“Dillon is dumb.. He’s a dumbass” “I betcha I can out bench him”

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The video posts take a long time to craft if a game critical spoiler is known I post them on this page.

Power of Veto Players are Demetres, Dillon, Emily, KAren, Kevin and Neda

Things will get very interesting if the POV is played..

This morning in the Head of household room

Neda and Cindy with AN S spoke with Demetres about getting Dallas out .
Demetres says he can out bench Dillon.. “I betcha I can out bench him”
Neda is upset about the POV players picked. She wishes they had Bruno or Kevin because they are physical and mental.
Neda says she doesn’t give a shit she’ll use the POV because she’s safe until Jury.
Demetres – If I win it should I use it.
Neda says they have the votes, “We just need 7 “
Cindy with AN S says they can get Gary’s vote.
Cindy with AN S – We have the votes for whoever we want”
Neda says they should pull Emily down keep Dillon on the block. With Dillon gone Emily has no one.
Demetres wants Dillon gone. Neda disagrees..
Neda – Dillon is dumb.. He’s a dumbass.. Dallas is smart
Bruno joins them.. They start to speculate who will use the POV. They are pretty sure everyone will use it so they can push through a backdoor plan.
Demetres says Dillon is after him so that’s the “Shitty” thing about keeping him.
Demetres says Dillon has been hit in the head too many “F****G” times calls him “Dumb”
Neda is concerned about Gary.
Demetres says Gary doesn’t seem to care about what is going on
Bruno – we have so many people
Neda – Hopefully the french connection is with us
Demetres – Final 6
Bruno – defentley
Denetres – we have every aspect .. everyone is equal.. there’s no leader
Neda – this is a great alliance
Bruno – sick
Demetres – Final six
they want to call their alliance “the SIX”
Neda is worried will hate the group that dominates early on says they should not get Cocky.. (LOL)

Jackie in the Head of Household with Kevin and Bruno
Chit chat .. thought there was game talk added it to the queue.. meh

Storage room Cass, William and Dre
Cassandra says Demetres is leaning towards putting a Vet up.
Jackie – I hope so
They are not sure where his head is at.. Cassandra pushes them to always remind Demetres it was Bruno who was trying to flip the vote.
Going over ways to make Demetres come up with the idea to get Bruno out. Cassandra wants it to look like the Whole house
Jackie – He’s working Close with Ika, Cindy and Neda..
Cassandra and William agree
Cass – I don’t trust Bruno, Kevin is shady he talks to everyone
Cass warns that Bruno is working with Dillon/Emily and Cindy, Ika, Neda
Cassandra – Neda is scary but we can’t get rid of her
William wants Bruno up he’s more dangerous than cindy.

Cassandra and Dallas Storage room
Cassandra says Bruno is trying to get her backdoored.
Dallas says it’s too early to get Bruno out. He would rather Emily out over Dillon.
Dallas – he’s (Dillon) after KAren and Demetres
Dallas – I don’t like how IKA, Neda and Ciny..
Cassandra – their close.. Cindy has to go first
Dallas agrees.
Neda joins them.. Says “Obviously” if she wins POV she’ll keep the Nominations the same.

12:17pm Gary and Ika cam 1-2
Gary says Cass chose him he chose Ika. Warns her that Neda and Cindy are not people that are going to last in the game.
Gary – Cassandra is crazy she’ll go around and spread the rumours..
Gary says if IKA joins the “Winning side” they can run this house. Cass will run around spreading rumours Ika can go get in fights and Gary will act like a middle group to dampen.
Ika – you are sure I can trust her
Gary – 100% .. you need to start working on her.. don’t try too hard
Gary – Cassandra is loyal she’s a loyal girl
Ika – we can’t tell karen nothing.. but keep her close
Cassandra joins them..
Ika says she feels a lot of people are close with Demetres now that he’s HOH.
Gary – Demetres will never be close to me.
Cass says Brnuno is trying to get her backdoor.
Ika and Gary disagree. Gary says he told Demetres Cass is the reason he is still in the game.

12:17pm William Dre and Cassandra
Cassandra is trying to get Demetres to nominate Bruno. going over ways they can get this to happen. Warns them they have to win HOH if a VET wins it one of them will be going up.
Cassandra – regardless any of the vets win you two are going up

12:35pm Ika and Cassanrda in the have nots Cam 1-2
Demetres says Karen is freaking out she says everyone is trying to backdoor her. Cassandra points out that everyone that tried to vote him out last week are now pretending to be his best friend. says it’s really fake.

Jackie, Dillon
Jackie – something is going to happen I can already feel it.
Dillon thinks if someone gets voted out they are going to be put in sequester and brought back.
They agree the last twist was really unfair to the newbies. Neda had such a big online fan base.
Dillon thinks if it’s him and EMily before eviction night Emily will go home. Jackie says Cass is on their side.
jackie says the vets are trying to take out all the newbies. points out they can get Dallas and Cassandra on their side.

Dallas- I think it’s clear as day that it’s Neda, Sindy, Ika. Jackie- I feel bad for Cass. They pretend they have a four

The Power of Veto competition is happening right now!!!

Nope not yet. LOL the last few hours of blocked feeds for some unknown reason. What we do know is Dre won an advantage in the POV. Sorry unkonwn

3:00pm Ika and Neda have nots
Ika says Kevin and Bruno are playing them she feels it in her gut. Neda says Kevin and Bruno are always going to be targets over them. Cindy with an S joins them. Neda says they have to get Dillon out.

3:56pm Cassandra, Sindy with a S, Ika and Neda Have nots room

Demetres with them at first.. Saying that Dillon isn’t a bad guy he just trashes Demetres when he’s not around. Sounds like Dillon has been saying “I’m here to entertain”
Demetres says he asked Dillon how much weight he cuts before his fights “It must be a lot”
Ika laughs.. “I like it.. that is actually so funny”
Iak tells Demetres if Dillon wins POV then put Dallas up. Demetres isn’t sure. they mention maybe Jackie should go up.
Demetres leaves, Neda called to the Diary room and Cindy with an S is gone.
Cassandra doesn’t want Dallas to go home. Says Kevin told her there is a season 3 final 3 deal. They agree Kevin is “So sketchy”
Cassandra – we need to get Bruno or kevin out..
Ika says she only said Dallas because Cindy was in the room.
Neda comes back.

Ika and Cass are talking. Neda enters the room. Ika – I think we just need to be real. She really wants… Cass – I really want to work with you Neda. I know you don’t trust me but I am a really loyal person. Neda – you just threatened to backdoor me. I know it was in the heat of the moment but when you say things like that.. Cass – I thought that you were the one that was starting that rumor about me. Neda – but why wouldn’t you immediately go to me?! Cass – because that’s what everyone was telling me at the time. Neda – but that’s what sketches me out.. why wouldn’t you immediately go to me? I came into this game like wanting to play with you. Ika – yeah me too. Cass – I thought the three of us were all working together. When you walked past me and wouldn’t look at me … and then Gary pulled me into the bathroom and started throwing you (Neda) under the bus I didn’t know what to believe. Neda – so that came from Gary? That’s what I don’t understand .. you guys are friends and my name is getting thrown under the bus when I didn’t do anything and I came into this game wanting to work with you. Cass – I didn’t do anything either. Gary pulled me into a room accusing me of a lie and throwing your name out there. Cass – I want to work with you. I’m a loyal person. You have immunity now .. let me build trust with you.

Agreeing to start fresh and work together. Neda gets called to the Diary room. Ika and Cass. Cass – thank you for helping me with Neda. I want us to work together. Ika – I don’t think Gary is against you … I just think Gary doesn’t want us to be close. Cass – do you believe me? Ika – I 100% believe you. I don’t think you’re a liar. I do and I go with my gut. Cass – thank you for helping me. I really want us to work together. Ika – she’s (Neda) not about caddy girl sh*t. Cass – I’m just going to stay out of it. Cassandra – this week I’m not going to push for anything, I’ll let Demetres do what he wants. Ika – I don’t think Demetres will betray you. Cassandra – I think Demetres is loyal, he has our back. Before the final 8, I’m just worried about Bruno and Kevin. Those are the only people. Ika – can I trust you? Cass – what? Ika – It was Bruno that told me that. Cass – told you what? Ika – that Mark told him about your name. That’s just me building trust. Cass – my gut told me that. Ika – that’s just me building trust. Its a start. Cass – Love you for telling me that. And I won’t go tell anyone. My gut told me that. That’s the scary thing about Bruno.. he does things behind the scenes. I won’t tell anyone. Cass – I’ve always told Gary that him and you are my people. Ika – that’s not the impression I got from him. I don’t think he’s against you. I think he’s against US! Cass – moving forward.. I trust you. I know you’re loyal. You don’t need to prove yourself. Ika – I trust Neda. After that vote. Cass – after she voted with us. I do trust her. I think even in a week from now she will trust me. Those boys are out there causing sh*t. Jackie joins talking about how hyper she is. They all head out of the room.

4:00pm jackie and William
Jackie says she’s comfortable with Dre and William but is having second guesses with Cassandra now.
Jackie – she spent this whole day talking to Ika and Cindy
William – I know
Jackie – the whole day there (have not)
William is worried about kevin says he gets the feeling that Kevin is using him.
Jackie thinks Kevin is someone to watch out for, “While he’s here work with him”

4:36pm Kevin and Gary Storage room
Kevin tells him he wants the final 2 to be him and Gary. Gary agrees. Kevin says he swears on everything he’s Gary’s final 2

5 thoughts to ““Dillon is dumb.. He’s a dumbass” “I betcha I can out bench him””

  1. I know it’s only the 3rd day but this is shaping up to be a great season. I ‘m waiting for the production to now introduce some more game ruining twists.

  2. I can’t wait for someone who agrees with Jackie and starts to victimize Cass like Jackie. Sorry but Cass was in the four vets until she turned her backs on them and tried to backdoor Neda. It is pretty evident now that Cass wants Neda gone and Neda wanted to work with her until Gary blew Cass’ game up and told that to Neda. Cass is this year’s Davonne, she was in the right track and alliances but her paranoia and overplaying is getting the best of her. She has the capabilities to slither out of this problem like she did last season but if one of core four + Sindy wins power, shit will really hit the fan.

    1. she tries too hard to name names all the time, to everyone, eventually guy is going to hear it’s his name she’s throwing out. just like dillon is going to hear that she told demetres to start a fight with dillon, for no reason. there is no reason for that at all, in fact it created the necessity of dem putting dill on the block. had dillon won HOH, obviously he would put demetres on the block, if cassandra wants to work with people going forward, she may need to stop telling them to get targets on their backs.

      also, does cassandra forget she is a Vet? she says some things i’m reading here like referring to the vets like they are a group separate from herself lol.

  3. week two and cassandra and karen’s games have already imploded. is ika next?
    (also, cassandra reminds me of da’vonne, audry, and all those idiots that played too hard on week one of bb17

  4. Yep all Cassandra had to do was sit back let the others go at it. Dan always said u never win BB by winning early & and putting ur self in da middle of everything in da house all that does is make u da house target. u lay low talk as little game as possible listen to info don’t give it out. and win when u need to win like u hear somebody coming after u. Not wat Cass is doing IM convinced she watched nothing but Da’vonne & Audrey highlights before going in there and said to herself dem girls kept it real. yea and got sent packing its like right now Cass is DA’vonne 2.0 lets see if shes able to turn it around after this week DA couldn’t.

    right now Cass is playing for TV time and not the Win

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