for him every time they think the game is being too arduous on him.

      1. Right!! Didn’t he tell Reilly that he’s hearing impaired. The average person can hear whispers, but he can’t. Or if anyone talks low, he can’t hear them. People really believe BB would put a completely non-hearing person in the house and risk a multi-million dollar lawsuit against them, if he got hurt.

    2. He knew what he signed up for!! This isn’t the special Olympics with wheelchair ramps & handicap accessible restrooms!! This is BIG BROTHER!!!

    3. 100% fair. The sounds won’t sound as scary to him. I kind of think in some respect that’s an advantage in this comp maybe. He also has a hearing aids so if he is wearing them in the comp (haven’t paid much attention or tried to see) he can hear a bit.

  1. 11 people standing in the dark chatting.
    1 person standing in the dark unable to hear them.
    Not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.

    1. I consider Matt not being able to hear in this a good thing. I don’t consider it a disadvantage like people are complaining about online . He does not have to listen to the ridiculous talk

  2. I’m imagining myself screaming so loud in that room that it would hopefully frighten some and they’d accidentally take their had off the button. I think Izzy would pee her pants lol.

  3. Meanwhile,
    Felicia’s wishing she had the HOH room clicker….Matlock and Murder, she wrote are coming on soon.

  4. no sitting, no kneeling, squatting is okay.
    Cirie and Blue certainly ‘look’ like they are sitting on the bar.
    But hey…

  5. Dear Jared,
    given Couch coached you, I’m sure you believe Kaysar won Pressure Cooker… and had to shave his head.

  6. Original pressure cooker:
    6+ hours before Beau was out.
    This time:
    less than 2 hours and both pampered stuntcasts are out.

  7. Wanna real pressure cooker?
    someone ask:
    so who is in a named alliance with Cirie, And what is yours named.

  8. Looks like 10 are in for the long haul. If one was gonna drop you’d think it would’ve happened already being they could immediately leave the box.

    1. I thought they said, they can’t leave the box until 3 if them stop, which makes sense because cirie and Jared are still in that room and cirie is freezing

      1. Right I was saying of the 10 left if one dropped all 3 could leave. Since that 3rd person hasn’t dropped yet, I was guessing all 10 that are left in the comp were trying to go the distance.

  9. This is boring! I guess I will get some sleep and find out in the morning who won.

    I just hope Izzy moves too much and her buzzer goes off!

  10. The reason original pressure cooker was so iconic is:
    highly volatile house division into 2 groups. Really volatile as of week 2.
    Kaysar, voted out, had just returned via fan vote over Cappy the leader of the other side.
    Kaysar made a safety deal giving HoH to Jennifer(?)
    She lied. put him on the block.

  11. Is it bad that I knew Izzy’s dancing around was going to bite her in the ass…
    and i was sayin nobody tell her?

    How sus is it the three of them and Felicia are all out… in a row… considering the ENTIRE house knows they are glued together?

    If i was worried about being a target, I’d be saying well ain’t THEY comfortable.

  12. I like Cirie but I’m thrilled two of my least favorites in Jared and Izzy are out already.

    Hopefully all three have to be have-nots lol.

    I hope Bowie wins and puts up Jared and Izzy with Jared being the target for talking all that shit.

  13. Most loyal byebyebitch: Bowie Jane. boring as hell paste eating Bowie Jane.
    the others really put bitch in the name.
    They’ve done nothing but malign her unless they need something for 2 weeks.
    She’s boring. She’s made her alliance and that’s that, no other game required.
    She’s not the evil villain. And the trashing of her appearance?

    these spiteful bitches have been making personal attacks or slut shaming every woman in the house…while sitting next to an openly proud fuqboy.
    Keep it up, bbbitches…I’ve never noped a survivor player before.

  14. Jared is becoming more unlikeable every day! Would love to see his cocky azz otb this week….. hoping spazzy Izzy spills the beans

  15. this here, this startin to feel less pressure cooker
    more crockpot.
    wait… wasn’t there a crockpot story last season?
    The old guy. There was an old guy…..right?
    hmmm. i might be getting tired.

    they’re giving the snakes names… right?
    America told them the 46 hour story.
    Meme already tired of being around these people. you can tell.
    how Blue is still there…. noooo idea.

    1. 6 hours down.
      advantage? the late nighters maybe?
      the early to bed people are going to drop within the next hour and a half i guess.

    2. Matt’s been saying he has to pee since what, hour 3?
      Matt peed . between 6.5-7 hours.
      Red looking tired.
      Cameron asked about deals almost an hour ago.

  16. Trying to watch the live feeds before work, but I can’t stand to listen to anymore of Felicia’s vicious insults about Bowie. Felicia is the most hateful speaking, disrespectful, foul mouth and OLDER person that BB has had on that show. At least to my knowledge. She has how many alliances but is pissed if anybody else is working with someone. Now she’s saying, if she goes on the block, she blowing up everybody’s game?? She’s WORST then Hisam! For some reason she seems to believe she can curse people out and threaten them to play how she wants them to play. I hope Red or Cameron wins and put Felicia and Izzy on the block. Let’s see the snakes turn on each other.

  17. This might be boring as hell but I’ll give this 9 props. I nodded off at the 5 hour mark and 3 hours later these 9 are still fighting. When did the loser 3 exit? All by hour 2 and 3?

  18. Yay! Izzy’s out!

    I really want to see Izzy and Cirie on the block Thursday. I want to see if Izzy will save herself with the secret.

    But, so far, the evicted houseguests haven’t cared about that. Go figure.

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