“Don’t worry every dog has their day .. if she’s doing dirty work she’ll see it coming”

POV Holder: ? POV Competition Aug 29th
POV Used ? POV Ceremony Aug 31st
HOH Vanessa Next HOH Sept 3rd
Original Nominations: Meg and James
After POV Nominations: ?and ?
Have Nots Johnny Mac, Julia, James, Meg

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9:56pm – 11:43pmGoblins in the have nots
Meg suggesting he go and talk to Austin about what was said to Vanessa. James doesn’t want to thinks it’ll go back to Vanessa and become something. Meg still thinks he should.

Meg says Vanessa is coming up with things way back in the past
James – She thinks everyone is scheming in the game
Meg – I know
James – but really she’s the only one that’s scheming And she plays the victim every time
meg – every time
james- she plays I have nobody and dda dda dda
meg – Yeah I wonder hwy .. we were even offering her our hand last night
Meg – Saying we’re not coming after her

James knows he shot himself in the vote when he went up to Vanessa last night.
Meg says that they twisted what he said.

James – every time Vanessa wins HOH she’s targets me
Meg – they’ve been coming after us since Da
James – from week 1 we’ve been targeted

Meg – we’ve lost all of our peeps
James – if I have that veto.. I’m going to scare the shit out of them.. I’m going to run around going crazy.. oh you’re all fu*ked up now.. just doing crazy shit..
James- you better hope I don’t win HOH next week… Ohh you better hope.. Vanessa you can’t play HOH next week OHHH YAA

Meg is pissed that Vanessa twisted their words
JAmes – Don’t sweat the small stuff, Don’t worry every dog has their day .. if she’s doing dirty work she’ll see it coming

Meg – I’m going to confront her on it.. just warning you
James – we don’t know if we’re going home.. If I win Veto they have to put up Steve or Johnnymac
Meg thinks they might put up Austin. James doesn’t think she will the house could flip.
James tells her for Houseguests choice pick weak players. Suggests they pick, Julia. Steve will throw it so pick him. Don’t pick Liz. Austin might throw it to.
They agree JOhnny mac will keep the nominations the same.

James is cursing he didn’t hold on in the endurance longer.
James – you know on the endurance wall I found my strategy she found her strategy I didn’t

James laughs hoping that a coup d’etat falls from the ceiling (This actually happened in BBCAN3 but they’re it came out of the floor. It was horrible)
Meg – what have we done in this game I don’t get it
James – we’re not the cool kids

James – we were f*** when we walked in that front door
Meg – we never trashed talked people
James saying they should have evicted the twins early
James- For real Meg I don’t want you to go
James – make it a fabric comp
James – make if a james Meg comp

Meg – Unless we win Veto Nominations will stay the same.
James now suggesting he would use the veto on Meg if he won it.
Meg – Crazy talk
Meg – Vanessa says she’s getting sick
James – that’s the karma
meg – Whats her beef with me.. she’s always had it

Goblins start talking to the camera…
Johnnymac joins them. chit chat ..

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James – look at this face she’s ready for dates..

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11:20pm Chess
Every move Steve makes he’s accused of being sneaky

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11:48pm -12:30AM HOH Steve and Vanessa
Vanessa – Meg and James the one thing they said that concerns me Meg said, ‘I feel like I’m taking the fall for not being a tattle tale”
Vanessa – What is she insinuating
Steve thinks it involves Becky,.
Steve tells them he feels like James and Meg are being referred to as the friendship alliance like season 6
Steve says America usually hates the alliance that calls themselves the good people.

Vanessa says she doesn’t have a preference who gets evicted but she really doesn’t want JAmes to win it. It will be harder for her to find someone to go beside Meg to ensure she goes home. JAmes she can find plenty of pawns that work.
Vanessa asks him who the best move is if James wins the veto.
Steve – So Meg goes
Vanessa – what’s the best game move at that point
Steve – you might be able to get JAmes to save Meg instead of himself..

Vanessa asks him if she should take a shot if JAmes wins the veto
Steve – take a shot.. who would you take a shot .. there’s me, John and Austwins.

Steve asks her is she’s still close with Austwins
Vanessa – yeah as much as everyone
Steve I thought we were all going to hang out here
Vanessa says they were tired went to sleep

Vanessa says if they get lucky this week and Meg stays james goes they might want to throw the next HOH
Steve – you trust Austwins will take us to five
Vanessa – I do

Vanessa – they will put them both up Meg and Johnnymac .. and Johnnymac will go home.

Vanessa says she can’t turn on Austin and the twins early “I have so much blood on my hands it’s retarded”
(Vanessa starts going all over the place with scenarios)
Steve – are you suggesting a final 4 with James
Vanessa – we leave Meg in the game
Steve – she’s just going to get dragged
No w Vanessa is saying they should win HOH next week and put up Meg.

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  • “Goblins/Gremlins” = James and Meg
  • “The Generals” = anyone allied with Becky
  • “SOS” (Students of Sound) = Steve and Vanessa
  • Rockstars = Steve and Jmac
  • AUS-Twins = Austin, Julia and Liz
  • “Austin’s Angels” = Austin, Liz, Julia, Vanessa
  • “Brass Tacks” = Gobins and Austwins
  • The new “Brass Tacks” = Aus-Twins, Meg, James + Vanessa
  • “Freaks and Geeks” “The Scamper Squad” = Aus-Twins, Vanessa, Steve
  • “The new Freaks and Geeks minus Vanessa” = Austin, Liz, Julia, Steve, Johnny Mac
  • “The Authority” = Austin, Liz, Julia, Steve

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47 thoughts to ““Don’t worry every dog has their day .. if she’s doing dirty work she’ll see it coming””

  1. When Vanessa asks Steve if she should take a shot if James win POV, I know that Steve knows she means at the Austwins. Steve is playing dumb like he didnt know who she was talking about. I would too. I think Vanessa wants to know if she puts an Austwin up as a replacement pawn if they would be evicted. She doesnt want that to happen. If Steve says yeah we should take the shot, Vanessa could put Steve or Jmac as the replacement instead, or run back to the Austwins and tell them the conversation for future reference when she has “new information”

    1. You nailed. James was the only one who took a shot while HOH . Yes he made some mistakes not taking Vanessa over Shelli although he had a point since Shelli was def going after him. It backfired though. Then Johny who I have said over n over that’s overrated and don’t get why he gets all that support, hasn’t played a good game at all, first been just a toy of Shelli and then doing anything at all, and to finish that awkward interview with July that brought the get Meg out , dumbest dumbest play move , don’t think not even his supporters could believe what he said and confirmed that he’s clueless and with no game at all

      1. He wants Meg out because she is trying hard to get him out . Meg for some unknown reason hates Jmac. If you watch the feeds she has been working hard to get him out since before Becky went home. You don’t see this on the TV edit. Meg and the Austwins have things in common wealthy parents (Megs dad is the mayor) read their bios. She wants to be an actress I think this is why she doesn’t like Jmac like Austwins is jealous of his DR time. Jmac went to talk to James last week and it was beautiful they clicked when they were alone.While Jmac and James were playing pool Jmac ask if they were doing OK that was nice he is trying hard to get in with James but it won’t happen unless Meg leaves. James is loyal to Meg he cares for her. She only said she would give him the Veto if she won because first the chance she will win are slim and his are not (she is a politicians daughter). I believe James does want to give it to her but she can not and should not win. Meg does have a Great social game(politicians daughter).Jmac wants her out because she has never worked with him and never will. He likes James but what can he do when Meg will go back to the Austwins and Van to rat on him like she did last week. He is playing nice with Van and Austwins because he is left no choice. Meg needs to go for he and James to work together. James was even kinda rude to jmac after noms like he had something to do with it. He just does not want to be nominated. If Meg is out of James’ head he will hopefully play with jmac. James and Jmac for the final 2

    2. I’ve watch BB since 1st show. I can’t watch BBAfterDark anymore. And Wen Scaressa won HOH, it totally destroyed the game. Now I keep hearing she’s getting clues from home in her new hats! REALLLY! And she mentioned to Austin that she still have that gambling stake for him on the table, waiting for Production to give an answer. WHEN DOES BRIBING AND CLUES FROM HOME AND HINTS FROM PRODUCTION STOP! Isn’t that collusion, extortion and bribery? The Austwins are just as bad as Vanessa and I hope you see that it’s LIZ that is controlling the votes of the Austwins, wanting JMAC out, i.e. when Austin was leaning to keep him. PLEASE GIVE US A coup de tat OR Golden POV this week. TURN THIS HOUSE UPSIDE DOWN!

  2. I hate that I’m that person that stops watching the show when it kind of stops going the way I want it too, and I have never done this before (except season 15 where I stopped watching very early into the season), but I just cant keep watching this. I honestly only like James and if he goes home this week, this show is set for Vanessa to win. She’ll never have to win another HOH until final 3, which she will be in 100% and it sucks. I cant stand Vanessa and her “Who is Meg to be crying, blah blah blah.” When all she fucking does is cry incessantly. Then you have the Austwins, who are all such cocky, arrogant condescending assholes that constantly mock everyone and anyone. Then you have no spine Steve, and dumbass John (I’m sorry but I was rooting for John along with Steve but what he said to Julie about targeting Meg made me lost all game-respect for him, he legit has no game, I dont remember what I found so funny about him before, now he laugh and body language just makes me feel awkward to watch)

    I wanna root for meg but she has done nothing and needs to go this week if the option is between the goblins, but knowing psychotic ass Vanessa this week could end very differently then how it has started. But we’ll see.

    1. Totally agree. I was even rooting for Jmac to go back in the house but when he said he would target Meg (of all people) I lost all respect for him. I would have rather seen ANYBODY but him go back. I hope he never wins HOH cause he will make some stupid moves. I hope James wins POV , they put Jmac up, and vote him out.

      1. Meg keeps targeting him. She went straight to the Austwins last week Why would he not want her gone. She got Liz to hate him to because he is boriiiiiiingggggggggggg.

  3. James has GOT to win that veto and save himself.
    Would be nice if Twin was replacement but who are we kidding it would be Steve or JM.
    Hopefully Steve leaves, James wins POV and puts up Vanessa and Liz.
    Seeing them campaign against eachother would be a beautiful thing.

  4. If meg would just shut the hell up James would be an awesome game player. He’s got it figured out and she shuts him down every time he hits the nail on the head. Meg, do us a favor and go to bed!

    1. I have been saying that for weeks. Said Meg will be the downfall of James and she misconstrues everything she sees and hears. it’s painful to watch.

    2. I agree, BUT if he was really that good of a player, he wouldn’t listen to her because everything she says is absolutely ridiculous. He is letting the fact that he has a crush on her cloud his judgment, and that makes him hard to root for – especially because he keeps letting it happen over and over again.

    3. I agree. Meg, sweet as she is, always interferes with James’s correct though process and gets him to change his mind. She also should shut the hell up talking with V/Austwins. They are NOT her friends. Hope James and Meg get another chance, but if have to choose, James, please win and wreak havoc on V/Austwins!

    1. Vanessa was talking about splitting the money 4 ways the other night. This not long after she mentioned she went to the DR and asked Production the other day if it was ok to use winnings or money and effectively gamble it, or stake someone to reimburse them for losing. She already told pre-juror Jason she would help him out since he lost his job. I did not see it, but someone said she offered to help Julia with a car. She mentioned last night that the DR had not gotten back to her on the gambling reimbursment question. Vanessa has been caught 3 times on camera discussing how to either split winnings, talking about giving money to Austin, Julia, Liz, and Jason. At this point, its a bribe for a jury vote. CBS should have shut it down last night, because she had the math of it all figured out. Even if it is a hypothetical, the mere mention of offering a “rain check” is buying a jury vote. The gambling, or stakeing Austin in Vegas came up as a way to try to get around the prize money loophole. In this case, it would be the same as Laundering. She went into a conversation about how gamblers at the end of the poker tournament will set odds, and create a system of reparations for the ones near winning the tournament so as everyone gets more cash. The poker system allows it, but only off the record. In BB though, you cannot do this. Vanessa is a cheater and has bribed her HG’s on live TV and on the feeds. She’s played dirty a few times, trying to scoop the lard goop in her tub in that slip n slide race that Becky won. I think Grodner wants Vanessa to keep going, and I hate to say it, but it would give everyone what Grodner has been wanting, the first gay/bisexual/trans winner. If Vanessa was male, the house would not put up with her Bully’ing.

      1. CBS…there has to be rules about this no? remove her from the game…its not big brother anymore…she cant be doing this! either remove her for multiple rule breaches or get james a coup.deTas! or diamond veto…and if she survives that…then so be it!
        but put a stop to it immediately!!!

      2. OK…IMHO….Remember when Vanessa was on the block & studying the rule book like mad? I think that’s when she made the “bribe proposal” to production & they told her NO she couldn’t do that. She got her answer right away.
        She then asked if she could lie about it. Of course the answer was yes….lies are allowed in BB.

        She’s using this as a “hook”. To drag them closer to her. Then if she wins it’s simple…BB won’t allow bribes.

        It made me very suspicious that she’s saying she hasn’t gotten an answer yet from production. It wouldn’t take them this long to answer her,

        The “bribe proposal” is fake. Just like everything else about her.

        1. I’m not sure why alot of you people watch Big Brother. Calling a house guest “fake” is hilarious. They are ALL FAKE. It’s Big Brother, that’s kind of the point of the game. lol

        2. The problem with calling the bribe proposal fake is the HG’s know the rule is you can’t offer financial incentives for game advantages. They also know every conversation is monitored and if production doesn’t step in to admonish Vanessa for rule breaking in offering the “fake” bribe then the Hg’s could see that as production granting permission. That would be my argument if I was one of the other HG’s when I sued for breach of contract and fraud. It’s not a contest when you can buy the win.

  5. Van must be bribing Production and the Austwins it makes sense now. The end of this season is going to be boring and annoying.

    I bet them asking Van if she had ADHD pissed her off lol.

  6. “This actually happened in BBCAN3 but they’re it came out of the floor. It was horrible” – Simon

    New favourite house guest on the polls 😉

  7. The twins complain about everything. One minute they llooovvveee this person and then someone tell them something and they just hhhaaaatttteee that person. Liz is only interested in Austin cause he is protecting her and Julia. I actually find Julia funny cause she doesn’t know where she is or what is going on at any minute of the day. I love it when Liz yells at her for being stupid, it’s like the pot talking to the kettle. I do feel bad for Austin, he’s making an a$$ out of himself over Liz.
    Bring back the BBTAKEOVER and mix it up a bit, it’s getting boring.

  8. If the Veto is used Vanessa is thinking that she will put Steve up again .Why can’t one of the Austwins have a turn. If I was Steve I would be upset. Just shows him that her loyalties are with the Austwins. If Steve ever won hoh and put up Vanessa as a pawn she would have a hissy fit.

  9. This needs to change. It really does. Meg or James needs to win the veto, pull one of themselves off the block and just shoot for the fences and try and get an Austwin nominated so that JMac, Steve and whichever one gets off the block votes out whichever Austwin gets nominated. I feel like JMac and Steve are ready to pull the trigger, its just getting Vanessa onboard with it. I don’t know why she isn’t. It’s so frustrating that she is too afraid and unwilling to finally go after the Austwins, especially since the Austwins have had her on their radar for like 3 weeks now, and her final 4 plan that she wants with the Austwins is ridiculous on so many levels. Does she even want to win? She says she doesn’t need the money, but even if you don’t need the money don’t take them to the final 4. Austin has no spine and might be one of the biggest tools in the history of Big Brother, and the twins are just catty, mean girls. They are all buddy buddy with people to their faces, and the minute they are alone they just start running their mouths and trashing everyone like “sorry not sorry.” And what makes it worse it that they are of the same genetic make up and from the same upbringing, so they just echo each other all day and reaffirm all of their stupid opinions and feelings towards everyone in the house and the current moment in the game. I’d hate to see the twins win. I’d rather see Meg win, and she hasn’t done anything in the game, but at least she is a decent human being. Yeah she might be annoying when she cries, but she doesn’t just hate on everything all the time. And also, with 8 people left in the house and none of the Austwins on the block, they control the votes the rest of the game. Why are they letting this happen? It’s driving me freaking mental lol. I guess all I can do is hope for the right veto winner and wait and see if Vanessa can be swayed. I hope it happens.

  10. I love these girls!!! They are straight up destroying this game <333 Austin better watch out because they are twin Dan Gheesling's!

    1. i just spit my coffee all over my keyboard reading that comment. you are definitely in a delusional state!!

  11. I can’t see Vanessa in final 2 she really has no one now, austwins will stick together, no way meg or James will work with her and as much as she thinks Steve has her back he really doesn’t he already told the camera that he will chose john over her.

  12. James: we’ve been targeted since week one. (NO, James, you were hoh week one plotting to get rid of Jace and Austin after making a deal with them; in a way you created Austin’s Angels because of the large alliance you created week one excluding all of them, and you weren’t even mentioned as a target until your second hoh week six).
    Meg: We never trash talked people (NO, Meg, you and Jason exchanged cookie recipes, you and Jackie sat silently; you didn’t trash Shelli weeks six and seven every chance you got because you wanted Clay for yourself, you didn’t trash Vanessa during the Brass tacks meeting; you didn’t spend weeks trash talking Steve).
    The entire diatribe will make the show probably. It’s complete revisionist crap, but fits the episode storyline that is being put out as reality.
    If the big alliance from first week had survived, these chumps wouldn’t be very popular right now. Sort of funny really. As soon as a Big alliance forms, people want that alliance to be cut down. When that happens, suddenly the people that cut them down are the villains and the new big alliance to be hated. The survivors of the mean kids week one are the sympathetic figures. It’s a no win.

  13. I guess i’m alone in thinking putting Meg out of her misery or sending James to his ideal heaven (him and three women locked in jury house together) is an idea whose time has come? I don’t want them to win veto. I’m tired of their sanctimonious victim charade. ” Waaah sniff sniff why are they going after us we’ve never done anything to them we never say mean things”. Except week one. Week six. Week seven. Oh, all the weeks they had power. Poor little hypocrites. It’s okay when they go for the threat target, suddenly it’s tragic if anyone else does it .
    The Rockstars are the real underdogs. I’d rather see them in the final six showdown.

    1. I don’t think the Goblins see themselves as victims; rather, they don’t see themselves as threats and with Austin and the Twins being such an obvious threat (especially this late in the game), why choose to target the Goblins?
      James’ last HOH was a bust….his target went out under Becky’s HOH.
      The trash talking…anyone else and everyone they talked trash with is gone.
      The Goblins’ biggest mistake has been underestimating Vanessa and her manipulations and logic.
      While the rest of the house (themselves included) sees them as weak physically, their social game and loyalty to each other makes them aa big a threat as Austwins and only Vanessa sees that.

      1. Examples
        “Why do all my peeps keep going?” Meg after Jackie’s eviction.
        “Every week our back’s up against the wall.” James
        “I know, it sucks, why is it always us?” Meg when Becky was evicted.
        and tonight:
        “We might be liked for this.” Meg
        “What, being picked on?” James after nominations.

        Nope. They don’t play up being victims at all. Everything with the two of them is to court the viewers. even the nomance that has been played up for two weeks on the episodes. Even James’ perv comments aren’t as offensive any more since prod. started crafting Meg and James as the underdogs (don’t tell me even for a second he wasn’t given a warning to tone it down, i remember him coming out of d/r the day after calling female houseguests b**** and c*** for the second time).
        Meg and James thrive on being seen as the poor victim hapless underdogs. And everyone eats it up with every tear Meg sheds while she lies in bed whining.

  14. Meg will somehow ruin this. I see it now. She has no control. She will go to Vanessa, and get sold a bill of goods, and come back to James swearing up an down it was the potted plant that made the decision or something, and talk him into forgiving Vanessa. This happened last week. I think everyone sees this coming from Meg. Ray Charles can see this coming and he is dead.

  15. At what point will Van go after Austin and Twins. She is a numbers person so she knows she is the bottom of 4. I seriously think that she likes them…. like them, if u know what I mean. I can think of no other reason why a person would side with twin sisters who will stick together like flies on s… and a caveman boyfriend that lives for only the fake love of one of the twins. They will all take each other and ultimately blood thicker than water, it will be a final with Dick and Danelle type final 2. I understand stupid Austin mindset loving Liz, he will be the fool in love. But what’s Vanessa’s mindset. What’s in it for her…… she must secretly like them. She certainly don’t care about the 500K. If she did she would get at least one of them out. The show is over in about 3 weeks or so….What the heck is she waiting for. She is not even telling Steve to put them up next week. She telling him to nominate people that’s in even the Twins. I don’t get her logic other than she don’t need the money and she was a plant to get the twins as far as possible. Or she “likes” them because she likes girls. Who knows… I can’t see why she would leave them and Austin in this game when her chances of getting at least one of them out is dwindling away.

    1. She can’t take a shot at them right now. That’s what she wants Steve and jmac to do. She’ll convince them to do it so she can keep austwins votes.

      And she won’t go against the Twins personally because they are the ones that actually helped her (well Julia mostly) when everyone was pissed at her and wanting to backdoor her. Julia gave her all the info she needed to come out of it.

    2. 1…get James out…comp threat & not part of her final 2
      2…get Steve/JMac to put up & get rid of Liz…comp threat & not part of final 2…pull Julia farther away from Austin (she’s already developed an individual “friendship” with Julia)
      3…get Austin to put up Steve/JMac…one goes leaving 1 Rockstar, Meg, Austin & Julia
      4…get 1 rockstar to put up Austin & Meg…leaving 1 Rockstar, Meg & Julia
      5…bye bye 1 rockstar…leaving Vanessa, Meg & julia
      6…Van in final 2 with either one who has never made a move on their own
      7…Meg=1vote from James. Julia=2 votes from Liz & Austin

      Winner: Vanessa (oops sorry BB won’t let me split the winnings)

      Really predictable…can’t stand Vanessa. She realizes that only James & Liz could beat her with jury.

    3. I agree. Vanessa is about numbers. That’s why she’s making the side deal with Jmac and Steve. She’s maneuvering them to go after one of the Austwins.
      If she goes after Austwins directly, she creates two enemies. if those two enemies join up with the goblins (as they have in the past) she has four people targeting her. In order to keep the numbers in her favor, Vanessa has to get rid of one of the goblins.
      She’s still in danger, but she’s in less danger if she plays the numbers with only one goblin in the top 7.

  16. My vision for today: James wins POV. At this point it does not matter who goes up because Meg is gone. However, if James wins HOH on Thursday, I am visioning that he puts Vanessa and Liz on the block. Steve and John vote to keep Van and Julia and Austin vote to keep Liz. Then JAMES breaks the tie! EPIC!

  17. final 7 van steve james johnnymac put the word in james ear now wolfpack baby against the austwins what a way that would be to wrap it up james and van bb16allstars

  18. I’m so hoping that James stays this week!! It saddens me that the twins are still in the game. I can’t believe how nasty and mean they are to everyone, and why has the 3some not been targeted. This has been the dumbest season. They really need to get Liz and Vanessa out. I’d rather someone win the game that actually needs the money instead of someone that’s there just for the publicity and the other just wants to gamble the money away. Seems pointless for them to win. Vanessa is such a JOKE. I love how she calls Meg a baby, hello, victim Vanessa. Ans she has about as much integrity as Liz/Julia have any type of respect, kindness, consideration, compassion, honesty, integrity toward others. Austin does whatever Liz and Vanessa wants and he thinks he’s making big moves in the house. He’s a joke too, having a hat so he can become his alter ego, please, where’s your backbone dude. Grow a pair for once in the game. Where does production find these people. James is the only one that has made big moves in the house and he deserves to stay and WIN GO JAMES!!!!!

  19. I can’t believe you are all complaining about Vanessa. Remember this is BB and you play the game however you can to win. It is not a popularity contest…sure Meg and James are a good time but they have no game strategy. James and Meg said several times Vanessa is their target. So please stop trying to control BB with your comments and hoping they let James win the POV. In my eyes you are doing the same thing you accuse Vanessa of…trying to control production.

  20. Any whining from James and Meg about Vanessa is worthless. They had their chance to get Vanessa out when Becky wanted to back door her. The idiots blew it. No sympathy.

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