Recent CBS press release showed off the new Twitter features they are using this year for Big Brother. They are rolling out a new website called Big Brother Connect (https://connect.cbs.com/shows/big-brother). The website aggregates live social streams, gives you hashtag-driven polls and give the crazy fans a chance to have their tweets appear during the Thursday Night Live Show. This is may be in response to ABC’s Big Brother Clone The Glass House which uses Twitter Extensively or it could be the fact that so many Big Brother fans are using Twitter (Past House guests as well). On top of this they will be offering a new web chat, expanded videos, and twitter game called “Flock to Unlock”
CBS Big Brother Live Chat
Weekly Live Chat at CBS.com, this will include Big Brother Houseguests (not sure if they’re current BB14 players or Big Brother Alumni) and series experts. Sadly Simon and Dawg were not asked by CBS to participate in this chat as experts.
HOH Pictures “Flock to Unlock”
“Flock to Unlock” allows fans to “use the power of Twitter to access exclusive photos from inside the house taken by that week’s Head of Household. Once enough fans tweet #BigBrotherHoH, the photos will be unlocked for everyone to see on CBS.com.” Basically they are making XX amount of people tweet out #BigBrotherHOH in order for them to show us the HOH pictures this year.
Full Episodes and video clips
Full Episodes and Video Clips: Full-length episodes, daily highlight clips and other content from BIG BROTHER will be available on CBS.com. *Most likely GEO blocked for Canadian fans.
Live Feeds Early Bird
The Live Feeds are still the most important part of the Big Brother franchise and they are coming back no surprise there. In case you are new to Onlinebigbrother I’ll give you the skinny about the Live Feeds and this Big Brother Blog.
- A) Live Feeds let you watch 4 cameras inside the Big Brother House 24/7, you get to see all the outrageous things that the house guests do uncensored. Find out who gets HOH, POV and is nominated well before the TV broadcast. Know the real alliances and what the players are truly like not the edited TV version.
- B) If Purchased before July 11 at 10pm PST the live feeds cost $29.99 for 3 months.. after this time the feeds go up to 39.99. Not sure? then give them a try there is a 3 day trial. Use this link to SAVE 25% BB14 Early Bird and Mobile Sign up
- C) Onlinebigbrother live blogs the entire season, find out when the exciting parts are on the feeds and use the Live Feed flashback and watch it yourself.
- D) FREE MOBILE addon with Live Fee subscription, Watch the feeds on your iPhone it’s awesome.
QAZ launched new social media features this season as well. You can read all of the Allison Grodner hate in one place this year: https://twitter.com/AllisonGrodner
BIAM! Grenades, yo!