Big Brother Canada Liza “I’m Smart.. I’m the puppet master.. Dance Monkey Dance”

POV Holder: TOM Next POV March 9th
POV Used POV Ceremony March 11th
HOH Winner: TOM Next HOH: March 14th
Original Nominations: Garry Suzette
Current Nominations:
Last Evicted Houseguest Danielle
Have Nots Alec, Topaz, Aneal, Jillian


11:50pm Peter and Liza (Thinking they are the smartest people to play Big Brother)

Liza says that the one vote against Emmett week one was her. Liza: “It’s just that things get boring” Peter: “I was board in the first 10 minutes.. I want to see people starting to go crazy in here.. We can sit back here and watch”
Peter: “I like watching people crumble.. i want to see people starting to sell themselves out”
Peter: “They can make a manual about how to play this game”
Liza thinks that playing the social and emotional part in the beginning is smarter than winning the competitions. Peter agree. tells her that the game is not played with game conversations the game is played in every other conversation they have, “The scheme and they make their stupid alliances and they think they know what they are doing.. thats not how you win”
He’s rubbing her leg while she plays with her hair.. It’s your standard Liza conversation.. I’m smart, I’m the puppet master, I know women,to stay single for long etc etc etc. They both share a disdain for the other players in the house peter will talk top less than 5 people after the show is over. Her plans are to make sure Talla gets drunk when she wins HOH and she’s going to talk Talla into making a huge move. Peter: “Good” Liza: “That makes her look awful and makes me look like the puppet master.. Dance Monkey Dance”

Liza calls her and Peter two diabolical masterminds who are going to make it to the final 2. Peter says to her that they are just bodies in the game right now they won’t start playing for another couple weeks.



Tom jumps right in beside Peter.. Peter moves away a bit the rubbing of the leg stops.


12:35AM Tom and Liza in bed


12:41AM Alec, Peter and Andrew. Andrew says he’s happy that he was able to complete the Task but isn’t happy what he had to tell everyone his father was dead, Alec: “Lying about your birthday is questionable” Andrew: “We’ll lying about your birthday is different than creating a death”

Andrew is joking about nobody knowing he’s on Big Brother, he suspects the episode hasn’t shown him yet. Andrew mentions that Jillian told him she doesn’t think she’s been shown much. Andrew: “I’m like Jillian you were HOH last week, you are in the Milkmance, not to mention you’re 27 and gorgeous you do Yoga all day and have a a$$ that won’t quit”
Andrew: “I’m 600200 years old and I’m translucent”
Aj and Topaz joins them
Topaz says that Aj was telling everyone in the bathroom that TAlla got kicked out of the HOH bedroom by Tom and Liza. Talla heard him and started making a big deal about it.
AJ says it’s true, Talla was sleeping with Tom in the HOH and Liza came in and she was kicked out. Aj: “I was taking a pi$$ all I heard was Tom say Talla go to bed and she left”

12:50AM Have nots Room Garry told Talla that AJ is string up sh!t in the backyard telling everyone that she got kicked out of the HOH room. Garry adds that Emmett stuck up for her. Topaz comes in and says Aj said he was wrong.


1:00AM Hot Tub room AJ, Garry and Talla.
Aj says he is worried they are going to portray Talla in a negative way. Talla doesn’t understand because she gave a gay guy a lap dance. AJ says no it’ll be the Tom thing. Garry: “Tom bench pressed her” Talla: “Ya he bench pressed me.. I didn’t give him a lap dance” (LOL so is that what this was called) Aj: “I’m just saying you danced on top of a guy don’t be surprised that some people will take it the wrong way” Talla: “It’s all good I don’t care it was all in good fun” Talla leaves pissed off. Garry starts laughing asks him why the hell did he bring that up. Aj says he cares about Talla she’s his friend.


1:40AM Everyone sleeping

8 thoughts to “Big Brother Canada Liza “I’m Smart.. I’m the puppet master.. Dance Monkey Dance””

  1. I love it how Liza thinks she is super hot “I don’t fall for boys they fall for me”. She has horse face with those nasty big teeth. I hope Gary, Topaz Alec alliance takes that cow out.

  2. Except liza isn’t as smart as she thinks because they are on to her unlike peter the house knows she is playing them.

  3. Good weekend for BBCAN. Drama on the horizon, hinjinks, and scantily clad women–the BB Trifecta!! I’ve totally reengaged in the show. Peter is still the easy leader in the clubhouse, separating himself from the rest of the group. I think he’s in a tier by himself now.

  4. Peter is the true puppet master in BBCAN now but am kind of worried the guys mentioned him as a threat and know how smart he is and want to take him out asap.

  5. Liza is full of pretence am sure if Tom didnt have anyone out of BBCAN she would willingly be intimate with him.she wishes she could do what emmet and jillian are at but cuz she cant so she hides it behind and acts all too good ,too smart

  6. This isn’t the first time I’ve seen Peter and Liza talking like they are in it together to the end. I hope Peter is just playing her hard! I think he is too smart to really be aligned with her. She is a liability. I will be really glad when she gets sent out of the house but I hope Emmett or Tom goes first. I sure hope Emmett and Jillian don’t win HOH next week. Anyone but them! I thought Gary would be the one to put Tom up, but now he’s talking like he wants to work with Tom out of gratitude. These people need to realize that Tom and Emmett are going to be hard to get out as the game progresses. They need to be broken up before jury starts. From what I’m seeing, Alec and Peter are going to keep throwing competitions for now, so the only one that I see putting Tom and Emmett up is Andrew. AJ would probably put up Aneal and Gary. And I think Aneal is too scared to make a big move too. I really like Andrew and want to see him shake the house up.

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