Big Brother Canada 4 April 12 Evening Live Feed update


POV Holder: Jared Next POV April 9th
POV Used Yes POV Ceremony April 11th
HOH Winner: Maddy Next HOH: April 14th
Original Nominations: Jared and Kelsey
Current Nominations: Kelsey and Raul
Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry, Christine, Kelsey, Loveita, Dallas, Mitch
Have Nots Raul, Nikki, Kelsey

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Goofing around in the storage room and waking up Nikki.

Tim pouring nail polish remover in Nikki’s cup to replace the vodka they drank of hers.

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12 thoughts to “Big Brother Canada 4 April 12 Evening Live Feed update”

  1. So Big Brother took the cheat sheet from Kelsey. Good move. It’s a rule. I hope they’ve confiscated Dallas’ water bottle as well. It’s the same rule. I don’t remember who he left the water bottle with.
    Not making an excuse, not lessening the severity of a broken rule. Just hoping that bottle with all of the days and comps written on it isn’t floating around.

      1. before everyone talked about Michael Jackson in the hoh room. Not sure which feed now.
        Kelsey called to d/r. goes up to bathroom and tells jared it was confiscated because it broke a rule. Jared was unhappy and didn’t understand why it was taken away.

  2. Is this dude serious right now…Jared got mad because Kelsey was drinking too much wine. Girl, when this game ends…disappear. Jared is out of his damn mind.

  3. Both Kelsey and Jared have scrapes on their knees – was it from a competition or blanket/floor burns?

  4. Okay. so they let Nikki sleep through booze delivery. Jared got mad at Kelsey because she split a glass of wine with Cass (not sure but I think he believes she split his glass of wine with Cass, or he’s upset she split it with Cass and not him… I’m not sure). The houseguests broke melons? The noise woke Nikki. The alcohol they’d saved for Nikki was now missing or gone. Nikki is not pleased. Tim puts water and nail polish remover in the bottle and puts it in the fridge. Feeds go dark. Meanwhile Raul is bouncing on a ball and talking a mile a minute.
    So what did yesterday actually mean to the game?
    Tim told Nikki to vote out Raul earlier this week, she agrees. Yesterday, Nikki asks Tim if he and Cassandra want to make an alliance with her. They tell her she missed the boat when she went against them and voted out Dallas. Add that to the melons and liquor disappearance. Nikki’s vote no longer solid.
    The brothers mentioned nominating Tim and Nikki in a triple to renom either Maddy or Jared. They mentioned this possibility to Joel and Kelsey separately. Kelsey and Joel both tell Cass the brothers are thinking of using Tim and Nikki as pawns. Cass tells Tim they are going to nominate him before lights out. Tim says he’s going to scare them. Who will get the blame for the revelation? There is a possibility the brothers’ vote no longer solid.
    Second booze delivery in a couple of days. Second time Jared has ended up getting steamed. Is there a possibility his vote is no longer solid?
    Getting the feeling the booze deliveries this week are a tool of production in order to shake up the status quo in order to make a storyline change more believable?

  5. ***Jared is 10x worse than Caleb was!

    ***did Jared see or hear about the brothers kissing Kelsey on the cheeks yet..the Twitter mirror?

    ***they have an extended outdoor lockdown…could mean that a Secret Veto is being hidden inside today.

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