Big Brother Canada 5 Episode 2 Recap

Big Brother Canada 5 Episode 2 – Recap

Last week Karen won the HOH competition. Jackie and Karen have a discussion about who she will nominate. Karen mentions Neda and Bruno as possible targets.

Cassandra, Ika, Sindy talk about keeping the vets together and knock out the newbies.

Karen shows off her HOH room, gets a letter from her husband, then it’s back to the game. Sindy talks to Karen, to try and convince her to put up newbies. Karen suggests brains or muscle.

Karen decides on muscle. She considers Kevin, Mark, Dillon, Demetres. Mark and Demetres are nominated.

Bruno, Sindy and Kevin form the menage a trois alliance.

POV Competition Players Picked

6 people compete = Karen, Bruno, Kevin, Ika, Demetres and Mark. (Bruno, Kevin and Ika drawn randomly)

POV Competition

“Me Want Veto” Cave man Comp

Players have to jump into cold muddy water under a log with a boulder attached to their leg. They have to dig up 14 emoji tiles. And place them on a board with matching tiles.

If they find the boulder slowing them down they can look for the boulder tile, once they collect and place 2 boulder tiles they can remove the boulder.

Power of Veto winner

Bruno wins POV and decided to keep the nominations as is.

Gary and Cassandra find out they aren’t included with the vets votes when Sindy reveals that they are the only 2 vets voting for Mark. Gary walks off to talk to Ika to see if what Sindy told them is true. Ika reads Sindy the riot act and tells her not to speak for her and tells her that Sindy talks to much.

Elimination Vote

Demetres and Mark both give their speaches

Kevin – Demetres

Dre – Mark

Dallas – Demetres

Jackie – Demetres

Dillan – Demetres

Emily – Demetres

Gary – Mark

Ika – Mark

William – Mark

Cassandra – Mark

Neda – Mark

Cindy – Mark

Bruno – Demetres

Mark is eliminated from the house with a vote of 7-6

The Timewarp Shockwave is announced. Canada Voted for Neda. She is safe until the Jury! Unheard of!!

Watch Next Monday @ 9Est

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