Big Brother Canada 4 Joel Vs Mitch Eviction & HOH Spoilers!

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Last week the returning house guest twist really shook up the house especially for Mitch’s game. The house unanimously voted for Kelsey to return to the game and along with Maddy’s duck she brought inside information from her time in the secret suite with Loveita. Kelsey was shocked to learn that not only was Mitch pretending to be with (Jared/Kelsey/Raul), he was also in an alliance with Loveita, and Joel. Kelsey and Jared originally wanted to use this information at a later date but Raul emotionally confronted Mitch which forced their hand. Raul then won HOH and nominated Mitch and Joel for eviction. In the power of veto competition Jared won and after contemplating putting up the brothers he decided not to use it as Raul refused to go along with the new plan.

Social Media Spoilers:

Thank you – hamsterwatch for the spoilers!

  • Evicted House Guest: Mitch by a 5 – 3 vote (The 3 were Nikki, Ramsey, Maddy)
  • HOH Winner: Maddy won HOH (Before/After Competition)
  • Additional info: new wildcard twist next week that’ll involve viewers
  • Jury: Mitch is the first member of the jury

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Arisa announces that whoever leaves the house tonight becomes the first member of the jury.

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Jared votes to evict: Mitch
Nikki votes to evict: Joel
Ramsey votes to evict: Joel
Kelsey votes to evict: Mitch
Cassandra votes to evict: Mitch
Maddy votes to evict: Joel
Philippe / Nick vote to evict: Mitch
Tim votes to evict: Mitch

Evicted House Guest: Mitch by a 5 – 3 vote

** On Mitch’s way out the door he tells the house guests: “Oh if one of the trio (Jared/Raul/Kelsey) makes it to the end, they have my vote. So get them out while you can!”

HOH Competition – Before or After

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The show ends without the winner being decided. We already know from the spoiler that Maddy is the new HOH but to officially confirm we’ll have to wait until the live feeds turn back on to see who the new head of household is.

Arisa announces at the end of the show that next Thursday we’ll be a part of another wildcard!

HOH Winner: Maddy

** When the live feeds returned it was confirmed that Maddy won HOH. Jared and Maddy listening to Maddy’s ipod music.
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48 thoughts to “Big Brother Canada 4 Joel Vs Mitch Eviction & HOH Spoilers!”

      1. Did anyone else notice Jared hiding behind the door and in another room while his ‘girlfriend’ was being confronted by Mitch and the others? Such a class act…way to stand by your team Jared..bleh!

    1. I would think she’d aim at Kelsey.
      She hates Kelsey more. Who knows it might end up being Kelsey Cassandra on the block after veto. She’s still jonesing for Jared.
      Viewer twist this week. Probably a Canada vote.

    2. I don’t think so. Maddy and Cassandra have had multiple private conversations where it was promised that should either of them win HOH they would keep each other off the block. They could both be attempting to deceive but my read on it was that they were being sincere. In an effort to keep the house in the dark about their agreement, it was decided that they would talk bad about each other to their housemates whenever possible. It is never a certainty that Maddy will keep her word about anything. I doubt they will ever be good friends. However, in this case I think Maddy will view it as a solid game move to protect Cassandra and aim for other targets.

  1. Anyways I am happy it’s Maddy and not the 3W. If she targets them, she might gain a little respect for a change.

  2. Hopefully Maddy doesn’t screw herself like last time she won HOH. I wouldn’t be surprise if she puts Ramsey up on the block.

    1. no the brothers and cass need to go on block because they are playing same game as mitch he went home or jury so should they,

  3. cass did some good groundwork with maddy and ramsey but i am not sure if tim will avoid the block. i also don’t know how much influence Nikki will have on Maddy, since she really really hates cassandra. who does she hate more, tho, cass or raul for putting mitch up and getting him out.

    going by After dark excerpts, i get the feeling that the 3 and the brothers are her main focus.

    i get the impression that the ‘wildcard’ is going to be someone coming in from outside who will be HOH for a day, or something. or Canada as hoh, not sure, i have seen the mentions of ‘flip the HOH” in the ads, which i would interpret along with the ‘win a day in the BB house promo’ as well.

    1. Flip the HOH is just a thing we vote for every week where we get to choose what furniture item they get in the HOH room lol nothing crazy

    2. flip the HOH is just a thing we vote for where we can pick a furniture item to be put in the HOH room every week

  4. Well Mitch screwed up that one. Then again I probably couldn’t play any better so I really shouldn’t judge ???? Thanks for the updates Simon and Dawg

    1. Tim got rid of a threat in favor of a thrall. he had a “of course I’ll help you adjust after the show in the real world” grease a juror moment.
      What more should he have done? Saved someone most of the house said could win the game? That would be foolish.

  5. Apparently there will be twist and the viewer get a say or some kind of power —i hope it’s a power that screws over Maddy somehow, some way—is it just me– but I just can’t wait for Maddy’s comeuppance–Lord knows it’s OVER DUE!!

    1. STAHPPPPP!!!…..are there really Maddy fans out there?….what alternate universe I have I just stepped into –people are pro Maddy?..Mitch leaves and you lay this shit on me —-Nooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!—–a little piece of me is dying right now !

  6. After they all said Maddy only won that HOH due to luck it just goes to prove she’s great in memory comps (which means if they keep her to F4 POV) she’ll be a lock to win that. so….. watch the house shuffle now and want her out next

  7. Maddy is motivated by one thing MONEY.. So, Ramsay will try to get her to keep Jared safe b/c of his side deal with him & go after Raul/Kelsey. BUT Maddy who did do a handshake deal with Cassandra for them not to go after each other will look completely untrustworthy if she targets anyone but TTW.

    Also Mitch saying if one of TTW is at the end they have his vote I think will also motivate her to target them. We’ll see.

  8. Jared rants to Maddy about what a brown nose Cass is …. MEANWHILE he’s all alone with her in the HOH lol Bet Kelsey wishes she didn’t deny the F4 deal with Maddy/Ramsay now lol

  9. Wish she would put up Jared, but she has a secret crush on him and he is using that to his advantage and smoozing her in the HOH room.

  10. So disappointing that Mitch was eliminated tonight. He was by far the most interesting and intelligent player in the game and quite entertaining. In hindsight, the dumbest move so far was Maddy backdooring Loveita instead of leaving Jared on the block. If Jared and Kelsey had gone home on the double eviction then one of them would still be out of the game, but no Maddy the dumbass backdoored Loveita.

    I hate the fact that BBCAN allows eliminated players to come back in to the game. What a lame move. Once you are gone you should be gone forever.

  11. She should put up Kelsey and the brothers. If one wins and takes themselves off the block then Raul or Jared takes their place.

    One of the three disgusting people should go out next week (well, the pleasure of seeing them gone would be the same if the moronic borther were to be evicted first).

  13. I don't understand why everyone hates Jared so much, he's one of the nicest people in the house. I say they should get Tim or Niki out says:

    I don’t understand why everyone hates Jarod so much, I think he’s one of the nicest people in the house! I can’t stand Maddt, but I say get rid of Tim, he could win this game

  14. no one really knows what’s going on in Maddy’s world. She pretty much has to go after the triumvirate, but that’s logical, and we’ve seen her logic (?) before. Maybe she’s a mastermind — getting rid of Loveita hasn’t really hurt *her* game, has it? She’s not ‘secretly’ in love with Jared as others have suggested, it’s all too obvious, he knows it, Kelsey knows it…Ramsey might be the only one who doesn’t know it. Ramsey will be in her ear to not nominate Jared, (his secret crush), so it’s a complete mystery to me — she’s just as likely to go after Joel and Tim or even Nikki, or what the hey, maybe even Ramsey…she’s definitely a wild card. And now we get to ‘vote’ on something? I’ll only vote if it’s some sort of super power to bring Mitch back!!!

  15. Cassandra and Kelsey may go up. Question mark on who might be the replacement nominee in case POV is played

  16. I think Maddy will put up Tim because he put her up after Nick used the power of veto to take Jared off the block and the other will probably be Kelsey unless Ramsey convinces her otherwise.

  17. Doesn’t everyone just want to get rid of Kelsey to fill her shoes with Jared and Raul….. Mitch said as much…. No one is better than the other in this game they all want to win the big prize… Just watched Joel with Cassandra … The so called trio saved him …..Nikki hated Maddy because of her lies… Hated Cassandra because of Tim …. Now hates Kelsey because of Jared….I think Joel is the one to watch now

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