Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Quinn
Nominees: Kimo, Rubina and Angela
POV Players: Quinn, Rubina, Angela, Kimo, Joe, Leah
POV Winner: Leah
Veto Ceremony:?
Havenots: Kimo, Makensy
9:30pm Backyard – Makensy, Cam and Chelsie
Makensy – the fact that he said that to me this morning. Chelsie – said what? Makensy – remember that he’s so proud of me for how much I’ve gone through and that I’m still here and he’s like so glad I am in that he’s not gonna think a threat of me anymore because now I can help him and he knows that he would beat me in the end. Cam – That’s what he told you!? Makensy – yup! Cam – he knows that he can beat you in the end? Chelsie – he told me that too. He said that if we make it to the end, he knows that he would be able to .. He has the best social game in here. Cam – wait? You’re talking about Joseph? Chelsie – yes. Makensy – he just told me that he had a better strategy than me this whole game. Chelsie – he told me that he has the best social game in this house. Cam – y’all are not tripping over he’ll beat you in the end?! Makensy – yeah. Cam – that is crazy!! Chelsie – I’m not tripping off it. Makensy – I’m not tripping off it. I am like annoyed. Cam – that is extremely bold of you to say for not doing anything and going back on the alliance that you created. Chelsie – then he was like, but if she wanted between you and Cam, I don’t care who the F will go home first. How do you say that about someone that is still active in the game. That is a post show conversation. Cam – I think he just wanted to make it to jury. Chelsie – and then he doesn’t care. Cam – yeah and now that Tucker is gone, I think he just wanted to make it to jury. Chelsie – I think he is just feeling like he is on the outs. Cam – he is kind of talking like the game is over. Chelsie – what if Tucker does get the chance to battle back? Makensy – I am f**ked. Chelsie – I will leave. He’s pissed off a lot of people in this house, he’d have to win everything to stay. Cam – everybody would fall right back, right back in line.
9:45pm – 9:52pm HOH Room – Quinn and Joseph
Quinn – I am just worried that you see it, that people are going to be like Oh he’s a schemer. Joseph – Yeah. Quinn – you reveal how smart you are and stuff like that and then it’s like.. Joseph – when I was talking with Kimo and Cam yesterday? Quinn – I’m always just like worried that people are gonna be like he’s got his hands in a lot of cookie pots here like.. Joseph – I know, like it’s weird cuz I think ahead too much when I’m like I need to say what I did so people will know when I’m at the end, you know what I’m saying? Quinn – yeah. Joseph – but I got what you mean. Quinn – like it’s too schemery. Joseph – Okay I thought maybe Leah had said something to you and was upset about it or something. Quinn – No nothing like that. Joseph – yeah so Leah hasn’t told you what she wants to do? Quinn – no she said she wants to talk to everyone. Joseph – I feel like it would be better for you if she didn’t because then you don’t have to pick somebody because even if you do a skittle thing people are going to be like what the f**k!?
Joseph about telling Angela her only chance at staying was winning the AI comp – I thought it was very nice the way I was phrasing it to her (Angela) like it wasn’t like like and I even said several times like I’m not telling you to give up because what she was asking me was like what advice do you have for me and I was like I don’t know like I can’t think of anything you could do like you know what I’m saying like like I was like maybe that’s too honest but she but I’ve tried to have that strategy in the game of like just being real with people you know what I’m saying and and obviously like delicately without throwing under other people under the bus but I was but she was just like what do you think could you say anything he was like come in can’t think of a word I could say like you know? Quinn – that’s f**king awesome.
10:23pm – 10:45pm Bathroom – Leah and Quinn
Quinn – how have your talks been going? Leah – they haven’t been happening. Quinn – okay, yeah. f**k it! Leah – I walked into the backyard and Chelsie was liek so are you using it tomorrow or not? I’m like that’s a crazy way to start a conversation. I wanted to have one on ones today. The day got away from me. Now its 10pm. And now what? Quinn – you follow your heart.
Leah – I like the people that we talked about earlier. Quinn – Me too. Leah – Yeah. Quinn – The thing is, we can’t just ask Chelsie because she might have a conversation. Leah – That’s right. Quinn – we need a core and so it’s me and you Makensy. That could just be a squad and then we all independently or what about.. I think we should just operate under the assumption that the people that vote Tucker out are good together, and then I think we should just speak that into existence. But by putting their name on it, I fear that Chelsie will know. Leah – Yeah. Quinn – Do we think Makensy would be more loyal to us over Chelsie and Cam? Leah – She talks. Quinn – That’s all I’m worried about.
Leah – Nobody even remembers that I won the veto. I’m thinking of putting it back on. I can only wear it until tomorrow. Quinn – f**k it wear it tonight. That’s fun! That’s cool! Leah – Yeah, I’ll talk to Makensy tonight. I think she’ll be down. Why wouldn’t she.
Quinn "I've never felt more safe in my life!"#BB26 @bigbspoilers pic.twitter.com/HD0esNpGHA
— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) September 2, 2024
11:25pm – 12:10am HOH room – Quinn, Joseph, Leah, Makensy, Rubina, Cam, Tkor, Kimo, Angela, Chelsie
They’re all hanging out chatting about movies and other random things.
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It’s crazy to me how Tkor and Chelsie are in the best positions in the house when they should be the top targets. On a side note, I think I have a better understanding of Chelsie after watching her church sermons on youtube.
Is this the first BBHOUSETHROUPLE?
Get your b1ble and come meet my wife and my husband!!!
So Leah is STILL wearing the veto like LISA didn’t already DO that.
She also wants to have one on one interviews to get intel… like Lisa did.
Lisa did the chase down to have those interviews… Leah expects people to line up to tell her their entire game.
The tell me everything interviews pissed off the house the first time it was done.
Somehow… at this moment… a blindfolded giraffe is the subject of a house wide custody battle.
T’kor and Rubina are wanting her temporarily for this girlliance.
Chelsie and Cam have been putting in work to include Makensy.
Quinn and Leah consider her for an unexpected trio.
probably win hoh make horibble decisions and be gone the week after?
When did the veto winner wearing the veto medallion all around the house from Saturday until Monday’s veto meeting become a thing? I mean really, when did that happen, because I’ve never seen ANYONE do that before!
I realize Leah hasn’t won jacksh@t in that house before now, but she’s acting like she just won the Final Four HOH, and just guaranteed herself a spot in the Final Three HOH competition! Hell, she isn’t even on the block, yet the way she’s acting, you’d think she just saved herself from certain eviction had she not won that damn veto!
The longer this game goes, the less I like her. Constantly bussing Makensy, a person who as far as I know, hasn’t said anything really bad about her, is one thing I don’t like about her. The constant flirting, and then complaining when the guy responds to it, that’s just messed up, and I don’t like that either. Refusing to even consider joining any alliances is just plain dumb, but that’s her choice, and will end up getting her evicted. Now she seems to want to be worshiped or acknowledged by everyone in the house, because she won one comp? When she doesn’t get the attention/acknowledgement she needs or desires, well let me just whip out this veto, hang it around my neck and REMIND everyone what a competition beast I am!
What a crock of you know what that is! I pity the man who ends up with that, and has to try and make her happy, because that’s not going to be an easy job. Anybody who needs attention and acknowledgement like that is a head case, and all it took was one win to bring that out in the cute little booger eater.
Can anyone confirm if any of these HGs were not recruited, work in the entertainment field/been on TV before BB, or know someone who knows someone in production, I will root for them to win for only that reason because I have no other.
for me this started at around 4:20 am What a… why I oughta…..
Leah’s object: not just to GET game information but to paint a NARRATIVE. The LISA THING that backfired on LISA.
ANGELA: If i’m good for you keep me, If I’m not good for you don’t keep me. I’ll do whatever you want, I’ll protect whoever you want, I won’t go after Quinn if you telll me not to. Even if I don’t win, 2nd or 3rd place money will help my family.
KIMO: Don’t use it on me. It’s not good for your game to use it on me.
ME: Don’t even play the game Slurpy Eeyore.
Says they should have been playing together but he was wrapped in other things (Collective, 6 Avenue…lust for Tucker…. hating her for 5 weeks…naming her target to every HOH…Which things? pick one.)
Leah is painting herself a victim of mischaracterization, She’s always been team Kimo and T’kor (if you stay don’t target me). Playing up the tears makes Kimo tear up. Gives her nothing but tears. PROMISE NOT TO SLURP RAMEN WHILE WHISPER STRATEGIZING AND I”LL GIVE HIM A DAMNED VETO. welllll… maybe not.
Leah wants the T’kor Kimo duo to offer her something. Kimo offers nothing…. but a we should talk game more in the future lame ass statement. 20 minuteish.
RUBINA: don’t use it on Angela, because the best chance Rubina and Kimo has is against Angela, and they’d hate the renom to be T’kor. Rubina won’t beg for the veto to be used, she’d rather fight it out in the Arena. Won’t campaign against Kimo. Dances around the girlliance idea. Saying she walked in with that purpose.
ME: then your every waking thought and contribution to feeds was your insipid crush and boy troubles.
wants to make an intentional not desparate or disingenuous move toward doing something big that makes history… now that the bohunk has left the building. Rubina thinks 2 women have never made it to the end together. Oh sweetie. dammmn are old school seasons just dead now? Lisa, Dani, Jun, Alyson, Yvette, Whasherface Maggie? And that’s just the first 6 seasons. daaamn.
Rubina wants to protect Kimo and have this girlliance. Pick. A. LANE. Emotional bonding was at least successful from this Blue and America style of talk. But successful?
over 15 under 20 minutish.
CHELSIE: with Tucker gone the house isn’t in fear a weight has been lifted and the game can move in a better trajectory for everyone. Joseph is playing both sides, and it annoys her that he’s in people’s faces shit talking their games.
Chelsie basically saying she wants Joseph as a nom. Joseph is her target and she’s only told Leah and Cam. Chelsie is down for the team, and loves Quinn he’s waaay down on her list of people to leave for sure, she’s only beef with Joseph. Chelsie is rooting for underdogs like them that everyone counts out.
Dear DICK DASTARDLY, if the Post Tucker era anvil and the stick of dynamite didn’t tell you… here’s a bus. Your friend, Chelsie. and we are cut from the rest of the Chelsie talk… who knows.
Chelsie has no alliances and some people are talking to her for the first time since being part of the plot to get her on the block 2 weeks ago. ABOUT 30 MINUTISH.
side discussion 1. T’kor is mad at Makensy for paying attention to Cam when that’s Chelsie’s man…. in other words T’kor is just pissy and T’kor. Quinn says Joseph is really pissing people off and trying to jury manage by owning every game move ever made. Says Leah likely doesn’t use veto.
Rubina has joined. Quinn says people want Joseph nom if Leah uses veto. T’kor doesn’t see a Joseph threat. HERE WE GO with T’KOR.
CAM: Cam pushes keep noms the same. Don’t screw Quinn with having to make noms. Don’t create animosity with the people you didn’t save because one might stay.
Cam is tired and Cam wants to go to bed. That’s why he interrupted the Chelsie talk just before it reached 30 minutes. We good? We good. under 10 Minutes Closer to 5.
JOSEPH: People pair us together (repeated old chesnut he told her multiple times in the last week). I’m nobody’s target, had a great talk with Chelsie, sometimes Rubina worries me she might not trust me.
ME: Man reads a room like an illiterate nincompoop. ADD A LAUGHTRACK AND THIS IS ENTERTAINING SHIT.
NOW Leah knows Chelsie is a master class LIAR when she wants to be… or just to illiterate nincompoops. Joseph has no desire to win anything. He’s got an amazing social game. Joseph says with Angela gone it’s a trio game:
T’kor, Rubina, Kimo vs. Joseph, Quinn, Leah vs. Cam. Mak, Chelsie with THe J/Q/L playing middle between the other 2 trios.
The only people Joseph sees possibly nominating Leah next week is maybe T’kor and maybe Kimo. If she doesn’t use the veto nobody else even looks at her funny. Don’t use the veto because this random replacement pick is bullshit.
Leah is over this talk. OVER 25 MINUTES.
Side discussion 2. Mak talks to Chelsie about T’kor and Rubina pushing a Girl’s Alliance and feeds cut. Oh, that’s why Rubina doesn’t say it directly. Mak says she’s not going to say no way to someone that offeres to work with her because that grows her target. Mak is worried about people saying she could win (T’kor and Rubina told her that) because it puts a big target on her. Mak says if there is a girl alliance they could play middle for safety. Mak is worried about why nothing has been solidified by the five Tucker votes. Is it a thing? Why isn’t it solidified? They could nom Kimo and Joseph if they won. if they needed a pawn… would they use Cam (danger to say to Chelsie). Mak wants final 2 with Chelsie really bad.
T’Kor: Leah says last appointment. So no MAK talk? hmmm. T’kor hasn’t had a chance to play the game. All alliances she was in were against her will and then she was HOH and got to make her own decisions. T’kor helped Leah realize she doesn’t want to be in an alliance becasue alliances suck. T’kor says the women have been killing it this season. Is that how Leah took it or did Leah take it Leah and T’kor have been killing it? Hmmm. Leah plans to make her own decision because men boss them around enough. She looks forward to winning comps with T’kor in the future.
Mak interrupted, was told to come back in five minutes. Laeh tells T’kor there aren’t alliances anymore, and everyone is operating on their own. There is no HOUSE now. T”kor says she is nervous of Joseph. She said saving Leah last week was because you don’t pawn people that you risk sending home if you want them in the game. Leah asked twice if T’kor had anything she wanted to add about this week. crickets. Telepathy?
20 to 25 Minutes. T’Kor will complain because she didn’t get enough time. book it.
Makensy: Leah telling Mak they are SO up, everyone loves them and Matt is rooting for them. They celebrate going from the bottom to the top after 7 weeks.
who knows what else they are saying…. because feeds follow T’kor as she bitches she didn’t get enough time. head desk. How did I know?
They are likely discussing the idea of women aligning… that gets feeds cut today.
Almost shutting things down.
Quinn and Leah are pro-con arguing veto use.
Leah wants Angela in jury as her jury vote that would never betray her.
Quinn argues Leah would be nom’d with Angela and could go home as the bigger threat.
Quinn cries so Leah fakes tears.
Leah wants to make a statement and have a star moment.
Quinn is worried about Jospeh as renom being cut, he’s their shield for another week.
Leah is upset the three men told her not to use veto.
She’s been on the outs of everything and finally she has a chance to control something.
She says she’s undecided.
She says she sees Quinn’s point about why using it would be bad for her (can’t build other relationships with the stigma of Angela attachment, pisses off literally everyone Quinn thinks, makes her a future target).
SHE WANTED THE BIG TV SHOCK SLAY MOMENT… but at what cost is the question.
He’s pleading with her.
She’s placating it feels like. She WANTS him to cave like a good simp.
She’s SAYING Angela could still win AI.
(SO was Quinn saying he’d feel forced to put Joseph up as renom… or was that to try to get Leah to cave?)
Def sleep. NOW.
Leah is giving me Penny Dreadful Brona/Lily (one character, essentially Ms Frankenstein not letting men exploit/abuse her anymore) vibes. I know it doesn’t have a large following, but it needs to get out my brain and onto a page.
She goes on an ‘interesting’ agenda to avenge her trauma.
if she want to use it that much and make a move, use it on rubina or kimo. than she gave angela a chance to beat joe in the ai + votes , but still didnt save the crazy women who is the hoh target.
So she says Angela is a jury vote for her, as if she’d ever make it to final 2.
Angela changes her mind about people and about votes about as often as she eats. She also has a tendency to tell whoever she’s talking to what they want to hear.
Leah is really dumber than I thought if she doesn’t see that saving Angela will turn everybody in that house against her. Absolutely NOBODY wants her saved, with the exception of Angela herself. Leah would be the damned easiest nomination inside that house if she makes this move.
She wants a star moment? She means she wants more attention. Gag me with a spoon! Play the damn game b@tch, and make the move that’s best for your game, not the one you think is somehow going to make you a TV star! You’ll be far more remembered for picking your nose and eating your boogers than you will be for saving the biggest nut job of the season, simply because you “wanted to have your star moment”. Don’t be a moron and do the right thing. Oh, and it’s not only men telling you to do that. Women are too!
Leah really wants to be famous/influencer after this. It’s almost tough to watch how fake she is.
P.s. Thanks Simon & Dawg!!! You guys are the best
Trying to send a donation, PayPal button is not working.
YIKES! thanks for bringing this to our attention. I just realized NONE of the paypal links are working. I’m going to see if I can fix this today.
Should work now in the two most recent posts.
Good thing I don’t sleep much.
Last night Angela said in the HOH ‘have you ever considered that maybe there is someone here that isn’t one of you. Someone that is here but not here to play the game. Someone that is paid separately to be here.’
Early this morning Leah told Quinn it is expected (as in Prodo is ‘suggesting’) that Leah use the veto and that she use it on Angela.
Grod is all over this season.
HUGE. He-ew-j.
Since Tucker left they are spilling so much, but there was already so much before.
“Early this morning Leah told Quinn it is expected (as in Prodo is ‘suggesting’) that Leah use the veto and that she use it on Angela.”
This is total bullshit. Not that she didn’t say it, that production is “expecting” her to use it.
I guess production doesn’t give a damn if Leah is the next person evicted. We must save Angela, no matter what. We’ve already lost Tucker. We can’t lose our other plant.
Prodo does similar shit every season. We either choose to suspend disbelief or we acknowledge that Grod is pushing a product.
Better or worse, I’m not sure, but such tricks were more OBVIOUS on bbcan, but us has pulled similar. Remember 18. Grod preseason does interviews sayinig tome for a woman winner. The hoh’s come out of d/r week after week saying they have been told not to nominate Franzel… and guess who wins. By-product D’avonne gets cast on multiple other shows in payment for her vote.
Do they care if Leah is next? Part of the deal she got was likely increased screen time and a week safe if she’s got a brain, but hey, I’d hold out for top 5 but that’s just me.
In the words of a million politicians, let me be clear – I believe they (production) pushed her to use it. I know they interfere and steer the game in the direction they want it to go far too often.
I think it’s total bullshit (meaning BAD) that they do THAT (interfere in the game), and not BS (meaning not true) that they “expected” her to use the veto on Angela.
Damn, it’s hard sometimes to get your meaning across just using words on a page with no voice inflections to help people know what you really mean. So please understand I wasn’t questioning whether or not she said it, or if production wanted it used. I believe both of those things to be very true. I just think it’s BS for Grod and her lackeys to keep interfering in the game.
I only read these recaps and never watch the show until last night. What is the deal with T’Kors voice? Her accent and diction are extremely off putting and it seems to change. I would vote her out simply for that. It’s awful.
She’s a mess.
…a hot mess.
If i remember correctly,
she was raised in England until 10, then US and her voice pattern is some weird mixture of the two…. sometimes more pronounced than others.
She is impossible to listen to, it is beyond ridiculous the phony way she pronounces words. There can’t be anyone on the planet who can tell me what kind of “language” she speaks !! Yep, she needs to be voted off to save my freekin’ sanity.
Her whole story is fake. Name, accent. Her twin doesn’t talk like that. It’s all made up. She is lazier than Angela and that is hard to beat.
I’m convinced it’s all fake. Notice that when she was hosting the comp or during diary room sessions, it was very pronounced and extremely annoying. Then, when she was cheering for them or just in conversations with the others, there was no accent. I think that she thinks the accent makes her sound intelligent. I can attest that it does not.
I hope there will be an unpredictable evictee.
After 2 hours of outage (and after Leah told Quinn prodo was pushing for Leah to save Angela)
Leah used her veto on Angela.
Joseph is the renom.
Angela and women are praising Leah for having a mind of her own.
We know different. Grod minion.
Quinn thought after all those hours he”d talked her out of following order.
Silly Quinn, Grod is the hand that feeds.
Leah is holding court about how hard it was. Chels, T’kor, Rubina, Ang, Kimo listen to the magnum opus of Leah and her Vetoitis.
Meanwhile Quinn is saying Angela is going to shank Leah at her first opportunity. Angela already said put up people that have never been noms, clarified not Joseph and not T’kor… that ONLY LEAVES Leah.
Quinn spent HOURS telling Leah how bad it was for the two of them for nothing… and he’s a SIMP not to have known it from the start. He’s annoyed and disappointed in Leah not angry.
The HOH is pushing for Kimo or Rubina to be evicted over Joseph. Let’s see how that turns out.
No comment yet from Joseph, who last night ego boasted that anyone that noms him is out the door the next week. How someone that plans to never win a comp will accomplish that is beyond me.
Women are praising her for having a mind of her own? Which women?
There’s only 6 women in that house, including Leah and Angela, and I’m sure Angela is happy she got taken down. Chelsie, Makensy and Rubina all wanted noms to stay the same, so if they’re now “praising” her for using it, it’s just BS. T’Kor may have wanted it used, but not on Angela (she would have loved to see either Kimo or Rubina come down), and she damn sure didn’t want Joseph going up, at least not the last I heard.
I don’t see how any of them got what they wanted, except for Angela and Leah.
Last night there was comments from Cam Mak Chels that maybe getting Angela isn’t the move this week. They wanted Joseph on the block to humble him, and they wanted Kimo out or Joseph out.
How much of that do you think was production influenced? I have to believe if they wanted her to stay bad enough that they told Leah they “expected” her to use the veto on her, that they would also try to influence others to support that decision. Don’t you? Doesn’t it make sense they would start with Chelsie and Makensy to do that, since they knew they were unlikely replacement noms, as well as Cam?
These players don’t seem to be able to make a decision and stick with it. None of them seem to have a cogent strategy in place to move forward in the game – NONE of them! The only one who even remotely does is T’Kor, and her only strategy is save all POC and then maybe I’ll get lucky and win. If not me, then a POC female will win, and that’s a win for her cause.
I can’t remember a more discombobulated season than this one!