Enzo “Christmas is taking Memphis to the final 2. He is not going to cut her over you.”

Head of Household Winner – Cody
Have nots – Nicole
Nominations – Christmas & Tyler
Power of Veto holder – Cody
Power of Veto Ceremony – Cody did not use the veto
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7:15pm HOH room. Nicole and Christmas.
Nicole – I think she (Dani) was shocked. Christmas – she was pissed! Nicole – that’s why she went straight for the door. I didn’t believe anybody. I was like I am over this! I don’t know what was going on. I thought Tyler wanted her out but at the same time I was like I don’t know. Christmas – I thought they were working together in the beginning .. like hardcore together. Nicole – Who? Tyler and Dani? Christmas – yeah. And then I thought this whole thing with Bay and Day but like wasn’t Dani .. Dani was really saying those things. So that’s what confused me. Nicole – yeah that is confusing. Christmas – then he wanted us to backdoor them.. I’m like that f**ks me because now I have two girls I just put on the block for our alliance. Nicole – you don’t want to get rid of an alliance member. Christmas – even if he wasn’t an alliance member.. Nicole – you have two people gunning for you. Christmas – right! Now I have to dodge two bullets instead of one. Nicole – I really want to watch that week because I really have no idea what was going on.

8:30pm HOH room. Enzo and Cody
Enzo – I was like you and me .. if we win HOH what are we doing? He was like I would put up Christmas and Nicole.. And I was like I don’t know about that YO! I was like I don’t know YO! Alright we’ll do that then. I would put up Memphis and Christmas. Cody – yeah. Enzo – do you trust if you’re on the block with F**king Christmas? That’s his number .. he knows that Christmas is taking him (Memphis) to the final 2. He is not going to cut her over you. Cody – but here is the thing if I am on the block next to Christmas .. he is beat. I doesn’t matter. Cody – my thing is.. Tyler joins them and the conversation ends. They talk about how bored they are.

9pm- 9:40pm Big Brother gives them alcohol. They head up to the HOH room to hangout and chat about random things.

10pm – 10:40pm HOH room. Enzo and Cody.
Enzo – Yo man, I’m starting to get confused now. Cody – yeah I don’t know what the right choice is. Enzo – yo if we keep Tyler he will probably go after Memphis and Nicole but then after that it might be you on the block with one of them come off. Cody – yeah but at that point we’re in the final f**king four, final three. Cody – but for me Memphis obviously has a f**king thing for Christmas.. What does he say to you about Christmas? Enzo – he says if he wins he is going to put up Christmas and Nicole. I believe that he is going to do that. He is just going to tell Christmas that he is the pawn and he wants Nicole out. He wants Nicole out bad yo! Cody – oh sh*t because he tells me that he wants Christmas out. Enzo – see that is what I am trying to say. Now okay if we get rid of Christmas .. we f**k him.. but do we f**k ourselves at the same time? Cody – he might put up them too.. he might put up them two but if he wins the veto he might put up me and then he will choose who goes home. And to be honest I wouldn’t be surprised if he sent me home.. because he views me as harder to beat than all of you guys .. in his head. Enzo – has he made like a final two with you? Cody – not like a final two but like he wants final 3 with me, you and Enzo. Enzo – that’s what he said to you. So his final two has to be with Christmas then.. it has to! Because YO! he knows that Christmas will take him to the end of this game. He wants Christmas in the end of this game. Why would he want me and you .. because he knows me and you are taking each other. He (Memphis) is going to want to come after me next week. She will want to do it and he’ll want the easiest path in his mind to win the game. And in his mind his easiest path to win it to beating you and Nicole because he beat you guys in all competitions and Christmas he doesn’t think she is that great. And Tyler he has a hard time beating and who is the next person after Tyler that he has the hardest time beating… Its me! He’s competed against me a f**k ton of times and I’ve beat him a f**k ton of times. Like in HOH’s and Vetos .. There have been a ton of times that we have been in competitions together and I have beaten him. So in his head he f**king views me as the next hardest person to beat so he will want me to go. And then he will just think oh I’ll just beat them in competitions and then I will go to the final two. That is what is going through Memphis’s head. That is how this dude thinks. He is a macho man arrogant .. like I can beat everybody. Enzo – exactly. He is saying that if he wins the veto that he isn’t going to take Christmas down.. but I don’t believe him. Cody – I don’t f**King believe him. I think if you win HOH, his a$$ goes on the block. Enzo – that is what I am saying .. I put him (Memphis) and Christmas up. Nicole joins them. They talk about when / whether or not to tell Tyler that he is going. Nicole – he is just being so nice to me .. it makes it so hard .. why can’t everyone be a jerk. I don’t see Christmas taking a final 2 chair .. but with Tyler he will sit in a final two chair. We had a shot to get him out and this is our last shot. Ian said if he is in the final two he will vote for him too. Cody – okay, done .. he (Tyler) goes. Cody and Nicole head downstairs..

10:50pm – 11:15pm HOH room. Enzo and Cody.
Enzo – he (Tyler) always asks me what is going on .. did you talk to Cody? What do you want me to tell him then? I just keep saying its up in the air. Cody – stick to that. Enzo – I’m a say he is working on Nicole. Cody – say he is working on Nicole. I think we’re good. Enzo – yeah. That’s it Yo! Cody – but this is what we’ve been playing all season for .. this is it. Like under pressure .. give us that comp! Enzo – I just don’t want Christmas to win this HOH. That is that last person I want to win. I think we will be alright but if its endurance I don’t know what the f**k she is going to do. I am telling you I am f**king ready to win something YO! Cody – I know you are. I don’t even have a doubt. YO I win this one and then get clipped in the final four.. f**k it .. at least I made the final four. Cody – ain’t going to happen. Enzo – but if we take out Memphis this week .. on my HOH! I would love to see that.. bringing his f**king head like YO I brought you final two! I brought Memphis’s head YO! That is it! Yo he is funny as f**k .. I love the kid yo! But he is playing a really good game yo!

11:20pm Lights out in the HOH room..
Enzo – if I win this HOH that will be two. Cody – two is a lot. Enzo – I really need another W! I’ll just tell both of them (Memphis and Christmas) that they’re the pawn and then they can compare notes. Whoever wins the POV is the pawn and the other is the target. If they both stay on the block then we figure it then..

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56 thoughts to “Enzo “Christmas is taking Memphis to the final 2. He is not going to cut her over you.””

  1. I have a feeling one of the jurors might return
    Let me explain
    There will be 5 people remaining after tomorrow’s eviction, then next week 4 and on Thursday 22nd 3 people will remain
    There’s then an episode premiering on Friday 23rd so it could be live veto and eviction?
    If so we might get a battle back this week

    I just hope it’s not that one filler episode where they sit and talk about the season

    1. Last Thursday, the semi-live ChenBot told the house that there would not be anyone coming back into the house.

    2. That’s probably what it will be…another boring bunch of crap that we’ve already seen and frankly, DO NOT want to relive. All I can say is “What a crappy season…especially for being called Allstars!”
      Hope to never see another season of All Stars of this magnitude ever again!

    3. You are wrong, shame on you!! Julie told them in their exit interviews they would be back to choose the winner of bb22.

    4. There is no Battle Back for the jurors. At the end of the Triple Eviction episode Julie told the remaining 6 houseguests “I can officially confirm that no one who has been evicted is returning to the game which means one of you sitting there will be crowned the winner of Big Brother All Stars”.

      1. There is no battle back Julie mentioned it but not because of COVID it wouldn’t matter. All of the jurors have been sequestered in the jury house which is similar to the bb house

    5. I think it will be the review episode — BUT in a previous post I outlined unless Production plan on making each of F5, F4 & F3 a week long this schedule doesn’t work with the typical schedule where the F5/F4 evictees occur within days (typically 2) of each other.

      I felt they were leaving the option open so they could save Cody if need be which given he’ll be in jeopardy next week makes sense. Though I’m still hoping for a shift this week so that Tyler stays or they lock the door & replay F6 — that would be good.

  2. CRAP!! I really hoped Tyler would be able to flip the script and make it through this eviction!! He was spot on with everything he told Cody and Enzo about Memphis’ loyalty to Xmas. I seriously doubt, given their past performance, that Nicole or Enzo will win the next HOH. Christmas or Memphis will walk away with it and the pregame alliance of Cody and Nicole will be sharing the block. If he doesn’t win the veto Cody will be sent packing. I think Cody will look back on the decision to keep Xmas over Tyler as the one that cost him the game.

    1. Enzo and Nicole should be happy if cody gets evicted. As for now they are playing for second and third. Cody is not voting ! They should stop care about his opinion so much.

    2. I hope Christmas lights all of their asses up in the next HOH and wins! Hoping for the slip and slide comp or maybe some other endurance comp she should do well in.

      The reality is it will probably be some comp that favors Nicole since Cody can’t play, and production wants to protect both her and him. She wins and Nicole throws Christmas and Memphis up thus adding to the misery of this season.

    3. Tyler would not keep his word and would still put up Cody if he won HOH. In the end Tyler is a bigger overall threat to win the game so it’s smarter to keep Christmas. Enzo needs to win HOH and get some blood on his hands or just send the tool home Yo!

  3. I think Cody should take Tyler’s deal. Take out Christmas now. I have no idea why since he even sees it now and he can’t play in HOH next week it’s more than likely Christmas and Memphis will beat Enzo and Nicole in the next HOH. Why would you keep Christmas who he knows will put him on the block over Tyler where there’s a chance he won’t. Because even if Tyler makes a deal with Cody and if he wins puts Nicole and Memphis up Cody and Enzo would control who goes home.

    1. I agree with you that it’s better for Cody and Enzo and even for Nicole to keep Tyler at this point, but they seem to be unable to grasp that at the moment. In fairness, I think the paranoia is running rampant inside of all of their brains, and I do think they are afraid of Tyler’s competition skills more than anything, plus he seems to be getting more “heat” for the Nicole vote than Christmas is for some reason, and that may be the reason Cody is unwilling to “trust” him again and keep him in the game. Memphis + Christmas would be all I needed to know to get her out, but then I’m not the one making that decision – Cody is (pretty clear Enzo and Nicole are just doing whatever he tells them to do, which makes absolutely NO sense to me).

      But then again, Nicole doesn’t see Christmas taking a final 2 chair. Absolutely no basis for saying that – she just doesn’t see it. But I’m sure she can see herself in one of those chairs, despite winning nothing, making zero moves and influencing absolutely nothing in this game. Only if Cody picks you to be the chump to sit beside him Snakeole.

    1. Grodner cried because every comment on here with her name got 10x more down votes than normal pro frankie grande comments. So Simon cancelled the down votes to spare allisons feelings

  4. Ok now I have to root for shatmiss to win hoh and put up Cantstnd2pee (CSTP) and coins, then tie vote because yo wants coins meathead will realize he can get CSTP out. Shatmiss cast deciding vote.

  5. Ughh enzoooo cant have ideas of his own. Whenever he deviates from codys plan for a second, it all fades away once cody brainwashes him all over again
    Pls bb gods let christmas take the next hoh and put cody and enzo on the block and then let her win pov too!
    And if memphis is so stupid to take out enzo over cody then enzo had it coming and cody can win
    Dont get me wrong, its not that i like cody, but if ppl dont realize hes been running the house the entire game and how incridibly big of a threat he is, then they all deserve to lose

    (Knowing how this season has been i bet they manage to get an hoh or pov where nicole wins. She seems good at days so watch that being next weeks comps)

    1. That is because Enzo is a weak player. None of them have done a big move. It has all been done by committee and no matter if it is Tyler or Christmas going to jury because Dani has already spilled the Committee tea in that jury house. That jury knows all of it already. Tyler knows more than Christmas does… so as far as jury damage control Tyler control because he knows how much Cody and Enzo lied to all of them.

      I don’t care who wins this Season because none of them have been stand outs…. there really has not been a big move this Season and absolutely no game flipping moves.

      1. Enzo and Nicole are both disposable to Cody right now… he has two to choose from. I honestly think that Memphis is Cody’s real F2, Memphis and Cody has conversations that is more like the ones Cody had with Derrick… If Cody was gay he would be into Daddies… my guess is his girlfriend is the dominate one in the relationship.

      1. I don’t think he has. The Commission is Cody’s F2 with Memphis. Enzo said last night that he thinks Christmas is Memphis’ only F2 (and I’m not sure they ever entered into F2, only the fake Wise Guys F3, where it’s assumed Memphis and Enzo have a F2, but Enzo told Cody about that).

        1. If you watched the show last night, you now know that he did, right? Not trying to rub it in or anything but it is important to know for several reasons, not the least of which is Cotex (lol – love the name Dale!) getting all butthurt about Tyler telling Enzo about it just goes to show what a big hypocrite he is, because he already TOLD him about it! Now he’s getting mad because Tyler, in trying to save his own ass does the same thing? It’s called playing the game, and it’s really a big “nothing burger” since he knows Enzo already knew about it!

          I can see how it feeds into the paranoia already running rampant in the house though. It’s just that time in the game – everybody is afraid of everybody else and nobody is really trusting anybody at this point, except for maybe Enzo, and I think he’s dumb for doing it. He’s trusting Cody way too much and it just might come back to bite him!

  6. There are only 2 things that may help this season at least make it a little bearable. Tyler stays, wins HOH and puts Nicole and Cody up and Cody is evicted.
    2nd scenario is Tyler goes and Xmas wins HOH and does same, puts Nicole and Cody up. Only problem with either scenario’s is having to watch and listen to Nicole’s constant whiny voice and crying on cue and Enzo’s Yo’s and telling Xmas and Memphis how glad he is and how he worked with Memphis to make this happen, and Yo, Yo’s.

    1. I think the most likely scenario for Cody to leave is sitting beside Enzo not Nic. Presumably that nomination would be a result of Xmas HOH or Tyler should he find a way to stay.

      In that scenario Nic votes to keep Cody (we presume) & Memphis votes out Cody (let’s be real the only reason Memphis has to keep Cody over Enzo is if he wants to lose — he did that once with Dan – he’s NOT doing it again unless he’s forced to by TPTB).

      Then the HOH (Xmas or Ty) votes him out.

  7. Reading the exit interviews… oh boi are some of these ppl petty and clueless!
    Day: tyler backstabbed me bla bla. Dani for f2. Can someone pls go to jury house and very slowly explain what happened this season to her so she FINALLY opens her eyes. Its not enough that she couldnt see through nicoles bs not once but TWICE, that she believed her and dani over david and took it to a personal level where she actually made awful comments about him. Tyler told her the truth and she went back to the person who was plotting against her and trusted her, cause hey if theres a common denominator throughout days game thats not only fact checking but trusting the absolute worst ppl. The fact that she left STILL believing dani is oh so nice is such a joke.
    As for dani… girl is so clueless that she actually said she wouldve taken cody to the f2! And this is exactly why i said, for all of those who thought she would “shake things up”, that she would NEVER go against cody and nicole, therefore she had to go cause she was nothing but a number to them. Janelle said it best when she talked about this all being danis fault for getting out all the ppl who wouldve had her back and choosing to work with nicole and cody. Cant wait till someone goes and tells her exactly how much cody plotted against her. Thats truly the only upside of tyler going to jury. Someone with a real perspective of whats been going on to calmly explain to all these ppl. Question is will dani (or day for that matter) will ever go over themselves and their arrogance to believe the truth when tyler is the one saying it. Knowimg them they prob decide to believe hes lying lol
    Oh and dani saying tyler would have never turned on her if he didnt want to leave is such a joke. Does she even remember the timeline or is she making up things to fit her narrative about tyler??? Tyler turned on her way before wanting to self evict. In fact him telling day and bay what she was saying about them was pretty much his go big or go home last attempt to get the 2nd half of the game to allign to what he needed it to be cause he knew how this would play out, and hey this is the proof!
    Tyler never had a chance cause the ppl he couldve worked with to go against the trio were extremely bad at this game and more importantly couldnt win comps for their lives
    Once tyler leaves we need a HUGE segment of tyler explaining everything in the jury house
    Btw for all those who thought that tylers mindset and attitude about the game accepting it as only that and not taking it personal at all, was only cause he was in a position of power in season 20 and so far this season… take a look at this week
    0 pettiness, 0 trash talking ppl, 0 victimizing and making the ppl who put him up/vote him out to be the WORST PPL IN THE WORLD
    Compare it with most of the past hg’s evicted who only blamed others for their downfall and who trashed talked whoever dared to play the game and put them up or plot against them
    For him this is a game, whatever ppl need to position themselves better in the game is exactly what they should be doing and it will inevitably include turning on him and wanting him out, cause why wouldnt they?!?!
    He saw the writing on the wall long ago, hes fighting to flip the votes, but once he cant do that he will move on

    1. Interestingly yesterday Nicole & Xmas were discussing the Tyler situation & how Tyler WAS NOT LYING about the things Dani said about Bay/Day & that she was trashing Ty going way back. It clearly won’t make the show but the point is if Ty pulls out a miracle & finds a way to the end the truth is Cody, Xmas, Enzo, Nic all were in rooms with Dani when she wanted to target Bay/Day & also when she trashed Tyler LONG before the week when he wanted to leave.

      I still think part of the reason Tyler did that had to do with neither Cody/Enzo backing him up about what Dani said re: Bay/Day or that they had warned him that Dani was trashing him. They remained mum on the subject fearing the repercussions of Dani. And while Nic played dumb in that conversation she knows better than anyone that Dani was targeting Tyler – as the first week they talked about Tyler being a good player & they’d have to take him out as early as possible/couldn’t keep him in the game long.

    2. Day and bay will never get it no matter who tells them, watch they video, whatever… just not smart enough to comprehend and acknowledge/ admit their perception is wrong.

  8. Everyone here seems to think that cody and nicole should go up and that cody would be evicted and im not sure why. You guys are assuming one in enzo/memphis would vote him out and tho its 100% the right move to make, as of rn im highly doubting it
    Both of them seemed settled on keeping cody in the game. Theyre both fools who think they will have him if he stays amd dont see how theyre in fact handing the game to him
    In order for cody to go he needs to be put up against enzo not nicole AND memphis cant wim pov or may use it just to send out nicole
    Memphis so far seems settled on getting out nicole. Yes nicole, the same nicole who has won nothing and done nothing. If you ask why… no idea
    It makes no sense at all but thats as of now how things stand

  9. Who are the two people getting the best edits this season?
    Is there anyone getting a lot of production credit? yup.
    Is there anyone who is getting a bit of a whitewash when it comes to their less than heroic acts being discarded from episodes? yup. lots of them.
    Given episode edits regarding Memphis he fits the first category. Heavily.
    Clean up the easiest guess is Nicf… but it isn’t her game being sanitized it’s her character as a person. So, anyone whose game is being sanitized? I’m steering toward Cody with that. His final 2’s with multiple people have been pared (finals with Tyler, Dani were written out). His multiple alliances have been cut back to… 3 or 4.
    Cody and Memphis are getting mastermind edits.
    Neither’s dirty moves in the game are being presented in episodes. Anything less than ideal is shifted on to someone else for continuity, when it is required.
    Something tells me we shouldn’t be neglecting the differences between episode edits and feeds. Something tells me it’s a significant thing we should be watching.
    How many named final 2 deals does Memphis have? Cody. Commission.
    How many named final 2 deals does Cody have? Memphis. Commission. Enzo. Root.
    How many episodes have pushed the Committee as Memphis’ brainchild, even when we know the alliance was a lame duck of no value to 5 of it’s members until they noticed production was pushing hard on that alliance, and discarding all the rest of the 24 alliances that existed.
    Just because of the way narratives are shaped for a season in the early episodes, I get the feeling we shouldn’t be discounting that.
    Would it at all be surprising to me to find a final 2 of the sidekicks trying to prove they had what it takes all along as the ultimate redemption story arc? Not really. Wouldn’t that be Derrick and Dan’s circle jerk of a finale?

  10. Warning – this is a long post

    TPTB = The Powers That Be (production / Grodner)
    Mem = Memphis, C = Cody, Zo = Enzo, N = Nic, X = Christmas, Ty = Tyler
    S&S = Slip & Slide, SD = Spinning Discs

    Can Tyler make arguments for Cody to keep him?

    As I stare at the glass half full – there are some potential hints (or openings) for TPTB (the Powers That Be) to shift the direction of this week’s vote & my delusions of hopes for a shift via a miracle.

    The talk began to shift A LITTLE on Tuesday but typically these things happen on Wednesday night — so let’s see if TPTB start to work their magic today in the DR & push the script in a new direction. As it is, the past two days offered some seeds to follow for TPTB to move in that direction…

    Memphis true plan:
    I outlined the Zo/Mem chat in a post a few days ago. While the two agreed a Zo HOH would find N/X OTB this was followed by Mem’s insistence the better option would be C/N OTB or at worst one of Zo/Mem beside Nic (if C won POV) so N would leave. That also suggests Mem’s preference is for X to win HOH. Zo hasn’t told C this YET instead suggesting Mem is okay with their plan. Zo initially hinted if Mem won POV he might save X. As of Tuesday he upgraded to add Mem will take X to F2 after talking to Ty.

    In the C/Zo convo when Zo asked if C/Mem have a F2 Cody lied. Unless Zo changes his MO eventually the truth will come out. The question is WHEN he’ll tell Cody.

    Mem essentially told Ty he’s voting him out but their chat raised a few interesting side bits. For as much as M wants T out – he was straight up why (comp beast). So when he also said how unusual it is for two players of N/Zo’s ilk still being in the game it was an interesting add. The implication being both are the type of players you drag to the end. If it weren’t for how hard Mem seems to be pushing for N’s oust I might wonder if his true plan was to take out C this coming week especially if X wins HOH.

    To that end, if as expected F5 HOH is S&S or SD it won’t bode well for N & it won’t be surprising if Mem only stays up on discs until she is out or pushes to stay in front of her in S&S to ensure she doesn’t win. Ty staying would shift how hard Mem fights to win unless he bought Ty’s comments he’d take him to F2.

    Something Squirrely (the Hail Mary Miracle hope):

    Squirrels — hmmm — could there be something hidden inside the squirrels? I keep hoping Ty will check them out & find a clue that leads him on a scavenger hunt for a DPOV. Sure would make the season if Zo told Ty on eviction day “sorry N won’t keep you so I can’t vote for you either” & when Ty stands up to make his eviction speech instead he pulls out the DPOV removes both himself/X & presumably replaces them with Mem/N. Although him putting up N/Zo just to see Cody’s head explode might be worth chancing keeping Mem off the block b/c he could sell him that NicodyZo confirmed they have a F3.

    Cody – Memphis power struggle:

    C shocked Mem with news Nic told him she has a F2 with X since week 2. I’m not sure how valid that statement is since N only got close to X once she decided to backstab Dani & Nic was the one saying we need to stick together to the end.

    Will Mem recognize C is doing this to paint X as shady? Will Mem recognize how illogical that suggestion is since X just voted N out in the DE & it’s why she’s on the block this week? Could it make him recognize Zo has spilled the beans on the 2nd WG alliance? OR – will it make Mem look at how close C/N are? Why else would Nic share that type of intel with C?

    So much to unravel:

    The obvious plant by C has specific intentions mixed with a little paranoia as he’ll have less control next week (especially if Ty is evicted). He’s relying on Zo (throwing HOH?) and N (hasn’t won anything) versus Mem/X with the latter likely nominating N/C (Zo replacement). The main issue for Cody is he’s trying to not just keep himself safe but also propel his ideal F3 of NicodyZo forward. But if he is on the block & N suddenly pulls out a POV he’ll be sitting beside Zo who has a F3 WG alliance with Mem/X.

    Meow Meow needs to find his growl:

    Although Enzo has ridden his ‘Yo it’s time to make a big move‘ banter to great success the time is upon him to show his cards. I’m convinced Mem would keep Zo over Cody and that’s the only iffy scenario. Zo confirmed (something I mentioned recently) he wants to win F4 HOH to have an easy week & not make the eviction decision which is another sign he’ll throw F5 HOH.

    His choice to NOT tell C that Mem won’t nominate X is very interesting— is this b/c Zo feels one of X/Mem are likely to win F5 HOH & he’d be willing to cut Cody & give him the opportunity & drag X/N with him to F3? (UGH can you imagine that F3?)

    The Ty & Zo chat was revealing as Ty steered Zo straight on the jurors Cody has on lock. Mind you Ty doesn’t have all the details but I think he’s right that only Kevin’s vote is unlikely. Ty also seemed to make Zo realize Mem could be leaning heavier to X as his F2 partner which is the opening for TPTB to push the shift to save Ty.

    Zo has a great story if he can deliver it. We haven’t seen his GB messages & how he’s managing the jury. We have seen his “managed DR statements” & private feed chats that state he senses taking C/N to the end isn’t wise & fears the Mem/X F2 as it would put him in precisely the same situation as his 1st season.

    The die is cast – what Tyler needs to say:
    There are several chats Ty needs to have primarily with Cody who’ll control how Zo/N vote but also with Mem. It’s a dangerous road to navigate since the alliances at this point are all intricately interlaced.

    To Memphis: I know you want to keep X but she also has strong ties with others. If she wins HOH she’ll put up two of the trio & likely N/C to start & in this scenario if Zo wins POV & takes down C that puts you in jeopardy of going out F5. Think about it even if you feel C/Zo have your back you said it yourself N is a goat you drag to the end. He can’t promise Mem much b/c there is too much potential he’ll reiterate it but he can imply the best direction for Mem to stay off the block is if C/Zo are preliminary noms so Nic is the replacement & keeping me is your better bet b/c I can win comps & I’m hated by the jury.

    To Enzo: He needs to keep pushing the Mem/X F2. Ty has to drive home if I leave that means you or N have to win F5 HOH & if it’s SD/S&S that’s a tough ask of N. Most importantly, he needs to tell Zo how pissed X was that he went back on the N vote saying immediately afterward if I win F6 HOH I’m not putting her up which means you/C are the OTB. And if Cody wins POV & Nic is beside you how comfortable are you both Cody/X won’t keep her over you? This point is crucial & might get Zo to finally tell C about his Mem convo.

    To Cody: This is by far the most important person for Ty to convince since he controls Zo/N votes. Ty is not working with all the details which hurts but there are key points he needs to drive home:

    • F5 HOH would be 4 vs. 1 if he stays, 3 vs 2 if he leaves (though Ty’s smartest move would be to put up C/Zo or C/Mem)
    • Key point to drive home is how unlikely Zo/N are to win F5HOH. Likely to be SD or S&S & how confident is C that Zo won’t throw it & N can beat X at an endurance comp when cross fit is her life? Whereas he would gun for it to keep C safe
    • Ty has to explain Nic DE vote – how he never does it if Zo isn’t on board (all season Zo said get her out) & X said it was confirmed. He needs to be honest & tell C I did want to break up you/N b/c I felt TT goes all the way to F3 with her gone. And profusely apologize.
    • Follow that up with X being mad Zo screwed her & said Nic won’t touch block when she wins HOH which means it’s C/Zo OTB if she wins F5 HOH.
    • If one of Zo/N leave at F5 C is facing comp & date beasts at F4 (Zo doesn’t know dates/N doesn’t win) so that’s a ton of pressure at F4!
    • Mem F2 is X & they’ll NEVER nominate each other – no matter what they say
    • Since Mem/Zo reason to evict him is based on comp wins who is the best competitor in here — YOU (C) so how do you know they won’t take the shot if you’re OTB?
    • Reiterate fact Mem called Zo/N goats (easy to beat) & he lost to better player (Dan) while Zo lost to Hayden/Lane giving both a reason to take the shot at C at F5.

    Like I said I’m clinging to the glass half full today & praying Ty can get through to Cody. Barring that hopefully TPTB lead Ty to some power or shake things up in the DR forcing the hamsters to shift the vote. BUT — the ONLY way TPTB get involved in the shift is if they are freaking about the viewership or hate on social media for the preordained season & crappy hamsters who don’t merit All-Star status. As much as I’m hopeful it’s not a strong feeling b/c Grodner simply doesn’t give a sh*t.

    While there are some who may thing taking out Ty is the right move I’ll note he has no one who’ll take him to F2 & both Memphis/Cody should want him to stay. For Cody it’s simple b/c he can’t rely on Zo/Nic to win F5 HOH (let alone ANY comps vs. Mem/X) & for Memphis he needs to see how close the NicodyZo F3 is which means they’ll be gunning for him/X at F5 & F4. For BOTH of them Ty will be the bigger target & never be selected ahead of them to take at the end.

    Crossing my fingers we get the shift — today for Ty to stay — let’s see if TPTB give us an underdog with a chance to win instead of this nonsense preordained season.

    Have a great day everyone!

    1. really do not want to see Enzo,Nicole or Christmas win.
      would love to see Cody and Memphis finish 2nd or 3rd.
      Cmon TPTB shine a light!

  11. Cody confirms with Nic he’ll tell Tyler on Thursday that he’s leaving. Interesting b/c he’s lied to him all week & there is no way around Cody saying this is anyone’s choice but his .

    I know it’s not going to happen but I’m going to keep putting it out there that I hope TPTB put a DPOV in Tyler’s path or let fans vote on a hamster getting a DPOV (since Ty would get it hands down). In this unlikely scenario Ty would still learn from Cody he was leaving b/c he’d couldn’t tell anyone he had the DPOV.

    Then Ty could speak to each of Xmas, Mem & Nic (in that order) telling each of them about Triple Thr3at F3 formed in Wk2 which is why he was surprised to land on the block & how all week Cody/Zo said he’d never go out on their HOH.

    With Xmas he could tell her how they both trash you & have a true F3 with Nic. X would then spill about WGs which would be important for his chat with Memphis.To wit, he could tell Mem look I always got along with you but I had TT & C/Zo kept pushing me to take you out. That’s why I’m leaving this week b/c I took out Dani instead of you & voted out their true F3 partner Nic instead of David. Like think about it I’m assuming C/E never warned you about those chats b/c they were the ones pushing to take you out & don’t you think it’s odd I knew about WGs but you didn’t know about TT? Then invite him to bring this up publicly & watch C/E squirm.

    With Nic it’s really just semantics but he should reinforce C/Zo knew she would go up with Dani & Zo has wanted her evicted all season. He should tell her do you even think I chance voting you out if I’m not 100% certain there are 2 other votes?

    Sadly it’s unlikely TPTB will push to keep Ty in spite of how terrible this season is & how social media/live feeders/viewers HATE BB22. The best we can hope for is Ty gets petty in his speech stating he trusted Triple Thr3at F3 was real but his gut instinct was right they were lying to him based on all the F3 & F2 deals they have. And that was why he took out one of Cody’s FIVE F2 partners at F7 (Dani) & tried to vote out his real F2 in DE (Nic).

    He should close with a message to Cody & Enzo that making numerous F2s & then backstabbing those people is why I lost in his season but he’ll be sure to return the favor & make sure to download all this information to the jury. Good luck!

  12. I think Enzo is playing the best game out of everyone. He may not be winning comps, but his social game is amazing. No one has thought to even target him though the whole game.

  13. So far the hamsters aren’t doing any game talking but something I’m noting is Memphis & Christmas have been connected to each other all day long. First they were in the kitchen, then did Memphis’ live feed show, then joking around and are now doing laps of the house together.

    Maybe it’s just me but if I was the trio (NicodyZo) that would scream to me HELLO we’re keeping a strong duo to take out someone who if we keep has no one & has demonstrated his loyalty to us (at least to Cody/Enzo). Will that lead to DR sessions that get the trio spinning & a shift?

    The priority is making Cody paranoid since he’s become extremely arrogant as the week has worn on & doesn’t suspect Memphis or Enzo wouldn’t take him. I’m not sure how accurate that read is. Everyone knows they can’t beat Cody (unless they’re idiots) which means he’ll need to win F2 HOH or be ousted. Tyler needs to play upon that & reiterate I’m still solid on our F2 deal. Of course if Ty stays he should put Cody on the block WITH ENZO & say don’t worry this is just so the others don’t know we’re together & to backdoor Memphis, but if C doesn’t win POV evict him!

    A few things from last night…

    • Cody actually had the audacity to say how much he hates people on the block scrambling and if he were on the block “HE’D WAIT FOR PEOPLE TO COME TO HIM TO TALK” Say what? If that’s not a statement of his privileged production pet ass I don’t know what is!
    • Enzo told feeders he’s in a terrible spot – presumably feeling Cody/Nic & Mem/X are solid F2s. If Cody even slightly veers from voting out Ty look for Zo to jump at taking out Xmas.
    • Nicole spent ample time praising her previous game play & noted taller people do well in Slip & Slide (she’s short fwiw) & then proceeded to talk about winning S&S & how she couldn’t wait to be HOH & hear what they (X/M) had to say. The notable factor here was how certain she was that she’ll win (umm – has DR told her she’s winning the next HOH?)
    • The trio is feeling bad about Ty leaving with good reason. Nicole trashed him all week & now is recognizing how nice he is while Cody told him “you’ll never leave on my HOH & Enzo has sold him a load of bunk all week. Zo is feeling particularly guilty b/c he knows Ty doesn’t deserve this when he’s only been loyal to TT & he protected them when they could’ve helped him with the Dani lying (proving Ty’s character vs. their self-serving asses)
    • As per Dani… the trio concluded (notably with Enzo playing this thought up) that they were sure Dani was behind the shift to take out Nic in the DE presumably to set up X/Ty. The reality is Enzo was 100% on board (all game long) & shafted them in order not to upset Cody/Memphis — his two F2 partners.

    I’m feeling a bit antsy awaiting any type of movement — feeling like Grodner/DR won’t push for the shift but will keep sending it into the universe in the hope we CAN have nice things!

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