Chelsea “Just tell me so that when I walk up the stairs I can blow sh*t up before I go.”

9:35pm Bedroom. Chelsea and Kyra.
Chelsea – you are going to do better without me in this game. Kyra – I know I will. I know will. Chelsea – just like how I would do better than you. Its best that we separate. Chelsea starts laughing – I wish I got to play this without you. I’m joking .. kind of.. Kyra – you would not do better without me because you would just make these big alliances everywhere. Safety in numbers. Chelsea – oh yeah?! What alliance am I in now?! Where are my alliances? Show me my alliances? Oh big alliances. Kyra – I can’t wait to talk to you after this and tell you the sh*t that I’ve seen. Chelsea – tell me. Kyra – I am so f**ked. I don’t know what I am going to do. Its so much bigger than we thought. Chelsea – well there’s Adam, Anthony and Dane.. right?! And this (Chelsea holds her hand up to her face (see photo above)) Just f**king tell me at this point. Like its a done f**king deal man. Just tell me so that when I walk up the stairs I can be like dididididida.. and then blow sh*t up before I go. Because you know I am going to want to do that. Kyra – I don’t want you to set me up badly though. I don’t want you to say that I told you. Chelsea – then just tell me for my peace of mind so that I know. Adam, Dane and Anthony .. and whatever this is (hand to face again) .. right?! Kyra – there’s more than just them three. Chelsea – what is it? Kyra – its at least one more person but I think two. Chelsea – Dane and Damien? Who Mark? Kyra – and Cory. Chelsea – oh?! Kyra – that’s not confirmed. Chelsea – Just tell me. I don’t have anything else to talk to you about right now. I know everything about you. Kyra – YOU DON’T KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT ME! Why do you think you know everything about me? Chelsea – because god forbid I ask you anything about you.. its going to turn into a 45 minute conversation. Kyra gives Chelsea the middle fingers. (See photo below) Krya – f**k you! Chelsea – I simply do not have the time. Kyra – if you use this against me! Ok but this story doesn’t have any facts, its based on what I’ve observed. First of all its definitely the guys. Mark, Dane, Adam and I know Anthony is involved. I think he (Mark) is left out of the loop on a lot of things. Kyra – I’ve been testing people to see what gets around. I literally can’t trust anyone.

Kyra – I feel like I can trust Esti… like Esti thinks that she can play me because I’m emotional and weak. Wait.. I’m telling you so much. I just don’t know what to do without you. Chelsea – my face is twitching I am just so excited by this. Kyra – because you’re going to use this as a last straw? Chelesa – I could pull in all the girls and be like hey. Chelsea – the only thing to do with this is to hold onto it and know it .. and play them at their own game.

12:25pm Storage room. Esti and Chelsea.
Chelsea – one on one because you’re an individual player and came into this house alone. Esti – yeah. Chelesa – and I know you’re playing it with Kiki right now. My back is against the wall right now. I don’t want to throw Kyra under the bus but at this point its Kyra or me. Kyra confirmed to me that there’s a guys alliance. And they have a signal its like this (Chelsea puts her hand up to her face like the photo at the top of this post.) I don’t know if that was just Adam, Anthony and Dane .. I think there’s more to it. Whether I stay or I know.. from a strong woman to another I see that your different. I don’t what this season to be the women getting picked off by the guys. Its better to keep a strong girl to play them at their own game. I trust you because you’re smart. I see that you’re smarter than you’re letting on. Don’t tell anyone.. think about it tonight and tomorrow we’ll talk. I meant what I said the only think I can be is honest. I can’t stand the idea of women watching this season and seeing women getting picked off.

2:20am All the house guests are sleeping..

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