Big D’s Take on “Hot Takes With Hannah” – “You’re not interesting enough to be doing your show”

strong>HOH: Sarah Beth
Nominations: BIGD Xavier DX and Claire
Power of Veto Players: Azah, Alyssa, DF, Xavier, Sb and Claire
Power of Veto: Xavier
Power of Veto Ceremony: Xavier used the veto on himself. Sb nominated DX in his place.

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7:10pm Hammock – Big D, Hannah and Sarah.
Hannah – I think it will be two doubles and one battle back or one double and that’s it. Big D – and a battle back? Hannah – no, no, no just one double and that’s it. Big D – no battle back? Hannah – no because in that case we would have too much time left. Sarah – so it will be a battle back and two doubles or just one double. Hannah – I think it will be one double from 9 to 7 people.. then well get an eighth person back and then we’ll have a normal week where we go down to seven and then we will have another double from 7 – 5. That’s what I think is going to happen. Sarah – wow! Big D – DAMN! Hannah – or we will just have one double for 8 – 6. But if next week there is no double, then I will just have to assume there is no battle back. Big B – are you talking about this Thursday? Hannah – no next Thursday. If we don’t have one then, I don’t see how we would have enough time for a double and a battle back. They talk about how Brit is enjoying the jury house. Sarah – maybe she is hyped for a battle back.

7:20pm Dinner Time..

Big D’s Take on “Hot Takes With Hannah”
– “Hot Takes don’t really interview people” Claire – that’s right its really just them talking. Big D – them talking sh*t.
– “Its interesting”
– “Its passable”
– “It was Cute”
– “I am really trying to avoid my real answer if you can see.”
– “If I wanted to have a bedtime story, I would watch your show”
– “I was very bored”
– “I really didn’t laugh”
Hannah – you stayed for a good 45 minutes. Big D – I felt like I had to because you invited me.
– “It is very teeny bopper which is fine for the kids!”
– “It was just literally a place for you its game talk”
– “It needs a little more pizazz”
– “My honest opinion is this .. You’re not interesting enough to be doing your show”

7:55pm – 8:40pm Hammock – Cliare and Derek X.
Derek – do you think you would be able to do better if you came again for all stars? Claire – no. Derek – same. Claire – like I just don’t .. Like I would have trained more .. like I don’t f**king know. Derek – I legit don’t know. Claire – because I feel like my positioning .. like what could I have done different?! Derek – I think they just got so f**king lucky. Claire – I know. Derek – also Ky.. we put our trust din him. We really f**ked that. If it was X, that was.. Claire – that would have been the pivot point. I should have picked X to be on my team. Derek – remember when we were debating.. X and Ky. Claire – yeah. Ky is just way too much of an individual. Derek – Alyssa would have come to me. Claire – the thing is I just can’t trust Ky at all. Derek – that is why I can’t watch this show. I am not ready to see that. There is no way I would hang out with everyone. Claire – the thing is you (ky) F**ked me over and very knowingly did it .. and I have to live with you for four days as you try to get my jury vote. Derek – I KNOW! Oh MY GOD! Claire – it is obvious what you are doing and it sucks I can’t do anything about it. Derek – Dude! I just don’t know what you can do to position yourself. You need to win this HOH. Claire – I wish I was integrating with X and Alyssa .. all they do is sleep all the time. Derek – you wake up to final 3.. oh okay! Claire – the thing is I just don’t see them targeting each other. Like they just don’t have to but at a certain point they will. Derek – but when. If SB gets sent to jury after me, I would get off so hard! Claire confesses to Derek that she doesn’t actually live in Astoria. She says that she lives in the Upper East Side but its “not a nice apartment”. Derek flips out – no way!! I f**king knew it! Claire – you can’t use this against me. Derek – I won’t. I hate you! I am so mad. You had such an elaborate plan. We’re 100% going to be friends. Claire – yeah. Derek – Oh my god, I think I like you more now. Claire about Hannah – I think she downplays how smart she is.

Derek – would you come back for All Stars if you were asked? Claire – I wouldn’t be asked but I would. Derek – I would be salty but I would. I’d ask who else is coming.. I feel like I wouldn’t get asked back. Claire – I think you would.

9pm – 9:15pm Bathroom – Derek X and Hannah.
Derek – Zach was on the block and Devin had put him up. Hannah – oh yeah, yeah. Derek – Zach had put him up and his speech was like keep me in this game and my one goal would be to take out Devin and then as soon as I do send me home. I might pull some sh*t! Hannah – I mean a lot of players have done that. Derek – do I just go all out and go full in and be like I will just be like a martyr and I want the under dogs to win this season. Let me stay for next week. I will play for the coup d’etat. I will take a shot at the other side. I will weaken the other side so that they don’t have as many strong players. I will then go home but at least you guys have a fair chance at winning this game. Hannah – yup. The definite campaign to Ky and X is that if you are gone Ky and X would not be concerned about the other side of the house AKA me, Tiff, Claire, Azah, Big D .. with you staying you’re a shield in this game. Derek – can you think of a way that I can leverage the fact that Xavier will be locked up for 24 hours prior to the eviction. Can I use it to create paranoia with Alyssa? Can I use it .. I just feel like there is something I can do with that. Hannah – MMMMhhmmm. Derek – I can’t figure it out. Hannah – what does Claire think about it? Derek – about the lockdown? We haven’t talked about it with each other. I think it is good that if he is gone Ky can’t talk to X. That is why I don’t want to go full out until Wednesday.. That’s when I will be like Big D you got me and X can’t talk to Big D. Hannah – HHmmMMmmm.. okay. Derek – you see what I am saying? Hannah – yeah. Derek – if it was Ky, it would be better but X is still good. X and Ky have been working Big D all day. Hannah – I want to meet Adam.. because I want to know who puts up with Big D. Big D said it was hard being the leader of the house. Hannah laughs – He is so delusional.

9:15pm – 9:30pm Bedroom – Derek X and Tiffany.
Derek – here is the pitch that I think I am going to give.. one of my major conflicts are .. do I still try to get Ky’s vote? Or do I fully give up on it and then just expose them. There is a strong side in this house with two sets of duos and between the four of them X, Alyssa, Ky and SB they have every HOH and Veto. They have won every HOH an veto. So I honestly know that even if I stay past this week, I am gone very soon. Now I just want an underdog to win this season. I don’t want this season to become what every season has become. So I just want to stay till next week do my noms, take a shot at the other side.. and because its the anonymous HOH I can still play again. Next week try to win HOH again and try to take out another competitor. And then they can take me out.. I don’t give a f**k! At least you guys have a fair shot at winning the game. Tiff – MMmmmhmm. I like it. I am putting gall my trust in one basket. As of right now I don’t see a reason for Ky to keep me. Tiff – I will try to get Ky to throw a sympathy vote. Azah joins them.

10:07pm Bathroom. Tiffany and Azah.
Tiffany – I like X and feel like X plays a good game. I would like to see him here. I wish all six of us could be here but we can’t. And if we take anyone of them guys.. Derek make it to the final two, his a$$ is f**king winning. Azah – oh absolutely. Tiffany – Ky make it to the final two.. Azah – his a$$ is going to win. Tiffany – X make it to the final two.. Azah – he gonna win. Tiffany – it needs to be us. Azah – yup. Tiffany – if we even get them out then koodos. It would be really dope if the last three could be me, you and Chaddha. I like the guys but they would beat us. If any of them get to three, we don’t have a shot. If me, you or Chaddha make it, that’s a fair fight.

10:50pm – 12:20am The house guests are sitting around playing Mafia / BBC.

1:35am Kitchen – Hannah, Xavier, Alyssa and Sarah Beth are talking about social media / ex’s.

1:40am – 1:50amBedroom. Azah and Claire are talking about how they did a “deep clean” of their apartments for BB but then didn’t even end up using their place for the video intros. Azah comments on how this weeks eviction is a very difficult choice. Claire – that’s why I was so upset after veto because I knew my only hope was if I had won it. Hannah joins them. They speculate on if there will be a double eviction and or a battle back.

5:00 am Zzzzzz (updates will resume this afternoon)

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77 thoughts to “Big D’s Take on “Hot Takes With Hannah” – “You’re not interesting enough to be doing your show””

  1. Simon and Dawg did you guys report Hannah and Derek X reading Sarah Beth’s letter?

    I posted this last time but I added some to it so here it is again:

    “Eww…I didn’t see it covered but just saw the clip of Hannah reading Sarah Beth’s HOH letter without her consent (while Derek X was her lookout smh) and I’m appalled!

    That is a personal letter that should have remained private unless Sarah Beth gave someone her approval to read it. She read everything she wanted to share to the house anyway besides one P.S. line from her girlfriend.

    People KNEW that was to remain private since Sarah Beth said she wanted to keep that to herself so why the hell would anyone think it was ok to rummage through her HOH room when she wasn’t there in order to find her letter and read it?

    The fact that Hannah and Derek X refused to respect her privacy is so low imo and I can’t respect that move at all. Derek X tried to act like he was against it and didn’t want any culpability of knowing about this moral crime but dude was the f*cking lookout and was egging her on so no he needs to repent!

    I honestly want the DR to inform Sarah Beth of what they did and tell everyone so it is 1,000% understood that that sh*t is unacceptable in the future.

    Bottom line do NOT f*ck with other people’s sh*t! I just thought that was a given but apparently people will do anything…..SAD!

    Derek X’s karma is coming this Thursday. I hope he has a thrilling week alone with Britini… 😉

    I hope Hannah follows him out soon although it’s pretty much a given the non black contestants will get the boot. Even if they win HOH they target the exact opposite people that they should smh…

    Xavier is winning this season imo. Kyland and Tiffany might give him a run for his money but I doubt it because The Cookout 6 are stupid to let Xavier get to final 3 let alone final 4.”

      1. Simon, it’s a game! Chill. She should have locked the door when she leaves the room. You act like they committed murder. Geepers

      1. Saturday, August 21 before 3pm is the closest I can find, and that’s only because I commented on it in a post after that.
        So Saturday at some time.

      2. Big Brother Benny posted it on YouTube. Both DX and Hannah were in HOH together. Hannah is one who searched for it but both read it.

    1. Derek X has had karma coming his way for a long time now! Him getting backdoored is just that.

      I hope people can finally wake up and realize that Derek X does not deserve any reward of being America’s favorite when he has totally been a puppet for Hannah and Tiffany this season! They both have completely ruined his game and he has done all of their dirty work so why does this kid deserve AFP ??? It’s complete insanity to want Derek X to be America’s favorite when he got played like a spade by Hannah and Tiffany. Yes Tiffany did as well; Derek X was foolish enough to protect Tiffanys name and NOT TELL SB BEFORE RENOMS that Tiffany was the one who was trying to flip the vote week five to get SB OUT! DX AIDING HANNAH with the SB letter is not surprising because she wears his pants and makes his decisions for him!

      AGAIN DX DOESN’T DESERVE AFP BEING HANNAH AND TIFFANY’s puppet doing their dirty work !

          1. He hasn’t got a point. All he has is an opinion, and he keeps repeating the same opinion over and over again. What they did may have been a little invasive, but if you watched the video on YouTube, they thought the information SB didn’t read to them may have been game related, like “Good job being America’s player!”, and she didn’t reveal what was written to SB, even to DX. When you’re playing the game 24/7 you tend to get a little paranoid, and we all know that. You do things you wouldn’t do in your normal every day life, and that is certainly the case here. Let’s cut them a little slack and recognize this isn’t a normal situation, so expecting them to act totally normally may be asking a little too much of them, especially considering the situation DX is in this week.

      1. BB Fan, did DX pee in your Cheerios? You’re like a broken record with DX evicting Christian. Get over it.

        1. There were lots of reasons why Christian was evicted, including that he had one of the worst social and strategic games I’ve ever seen lol. Ya Dx put him up but Christian got himself evicted, thats how it works

          1. Exactly. Christian being asked if he can do backflips. Does 10 pressups into backflips for all the houseguests to see…Facepalm. Couldn’t wear a bigger target around his neck.

        2. No actually i’m the only one with a brain and not having their head up Derek x ass.
          By recognizing Derek X is a complete doormat and doesn’t deserve to be America’s favorite when he’s being dragged around by a leash from unlikable players in Hannah and Tiffany!

          Answer this QUESTION why in THE F DO YOU LIKE someone in DX that has done the dirty work for Hannah and Tiffany?!?

          And yes Tiffany because Derek protected Tiffany when he didn’t tell Sarah Beth before renoms that it was Tiffany who wanted to flip the vote and get SB out!

          for Derek X as America’s favorite when he all he has done all the dirty work for Tiffany and Hannah. DX completely gave those girls and the cookout everything they needed to just sit on their ass this season and coast. DX doesn’t deserve a reward by being a puppet for people that no one likes in Hannah and Tiffany – his horrible strategic moves in adding those women made this season a complete steamroll for the cookout !?!?

          I mean for god sake DX was known to be a target by Frenchy and Derek X was sketched out by Frenchy… fair enough to be sketched however DX wants to use the VETO in order to help Frenchy’s HOH out!?!
          I’m sure DX is completely regretting use the veto on kyland 1st week and getting Travis out when KY had been plotting DX’s demise all of this week!

          Everyone please you have to recognize this. Realize that DX is not a person who deserves America’s favorite player because he didn’t have a mind of his own!
          DX has just been a puppet for a couple of jealous and catty women in the Cookout doing their dirty work!

          That is not worthy of America’s favorite player!

          1. lol your hate for DX is sad. What will you do once he’s gone, you’ll have nothing to add since all your focus has been hating on DX.

          2. I have my issues with DX & Hannah from Saturday but I also have issues with Tiff but what’s cool about this game we can agree to disagree on which each player are decent players. For now I watch the drama and enjoy the competitions for now. Tomorrow is our last vote for the season beside AFP.

        3. The point is that DX hasn’t done a lot to become AFH with more games to be play Besides getting out Christian who would have been his shield. I am all for the CO.

        1. You see! Everyone has an opinion! Given Big D keeps getting $100 BB bucks each week, I’m sure there are some who will vote for that waste of space to be AFP, and how sad would it be if HE won that award? As they say, that’s why we vote though, and in some situations, that’s why the balloting is secret, so that production and Grod can determine who wins, and keep a firm grasp on the narrative and direction of the story line of the show. In the end, THEY will determine who wins, not us anyway, so I’m not even sure if I’ll waste my time voting this season.

          I did vote the first week of this twist, but after I saw that DF got $100, I didn’t waste my time voting the second week. Why bother when the fix is so obviously in?

        2. Hahaha…frenchie? Who came in with all the ideas he studied how to play the game and his first HOH he did everything wrong? We have good players left in the game. Tiffany is one, this woman knows how to play but is overlooked because she is a woman, men always get the recognition for game like she is playing but women don’t.

    2. Then she (Hannah) had the nerve to call Sb “sketchy”. I hope Claire Alyssa and Sb get the 100 just for the looks on tc faces

    3. i get why everyone is upset about the whole letter thing, but tbh i don’t think its that bad considering the letter is up on the Big Brother instagram account for everyone to read… they weren’t the only people that read her letter.

  2. This makes me sick coming from someone whose only wins in this game were handed to her.  Plus the beginning weeks of the game were spent under the covers with Christian.

    Allysa regarding Derek X going on the block – (courtesy of Jokers)
    “I am so excited…the team that Derek X put on the block, just came back to bite him”… “she doesn’t know how she won’t be able to smile during the veto meeting when he gets backdoored”…. “she’s excited by the joy she’s going to feel and the stupidity that Derek X is going to experience”…”Derek X getting backdoored is even better than she imagined” 

    Well, I am going to smile when she learns how she was used by the CookOut and Z!

  3. Listening to Alyssa and Ky foosball game discussion.
    Wow. She’s 100% wrong on every single one of her takes. Like… SB after a brainwashing session wrong, only no brainwashing required. (Now Ky knows X was shitting him about Al being the most difficult to control).
    She’s saying how smart she is, and how much of a better judge of character she is than Dx… as she blames Claire for getting Christian backdoored… to the guy (Ky) who actually was pushing for Dx to backdoor Christian.
    She says Tiff tried to tell Al and Christian not to believe everything they hear, and not to say everything they know. Alyssa knocks the advice.
    She starts bragging about her comp wins. A little reminder… the veto was thrown to her noticeably… and she was the only participant in the High Roller. OH jeepers.

    I’m still saying her complete game is to surround herself with as many penises as she can, thinking she can flirt them into doing her will.

    What’s going to annoy Ky? He isn’t getting the floor completely to persuade with Alyssa because it takes absolutely NO persuasion for Alyssa to be led to a wrong conclusion. If it means disliking another woman, she’ll drive, she knows a shortcut.

    Sometimes I just have the urge to call her backpack. I mean. For Alyssa to say anyone else in the game operates on little to no information? wow.

    1. I hate it when people brag about comp wins or think they’re a comp beast and a super threat to others when they’re wins are just handed to them on a silver platter.

    2. Yep. Arrogance is always a bad look, but it’s especially bad when the person proclaiming their greatness hasn’t really done anything that great. Alyssa got lucky because she was on the Kings team, which was the strongest team. If she had been on the Jokers or Aces using her so-called “strategy,” she’d be at home right now watching the rest of the season on TV.

        1. How the Hell is Alyssa taking him out? By unintentionally putting her own best ally on the block? She gets to vote him out, just like the rest of the house guests do, so she’s no more “getting him out” than any of the others are, except for SB, who is the HOH. She’s the one who gets the credit for taking out DX. Not Alyssa.

          What the Hell has Alyssa done to prove she’s good at this game, other than try to “meat shield” herself with two of the strongest male players in the game? Yeah, I know – you LOVE that strategy, as it’s the same one Nicole F. has used repeatedly in her BB career. Sorry, I have no respect for the hide behind the man and ride his coattails to final 2 strategy. It’s a strategy, just not one I respect.

          Alyssa has won NOTHING in this game. Ky threw the veto to her, so that he could remove Claire from the block himself (if he won the OTEV comp, Claire would have won the second veto and removed herself), and he made it so obvious he was doing it, Alyssa should be embarrassed to claim that as a win. She won the Roulette Wheel comp because she was the ONLY person playing it! Oh yeah, that’s a HUGE win! Neither she nor her main ally were on the block, so there was no real reason for her to play, yet she did and ended up putting her BEST ally up for eviction for her stupidity! That’s great game play right there, I tell you!

          Fortunately for X, he was able to win veto and remove himself from the block. If he had to rely on Alyssa to do it for him, he would be sh@t out of luck!

          And you’re forever running DX down for the Cookout steamroll. What has Alyssa done to recognize or stop the Cookout? Nothing you say? Let me remind you – she’s right there in the boot order with SB and Claire, soon to follow DX. She may even go next week depending on who wins HOH and how things shake out. One things for certain. Her game playing ability will do NOTHING to save her. It’s simply a matter of who TC wants to send out next, and it will be one of those three.

          1. Hey there TURD BLOSSOM Derek X is the one who was shady imploded everything and made Alyssa not want to trust him anymore!

            Derek X screwed it up you bum! DX should’ve targeted the jokers week five and he could’ve put up possibly Azah and freaking Derek F because Britini won the veto and if he would’ve originally targeted the jokers someone from the cookout would’ve already been gone you fool !
            The jokers were the clear and obvious target at that time and yet he wanted to betray the royal flush and turn against his alliance which was completely doing a cookout bidding you bum!

            Beef I can’t help it sometimes that you are for real half a brain cell but you probably do think that Derek X made a great move week one when DX KNEW HE WAS A TARGET by Frenchie in yet DX wanted to use the VETO in order to help Frenchy’s HOH out!?!
            If you can’t see that DX is the that has been completely foolish and then you are the fool I always thought to be. Using the veto on kyland 1st week and getting Travis out has been really great for Derek X game when KY had been plotting DX’s demise all of this week BEEF! DX has just been a puppet for a couple of jealous and snob women in the Cookout doing their dirty work!

            DX has said since July that he has wanted to target Christian then Alyssa for a whole month now that he was wanting to target Alyssa and Christian which is DX’s and Alyssa has no other choice in getting DX out.
            Just last week Derek X wanted to target a Alyssa. Alyssa has no other choice but to stay with Sara Beth, Xavier, and Kyland because those are the only players that wouldnt take her out and DX proved himself time and time again to be untrustworthy!!!
            DX HAS DONE THIS ALL TO HIMSELF TURD BLOSSOM DX made himself the biggest target becoming untrustworthy for no reason. After he laid his ass off to her Alyssa doesn’t owe him Jack Sh!t except for stabbing him in the front right in his face during a backdoor after DX lied to her!! All she had to do was vote his ass out!
            Alyssa doesn’t have give two sh!ts about DX and rightfully smart and justified to vote out DX’s because he Made himself completely untrustworthy it’s very freaking simple she can’t ever work with him again because he broke his word and lie directly to her face time and time again There is no reason to keep Derek if you were Alyssa because he will do it again to her in backstab her like he did the time for and she is the better players because she can stab him in the front get it through your Neanderthal head BEEF! Everything is so clear now that you were a huge Trump supporter!

            1. Oh my you have hurt me deeply. Not once in my post did I call you any names, yet you come at me with turd blossom, fool, bum, dingus and OMG Trump supporter! What, are you 13 years old or something? Seems you are unable to make your point without a personal attack on the other person – and you call me a Neanderthal?

              I noticed you never answered my question about what Alyssa has done to recognize or stop the Cookout roll. You lie and say Xavier and Kyland wouldn’t take her out, when they are constantly talking about doing exactly that (along with SB and Claire after they get DX out this week). You happily point out how DX is a puppet of the Cookout, while conveniently ignoring the fact that Alyssa is also a puppet of the very same alliance, doing their bidding through her “handler” X. If all the things you say are true about DX, they are just as true about Alyssa, so I really don’t see why you think she’s such a great player, when the only difference between them is he at least tried to make a big move, and her only move resulted in her putting her #1 ally on the block. There’s no need for you to repeat your diatribe on what a HUGE mistake it was for DX to get out Christina – we know how you feel about that. But at least he didn’t put Hannah or Tiffany OTB like Alyssa did to X. I know it was random, but you see it didn’t have to happen. According to YOU they were both safe anyway because SB wouldn’t have put either one of them up, so why play? Everybody else figured it out and didn’t, but not Alyssa. That brainiac played anyway and ended up getting her own meat shield put up for nomination.

              Maybe you think that was a great move since he was a Cookout member? Let’s see you do an about-face and start singing her hosanna’s now for that move, now that I’ve described it in a way you can praise her for doing it! LOL As if she intended to put him up because he was in the Cookout! Hahahahahahaha

        2. DX turned out to be not such a good player that’s true but Alyssa is dragged along just because of her looks

    1. I agree, this is why this year is getting my attention to the highest. Being watching for 6 years straight.

  4. Derek – “Can you think of a way that I can leverage the fact that Xavier will be locked up for 24 hours prior to the eviction?”

    Now, DX is thinking. X is gone for 24 hours before the live eviction vote. That 24 hours is the time to convince Tiff, Hannah, Azah, and DF that X & Ky are more loyal to their respective plus ones (and that those four have all the comp wins). If DX does that, then he stays. Otherwise, he goes.

      1. CO is the first Alliance that has been very loyal. Convincing BigD and Ky I don’t see. I don’t think any woman convincing BigD. But at least DX is trying. Though I’m not a fan he can go

        1. The Committee was loyal until they got to final 5 or was it 6? They will backstab, the only question is when. You can’t be loyal to 6 players in a game where there is only 1 winner. It’s inevitable.

    1. DX will be getting backdoored in 10th Place

      He would’ve been better off telling Sarah Beth before renoms that Tiffany was the one who was trying to flip the vote week 5!

  5. Can’t wait to fastforward when the Cookout have to come for each other. Should be a good watch. I can see Ky being the first to be targeted. I don’t see how Tiffany makes it to final 3.

    1. It looks like the guys are planning on taking out the women, and the women are planning on taking out the men (and good luck to them)

      1. IMHO the winner will be who adapts best AFTER the first one goes, that being either a man or a woman, and WHICH man or woman! It makes a huge difference if Tiffany goes vs. Azah or Ky goes vs. Big D. After the first bomb drops, who works with who, and who gets the blame for being the backstabber? That may determine who goes at 5, and once you get to 4 anything can happen.

  6. Fracture Watch is becoming a Crack Warning
    Today they aren’t even waiting until they find hushed corners.
    They’re right out talking about it in the kitchen.
    Participants: the guys of the cookout.
    Basic subject: Tiff (sub topics: emotional frailty of women, emotional volatility of women, women not being team players).
    They are mad she’s emotional. They are mad she won’t volunteer for the block (note, Xavier wasn’t volunteering for no damn block time until the seal was broken by the roulette wheel and that jury point was moot anyway).
    One of them is suggesting putting up Tiff instead of Ky and leaving Tiff on the block for the week (Couch is still saying use the wheel to take down Claire and put up SB with Tiff and X on the block).

    Is the subject new? Only to the three men in concert. In pairs, not new. Is the fact that they are doing it in the kitchen and near the memory wall new? Oh yeah. That’s a level of brazen they haven’t shown before.

    Keep in mind: last night Hannah campaigned to Azah to keep Dx. Hannah told Ky that Azah was campaigning to her to keep Dx. Ky told this to X. Now X is going to talk to Azah about why she is campaigning for Dx.

    Df and X in the workout room go further. They question Tiff’s loyalty to the six if she is pushing so hard to keep Dx. They impy she’s hoping to keep him to take one of them out at 7 (dear X, pot and kettle because that’s why he’s keeping Alyssa, and that’s why Ky wants both Dx and /or SB).

    Meanwhile…. Claire who?
    Oh, Claire the one that is being thrown under the bus by Tiff, who is currently lying her ass off to X that Claire has snapped at her, is distancing herself, and has been making comments like ‘soon it will just be me and alyssa and sarahbeth”. ummmm…. Tiff is laying ground work for when X goes into exile to explain the flip by painting Claire a big ol target. Gee, who didn’t expect that.
    Just before that Hannah was getting busted for making crap up about Tiff and Azah having to be convinced by her to vote out Dx. Ky told Tiff she wasn’t being fair, and Hannah shouldn’t have to explain to Tiff why Dx has to go. Tiff is telling Ky that’s shit.

    1. I sense a Buella sighting in the recent future.
      She’s had Claire’s bags packed for weeks, tbh.
      Meanwhile, Dx campaigning to Alyssa… I don’t think it’s going well for Dx.
      Tiff promised she wouldn’t push Dx staying to Ky and X.
      So she’s helping Dx come up with a campaign for Ky and Dx…. and going to Couch to push keeping Dx.
      She’s going to overplay herself out the door.

      1. Xavier Hannah talk: cat’s out of the bag. The view: Tiff is irrationally playing because she’s willing to burn a jury vote by voting Claire out. There is no good reason to keep Dx that doesn’t involve him taking a big shot. They’ve got to cut Tiff off at the knees by securing the vote to a max 5-2. They point out if the ones saying keep Dx until SB is out can’t win an hoh and a veto in the same week to ensure Dx goes, they should vote him out now while the chance is there. (there goes Tiff’s campaign she wants Dx to push to Ky and X).
        Ky has already spoken to Azah saying he prefers to be one of the 2 votes to keep Dx. Azah says she is fine with that.
        TIff and Azah have already had a meet up where Tiff told Azah they need a way to get rid of KY, X and Couch or they win automatically if any get to the final.

        Whoever outs Tiff as sabotaging Claire for 3 weeks straight in their goodbye message earns a jury vote.

        1. Not to expound on the obvious, but giving up a jury vote if there’s no way you ever get to final 2 is not a great loss is it? Tiff has said many times there’s no way they (meaning the ladies) can beat X or Ky in a final 2 showdown, and she also doesn’t think any of TC has the ability to win comps and get them both out! That means her only possible path to victory is for DX to remain in the game, take out both Ky and X, and then she has a chance to win with possible CO votes, even without Claire’s.

          The only question would seem to be would she lose CO votes by turning on them before they get to “the 6”? Who would look worse in a scenario where Tiff ended up sitting next to DX in final 2? Tiff for not being loyal to TC or TC for refusing to vote for a black winner because she was disloyal to them in the game?

  7. The non-CO members are getting Foutte’d….Hannah , Claire, & Azah plus X are boring AF …… just my feels…. addendum: Ky & Squeaky Beth

  8. LOL. Tiffany talking about all the people she’s sending home. Girl, you haven’t won a damn thing. Ky HANDED you the HOH and you fkd it up. I’d love to see SB and Tiff go in a double!

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