Tyler – If I stay it’s 4 VS 1 if I go it’s 3 vs 2

Head of Household Winner – Cody
Have nots – Nicole
Nominations – Christmas & Tyler
Power of Veto holder – Cody
Power of Veto Ceremony – Cody did not use the veto
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3:45 pm Cody and Tyler
Tyler – I’ve talked to Nicole and Memphis about their votes. Memphis told me he’s voting me out. He said he wants to..
Tyler – I don’t want to tell Nicole or Enzo this he said he’s scared of me and wants to have weaker players in here.
Tyler – He said he wants to have Enzo, Nicole, and Christmas in here to go after you. He didn’t say that verbatim but he said he’s trying to knock out the strong players so he can win easily
Tyler – I don’t know why he’s being so honest with me.. he said 99% voting me out
Tyler – Nicole said as long as you and Enzo want her to keep me she’ll do that so she doesn’t piss you guys off. Have you talk to her about it?
Cody – I didn’t want to say too much to her because it was too early in the week. I didn’t want sh1t to go around
Tyler – you can force it too much
Cody – that’s why I’m saying like dude like I feel good about it you know what I mean? Like and the thing is like I feel like Memphis you know is like kinda playing that whole like he wants the weaker players in here but .. he’s like.. he’s so jaded on his version of weaker players like.. like.. you know what I’m saying like (Holy cow that was a quote)
Cody says Nicole beat Memphis in that last veto by a minute and 20 seconds “like.. bro you aint’ like.. you know what I’m saying.. Like.. like there’s been plenty of comps where like to like Enzo threw that first thing”
Tyler – in the triple
Cody – yeah.. like YO alright now you don’t view Enzo that great. Its like Yo people play this game not to just win comps
Tyler – I know
Cody – you know what I’m saying

Tyler – if it’s Memphis and Christmas in here and one of them wins HOH the other one is not seeing the block. They’ll put up you and Enzo the two biggest threats..
Tyler – if the noms stay like that there’s only two votes. Say Christmas votes out you and then Memphis decides it
Tyler – he’s assuming I’m 100% going so he just spilled it..

Cody – I don’t know if he’s like kinda like umm… like I don’t know what his like.. like what Enzo was saying because Christmas was walking around like.. I was just like you seem a little like confident so I feel like Enzo just says all the bullsh1t which probably .. the bullshit that makes her feel she’s good so she acts some type of way. She has no idea what is going on

Cody says Nicole is just trying to not be a target right now. He doesn’t see Nicole as a weak player because she doesn’t win Competitions
Tyler points out that Nicole has already won the game.
Cody – she’s won the game.. Like YO.. and that’s .. I feel like Dani always use to talk to me about this when she had conversations with Memphis. He comes across like that egotistical arrogant like ohh I did it in this amount of time like.. there’s no way.. everything is a comparison to him being like
Tyler – MACHO
Tyler – If I stay it’s 4 VS 1 if I go it’s 3 vs 2
Cody – yeah
Tyler – if one of them win HOH like.. you know what I’m saying you’ll be gone unless you win Veto

Cody – Like.. I feel like I will go if I don’t win the veto
Tyler – not with me.. You, me, and Enzo.
Tyler says he’s all about them three.
Cody – why didn’t you come to me about Flipping the vote
Tyler – because I went to you first and I heard about it then I went to do all the talking Then we got called to the couch. I was hoping we crossed paths in the hallway
Tyler – that’s all I got it was literally just that
Cody – yeah

Tyler says he needs Cody and Enzo to vouch for him with Nicole
Cody – yeah
Tyler – it’ll be us four vs Memphis and Memphis is a tank
Cody – yeah.. yeah ..
Cody – Christmas she’s just.. she gets on my nerves.
Tyler – that’s the thing the two of them for sure are putting you up
Cody – yeah
Tyler – Christmas, and Memphis are thinking the same way
Cody – mmmhmmm
Tyler – yeah man
Cody – how was you workout
Tyler – pretty solid I did a full circuit.. like three rounds it was a full body ..
Cody – I feel like I don’t do f***ing sh1t
Tyler – I had a dream Nicole was keeping me so I felt good today
Tyler – you guys do want to keep me though right?
Cody – yeah bro
Tyler – like you really do?
Cody – I told you you’re my boy man
Tyler – I know man that’s why I’m like if you don’t want to I’ll understand I won’t be pissed.
Cody – I know.. I know.. I know that but I told you in the beginning of it I’m like YO you just gave me a f***ing thing ok whatever.. now with the noms staying the same like it is like it’s nothing like crazy .. and that is why I’m like I’m not going to f**ing pull you down to make like I feel like with Enzo and Nicole like you have the votes anyways to do it like ewwww… (not wanting to use the veto)
Tyler – I know I get that

Cody – I don’t know what this next HOH will be
Tyler – if Memphis wins we’ll be on the block together. If Nicole wins it’ll be me and Memphis. If Enzo wins it’ll be Memphis and Nicole.. I think he’s all about it you know.
Cody – yeah it would be Memphis and Nicole
Tyler – then we just send out Memphis
Tyler – I feel good I feel confident I just need you guys.. I’ve put my 2 cents out there unless there’s something I’m missing that’s how I feel things are going. (You’re missing a pregame alliance)

Tyler – Memphis wants people he can beat..

4:07 pm Tyler and Enzo
Tyler – Nicole told me if you and Cody want me to stay she’ll just do that
Enzo – yeah
T – she doesn’t want to make you guys mad.
Tyler says he explained to Cody if they want him to stay he has to tell Nicole that. He said he would.
Enzo – we’ll see ok..
Tyler – I guess you have to tell her too have you talked to her?
Enzo – I have to talk to her YO. She’s f***ing hiding all the time
Tyler – I was telling him YO if I stay it’s us four vs Memphis
Enzo – that’s what I’m saying
Tyler – If it’s Christmas stays its Christmas and Memphis vs you three. So there are better odds right there.
Enzo – that’s what I’m saying man.

Enzo says every time he tries to talk to Nicole Christmas comes out from somewhere
Tyler – Christmas is hovering over her like a hawk
Enzo – crazy yo
Tyler – have you talked to Cody at all?
Enzo – I was going to but Christmas came up there.
Tyler – what was he saying
Enzo – I don’t think he even knows YO.. I think it’s up in the air man that’s what I keep thinking.. I don’t know what he’s telling Nicole. He’s telling me what he’s telling you.. you know what I mean. I think he knows I’m a vote for you
Enzo says only Nicole and Cody know what is really going on when he talks to Nicole she just says what Cody told her to say and when he talks to Cody he just hears what Cody has been telling Tyler.

Tyler warns if he goes…
Enzo – I’m in a mess I know
Tyler – you gotta be vocal about me staying … a little bit

4:10 pm Nicole and Christmas are starting from day one and hashing it all out… Nothing worth listening to

4:25 pm Enzo and Memphis
Enzo complains that Tyler keeps asking him “yo” he keeps saying “it’s up in the air YO”
Memphis – I told him I haven’t made a decision yet but I told him yesterday I’m leaning to get rid of you (Tyler)
Enzo – yeah.. it’s up in the air YO that’s what I keep saying.. up in the air YO
Enzo – my thing is this.. If me and you win HOH we put up Christmas and Nicole

They talk about sitting Cody down and being LIKE “look YO she’s already won”
Memphis – him wanting her to stay.. I don’t like that (you and me both gramps)
Memphis says next week they win HOH hand send Nicole home
Memphis goes on about the wise guys getting to the final 2 “All day long”
Memphis leaves..

4:28 pm Enzo alone YO
Enzo – he has a final 2 with Christmas it’s better off to get rid of Christmas now than next week. I got Cody’s final 2 deal and I have Memphis’ final 2 deal they’re going to get rid of F****ing Nicole for me.. man I don’t know man. I’ll have to see how this rolls..
Enzo – if Memphis wins (next HOH) I dunno. He wants to keep Christmas as much as he can because he knows Christmas got his back.

4:45 pm Cody and Memphis
Memphis plays up that Christmas isn’t as good at the competition as Tyler points out the HOH she won she didn’t do much in. Adds that Christmas isn’t the person to throw competitions so they know she’s been gunning for them and hasn’t been winning them.

5:00 pm Christmas keeping busy ruining all the fruitloops making a happy birthday message to her son thanksgiving day.

5:14 pm its end of season feeds this is expected..

6:11 pm Nicole and Cody
Coins says BB16 was the most fun. BB22 was teh second most fun and BB18 was the least fun. She then says this season may be the worst it was emotionally stressful She’ll tell Cody at the end.

6:36 pm FEEDS!

7:00 pm

21 thoughts to “Tyler – If I stay it’s 4 VS 1 if I go it’s 3 vs 2”

  1. I don’t watch feeds and it’s tough to tell. Do Cody and Enzo want to keep Tyler? I know the last 24-36 hours he seemed like the target. Wondering if target is back on Christmas.

  2. I think Tyler knew Kaycee and Josh were going to be in the house too so the 3 of them plus Christmas had a pregame alliance. When he saw no Kaycee or Josh he went ahead and made the final 2 with Christmas as planned but really wasn’t into it……I think after the first few weeks he saw the big pregame alliance and thought he’d have no way to survive and that’s why he tried to bail prejury. If Enzo wants Christmas gone he needs to speak up because I think Cody could be swayed!

    1. I think Enzo knows deep down inside, it’s best for him to keep Tyler. He knows if Tyler leaves, he would be in the middle of 2 duo’s; Nicole&Cody and Memphis & Xmas. I think their each others F2’s.
      Enzo needs to verbalize more to Cody that Xmas needs to go. It won’t be hard to do, they were going with Xmas at first. I also think Tyler needs to fight harder. Tyler did a good job breaking down the numbers if he’s voted out. Tyler just seems more out of it this go around. He played harder the first time around.
      I thought Xmas being sooooo annoying would be enough to vote her out. I can’t take it, and I’m not even in the house.

    1.   It might be the 4 ,or6, glasses of wine…but I’m just going to say it. If you mute his sound, mentality erase the douch tats,ignore the tongue sticking out of the side of his mouth like a high af goat ..he’s not bad eye candy. I go now to sit in the corner of shame. * take the wine with me*

  3. If anything, this season has confirmed for me how much I can’t stand people from New Jersey. Like for real yo!

  4. And THIS is why i like tyler! Finally someone who really uses good points when campaigning! Feels like so far, even tho truth be told ppl couldnt do much to flip the vote no matter what they said, there werent really the best points being made AND to the right ppl
    Tyler is doing right now exactly what he has to. He needs 2 votes and those can only come from enzo and nicole. Nicole will do whatever cody wants (for all of you fans of nicole, THIS is exactly why shes been useless this season, not cause of not winning comps, she didnt need to since all her allies kept winning and keeping her safe. Its her lack of influence on who goes on the block and is voted out. Its her way of ALWAYS following codys wishes, even when they didnt align with hers, and not even pushing back)
    He is also using the best arguments. He needs to make it clear that memphis will ALWAYS protect christmas over any of the other hg’s and that SHE is his real f2. He should imo make more enphasis on why that is true (even if memphis isnt thinking that, theres a very clear argument to support this which is actually what would be memphis best strategy whether he sees it or not). And its that the only person memphis can beat in f2 is christmas. This is 100% true. Tyler needs to make it cristal clear to both enzo and cody that memphis isnt playing for 2nd place, he already went to a finale with someone who completely beated him. He knows he cant beat cody or enzo in f2, so keeping them is handing them the win. However christmas is hated by all the jury and against her he actually has a chance to win
    Now its doubtful whether memphis sees this or not and if he doesnt hes an absolute fool. If he cant see how his only shot is to take either tyler or christams to f2 then tbh he doesnt deserve to win at all and is a really bad reader of the situation hes in.
    In any case, memphis real intentions arent important for tylers campaign. Whats important is him emphasizing on this point till theres no doubt in codys amd enzos minds that this is true
    Enzo seemed swayed in tylers favor rn. Its time to see if he has it in him to actually get away with what HE wants and not what cody wants. Its his time to push for the very first time ever his agenda.
    Interested in seeing his convo with cody to see how fast he changes his mind yet again, only to please codys wishes and then acting like he actually believes whatever cody tells him is the best for his own personal game
    I truly have no hope in enzo anymore and i think he will just follow cody
    And thats why tyler MUST keep working on cody cause anything thats happened and will happen this eviction is all in codys hands since the other players dont have a mind of their own

    I do hope this entire campaign is tyler bullshitting the players who can save him BUT once hes safe i HOPE he realizes that he CANT do what hes telling enzo he will do.
    Just as memphis chances in a f2 are only good against christmas, tyler can only win against memphis and even that is quite unsure since ppl for some stupid reason hate tyler. Tyler the same player who takes this only as a game and isnt making fun of ppl every chance he gets. The only one who understands voting against someone doesnt mean “making a vicious move” when that someone is you
    But ye these players are too insecure to accept that style
    In any case if tyler goes against memphis next week knowing that the other 3 players will ALWAYS keep each other over him then hed be fucking up
    Tbf he will need to win all comps if he wants to make it to the end anyway

    Btw the reason why memphis seems blind to his odds of winning in f2 is cause he doesnt understand how anyone would vote for enzo or nicole simply cause he doesnt respect their games at all. Since to him theyre games are awful he doesnt see anyone giving them the win. Tyler warned him yesterday about it and explained how it doesnt work like that anymore and how nicole and enzo are very well liked in the jury but he brushed it off. To him tyler IS an amazing player and its why he thinks he cant under no circumtance take him to the end, cause if he was in jury he would respect tylers game a lot and would give him his vote (except against cody prob)

  5. Guess who’s leaving next week????


    Guess who’s leaving this week?????


    2020 is good!!!!!

  6. Just dropped in to say this is the worst season ever, I know I know we say that every year but this year i dropped out on week two because this group is so full of themselves. I can see even the post count is way down from previous years. So boring, they need to change the rules where you can’t have super alliances this has ruined the game.

    1. The super pacs have made it predictable and boring. The previous players have “The BB super Ego” that makes the show less fun to watch and makes former BB players look bad.

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