Big Brother 26 Spoilers Week 5 Power Of Veto Ceremony Results **Updated**

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Tucker
Nominees: Cam, Brooklyn and Quinn Chelsie
POV Players: Tucker, Brooklyn, Cam, Quinn, Joseph and Makensy (Chelsie hosting)
POV Winner: Tucker
Veto Ceremony: Tucker used Veto on Quinn putting Cheslie in her place.
Havenots: Angela, Kimo, Joseph

Spoilage – Brooklyn is the target. Not clear on the vote breakdown yet. Sounds like Tucker’s veto speech blew a lot of games up.

11:30 am feeds go down for Veto Ceremony

12:23 pm Makensy and Tucker
Tucker saying you can see who is working together by observing them it’s obvious “I’ve wanted to work with every signal f**ing person in this place”
Tucker – it was me and Angela who were next in the pecking order
Tucker says he feed information to Quinn to see where it went and it went to Brooklyn “They have a final 2 I know it for a fact”
Tucker – Brooklyn is the number one target.
MJ – what do we do now? All three of us you me and Rubina are now f***ed
T – no Rubina I think is chill, Everyone is coming after me like they have been for weeks.
MJ – probably me
T – I don’t think so. Kimo and Tkor got thrown under the bus
MJ – they were freaking out
T – there names were out there bunch so ..
MJ – they aren’t saying anything they aren’t even part of that.
T – if there names are getting thrown out there than they are aware they are at the bottom of the totem pole
MJ – they were the first out.
T – yeah once Kenny was gone, Matt, Angela, Me, You then kimo then Tkor. THen it was going to be the POW WOW of the JUry (1 hundo)
T – I planted seed with almost everybody nobody came to talk to me. I planted a seed with Quinn after that f***Ing speech.
Tucker goes on about how Brooklyn ratted on all of them.
Tucker says Quinn and Chelsie are more loyal that Brooklyn “She’s the mother of the group and she’s doing all the stuff that is why she had to do that little outburst there and whatever then Chelsie is there to back her up and Chelsie Gets mad and says it was Joe that started it.. Who gives a f*** who started it”
MJ – you’re still in it
T – You’re in charge of it. Quinn was going to flip on them before I f***Ing through him under. He told me that yesterday
MJ – do we need to worry about Quinn?
T – that’s why UI saved his a$$.. I’m hoping that throwing him that will help him realize BRO IU just saved your a$$ you’re at least going to make it to Jury.. THat’s the risk I’m will to take I really don’t care.. I’m not going to the Jury house i’m likely going next week during a double”
T – they were going to backdoor me so I had no chance in playing in the Veto.
T – that was what they were doing and they would do the same to you if it worked on me
MJ – mmmmmhmmmmmm
Tucker says Brooklyn is the talker and Chelsie is the brains.
MJ brings up some biblical reference. “I was like sitting there praying and reading there was a passage you know I feel very uncomfortable about the fact this was the week they tried to play games with me. This is so weird.. .Why now.. why now.. I was like Please reveal something I need to know what is going on.
T – they can be where I was at and have nobody and be scrambling. Just because I’m a good competitor and i’m still here. They didn’t care they had all the numbers.
T – you and I need to do something and start pulling in others. I talked to Quinn.
MJ – Leah wasn’t part of it and she knew about it I think Quinn told her because she told me.
T – she doesn’t want to get with anybody she wants to float as well so she’s someone we can bring in. Angela too, she’s good at this f***ing game.

Tucker says people have been telling him to put Makensy up all night.
T – brooklyn wanted me to use it on her so bad
MJ – and she said to put me up?
T – yeah she’s ratted on everyone she’s close to to save my own a$$.. She threw my grandpas vintage shirts on the floor. yeah you can f*** with stuff flipping the beds that stuff makes sense. She was pissed off she also said to people.. When people said don’t trash the place. She said well that’s easy for you to say you’re not fighting for you life. I’m going to do whatever.
T – I don’t trust anybody’s words in here. I trust myself and my abilities I’m great at competitions and I’m great and reading body language so … YEAH…

3:16 pm Tucker, Tkor, Kimo, Rubina
Tucker says he wasn’t trying to back them up too much during the house meeting because people would start suspecting they are working together.
Kimo – you’re fine
Rubina tells them how Brooklyn is still saying “there was no internal alliance”
T – they are digging themselves so deep
R – she will DIE on that cross
T – the truth shall prevail I said that to Cedric and look where his a$$ is at
Kimo and Tkor say it feels nice now that everything it out in the open.
T – some people will have a more restless night but once they get over it the following night it’s like the first day in here.
T – I’m going to be a redwood log sleeping tonight.
They talked about how Shocked Quinn was.

Tucker says Quinn is “Funny and cute” but he “Sucks at playing this game, He’s a super fan but when you come into this house everything is different than you expected”
R – he came in too hot that’s his f***Ing problem. TOO hard TOO fast. That’s the problem
T – he tried to form final 2’s with everyone so everyone would have his back like BRO word spreads faster than wildfire man.

3:23 pm Quinn and Leah
Quinn is telling her that Rubina is going because he honestly did know Kimo and Tkor had flipped and he didn’t want her to be on the wrong side of the vote.
Q- I swear on everything
Leah was never upset at him.

3:30 pm Rubina, Kimo and Tkor
Rubina – The way they are trying to spin things made me… Got me a little paranoid and crazy. The way they spun it. They way.. as if because you guys knew Tucker was going to win HOH everyone was assuming it was going to be the wall right. THey were saying you guys decided last minute because it was going to be almost safe to assume that Tucker would win HOH YOu flipped to protect yourself so you wouldn’t be on the block later

Kimo – How the f*** would we have known it was actually going to be the wall comp? That’s such a stupid f***iong thing to say Nobody F***ing knows..
R – I started getting crazy in my brain.
Rubina says BRooklyn is leaving unless she wins AI Arena.
R – how is chelsie..
Tkor – you know I first checked her. I think it’s really interesting because I do think that people have narratives in their head that they do believe. FRom her perspective if someone asks her for an alliance she just says yes and agree to it. The people that you named that she wanted to take to the end where that was true.. She said she would not come after me or you.
Rubina points out that she voted against her
Tkor – but you were next to Cedric. Rubina reiterated that she never throw people’s name under the bus.
Tkor says Chelsie didn’t deny a inner alliance. Rubina says she denied it to her with Brooklyn in the room.
Tkor says the inner alliance in the collective did exist it was called the Pentagon.

Rubina – If Brooklyn wins AI? I hope Cam gets it. Just so they can get a taste. Sometime it works It helped me get to be a stronger player.
Tkor – Leah from my understanding her opinion of us hasn’t changed.
Rubina – Mackensy told me Leah knew about it WAY before.. I think Quinn told her
Kimo – Joe told her.
Rubina – WAY before.. Quinn told her WAY before.

Rubina see JOe and Brooklyn talking in front of the HOH door.. SHe takes a listen


After a bit Quinn joins them.
Quinn – I feel it’s so funny. I said this outside. It’s crazy witnessing. Like one of the most dynamic personality who’s winning every competition. It’s crazy to watch it And he was
calling everyone out. And I was like, fair enough. And he was like, I was like, I did fuck up on that. I was like, that is true. And then he said my name I was like, he just called me out. But real life. That’s 1 of the nicest things anyone’s ever done for me. And I was like, that’s wild. I love it. I love and adore it. It’s crazy I’ll whisper. It’s crazy. But then they were like accusing. me of selling out the inner alliance. Whatever.

Rubina – there was in fact a inner alliance?
Quinn – YES it was called the Pentagon.
Rubina – everyone that was in knew they were in it?
Q – YeS
R – they are dying on the cross no inner alliance
Q – no that is 12000 crap. .. that is a f***Ing lie
R – I looked them in the eye Chelsie and Brooklyn and they said NO there was no inner alliance.

Quinn show them the hand sign “this doesn’t even make f***Ing sense”
Q – you can’t make a pentagon with you fingers

Q – we met one time and we all did this (See image). put your fingers together that makes no f***ing sense..
Q – I was transparent to Chelsie that I sold out the group to you guys and Joe because I just felt like I was on the bottom then she tried to say there was not bottom
R – there is..
Quinn says Tucker is a real “wild card” great at competition and has great “reads”
Quinn wants Chelsie out more but whatever they want he’ll do. He stresses that if he wins HOH he won’t put Tucker up “I f***ed up and he still saved me so I won’t put him up”
Rubina – who would you consider?
Q – I want Makensy gone She said y name.
R – she did say you.. I asked Makensy who she would put up and she said Angela and Quinn
Q – Makensy, Cam and whoever else you want. I feel bad doing Angela again.
R – she’s not a threat too
Kimo – she says nice things about you now.

5:00 pm Backyard chit chat ..

5:20 pm Leah and Makesny
MJ – the only reason why people Flipped is they have something with Rubina.
Leah – that part I don’t know
MJ – I walked in Brooklyn was speaking to Joe and Rubina opened the door to the HOH room. They had locked it. And said get in here we all need to talk again.
MJ – and they close the door and then they locked it again. It was Tkor, Kimo, Rubina and Quinn. I said can I come in and they said AHH AHH. They said ohh yeah we’re just hanging out.
MJ – you hanging out would not entice you to lock the door. I will call it right out. So I listened to some music and Tkor and Rubina left. I walked downstairs and talked to Tucker I said I don’t know why they feel so comfortable in your room but if you something about it tell me. I know that is something because they are not going to lock the door. He goes I have no idea. I said you better know cause I’m very worried.
MJ – I’m keeping my eyes open now
Leah – that’s what I’ve been doing.
Leah – Quinn is working with everyone
MJ – I know.. I know there’s that alliance and two more. Chelsie told me there’s two more. People have told her.
MJ – it’s not my fault they are gripping onto me this week (Brooklyn, Chelsie)
MJ –

6:06 pm Chillin

6:38 pm working out

53 thoughts to “Big Brother 26 Spoilers Week 5 Power Of Veto Ceremony Results **Updated**”

  1. If Grod is as great and powerful as some commenters claim she is, then Cam will be evicted and both my girls will survive the block.

    How would this happen?
    Brooklyn wins the A.I. Comp and Chelsie gets the 5 votes she needs to stay: Brooklyn, Makensy, Quinn, T’kor, and Kimo.

    It’s a risk keeping Chelsie OTB for a vote, but if Brooklyn stays up there she will get evicted.

    1. It’s an HOH flop if Cam is the one who goes this week. Then the house will have two very mean and vindictive women taking shots. Tucker is not good with executive function for sequential planning outcomes.

        1. But Joseph called out your girls and their alliances. I don’t know if you noticed yet but they have been going at it for a week now. This week Joe has hand in one of them leaving.

  2. Tucker seems to be smarter than expected, but he plays in a way that creates a lot of enemies… which is more entertaining for the viewers! MJ, on the other hand, seems to be playing much more passively than I expected… this isn’t the game I hoped for from her. Anyway, Tucker clearly pointed out that Brooklyn and Chelsie were dictating things, and he firmly pushed back, which is really impressive. It’s exciting when aggressive players like him come out. I hope the Pentagon can fight back equally. Seasons like 5, 10, 15, and 20 were really fun.

    1. Tucker is becoming the BB25 Cameron this season, except he’s a better player and he’s not a creep towards the girls.

      Not only does he win comps and blow games up, he has the social game to give him some sort of connection with others. He doesn’t isolate himself like Cameron did.

      His weakness will be when the A.I. Comps end. Otherwise, he won’t he backdoored. The only question left is how good will he be in comps focused on memorizing events, comp names, and HGs who are in jury.

    2. He may be an ass, but I like him. He has pretty much a 50/50 split in terms of enemies and allies, which is a good thing. It will be fun to see whether or not Brookyln or Chelsie will win HOH and go after Tucker. It’s actually turning out to be a proper season.

      Makensy is being smart in the fact that she is laying low I would say. I would like to see Makensy or Leah win HOH to see which side they would go along with.

  3. Will Tucker EVER be voted off ? I’m serious. Will he win every single comp & veto ? This is getting beyond cray cray.

  4. so it would appear mj, leah, tkor, and joseph will be completely safe for the next month as tucker/angela/rubina target quinn/brooklyn/chelsie/cam and vice versa.

    1. T’kor and Kimo’s move to flip really paid off for them. Also: Joseph, Makensy and Leah will be smart to lay low and let the two sides of the house fight and pick each other off. They don’t even need to win HOH.

  5. Tucker seemed like a wild card which may be true. However he’s playing a smart physical and social game with integrity and keeping it clean and up beat.. . As he points out, it doesn’t matter what he does as he was seen as an easy target from the start. He’s created a situation where all the other House Guest are now in survival mode and have no place to hide… Very interesting strategy.. Joe, Makensy and Angela all see the benefit of working with him . Quinn will act as Tucker’s canary in the coal mine, whether he knows it or not.. The plot thicken… lol…..

  6. Analysis:
    what Brooklyn and Chelsie fed Mak.
    True or False.
    The collective was never really a thing. False.
    Mak was never the target to leave. False.
    Tucker wanted Mak on the block both Cedric and Chelsie’s HOH. Ced False (house meeting proves that) Chels True. He didn’t know about Quinn’s power until 3.

    Mak misted Rubina. Like I have said 1 million times, Rubina has no game and no game strategy beyond her showmance we aren’t supposed to define her character about. Proof: she’s misted by the blindfolded Giraffe Girl.

    T’kor is already wanting to jump ship on 6th Avenue for Chelsie.
    Quinn is trying to get his game back… and wants Visionaries to combine with Chelsie.
    Kimo…. Has slop burps.

    Joseph was in tears to Tucker because he got heat. He’s about to ghost again y’all.

    floaters are prepping to float to power again. Next HOH determines the current.
    Mak will continue to be an anchor.
    Joseph will be invisible for about 5 days.

    And then there’s Cam…. who is trying to uncrust his one pair of socks that still haven’t seen the washing machine. Poor skidmark.

      1. He got called out in the collective pentagon exposure by Brooklin and Chelsie.
        Because he thinks he’s this grand undercover mastermind able to play all sides…
        every time he gets called on his obviousness he turtles into his shell, and only makes appearances to try to tell people to target pick a name. This time he’s back to Makensy. First time it was Matt. Second time it was Quinn.

  7. It’s the… TUCKER SHOW! Starring TUCKER! With Special Guest Star, TUCKER! Special appearances by TUCKER AND THE TUCKERTONES! Tonight’s guest: TUCKER!
    And now heeeeeere’s your host… TUCKER!

    1. It’s sad when one HouseGuest pretty much runs the whole season. It’s like Dick Donato, Derrick, and Michie.

  8. I’m surprised Tucker doesn’t have any ink. Has he talked about why? He seems like he’d be covered in regretful choices.

    1. Not sure — maybe he’s delved into the modeling world before. His body looks like it would thrive in modeling.

      1. He has modeled. He’s talked about it. But a lot of models have bad ink, it just gets covered up with makeup. So it seems like a conscious, and unusual choice.

      1. They aren’t necessarily. But some people show bad judgment in selecting them, and are then regretful. He seems to me to be that sort of person: impulsive.

        I don’t have any opinions on ink; it’s a personal choice.

    2. He has one tattoo on his ass.
      He showed it.
      It’s the cattle brand mark of his grandparents Montana ranch.

  9. Everyone evicted so far VOTED NO to Ainsley.
    Everyone on the block post Veto Ceremony… VOTED NO to Ainsley.
    Matt, Lisa, Kenney, Cedric, Brooklyn, Chelsie, Cam, Tucker, Kimo, T’kor.
    ALL have been nominated except T’kor.

    1. That is a very interesting and highly improbable statistic. The probability of that happening, without interference or guidance, is not very high I’d say.

      Or is it just a random unlikely statistical anomaly of the game, that means nothing in reality?

      The fact that neither group voted Ainsley in, and it came in anyway (Grod’s going to Grod), kind of makes me think it’s more of an anomaly, rather than production seeking vengeance on those who voted against their AI project, but what do I know.

  10. I gotta give Tucker credit. He ended up with the 3 correct people on the block – 2 of the 3 remaining Core alliance members, and their #1 biggest ally. I guess it wasn’t too hard for him to figure out, since they were the 3 that voted to save Cedric (Core member #3) last week, but he still did it, and had the stones to put all three of them OTB this week, standing strong against pressure from within his own alliance from some against doing so.

    Good for Tucker! I hope they stick to the plan and vote Brooklyn out, as she’s the one I think who deserves to go home the most this week.

    1. Until the blindside, Brooklyn was playing the best traditional bb game.
      She was covered on all sides.
      Her error? She told T’Kimo that Rubina was an option to leave even over Makensy.
      T’Kimo were already pouting that Leah wasn’t the nominee and wouldn’t be leaving.
      Now they wanted to keep the other sorority sister? That pushed T’kor over the edge into Kimo’s waiting arms because Kimo ALWAYS wanted to be the puppy cuddled at Tucker’s feet.

      1. Honestly, I see where they’re coming from. T’kor and Rubina formed a bond the first week in the house.

        Add the fact both Leah and Makensy had their moments of almost winning HOH vs. Rubina who was nowhere close to HOH (prior to The Wall comp) — and they still want Rubina out??

        In the end, it was Quinn who picked noms and keeping Leah safe over Cedric was the worst move he made in the house.

        1. Let’s call the spade a spade here.
          Why T’kor wants Leah and Mak gone, why she wrestles with trusting Quinn and Tucker….
          It’s because she is playing Identity Politics strategy.
          She pretty much said so when talking to Brooklyn.
          It’s a strategy that for some reason is considered a faux pas to point out.
          I don’t know why because I’m the own your game and transparency strategic assessment type. If it works it works. If she owns it I just consider it strategy.
          If she doesn’t own it I judge and react from the moral position.
          She’s only using deniability doublespeak part of the time… and that’s when i call it out…. because ownership and transparency matter to me in assessing strategy.

  11. NOTE:
    when Quinn says to the Godots and waterwing that he won’t put Tucker on the block, he’s targeting Mak…
    Just saying.

    1. I don’t think Quinn would miss an opportunity to backdoor Tucker if it does arise. But it is smarter for now to get off the house’s shady game radar and back away from the lasered Tucker hunt for a week or two. He needs to rebuild some capital in the house.

      1. I totally agree with your assessment Whine! Quinn has had the worst last couple of weeks, and Tucker has just thrown him a life-line by using the Veto on him! If Quinn were to win the HOH this week, he’d be a fool to turn around and try to backdoor Tucker, because if he missed, every single person in that house would gladly have him as their #1 target for the following week, because of his very weak position in the house and his total lack of allies.

        Surely Quinn is smart enough to realize this, and would either work with Tucker’s group to eliminate someone from TOS, or work with everybody to eliminate perceived floaters (Leah, Mak) and try not to ruffle anybodies feathers.

        1. The word initially is the word of note.
          He’s saying without saying that Tucker could or would be a renom.
          His word choice to me was to be noted.

          1. Oh, I definitely got your emphasis on the fact it wouldn’t be an initial nomination. I’m just of the opinion he would be foolish to throw gasoline on what appears to be (at least for the moment) a smoldering pile of embers, by nominating Tucker as an after-veto option. Quinn’s game is already a heaping pile of garbage. A misfire at Tucker, would do nothing but likely ensure he goes home the very next week. I just don’t think he needs to take that chance, given he has really no one to back him up in the house….period.

  12. Note:
    When Mak says she wants an alliance of Tucker, Rubina, Angela, Leah and Mak
    That is her reason.
    Put down the torches.
    BBtwitter needs a nap.

  13. For all of you wanting Tucker out why don’t you just change your channel and watch Andy Griffith…then everything works out…SORRY..but Tucker is the only person in this house that hasn’t hidden inside of an alliance and threw punches when he knew he was, he calls whoever out that he that he sees as a problem faces them one on one and isn’t afraid of going home in fact he expects to be backdoor but it won’t happen without a fight and when it does happen the individual who does it won’t be a great player no they will be a coward taking out a great player.

    1. “Change your channel.”

      Yeah, get up, walk across the room, turn the VHF knob until it clicks! Although Andy might be on UHF.

  14. I keep wondering, what makes everyone believe that they will end the AI anytime soon, or atleast until Tucker is in a very good position….I love it. I vote let’s keep the AI.

  15. My husband has only ever watched a few episodes over the last few seasons and saw Sunday’s episode. His first question after was “why don’t the HoH and curly haired guy formed a secret final two. No one would expect it.” Now I can’t stop thinking about that possibility and the fact that, shit, my husband may be right. What if they DID?!?

    1. Tucker would no doubt want to go to Final Two with someone highly unlikely to win, i.e. a floater. That’s the strategy of most houseguests heading to the finale. But I give your hubby points for the observation (???????)

        1. I don’t know, he likes to do the unexpected. He might see merit in taking Quinn and vise versa. Both comp winners, schemers of the season, they both have enemies so it would be interesting to see which way it would go. Crazier things have happened

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