Big Brother Canada Spoilers “He’s just a stooge and I’m a stoogette”

POV Holder: Andrew Next POV April 13th
POV Used ? POV Ceremony April 15th
HOH Winner: JILLIAN Next HOH: April 18th
Original Nominations: Andrew and Peter
Current Nominations: ?
Last Evicted Houseguest ALEC & TOPAZ
Have Nots Talla & Andrew (Servants for haves)


7:51pm kitchen everyone
Mostly banter between the players.. everyone is getting along joking around and having a good time.

Andrew joking about Talla working for CSIS (CSIS is Canada’s CIA) Talla: “I feel like I am going to cry right now.. this is not going to last forever” (The big Brother Experience)
Peter: “you mean you and Andrew not serving us”
Jillina: “Talla your salad is delicious I need to have more faith in you”

Peter: “We’re going to have a bodily functioning intervention with you”
Talla says she doesn’t usually burp so much outside of the house. Andrew bring sup that it’s because Talla drinks 4000 pepsi’s a day in the Big Brother House.

Andrew starts talking about how good the streaks are that he prepared. points out the marbling in them.

Emmett tells a Jillian he’s going to work out, hit the hot tub then head to bed.. Talla mentions she’ll be going to bed at 9 tonight.

Peter points out that someone from Ontario will not win Big Brother Canada they have evicted them all.

Andrew: “I cannot believe my twin brother was in the house.. “
Peter: “And he wandered around.. even in the HOH room”
Andrew: “I think he took a dump up there”

Talla: ‘I really need a smoke guys”
Emmett: “How many days did you go through without smoking”
Jillian: “Since Monday”
They all start telling Talla that she is a non smoker
Talla: “You trying to hypnotize me”
Peter: “Just think of all the money you’ll save and how much healthier you will be”

Andrew to Peter “How’s the pizza pocket”
Peter: ‘Good”

Peter jokes that he’s stuck in a house with two showmances
Talla: “He’s just a stooge and I’m a stoogette” (Biam S4L)




8:25pm HOh Emmett and Jillian

They start chatting about the reward.. Everyone got visited from someone in their family.

Jillian: “I love Talla to death but sometimes she gets a little hard in the head.. “
Emmett: “Ya she wants to talk about herself all the time.. it’s a bit much, She grows on you but still you have to take her in strides just like everyone “

Emmett gets called into the Diary Room


Peter telling Talla she is the strangest person he has every met


8:54pm HOH Talla, Andrew and Jilian

Jillian trims Andrew’s hair after Talla leaves and giving Andrew and Jillian a chance to talk game.
Andrew: “I have to win HOH”
Jillian: “You have to?”
Andrew: “Ya .. me or Emmett..”
Jillian: “Sometimes I feel like Talla.. oh we want her gone.. HAHHAHAHAHAH”
Andrew: “If Talla would Win we need you or I to win the Veto.. that means Emmett is gone unfortunately. .. Best case is me or emmett winning”
Andrew says if he wins He’ll take Jillian if jillian wins she will take Andrew and if Emmett wins he’ll take whoever.
Jillian agrees they shake on it (See screencap)
Jillian: ‘I’m excited to see how this game unfolds”
Andrew says he’s nervous about how big Big BRother Canada .. Jillian: “and i’m not a complainer”
Andrew: “You are a little bit.. “
Jillian: ‘What why,, they are mean to me”
Andrew: ‘They are not mean to you.. thats just the way you are”
Jillian: ‘I’m not”
Andrew: “we’ll you are on a TV show it’s stressful everyone is going to have critics everyone is going to have fans.. think about Talla.. I bet there is people who love her then there are the people like us who are wondering what she in the house”



(Video uploading)



9:12pm Pete playing aroudn with the hockey gear, Jillian doing dead lifts, the stooges in the pool stoogeing out and Emmett in teh Diary Room.



9:32pm Talla vacuuming.. by the looks of it this may be her first time engaging in such an activity.


9:50pm Pool Andrew and Jillian
Hard to hear them but they are going over the combinations that can occur with the weeks remaining.. For example what happens if Emmett wins HOH or Talla etc etc. They also touch on the different kind of comps there could be.
Andrew: “It’s surreal being in the house now”

Adnrew says at first some people annoyed him alot but as he got deeper he didn’t mind them. Andrew mentions that some people played the game so hard while others just were themselves. He points out Peter and Alec being the type of player that tried to get other people to do their work for them. Andrew jokes that early on in the game he thought people were telling the truth in the beginning. Jillian: “you were gullible because you think there is no reason for them to lie to you”

(Video uploading.. it’s 50 min of mostly Jillian working out.. it’ll take some time to complete)

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18 thoughts to “Big Brother Canada Spoilers “He’s just a stooge and I’m a stoogette””

  1. Has anyone noticed that the cameras never show a close-up of Talla’s face??? She has really bad acne!! Andrew has a natural humor that is nice. And finally I can’t believe how close Alec is in the bring back vote!!!! People really do love the ass-h…’s huh???

    1. At this point, I’d be okay with Andrew winning the game. He has actually played a really good game.

  2. Now that was a really awkward nomination ceremony. Jillian could barely come up with the courage to look at Andrew. Thank God he won the veto. I just hope he uses it on himself. Body language says a lot sometimes. Hope my boy Andrew is noticing that. Goodnite People!

  3. I still want emmitt to win and honestly talla is an idiot. If she doesn’t want to be on the block then maybe she should win something but having a temper tauntrum like a two year old is ridiculous. Her conversation with andrew and jill was either she can’t count because 5 peolpe in the house two on the block means one of them have to go up or she actually thought jill would put emmitt up as i said idiot. That was a smart move on jill’s part she didn’t get her allience mad by keeping peter off the block and andrew winning the pov didn’t force her to put emmitt up.

    1. this may be far stretched, but i was thinkin maybe talla intentionally uses her cutie and princess attitude to stay off the block? it has worked a couple of times.

      1. talla fans would love nicki from bb7 uk. she used this tactic the whole time and even got voted back in the house.

  4. Does anyone vid of Emmett and Jillian talking after, each got to see skyp videos with fam. Would love to see them talking about life after BB and them being sweet with each other again. Plz and thanks.

  5. Thank you guys for our daily dose of stooge time!! 🙂
    Whatever happens with the returning houseguest, I hope it turns out in favor of Andrew. Although he’s been lucky a few times, his gameplay deserves a place in the final 2. Would be a shame if he got the boot due to a surprise returning HG.
    Andrew turned out to be a skillfull player, almost unnnoticed by fellow houseguests (which is dangerous in a good way) and viewers until just recently. Plus he makes for such good television. His comments and antics are hilarious. I believe he’s prepared for every scenario (including Jill possibly lying to him about f2), even prepared for leaving. That allows him to take risks, not just rely on others and being aware of having to save his own ass in comps.
    Andrew FTW!

  6. Emmett just made an Anne frank “joke”

    “you gonna hide talla up I your room (the hon room) like Anne Frank”


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