1:00pm Shelby gets the care package. Enables her to remove 3 players votes.
1:09pm Celebrating..
1:11pm Jason’s crew has a hard time dealing with this but it seems like they keep the mean comments down compared to last week. They are thinking America hates them and are having trouble figuring out why because they feel the Girls are Boring, Terrible, horrible people with no personality. Jason believes that the fans have stopped watching the show. Danielle thinks they are getting a bad edit. Justin is baffled and Kryssie is nursing a heavily damaged hand.
Jason – America hates us
Justin – they are celebrating (the girls are cheering in the kitchen)
Danielle – it’s disgusting
Jason and Danielle claiming that they don’t celebrate when they win.
Jason – we’ve never won anything
Justin – sh1t…
Jason – 3 ecivrtions should have been the first care package.. there’s not that many people ehre.. that’s OK we’ll just deal
Jason – good luck Kryssie it’s me or you girl
Kryssie – I’ll start packing
Justin – Positive vibe
Jason – we tried Positive vibes and what did we get a dildo
Danielle says they have to put up 2 from the other side win veto and take down America’s nom. That’s the only way they can ensure one of the other girls go home.
Jaosn – we’re hated
Danielle – I don’t understand why they are such horrible people.
Daneilel says if she finds out that production is making them look like shitty people “I’m going to be so f*** pissed”
Feeds flip to the girls in Tokyo room
1:11pm Agreeing they need America’s no to be someone from the other side otherwise they care package isn’t going to help save them but will help them control who goes home
Scott points out they still have to win the veto
Whitney – she really doesn’t get any control this week
Alex – you have to use it on them..
Scott – hopefully you use it on one of use .. (because one of the other side will hopefully be America’s nom)
Shelby says the other side want her to work with them, “I really put you in your place.. thank you Jason I’ll vote with you.
1:15pm LNJ
Danielle – we’re being bullied.. basically every week we’re getting picked on we can’t catch a break.. no matter how hard we fight
They are agreeing it’s not looking good for them with America’s nom.
Justin – it;’s not over until it’s over.
Jason proposes maybe America gave it to the other side because they want to see them break apart, “They don’t want us to decide who goes.. they want them to decide”
Justin – If i’m a have not I’m not tripping ..
Jason says “they” aka production used his rant about Shelby and how horrible she is and spun it to make her look like ‘Poor Shelby”
Justin – I’m sure they aren’t getting all the terrible things she says..
Jason – it’s on feeds I don’t understand
Justin – we don’t celebrate.. I don’t care how much we win..
Jason – I’m guaranteed America’s nom now because it’s me versus Shelby this whole time.. they LOVE her and they HATE me
Justin – her personality is shit.. I don’t know it’s terrible
Jason – I’m praying.. America gave them that package they want to see them play the game against their own.. Who knows.
Jason – we had to eat Shane.. these people will never have to eat one of their own.
Jason says all the care packages are going to Whitney and Morgan.
Justin – I don’t think Morgan will get a care package
Jason – Why did I agree to come back again..
Justin – Positive vibes man cannot let the enemy win bro
They go on and on about how boring the other side is.
Justin – I really would like to see the episode
Jason says they are being portrayed as petty people that all they do is sit around and talk sh1t.
Jason – maybe nobody is watching this anymore just these peoples families.
Jason proposes that all the BB fans said the show sucked and stopped watching.
Kryssie leaves says she’s goign to eat something says she doesn’t want to hang out with the “Hoes” in the kitchen because she’ll “Barf”
2:15pm Alex and Jason
Alex saying she still wanting to work with him and Justin. asks him what his relationship is like with Scott.
Jason – he as like f*** you because I didn’t take his deal last week.
Alex – I figured you had a split.. you’re still fine with me.. I haven’t told anyone you’ve been talking to me..
Alex says if she wins HOH she won’t target him she expect him to do the same.
Jason – ohhh of course
They agree the week will be interesting “It’s a big ass care package”
jason – i’m goign to be America’s nom
Aslex – I could be America’s nom
Alex says if he’s nominated she’ll Campaign to keep him
Alex – I feel like I am her number 1 target
Jason – I’ll get back to you on that didn’t sound like it
Alex says if he can kee[ her off the block she’s got his back
Jason – you’re steering the ship over there.
Alex – that’s what everyone thinks
Jason – that’s what it looks like .. I ain’t goign after the captain.. I’ll try and do what I can do.. you are fine with me even without Scott..
Alex – you protect me I’ll protect you
Jason – ok lets go smoke some cigarettes.
2:40pm Hammock Jason and Danielle
Jason saying their chance is to leave Scott and Alex alone, they have a chance to flip those 2 votes. They both are playing hard and there might be a slight chance to work with them.
Danielle – i was only going to touch Alex if it was the perfect opportunity..
Jason – we need to get them to let one of us stay over one of their friends.. the likelihood of that happening with Scott and Alex is higher than with Morgan and Whitney or Morgan and Shelby as voters..
Danielle – I’m thinking Morgan and Shelby ..
Jason – that’s the best..
Jason says Justin will work on Whitney
Jason says they don’t know the votes she’s removing until the night of the eviction.
Danielle – MOrgan and Shelby all week long.. I wanted to wait until after the care package..
3:04pm Alex and Scott Tokyo room
Scott says they have to make sure Alex and Shelby are not nominated.
Scott – we need to spend a lot more time with Morgan
Scott is worried if he’s on the block with Whitney Morgan would keep Whitney.
Alex – I think she’ll vote you over Whitney
Alex – we’ll need to stay tight with her but I’m confident if it comes down to that she’ll vote with us
Scott thinks he’ll have America’s vote over MOrgan “Not trying to be cocky”
Scott tells her as long as Shelby and Alex are off the block he’s safe this week so don’t stress campaigning.
4:05pm Daneille and Justin
Justin says Morgan, Shelby and Whitney are disposable to Alex and Scott. Goes on to say Shelby is disposable to all of them, “Kinda sad”
Danielle is pissed that nobody has come to talk to her. At this point last week everyone had talked to Kryssie. Danielle accuses them of not playing the game.
Justin will vote out Morgan over Shelby because Shelby is not a threat.
Danielle says her goal is to pull America’s nomination down regardless of who it is. Danielle now saying if America’s nom is Shelby, Morgan and Alex she’ll leave them up.
Danielle says America is going to keep siding with the other side so their only hope is to win comps.
4:34pm Scott..
SCott – if me and Alex are not the original nominees this week it’s goign to be amazing.. all we have to do is promise Jason we won’t take him out if he’s America’s nominee.
SCott – the timing of it is perfect.. he could win Veto Danielle could win veto.
SCott – If they take Jason off the block than me and Alex aren’t on the block anyway like… Oh my god … this is the best deal possible.. this is literally the best deal possible and Jason came to me about this deal.. this is amazing.. it’s such a good deal
SCott – I love this game baby
5:05pm Sisters
5:32pm Yoga room Morgan and Alex
Morgan says she’s going to flatter Danielle because she thinks she’s a master player. MOrgan is goign to try and Talk to Danielle tonight, “Before Whitney does”
Alex – ya that should be your number 1 priority
Morgan is going to work the angle that taking her to the end it smart because she’s not a loud personality,
Morgan – I haven’t been winning things.. (Other than POV)
Morgan – I haven’t made any game moves
Alex – be like America hasn’t given me anything
Alex – America is clearly not responding to me .. Don’t throw Whitney under the bus Be like there’s certain people in this house that will win and I’m not one of them.. right..
8:26pm Live Dr’s
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Everyone at my house is voting for Kryssie and Justin for Have Nots and Whitney only by default because she hasn’t been on slop before. We’re voting baffled Kryssie for America’s Nominee. Hoping Kryssie is evicted this week!!
I love how it is completely inconceivable to these people that there just might be something wrong with the way they act and treat others. Jason has come up with every excuse possible, I’m surprised he hasn’t decided there must have been a nuclear holocaust outside and the only person alive is a plastics fan.
I agree. Why on earth do they continue to think that they are “edited” in a bad light. Don’t they know we see their true personality all day long? I see they (at times) are trying to behave. You can’t change your spots gutter people. After hearing about Krusti’s fettish desires, I almost puked.
Talking about Kryssie barf…I just saw an interview with her boyfriend. Exactly the person you imagined him to be. (He said that BB pursued Kryssie. She had no idea what BB even was since they don’t own a TV. Funny how she claimed Scott was here for the stipend. Scott is a true BB fan since the beginning.)
Where did you see this video?? I’d love to watch it:)
Oh my Jason how the tables have turned.
Thanks for posting the poll simon.
lol ALL of that side says that, haha they ALL have one excuse after another, especially crycee, she has an excuse FOR an excuse, lol.
The LNJ are so hypocritical. The Ball Smashers have to walk around on egg shells, trying not to appear too happy about anything or it might upset the LNJ. Let’s see, I seem to remember the LNJ jumping for joy and celebrating their brains out on Wednesday night when Danielle won the HOH comp! Yet, when they overhear the Ball Smashers celebrating Shelby’s care package in the kitchen, they act disgusted and claim they can’t catch a break and they NEVER act like that!! Amazing how they appear to be totally clueless that sitting around acting like disgusting trolls hasn’t made them popular with the show’s fans! I’m voting for Justin & Kryssie for slop this week. That should be hilarious! Also, a lot of people are planning to vote for Kryssie as the third nominee this week. Count me in on that one too.
Misfits do not see how they acted. Have note krissie, Whitney, Justin. They need to experience BB. Jason or krissie for NOM
So tired of the LNC thinking they’re being edited a certain way! I guess they have forgotten about the whole live feed thing! My nom goes to Krysee!
Jason walk yourself to the washroom and look at the shiny glass that shows your reflection. There you will find out who is to blame for your downfall.
Amazing. The plastics get the care package and the misfits trash talk America (we do the voting) and trash talking the other side (krusty calls them ho’s that make her want to barf).
They are clueless morons. Adjust your games. Doing the same thing isn’t working for you. It’s been over 4 weeks now. Sulking and blaming production or America or the “ho’s” just means one of you is going on the block again. Ugh stupidity!!!
Isn’t doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result the definition of insanity??
According to Danielle “America is bullying and picking on her”
FRI 10/28 cam4 1:15:33 PM
“Danielle accuses them of not playing the game.”
Are kidding me? Danielle the only time you played the game was the day cornbread left. Week 2 ,3 you were on the block you never campaigned, no game. No strategy!! You only slept and used Shane as a chair, pillow and SYBIAN!!! Week 4 you slept all week!! Omfg !!!
I like how the Ball Smashers and Scott did not talk to Dani until the care package was known. She is power hungry but the girls and Scott now control who goes home. Hopefully it will be Krissy. None of Jasons side will be voting. It will be 2 or 3 of Scott and the girls voting as well as America. If Krissy is 3rd nom and taken off the block then her, Justin and Jason votes are cancelled. If she stays on the block then Jason, Justin, Whitney votes are cancelled.
There is NO redemption for these gutter people. Today was absolutely priceless. I rewatched their faces when Shelby read the cp and it is great.
Unbelievable! Most people seem to always blame anything else other than themselves for whatever happens! The problem is never them but the rest of the world. I love BB because that is always present in every franchise around the world and it’s baffling. It’s unbelievable that Jason or Kryssie never question their own behavior and think they are model citizens.
Just in this recap:
“Jason says they are being portrayed as petty people that all they do is sit around and talk sh1t.”
Hmm… portrayed like that? Hmmm aren’t your true colors just showing? Have a sip of self awareness please… wake up to see the horrible you.
“Kryssie leaves says she’s going to eat something says she doesn’t want to hang out with the “Hoes” in the kitchen because she’ll “Barf””
‘Hoes’ super classy. Then they have the guts to talk so cluelessly about their incapability to understand what they are doing that makes things go so wrong for them at the same time she calls other girls “hoes.” And Danielle had the guts to talk about men diminishing women when she lets her girl Kryssie diminish other women right in front of her.
Honestly, I knew Kryssie was TOTALLY crass just by watching her intro vid and that ridiculous video that went viral and made her “famous.”
For all I care they can all watch their side falling apart one by one. They can cry on their beds… those are hotspots.
Hopefully America’s nom won’t win the veto.
if Neely was still there, she would be blaming it on race
Oh really? I never seen Neely playing the race card… only when Monte was indeed racist. But she handled it so well that I just never pictured her blaming things on race. But I don’t care to watch the feeds so I miss a lot of things… Racism bothers me a great deal and I always call it when I see it. However I don’t think LNJ can bring that up here because they are just plain awful. Danielle mistreating her dog was the last straw to make me wish her gone. Kryssie… she is just the pot calling the kettle even though the “hoes” are not doing anything remotely like her. She’s just crass. And Jason is the same. So there we have it.
What bothers me is seeing Da’Vonne – whom I like ver much – campaigning and defending Jason on twitter. It’s like: yo, didn’t you go ballistic on Z for staying with dumbass Paulie? How can you defend Jason now?
Simon – your poll won’t let me pick three. Only one.
Opps.. it should be fixed now.
Thanks sweetie! Works just fine now.
Misfits resent the plastics so much. It is not going to quit. I can say bye bye one by one starting with krissie.
The misfits have to win HOH and veto to be safe. The plastics don’t have to do anything but beg America for help. They don’t even have to talk to Danielle lmao!!! THIS IS SO GOOD!!!
Both sides have had to experience this. It is the nature of the format. In regards to talking to HOH I wouldnt do it any week before care package is known as its so impactful. Jasons side only have themselves to blame for losing public votes after they had America in the palm of their hand.
I don’t care who’s to blame and why America is voting the way they are. This was potentially a good season, which we haven’t had in a while, and it’s being ruined by America’s vote. I thought the same thing when the misfits were benefiting from the votes. I didn’t want to see them cruise through the game either. The plastics don’t even have to campaign for themselves. America is just handing it to them.
Well that is the format. I would also rather not have fan voting, but that is what this version is based on. There is voting open at least some part of every day of the week.
Wth? You think that’s good? Lmao that’s so boring. If they ever do another season of this Walmart version, I truly hope they change up the amount of power “America” has. It’s ruining the game, making it way too one sided. Which is boring and too predictable.
Boring and predictable are some of the players! They were all given instructions at the beginning of the season. They kne what they were up against. Why not up their SOCIAL GAME? That’s a talent after all. It’s easy to control alliances and rely on players that are beast comps. That has happened basically for 17 seasons… Let’s see them manage to be good at social, comps and balance their appeal to America. Plus, aren’t a bunch of them claiming to be playing an honest and loyal game? So do it… don’t just talk about it.
Being born without charisma is the only unfair thing here, the rest is all valid. All is fair in love and war…
The Ball Smashers need Krissy on the block and they have to win veto. In the unlikely event they wipe Jasons crew out I wouldnt even care. The Armpit Rubbers are my least favorite alliance alltime.
Jason has arrogantly demanded Americas help many times, then when he does not get it calls the fans petty and strangely thinks it is not his teams fault they are not liked. For a big fan of Big Brother it is not very smart of him. When the other side were not getting various votes their way they accepted it in a much better way.
You have got to be joking? I’m not favoring a side, but I have to tell you, you can not be more wrong. Every time I turn on the feeds Alex and Morgan are begging America for something. Every single time.
Just because you don’t like one side, don’t just make up random crap and state it like it’s fact. People from both sides beg to America. I would say Jason, Alex, and Morgan do it the most.
The difference is Jason expected all the votes to go his way then when it went against him he called the voters petty and claimed we are bullying him which is pretty dumb to do in a version where fan influence is so high.
The Veto will determine if this Care package worked in the Ball-smashers favor. If not America will be the deciding vote on which one of them goes home. I can’t wait to see the outcome
Blood on my hands, line in the sand, straight shooter, please add your favorite big brother phrases that you never want to hear again.
“At the End of the Day”!!!!!!!!!!
This seems to be the number one phrase across all the BB’s i watch!
I am playing an honest an loyal game. The house guests that say that are either clueless, lying through their teeth, Not trying to win the game or a combination of the three
“It’s what the house wants” ugh..
“Its just a game”
There side
I don’t know what it is but Kryssie really seems disgusting to me like in a never showered dirty kind of way?. Has anyone seen her shower on the feeds or even wash her hands? She goes on and on about being a misfit but it seems like she goes out of her way to not fit in. It was also super shitty of her to go off on Jason and Neeley about running her HOH for her too. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I don’t care for Kryssie.
I don’t know how often you watch the feeds but have you heard Kryssie refer to herself as “America’s Girl”? She got the first care package and immediately determined that she was America’s favorite. When Scott nominated her, she was so indignant, saying “Scott is an idiot, doesn’t he realize he just put America’s girl on the block”. She really is clueless and she thinks that maybe perhaps America is a little upset with her because she couldn’t finish the veto comp. But America has to understand, there was blood everywhere. She tore up her hands so bad there is no way she could finish. Other than that, she doesn’t think she has done ANYTHING wrong. How can she be that clueless?!?
Not that I’m defending Kryssie, because I’m no fan of hers. But they can’t show her without a long sleeve shirt on because of her robocop tattoo. Copyrights. So they never show her in the bathroom getting in the shower like they do everyone else. She could be taking two showers a day for all we know.
I doubt that she is, but still, there’s no way to know.
I reaaaaally hate Scott!!!! Seriously America you want to keep him there?!! He’s so creepy and annoying! I don’t get it.
yeah me too hes a creep and his voice and personality is like nails on a chalkboard. hes gross af, i wouldnt be surprised if in real life hes a sociopath.
Jason wondered why he came back? Because you’re a fame whore!!
No actually America voted him back lol I just wanna know if everyone else would rather have Jozea there instead?!