Claire “THEY’RE PISSED!! Alyssa is crying. X is mad. Big D is about to sh*t himself. They’re so mad!”

HOH: Tiffany
Secret HOH :
HAVENOTS: BIGD, Alyssa and Claire
Power of Veto Players:
Power of Veto:
Power of Veto Ceremony:

Big Brother 23 Houseguest Rankings – – RANK THE HOUSEGUESTS –
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Big Brother Spoilers – Next two weeks are Double evictions.

7pm Chess Room – Alyssa and Xavier
Alyssa – I can’t.. I can’t do the slop again! I get so skinny! No one else has had to do it three times! I am going to get so f**king skinny from doing this all the time. Like I don’t even care that I lost. Whatever!! Xavier – I am surprised they picked 3 people to be havenots. Alyssa – doesn’t matter I dropped second anyways. I just f**king puked everything I ate and now I have to eat slop .. its just like I am going to be so skinny. I am just so over it dude! Its not even fun anymore. Its literally not fun in here anymore! Every week we have to worry and every week I am just stressed and bored and eating slop. I am just so over it! Like I literally don’t even care. I don’t care if I go up. Xavier – you can’t let this game beat you. Alyssa – I am just over it. I can’t do it anymore. Xavier – we just have to go to work again and see if we can pull off another miracle again. Alyssa – I just don’t even care anymore. I am so over it. Its just so fake!

Bedroom – Big D and Alyssa
Azah – I always take from everything I do. I take from what god is telling me. And god told me a couple things. First thing he told me is Azah if I want you to win a competition nobody is going to need to throw it for you. You’re going to win it by yourself in your own right. You know what I’m saying? Big D – yeah. Azah – Second thing is .. god opened my eyes about Kyland again but I learned my lesson this time and I am not going to get mad and throw a tantrum and be upset and cry. I am just going to take it as it is. With Kyland and Tiffany up there I know TIffany is going to have to send Alyssa home. But I was praying that Tiffany won that because… Hannah joins them. Big D complains about how coming in to the house he thought the competitions would be different to accommodate people like him but they’re just the same old bullsh*t.

7:30pm Azah – am I hard on you? Big D – No, I’m just checked out. I am just tired. I feel like its just unfair. Now I have to eat this nasty a$$ slop. I understand he just lost his friend and I should be like are you okay but I am not okay and I know that he is not okay. So it is better off for me to just stay away from him. I’ll be alright. You go socialize and do what you have to do. Azah – okay, I love. Big D – love you.

Bedroom. Alyssa, Xavier and Azha.
Alyssa is crying that she has to be on slop again for the third time. I am not even mad that I lost. Azah – if anyone knows how to compete while being on it .. its you. You came in second place first week. You’re able to compete with it. Alyssa – I know, I just hate it. Azah – I know but you’re capable of playing the game while on it which a lot of people can’t including me. I know it sucks but I empathize with you. Azah leaves.

7:37pm Bathroom. Claire and Tiffany celebrate.
Claire – they’re pissed. THEY ARE PISSED!! Alyssa is crying. X is mad. Big D is about to sh*t himself. They’re so mad! Alyssa is like I am just upset about being a have not.. I’m like OKKAY?! SURE?! Tiff talks about how Ky didn’t throw it like he said he was going to. Your family is going to be like .. ANOTHER LETTER?! This is literally the best case. I could not have won that comp! Tiff – I am looking at him (KY) like what the f**k!? Claire – he was shaking! I was like its just a matter of minutes now. Your family is so excited! Tiff – if I go out at least I go out with some.. Claire – Iconic! It was so amazing!

Bathroom – Kyland and Tiffany.
Kyland – I’m good. I’m a lot better than on a lot of stuff other than this. Just fill me in.. I could have dropped 5 minutes earlier. Tiff – I wanted to win. Ky – and that’s fine. Why didn’t you say that? Tiff – I said it. Ky – I couldn’t hear you. I kept saying what’s up, what’s up!? Tiff – I said I could be up here all night. Ky – I couldn’t hear you. I am just wondering now I shouldn’t win next week. That way both you and I are both in it (the following HOH). Xavier and Hannah. Hannah questions if Tiff is the first person in BB history to win HOH two weeks in a row. And the final one doesn’t count because everyone is eligible to play.

8:35pm Bathroom – Hannah and Tiffany.
Hannah – I would do him and her. Tiff – okay. For you, me and Azah it works to keep Claire here till seven. And if Claire happens to win the seventh HOH me, you and Azah are safe. Hannah – I know. Tiff – I know that they’re looking out for themselves. They sent out Christian. They sent out DX. Hannah – and Britini. Tiff – so this is the one time that they’re going to have to lose somebody too. Don’t say you’re carrying us no mo! Hannah – exactly. You have just as many HOH’s as Kyland and I have just as many veto wins as X. Tiff – Carrying who!? I wish the girls would pull their weight. We pulling all our weight .. back to back! Hannah – back to back to back to back! Tiff – win this veto! Hannah – I know! Hannah asks Tiff about her conversation with Ky. She explains how she kept saying she wanted it but he kept asking what you want to do!? You think I am going to let you get your third HOH?!

8:40pm – 9:10pm bedroom. Big D and Azah
Azah – if you ain’t about something .. then don’t say you’re about something. Don’t sit there and say .. you know how many times this BRAH said oh you know .. I would love to give it to Big D or you. I think we should all have a chance to get this.. and blaa blaa blaa.. this and that. He knows damn well that if he had gone off, Tiffany would have gone right after but he stayed on .. he wanted to win. He went in there and told them what he wanted in his HOH basket. he wanted this HOH. He talks sh*t. You don’t need to talk sh*t to me. Why are you talking sh*t to me!? You said you would throw it to me 3 weeks ago.. and you didn’t and everyone saw that you didn’t. He is the type of person to win HOH and put up Tiff and X. He is the first member of the cookout, to put a cookout up. Big D – which was my idea so I can’t knock him. It was my idea. Xavier joins them. Azah – this is going to be a tricky week because now Tiff has to put up Alyssa. Xavier – which is why I was told I shouldn’t win. Like he knows why I want to win HOH. So I’m throwing competitions and no one else is sticking to the plan. That does piss me off! Azah – are you mad at Tiffany. Xavier – not mad .. just overall regardless of the responsibilities of the HOH that is not why I want to win .. its something a little more personal. I keep putting it off because that is something I need to do. If everyone is going to play for their own self-interest. Either way as long as one of us wins its food.

10:45pm Bathroom – Tiffany and Kyland.
Tiffany – you safe this week brother. Kyland – thank you. I appreciate it. Tiff – you can be mad at me that I won but just appreciate it. Ky – I’m not mad at you that you won. I was just like why don’t you just tell me. Tiff talks about her conversation with Xavier – I know my relationship with Claire and I cannot say that I know I can get her to do what I suggest her to do but I feel very strongly that she will go with me in making her decisions. I trust you with Alyssa, trust me with Claire. Either way we are in the same boat next week if either one of them win.

10:55pm Big D and Azah playing chess.

12:06pm – 1am Tiffany comes out of the diary room – Who wants to see my HOH room! They head inside and look at her HOH photos and HOH basket. Tiffany then reads her HOH letter.

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83 thoughts to “Claire “THEY’RE PISSED!! Alyssa is crying. X is mad. Big D is about to sh*t himself. They’re so mad!””

    1. I said all along Tiffany should be AFP, if she was a he, it will be. She has been playing since she entered the house, the alliance she set up for smooth ride + two HOH now? I respect her game a lot.

      1. After the first night I said “Watch Tiffany, she’s a master manipulator and will probably win or at least be in the finale 2”

        1. Guilt for what? No White person owes anyone of the Cookout anything. Why dont they play the game as it supposed to be played instead of wanting a trophy for being Black

          1. Guilt for having “white privilege”. A lot of white people now feel they have to rectify history and be blindly tolerant to the double standard. Clearly that is what is going on here with Claire and production.

      1. Or that its only been about race this year not game play. Walking in with the correct approved skin colour. Oh and the CookOut cant be racist they are Black!?! Thanks for letting me know all commenters on youtube trying to tell me its only racist of it was an all White allaince. The cookout Nothing to see here. Riiggghhhttt

        1. It’s been about the correct skin color in this country for the last 500 years! Get over it it’s a tv show! Now you know how black have felt living in America the last 500 years! It’s not right is it?

        2. They need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps n start playing the game! No matter how unfair it may seem! They have had the same opportunities to win power and form alliances like the Cookout!

  1. I feel bad for Alyssa. It’s dangerous when you’re already that skinny to be constantly depriving your body of sustenance like that. I’d probably want to self evict too….

    1. Or they can just call her into D/R and feed her pizza and hamburgers like they did to the guys in 18 and 19. Yup both seasons it was mentioned on feeds.
      Does anyone take have nots seriously anymore? they don’t even have have not segments on the show anymore.

      1. Whoa.
        I did not know about this lol
        To be honest, I didn’t start watching Big Brother again until last season. I think the last full season I watched before that was the one where Dan had his funeral…

      2. I cried for Alyssa last night, it is not healthy to have no food for so long (21 days). How can CBS do this to her. Remember the year the gluten free girl did not have to eat slop? Alyssa is under the idea weight needs to eat. Hanna eats a lot, give Alyssa part of Hannah’s food.

        1. So far she’s had nine days on slop, the other 6 she was able to have blt’s.
          I only say that for the sake of accuracy, not judgement.

  2. As Ky is trying to do the bbmath about whether or not Tiff has a case for saying most comp wins by a black female. She doesn’t yet.
    The comp wins and averages for houseguests don’t include special twist comps. They include HOH’s and POV’s only.
    I think she’s tied with Danielle Reyes from season 3. Brittini Blair has the most HOH wins by a black woman in a single season with 3 from bbcan3.

    1. Are you serious? its a joke right? i don’t watch feeds so Im not sure if I should believe that Ky is worried about black women comp wins.

      1. He brought up what was the record. He’s definitely thinking oh no, she’s got too many comp wins for me to allow to come along as my runner up, good thing I’ve got other final 2’s.
        He’s been bringing up records for days.
        Last night it was how far did a big alliance get intact.
        When he found out Cookout doesn’t have the record yet his face got pouty.

        1. Yeah — but I don’t think we have to worry about him going F2 with X b/c he knows he can’t beat him & now X f*cked up by suggesting they take a shot at Ky this week instead – & THAT was a huge mistake by X that she’ll share at some point this week. I’m not sure it would equate to Ky trying to win DE HOH to target X before Claire – but it might.

    1. I see Tiff taking a swipe early. At this point the girls could band together and the cookout 3 would have majority over the other two. Guarantee win for a black woman. Going to be tough winning against Ky and X moving forward.

      1. It gives ALL three guys reason to boot Tiffany next. Don’t get me wrong Ky went his own way saving SB and getting DX out and Ky should of dropped after Alyssa but I don’t think anyone is thinking rational right now but the guys are going to feel burn anyway. We wanted drama and maybe this will be the week CO totally cracks apart. I do want to see Tiff be forced to put up Claire.

  3. Taking a minute.
    Complaining about the selfishness of other cookout members.
    Same guy that threw a tantrum week five because one of his team of 4, the rest all non cookout, had to be evicted.
    Same guy that has been pushing since that first tantrum that his plus one has to be the plus one that stays until last.
    Same guy that HAD to be taken off the block last week, showing no trust in the 4 members of his alliance that were the majority in the vote.

    Take 2 seats, one for Lucius or Luscious or whatev.
    Oh he’s definitely going to be in line with Ky to complain to production. AGAIN.

      1. I think it’s either his career (but i doubt it) or the fact that he wants to take Alyssa off the block, or it’s the fact he’s going to push Azah as renom if X wins veto.

    1. EXACTLY!!! His bravado has been showing more & more– where’s the guy that said Ally has to go this week after saying to Claire you’re the only white person left?

      I’ve pondered many times how much easier X’s early half of the game was b/c he had Christian on his team. Imagine if Tiff had been with him instead. Switch Chris/Travis & tell me his ride wouldn’t have been so easy. Much of his narrative is about “loyalty” but the reality is it was made that much easier b/c of being on the Kings with Christian.

  4. Will Derek F ever vote correctly? Every week it’s the same old “evote” you’d think he’d get it right by this many eviction votes.

    1. Dont worry friend as ive been explained to on youtube and here: Blacks=not racist. Whites=racist automatically. So the rules going forward. God help ya if you aint got Black skin walking in or dark black alyssa doesnt count or derekx. Who ive been told are supposed to be poc whatever that is. Where im from poc stand for piece of crap

      1. I’d like to see you make this racist rant in front of your employer, coworkers, and patrons or clients. Easy to spout out anonymously on a niche interest page.

        1. So you proved my point its only racist if it were an all White alliance since the cookout is Black it cant be racist. ?!? Not like theyvare getting rid of alll the Whites because they dont have black skin.

    2. It’s not racist but trying to give a minority as they say a chance in winning. Why do u think BB chose so many this season. That was to see if they would stick together.

    3. Your comment brought out the racism bc, it is racist. LIterally someone responded to you that POC means piece of crap. So, is that how you feel about Black, Brown,Yellow people?

      It’s true the wrong skin color means lack of privilege, but that would be non-white.

      Easy to cry here in the corners of the internet, while you benefit from your position in society.

      1. No one has explained yet because they cant justify. Whites= racist but Blacks= not racist. And you wonder why people are upset. And the “Poc” comment refers to where im from no one calls themself a ‘poc’ never heard of it. Its the polite way to say colour. And thats why i said the term means piece of crap. Geeezzz

    4. Hahaaa you’re mad that the black people banded together for the culture and one will definitely win BB this season. Get over yourself!

    5. That’s exactly what I’ve been saying all along about the all-white alliances that were very racist. Geez you have such a short memory! So you’re saying this season is worst than BB15? That’s a stretch considering all of the other seasons that had all-white alliances and they made sure that the black players were never included in any of them (the only reason Kaycee was in the level 6 alliance is because Shaggy C left her out of the alliance he made) plus they would be voted out early in the game at that! This is the least racist and most diverse season I’ve ever seen in the history of BB and my favorite season since season 20 and I’m hoping my boy X will pull off the win!

  5. It’s just in my head. I’m sure of it.
    I don’t think I was supposed to be seeing a symbolic socio political satire tableaux in that HOH comp.
    A bunch of people, black, latin and lgbt, having to overcome being smacked down repeatedly by an elephant?
    Definitely the allergy meds.

    At one point, I was writing on here about how some of the cookout is viewing the cookout as a vehicle not an alliance, for their own personal game. I was talking about that around week 4 or 5.
    When X fumes to Couch that if Alyssa is up with Ky, and he wins veto he’s taking down Alyssa, how else do you define it other than lip service? Add that to his complaints when Christian went on the block that his team (and protection, and soldiers to ‘accidentally’ take out his allies) shouldn’t be touched. He’s not the only one. That’s why Ky tried to save SB. That’s why Tiff wants Claire to be the last one. That’s why Azah was mad they were taking out Brit. They all want the ace in their back pocket to take the first shot at their own alliance.
    We’re going to need another big feed shut down soon to realign everyone again. Two weeks in a row where X has openly suggested getting rid of another cookout member.

    So if X isn’t on the block, wins veto, removes Alyssa… how does he call out now you have to put up Claire or you’re acting against the cookout when the other nom is cookout, and he’s removing the non cookout from the block? He can’t. At that point Tiff can declare shots fired and it’s Ky and Couch on the block.
    This is what they’re going to have to rectify with the next serving of Grodberry Koolaid.

    Did he really just try to use a Brit contingency plan? Did he really say he deserves a week off the block? Nobody in the house has nominated him yet.

    1. While they’re all itching to to take out threats within the Cookout,it won’t happen because their alliance isn’t just an alliance,it’s a cause.And no one wants to betray that cause …except maybe BigD.But the real test will be on this weeks double so we’ll see soon.

      1. You might want to tell em a Cause cant win only 1 man can. So stupid. Its been reduced to blacks vs whites. what ever happened to playing the game.

        1. What happened to just playing the game?
          Season 21 happened.
          They manufactured a season around a microagressive addict going through withdrawal, where they had a special little room and little uniforms for all POC.
          If anyone is mad at season 23 being season 23, maybe take a minute to look at the frozen shit on a stick they gave us for season 21, trying to tell us it was a popsicle.
          Remember the extremely optic blind image of three POC sitting next to Julie in little blue shirts and Khaki pants, looking completely pained as they had to lie on demand during Julie’s interview, and say ‘oh no, we don’t think we were targeted because of race.’ blink twice if you need help. ‘no, not at all miss julie.’

  6. I do feel bad for Alyssa b/c she does struggle on slop & loses weight BUT let’s not forget her second time she got sandwiches all week with Ky’s punishment so she wasn’t really on slop that week.

    She calls everyone fake BUT —- she did want to take out SB the week Chris got back doored before they thought that was a real thing. She was also the first to throw Whitney UTB when they were supposedly tight. She got mad about SB throwing her UTB last week but she equally threw SB UTB to Tiff & lied to her face as well. So sorry — not sorry – this is Big Brother not Big Baby.

    She’s a great liar who looks people dead in the eye & lies like it’s nothing. We haven’t heard Claire whining about her lot in life & she did not have a male shield let alone two (and 2 of the best 3 in the house).

    As for X complaining – I get why he’s annoyed but it should be at Ky more than Tiff. He was the one who held on tightly to his Kings players & was quick to jump on board to try to keep Christian but wasn’t about keeping DX. He wanted all his targets prioritized Brit, DX, Claire and was adamant the CO keep Ally to F7. Do I blame him — NO – it’s Big Brother but I also don’t blame Tiff b/c it was better for her game to keep Christian, Britini, and DX and each time she was over ruled. That’s what started the whole “if you want to keep someone then do something about it & win” — Well – she just did twice in a row.

    1. What Tiff should really be saying to X to justify her move:
      Why didn’t Ky drop? Last time he was supposed to throw to Azah he screwed her. This was my inusrance policy.
      Why didn’t you tell me my name has been in Alyssa’s mouth for a couple weeks?

      It’s been told to Tiff by three different people in the past 2 weeks, two of them cookout. None of them X, who is supposed to have Alyssa on lock. Today Alyssa said if it weren’t for the deal, she’d take out Tiff (X was fishing to see who Alyssa wanted gone), so she’d take out Claire even though she’d rather take out Tiff.

      Reality: he did the bbmath. With two cookout in finals, the non cookout control the jury.
      if one cookout is in finals after backstabbing the team, but still yells mission, the majority of the jury is cookout and will take the social heat irl if they don’t vote mission.

      Btw: Remember in season 20, the night that Kaycee beat out Brett to become HOH when the cams were trained on Brett, and they had to do a quick switchover unexpectedly when she ran for the buzzer? You know, the night her HOH basket contained whatever was left from the food she purchased in sequester (including fish that had gone bad) and an open bag of chips with a cigarette butt in it? Made me think oh. she snaked production on live tv to win that hoh. I get the feeling that’s what Tiff did. We’ll see if they end up giving her a beyonce tribute band on ukulele for her music.

    2. I didn’t think she was calling people fake. I understood her to say that she’s sick of this game and IT’S SO FAKE. Just further proof that the whole show has been scripted and controlled from the beginning. Whoever called it a BLM show got it right.
      If you are a black American, aren’t you offended that this is just a horrible way to try to pacify your race? I am. What? Do they (production) believe that you are dumb enough to fall for it?

    3. “I do feel bad for Alyssa b/c she does struggle on slop & loses weight BUT let’s not forget her second time she got sandwiches all week with Ky’s punishment so she wasn’t really on slop that week.”

      I missed that! Why did Ky get sandwiches and what type of sandwiches were they?

      Does anyone believe X threw the HOH? I don’t…because just like The Wall is better for smaller people, I think the Ropes are also. Any of the competitions that have “small feeting space” are easier for a small person. It’s not just the foot space, it is also more difficult to keep your balance as a tall person.

      1. Ky’s donkey punishment was to make everyone / specific houseguests blt sandwiches whenever the loudspeaker called. This included Have nots.

        1. Aaaaah! Of course! I forgot that it included Have Nots! I cannot believe she is complaining about being on slop when, she got all those BLT’s as a Have Not!!! I remember previous years when certain houseguests seemed to be a Have Not for half of the season. I feel so sorry for that skinny little cry baby! yeah, right!

      2. It was from the week where DX was HOH – he gave SB the $5000 b/c she cried & he ended up as the Lord of the Latrine, Claire was the Queen of whatever (playing 52 pick-up), & Ky was the Donkey & had to make club sandwiches whenever they called him? That was the same week Chris/Ally (and X???) were Have Nots so they all got to eat. They didn’t become Have Nots until Friday I think & were only on slop for a day b/c of the club sandwiches. I remember Ky made a bunch & people didn’t want them so she ate two, and had at least two more that day — so yeah it wasn’t bad her second time.

        X made a big deal about falling so I think he threw it — BUT I also think Tiff was so comfy she could’ve beat him.

  7. THIS convo says it all — Xavier is good with CO but ONLY IF HE GETS WHAT HE WANTS— he decides Brit, DX, SB & Claire all have to go & everyone has to do it. Why? Because that’s best for HIS game.

    X: What the f*ck was that?
    Big D: I don’t know.
    X: I knew we had to worry about it with Ky but now Tiffany too? She looked me in my eyes and said “you cannot win”. You cant win either. You know I want to win HoH and I keep throwing these mother f*ckers.
    Big D: I don’t know what the f*ck Tiffany was doing. The girls know they want Alyssa gone. They are doing whatever they want to do. (OH — but you guys aren’t by trying to force Ally staying instead of Claire?
    X: Alyssa was supposed to be the last one (WHY b/c YOU said so?)

    X: It’s either going to be Ally & me or Ally & Ky. If it’s Ally/Ky and I get picked to play in veto, I am pulling Ally down cause that’s bullshit. You weren’t supposed to win. It should have been Ky or Azah

    So okay X – I sure hope this gets back to Tiff so she puts him OTB with Ally b/c that also proves what we expected in that he’s only willing to go off the plan IF IT BENEFITS HIM— all the prior evictions (other than Christian) benefited HIS GAME more than Tiffs (or Ky’s with the last two DX/SB) so just b/c you want it to be Claire out doesn’t mean you ALWAYS get your way.

    And later —- X says to Tiff…

    Tiff: Who do I put up as replacement (once X wins POV)?
    X: Do you want to give her hope or not?
    Tiff: No. We had enough hope this week.
    X: Big D unless you felt like flipping it on Ky.
    Tiff: I want to get the six to the end.
    X: Then Big D…or Azah. Probably Azah

    And THAT tells you everything you need to know X is willing to take out Ky before the 6 in order to keep Ally! AND he messed up big time in that entire convo – now Tiff can tell Ky he said that AND also tell Azah he wants her put up as the replacement HELLO Tiff just got Azah’s vote to take out X if she needs to this week (say he does something stupid like winning POV & taking off Ally instead of himself) OR in DE if he’s on block beside Big D or Hannah.

    1. he said unless you want to flip it on ky. its a question cheking her out.
      i dont feel like she can convice ky that x was suggusting to get him out
      and there is nothing wrong by suggusting azah as a pawn. she never done that

  8. BB1- 2black people out of 16) 2000
    Bb2- 2 blacks out of 16) 2001
    BB3- 2 blacks out of 16 2002
    BB4- 1 black person-2003
    BB5- 1 black person out of 16 – 2004
    BB6 – 1 black person out of 16- 2005
    BB8- 1 black person out of 16-2007
    BB9- 1 black person out of 16- 2008
    BB10- 2 black people -2008
    BB11- 2 blacks out of 16-2009
    BB12 – 1 black person out of 16- 2010
    BB13- 2 black people- 2011
    BB14- 1 black person out of 16- 2012
    BB15- 2 black people-2013
    BB16- 3 blacks out of 16-2014
    BB17- 1 black person out of 16 – 2015
    BB18- 3 black people – 2016
    BB19- 2 blacks out 16 – 2017
    BB20- 2 black people- 2018
    BB21- 2 black people out of 16- 2019

    1. Now do Asians. Or First Nations. Way shorter lists.
      Casting sucked because castng was checking boxes for sterotypes according to what network focus people said their advertiser’s demographics wanted to see.
      Production sucked because they amplified stereotypes through bias edits and performative D/R.
      Production sucked because they altered rules to adversely affect POC houseguests.

      This is known.
      The fact is that the casting parameters have FINALLY been changed. This is a good thing.
      So… The list should have been posted EVERY season before that change occurred.
      The point of posting it AFTER the casting parameters have been changed escapes me.

    2. I used to think casting was done to match the race percentages of the US population. It seemed to work out that way at for example according to the 2019 Census number Blacks were 13.9%, Asians 5.9%, Whites 60.3% and it seems to have been pretty close to that over the years. The one group under represented seem to be Hispanics as they are at 18.5%, at that percentage there should have been 3 per season and I don’t remember that many. And back when BB started the population was different, per the 2000 US Census, Whites were 75.1%, Blacks were 12.3%, and Asians at 3.6%.

      Also the number of HGs has not always been 16 it varies Season 1 started with only 10 and slowly grown to the 16 it has been for the last 10 seasons.

      1. It wasn’t being done to match census.
        That was never the process they were following.
        The process was far more insidious than that.
        the process was grab twelve hot people, make them white or white passable, and make sure you have a barbie doll, a meathead, a semi hot nerd, and a quarterback, and maybe a homo but make sure they’re flaming but not too flaming and they haven’t done porn yet … oh toss in an uggo too for the plain people to identify with, and throw in an old thing.. you know…. 35 or more, hmm. oh yeah, and a black one so that we don’t get called out. We can tell them to be hoodrat in the d/r or make sure they can do sassy angry black woman schtick… those people eat that shit up.
        That’s how they were casting

    1. I respectfully disagree with this assessment. I guess you could make some arguments about the cookout but definitely NOT RACISM. First of white houseguests were never in minority. 2nd , you can’t label a group of people as racists for playing to win the game for the first time in the history of the game to make their community proud.3rd
      I don’t think that the cookout didn’t pick white houseguests to be part of their alliance bc of their skin colour.4th theyre not using their black majority ( which they didn’t have at the beginning) to prevent the( white minority)
      from getting at anything and so on …. so please! I dont look at where the game is now based on race. I think the cookouts just focused on playing a better game, besides Azah and BIGD of course. Also, other side was doomed from the beginning with emotional player like Frenchie and Brent who was full of himself without any clear strategy.

      1. What will the CO actually have won for the “culture”? It is apparent to anyone paying attention that BB production definitely stacked the deck in these “woke” times to have a POC win the game. It has been a long time coming for a POC to win, but it is sad to me that the all the POC in the house are ok with being racist in order to get the win. Do they really think that the end will justify the means? We all know that if in any previous season an all white alliance had openly talked about, an agreed to use racial bias to win the game they would need to go into a “witness protection program”. I am really interested how the winner this year will be viewed. I can’t see them being viewed as a “champion” for the culture, but I i am sure there will be some who feel a win is a win, even if most of America will definitely put an asterisk next to this seasons winner, *winner won not through actual game play, but by joining with other racists to vote out players who did not have the approved skin color. Yay we won! We lowered ourselves to become what we profess to hate the most. Again… yay. we won. for the “culture”. What is really sad is I think Tiff, and X could have won it without using the race card. They are smart, great competitors, and possess a good social game. I still think X wins it, but now we will never know if he actually deserves to be the first black winner of BB.

        I Do agree BB should have had more diversity from the get, but there has never been an alliance of only a specific race openly talk about voting others out because they are not the same color as the alliance. Yes, there have been racist players in the past for sure, but they were for the most part ostracized for their comments, with no one taking from their comments, that they should for a racist alliance to further themselves in the game. The CO, and some who post on here, say the whites are so stupid not to realize what is going on, but the fact is that they know if they made the allegation that the blacks must all be aligned to vote the white people off the game, they would after the game is over, forever be labeled as racist, even though they are 100% correct.

        1. Again, I agree with some of the things you say in this post but I completely disagree with the projection. I think you may have gone a lil too far by labeling the CO as racists. Eventhough Azah sucks i think she genuinely cares about Britini, don’t believe she’s a racist, BIG D makes me sick but he’s not a racist…X, KY, Hannah they seem intelligent and open minded kids, Tiff is older but I doubt she’s a racist! That’s the thing, you have to go by what racism is about. Compare to past white only alliances, the CO is very respectful. They’re not making any hurtful comments about any white person in the house, about their looks, skin colour, they’re not refusing to talk to them, not belittling them , not refusing to lay or sit next to them , they’re not refusing to work with them bc they’re whites…come on guys, we know what real racism is.

          1. IOW The Cookout Alliance is not treating the nominees, evictees n houseguests in a dehumanizing fashion. No ostracizing or racist jokes are being made and are going out of the way not to be cruel.

        2. That’s kind of a mute point. Prior to this season, whites have always had the large majority in the house. The racial bias was built into the game by tptb in favor of whites (much like the real world!) They don’t have to say out loud, “Hey let’s band together and take out the token black guy/girl.” It’s a given. For many of the former players, they’re “jokes,” actions and even inaction reeked of racism. (No, I’m not saying all white players are or have been racist.)

          Should a CO member win and I hope they do, it will be deserved. Here’s why:

          Knowing the history of BB, they created an alliance that would take them far into the game. It should not be a surprise that the alliance was all black with common interest of having a black winner because duh…history. Of course they’re going to take advantage of the situation. The CO have planned/strategized, won competitions, protected and stuck together thus far. Have they used others? Yes. Have they lied? Yes. Guess what, it’s BIG BROTHER! It’s a game of deceit with a big cash prize for the winner.

          You putting an “asterisk” by the name of a CO member should they happen to win (and assuming you speak for “most of America”) also speaks volumes. Just maybe being “woke” isn’t a bad thing. Learning from our past, accepting responsibility, making changes where necessary, recognizing our bias (we all have them), forgiveness, willingness to grow…. Peace, love and all that jazz. Sounds good to me!

          FYI – I wholeheartedly disagree that the CO are racist.

          1. prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.

    2. There’s been all white alliances since the beginning of the show but none of the other ethnicities said they were racist. If the cookout was all white y’all wouldn’t even bring up the race factor. I’m loving this season. Everyone is playing the game accept Big D and Azah. Complaining to Grodner for years about lack of diversity is finally paying off!!!

      1. The Last Neanderthug,

        Yes, I certainly would bring it up, if a white alliance openly discussed the fact that they were going to vote people out on the basis of their skin color, because that has never happened. I all for diversity, but I am not for racism, and white people are not the only people who can be racist. I am fine with a POC winning BB, but not if they all have to lower themselves to being racist to do it. I would feel exactly the same if it was a group of whites being racist, and voting off blacks only because of the color of their skin. The CO is only tarnishing the win for whichever of them wins BB. Time will not remember who won BB 23, but it will remember the racism that got them the win.

  9. I’ve been watching BB for about 12 years now. I’ve always complained about CBS not casting enough minorities, causing people of color to not getting far in the game. I Watched CBS making the same mistake year after year. Finally I said the only way to change that is to cast as many minorities as whites. by doing so, it would prevent white houseguests from targeting minorities for the first half of the game and it would also force white houseguests who are not open minded to form alliances with people other than people who look just like them. PERSONALLY I believe that people shouldn’t form alliances based on race. Unfortunately that hasn’t been the case for years with BB. This year choices are ok but in my opinion Frenchie was a terrible player(possibly crazy), Azah all she does is whining and crying, and BIG D has no place in the game whatsoever! If Joe Frazer was.actually DF’s dad ( which I don’t believe he is) he’s not honoring his memory by his performance on the show. Now Big D is complaining the comps not fair to people like him! Are you kidding me?!!! No matter what the comp is, you either finish last or second last! There are alot of capable and intelligent black people but CBS had to pick BIG D to embarrass us! Thank you again CBS. Btw they should only cast ordinary people for the show , no so called celebrities!

    1. BigD is annoying. Why go on a show that is partly (a big part) based on winning competitions that you are incapable of winning. It’s not like these type of comps are a surprise. It’s basically the same every year. Yes, in the past there has always been someone who is lousy at comps but I can’t remember anyone crying so much about how unfair it is and they need to change things around him. You can play this game without winning. It’s been done. Just stop whining and crying like a baby!

  10. Post HOH room reveal.
    Tiff is inviting the girls that can to sleep over (that would be Hannah and Azah) but Claire and Alyssa are welcome to stay as late as they want before heading to have nots. Hannah will try to outlast everyone I’m thinking. Either that or Kyland will come up thinking he can pull a 1- 6 am Stockholming.

    Meanwhile… week 2 of the cookout boys being pissy because they aren’t in control is downward spiraling like you’d expect.
    They’re mad they’ve been on the block more.

    • Couch volunteered to go on the block once. He was nominated as a pawn the second time.
    • Nobody has nominated Xavier. A wheel of no danger put him on the block once, a veto punishment winning a veto he didn’t need to win put him on the block the second time.
    • Kyland was nom’d week one by Frenchie. Saved. Was put on the block with his plus one partner week 8, as they all agreed in week 4 would be the plan.

    Latest spin on Ky’s HOH shenanigans in week 6:

    • It’s Tiff’s fault period. She got the answer wrong. What is now omitted, he wasn’t supposed to get to the last round, he was supposed to throw to Azah. He refused. He buzzed in fast the other times. He intentionally waited the last round. He wanted to keep SB. That’s the reality. He can spin as much as he wants. The boys will buy it for now because their male egos are bruised and they are having a meeting of the HE-MAN WOMAN HATER’S CLUB… X is Spanky tonight, Ky is Alfalfa, and oh no, it’s not for obvious reasons, but couch is filling the role of Porky.

    X is ticked off again / still that only he is following the group decisions, and only he is making sacrifices, and only he has loyalty. Oh SHUT UP.
    The decisions he wants followed aren’t group decsions, they’re X decision. Sacrifice? Gifted immunity week one, safe week two through five. Has everyone running to him for permission until week 7. Loyalty? He wanted to flip the vote week 5, and only stopped when he realized he’d have to own part of the vote flip week five.

    As far as who has greater control of their plus one partner between X and Tiff: Claire just won an invisible HOH, kept TIff’s noms the same. Tiff wins.

    More talk of throwing veto to Alyssa thinking Claire has to go if Alyssa wins veto.
    Remember what it looked like the last time Ky threw a comp to Alyssa? Sure. Do that again. Won’t be a red flag at all.

    I’m thinking I may have to start doing Cookout Crack Watches again.
    Sure, As of Thursday night they’re throwing out the wait until 6 talk, but by late Friday night it’s bound to be how do we keep Alyssa, get rid of Claire, throw HOH to Alyssa and get her to take out the womenfolk that aren’t following the natural order and walking six paces behind us?
    When Tiff tells Azah that X said use Azah as the pawn instead of Couch. oooooo.
    Don’t worry, right now Azah doesn’t know, so she’s telling Couch Tiff’s side of the story for HOH. That Tiff was waiting for Ky to drop because of last time, and when he didn’t she lost trust in him. Azah tells Couch that Tiff thinks Ky or X are plotting to evict her before 6 because Tiff was sure Ky was not throwing to any of them. She’s right. He was going for it. He was trying to get permission from the other six members that kept saying only if you can’t throw to Azah or Couch. he CHOSE not to throw to Azah. Again.
    Couch counters with Couch needs to win the next HOH and take out Claire, then everyone can band together to take out Tiff. So now Azah knows the boys’ plan. What does she do with the information?

    What I’m not sure of yet…how long before Hannah goes all Andy the rat again and runs everything back to one of the guys. Shush. It’s what she’s been doing. Trying to suck up to be on everybody’s good side by pushing everyone else under gocarts instead of buses. That’s her game. She’s the season Andy.

    Couch has revealed his Ideal game plan to get to final 2.
    Everyone throws him HOH and he takes out Claire, then X or KY win hoh to take out Tiff, then Hannah, then Azah, then Xavier, which leaves Couch and Ky final 2. Easy Peasy.
    The comps aren’t fair. The house isn’t fair. It’s not fair that Claire is staying and Tiff doesn’t have to go on the block this week. Couch needs a pacifier.

    Ky is now doing spin control of tonight’s HOH. With Hannah. What was the agreed upon order that everyone was supposed to drop tonight? There wasn’t one. Ky just wanted to win, and is doing kyversation to make it seem like he was confused by semantics. How does Hannah get away from Ky? They’re only at the 20 minute mark… but he’s starting to roll out the bullshit in progress tape. Thirty minute mark she escaped.

    Tiff did what Ky did weeks ago. True. Tiff did what Ky did weeks ago because Ky was pulling some more shady Ky shit just like he did weeks ago. Also True.
    There was seven minutes in between when Hannah fell and Azah fell. Only X dropped. Ky refused (now saying it’s because Tiff didn’t follow the procedural protocol that would have had him gifting Azah with the HOH). Riiiiiight.
    I think a little bit of what SB was saying to Tiff to try to get her to keep SB might have stayed in Tiff’s head tonight. SB said from what Ky said the night before, he wasn’t going to work with Hannah and Tiff, but SB would.

    The entire house knows this week is a double. Shrugs. And they are talking about it openly.

    1. Hopefully claire can start to think anx if she happens to play and win veto take ally down then shit will finally get better

      1. Clair is Tiff’s puppet. She does as she is told. I feel sorry for her when she finds out she was used to advance the CO. Tiff is full of hot air.

    2. Very Good synopsis!!! Thank you for all the details. There was only one part I didn’t like… you’re calling Hannah… the season Andy! You are absolutely right! I just hated being reminded of him. I was really pi**ed off when he won. You just brought back a lot of bad memories. As for X, I wish the women would vote his ass out of there. I cannot stand it when he goes on about how much he sacrificed for CO, all his accomplishments…yeah, deliriously made up in his head!

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