POV Holder: | Godfrey | Next POV | May 29th |
POV Used | Yes | POV Ceremony | April 26 |
HOH Winner | Pili | Next HOH | April 29th |
Nominations: | Sindy and Brittnee |
Have Nots | Brittnee, Sarah, Kevin, Godfrey | ||
POV Players | Godfrey, Pilar, Sindy, Willow, Bobby, Kevin. Host is Sarah |
8am – 11:05am Big Brother blocks the feeds. When the live feeds return – We learn that the Power of Veto Ceremony had taken place. All the house guests are in the kitchen. Pilar says I love the way you put the veto back in the box. Godfrey says I honestly thought thats how it went pack in yo! Brittnee goes into the storage room and whispers to herself “They’re suck a$$holes!” Sindy heads up to the HOH room to listen to Pili’s music. Brittnee tells Zach “This sucks!”
Power of Veto Ceremony Results:
- Godfrey used the veto on himself
- Pilar nominated Brittnee as the replacement nominee
11:25am – 11:40am In the bedroom – Bruno tells Ash you don’t have to worry. We have the numbers. Ash says its just so stressful! Bruno says its 7 against 3. SIndy joins them. Pilar then comes and gets in bed with Ashleigh. They start studying the past events of the house. Pilar says I was falling asleep during the POV ceremony. I had a hard time looking at Godfrey & staying awake..
In the chairs by the backyard door – Zach and Brittnee are sitting in silence. Willow joins them and her and Britt talk about why they backyard is locked down. Brittnee thinks its for moving the weights. Willow says she can hear a lift. Britt says no idea, I just don’t understand what they would be setting up for on a Sunday. Willow says who knows. Big Brother says please wake up! Nap time is over. Britt says I have a feeling we’re going to hear that a lot today.
11:45am – 11:55amBig Brother blocks the feeds. The feeds return for 30 seconds with the house guests talking about how they can’t even take a power nap. In the bedroom – Bobby, Brittnee, Sindy, Ashleigh, Willow and Bruno are trying to nap. Big Brother says please wake up nap time is over. In the living room – Kevin, Pilar and Godfrey are chatting. Pilar says it took her three tries to pass her drivers licence. She says the second time she got into the wrong car.
Up in the HOH room – Ashleigh is showering. Pilar is brushing her teeth. Zach is laying on the HOH bed. Pilar says no more ceremonies for me. I’m done for the week. I’m so happy!
12:10pm In the have not room – Sarah and Brittnee are talking. Sarah says you know the people that voted to evict Jordan .. they think we’re all in an alliance now. They’re going to assume the worst. Brittnee says I just have to hope Sindy is seen as a bigger target. I’m never sitting safe even when I’m not on the block. Sarah says thats why we would never get called out. Five people just got called out for working together and for being couples. Sarah says you know these people are idiots people don’t like Sindy and that’s why she’s going. Brittnee says I just need to stay in everybody’s good books. If I go, you’re the only person I am hugging. Sarah says if someone is calling you a pawn its a good thing. No one called Parhar a pawn except for Zach. They f**king hate Sindy. We’re gaining Willow by the second. She wasn’t crying because of the costume. I made that up. She was crying because Zach treats her like a bag of sh*t. Like throwing the football at her head. Sarah says that Ashleighs face during that speech was so… I wanted to rewind! She made eye contact with me. The only person she made eye contact with was me. Willow joins them and says it smells so bad in here ..like feet, body odor, a little bit of s*x.
In the bedroom – Pilar, Kevin and Bruno talk about the veto ceremony. Kevin says even now she (Sindy) doesn’t know that the 7 of us are locked in.

12:45pm In the storage room – Bobby tells Willow you me and Bruno should talk tonight. Willow agrees. I talked to him yesterday. Bobby asks what did he tell you? Willow says that Zach was in an alliance.. Bobby says yeah. I am after Zach and Ashleigh! My game is in your hands telling you that but… Willow says I know that Sarah is going to go for Kevin. Willow says they’re going to go after you. You don’t have a veto? Bobby says no. I heard they were going to come after me and I think it actually saved Bruno and I this week. Bobby says put up Zach and Kevin and let the best showmance win. Bobby says I was so close to going up. Willow says no you weren’t.. Pili didnt think about it.
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LOL Sindy comes back in and right out the door. That’s what should happen to everyone who gets unfair advantages and second chances.
Unfair advantage? She worked her butt off in the challenge to get back in. And she definitely deserves to be in the game longer than a few others (Ashleigj/Pilar). The way P handled her HOH is pathetic.
Getting all the info from evicted housemates was an unfair advantage. The competition itself was fine.
Big Brother isn’t about what’s fair.
Ooooooo….. it’s quite possible your doing some premature chicken counting there.
People coming back into the game or new people coming in is a known fact.
It’s part of the game … like it or not.
They should all know this before hand, If not it’s their own fault.
BB is not “Fair” just like the so called justice/legal system …
The word “Fair” does not exist!
With that kind of logic any twistos twist is an unfair advantage
Personally, I don’t think her advantage was that unfair. Gary’s in BBC1 was so much worse. Bringing someone back in that early shook up the game in a slow season. Now the feeds are interesting, and alliances are shifting. That’s the best part of big brother, other than a blindside, which Sindy gave us. Personally, I’m happy she’s going. Now the boys will turn on each other.
Sindy is no special case. This happens with many returnees in Big Brother. No one in the house wants to deal with returnees.
The concept of big brother is not fairness and equality. Big Brother has ultimate control, it does what it wants when it wants. It is Big Brother who decides everything. Big Brother is the ultimate master. Never forget that.
And remember,
Big Brother is watching you.
It just boggles my mind to see these houseguests ratings……Kevin in 1st place? All he does is lay around during the day and night checking out Pilar’s tonsils. I am so tired of watching them suck face. Just cannot understand these ratings. Any game talk he does is with Zach, and then just agrees to everything Zach says. He doesn’t appear to have a game related thought in his head.
I’m sure we”ll see a big a change when the poll is updated. No pressure Simon and Dawg, you obviously work your asses off on this site!
I follow the ratings on Joker’s site but love the live feed overviews here!
“Bruno says its 7 against 3” … He’s absolutely right!
That would be 7 Woosies against 3 real gamers(Sarah,Sindy, n Brit)
who will make smart/big/good/strategic moves.
Zack you hawk beak wannabe doctor honky tonk hillbilly – NEWSFLASH MUTHAF***A – you awoke a sleeping giant bro and you and your handjobbing robot are going up and out the door!!!! Hopefully Kevin or his bimbozita is next!
Too bad the autistic Pili is HOH this wouldv’e been an exiciting week
The score will be 8-0 or 7-1 against Sindy if Godfrey gives Sindy his courtesy vote for initiating JP’s eviction last week.
I hope tonight is the double eviction. Please bb less tv time for the couples. Come on 2 diapers have to go.
The problem with sindy she is hard to work with because she is so feisty and physical comp because she won 2 comp strong ones. But she did shook up the house dynamics with the big secrets. Nicole could have gotten out derrick and cody knowing the info from jury but was too gullible. She did even tell people about this info. With judd he was like able guy and easy to work with. Gary was thought as weak and he stayed for little longer.
So BB kept them up all night and I think the double eviction HOH thing might be getting set up? Hopefully it is! And hopefully Sarah or Godfrey Win it, they’ll be the only 2 who won’t back out of making a big move. Bruno says he would turn on Zack, but I don’t know if I believe him.
While the feeds are down… do you think that Kevin purposely showmanced a Big Brother Dumb Girl to use a shield so that he is never perceived as a threat and he can use her as a smokescreen? This would serve to put more target pressure on Zash and other players while Kevin and Piwi play their little boy-girl games.
I think that’s exactly what he’s doing. He knew he was a big target, so he’s purposely not even talking game to anyone…..including Pilar. He just listens when people talk game to him. He is letting Zach dictate Pilar’s HOH. He has gone from being the biggest target in the house, to barely being mentioned.
Zach threw a football at Willow? When did that happen? What an ass…
Probably being blown out of proportion. It’s a nerf anyway. Not like Marcia Brady getting it in the nose.
she talks about how zach and other people are so mean
and she calls pilar evil and malicious for nominating brittnee
but does she realize she’s calling PILAR of all people out?
like pilar wanted to nominate herself and sarah is calling her that?
that’s so hypocritical
and why is it when favs say something rude, fans are like “slay queen slayy”
but when non favs say something rude, fans are like “go F*** yourself”
The difference is that what Sarah is doing is part of her game strategy
She is talking crap about others for multiple reasons. She in no way intending
what she says as a personal attack. Where as people like JP n Zack for example
When they insult people they do it on purpose to hurt others, not as part of their game
for the most part. Their just jerks.
how is talking shit about pilar to brittnee part of her strategy
Stop making generalizations about fans, not everyone will react like ‘SLAY QUEEN ASFDJSDJF’ if their fave
has said something that is questionable.
Happy to see Willow Bobby finally realizing what’s happening here. If they turn on Sarah and Brittnee the couples are going to stay together and get them and Bruno out.
Hopefully 2 out of Kevin Zach Ashleigh and pilar leave for this next eviction.
I am going to laugh so hard when these idiots cry to themselves that they should have put up Bobby…after the whole house guns for them next week. They are a bunch a moronic cowards. Bobby sat there yesterday and talked to Yellow Knights about his “secret veto” for ten straight minutes without one warning from BB. This should have tipped those two off…that Bobby was lying about the veto and lying about using it to save them, if they needed it. That should have warned them enough that they can’t trust him.
Since I’ve been calling Ash and Pilar “Double Air Mattress” (nothing but air in their heads and basically playing on their backs)…and Zack and Kevin their “Yellow Knights” (cause you can’t be a white knight when your a gutless twat)…my new nickname for the four of them is “Piss-Stained Air Mattress”. Every time they talk game, it is like hearing a loud hiss and “sqeee” from an air leak…ugh!
I hope that they did the veto so early and cut the feeds because BB decided to put us out of our misery and end this week early. That…or Sindy/Britt finds that Have-not power and it takes them both off the block. But, I’m sure production will probably wait to use that power as patch to save Piss-Stained Air Mattress…when they spring a leak after Bruno/Bobby stab them in their well-worn back…
I’m sooo shocked Pilar took the easy way out. Can someone tell me why did Canada choose her over Risha again?
Okay! For the last time… Canada NEVER picked Pilar over Risha.
Risha was leading as the favorite in all the polls.
BIG BROTHER picked Pilar over Rosha because they thought they’d casted a funny airhead/Talla doppleganga
Pili says it took her 3 times to pass her drivers license test.. why am i not surprised lol
Zach, this is what happens when you think that you are running the house, your shit does not stink, and that arrogance will get Captain Canada all the way through to the end. Now the entire house wants to go after your showmance and your alliance, and if you somehow make it through eviction, your right hand man/woman will be evicted to weaken you.
i wish they would vote out britt and keep sindy. sindy at leastvcan win things. b is not an asset
For the sake of interest I couldn’t agree with you more, Anonymous. At least Sindy is enjoyable to watch, Britnee is kind of flat.
is there an eviction going on tonight? i remember arisa said that sunday’s episode was going to be intense and i heard there was going to be 3 people leaving this week.
I may be crazy, but I would keep Sindy over Britt. If they’re all really going after the couples, they have the numbers. Sarah-Willow-Bruno-Bobby-Godfrey. Britt is a nice girl, but keeping Sindy is smarter. She’s better at comps, and she’s a bigger target. If you have a permanent pawn in your alliance (Britt), you need to get rid of them in favor of a better player (Sindy). You don’t want to be sitting on the block next to a known pawn.
Sindy’s capital mistake was disclosing the existence of chop shop alliance to the ENTIRE house.This way she lost Bruno, Bobby and Willow. Bruno did tell her “how can i work with you when you threw me under the bus?”
if bruno, bobby, and sarah were smart, they would find a way to flip the vote and get brit out…she is useless in comps and sindy isn’t…sindy is more valuable to them when it comes to fighting the other side. brit would turn on them all for one hug from zach. i hope sindy stays and brit goes.
okay, whats going on? why is bobby suddenly wearing shirts?
i may be alone in this but i want britnee to stay. I’m with the camp that sindy really shouldnt be there and i do not like it when people get a second chance . sindy served her purpose to get jordan out and im grateful for that but she can go now
i’m still of the opinion that cindy was sent back into the house to be a grenade. like the week 5/6 Canada’s hoh in season 2. she was armed with info, hyped and amped to go in and blow up the status quo. the powers that be wanted a shock and awe moment. cindy’s only option after that was to rely on social prowess to stay. but after you’ve already thrown the grenade it’s hard to say lets be friends. I doubt she will stay.
i’m not sure if he new diapershop (chop+diaper) is at all real, but i’m not sure if the ssb/bbg/w is completely real either… it’s like jockeying for position depending on who wins the next hoh.
it’s funny that if you look at number of d/r appearances on episodes. on average jonny, who has been gone for two weeks, still has five to six times more diary comments than pilar, Ashleigh, and willow added together. how bad are their d/r performances when the whole gary/heather’s lovechild d/r performances by jonny dwarf them so much? oi vey.
Will be glad when Booby & PeeLar exit the BBhouse!!
Congrats to Sindy with an S , even if she didn’t win she gained mad respect for playing the game. She was always the underdog but she still kept her head held high. Pillar and Ashleigh are just like Allison, played the game giving HJ and locking lips. They might as well wear an apron and bring sandwiches to the guys.
I’m torn. I love Britt, but I kind of want Sindy to stay. I’ve no doubt that Britt would make big moves if she won HOH again, but I just don’t see her winning HOH (or anything) again. Sindy on the other hand can win comps. Even if I was in Sarah’s shoes I’d be thinking of keeping Sindy.