8:45pm Alex – Jason basically told me that he can convince Danielle to keep you and I (Scott & Alex) off the block this week if we keep him safe and don’t touch me (Jason) next week. Scott – he told he if he convinces Danielle to not put us up, then if he is on the block as America’s nominee that we go after one of our own people. Alex – if you don’t put me on the block …we can work with that deal. We can work with that deal! Scott – exactly. I don’t even think he is going to be America’s nominee. Alex – how is he going to keep Danielle from nominating us? Scott – because the strategy is that Danielle is going to nominate the two weakest competitors. Nominating us would be the high risk, high reward strategy. If they win the veto, then one of us is going home. Alex – if we win the veto they are completely screwed. Scott – they’re scared of us because we’re competitors. HOLLA POWER COUPLE! They want to nominate weak competitors so they can win the veto and take off the third nominee .. so that Shelby’s care package doesn’t mean anything. Alex – who would they put up? Whitney & Shelby? Scott – that’s what I would assume. Alex – I still don’t believe Danielle won’t nominate us. Its too good to be true. Scott – they have to prove it be for we do. I don’t think Danielle even knows about this. Alex – Jason is playing this brilliant. Danielle is getting nothing out of it and Jason is getting everything out of it. Justin joins them. He tells them he doesn’t think they’re going up. Justin leaves.
10:15pm – 12am lounge room. – Morgan, Shelby, Alex, Whitney and Scott are hanging out chatting. They talk about what their spirit animals would be. Shelby brings up how on day 1 Danielle was all over Monte. They talk about how he was hot but how he had no personality.
Meanwhile – in the HOH room Justin, Kryssie, Scott and Danielle are chatting. Jason – they’re being nice today.. but they got a care package today.
12am – 12:30am The havenots are no longer havenots and can eat. Jason – I’ve never met food before. Danielle cracks open her Lime-A-Ritas. Danielle – eewww.. they’re gross but worth every 8%! It’s malt liquor. Jason – they might as well have given us mad dog 20-20. All the house guests are chatting and eating.
12:45am – 1:05am Kryssie – tomorrow is just the safety ceremony. Jason – bad day to quit smoking. Kryssie – why? You’re not going up. Jason – no because its a boring day. Danielle, Jason and Scott get into the hot tub.
Whitney and Morgan paint something on the storage room handle as a prank.
12:55am Bedroom – Alex, Shelby and Morgan lay down to go to sleep.

1:10am Hot tub crew hanging out talking about random things..
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Yeah…. Scott is gonna become a stalker after this show and Alex is gonna need Shelby’s as a laser in the near future
He really is. People were counting how many times he said “Alex” on the feeds last night, and lost track around 30 something (this is only in the hour or so I was on)
She’s going to have to get in a witness protection program when this is over just to get away from him.
I’m losing interest in BBott. The commentors seem to be one sided for the plastics. I think all guests say bad things at one time or another. Some of the reasons to target the LNJ is unreasonable and some critisisms are. I’m OK reading reasonable different opinions.
I was told that I was in the wrong room for saying vote for Scott. So CBS I may have to leave this format. OHH! Where’s the ALCOHOL??
So since the “commenters” don’t agree with you you want to take your ball and go home?
Pretty sad you are not going to watch because of what some people say on a site that you don’t have to read, almost as pathetic with the commenters that start off with ” I don’t care how many thumbs down I get but…” if you need an online community to agree with you then you HAVE NO LIFE.
LNC may of been nice last night but they are scared. Still voting krissie or Jason for nom. If one of them would have received that care package they would have mean and ugly.
The veto comp is going to be awesome.
I was undecided on who to choose as well. I was going back and forth bw Kryssie and Jason.Then I realized Kryssie is a non-threat. In more ways than one. She can’t win comps(not counting crapshoots), and she’s least liked by everyone including America. Which means the chances of her being America’s nom in the future is VERY HIGH! That’s why I think we should take this rare opportunity to take out Jason. Especially with Shelby having the CP, now is the time to do it. Yes, I know there’s a higher chance of him winning the Veto than Kryssie, but I still think it’s worth the chance. Bc there’s a HIGH chance he’ll be playing in the Veto anyhow!! There’s not a lot of ppl to choose from so his chip could easily be pulled, and if not pulled Danielle would pick him to play if she had the chance. I say we put up Jason this week before he weasels his way back in with America and Alex, and Scott. He’s already back to trying to work with Alex and Scott again this week after they tried to start an alliance with him that he just tossed in the trash after Kryssie won HOH!!! I just don’t think there will be many opportunities in the future of getting him evicted. I don’t see America nominating him anytime soon(maybe this one, but I doubt it), and the HG’s are to scared to nominate him bc they don’t wanna pi$$ off his fans. Which means he’ll definitely make it to the end:( After all the crap he’s said, he DOES NOT DESERVE TO WIN THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!
Jason – trying to make nice nice to America during the live diary room…too little too late fool !!!
Kryssie – first words during her live diary room…..my hands, my hands…..fool !!!!! Last words – Aunt Flo…….really? Gross, pathetic & clueless!!! Kryssie for America’s nom!!!
Yaaasss honey. I so agree boo boo.
I pity the fool!!!—Mr. T. Not enough to keep one of the fools in the house though.
It is very much a pleasure to see America support the Fabulous White Power Girls. Cheer them on, as they march the Undesirables, one at a time, into the oven! Tomorrow belongs to us!
Dani is dumb really is your hoh doesnt matter right now.. so now is the time to basically start an alliance with alex scott morgan 3 strongest ppl in the house
not true…. The Care package will mean nothing if BS doesn’t win VETO. the girls and America would have to evict a BS member IF that happens so can’t brag just yet.
I would hope that the decent side would shun Dani as she has them. Nasty beotch.
Why would she when they not gonna honor it, and it doesn’t matter unless they win veto… Let’s be real here, if AN is one of the LNJ then they are going home. They are going to be picked off 1 by 1 and then we are gonna sit and watch BS volunteer to leave each week so Alex can win
Someone mention this on this board… but since America is involved you don’t see deals being made here because an alliance is relying on american’s vote. But I also see that may be part of strategy that some of these HG have to rely on. No need for deals with America participating. I agree with some commenters who like to see a back and forth when it comes to voting and not just one sided. That’s basically what this game has come down too at this point.
As a fan and wanting to be shocked and surprised I would like to see a Late night member win Veto just so the feeds will be a little more interesting as far as game play. I like the chatting about life outside the BB house on the feeds but when it comes to game talk I want to see some palms sweating, last minute changes in planning and making new deal. That’s just my personal opinion.
It is Americas involvement AND comps that is important especially in such a rare divided season with 2 constant clear sides. If a side is down in numbers, they need usually the care package, Americas nom, decent veto draw, win veto and usually Americas vote all to go their way to send one from the other side home.
Everyone likes back and forth, but when you get some members of one side doing and saying some of the things they have, it makes fans in a voting oriented season much less likely to get that to happen. As a fan I dont want to reward someone like Jason in any way after some of the things he has done and said just for the sake of parity, as he had the overwhelming fan support then pissed all over that support and blundered in the game and constantly trash talked. Armpit pillow and spitting in the tub was probably the dumbest gameplay in a fan vote oriented season you could do. Could helping the girls with votes make things a bit one sided if they also win comps needed to capitalize on Americas vote? I just do not care, and wouldnt mind seeing the girls get to the end as it would be such a rare achievement for an all female alliance.
LNJ complained after care package. But after they were done doing that, they didn’t seem that bad and their behavior changed a bit better. I understand house guests not liking one another and I don’t mind Jason or Danielle even saying they don’t like someone, find them annoying or boring or even someone is doing dumb game moves if it’s their opinion. I can’t get behind them calling them whores and prostitutes and other vile names such as that. Haven’t minded the LNJ yesterday after the care package.
Anyway, I still voted Kryssie, Justin and Whitney for have nots. Kryssie will still be my America’s nomination and if still on the block come eviction night I will vote her out.
Every season of BB I have watched (and that is many) there have been people I love to loathe. That helped make the show interesting, and yes, several times they also won. Unfortunately with the many different ways we have been given this year to input our feelings, we control what happens and who gets evicted. While fun at first, I now see that what is happening right now, is not good for the game. Yes, I know this is BBOTT, and aptly named. It is over the top. Now it is becoming the Ball Smasher Show. This I do not like. Sitting watching one side destroy the other (with our help) isn’t fun anymore. Immediately upon getting her gift this week, the BS crew went right into a room and started pleading for Kryssie to go up on the block. No work involved here, just turn to America to do it for us. Then they will just sit around and wait for it to happen. Shelby saying that Dani will do what she wants or she will void their votes shows me their mentality this week. There will be no discussions and deal making. That was always part of the show before, but now BS’s make deals only to break them and laugh about it. I hope this experiment by CBS is stopped next time. I don’t find it worth the time anymore to get involved in voting. It has become the biggest popularity contest, and not Big Brother at all.
It was never intended to be like the usual version and is why it is known as BB OTT 1 rather than BB 19.
Dani upset that no one has came to talk to her is priceless, now they don’t have to grovel in front of her and that’s what she is upset with.
Hopefully one of the ball smashers wins veto and she goes full Chima and leaves.
Can you imagine how draining those people would be to be around.
Julie could use a blow horn and tell the LNC why America doesn’t like them and they would just tell us how petty, racist, (insert insult here).. we are, some one said for them to look in a mirror but that won’t help since the mirror reflects the soul they would see nothing but the wall behind them.
I hope if Kyrssie is the third nom she goes home. Everyone was all together listening to Jason’s car stories and seemed to be having a nice time – talking and laughing. Kyrssie stood there with a pissed off look on her face. Later at night the LNC was having a good time goofing off until Kyrssie starts chiming in with her negativity about the BS nit having a good sense of humor. I think once she is gone the divide might not be as bad.
I’m going for Jason this week as the AN. He is really the head of the beast on the Misfits. I cant stand him or his mouth. They can take out Kryssie anytime. She is a terrible player. She is as close to a zero threat as you can get. So disappointed in Jason this year. So foul mouthed. He gets my vote.
I’m on the same page. Kryssie is a non-threat. In more ways than one. She can’t win comps(not counting crapshoots), and she’s least liked by everyone including America. Which means the chances of her being America’s nom in the future is VERY HIGH! That’s why I think we should take this rare opportunity to take out Jason. Especially with Shelby having the CP, now is the time to do it. Yes, I know there’s a higher chance of him winning the Veto than Kryssie, but I still think it’s worth the chance. Bc there’s a HIGH chance he’ll be playing in the Veto anyhow!! There’s not a lot of ppl to choose from so his chip could easily be pulled, and if not pulled Danielle would pick him to play if she had the chance. I say we put up Jason this week before he weasels his way back in with America and Alex, and Scott. He’s already back to trying to work with Alex and Scott again this week after they tried to start an alliance with him that he just tossed in the trash after Kryssie won HOH!!! I just don’t think there will be many opportunities in the future of getting him evicted. I don’t see America nominating him anytime soon(maybe this one, but I doubt it), and the HG’s are to scared to nominate him bc they don’t wanna pi$$ off his fans. Which means he’ll definitely make it to the end:( After all the crap he’s said, he DOES NOT DESERVE TO WIN THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!
I am voting Krissy nom as every poll I have seen has her a clear leader, also if she goes, next week both Dani and Jason can be havenots and both on the block. It is likely at least 1 Ball Smasher is HOH as there will be 2 HOH, so the chances one or both of them are on the block are good.
Krissy is least likely to do well in the veto and much easier to get nominated and evicted now compared to Jason. Also Krissy is now on slop making her weaker for the veto. If Krissy is gone, next week there will be a better chance of getting Jason nominated if he is not an initial nom.
Wanna know who I think is the most horrible player this season…? America. I am soooo glad that this season is not airing on tv. Oh how quickly it has become so effin boring. Why is that? Because America gets to play God. I would hate to have to play this game and have to try to filter myself and ham it up for the cameras so that America can like me. And let’s be real, America is not gonna elect a black person as a winner, so Danielle and Justin might as well pack it up right now. (Alex is gonna win). Jason might as well pack it up too, because America is not gonna vote for a gay. (Only reason he was voting into the house is because he was going up against another gay) (Alex is gonna win). Our votes should not be impacted by what the cast says or does in the house. It’s just stupid. The show isn’t called Who’s The Biggest Saint In The House. And then I read some of these comments, and “America” says some of the most fu**ed up shit about these cast mates. So who are we to judge. Don’t get me wrong there are people that I hated in Big Brother, but I actually respected for their game play and was able to come to terms with their wins. For example, Rachel and Nicole. I HATED them, but when each won their seasons I thought it was well deserved. How were they able to win? Because America didn’t have a hand in the game. That’s how! And they even grew on me. I actually wouldn’t mind seeing Rachel play again. America needs to fuc*ing understand that not everyone is perfect. People should do or say what they want. I have not heard or saw anything in that house to warrant America to choose one side over the other. And don’t get me wrong, us as viewers have the right to choose whichever side we want. I’m not trying to sway anyone on any side of the house. It’s just so annoying hearing people wine and cry over what people say in the house. Trying to justify why they wanna kick someone out of the house that they personally don’t like. Can someone give me a reason that Neely was nominated and sent out of the house? Other than what’s likely to be the obvious reason. (Btw Alex will win). This game is shaping up to be a snooze fest. And this is the reason why most of you shouldn’t apply to play this game. You all have 0 strategy. You all take things too damn personally. You all look at everything at the surface. And I just wanna point out, that I do like Alex. Because she is playing a really great game. One that I wish she could play by herself without America carrying them on their shoulders. I can’t stand Scott. Only because I don’t like rats. But hey, that type of game play can go a long way and it could help him win, so more power to him I guess. I like Dani, she’s smart and physical. She is really self absorbed tho. Main reason I like her is because she’s hated so much, it’s making her the underdog. She’s gonna have to pull off a lot of wins to fight off America, but I would love to see her fight hard. This game should never come easy to anyone. And the best way at conquering life is when you have people rooting against you trying to pull you down. Whitney is a sweetheart, and although she’s with the plastics she hasn’t allowed anyone to poison her mind. i feel like she’s gonna come to play her own game and make a move when she needs to. I don’t mind Morgan too much, she’s sweet too. Yea, she’s breaking deals but that’s how you play the game. Justin is playing his own game and I love that. He’s one to look out for. Kryssie, Jason, and Shelby are just sitting around waiting for hand outs. America already gave Shelby hers. Congrats to her. Although she’s done nothing in this game. Oh well. Anyways, wake me when the season ends.
WE HAVE A BLACK PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why you’d automatically toss Danielle out of the running to win this game bc of her skin color says a lot about YOU, not America!! America elected a black President, that shows they(we) have no issues with that. That’s just something you’re telling yourself to help ease the pain of being a SORE LOSER when Danielle gets evicted in the next cpl weeks. NOT bc of the color of her skin, but bc of her $UCKING!!!! Let’s look at Danielle as a BB competitor real quick.
Week 1: She did great….was nominated and maybe gonna be the first to go, but she BRILLIANTLY got everyone to turn on Cornbread.
Week 2: She was ok….was nominated and pulled the “racist card”(you know…the one you’re familiar with) on Monte, turning everyone against him. He was going anyway though, so it really didn’t matter. What she really did by doing that was showed AMERICA who she really is….a lying, self absorbed brat!!
Week 3: Had sex with Shane every night. When she wasn’t banging him she was talking about herself and her Birthdays(LOL) the whole time.
Week 4: She slept………slept……….slept…….and slept some more!! Oh yeah..she also won HOH, but it means nothing bc the whole house has such little respect for her they’re not even approaching her with deals. LMAO!
NO strategy, NO gameplay, NOTHING!!! She’s losing this game bc she SUCKS, it has nothing to do with America!!
Willow that was awesome, you are hilarious haha.
Nicole had sex with Cory, yet she is so well respected!!!
Look, my MAIN point wasn’t to pull the race card! I don’t play that type of hand, no matter how evident racism may or may not be. The fact that that’s what you plucked out of my rant says a lot about you or the way that you were thinking. IF I were to say that people of color were at a disadvantage with the voting scheme of this season I would say it is more likely because most of the viewers are Caucasian and naturally identify with the Caucasian cast mates on the show and may rather support someone that they identify more with. Just like a black person would or a Hispanic would for example. We all do this subconciously, okay. So watch what you assume when you pick my comment apart. On another note, don’t be naive and act like life is fair cuz it’s not and that racism doesn’t exist in this world. It’s something that a lot of us have to accept and we roll with the punches. Now if an equal amount of people were to be watching this show and all voting with equal numbers then there will be no argument to be had. But that’s not what world we live in. We have to understand that. Some will have to fight harder than others. Nothing wrong with that I guess. It’s all fine and dandy sweetheart. And yes we have a black president. I have been alive for the last 8 years to understand that. There are so many differences and so many variables with voting for your next president and voting to send someone out of the big brother house. And you can’t compare the 1 million Big brother viewers this season who are probably 90% Caucasian age 25-45. To the billions of diverse people who have a hand at electing the next president. There are totally different demographics. Your argument meant dirt to me. It really did. I am half black and half white so I think I know a little bit about looking at 2 sides of a coin. I do not choose sides and I am a very neautral individual. You would know this if you really read my comment and saw that I chose no particular sides of the house. Btw, you never gave me a good reason why Neely was evicted? I like players on both sides. So check your “white guilt” at the door cuz I wasn’t coming for you in that way Hun. My point was that everyone wants to sit here and vote against people who say what they want or do certain things in the house. (This could go for Montè too). Those particular people are being themselves granted how bad of a person they really seem to be. And if you ask me none of the people in this house seem to be innocent. Except, maybe Whitney 😉 I like people who are REAL. I call it as I see it ok. I appreciate people like that. You know exactly what you’re gonna get out of them. No hidden agenda.
LOOK, people can vote how they want! I simply assessed how this game is boring as hell. Cuz it really is! There has been 0 strategy in America’s vote. And you tried to rag on how Dani played the game. You said all of that mess, and guess what? Dani’s game sounded a lot better than Shelby’s game!! But oh lookie America gave Shelby a fu*kin care package!!! Haha. LMAO
I think this season was a good experiment. I think most of the cast was the best they have had in a while. I would think the producers would also agree too much control was given to the fans. Live and learn. When you have vile creatures, and we get to see them 24/7 they can’t help but be picked off quickly. Just my thoughts on your rant.
(Haven’t been folloing BBOTT) Went to liquor store today. They were giving out samples of Krakken!! I said heck yeah I’ll try it, Simon loves this stuff. (It’s good.)
HAHA nice! they were giving out KRaken. 🙂
Every week, the side that won veto had a member of the other side go home(double veto week had members of both sides win). Again veto will decide it. Only Scott has been able to be HOH and send someone from the other side home. Neither side has ever had more than a one person numbers advantage. Ball Smashers side have won 3 HOH, the other side 2 HOH. 2 from each side have gone home. If Krissy were to go home this week it would exactly match the amount of HOH each side has won, and in a regular season without voting would be the amount of players to have gone from each side based on HOH wins.
If Krissy, Justin and Whitney are have nots I think that is a good result as they are the only ones not to have been a have not and after 32 days it is their turn to experience that.
Cornbread, Monte, Shane, Neely and Krissy…if they are the 5 gone I am pretty happy with that, it leaves the final 8 as probably the 8 most capable overall players. I am voting Krissy for 3rd nom.
Just on final 8 with 2 HOH, anyone know how they split a 2-2-0 tie if both HOH want a different person out?
I’m actually really enjoying this ott season. No “doing what the house wants” two clear cut sides going at it. Way more drama than the last few televised seasons.