“He got content Sleeping 15 hours a Day and having her do all the barking for him” -Spencer

POV Holder: ? Next POV Aug 31st
POV Used POV Ceremony Sep 1st
HOH Winner: GM Next HOH: Sept 5th
Original Nominations: Amanda and McCrae
Current Nominations:
Last Evicted Houseguest Aaryn
Have Nots


8:41pm Amanda and McCrae

Amanda is asking him if she should throw the POV. MCCrae grumbles out a no. She tells him they played an amazing game they made some big moves and everyone will remember McCranda and Big Brother 15.

Amanda – “The only person you can trust in this game is Andy..”
Amanda thinks that Spencer will be trustworthy after she goes home.

Andy joins them says Ginamaire’s toe might be broken. Andy asks them about tomorrow’s POV and what are you doing..
Amanda – “I’m going to be taking every single luxury”
Amanda says JUDD, GM and Elissa are working together, “Poopy was right she wasn’t lying she was telling the truth”
Andy says he cannot stand Elissa, “I hate her.. I hate her.. I f*** hate her so much.. I can’t stand her.. I can’t f** stand how much I hate her” (Fingers Elissa as she walks by see image)
Amanda – “GM said if I went down and Spencer went up and it was a tie she would vote out McCrae … She’s working with Elissa and JUDD’

Chicken Spencer joins them invites them to play cards up in the Head of household bedroom.
Andy and Spencer leave
Amanda – “I’m afraid to watch this show I don’t think i came off look very good”
A – ‘I cannot believe it took them this long to put us on the block.. if I had to do it over again I wouldn’t do it anyother way.. maybe a little nicer’



9:21pm HOH everyone but Andy and McCrae
Amanda apologizes for being a a$$ to them this season, She wants them to know she loves them all, SHe’s aware that this is a game and they all fought tooth and nail to stay. She knows that either her or McCrae are going home this week she’s not going to campaign against McCrae… “He loves this game and he wants to be here really badly.. I understand you are doing what you have to do .. I don’t want this to be weird”

Amanda – ‘If he stays and I leave please don’t hold anything against him.” She explains what he always tried to get her to stop the sh1t she would start. “If anything he stopped me doing worse stuff’
Amanda leaves..

GM says she is realizing now that she isn’t untouchable and she is going home.. GM knows it’s a game and one of them gots to go this week .
Elissa – ‘She’s back peddling’
GM says they are good people it’s just a game.


9:34pm Playing rummy Having valuable real conversations about about how to play rummy… GM points out that the king card shows him stabbinbg his head. Spencer calls it teh suicide king.

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9:46pm Bedroom Andy, MC, Amanda

Andy doesn’t think there is a big alliance in the house he just thinks GM put them up because they were a strong couple.

Amanda – “Elissa knew from the moment GM won HOH .. she was so excited.. they are pretending they are not together but they are.. Aaryn told me and she wasn’t lying GM and Elissa are working together”
Amanda – ‘Our alliance was the longest surviving alliance in this game’
Amanda says Andy and McCrae were the only 2 people she could trust this entire game, “We are going to be lifelong friends.. I love you … I don’t need the money as much as you guys.. it was never about the money for me I just wanted to play the game.. you guys need to make it far’
Andy – “Just know if I am nice to Ellisa I really want to punch her in the face’ he calls ELissa a F**** C**t


10:00pm Exterminators

“He got content Sleeping 15 hours a Day and having her do all the barking for him” -Spencer

Basically they are talking about how McCrae has pretty much stopped playing the game and is just laying around because of Amanda. Andy says he just spoke with them and they do not have a single clue about the exterminator alliance. He adds that he’ll take some of the punishments but will also take some luxuries and he doesn’t want them to be mad at him.


10:32pm HOH Everyone but Amanda/McCrae

JUDD saying he doesn’t “Fake” at all
Andy says he’s the same

GM – “She‘s like ohh Aaryn told me you never liked me.. “
GM says it’s not that she never liked Amanda who GM didn’t like was Candice.

GM – ‘I don’t know why Aaryn ever said shit to me about her.. I don’t understand that’
JUDD – ‘Cause Aaryn wanted to make sure she was closer to them than anybody else’
GM – ‘I’m glad I wasn’t closer to Amanda because look at where that ended up for Aaryn’
Elissa – “umm umgf Ya I know seriously’
GM thinks that is why Amanda was mad at her because she wasn’t doing what Amanda wanted. GM adds that Aaryn would always do exactly what Amanda told her.
GM – ‘putting up ELissa and JUDD.. you don’t own me b1tch I’m older than you and I got a bigger f*** bark ruff ruff mother f***r “
Elissa -”uumm hmmmf you go girl’
GM – ‘no one is going to boss me around’
Elissa – ‘bAM’
GM – ‘Except for NICK.. Boom .. he can boss me around any day.. that little stud muffin’


11:12pm they get alcohol
4 beers and a bottle of white wine


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11:30pm Cockpit Andy, JUDD and Spencer
Andy says if a non exterminator wins HOH they will put up another one non exterminator. He explains if McCrae stays he’ll put up Elissa if Amanda stays she’ll put up Elissa. Itf Elissa wins she’ll put up Amanda or McCrae

JUDD – “I f** ing love the exterminators”
Andy – “ I love it’
JUDD – ‘We’re all on equal playing field”
Andy says he’s worried about Elissa doesn’t think she trust him
JUDD says she does

JUDD says McCrae doesn’t trust him anymore and is acting a bit pissed off. Andy says they have to take all the punishments from McCrae. Spencer agrees. (Andy and Spencer push for McCrae to go home)

JUDD says he will take the chains but the thing but the problem is if he sleeps 20 hours a day.

JUDD – ‘If you chain yourself to Elissa you have to do yoga in the damn sun’
Andy – ‘when did they have sex’
JUDD – ‘In that damn nasty ass bed I slept in’

Andy – ‘they had sex in the photo booth and in the bathroom.. but like when’
JUDD – ‘They are so f**** sick’
Spencer – ‘I would f** on camera for sure.. If I f***d on camera the guys at work out be like WOOOOOO’
Andy says he never would have s$x, they understand because he’s a teacher.
Spencer – ‘GM’s nomination speech cut him to the f*** bone’

Andy says JUDD had the best two weeks not here because the two people he wanted gone both left..
Andy asks JUDD who will Elissa put up if she won HOH. JUDD thinks it will be Amanda and Spencer.

JUDD leaves.. Spencer asks Andy if he would keep him over JUDD. Andy says of course.

Spencer- ‘we need to talk when we have a little bit more time if McCrae goes down and one of them goes up’ Spencer says he will go up as the replacement nomination he trusts the Exterminators.

Andy says when he was with Amanda and McCrae he could tell that he was with the group that America doesn’t like. He says his conversations in then DR alluded him to this.
JUDD comes back.. Andy – ‘i’m talking serious game with two chickens’
Andy and Spencer agree that America loved Candice.

They all laugh at how Candice made it so far in teh game and all she did was slept and kept it real.
Andy – “Howard played the worlds shitest game’
Spencer says Howard was brain dumb
Andy points out that Candice played a horrible game but Howard played the worst game.

Andy says Amanda would have been gone if it wasn’t for him. Andy is pissed that the zingbot called him a floater. Andy believes he was one of the more key players in the game this season.
Andy says Helen came up to him and said Amanda was takign credit for the things that Andy die.. , “she said you can’t let her win.. you ca’t trust her’
JUDD – ‘I don’t even want Amanda’s jury vote if I make it to final 2.. next get on trash… next’

They wonder is Elissa is sneaking up to them listening in. .
JUDD – ‘I love her but I hate how she eavesdrop.. I’ve only eavesdropped one time..’



JUDD tells them his plan was to come in here and make everything think he was stupid and just looking to party. Eventually people started believing it and it pissed him off always feeling so degraded.

They are all sharing stories about how the other players underestimated them. Andy talks like he’s the master of the game this season.

Andy says if the moving company was Nick, Spencer, JUDD. Andy and McCrae they would have been able to run the game.

JUDD – ‘that is the problem starting alliances day one you don’t know who people are’

Elissa comes in invites them upstairs to play Jenga..


12:23AM “Slutty Chicken”


12:41AM HOH 2 chickens, A Rat and the mother

JUDD brings up Tom from Big Brother Canada after winning the HOH he was standing in his underwear with his arms out. (See image) Andy laughs says it was the second HOH and he went out the third week (4th evicted houseguest and a trailer park boys fan)

12:54pm Andy, chickens and Elissa

Andy brings up Candice leaves. “She was evicted dressed in a outfit based on your arch nemesis childhood toy”
JUDD – ‘and the toy is in the house’
They laughs, agree it was the worst.

JUDD says he liked Kaitlin. JUDD says David’s mom cried when he left to be on the Big Brother show.


1:10AM Sl*tty Chicken gets ready for bed



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267 thoughts to ““He got content Sleeping 15 hours a Day and having her do all the barking for him” -Spencer”

      1. Wow Spencer called Howard brain dumb? So much for that friendship right? And all the new GM fans;that’s cool I guess. If you own a business you can give her a job… go Elissa; I would say Judd but he’s working with Andy again. And why would the “Exterminators” let Andy in the group KNOWING he was with 3 AM? These have been the corniest alliances in BB history….

        1. Who the eff is Judd to be calling ANY shots. The guy is a reject. He should never been allowed to come back in the game. More bullshit rigging by CBS. He’s a retard and a shady mofo. And now he thinks he’ll be in final 2 and he won’t want McCranda’s votes? No problem asshole. Why do you hate them so much when it was team Helen/Elissa who orchestrated your blindside? You left the house a retard and came back in a retard and the first person you hook up with is Elissa bc she’s HOH. And then you believe her lies and propaganda. You are so stuuuuupid. Learn how to talk too. It just is another element that makes you look creepy. Loser.

          1. Even tho your getting down voted your right on the money about Judd, he’s not the most intelligent and he is just as shady as the people he bashes behind their backs. Does he forget how much he loved Amanda and mccrae before he was evicted and now because he sided with the first person in power he feels he is better than them.

            There should never be a returning player unless its been said at the beginning ala survivor redemption island. Judd didn’t deserve a place back being the floater/smack talker he is, and all the new Judd fans apparently forget all the stuff he has said about other HG as well like Jessie etc

      2. Wow Spencer called Howard brain dumb? So much for that friendship right? And all the new GM fans;that’s cool I guess. If you own a business you can give her a job… go Elissa; I would say Judd but he’s working with Andy again. And why would the “Exterminators” let Andy in the group KNOWING he was with 3 AM? These have been the corniest alliances in BB history….

      3. Good Morning guys. You have to love CBS and my Jewish Queen. Amanda is not going anywhere and she could care less about MC. Now on to more important things. Eddie Griffin is one funny man. If you are ever in Vegas, go see him. Captain, I told my friends Issac and Josh last night about you and your anger issues. Josh is a Psychologist and he told me you really need anger management sessions. So this is your Admiral speaking, since we are friendss now (I was happy you called me friend), Someone has hurt you and lied to you and it is hard for you to let go. As my friend let it go, stop the anger and go to anger management classes. I wish you were here at The Wynn so you could have a session with Josh. Unfortunately, I don’t think there is help for Bob. Take care my friend. Signing off your Admiral and friend.

        1. @BuffaloBill, they have the votes to get rid of Amanda!!! CBS will not save her this one. She is going home. PERIOD!!!!!!!

        2. By the way Elissa is not going anywhere. Amanda will leave and make sure your winnings is going bye bye!!!!!!

        3. So surely if your friend is a psychologist then he can state in his personal opinion that Amanda appears to have some very serious mental issues and if anyone should see a psychologist then it is definitely her. And as to Amanda being the pre-determined winner; well that ship has definitely sailed. Even if that was the case, there is no way in Hell CBS would let her win now after all of her vile and disgusting behavior. So hope you didn’t bet too much on that outcome

    1. rat bastard andy totally needs to leave asap. i dont want him to get any additional money. he is such a dickhead

      1. Andy just because you can swear doesn’t make you tough 😉 LOL…Andy needs to go this double eviction him and spencer cannot get power. I dont know what is worse spencer + andy or the McCranda -_-…

        1. Yeah, Andy is talking crap now he wasn’t talking crap last week when he was on the block worried like hell that they would backdoor him

      2. Amanda has fought with Elissa, GinaMarie, Judd, Candice, McCrae, Spencer, Jessie, Aaryn and even Jeremy and I’m sure she would’ve fought with the other houseguests that got evicted in the beginning too if they had stayed longer. What does that say about her repulsive personality? that DELUSIONAL, HATEFUL B*TCH is the common denominator in all the fights! Can’t wait for her to be evicted from the BB house!

      3. Everyone says that Mcranda have been the masterminds of the game but they couldn’t have done it without Andy. He has been the one flipping the house for most of the game and he has done it without upsetting anyone or making any enemies. He is playing a good game.

        1. I agree. Even though people will thumbs down the hell out of us, but Andy is not a floater. Floaters side with whoever is in power at the moment, but Andy worked for an alliance. He made a point to get in everyone’s good graces early. That’s something every good social player should do, not join an alliance openly right away and alienate the other half of the house. But he aligned with a couple that people despise so naturally some people are going to HATE him for helping take out players that are more well liked. To his credit, though, he stayed loyal to McCranda. He played Helen and Elissa like a fiddle to do what HIS ALLIANCE wanted and it worked all the way to getting Helen out of the house. That’s good gameplay. People say he lies and he’s a rat and he won’t get blood on his hands…well, that’s the best thing you can do in BB. Lie to help yourself and your alliance and try to get the least amount of blood on your hands as possible so that people throw their anger at someone else. Yet Andy still played an intricate part in getting alot of people evicted. Like it or not haters. Andy is the most deserving player left in that house.

          1. I do not want Andy to win, but I do agree with you. To most BB fans dismay, he has played a good game with what his skills were coming into the house. He knew he wasn’t going to be a competition beast, so he relied on his “friendly disposition” and became a “gained the trust” of nearly everyone (but Elissa!) in the game. BB fans do not want to believe it or accept it (somehow it seems to break a BB Commandment), but floating IS a strategy for getting through to the end. I also agree that McCranda could not have made it this far without Andy. I know he is now working for jury votes by exclaiming to the remaining HG’s that he is pretty much responsible for McCranda’s success thus far, but I think it will backfire on him and he will be voted out soon. No one likes a bragger (one of the basic reasons no one seems to like Elissa – her conversations about what she has is perceived as bragging). The remaining HG’s will vote him out for this bragging, or, better yet, they will finally realize that NOTHING that comes out of Andy’s mouth is to be trusted!

        2. i call bullshit. he’s no mastermind. here is what he’s done
          – been demanda’s little rat bastard collecting intel for her
          – talking helen out of targeting demanda twice
          – boarding the hate train for “the house” any time he could
          – getting on board demanda’s paranoia train about judd being MVP when he actually wasnt
          – getting his HOH nominations manipulated by demanda like aaryn
          – kicking out a HG (jessie) that wasnt even targeting him when he was HOH
          – joining exterminators, but doing it in a way he can still be with demanda/mcpussy
          – somehow not gotten called out for when he was caught lying. jessie, candice, helen had him dead to rights but never really told the house

          and best of all, he’s proven he now is a floater. while its debatable if he floated between helen and demanda before, there is no debate this time. he floated from demanda’s little hate group into the exterminators. and done it in the biggest float-like way, still making demanda/mcpussy think he’s with them. he’ll throw veto too, just like he threw HOH to remain in that position. why, because he’s a floater.

          1. You just perfectly outlined his strategy throughout the game. Floating IS a strategy! Andy is NOT a mastermind, but no one should deny that he worked the floater strategy better than any previous floater has ever done. I so want him to be called out on this and sent home. Why is it that no one but Elissa sees Andy for what he really is? It makes the rest of the HG’s look totally foolish.

    2. GM said some racist things but she doesn’t seem to hold grudges unlike Elissa. I remember Elissa saying a while back that when she’s done with a person she’s done or something to that effect and wouldn’t associate with Aaryn or GM until Helen was gone. That’s understandable but what about forgiveness? As a Christian she should be the bigger person and say to Amanda “You have said horrible things to me and about my husband. You have made me feel bullied and uncomfortable in this house, but I forgive you and wish you happiness and hope you someday realize the hurtful degree of your actions.”

      As a Christian this is how I live my life. I have forgiven people that have wronged me for far worse things than someone antagonizing me in a house. I am not condoning anything Amanda has said or done, nor am I making light of the hurt she might have caused Elissa and her family, but forgiveness heals and makes much more of an impact on the wrong-doer in the long run. While I can see where she’s coming from, Elissa is always more than ready to talk bad about Amanda and even bring her mental health into question and brings Amanda’s medication into conversations. I just really wish Elissa would be the role model many Christian Big Brother fans want her to be.

      GM has said things I think are vile, but she seems to be a kind and forgiving person at heart. I forgive her for things she has said (Amanda and Aaryn as well) but I’m still torn on whether or not to actually root for her.

      1. Amanda has not actually apologized to Elissa, ever. Gina Marie has apologized to people she lashed out on several occasions.

        1. Technically Amanda did apologize in the HoH room last night…granted it was more so to the room of people and she still hates Joker Face, but Elissa was amongst the group Amanda apologized to. I think that’s about as close as an apology as Elissa is going to get. lol

          1. name* Amanda didnt actually apologize to Elissa!
            She knew the cameras were on the group in the HOH
            playing cards & games – she wanted “camera – time” !
            AND she gave her little BS talk and NOT one word was
            genuine!! It is ALL about me me me with the resident
            WHORE….everything she says is evil- twisted –
            She is not going to stop being vindictive…she is as
            threatening as ever!!
            Elissa is not her only target!

      2. Why would a true Christian even apply for Big Brother. Where you lie , cheat, cuss, backstab, etc. so I’m not holding Elissa to the
        Standard of a true Christian. Christian meaning- Christlike. Because I don’t see Christ applying for Big Brother. Lol

        1. Why would a true Scotsman even apply for Big Brother. Where you lie , cheat, cuss, backstab, etc. so I’m not holding Elissa to the
          Standard of a true Scotsman. Scotsman meaning- Scotlike. Because I don’t see No True Scotsman applying for Big Brother. Lol 😉

          Have always loved this fallacy 🙂

          1. And then he’d sacrifice himself…to himself…in the final HOA comp to fix screwing up so badly in the first place in the very first HOA comp! Makes perfect sense! Plus that turning water into wine would give him an extra unfair advantage with all the drunkards and whoremongers in the house 😉

            1. HO…A? Please tell me you know that it’s supposed to be HOH because it stands for Head of Household. Or did you just mishear aych-oh-aych one time and think they said aych-oh-ay?

              1. He might be from the midwest. HOA (Heart of America) is an organization that supports and defends the sore horse industry (intentionally making gaited horse’s front feet sore to achieve that animated gait) and perhaps it was just a typo. Yes, it is illegal but it still goes on much like Michael Vik’s dog fighter friends.

            2. Yeah, meant H-O-H but I pay a monthly HOA, “Homeowner’s Association Dues”….and when a little lit? There ya go,

              And QK, that shit with the horses is vile! Not from the midwest, from SoCal, never heard of it. But cruel!

        2. Sometimes I wonder why a true Christian would even watch BB and get entertainment from all of the lying and backstabbing. I feel guilt every time I turn it on.

        3. because there are all levels of being Christians and the only christians that would apply for this show are “baby christians”

        4. I see your point and I tell GOD all of the time that I could never play that game unless it was an assignment from HIM to either help someone win or to witness, encourage, edify or comfort someone per an assignment from HIM. Other than that, forget it. I’d plead the blood of JESUS against Amanda and bless my sheets with blessed cooking oil. # Real talk

      3. JOE: What are you talking about…tonight on BBAD……..GM said she still hates Candice………Elissa is constantly being harass by Amanda……and Amanda is piss because Elissa is not arguing back…..Elissa is just venting her frustration..she doesn’t seem like the arguing type………….If Candice had came back in the house……GM would of been nasty saying vile things again……….To say GM is a different person and the second coming of Jesus Christ because she nominated McPuss and Amanda ……..is so idiotic…………A real test to see if GM has change…..is if Candice came back instead of Judd…….and Amanda and Aaryn started with there racist comments….would GM tell them to stop… that’s not right….OR …..Join in the hate fest…….we all know the answer to that question………

        1. I in no way intended my previous comment to sound like I was saying GM was the second coming. Amanda and McCrae would have went up eventually, so I really don’t give her praise for doing that. I simply stated the difference that GM seems more forgiving of a person than Elissa. She is still talking bad about Candice, and I don’t like that one bit (I am African-American and was disgusted by the treatment Candice received and the words that have been said) but I think GM was more receptive to Candice when she returned to compete because Candice was being the bigger person and was nice to GM. I think if given time together to sit and talk as women, GM would let bygones be bygones. I’m not saying they would ever be friends. I simply think GM would say they had their problems and their personalities clashed, but she doesn’t hold a grudge and wishes her well. I could be completely wrong about that, of course, but that’s how I feel she has the potential to be. Elissa, on the other hand, I feel might listen to an apology but wouldn’t accept it as genuine and will continue to consider Amanda a disgusting human being for years to come. Again, I could be wrong but that’s how I perceive their personalities from what I have seen.

      4. Well, I guess that’s why she’s a practicing Christian, pun intended. And enough with the forgiveness kool-aid! To forgive doesn’t mean to reconcile and above all to forgive. Besides, forgiveness requires the offender to ask for it and to offer a reparation; of course the whole process has to be genuine. Besides, why would you expect anyone in a reality TV show, let alone BB be a role model? Ppl should just try to be their own damn models.

      5. Also I don’t get how you could be forgiving Amanda, Aaryn or GM, you weren’t the person they personally offended ergo how on earth you get the honor to grant them your forgiveness? Talk about being an overzealous Christian

        1. Whatever your religious beliefs are, I respect. I only ask that you please respect mine. 🙂

          Perhaps I should have been clearer, but I forgive GM, Aaryn and Amanda because things they said, while not directed toward me personally, did offend me because I am an African-American.

            1. “Are you ACTUALLY from Africa, or are you black?”

              OMG! Poopy got Internet privileges in the jury house! :-0

          1. Kudos, Joe. I also am a Christian and believe we must forgive those that sin against us. I expect Elissa will, once she has time to reflect. But like Elissa, if someone repeatedly hurts me, I don’t want to be around them, even though I do forgive them.

            In terms of Aaryn, Elissa saw her torment her friend Candice . it was awful. She heard the lies Amanda said about Howard. I wouldn’t want to be around either. Even worse than what Aaryn did. seriously disturbing. GM seems troubled and yes, prejudiced, but is also kind. I can understand Elissa preferring her over the others.

            I don’t think it’s fair to judge Elissa’ on how good of a Christian is when she is shut up with people who hate and mentally torment her pretty much nonstop for two months. I know my faith is strong but doubt i could do much better. I cannot judge her heart. I can judge her actions, and though she brags a bit, her actions have not been deplorable unlike some of those she is in the house with.

            Anyway, Joe, I get what you are saying and agree to a point.

            1. No worries, irregardless if Amanda self-edicts or faces Julie Chen in the hot seat, there WILL be repercussions of her actions and words while in the BB house. She will lose friends, she will have family members upset with her, she will have future employment problems, etc., etc. and as far as Elissa forgiving anyone, I think that if she told Amanda that she forgave her, despite how Amanda has treated her (continues to treat her), then that would add more fuel to Amanda’s fire. Just the fact that Elissa doesn’t respond sometimes gets under Amanda’s skin. Has anyone else noticed how fixated Amanda becomes about Elissa…even when a conversation is going on around her, she continues to talk and think about Elissa. I don’t know what her exact diagnosis is for the meds that she takes, but I am sure that she has had many similar issues outside the house that have been addressed and medicated by professionals. CBS and Big Brother are extremely lucky that nothing physical has happened, because I believe when Amanda snaps, she will wreak more havoc than CBS or BB could imagine.

              So, everyone, answer this question….If you were a sibling or parent of any of the remaining houseguests, which houseguest would you hope to be related to? I would choose Elissa, Judd, GM, McCrae, Andy. In that order, with embarrassment scaling majorly upward with each person after Elissa. I would NEVER want to say that I am related to Spencer or Amanda. I think that everyone should ask that question before they start aligning themselves with one HG or another. Just sayin’

              1. If I had to choose it would Elissa, Judd, GM. As for the rest I wouldn’t want either of them in my family.

            2. “But like Elissa, if someone repeatedly hurts me, I don’t want to be around them, even though I do forgive them. ”

              Understandable. Likewise. Remember when it came to the Pharisees and Saducees, CHRIST forgave them and even died for them also—however, HE didn’t necessarily hang out with them.

          2. Yada Yada Yada this and that we all have opinions right or wrong, weather I like or dislike your thoughts I will respect them and keepa steppin.

            Now, has anyone notice “Ameanda” is not screaming, hollering or trying to intimidate “GM” like she did with “Elissa”, Is it because “Ameanda” knows “GM” will jump back in that butt. “Ameanda” knows when to hush she may act crazy or seem crazy but she knows who to tangle with and who not to tangle with. “Ameanda” is just that a mean, spoiled privilege child that has grown up to be an “A hole”.

            Wait till “GM” finds out “Andy” is the true rat she will rip him a new one (ouch).

              1. “Sorry”, the office I work in request a lot of “quotes”. I’ll try to do better. Thanks for the heads-up

      6. I totally disagree. There are no comparisons to the things Amanda has done and said all season. Where do you get saying you as a Christian would be able to forgive Amanda before Elissa. Elissa has handled herself quite well and very restrained with what has been thrown to her especially with Amanda the last two weeks. Amazes me how some people won’t give Elissa any credit, and will excuse Amanda for all she has said and done. That girl should have been taken out of the competition by CBS, and if anyone deserves to lose their job, Amanda should. Can you imagine any company wanting someone that has acted nothing but”Trash” her entire stay, working and representing their company??? How she can explain this to any employer and keep a job would be unbelievable to me. So glad she has left.

        1. I never said I forgive Amanda before Elissa. Please read my comment again. I don’t think Elissa has done anything wrong, therefore she does not need forgiving. I simply stated that I felt GM does not hold grudges as much as Elissa. I think GM and Candice could sort out their feelings and GM would not continue to say bad things about her in the future. But I think Elissa would continue to think Amanda is a disgusting person for years to come even if Amanda apologized repeatedly. I don’t think Elissa would ever take an apology from Amanda as genuine. I do not really blame Elissa if she chooses to think that way or hold a grudge, but since she has proclaimed her faith as something of great importance to her I believe she needs to remember the teachings of that faith and forgive those who have wronged her. Other Christians, such as myself, would love to see that from a supposed fellow Christian on reality TV because many talk the talk but don’t walk the walk. But as someone else here said, this is Big Brother, a game of deceit and manipulation. I wouldn’t imagine too many true Christians would sign up for that experience either. I got my hopes up with Howard, but after he started lying on the Bible I should have learned my lesson.

          1. And please, Joe, define “true christian” as there are thousands of interpretations of such. So, in relation to Big Brother only, no “true christian” would, or wouldn’t (fill in the blank)?

            1. @ No True Scotsman….oh god, give it a rest. You know what the guy meant and he was nice and civilized with what he thought unlike 90% of the people here. Stop nitpicking shit that don’t matter.

        2. ” A wise man told me don’t argue with fools”……….Elissa is handling herself correct….some people find silent so irritating during an argument…..That silent response drove Amanda crazy that she started banging on the HOH door to get Elissa attention…..But Elissa ignore her………which drove her over the edge…
          The people that hate on Elissa because of the way she looks, her speaking voice, and her family lifestyle,,,,,,,,are just haters………………and as much as Amanda hate on Elissa….she want’s what Elissa has……….Amanda throwing herself at McCrae, that their family should meet, he should move in with her, they should get married and have kids…….PLEASE…..Amanda is just a hater……….win or lose Elissa can walk out the big brother house with her head held high…

          1. You call somebody who gave a completely respectful opinion about Elissa a fool because he doesn’t think she’s perfect? Hurry up and crawl out of her ass before you turn into a diamond!

            1. AT BB BIGGA TREE: ( That quote was not directed at anybody here.)……..I was stating that Elissa think Amanda is a fool and will not argue with her……because it will get her nowhere…..I respect Elissa action at just smiling at Amanda and walking away…. “A wise man told me don’t argue with fools” is what Elissa is doing to Amanda……not arguing with a fool………

        3. Howard isn’t the first one to lie on the bible in BB…and it happens on a regular basis in real life in courtrooms by people who call themselves Christians. Make of it what you will but this show isn’t called Big Brother the Bible Edition. Personally, I don’t believe Christ would want anything to do with this show. 🙂

      7. U elissa haters are bias to a fault… I am not a huge fan of ne1this season but as a woman of colour there r certain things I can’t forget. The racist comments made by all except elissa all includes kaitlyn gm mc amanda jeremy andy aaryn and Spencer. Andy is racist bcuz he targeted the two blacks to say they had the worst game wen he is playing one of a coward (imagine wants to throw the veto disgusting). Judd came back in falling in with the same ppl tht blindsided him, wat an ass to trust someone who has betrayed both his alliances (andy) be bas betrayed blth Helen now mcranda. Spencer is ungrateful and a pedi if he wins he wud have a pedifest watch out for ur kids if u live in his area. Gm wants to blame aaryn for her relationship with candice how dumb is that now we know she has no mind of her own but guess wat gm the hurtful things u said was all u esp the last thing u said before candice left about her mom EVIL and well amanda n mcpussy r just awful. So besides calling elissa a evil bitch n snobby bcuz she aint acting ghetto n cussing ppl please show me how she is worse than these ppl. Wen the house wanted her to mvp howard she stuck to her gut n did not, she was refused to vote with the house to send home helen she has made no racist or vile comments, she has strength not to ans the bully amanda but everyone hates good ppl tht is why they crucified christ. To be “real” and not fake is to cuss be up in ppls face say vile things etc other thn tht I guess u r just snobby.

      8. Did it ever occur to you that once it stops, she may be able to reflect on it and do exactly that? Put yourself in her shoes. She’s been getting harassed just because she made a game move. Even Chistians have faults and I’m pretty dumbfounded that many of you claim to forgive everyone but then preach about Elissa’s behavior. She’s friggen human. She has faults just like the rest of us and if the worse thing she does is sometimes talk bad about people that insults her integrity then more friggen power to her. I’d take her over any one of you who judge people for their imperfections.
        Btw, preach about role models once you can find a Christian that does not have faults.
        As for GM being the more forgiving, does it ever occur to you the reason for it is because GM does not see racial slurs, crude behavior /talk or bullying as a big deal? You don’t forgive something that isn’t an issue to you.

    3. Also no one is attacking GM unlike how A-Man-Duh attacks Elissa at every turn. It’s easy to not say anything when your not being bashed. What if the shoe was on the other foot? GM would be going off. We saw how she was with Candace. I think everything Elissa is saying about A-Man-Duh is less then what she deserves. Let somebody attack you and you have to live with them, how would you react?

      1. GM is not being attacked because she is not trying to antagonize and and then pretend like she hasn’t done anything

      1. Yep, I was thinking, “It’s too bad GM’s mouth is bigger than her good qualities.” Let’s not be so selective when talking about Christianity. The Bible also says that when we open our mouths, we speak what’s in our hearts. So, forgiving GM doesn’t change who GM is.

    4. When GM said earlier tonight (when on the subject of splitting up Mcranda) that those two will see each other soon and then they can be together again just like how she knows that whenever she leaves the house she’ll be walking into Nick’s arms…I just felt bad for her. It was funny at first but now it’s just really sad. She talks about other people’s meds for mental/emotional issues like that’s a bad thing and she’s never needed that stuff, but she really might once this is all over. I’m not saying that to be funny, but she really has no clue about the reality of the situation and so many people are going to be making fun of her about it.

      1. I doubt if she cares if people are making fun of her about the Nick thing. I think she knows what she’s doing. I don’t feel bad for her. She’s not that dumb. It’s a tactic. She’s aggressively pursuing him while she’s in the house and trying to bring it into reality. She can’t physically try to snag him so she’s doing it in another way. That’s why she constantly keeps it out there.

    5. this is almost too good to be true. I hate to say this, but I’m expecting production to throw in a monkey wrench to save the dirtbags (MC & Amanda). this is the type of dumb shit situation production is known for when it comes to saving certain individuals for ratings purposes. it’s been a great two straight weeks witnessing the Amanda mental meltdown. MC is not only taking L’s in the BB game, once it’s all over, he will be taking another major L moving to Florida and continuing his HO-mance with Amanda.

      1. Well as much as I hate to admit it, to be honest, it would be much less interesting to watch live feeds and BBAD if Amanda was gone. After watching the rest play cards up in the HoH tonight, I thought yep, this crew will be boring as hell.

        1. well get ready for it. I told everybody here month ago that all of the strong personalities and strong players would be gone by final four, final five and that’s exactly whats going to happen you going to be left with floaters and boring ass people. Spencer or Gina Marie or a guy who sat in a phat Jurry house for 2 weeks, will be the ones sitting there on finale night. and why? Because they were the most liked or rather the least hated that is what this show is becoming if you’re good and good at it and you have a bold in big personality you will not last.

      2. I’m not so sure he will be going to FL. I think his mood yesterday was more “I can’t believe I took this path with Amanda and screwed my game royally” vs. “I won’t get to play the game with A anymore”. I think he is embarrassed about how he is perceived (he is a big BB fan) and realizes that the dream and, more importantly, his image is shattered. I’m kind of sad for him because of it.

    6. I disagree with you – while I really like GM and hope she and Elissa go to the final 2 and Judd the final 3.

      Elissa was the first one who had the balls enough to take out Aaryn the comp beast for the Queen(some say personal – some strategic) . Yes Elissa regrets not putting up the queen and her side kick together. But Elissa also had to deal with the Queen off her meds… Strategically speaking taking out the soldiers makes more sense – it exposes the queen – the queen will need to work for her game and not be able to dictate orders…

      Don’t forget this is GM second HOH – who did she take out? Candice – wow Candi was so threatening in that clown suit – Now that was personal. 2nd HOH – she is now put up the queen and her side kick….after one of her soldiers was taken out. and probably the most dangerous one….

      If the queen’s side kick is out of the game – leaving the queen at a weaken state – the queen could be taken out than.(depending on production)- or go after ratbastard Andy(the queen’s mole – funny how it is another rodent), Then the queen – because she will only have spencer(or will she)- he has done so much for his game – only left as a pawn..we all know pawns are only sacrificed. though – you will need to be careful as a few pawns could make to the end and save the queen(he would never)…..and this queen is not worth saving

      1. if they take out the queen – leaving the side kick – you do not know how he will play. He might actually start playing instead of being a sloth or just continue being a sloth. Pus GM and Elissa are thinking he is all boy alliance(ratboy and spencer). GM is not going to tell her exterminators she is an alliance Elissa..

    7. Andy – “Just know if I am nice to Ellisa I really want to punch her in the face’ he calls ELissa a F**** C**t

      Even a stopped clock is right twice a day

    8. GM and Elissa were both calm when discussing Amanda’s apology (after Amanda left the room.) Everyone had a civil conversation about it, and it didn’t last long. The best part about that segment of BBAD was when Andy said he isn’t FAKE. P.S. for those who didn’t see the show… Amanda seemed odder than usual (over-medicated?)

  1. Why does Andy HATE Elissa so much? Can someone tell me why? I cant remember her doing anything to him. I like how Andy thinks he the biggest threat of ALL TIME, and that Elissa has to get him out. Please Andy! You and Spencer are begging for 3rd place. PS: Does he not think (Like Amanda and Arryan) that people are watching him? At least Elissa can walk out of BB with her reputation and her job. unlike some of these fools…

    1. Rat Dog hates Elissa because she put him on the block and told him in front of everyone that he was McCranda’s rat and couldn’t be trusted.

    2. Andy doesn’t really dislike Elissa. He realizes that the rest of the house hates her and he has decided to board the I-hate-Elissa bandwagon, I guess to further his game. His butt better hope Elissa doesn’t win HOH.

      1. Andy sure as Hell does hate Ellisa! Why? As he said before…she is onto to him. ( the only reason.)
        To call her a F—king C–t is totatly disgusting!! You said the rest of the house hates her. ( Ellisa ) Sorry…last time I checked, it was Andy, Mc, Amanda And Spencer. ( the filth of the house.)

      2. i bet andy was and outsider as a little boy…picked on and didn’t fit in. It sounds like from hearing him talk that he has put a lot of effort into being like by people in his real life…spent/spends alot of time creating a personality that fits in so as to not be the way he was as a little kid…so with elissa he saw in week one that ther was someone in the house other than him that could be the one that doesn’t fit in (b/c of being R’s sister)…he saw she was taking heat early on and wanted anyone other than him to be the “misfit” so he jumped on the bandwagon and has really gotten caught up in it.

        psycho babble alert…..he has alot of anger at her which is really his own unresolved anger from his own life…..his looks…..hard to not be attractive in the gay community…especially in a large city like chicago….his past rejection issues….I think he projects that energy onto Elissa as a release of his own tension anger and personal frustration. Sorry guys….when you look at psychological issues for a living it is hard to not see them. haha

    3. Because he NEEDS to hate someone every week. If you go back, you will see, he had hate targets every week. It’s his way of painting his targets on people’s back if he wants them out. He did that to Nick, Helen, Candice, Jessie, Jeremy, etc. I wonder who will he hate next after Elissa leaves? I hope Elissa makes it F2 over him. I would be so happy!! haha. Why are the BB gay guys so hateful, spiteful and resentful? The only one I can’t remember acting that way was Lawon but then again I think he left early. They are such drama queens and sh*t talkers.

    4. The REAL reason Andy doesn’t like Elissa (and this is going to make a lot of Elissa fan’s grumpy because they are incredibly biased towards her and she can do no wrong), is probably because of the things she says. On the feeds she’s really a snob, she talks like the whole experience is beneath her and everyone in the house are peasents. When she says people are disgusting, she means it in the sense that they’re despicable. She speaks like she believes she’s classy, deserving and she has never made any wrongs. And I’m not saying she’s not, I’m just saying that nobody is perfect and often when people shamlessly believe those types of things about themself they’re a little on the deluded end.
      This is only based on the things I’ve heard/read from the live feeds. Imagine what that attitude/mentality is like and then combine it with the actions/energy of being around that type of person constantly.. And that’s probably why Andy doesn’t like Eisssa.

      1. You are 100% correct, Kay. Elissa fans hate it, but that is what pretty much every houseguest has said about her. I liked Elissa in the first couple of weeks…BEFORE I started watching live feeds. After seeing how she acts and things she says I can totally see why they say that about her. I don’t hate her or anything, she may not even be aware of how she comes across, but I bet I would start to hate her if i was stuck in a house with her 24/7.

        1. Haven’t you all been calling these people “sheep” all season long? Whatever presedent is set, they pretty much all follow, except for Elissa. She goes against the grain, like Jesus. I think a lot of people hated him too…..so I’m told. The same with Candice, I’m so tired of hearing she’s a “bad” game player? Who could be a great player with the house stacked against them with racist and “sheep” from the very beginning. When she started “keeping it real” she was really crucified. You all don’t even think for yourselves. You just jump on whatever bandwagon suits you!

        2. Precedent…… I made a typo. (That’s for all you that would like to discredit my comments because of it). Lol

      2. I have been watching the feeds as well and Elissa has made it clear she thinks some of them are disgusting because of the vile things they say and she is right they are disgusting.She is the only one who hasn’t fallen in line with the shitty racists and gross remarks.Andy hates Elissa because Amanda hates Elissa and he is afraid of Amanda and we all know he is a follower.I can’t believe he is a teacher considering him using the F word and calling a woman a C… All the time.He is disgusting and that is so rude.I bet his students and his superiors are not going to be to happy with his bad behavior.The only thing Elissa did to him was put him on the block,she has always been very nice and friendly to him.Andy is not a good human being,he may think he is but he is wrong and will find out when he gets back to his life.

      3. No doubt Elissa can be self-righteous and should keep some stuff to herself. I like her when she’s being quirky and sarcastic but cringe at other things she says especially telling people what they shouldn’t do as an adult. But I don’t think that’s why she doesn’t like her. Or if it is it’s probably not the only reason.. Andy is a catty little pathetic b*tch in general and loves to stir the pot even when there’s nothing in it. Look at this game play. And the way he tries to subtlety bring certain people’s name up so that the other people can bash them and he can relish in it all in “good fun”. I think he has a problem with just about anyone who is threatening his spot in the game. And also who has more money and opportunity than him because somehow he thinks he deserves it .

      4. Give me a break. You’re as delusional as Andy and McCranda are. He hates her for the sole reason she cant be manipulated. She put him on the block. She doesn’t trust him. That’s it. Watch him suck ass if she gets HOH again. Any other reason is just your petty personal feelings about Elissa.

    5. Look at Elissa’s face and her attitude. How can you not like the person she is?! She give Amanda a run for her money, and that is no joke. She looks like she fell on a bee hive.

    6. Yes, Elissa can walk out of BB with her reputation and her job.

      Unfortunately he reputation is that she’s a psycho gold digger and her only job is to serve as a warning of the dangers of too much plastic surgery.

    1. not as much as the smell you keep leaving on me..from your business with filthy mcnasty…the stench around the house that has obviouly made impressions on everyone from production to Julie Chen…hence we are up on the block…thanks for not keeping your hole closed ve-ja-ja

  2. So happy GM won!!! She is my favorite. Andy is so annoying I can’t stand him. I know he is really trying to win the money because he says he needs it so bad… But I can’t stand his lying and his refusal to get blood on his hands. He makes me want to say ” you are such a pu$$! Every time I see him!

  3. I find it clueless that Spencer has such a “jones” to get out Elissa out. In my opinion (OTHER THAN AMANDA) his ONLY other shot at the half million would be sitting next to Elissa in the final. Here’s how I see the Spencer matchups:

    Spencer v Judd – Judd wins (9-0)
    Spencer v “Rat” – “Rat” wins (9-0, 8-1, or 7-2)
    Spencer v Gina – Gina wins (8-1, or 6-3) (Candace will definately not vote for Gina)
    Spencer v McCrae – McCrae wins (7-2 or 6-3)


    Spencer v Elissa – Spencer wins (6-3 or 5-4)
    *Amanda would vote for Spencer (100%)
    *McCrae would vote for Spencer (100%)
    *Rat would vote for Spencer (100%)
    *Aaryn would vote for Spencer (100%)
    *Judd would vote for Spencer (75%)
    *Gina would vote for ???
    *Jessie would vote for Elissa (75%)
    *Candace would vote for Elissa (75%)
    *Helen would vote for Elissa (100%)


    Spencer v Amanda – Spencer wins (8-1 or 7-2)
    *Elissa would vote for Spencer (100%)
    *Jessie would vote for Spencer (100%)
    *Candace would vote for Spencer (90%)
    *Rat would vote for Spencer (70%)
    *Aaryn would vote for Spencer (70%)
    *Judd would vote for Spencer (70%)
    *Gina would vote for Spencer (70%)
    *Helen would vote for ???
    *McCrae would vote for Amanda (100%)

    1. Note: Change the Spencer v Judd to…. Judd wins (9-0 or 8-1) I could see the “RAT” throwing his vote to Spencer.

    2. I honestly think Aaryn, Helen and GM would vote for Amanda over Spencer…depending on how discussions of events in the jury house plays out (i.e. Amanda’s taunting of Elissa). Aaryn respected Amanda’s gameplay and so did Helen. GM would probably follow Aaryn’s vote but you never know. And if Elissa is in the jury house she might sway Helen, but if Andy is in there too he might admit part of that was a plan Amanda had so that Andy could console Elissa. It’s a toss up depending on how high the emotions run, but I just don’t think those three would ever vote for Spencer based on strictly gameplay. Spencer’s really done nothing but be a good pawn since everyone considers him worthless and expendable.

    1. I cannot stand how Elissa pretends to be so innocent…she is so annoying with her jabs and feeling like she is better than everyone. I am disgusted by Amanda’s behavior too bad she couldn’t see that was exactly what Elissa wanted

      1. Production has probably given Elissa the impression that she’s better than everyone else in the house.

        Think about it. They wanted someone who would help draw previous viewers into the show and rather than a previous houseguest which they’ve done before, they realized that Rachel had a sister and asked her to be on the show. Everyone else in the house applied and hoped they’d get on the show but the show courted Elissa to be on the show.

        She doesn’t need the money but she agreed to come on the show. (I’m not sure what promises production made to make that happen.) To keep her in the game, production invented the MVP knowing that America would vote for her because of her sister’s fans.

        So she came in the game after being courted by production, was sequestered in a separate (probably better) hotel from the other houseguests, and was immediately voted America’s favorite.

        I can at least understand how she feels that she’s better than everyone else. I don’t why Amanda thinks she is though.

    1. Yeah, you like the racist bitch. Who has a lot of issues like amanda its just shes on the winning side thats why she isnt throwing a temper tantrum.

      Judd is cool.

      1. Too bad she didn’t have the brains to put them up on the block TOGETHER last week. Then in GM’s HoH room Elissa’s all “I miss Poopy”. Could she be further up GM’s ass right now? Ugh, this cast sucks.

      2. Why do you value “guts” so highly?

        Hitler was the only one with enough guts to make a move against Poland, France, Russia. I guess he’s your new favorite.

    2. Elissa was the only person who really made an effort to welcome Judd back to the Big Brother house. Everyone else in the house ignored him because they figured there was no point in talking game strategy with someone who will probably be evicted on the next eviction night. I don’t think they expected Judd to outlast Aaryn.

      1. If you watched on TV, the only person that was happy that someone was going to re-enter the house was Elissa. The rest weren’t happy and only talked about getting out whoever came in. Even though Judd didn’t want to give Helen and Elissa a hug when he left, Elissa seemed genuinely happy that he came back in. The others couldn’t have cared less.
        Elissa for the wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!

        1. She was so happy at first because she thought Helen might come right back in the house…duh

          Then she just kissed Judd’s ass because she needed another ally….double duh

          You actually think she cared if anyone came back in the house if it couldn’t benefit her? She’ll never talk to any of these people once this is over. Not even Helen.

      2. Andy can call Elissa a c*** and many other disgusting things, but that seems to be tolerated very well in Big Brother. But if someone calls Andy anything then they’re homophobic. Go figure……….
        Then I’d say Andy (as well as Amanda and McCrae) is a womanphobic for calling Elissa those names. And women make more than half the population of the world. So Andy please stop hating.

        1. I don’t disagree with most of that, but to say ‘if anyone calls Andy anything they’re homophobic’ is BS because no one has called him any names (aside from joking) except for Aaryn calling him a queer. And that IS homophobic. Why don’t you actually wait for someone to be wrongfully accused of being homophobic before throwing that out there.

  4. No Andy, Elissa isn’t the cunt, YOU ARE! uh I liked Andy in the first weeks but now I cant stand him hes soo fake.

  5. I don’t get it…Andy is flipping the bird as Elissa walks by, yet he is willing to get a haircut by the C**t. So is this game play or just using her for a free haircut? If they ever do a remake of the movie Victor Victoria, he would be the perfect lead!

  6. Shut the f*** up amanda. She is so nasty, I’m so glad she could possibly go home. Good job gm! Your a psycho but your not a p****.

  7. Andy is a horrible person calling Elissa a c**t. What if they called him a faggot? He would not like it. I cannot stand his pale, ginger ass. I hope he feels horrible about himself when he get out and sees what a horrible player people think he is.

    1. If you are going to call a woman a c**t then wouldn’t you need to use the equivalent male part for a guy for it to be evened out? Why is it so offensive for a woman to be called a c**t, but to call a guy a dick is more acceptable?

        1. So it is used to devalue women…calling a guy a ‘dick’ is a compliment or empowering? An insult is an insult, but yet women allow for this part of their body that is desired by many men to be used as a means to beat them down. It is really crazy when you think about it.

    2. Let’s keep our insults along the same lines shall we? If a woman gets called a c**t, the man gets called dick or whatever your favorite word for the male genitalia is. If a black person gets called a n***er then the other person gets called a derogatory name based on race…cracker, wetback, gook, etc. etc. If a woman gets called a dike regardless of her actual sexual orientation then she can respond by calling the male aggressor a faggot…same goes for insults slung between gay men and women.

      Too many to really list, but are we all clear? Mixing these insults has the potential to really make you look like an asshole (that one can be used on pretty much everybody). I mean, if a black person called you a c**t, it wouldn’t be cool to call them a n***er. Same goes for gay slurs. 😉

    3. I wonder if he’ll get in trouble for callin a woman a c***t? I certainly would not want a professor that uses that language towards women! Hope he gets fired too!

  8. AS much as I despise Amanda and McCray, I loathe Andy!!!! He is such a two-face little snitch, the way he talks about Elissa is shameful. I cannot believe he is a college professor!! Nothing would give me more pleasure then to see him get evicted. Elissa knows not to trust Andy and Spencer, she knows they are still lying to her.

    1. Andy has burned too many bridges. I don’t see the jury giving him the $500,000 if he makes it to the final 2.

    2. Unfortunately, I think GM and Judd are also lying to Elissa… because when all four of them (with Spencer and Andy) speak of the “Exterminators” alliance, they make no mention of Elissa at all!
      I think they believe she doesn’t need the money as desperately as they do. :o(

      1. Yeah I’m hoping we see something in his DR that he is just playing because I hate that he is buying Andy’s BS. He’s coming off as pretty gullible. I hope he doesn’t forget how Elissa welcomed him back and would not nominate him. I’m not pushing for Elissa to be f2 but I would like to see her there longer than Andy and whichever Mcranda survives.

    3. The worst thing about Rat Dog is he never stood up and said the racism was wrong. He just scurried into the corner and let it all happen and then used it to manipulate others.

      I’m sure the college he teaches at is so proud.

      1. i do think that andy has hurt his future career if he wants to continue up the professorial ladder….these days employers as routine google their applicants….so all of andy’s nasty c**t comments are here forever to be found by prospective employers….I think he is screwed….not too smart andy!

  9. If one of McCranda wins POV, they (exterminators) better not put Elissa up….then McCranda stays. Andy and Spencer just said they would keep Amanda over Elissa?? What?? I hope they mean if she doesn’t go next week. Amanda is a great manipulator and she will weasel her way back for sure. McCrae needs to stay. He won’t be gunning for people (just Elissa) b/c Amanda left, but she will…..She even said keep McCrae over me. If the house doesn’t do that, they can forget 2 possible votes if they are in the finale. McCrae will be pissed that we went before Amanda and she will be mad b/c she pretty much said she wants to go….

    1. If one of them comes off the block today I hope GM puts up Andy!!! That would make my day!!! let him suffer another 4 days in the bb house.

      1. GM wants Amanda gone… And no one is going to make her change that…. Then if Ellisa,or Judd win next week they need to put up McNasty and fucking rat boy. I despise him…. He is such a creepy lil ginger…..ugh, get his ass out

  10. “he got content sleeping 15 hours a day and demanda doing all the barking for him.”—Is it doible eviction time yet?

    1. ‘What is Amanda doing in the fourth picture?’

      You don’t want to go there!…….. aMANduh is doing the McNasty, then loverboy gets a treat later, sniff, sniff my lil’ darlin’…. who’s your daddy now!

      1. digging 4 gold nuggets …cuz she sure ain’t gutting any gold from this house—she is controlling the nugget evictions in her crusty ass,,,it is the only place she can draw from for strength a sense of self control….its her happy place

  11. I hope that everyone in the house soon realizes that Andy cannot be trusted. He has deals with everyone, and it is really hard to figure out where his loyalty lies. He has some nerve giving Elissa the finger. I hope he goes home during this week’s double eviction.

    Also, there are four thumbnail photos under “9:46pm Bedroom Andy, MC, Amanda”. What is Amanda doing in the fourth picture?

    1. bbfancanada* ANDY is attempting to play a Dan Gheesling
      game ! NOT !
      I hope Andy and Amanda double EVICT!!

  12. Andy’s a little bitch calling someone a cunt. Fuck him, he’s the cunt. A rat’s cunt at that. I hope the Exterminators get wise to his bitchassness.

    1. bbff* Andy is a College Professor in Public Speaking???
      As a professional – I would expect better from him!!
      (He is in trouble – for this…without a doubt!)

      WTF? How is HIS “defamatory” remarks …. made
      ANY DIFFERENT ….. than ” racial ” remarks
      made by GM – Amanda – Aaryn – Spenser and others?!?


  13. GM says she is realizing now that she isn’t untouchable and she is going home.. GM knows it’s a game and one of them gots to go this week .
    Elissa – ‘She’s back peddling’
    GM says they are good people it’s just a game.

    Too bad her tires are flat. I can hope that other then the double eviction there are no other twists.


    Tell me something…to those of you that didn’t masturbate to all this today and can still form a coherent thought that doesn’t include the word, Elissa…HOW DOES IT FEEL? Was the payoff better or lesser than you anticipated???

    Is this good enough or will only a crazed gunman capping this poor girl while she is in th chair next to Julie ACTUALLY BE GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU?!?!?!

    I and many others are curious to know.

    1. bd22* CORRECT WORD TO USE IS:

      (irregardless can be found in the dictionary)
      MYSELF! 🙂

  15. – Does amanda suffer from bi-polar disorder? I mean her mood changes like th wind.. its crazy.

    – Andy aint no professor I would like to teach me.

    – Elissa has her moments of douchebaggery, like everyone that has stepped in the house but elissa kept herself professional and respectable while the others look trashy.

    – Mccrae has to go, so amanda can break down some more. Its a win-win

    1. Amanda is your textbook sociopath.
      Here are the common traits of such a person:

      -Disregard for right and wrong
      -Persistent lying or deceit to exploit others
      -Using charm or wit to manipulate others for personal gain or for sheer personal pleasure
      -Intense egocentrism, sense of superiority and exhibitionism
      -Repeatedly violating the rights of others by the use of intimidation, dishonesty and misrepresentation
      -Child abuse or neglect
      -Hostility, significant irritability, agitation, impulsiveness, aggression or violence
      -Lack of empathy for others and lack of remorse about harming others
      -Unnecessary risk taking or dangerous behaviors
      -Poor or abusive relationships
      -Irresponsible work behavior
      Failure to learn from the negative consequences of behavior.

      “Like” if you feel this directly describes Amanda the Terrible

      1. kidartistix*
        AGREE 1000 %
        ISSUES – AS WELL!!

        BTW …….. THIS IS NOT—– ACTING!

  16. I’m not sure if Amanda’s crying / apologizing is gameplay or if she really has given up. I hope the houseguests don’t start feelings sorry for her and McCrae.

    1. I think Amanda has been told what happened to Aaryn when she was evicted. I don’t believe her apologies to anyone in the house are sincere, she is just trying to make a last ditch effort to earn sympathy from the hgs and viewers before she makes her exit. “She did everything to better her game”. I wouldn’t be surprised at all to see her self evict so she won’t have to face a live audience and Julie. She made this “bed” (and it’s not the HOH bed either!!!), now she needs to “lie” in it and deal with the repercussions. I would like to McCrae evicted and then Andy…will she still be sorry for how she acted then when she gets to feel how it is to be in the BB house alone?!

  17. This was the most excited I have been all season to watch BBAD, and it couldn’t be anymore boring tonight!! I thought for sure we would get to see Amanda implode tonight…disappointing! 🙁

    1. Amanda is currently playing the victim, like she did before she won POV, but if one of them wins POV, and or AG gives the a power so they both can stay she’ll be back to being a tyrant, but right now she’s playing up the victim card with her bullshit apologies.

      Here’s the thing, she isn’t “crass” at all, she’s a “bossy diva bitch” who is only happy when she’s in control, and will cry like a baby and pout and play the victim when she can’t get her way, and is only “tough” when she has someone backing her up(in this case that would be her alliance who were strong in numbers), I know women like her. Elissa is the same way, but in her own downplayed devious way..

      Jeremy was the only “crass” person in that house, during the wine incident he made Amanda cry in 2 seconds, that alone proves she isn’t “crass” at all. If she was crass, she would’ve stepped to his face like she did with Jessie, but again he would’ve put her in her place.

  18. “He got content Sleeping 15 hours a Day and having her do all the barking for him” -Spencer. Not a fan of Spencer but this comment is right on the money,!! I think Mccrae will be the one who will Be the most disappointed with his performance, him being a super bb fan and all…..He really did just stop playing the game….

    1. And in her nom speech GM called him on it. That has to be the most humiliating wake up call (in the house because Aaryn’s last night wins the trophy) this season.

  19. “I HATE ANDY. I HATE Him. I F*** HATE Him So Much.. I Can’t stand Him.. I Can’t F** stand how much I hate him!!!!”

    1. I hope that people reading your comment realize, like I did, that you are actually referring to Andy’s “over the top” reaction to Elissa! :o)

  20. While looking at a pic of Amanda earlier tonight I wondered to myself why all the girls on here like to do the “one shoulder thing”

    Now I see Judd doing “the one shoulder chicken thing”! I’m rolling!!!

  21. I hate Andy and Spencer especially Andy that I’d rather Amanda win than either of them. They are parasites. I hope eveything that rat has done comes out soon. And Judd how clueless could you possibly get? Andy and Spencer would take you out in a heartbeat too. My biggest fear would be to have Andy and Spenver in the final 2. I would be the worst ever because Andy would win and McCranda would probably still have no idea that the rat had sold them out and was just working them out for jury votes.

  22. Andy is a joke!! He got to go!!! I’m Elissa fan, yup u read right I’m a Elissa fan I would like to see see Judd an Elissa at the end!!!

  23. Amanda – “I’m afraid to watch this show I don’t think I came off looking very good”
    A – ‘I cannot believe it took them this long to put us on the block.. if I had to do it over again I wouldn’t do it anyother way.. maybe a little nicer’

    A little nicer would still not be nice enough. The only twist I want to se this week is the lime in my gin and tonic.

  24. Please! Please, let the red RAT win Veto…. this way when he fails to not use it on aMANduh, she will pop-off on the little pussy and make his life miserable and make his face glow red!

    BTW why does the rat dress like the Griswold’s from ‘Family Vacation’? He is such a little tattle-tale….. his game is week too!

    1. lmao…. i do not think it would be good for Andy to win because Amanda would bully him into using it. Take her off and he would not go up since he won. ohhhh but wait Spencer needs to go as well so for some reason the noms do not stay the same and Andy can not be put up Spencer needs to go. I agree production somehow will not let Amanda go ( please let me be wrong) really want her out. Annoying is so not even close to how she should of been out weeks ago.

    2. I can not imagine having a professor like Andy. He will find it difficult to find students who will take him seriously. Does anyone know what type of professor he is?

      1. Andy teaches something to do with speaking in public or close to it,that is where he learned the big nice words he has called Elissa such as C… .He is such a good speaker NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!He is a jerk who is so pathetic he can’t play his own game,even now he is still reporting back to her and talking tons of shit about Elissa to Mcranda.He hated being called a floater but that is what he is and what he will always be known as.

  25. Hey Simon

    Have you noticed that since McCranda went on the block you haven’t had to listen to anything about her crotch?

    Has the bleeding in your ears stopped yet?

  26. What a surprise–the rat a$$ is flipping Elissa off behind her back again. He’s done this at least 4-5 times when she’s inside and nowhere near him or walks by and he knows there is no chance she will see it. His disgusting Ratty long fingers need to be tied up since that is his only way to act all bullett in front of the gross duo to show his loyalty to them. I’m hoping that Judd starts to see his rat ways and believe what Elissa is telling him and jump on the block of cheese w/ Elissa and get this unlikable piece of rat turd out. I hope he is the replacement nominee if one of the gross duo win veto so he can only blame himself since he is throwing the veto to avoid any blood on his ratty hands. Whew–that felt good.

  27. Elissa calling Amanda a rule breaker – seriously? Then Judd asks what rule did she break & Elissa just repeated that Amanda’s a rule breaker. Pot meet kettle. It certainly takes one to know one I guess.
    I’m going to “shut it down” as BB says cause I really can’t listen to Elissa anymore. Poor GM has no clue that Elissa is playing her. That’s sad.

    1. Of course they give them alcohol just as I’m shutting it down. LOL!! Will be on the phone listening…

      GM – if her foot is broken then she needs to be elevating & icing it, taking the Tylenol (they probably gave her the good stuff) AND stay off it as much as possible. Yet she’s says she has to work out b/c if she doesn’t she can’t eat – gotta burn those calories. Just totally amazed and Andy is the only one smart enough to tell her she needs to stay off it.

  28. “GM – ‘putting up ELissa and JUDD.. you don’t own me b1tch I’m older than you and I got a bigger f*** bark ruff ruff mother f***r “
    Elissa -”uumm hmmmf you go girl”

    I laughed at that louder than I should have, lol.

  29. Andy’s pissed and rightfully so because he knows his time is up after this week. Everybody but Judd it seems is on to him. Even Spencer knows but can’t do anything because they’ve been tied at the hip so long. Amanda ratted him out (I don’t even think she realizes it) when she kept trying to make her case for the past three weeks. El has the best read on the house right now, and with the ability to get people to turn and insult you with a smile on her face makes her deadly at this point. Like the other day when she was telling Aaryn how to handle the controversy, you guys thought she was trying to help her out, no way, she was sinking her ship, but she did it with fake concern and it came off like she was trying to help her. the one thing I’ve noticed about this season and it’s happened ever since Jeremy got bounced is that the HG that was leaving had a clear vision of what was going on, tried to warn the person, that person said yeah whatever and got bit on the ass the next week. As piss poor this season has been, this is a warning to future HG’s on how not to play the game. I think at this point America’s favorite player is down to three people, Jessie, El and GM and that’s only because they had the guts to stand up to Amanda.

  30. the next hoh competition will be endurance macrea win the first indurance these houseguest judd ,, gm elissa needs to think long and hard who will be less competition elissa and judd winning hoh this week … I want Amanda gone so bad I could taste it but I love her squirming , crying well I was right she knows she cant nagg ,, bully nor go toe to toe with gm so she aint play that crazy shit she did with elissa…. If Amanda really wants macrea to stay win the veto and save him she did it last week but I doubt that … IF AMANDA does win veto ANDY goes up we will have a tie macrea to jury with Jessie ….

  31. I hope the nom stay the same…..Andy will try to convice GM to put up Elissa……..Andy still has the window to back stab the Exterminator and stay with McNastiness alliance…

  32. I think…the best HOH is one that is physical, and puts elisa against the rat.

    so basically lets just do otev again.

  33. The game is getting a little more interesting but I went back and watched clips from last year. Remember the Frank/Ian fight. That was interesting to watch. Amanda fights just puzzle me.

  34. Thanks everyone for your updates. I do not get the live feeds and i have U-verse they do not offer BBAD. So i appreciate everyone especially of course Simon and Dawg for keeping us informed. I am beyond thrilled Amanda and McCrae is up on the block. I am hearing Amanda freaked out and was upset and all over the place as usual but what about MCCrae has he reacted at all? no wait he has to wait for Amanda to tell him what to say. I for the life of me do not understand how Amanda thinks she has been getting tortured in that house can anyone else understand this? she is bat shit crazy and truly needs help. Amanda feels defeated and exhausted and done. But every other day she changes so i can not wait for tomorrows updates because i know she will be back to her crap again. one more thing , someone asked earlier why does Andy hate Elissa so much? well she saw thru his crap as well and never lets him hear her private conversations so it frustrates him because he cant run and tell mommy Amanda what Elissa is saying. I am not Elissa fan but she starting to grow on me just for the fact she doesn’t let anyone get to her she laughs in their face and i love that.

    1. Andy would use it and try to get GM to nominate Elissa. He’s a fool. His best chance would be to take Eliissa because that jury will never give the money to her.

  35. I never seem people use the word Hate so much on Big Brother. If you dislike a person just it you do and why. But Hate! Over and over. Lets see how money will change them once they get it. Elissa is in another world so to speak they are successful. Ok sit down and talk to her, maybe you will learn something, how to invest your money. McCrack will blow every dime. Amanda will invest in bad real estate. They just so jealous it don’t matter what she say. She dress nice, try to keep herself healthy. Big Brother never said you had to be poor and needy in order to apply for the show. Geez.

    1. i agree and Elissa stated herself she works really really hard her and her husband. I do not see anything wrong with working really hard and having nice things . I agree she can be stuck up at times but she has shown many times her soft side and one thing that made her really not like these other woman was how they would be so racist and show hatred to others and it upset Elissa which i agree she even told GM how she did not like or agree with her comments she believes that GM is not that person and is bigger then that. Amanda does not like anyone she can not break. didn’t I read Amanda sold million dollar homes? ya i do not believe that for a second, she would have to have more class than she has shown to be able to pull that off and i can not imagine her being successful doing that. She should have a hell of a lot more money in her bank account if this was true.

  36. apparently Buffalo is back in Vegas trying to retract her bet. the only thing her Jewish Princess is bringing back to her is crabs…..

  37. Didn’t they already have the Luxury & Punishment POV? (Amanda had to do the spray tan?) Why do they think there would be another?

  38. Ahhh they got booze tonight A Man Da is gonna really act up now lol. She is really crazy she can turn those tears ON & Off quick

  39. At least I can still take comfort in the fact that GM and Spencer will not have jobs when they leave the house and Elissa will still be a skanky gold digging cackling wart-riddled witch.

    1. hey everyone! amanda’s mom is back, but now she’s calling herself gloppy. not talkin about her jewish princess much, just attacks on elissa’s appearance that make no sense. warts? wtf? lady you are a wart.

  40. Why doesn’t that dirty whore ever have any pants on?
    And why is everyone ok with hersitting on everything in the wearing only her crusty underwear thst barely cover her ass?
    She has an ongoing yeast infection and barely showers. Two weeks ago she left a trail of blood everywhere sh
    e went.Why haven’t the other hgs insisted she wear pants or sit on a towel?

    Elissa acts better because she is better.
    Can you imagine having to share a house with all of those filthy slobs?
    Their now saying that even the shower stinks and has flies but it still hasn’t dawned on any of them to grab a sponge and
    some bleach. How dirty are their homes in real life? If I was stuck in that house with those slobs, I’d be worried about bedbugs
    and crabs.

    1. Amanda’s family needs to make certain that there are no sharp objects in her house when she starts watching this show back….. and make certain she isn’t in a tall building when she sees it. That psycho is liable to jump or something…….

  41. Hey Andy just accept you suck my dude (literally and figuratively) Zingbot was right you are a floater, rat, pasty ghost MF’er!!! How can this kid keep claiming to make moves? He did nothing at all. Calling other player’s games bad? At least those individuals were smart enough to know that the house was under the McPussy and Stank Box’s thumb and tried to rally folks to get them out. And what did you do Johnny Quest? You ran and Casper ass back and told them everything. Sorry Andy you are not going to win this game. Get ready for jury house where you can pop in and out on everyone there.

    1. Even though I think Andy played a good game and I’ve enjoyed seeing him work through everyone building trust and backstabbing I do not think he’s as pivotal as he boasts.

      Really depends on the last batch of Comp wins to decide if he has a chance to win but if it went down right now he may win against Spencer and Elissa.

      Andy’s social game is stellar.

  42. whenever I see andy, I keep thinking he must have been obsessed with the movie “big”. its like he was warped out of his toddler clothes into the BB house

  43. lol @ andy. he would never have sex, but calling a woman a 4 letter C word for absolutely no reason other than PURE envy….cmon….you wish you had the money she had, and it kills you. EVERYONE SEES IT

  44. Judd, put those feathers back on, stop stripping for feed you WHORE, have some dignity and self-respect.

  45. Andy has got this game on lockdown–he’s got every single angle covered in the house and everyone likes him or trusts him or is in an alliance or two with him….he wins 1 crucial comp in a few weeks and write the man a check for the moniez because Andy beats the entire house If he gets to Final 2.

  46. First, I want to thank Simon and Dawg for another year of running the absolute best spoilers website. I have been enjoying your site for years, and for the first time this year I purchased the live feeds. Your dedication and love for the game is beyond impressive! OBB is the best!! You guys can expect a donation coming from me soon!

    I must admit, this is probably my least favorite season of BB. I started out really, really liking about half of the house guests, but now I am to the point of not having a favorite to win the game. I am not easily offended, but I have no tolerance for hate mongering. The racism, bigotry, and misogyny that’s taken place has left me completely exhausted.

    I do not understand how folks all over the internet are talking smack about the behaviors of the house guests, yet they are exhibiting the exact same behavior by name calling, wishing violence against them, and finding joy in the fact that three, maybe four of them have lost their jobs. I have read where someone actively tried to get one of the house guests fired by sending a video of her behavior to the company in which she is employed. Who does that?!?

    Please do not misunderstand what I am trying to say here. I do not condone much of what the house guests have said or done in the house. I also believe there should be consequences for their actions. I applaud Julie for calling Aaryn out on her racism, and I think she should continue that trend going forward with each person who gets evicted.

    I definitely feel that a handful of them have played a good game, and it is because of that and the fact that I have been seriously addicted to BB for years, that I will continue to watch. I might even figure out once again who I would like to see win. Although at this point, I am not sure if I want to subscribe to another month of the live feeds. Color me confused!

    1. this point has been raised numerous times. and i will respond the way i always do. if you use words like hate against hitler, that is in no way the same as what hitler did. calling amanda a skank ho bitch slut is nothing like what she has actually done and said in the house. i have not tried to slam any of the houseguests with a door, for example. i do not get 2 inches from a houseguests face and follow them around yelling at them. there is no equivalency here. she is a despicable person and it is 100% ok to excoriate her in whatever manner you see fit on this forum.

      1. now before you say it i’ll say it for you and respond:
        “comparing amanda to hitler is ridiculous!”
        -the only difference between her and hitler is she’s not in control of a country. she has the exact same personality qualities of narcissistic sociopath as hitler, and would not hesitate, were she in power, to eliminate anyone who angered/disagreed with her. read about hitler’s early life, you will see an exact matchup with the way amanda acts.
        there are plenty of hitlers out there, you just never hear about them because they’re not in control of countries.

        1. I agree with you 100% that Amanda is a narcissistic sociopath. I also feel she might be bipolar and is not properly medicated. I simply can not wrap my head around someone making threats against her family. The people who are doing this are not good people.

          What Amanda has done to Elissa over the past week is almost criminal, and although there is no comparison between the two, Elissa has proven to be less than the decent human being I once believed she was.

          I have very few kind words for Gina Marie and Aaryn, and I totally understand why they were released from their modeling / pageant contracts / jobs. I have said in the past that I think Aaryn is totally consumed with hate, and Gina Marie is emotionally stunted in comparison to the age of a young teen. With that being said, I do not find joy in the fact that they are now unemployed.

          I agree that most of the house guests have exhibited deplorable behavior, and it’s hard to separate their behavior from game play as a result. Personally, I would love to talk more about their strategy, like what is working or not working for them. For instance, Amanda said in an interview that her plan was to shock people with her mouth. At first I thought she was playing a pretty good game, but has since lost control.

          Anyway, I appreciate your responses to my original post!

  47. Wow Spencer called Howard brain dumb? So much for that friendship right? And all the new GM fans;that’s cool I guess. If you own a business you can give her a job… go Elissa; I would say Judd but he’s working with Andy again. And why would the “Exterminators” let Andy in the group KNOWING he was with 3 AM? These have been the corniest alliances in BB history….

  48. I wonder how many calories Amanda has burned from all the crying, probably the most exercise she’s gotten this entire summer

  49. Rat boy is floting form side to side…he did say the other night he wanted to break away form Amanda and McCrae. I cant wait for Amanda to leave.

  50. I respect GM’s game and thank her for having the balls to put up the evil witch and her lap dog…BUT, I still don’t respect her as a person! Let us not forget she was probably the second most hated of the mean girls after Aaryn and she was the one to actually use the “n” word. Ignorance doesn’t just leave you after weeks!

    1. thats a no brainer-america has already voted several times and its always a landslide for Elissa. sorry to the haters but America overwhelmingly loves her.

  51. I am sick to my stomach thinking there’s a “Diamond power of veto” waiting to be found by Amanda in this upcoming competition. They are so close to getting rid of her! If there is, this will prove without a doubt the show is rigged in her favor. And that’s the ONLY way I will ever stop watching! Personally, I enjoy rooting for someone every season. Although this season it’s been rather difficult to pick anyone at all. Just my thoughts for the day! I hope everyone has a safe and fun holiday weekend!

  52. Amanda: “everyone will remember McCranda and Big Brother 15,” no Amanda, everyone will be trying to forget season 15 for the rest of their lives, nice try though!

  53. I’m sick to my stomach thinking there’s a “Diamond power of veto” waiting to be found by Amanda. They are so close to getting rid of her! If there is, this will prove to everyone that the show is rigged!! And that’s the ONLY way I will stop watching. Personally, I enjoy rooting for someone every season. Although this season it’s been rather difficult to pick anyone to root for. I just want to see A REAL GAME OF BIG BROTHER where if you win, you win, and if you lose, you lose! Not where players are getting help from their buddy, Alison Grodner, and not where they are being fed lines!!! Anyone else catch Amanda and McCrae’s conversation where she said she was being fed lines before the feeds cut to fish?

  54. big brother 15 will be remembered for one thing: the first time houseguests got booed by the audience. yep amanda has hers coming too and maybe GM.

  55. and, if some amanda saving twist happens it will let everyone know that the show is indeed rigged-i’ve always said its not-but that would seal it for me….

  56. I can’t stand that rat faced ginger Andy. I am so sick and tired of hearing him say he is either going to shit or kill himself. Andy you rat do us a favor either do it or shut the heck up about it. I hope that at the finale Elissa’s husband confronts the rat for his constant calling Elissa a c**t and that Rachel confronts Amanda the dirty hooch for the threats and harassment towards Elissa. That would end this bb season with a bang…..

  57. Does anyone believe Amanda will find out Andy is lying (exposure of the Exterminator alliance). If so, that would be great!!

  58. Ratboy Andy’s clothes reminds me of clothes I would buy my kids when they were younger. The clothesline was called garanimals and they had labels in them that would match shirts with pants and shorts. Andy put the little boy clothes away and start dressing age appropriate. ….Andy said he can’t havs sex on tv because he is a teacher yet he can call Elissa a c**t and other vile names and think that’s exceptable. Andy how many females do you have in your classes? I hope they boycott his course for him using the c word numerous times against Elissa….Evict the rat soon…..

  59. Let me preface this by saying I’m no fan of Andy. But unlike most of you his annoyingly popping up everywhere, lying and scheming don’t bother me very much bc that is his game play. Its annoying to watch but that’s how he is playing. What is really getting to me about Andy is he is jumping on the bully bandwagon. I’ve never seen so many people attack each other on a personal level. I’m sure one of the hardest things when entering the BB house is leaving you emotions at the door. Every year there is always one or two who can’t do it – I myself could never but I would never go on the show unless I could – a majority of these people are playing on a personal level. I like big brother for the game play not seeing grown people call people the c-word! What a shame!

  60. I sure wouldn’t want Andy teaching my children with that mouth of his!! I know it’s a game but Hate is a really strong word and he of all people should know that he shouldn’t be throwing it around!! I’ll be surprised if he still has a job after this….

  61. Saint GinaMarie ? Are you kidding me. She’s no saint to be forgiven all the vile things she has said and will continue to say if prompted, just like Amanda is not the devil. She’s doing a good imitation though because so far it has worked in her favor with these idiot HG’s, they allowed Amanda to act this way. Once Amanda strong armed her way into being their Queen the HG’s fell in line like idiot soldier’s under her domain and anyone who refused to follow order’s the HG’S themselves turned on to do Amanda’s bidding. Who would’nt enjoy this kind of power and get a little carried away if grown adults let you tell them what to do and how to think. Remember HG’s that thought for themselves were bullied by all the remaining HG’s under their Queen’s reign. So whose really to blame for Amanda’s reign of terror EVERYONE including Amanda herself. Finally people are waken out of their stupor and deciding to rebel against their Queen. Let’s see how long it last before they just give their power of thinking to someone else perhaps King Andy. SHEEP.

  62. I would like to hogtie Andy and wash his mouth out with soap. They all talk raunchy (with the exception of Elissa), but coming from a teacher, it’s appalling. His clothing reminds me of the children’s brand Grrr-Animals.

  63. Andy still cannot be trusted. He tells Amanda he Fn hates you? Smh! Why can’t he just talk game play without saying he hates her? I hope she does eavesdrop at the right time.

  64. I think it’s time to vote Amanda out, leaving McCrae to his own defenses. He has sat on the rail much to long and needs to get a taste of the fight needed to stay in BB. True test will be if he can scramble well enough without Amanda telling him what to do.
    Could be an interesting situation. Time to take her out, in any case.

  65. Andy’s a rat, keeps bath mouthing Elissa because he thinks he can take Amanda to the final 2 with him and no one will vote for her. Both him and Amanda keep pushing for Elissa, I think they have a secret alliance.

  66. Andy said he can’t have sex on tv ( reason being becos he is a teacher). But he can say things like he will kill himself, slit his throat and wrist if he goes home. Which is worse. Having sex or doing the things he is threatening to do? way to go,Role model Andy. I don’t like Amanda and MC but I wish Andy was the one going next. Since its double eviction it will be great if Andy and MC/ Amanda get evicted. I just don’t know why GM hates Candace the way she does. It’s sad because she seem troubled and always want to go with the crowd. I think she hates Candace just becos her ‘friends’ hated Candace too.

  67. Being a gay man myself….Andy gives gay men a bad name. He’s such a little queen and acts all tuff behind your back but face to face he wimps right out. The best part of Andy ran down his daddy’s leg!!! Send his ass home before Elissa…and if Elissa gets to be the one to do it that’s even better..get to see him have his so called brain aneurysm!!! Can’t figure out why he hates Elissa so much…the little punk is scared of her probably!

    1. Thank you dogman. I didn’t want to bring up the gay thing becos I didn’t want to offend people but Andy is surely a disgrace to all gays. Is he threatening people with his suicide threats? Can’t wait to see him get evicted so he can have a brain aneurysm or actually kill himself. He is worse than a rat.

  68. Amanda is the worst most disgusting player of all time and she needs a dose of Julie to rack over the coals…..o yes she will get burned….she is a failure to her family and anyone that knows here….hey McNasty better get tested for stds…..cuz their crawling all over the nasty bed of yours…….seriously do back ground checks on these people….Xanax, really she needs more than that

  69. Why can’t they find people like Jeff and Jordan, they funny,athletic , a joy to watch, entertaining…come on CBS , do better interviews…..if this season does show u that u missed the mark , I don’t know what will….
    Sincerely a diehard Fan

  70. Omg,,,,,Amanda needs to shut the fuck up…. I think her heads gonna blow off her fat shoulders becuz Boom,,,,GM isn’t crumbling under her orders on who to put up….. I can’t wait…. Bring one the straight jackets and the guys in the white coats…..lol send her to slumber pines… Hahaha

  71. Omg Amanda, gee thought u were running the house all these weeks!!!!!!! Now yr in bed with yr crazy ass head rapped in a red devil scarf….” I’m still here and no one will fight for me…. Everyone’s fate was in my hands and i saved them all and no one will save me. Ok let’s deal with reality here yr the devil, crazy demented medicated freak…. Running around harassing brutally Ellisa, trying to run GM’s HOH…and she shut yr sleazy ass down…. Do us all a favor have yr nervous break down at home so your family has to see it … Not us….please…. Their the ones that can have u committed……seriously u need some real psychiatric help……lets get on with the game that we as veiwers love to watch…. CBS next season make sure u real check these people out before u let them on the show….

  72. I just want to say….this is the best nite ever…..Gina Marie has the biggest balls in the house…….omg did Amanda just really say that… They didn’t screen her bypolar ass

  73. Now she crying because Gina Marie just told the whole world about Amanda’s nasty secrets…. I now pray Gina Marie wins this game….

  74. Rofl, chew yr last pussy ass nail McCrae, so so proud of Gina Marie, I think she just has had enough of Amanda’s shit…. And of course it was Judd to step up. Because they other 3 little punks have no respect for women…..

  75. Omg McCrae, tell her that she did the same exact damn thing to Ellisa . Attacking her family , her husband , sister, etc. but when someone give it back to her. It’s the biggest crock of shit

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