Big Brother 26 Spoilers – Week 9 Eviction Results

T’kor and Rubina give their pitches. T’kor pulls out a new accent.

Makensy votes to evict T’kor
Kimo votes to evict Rubina
Cam votes to evict T’kor
Chelsie votes to evict T’kor
Angela Votes to Evict T’kor

T’kor is evicted.

Head of Household Competition.. Stack the candy.

Zingbot this weekend for veto. (Nice)

Thursday is Double eviction. (Awesome)

Show ends with these pictures.

Angela in the lead.

8:27pm The feeds are still blocked..

53 thoughts to “Big Brother 26 Spoilers – Week 9 Eviction Results”

    1. Yes. Threats go home this season. Chelsie should be worried, they’d be absolute idiots not to evict her. Then the game would be wide open.

    2. Every year I try watching the feeds, but I always give up after about 15 minutes. I for one am really appreciative of you doing this website so that I do not have to suffer that. I really do try hoping to watch some really great moments, but watching the raw footage is so mind numbing, I just can’t do it. That said, knowing how much is said and done in reality gives me a real appreciation for those who do reality tv editing. I do not envy them nor you Simon, but do keep up the good work you always do a great job.

    1. When you listen closely, there’s actually no accent whatsoever! She just has a speech impediment saying the letter R. The rest of her speech is accent-free and very vanilla.

    2. What gets me is she doesn’t use her actual name that she goes by in real life (Dinah). I don’t know what’s up with that, or why she would change it just for Big Brother.

      I know T’Kor is her middle name, but if she goes by Dinah everywhere else, why come on Big Brother and go by T’Kor? Even her sister calls her Dinah! It’s just weird.

  1. The mystery of this season to me is Tkors great social game, outside of Kimo Rubina and Chelsie she only spoke in mmmmhmmmm.

    1. She had a “great” social game only in the minds of the players in that house, who don’t seem to know how to play the game at all. Another Name gave a really good explanation of what actual social game is in a post 5 or 6 days ago, and how to use it. Being well liked is nice, but that’s not what social game is all about.

  2. T’kor was decent with her strategic game, but flopped at a critical moment. She only won just one HOH and ended up losing Tucker in the process.

    However, she’s got an excellent social game. She played the middle successfully from the start, was part of the Cedric blindside, part of Sixth Avenue that evicted Brooklyn, kept lines of communication open with Quinn after Tucker’s eviction, and kept close to Chelsie which likely contributed to The Trio staying as long as they did.

    But the wrong person got HOH and T’kor ended up in jury.

    My eviction wish list is simple — Leah.

    And if that fails, take out Angela. And if that fails, gotta go Kimo.

      1. Amen….and she was insulated the whole game put up.her own alliance when she became HOH….that’s why she,s in the jury…good riddance

      2. If she had no social game; She had something. No one wanted to put her on the block. Not to mention; everyone had a nice goodbye message for her.
        They all felt threaten to have her get to the end. Maybe I missed something..

    1. Not a great social game muttering mhmm and yeah’s mostly to the house. Besides Chelsie and trio Tkor isolated herself from game talk. She flipped on alliances changing them like you change underwear. Also had an abysmal time campaigning this week. It should have been clear to her fandom that she had a bad HOH taking tucker out prematurely. Ironically she goes out in 8th after flipping on the collective voting Cedric then Brooklyn. T’kor swung and missed at MJ twice. MJ winning those arenas ruined T’kors game by breaking down those power structures around T’kor making her having to pick a side instead evicting MJ and playing the middle.

    2. I think the mmhmm was part of her strategy though it was COMPLETELY annoying. She managed to keep from saying anything to anyone and managed to keep the he said she said off her til this week pretty much. By not saying a word. Whether that was her intent or she just don’t know how to actual socialize with that many people idk but just a thought

      1. I think it was too. She intentionally said less. She talked to Kimo& Rubina. I don’t watch live feeds, so it didn’t bother me. Lol

    Preamble: won’t miss the excess plane noises and lack of game talk…. but lack of game talk has been an ongoing concern because this season they want to change the game to big friendship where the ‘nicest most deserving houseguest saying they are there for something bigger’ wins. Eyeroll.
    CHENBOT returns. Jankie takeover. put the eff you in fun.
    Leah won HOH. her marshmallow stayed on the post after she let go but hey.
    Godot targets. Angela won veto… Leah got Jankie with it.
    Angela saves Kimo after Leah threw the Jankiecomp.
    T’kor has her hair washed and done for the first time.
    NINTH VETO USE. (10th including America’s Veto).
    Angela wants to secure Kimo’s Jury vote.
    Kimo crying about T’kor’s situation. Rubina afterthought, he said can’t decide… on feeds said sorry you’re leaving to Rubina.
    Rubina is going to have to be selfish.
    T’kor wants everyone but the trio to line up at the door.
    T’kor hopes Kimo and Chelsie keep her and Chelsie works to secure Cam and Mak.
    Leah upset because T’kor is crying. They still didn’t show T’kor’s outburst.
    Leah needed the trio broken. Leah won’t push agenda… but on feeds mentioned how much of a threat T’kor is and sandbagged her.
    Chelsie will be keeping T’kor (for her jury vote?)
    Cam and Mak talk: Cam thinks T’kor is the bigger threat but wifey likes T’kor.
    The Lorraines conspire. Mak joins: the Godots only like Chelsie.
    Mak wants T’kor out, needs to gather votes. Angela is with the plan. Cam becomes the swing. Kimo and Chelsie are team T’kor. Mak knows T’kor would nom her again.
    Rubina and Mak talk that Rubina isn’t dead in the water.
    Rubina thinks Cam is attached to Chelsie is attached to T’kor. Thinks Kimo is her only bet.
    Rubina and Kimo converse. Kimo loves Rubina in d/r… he chooses T’kor so….
    Rubina nonplus because she doesn’t have Kimo’s vote. Now she needs Chelsie or Cam.
    As of commercial vote is 2:2 with Cam swing.

    Julie notes trouble in ParaJankiedise…. oh we’re gonna get Chelsie prima donna ballbuster wife with her not a showmance not a husband she’d never marry because he was attracted to Leah. Green eyed monster come on down????
    5 people on couch cuddled cuts to dancing from days later. Everyone is sick of Jankie World. CAM MOVES HIS COT Because of rain. Chelsie mad that Cam is flirting with the women. So REALISM: Chelsie is jealous. Leah explains this isn’t about cots, this is about Cam. Chelsie moves bed across yard to be a prima donna. Cam wonders if the game relationship exists anymore. The asshole comment get exploited.
    Chelsie and Cam talk. Realism: she’s trying to control his game using showmance bullshit that doesn’t exist to emotionally manipulate him.
    Chelsie is the one telling the house Cam is with Mak not her, now saying Cam is drawing attention… while she spray paints C+M in a heart on the wall.
    Cam thinks T’kor gotta go now because Chelsie is having her cake, eating it too, and bitching about the calories… all the while telling Cam to give her his cake too.
    IS CAM DOING A FAKE OUT? OR IS HE VOTING OUT T’KOR? I think he votes out T’kor. Cam and Mak have denied Chelsie her easiest road to the win… but at the same time possibly made her Queen of the Godot pall bearers.

    EVICTION: T’kor’s social game vs. Rubina’s grit.
    Live singalong the Jankie song Julie joins for the audience.
    T’kor thankful for safe space, I will protect you, do what’s best for you.
    Rubina Jankieworld sucks. Continue representation for short people got… no body.
    Everyone goes upstairs to the upstairs d/r.
    Evict T’kor
    Makensy, Cam, Chelsie, Angela
    Evict Rubina
    Someone save Quinn… this will all be his fault when she gets to Jury. I’m serious. She’s gonna come for him like Chelsie at Cam’s socks.
    T’kor knew (in other words Kimo told her). says her sociological training. Her social game was a deterrent. T’kor would have saved Kimo she says (not what she said on feeds). Her HOH, she doesn’t know if she made a mistake. So no ownership?
    GBM lead to tears. She wanted to make friends. She gets to choose who is the representative of season 26.

    THEY ARE IN SEPARATE ROOMS FOR THE HOH… THIS FEELS JANKED UP. I SMELL GROD IS THIS GOING TO BE A SHENANIGAN????? This is how BBOTT started Individual Time Comps… but I doubt that’s what is happening. JANKIE HOH
    Eye Candy. Stack Candies. ONE HOUR TIME. BIGGEST STACK (most pieces) in the SHORTEST TIME wins HOH. AN INDIVIDUAL ROOM COMP. Only believe it if they show it in full with 6 screens simultaneously.
    Cam looks to be throwing. Zingbot returns next week. Thursday is double eviction night.
    Chelsie dropped her stack. Cam removes his stack of 6 and starts again.

      1. Zingbot’s zings are mild compared to MOST comments you can read here from 90% of the commenters.
        I mean…. the zings lost their zing in most cases years ago.

    1. “Rubina Jankieworld sucks. Continue representation for short people got… no body.” I laughed so hard. Thought I was the only one who thought this!

  4. I’m looking at these stacks and it seems they have different numbers of similar pieces from each other. can that possibly be true? that would seriously rig the contest.

    1. Big Brother’s been rigged since waaaayyyyy back in the day. We all still watch it, because we hold on to the memory of the old big brother we once knew.

      1. Wait – This comp is “rigged”, but we all still watch it because we yearn for the days of “old” Big Brother we once knew, that was also “rigged”?

        I’d actually prefer a straight up legit competition, where they compete side by side, with no production interference, and no possibility of production shenanigans like there is in individual timed competitions, so that we actually KNOW who won. Those comps are so rare these days as to be almost non-existent, but given some of these players don’t seem to think comps even matter when determining a winner, I’m not sure how important it is anyway.

  5. They quickly showed the HOH comp at the beginning of the show and I noticed that Leahs marshmellow was definitely still stuck to the circle after she removed the stick she was holding against it. WOW

    1. Hey Pippa, he is into her. Do you recall her telling him she’ll talk to him outside of the house.
      Don’t fall for the edits.

      1. Have you noticed they show every bedroom at night but the room Chelsea and Cam are in when their alone. He also told here everything he does in public is fake and everything he tells her in private is the truth.

        1. I don’t watch live feeds, but I do read the updates here on this site& others; but I do recall their discussion on wanting to wait until they get out of the house to move forward. Something like that.

  6. Tkor had to be one of the most boring, miserable houseguest ever..she wouldn’t know how to have fun if her life depended on it..Debbie downer..bye bye

  7. The people who were left deserved Jankie. I thought that bit was hilarious and can only imagine how annoying he was for the HGs.

  8. Post mortem game analysis of the first 2 jurors will be forthcoming this weekend.
    Trying to put on my no judgement, just analyze hat. It’s taking a lot because these people are… annoying. I don’t hate either of the jurors, but cutting the chafe and just sticking to game is going to be hard… because everything seems to be about touchy feely safe space nonsense. NOBODY is DYING, they are being paid to sit in a house for a couple weeks before being instructed how to vote by landlord Grod.

  9. Makensy believes that to win, she needs to nominate Chelsie and Cam for elimination. If she wants to get votes from the female jurors, it would be a good idea to nominate Cam and Kimo.

  10. Makensy won HOH. Probably the worst thing she could have done this week, but blindfolded giraffes are gonna drive reverse down a one way street in the wrong direction.
    Yesterday, to Cam she said Kimo has to go.
    Chelsie is saying Makensy wants Angela out to Cam.
    So, Chelsie is out of the loop or Chelsie is trying to consolidate herself?
    Not sure which.
    Should be interesting.
    Chelsie is miffed Leah is not an option (Mak did say she’d use Leah as a renom to Chelsie yesterday, but I don’t know if she meant it).
    Cam told Chelsie he had no choice in the T’kor vote, everyone wanted her out and Mak felt threatened by her. Chelsie calls it a loss for them. NO. FOR HER.
    Cam knew he was cutting back Chelsie’s options. Wanting T’kor gone to take a side number from Chelsie was one of Makensy’s points too. While they don’t trust Leah 100… they did agree that Chelsie was playing the middle and T’kor was her anchor to the other side.
    Mak is explaining Angela Kimo noms to Leah (who knows what Angela would do with veto).
    Leah is working hard to get Mak not to trust Cam and Chelsie, while also trying to get Angela off the nom list. Gotta say… pick a lane Leah. Reason: 2 prong pushes are not going to work on Mak. she’ll just mentally ghost and ask what Leah was saying a few minutes later.
    WHO IS GOING TO TRY TO SPEND THE WEEK IN MAK’S HOH BED like MAK has to attempt to secure her safety every week.
    People say that’s annoying, but tbh it’s one of the only solid game moves she’s been making. Floating to the HOH before noms, staying until after the veto ceremony? THAT IS WHAT SOCIAL GAME ACTUALLY IS. It’s transparent the way she is doing it, but it IS her trying to use her limited social Capital to ensure her own safety weekly.
    THE ONLY WEEKS SHE DIDN”T WERE THE WEEKS SHE WAS NOMINATED (there was no HOH room for deepfake HOH Quinn, and T’kor… already HAD her people taking up residency).
    Problem: Makensy will HAVE to win DOUBLE veto or she is in pretty grave danger by the end of this week.

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