Big Brother Over the Top First night “this is so over the top”

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Julie says the season will be 65 days
Fans votes for Winner, Nominations, Evictions and Games changing twists..

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Scott is the first one in “WOW they did this all in a week.. “
Scott picks a bed in the London room.

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Morgan next.. “We’re in the Big Brother house… We get first pick of bed”

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They find the board left behind from the Big brother 18 final 4

Scott – we still don’t know who won last season… we’ll probably find out who won this season before we find out who won last season

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Next in is Shane.. Morgan – “Your hair it’s beautiful it’s better than mine”
They introduce themselves. Scott tells them he’s a debt collector..
Shane says those are the guys he hangs up on.
Shane – If you act like a robot on the phone they automatically hang up..

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Neeley “It’s a diva’s paradise.. it’s so sparkly”

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Shelby “oh my gawd…. That would be funny we should write this show”

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Corn enters “I’m Cornbread from Georgia.. I have a daughter that’s 10 I’m engaged to the women of my dreams and she was 2 kids of her own… ”
Corn – I’m like MacGyver in the kitchen
Cornbread – “this is so over the top”

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Kryssie enters says she has a giant tattoo of Robocop on her arm which she can’t show unless “Orion signs the release”

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Whitney enters “I’m from Kentucky… are you from Kentucky… I’m so excited to meet you guys.. to meet anyone.. this has been the worst week of my life”

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Justin enters “Hey how you doing… hey hey.. ”
Kryssie – he smells expensive…

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Alex comes in

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8:40pm they get alcohol..

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Monte comes in

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Danielle enters

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Jason enters..

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Julie tells them they are all part of Big BRother History.. “Everything is live… Competitions will be different, Ceremonies will be different”

Julie – here is the first game changer.. on Big Brother over the top there is no jury once you are out of the game you are out of the game for good.. America will be choosing the winner.
Julie – first Head of house hold competition will begin tomorrow

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9:45pm a mess of conversations..

29 thoughts to “Big Brother Over the Top First night “this is so over the top””

  1. I’m actually surprised, this is good so far. And the quality of CBS all Access on my 4K is really good. I was worried they would skimp on production but I sure hope this turns out to be a good season.

  2. guys, is there any other way i can watch this (doesnt have to be live). I live in canada. Im hoping there is somewhere i can find a link for like the episodes..? or is that not possible

    1. I hear ya! im trying to figure it out too! there has to be a way? cant anyone help us..we would help you from canada!! did you figure out anything yet bbcan?

  3. one houseguest every 9-10 minutes. is this snail pace strategic since the viewers have more power in their hands? my free week trial will be over by the time they bring everyone in. sheesh.

  4. So glad Jason beat out “The Mess”! My advice to Jason is to stop talking crap from your bed in the house and play the frigging game!!!!

      1. Just not worth jumping through the hoops.

        If CBS has been so desperate to try and get subscribers, why would they continue to lock out Canadians.

        1. Yeah, its really unfortunate they block Canadians, especially since it wasn’t always like that. When they included the live feeds as part of CBS All Access which was a US only subscribers service, they chose to keep it like that. Hopefully they’ll change it and open it back up to Canadians but I wouldn’t hold my breath.

      2. it doesnt sound that easy…hidemyass vpn…how does that work and does it screw up ur regular settings for email and stuff? how much $ is it?

        1. Its not that difficult to setup. they have videos / support if you need help. We can also help. it doesnt cost that much and its cheaper if you pay for a longer subscription.

  5. Thanks Simon and dawg again for volunteering to keep us glued to our tablets and phones. We appreciate the hell out of you guys!!!!!!!thank you for everything you do. Here’s hope for a great short new season.

    1. Thank you Jennifer. We’re going to try to do our best. We can’t invest the same amount of time but we’ll try to catch the most important stuff. 🙂

      1. Appreciate it , dude. This was my first season with you guys. I discovered you by accident and was glued here every day of season since. Much love????

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