Big Brother 26 Week 7 Power of Veto Ceremony Results **updated**

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Quinn
Nominees: Kimo, Rubina and Angela Joe
POV Players: Quinn, Rubina, Angela, Kimo, Joe, Leah
POV Winner: Leah
Veto Ceremony: Leah Used the veto on Angela. Quinn nominated Joe.
Havenots: Kimo, Makensy

12:40 pm Angela, Leah, Rubina, T’kor, Chelsie
Leah – I’m not afraid to stay in front of everyone and say I don’t feel right with you walking out the door this week and if it’s in my hands..
Angela is gushing about being saved by Leah. “honestly this example is SOOOO good to all of us. Like it really is. Leah is literally going against something or someone I don’t know but she’s making her own decision and standing up for what she wants.
Rubina – Yeah exactly… (LOL Rubina must be pissed)
Angela – Influenced I think not a mind of their own I think yes
Angela – you are very powerful and empowering. and you should feel that. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. I love that you girls are out here supporting her.
Rubina – Hard not to

Leah – I literally went through every person in my head. I looked at that memory wall. I did one on one with every single person. I had an idea of what I was going to do inevitably never was going to tell you that before. Even if I was hardcore in my decision, which I sort of kind of
knew. But like, I still didn’t want to tell you like I wanted it to be like something that, you know, I felt in the moment. I did feel it. I was scared. Crapless. I was.. I still am.. this is a scary game.

Leah – I think all of us are strong, like and in our own ways. And I just feel like there’s always going to be times in life that people think that they know what’s best for you and and they might believe that. The only person that knows you through and through is you.
Rubina – the only person that can look out for you is you
Kimo joins them.

Leah – Actually, it’s just that I’m being who exactly I am outside of this game, which is me. I’ve never been a clique girl. I’ve always had
independent relationships with my friends who are all different as hell and that’s why I love them. If I wanted to be friends with people just like me then why don’t I look in the mirror and hang out with myself. I value the differences and uniqueness that every person. even Kimo joinsing Brings to this.

Leah – I’ve gotten every single place in my life by going against the crowd and being the black sheep. Being the different one and doing the scary F***ing thing.

Leah starts to Cry “I’m proud of myself nobody can take that away from me. I’ve done some really hard tough sh1t. Especially in the last year. If people knew a lot of the decisions you think this veto meeting is hard. I’ll show you hard.. Like I’ll show you hard.”

Leah – every time I trusted myself it’s been okay. I won by getting on this show. I won by making it past week one. and I won that FI****ing veto in the dark.
Leah – I don’t know what the repercussion will be of doing this. I know if I took the easy way out I know I would have wondered if I took a f***ing risk

Rubina – yeah exactly .. no risk no magic girl

Leah – break up with a guy that pays for your whole life and I have to go back to work and work f***ing 100 hour weeks to take care of myself (leaving a sugar daddy…)
Leah – out on the curb with you cat.. if there’s a plan B you know you won’t focus so hard on plan B… Female empowerment.
Leah – I will be here for you how can I not be like that for myself.
Angela starts to cry..
Leah – People in my life know I ride.. that’s one thing about me I’ll ride and DRAG a b1tch for the people I care about..

they all laugh.
Leah – I care about all of you.

12:40 pm Quinn, Cam and Makensy
Chatting about who goes Kimo or Rubina
MJ says Kimo is gunning for them HARD
Quinn – I think Rubina is the better player because she able to reintegrate into the house. He doesn’t want to hang out with people.
MJ agrees.
Cam – I know both of them will put me up. Probably you as well now that you put them on the block. I think whoever wins the AI arena it’s just the other. so..
MJ – yeah
Cam – I do think it will be either of those two that win.
Quinn – Joe, maybe he’ll lock it in he said the first HOH was the only one he felt he had to win so he dialed it on that day.
Cam – he could lock it in.
MJ – I get worried if Joe is here and Rubina is here, Rubina would put Joe up. That’s one less number of us.
Quinn says Joe has told everyone he can beat them in the end.
MJ – I don’t know why he’s doing that.
MJ thinks Rubina might put Leah up now.
Cam disagrees.
Q – if Joe is on the block do you think? I can’t imagine T’kor voting for Rubina or Kimo. That would leave JOe. Do you think if he’s on the block would T’kor vote with the house?
MJ – she would do a pity vote.
Cam doesn’t think she would as long as they are all in agreeance to get Joe out.
Q – we need four votes.
MJ – all we need is four it’s easy.
Q – Angela will vote out Joe if she has a chance because of her speech..
Cam – she said she never schemes.. But just last week

Q – I never scheme NEVER
Cam – or lied.
Cam – who else gets to vote
M – Leah, Chelsie.
Q – Leah doesn’t want Joe to go.
Cam agrees
Q – we stayed like LATE.. (5am) why did we do that? She could have been like HEY i’m going to keep it real. I think it was a Game time decision
M – that is why she was freaking out she was fighting with her thoughts.
Q – and you have someone bawling their eyes out looking at you That would make anyone feel bad.
M – one good thing is it’s a easy person to put up next week. Sorry Angela
M – you know what bothered me she said I fought every week to be here.
M – You haven’t done anything people keep dragging you along because we can beat you and you’re able to be put up every week. You haven’t fought.
Cam – do people understand if you are on the block against Angela you’re going home. Why would you keep?
M – seriously..
Feeds flip to back yard When we’re back..
Q – I got two people to use the veto on me that’s Aura.
M – what’s her speech going to be at the end. I want to be here and i’m here.
Q – it’s like DUDE..
M – you basically were just a ploy
Q – she’s made a point to burn anyone that gets close to her because she has nothing else to offer. The second someone trusts her and gives her any information even if she misunderstands that information she will throw it out. That is what she’s trying to use to save her she did it to Tucker. It’s like Leah DUDE, you weren’t willing to talk smack on Angela last week Angela was advocating to not be on the block. You were next in line bro.. like Dude..
Cam – she also said put people on the block that haven’t been on the block.
Quinn mentions she asked if it was T’kor or Joe that angela wanted up. The only option was Leah
Cam – she was directly saying Leah
M – She was working with Tucker and Tucker wanted Leah out.
Q – I don’t get the brainwashing by Tucker.
Q – what a interesting Big Brother player (Tucker), Rubina has taken Tucker leaving the best. Like Kimo doesn’t want to talk to people, Angela is still like operating off the things he said, and the people she’s saying she will target are the people that were in her alliance. which if that is her plan.. DUMB.. but dude I don’t get this at all.
Quinn says next week they will commit to getting Angela out.

1:31 pm Rubina and Kimo
Rubina is wondering if Tucker is checking out the live feeds. She doesn’t think so because his life is so busy.
They talk about how Mad Tucker was at Quinn for wearing her skirt.

1:37 pm Chit chat about the Veto Ceremony continue

2:30 pm T’kor and Rubina
They talk about forming a girls alliance.
T’kor – that way Angela can just be … . she’ll have to realize she’s the pawn. I just worry about Angela because…
R – she blows things up
T – yes, I have respect for her but I don’t have respect for her game moves.
They agree Kimo will be included.
T – I don’t any type of way for the other dudes.. I like Cam but he hasn’t made any moves in this game. Love you.
T – Quinn, I mean c’mon now. C’mon
R – I passed him in the kitchen… he said This is not what I wanted you are now at risk of going home.
T – from Quinn’s perspective he thinks you are the one to go home out of the three if you are still sitting on the block but that’s not going to be the case. Especially once we get this solidified (new alliance) If we solidify this we have the votes to keep you safe.
R – If Kimo came down you know.. Obviously I want to win.
T – If you or Kimo win
R – If Kimo wins I’ll be happy there’s no reason I would be upset. At this point there’s not way to upset me.
T – Quinn upset me. He’s feeling it already cause he didn’t make the right move for his game. All the people he kept safe this week are not going to prioritize him all the people he put on the block this week will not prioritize him.
T – he should have followed his GUT instead of going with the crowd
R – yup
T – he messed up, even if he makes it to final 2 he doesn’t have the votes to win..
T – if Angela is here she’s not voting, If you, me and Kimo are there that’s all the votes.

2:30 pm Joe and Leah
Joe – I just want you to know I love you. You know what I mean? And Nothing you can ever do in a stupid game whatever will change the way I feel about you.
L – I feel the same way
J – Everything I told you I will honour I’ll do anything I can to protect you
L – You know I feel the same about you. You are somebody that I genuinely have a real connection with.
Leah starts to cry
L – You going up there isn’t what I wanted at all. Like.. It’s just.. it’s just ridiculous.. you know.
Leah says Angela is a true number for her. “I should have thought more about who will go up next to her”
Leah says she had no idea Quinn was going to put up Joe, “After our conversation last Night Quinn really thought I would keep it the same I don’t want him to think I am betraying him or going behind his back. I love both of you guys so much.”

L – Can I just have ONE number. I just wanted my win to be mine.
Leah says all the people that lied to her face weeks past were coming up to her and saying “Lets talk game now”
L – it makes you open your eyes. Like I obviously didn’t want anyone to be a casualty of that. But like I fear and I knew I would hate this part of the game.
Leah starts to cry
L- It’s hard for me to make decisions that only benefit me. Like I just like.. I felt like ok like it is hard no matter what.. it’s going to be hard…
Leah – I’m terribly sorry you’re up as a result of a decision I made.. you know…

Joe – I’m not mad at you I meant everything I said
J – I’m really worried
L – You’re really worried?
L – I’m like I think like.. actually I want to hear your perspective I’m like.. not going to say anything new.
J – You don’t owe me anything. I kept you out of so much stuff. I mean I have your best interests at heart but you don’t owe me anything.
J – I hope you vote to keep me.. I mean I hide stuff fro you so I don’t expect you
J – my love for you goes beyond this game. I think you know that. It is what it is.
J – I feel like I have your vote, Angela’s vote.. Cam and Chelsie I don’t know.. I know he’s going to tell people to vote for me to stay at least that is what he said (Quinn)

J – I had a feeling it was going to happen anyways. He told me last night if you used it that he would probably have to cause I am in the minority and he promised all the people that voted the other way he would put them up.
L – I was so worried about the house flipping that I didn’t even consider the renom.
L – the way that Quinn looked at me. I hope that he can see i was just like trying to ..
J – No matter how he reacts just know that is not a reflection on how I feel about you
J – No matter what happens in this game I will always be your friend
Leah cries “I know I know Same…. ”

J – I know if you knew I would have gone up there you wouldn’t have done it. I should have talked to you.. I’m so stupid..
J – I just need to win the Arena
J – oh my god..

J – I’ve had a good run

3:20 pm Quinn and Leah
Leah – I’m sorry
Q – Now I don’t know what to do. Who do we take out?
Q – you are such a snake.. you’re like I want Kimo out..
Leah – I’m so sorry.. you can’t vote you’re not part of it.
Q – would you vote with the 5
L – Yeah I would 100%
Q – Okay.. cause in order to save Joe we need your vote. T’kor won’t vote unless she has for sure definitive 12000% backing.
Q – Angela will vote for Joe to go home.
L – Tkor umm… has a definitive pat on the back vote for Rubina
Quinn says the votes they have, Cam, Chelsie, Makesny and Leah.
L – Rubina has a good chance at winning, Especially next to those two.
Q – So you want Kimo to go home
L – yeah
Q – so you plan worked

L – mmmmhmmmmm
Q – at my expense
L – my plan is what I told you..
Q – so next week when you win Veto are you saving Angela again
L – no never again
Q – what are you going to do?
L – whatever you want. It depends who’s here.. I’ll just put up whoever is not in our five.
Q – that’s wild.
Quinn says Angela has tainted her social game down to the bedrock “She begged me to be in a 6 person alliance that was excluding you”
L – mmmhmmmm
Q – once she got in a week past and she flipped on the leader of it. That’s why I’m nervous for you.
L – I think I put that in her head.
Leah tells him if Kimo had won the HOH he would 100% have put Quinn up.
L – you don’t think he would put up the person that sent home his bestie in the game.
Q – Angela is still in the game.
L – what?
Q – ohh Tucker.. .my bad.
L – he’s more of a wild card and he has so many more people behind him
Quinn says Tkor wants Joe gone. “over Rubina and Kimo”
L – I’m sure yeah.
Q – I told Rubina I don’t want Kimo to go home and I don’t want Joe to go home if she tells Kimo than f*** it.
L – Yeah
Q – you’re only saying that cause you want Kimo gone
L – I like Kimo
Q – I like Kimo too alright.. what do we tell Joe?
L – nothing. I have to be honest to him.

Thumb wars…

4:30 pm chit chat




5:00 pm Feeds go to pound for the labour day party

620 pm Pound

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Omega BB

LEAH!!! My booger-eating queen, thank you!


What is wrong with the house? Why do they keep saving angela the Karen bully. Get her out of the house

Team Taylor

A few things:

1. Leah is a dead woman walking. Do you finally understand she isn’t that into you or your game Quinn the Simp?!
2. Speaking of The Simp, you really just couldn’t make it easy and put T’kor OTB instead??
3. Kimo needs to be next HG evicted to weaken T’kor.
4. Joseph — time to stop fucking around! It’s either win or get evicted because now I’m not confident Leah will vote to keep you over Rubina or Kimo.


1.) agree. don’t get leah’s game. her best bet is to team with makensy who seems very open to working with leah, but every chance leah gets, leah tries to throw makensy under the bus. she has no allies and it’s not a good strategy.
2.) quinn’s noms make sense. they’re the 3 that voted to keep tucker. t’kor gets a bit of shield by having no vote last week and honestly hasn’t done anything to really undermine quinn openly. it’s all been kimo
3.) yup.
4.) if it’s joe vs. rubina, it’s a bit of a tossup. joe’s proven so weak socially and in comps that maybe rubina’s the better strategic vote, but people actually like rubina and it’s not like her threat level is high enough that it warrants voting her out over joseph.

Game fan

Vote out joe!!!! That would be great!
He is not winning that a.i
Angela , kimo/ ru , tkor would vote him out. They would be so glad to.
Just one more
Chelsea would hopefully push that.

Another Dixie

Good job, Leah & Quinn. This is exactly what I was hoping for. I don’t like Angela but she is entertaining and useless. I hope Joe ends up going. He just thinks he’s way better of a player than he is, especially constantly throwing comps. If he doesn’t go, I certainly won’t miss either Rubina or Kimo.


ugh! another week of angela 🙁 house would be dumb not to get rid of kimo to split up him and t’kor. if he wins the ai arena, i guess take out rubina cuz she’s better at comps but joe and rubina aren’t major threats to anyone’s game so the house could just flip a coin.

Taylor Bedsgold

Not happy about Angela staying. She acts similar to a selfish pouty child. It is always about her. Angela thinks she’s masterminding a great game being saved every week. She’s a GOAT. One can only hope she goes soon. Best to get rid of kimo now to split.

Greyson Stoehr

The incomprehensible thing about Angela is, within her dysfunction, she doesn’t seem to SEE that she’s been basically bullying people who are, to HER, “CHILDREN”. She could have been Mom to most of them. It’s really cringe to watch her begging to be “one of them”.

Don't Shoot the Messenger

Everything about her is cringe…especially her neck. It irritates me beyond words!

Don't Shoot the Messenger

She IS a selfish, pouty child. I call her the GIANT toddler.

Taylor Bedsgold

Fair she IS a diaper wearing bully that contributes nothing to the house except get overly paranoid. Not trying to be conspiracy because I wasn’t sure about the cbs plant thing. But after this and keeping Angela for jury it seems realistic cbs wants her craziness in the jury house starting fires. Who would trusts this women’s jury vote.

Angela's Missing Xanax Rx

Slight correction: Angela is a goat, not a GOAT


Nooooooo-o-o-o-! If I have to watch Angela another week I will poke my eyes out. She’s going to end up at least final four. I can’t tolerate this sort of imbalance in the universe.

Team Angela

This is reality~ Sometimes society isn’t fair. She may not be playing a game to win, but I think she’s playing a game to survive for a long time. Maybe she could win by luck; if that’s the case, then thank you.

Team Angela

May I be happy?
I want to smile every day.
I want to be free of worries.
Someone, please give me an answer.
So help me.
I’m feeling down, and I feel like crying.
So please, please, please,
Tell me it’s okay to be happy.

Paul’s Beard

Remember Victoria anyone?


victoria was boring. angela is annoying. big difference.

Paul’s Beard

She still made it to the end without doing much of anything through the entire game, annoying boring still shouldn’t win when you coast along crying all the time


eh, it’s a solid strategy. you see it more in survivor though. attempts to do it on big brother have frequently backfired. usually due to bad reads from players like paul, monte, dan gheesling on bb14 and probably other examples.


Simon and Dawg Just Donated


You’re Welcome

Team Angela

I hope Kimo wins in the AI arena. And I wish for him to become HOH next week and carry out a bloodbath.

Taylor Bedsgold

Another week of Angela sickening to think that she’s is in jury when she doesn’t deserve to be there.

un autre nom

Grod is forcing a nope down my throat.
Thanks Leah.
In the old days they knew enough to say no to production
IT IS POSSIBLE getting rid of Tucker was the cast saying no to production. They seemed extra pissy after eviction noted by every damn houseguest, and Mak was crying about America hating her now for SOME reason… three guesses.

We’ve heard tale after tale of how everyone felt he was the prodo golden child and how he was making everyone else live in fear. We’ve now heard the INCIDENTS Tucker claimed were Leah incidents were false flags for the most part (sky daddy and survival of the fittest jokes, while in poor taste do not meet the contract standards for dismissal, and the supposed homophobic incident was a false report Leah claimed was made by a “him” with no name). Makes you wonder doesn’t it.

The incidents we DO know of have been completely covered. Angela using speech that is breach of the no fly words… Tucker and Chelsie’s incident that he blamed on Leah that Rubina coined as racist And WHO gathers the forces to evict Tucker? Interesting… considering the amount of feed block and time Chelsie spent in d/r that night.
Comments have been flying that Angela is a production plant for weeks. Yesterday SHE all but confirmed the possibility. Leah reported she was being pushed to keep Angela.

I KNOW I’M A TINFOIL HAT WEARING FREAK… but they’re outright SAYING this shit on feeds so no tinfoil required and the timeline of incidents is drawing a straight line. Nothing is dotted.


How many people can save Angela? Lol Leah she doesn’t have your back Angela’s too crazy to have anyone’s back. It’s insane. Yeah right Quinn next week you will get Angela out. I think out of these people left I want Cam to win sure he’s like the invisible HG but at least he’s not delusional.

The Beef

I actually wouldn’t mind if Cam won, if he would just get off his arse and do something! Yes, he’s won ONE comp, but he’s done next to nothing in the house strategically, other than join in as a number in the vote to evict Tucker (Chelsie led the charge in instigating that vote).

The only players I think who’ve done enough to this point in the game to even consider getting a vote to win are Chelsie, Quinn, Makensy and Cam if he picks up the pace.


There was s a lot of delusion this season. A crazy amount of it. No humility

Omega BB

We need a LIKE COUNT for LEAH.

Omega BB

I see the LEAH simp army hit up my comment. This is why twitch thots & OF girls do so well.

un autre nom

Dear Kimo,
The Ainsely curse has claimed 6 or 6 evicted housegests.
Joseph and Rubina voted yes.
How did you vote?

oh. sorry. Guess we’ll see if the curse is real this week.


voting yes was still strategically really stupid. but clearly production favors player that voted yes.


Leah, the young woman who said “the girl [in a relationship with a man] is the prize.”

”(I) break up with a guy that pays for (my) whole life and I have to go back to work…”

Okay, then. Apparently one purchases prizes.


I hope Makensy wins HOH puts up Leah Tkor and Angela. Hopefully Angela goes or Leah.

Team Angela

Eliminating someone who would easily win if taken to the finals is a decision only fools would make.

Taylor Bedsgold

Makensy needs Tkor to go first! Tkor twice now has wanted makensy gone had she not won AI.

Facts Only

Not sure if anyone is still watching because I’m not. But I am assuming the ratings have dropped significantly. BB US about to follow BB Canada. Well done production, well done. Sinking woke ship of modern scripted reality tv.

Team Angela

People who really don’t watch don’t even write comments like this, haha.

Facts Only

People who are Team Angela have mental issues like her.


Can’t stop laughing. Leah used the veto on Angela who was HOH Quinn’s target.. It doesn’t get much better than this. Quinn saved Leah from the block last week. He could have sent Angela home instead of Tucker. But then he had a crush on her and was jealous and afraid of Tucker, so his brain wasn’t in gear when it came to the vote..Keeping Tucker was better for his game. .. Now Tkor won’t trust him and he can forget about any alliance with Chelsy and Cam.. Bye Bye Quinn.. . Unbelievable bunch of really bad players this time. Sad, but really funny. This means Angela will be on the jury, if not final two.. The devil is dancing tonight.


Leah….I thought you couldn’t stand Quinn? and now you are kissing his @$$

Rubber Ducky For The Win

Are these not the dumbest, most unlikable, least interesting group of people BB has put together in one season? Crazy Pants (Crazy Plant??) Angela gets another week in the house?!? Really?? There is just no one entertaining to root for.

Tucker For AFP




Moaning murtle

Irony: Quinn joked,” you have two nerds doing your bidding” to Leah. News flash,Quinn. She is fully aware of that! She didn’t do what you begged her not to do and she knows just how to make you never be displeased with her. She does the same with Joe and Cam.
I rarely watch feeds as I don’t find any of the remaining HG entertaining or engaging. My interest has diminished tremendously. What is clear to me( and I bet countless others) is the path for Chelsey to win gets clearer and clearer. Cam doesn’t need to do anything to coast along as long as Chelsey thinks he is with her. Chelsey knows T’kor got her back, and Quinn well whistle for Leah and he will fall in line.I believe if Chelsey wants Joe to go, if Joe doesn’t win AI, just like Tucker he will go. Why? T’kor may tell Chelsey she wants Kimo/ Rubina to stay. Easy wish to grant to a person Chelsey knows will protect her at all cost. Chelsey’s got this as well as a strong social game. I don’t know why, but if Chelsey wins there is something, meh about it to me. Folks who root for Chelsey, what am I missing about her?

More Whine, please

Chelsie and Cam want to evict Kimo or Rubina. They are very set on dismantling Tkor’s trio. It’d be so stupid not to.

They are hoping Joe wins AI so they don’t have to blindside Tkor.

Chelsie does not have this game in the bag. It depends on who wins comps. Leah already knows that Chelsie and Cam have to be broken apart with an eviction. She has control over Quinn and Joe.

It’s not over, and Chelsie is not a better player than Leah. Leah used her veto reign to maximum benefit.

Chelsie likes to get comfy and sit pretty. She already squandered opportunities this week to stay ahead of the social shifts.


Back in my beautiful Melbac wine night (I know I am writing it wrong correct spelling is Malbec.I don’t encourage drinking but I encourage a great Argentinian Malbec wine or a Dornfelder German!) I called this situation of Leah using her veto and Joseph going up I just didn’t know Leah would take off Kimo or Angela. BBHOUSE26 Production working the game to make despicable human Angela win. Sigh soooooo predictable. How I see the next weeks…
After Joseph evicted. After Rubina evicted.
If they split the house one side (have not side I hope I want to see Angela sleeping on the floor cold showers slop)Angela, Quinn, Chelsie, T’kor
Angela wins HOH and bye bye wurtenburger strategy Quinn
Other side Kimo, Makensy, Leah, Cam (inside the house luxury side) Leah wins HOH and bye bye manipulation nose cream cheese Makensy

Gan ainm

Not even Prodo can manifest an Angela win but they might be able to get her to that 2nd seat next to Chelsie.


What is Leah’s logic? Quinn could have put Makensky on block instead. Move makes no sense.

un autre nom

Leah KNEW Joseph would be the renom. She knew she could play her 2 simps off of each other.
She would not care if it was Makensy. Leah is Leah and Leah is playing for Leah and Leah doesn’t do alliance.

The Beef

Leah doesn’t have any logic. She doesn’t care about the game. She’s just there to get as much TV time as she can, gain as many followers as she can, and sell as much underwear as she can.

She knows she’s unlikely to win another competition, so she milked this one for all she could get out of it, and that included her “star moment” of removing Angela from the block.

Leah has been bussing Makensy since week 2, so I don’t know why you think it would bother her if Mak had ended up OTB, but like another name said, she knew Joseph was going up anyway, as Quinn had pretty much told her as much.

Frankie’s Pink Shorts

Leah, it’s POV, not HOH. Get over yourself.

un autre nom

7 votes this week.
No tie breaker situation.
Quinn has ZERO power left. Zilch. Nada.
He didn’t form any alliance before losing power. So who needs him now?
Likely tries to chicken headless on eviction day showing any potential allies his only concern is not being nominated next week.

In case anyone is wondering: Quinn sucks as HOH. As if his first HOH didn’t prove that.
This one was worse. He walked in with momentum and power, and dilly dallied away making 9 alliance plans ratifying none of them.
He’s simping for the woman he knows doesn’t like him and backstabs him every week. HE KNOWS THIS. What does she do? Backstabs him with the veto and he’s cool with that.
So he’s a TOTAL idiot.

His season social record is…. dismal. His ability to wield power is… pathetic.
How does he imagine himself a winner again?
I mean… no. It just… no.
Nooooo. Magic 8 ball just laughed.

The wizard

This has to be production. No way these people think going out there way to save Angela every week is good game. As for the noms if Joe doesn’t win AI arena he’s going home 100%. If he does win Rubina goes home.

Facts Only

its been production since season 23

un autre nom

Like everyone didn’t know who was winning 21 and 22 on premiere night.

Facts Only


The Beef

You never know. AI arena may be some kind of game where a pond is involved, and that might be right up ol’ “duck walk” Joe’s alley!


Why do these idiots keep saving Angela? I’ve wanted her gone from the time she picked a fight with Matt! Oh, and Quinn needs to leave too! He is nasty!