Big Brother 26 Spoilers Week 3 POV Ceremony Results “Such a b1tch a$$ move” **updated**

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Cedric
Nominees: Kenny, Angela & Tucker
POV Players: Kenny, Angela, Tucker, Cedric, Leah & Makensy (Rubina is the host)
POV Winner: Tucker
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: No havenots this week

Spoilers – Tucker used the veto on Angela, Makensy was nominated and used her power. Now America gets to vote the Nominee in. Tucker is pissed because he thought the plan was for Quinn to go up to reveal his power.

12:12 pm Feeds return. House meeting. Tucker is talking about Quinn.

Tucker to Quinn – Why don’t you want to take out the biggest threats early on so you can coast through the rest of the game and be comfortable when it comes down to the final people? That’s what I’m saying. Out of respect. I think you’re one of the best players. If I was stuck in the house with you at the end, I would be nervous. I’d be like, damn, I wish I got him out earlier because now I got to be nervous about this.

MJ – let’s. Leave it at Quinn congratulations you won a power
Tucker – get the toughest stuff out of the way first.
MJ – Everybody deserves to compete. We’re all going to compete. We’re all here for a reason. Whether you watch the game, whether you didn’t. Everybody’s here for a reason because somebody has something special in them. And that’s why they’re here to play. Let’s know that everyone plays the game. Everybody loves everybody personally this is
Big Brother. It’s not an attack on who we are. And that’s just what we have to know. Quinn, you’re gonna be
a great player. Everybody in here is gonna be a great player.

Tucker – that’s why I did the have not first BRO I want to get the toughest shit out of the way first so I can coast.
Q – I don’t think great players get called out like this. So when you guys say like you’re so good man, you’re going home next week. You’re so good, man. You’re like charming.
T – Nobody wants to win.
Q – Thanks. I love to hear this in a public forum.
Tucker – I didn’t call this public forum.
Kenny – Yeah, you’re not going home next week.
Tucker – Yeah, you’re not going home next week. America’s gonna, you know, I was done. I wasn’t gonna say anything. I was gonna go.

Tucker – I was trying to say in the most respectful way, bro. You make me nervous in this game because you’re a great. You seem like a great player. You came in second place in the in the balance feed thing
Leah – He didn’t Kenny came in 2nd.
Kenny – Thank you. I wasn’t gonna say anything .
T – I didn’t know you’re that athletic. Yeah, he is very athletic and he’s very well versed in the game, makes me
nervous and he lied to me being up there in a fu**ing alliance So he’s very good at this game. again, I want to get, in my mind, playing this game. You want to coast through it. So get the tough stuff out of the way first. So the
rest is smooth sailing. NO disrespect as a person. If I felt like I was calling you out in a bad negative or salt game.
Feeds cut

Cedric – I felt like this was the best narrative. So like there wasn’t rumors, you know, because on some like now that I didn’t want it to be like, oh, I came and asked you. And then there was like mixed stories, which is why this kind of came to the living room where, you know, everybody could kind of say their piece because I didn’t want it to
be like the snickering and deceit and whatever he said she said. So now everyone’s kind of like, you know, on same page

Tucker – Except I wasn’t on the same page because you totally blindsided the shit out of me out there
MJ – Yeah, I’m confused right now about that too. But it’s fine Hey, it’s the game
Tucker – So again, I hope I get to battle you in the Al arena. And honestly, the best person will win. I’m not going to be. It’s not like everyone. Everyone is a game. I’ll go out like a gentleman if I go out this week. I’m going to bust my ass.
Cedric – It’s not personal i\
MJ – Awesome GREAT. I love all yall. We’re fine. play the game.

12:15 pm Tucker and Makensy
T – Cedric and Cam were in on this sh1t
M – I know I could tell
T – Put Quinn up, BRO we thought this all through this in every possible way. And he’s like, I tried
to tell you this morning. And I said, yeah, bro, fuck that. Let’s do what we got to do. He said, well, you didn’t listen to me. I was like, you didn’t tell me like a man then, bro, you could have fu**ing grabbed my arm and was like dog I’m HOH This is what I’m doing. And then I would have understood and saved myself.

M – I Don’t get that. I wasn’t going to fu&&&&&ing use it. I literally was going to
compete my a$$ off.
T – That is why I thought Quinn would use it. Quinn was being quiet about it
M – And like, the only reason I did that too is because I’m like, okay, I felt very I thought, like, I figured some things, and I was like, but I feel confident enough in my abilities to compete. And then I was like, you know what? I have no idea because Cedric came to me and said 11 out of 14 people said to put me up.

T – He told me this morning I said what the F*ck. He said That doesn’t matter. We don’t have the numbers. I was like, bro, we don’t have the numbers. I go home. It’s not up to you. I’ll be the one going home. I’m the one shooting myself in the foot to try to make this game start because it’s been boring as fu***d. I like to play. I do better under pressure. Everyone knows that.

M – That’s why I was also scared too, because I’m after first week, I’m like, f*ck this shit. I’m floating through
until I know what’s real and what’s not

T – Now I’m in no Alliances I blew up the one I was. I blew up the shit of f**king Cedric. I’m in no alliances, dude. And that was the whole fu***ng thing about yo. And then he’s like, dude, but what if? What if America
does put him up? I was like, if America puts him up, bro, you still think I’m going to come back to you? You’re fu**ing bending me bro. You just lied to me worse than what Quinn did.

T – Brooklyn seemed nervous. She was never a target ever.
M – No, I think she’s worried about Kenny. Kenny thinks there’s an all-girls thing, and we’re like, there’s literally not.
T – He’s definitely been saying that, but it is. I mean, girls just POWWOW regardless

T – Rubina has been telling me about who’s cute and who’s not. Girl talk. who can me in a showmance
M – chelsie is doing the same thing… I’m like I’m good
T – I don’t know what the like. Why the fuck does he think that’s a good move Dude, We talked about this whole thing over and over and over and over and over and over the numbers. I was like, bro, I don’t give a **ck about the numbers. I’ll be the one to go home. Now you just put a target on your back when your whole thing was to keep your hands clean. So I volunteered as a fu**ing pawn again doing because everyone wants to play these games safe. I don’t want to get my own dirty the same Sh1t with Chelsea.

M – I hope they put that sh!t in there because I’m in the Unicorn room. I’m looking at the f***ing thing. I’m like, I’m about to make the f**king maybe stupidest, but funnest decision. In Big Brother history. I’m not going to use this power I am not going to use this fuc**ng power.

Tucker about Cedric – such a b!tch ass move, dude. He’s such a b!tch.
M – That’s the thing. You know, he’s got literally everybody’s

T – I was like dude, if the girls did have a whole thing and you just put Makensy up, you realize what you just.
Makesny says she wasn’t going to use her power she felt there wasn’t a need to then “that happen” and you said “That wasn’t part of the plan there’s something going on here”

T – He just keeps going man to man. I’m like, bro, you’re a little boy. I’m 9 years older than you, dog.
M – Well, he’s got to target on his back for me now and probably from everybody.
T – Yeah. I don’t know why the fu*(k he would do that,
M – but look, like I said, I told you because I rock with you
T – I was not trying to put you up at all. I saved Rubina from going up there.
M – Honesty is my thing. I told you that if I don’t have to use it, I don’t want to f*cking use it. So
T – he was going to put you up. That was his whole that was his Sh1t earlier on and I’m like bro dude that’s just everyone knows about it. There’s no point with you we have to expose the other one (Power)

T – and everybody uses it okay one season boogie didn’t use it Quinn what about the other 25 other seasons bro.
Makesny says Quinn’s power is Crazy
T – I know it’s like three times yours
M – I know like what the fu*k and I won the first comp technically
T – and if you weren’t planning on using it bro why wouldn’t you tell the people you were in the first alliance with yeah
M – valid cuz anybody that I trusted I literally was like hey anybody that asked me I was like hey.

Feeds flip

T – So, dude, can Kenny even said he was blindsided.
M – Well, he came up to me yesterday. I was like, I’m scared. Tucker is going to blow this shit up. And I was like, he’s not gonna blow this
shit up.
M – I have a feeling that you’re gonna be fine. Whoever goes up is going to be fine. You just
Tucker feels he can win the AI Arena. “I’m feeling I can beat, definitely beat Kenny and whatever the f*ck that thing’s gonna be. Anyone else that goes up there? What is who’s America?”

M – They might put up with Quinn

Tucker and Makesny to the Camera with a message for America. “Pick Quinn”

3:07 pm Cam and Cedric
Cam – I’m straight how are you feeling?
Cedric – I’m straight. That’s what we it’s what we agreed on, last night. It clearly went like way farther way, way that f**king field.
Cam – The only thing that I’m scared about now. Is like so I mean, I’m not. I’m not really scared about it at all. But we just got to trust the collective.
Cedric- And I think they got us. I think so. But I think because you got to think. who’s the collective? That’s not the pentagon?, Joseph, Joseph’s rocking hard with the collective and then TKOR and Kimo. Tkor rocks with me Hard. Kimo rocks with Tkor hard. I’m sure Kimo Rocks with you hard. So the only issue is those two going with Rabina and siding with Tucker which means but I don’t foresee that happening especially because I did everything that they wanted this HOH. Which is why I was kind of like so heavy on putting MJ up because that shows like it showed Rubina when she said put MJ up Tucker Kimo and Joseph that like this is where our loyalty is the collective
so I think in turn you know everyone will realize like yeah to rock out and it creates a division for sure which is tragic and sucks but if anything is better for everyone in the collective because now I’m the major target for the
biggest competitor in the house until he goes home which I think if I’m just hoping whoever America
puts up wins Al and then we send Tucker home or Kenny wins Al and we send Tucker home.

Cam – I mean yeah. cuz I mean if Tucker doesn’t then Kenny knows that he’s probably going home regardless of who America picks it’ll probably be Kenny or Tucker regardless but Tucker will yeah Tucker will for sure go

Feeds flips when we’re back…

Cedric – Quinn can also use his power next week, which I’m I would definitely do if I was Quinn. If you just dog me and then like, so it doesn’t matter who wins HOH next week.
Cam – Well, it does. He just can’t win HOH.
Cedric – Quinn?
Cam – I mean no, it’s it’s the only like Way that it affects you is if Tucker wins.
Cedric – Oh, cuz then he can’t go up as a nominee.
Cam – But like if you’re trying to target Tucker he can’t win HOH because you can’t compete. And then Quinn will
replace him with other people. As long as he rocks with us in the Pentagon or rocks with us in the collective, then I think we’re straight.

Cedric – I don’t think he has another choice because he just got his shit blown up. So I think he has to, like, choose to rock here. And I think that also Tucker blowing that up sucks. But it also, like, kind of clears us from the whole players alliance with Tucker and them
Cam – that’s what I had to clear up with Leah today about the players alliance
Cedric – she was Like, why the f*ck did he say?
Cam – And I was like, trying to clear that up, which, I mean, I technically told her the truth that It wasn’t, I told her that it wasn’t real, because it wasn’t real. She was skeptical of Quinn, so I didn’t tell her. I didn’t tell her, like, what the plan was.

Cam – So, like, in just in case you did it, she would have voted to get Quinn out. So, like, that’s why, I mean, I didn’t tell her about the Quinn stuff day, but that’s why I was like, I didn’t tell you about this, but now she thinks I’m in an alliance without her.

Cedric – In my humble opinion, in my humble opinion, I think you got a dead that shit, bro. Like, and I think you got a dead it, like, low key publicly, like, which just in in, in my opinion for your game. you do what you clearly do. What’s best for you in your relationships and whatever, you know, just you.

Cam – It’s not even on. It’s not even on, like, some romantic stuff. for real for real It was never on some romantic stuff. Like, it was never like, bro, they caught us flirting twice and then they just ran with it and then after that we were just like we just were bro literally just cooling and talking right. And then they blew it up out of

Cedric – Yeah. 100 percent.

Cam – But. I mean, I have no problem with that in it. Like, especially this, like, as long as I’m like protected.
Cedric – Yeah. 100%.
Cam – I have no problem with that because this kind of sh1t , I don’t think she trusts me anymore. So, yeah.
Cedric – And she know and she’s not solid because she told MJ what the fu*k she wasn’t supposed to say,
Cam – but she denied the MJ stuff.
Cedric – Who the F*** told her? If you only told Leah
Cam – that’s what I’m saying.
Cedric – I ain’t telling
Cam – and she was like M. J. Already knew.
Cedric – So now she lying.
Cam – So it’s like, yeah. So as long as I’m protected by the by the Pentagon and she doesn’t switch people on the collective, I have no problem with that in it.
Cedric – The Pentagon is rocking because Quinn doesn’t have anybody else. Brooklyn said she trusts Quinn 100 percent.
Chelsea said we still rockin. I’m still rocking. So as long as you still rocking.
Cam – I’m still rocking.
Cedric – that’s where we’re at. We’re good. We’re good. I know you had that conversation upstairs. Like, just in
passing real quick. It was like, you know, I’m not trying to, like, do anything. Like, I’m not trying to do no alliances and shit like that.

Cam – I mean, no I’m not. I’m not trying to do no more. Like,
Cedric – like, no more deceit.
Cam – Yeah. Yeah, like I’m not trying to do no more like backstabbing and nothing like that.
Cedric – Yeah, bro, cause that shit is unnecessary.
Cam – I’m I’m I’m true. I’m like, I’m fine with where? Where I’m at right now. As long as everybody rocking the same way. I just. I just want people to know, like, I’m not even going.
Cedric – Yeah. Entertain some othershit. Entertain. I’m on the. I’m on the same wave now too, because all it does is create unnecessary drama and unnecessary problems like this. And it’s just not like I’d rather be like, YO you’re my
competition. It is what it is. I f****s with you if you go up, put me up, I walk my way off. If not, exactly.

Cam – And if you flip the house on me, you got it. But good work. Good job. Good f**king game.
Cam – That’s it. That’s it. That’s that’s what I meant by saying that I hope you don’t think like I’m going. No, no,
no. At first I thought he was like, I’m f*cking don’t cuz I thought she was really torn up and I know. So then then I started thinking I was like ohh no and I saw you talking to Leah which I wanna talk to you talking is he like is he like fuc* the collective fu*ing Pentagon

Cam – make sure yeah make sure you tell people that I’m solid with the collective if people think
Cam – I’m done even entertaining conversations
Cedric – I think we need to have another meeting and fuc**ng just say like everybody solid everybody’s here I think in that meeting you need to express like look I’m f**king done with Leah like you know I as long as y’all got me I’m dropping it because then that’s gonna build like trust that you you willing to give up Leah for fuc***g who’s here so then like you know what I mean. So I think it’ll just be I blew up my game for Quinn you dropping f*****ing Leah Chels rocking Brooklyn’s gonna respect that we did what the fuck are we doing so then like that sh!t will really
be like locked in so and the only other real competition we have in the House is f**king Tucker so you know and as long as he doesn’t win HOH next week Quinn can use his power put him on the block and then I can compete you can
compete like but the days of f**king throwing comps and the days that w
Cam – that was only the first 2

4:12 pm Quinn to the Camera
“If I’m if I’m as good as I think I am. I can get through this. It’ll be fine. But if I go home week 3 or 4 This blows. But the collective sits down to rock hard to say it’s a moving target. I know Joe is pissed at me Rubina is pissed at me, Leah is pissed at me. Angela is dead to me. .

“Kimo seems cool. So I go all my final twos are it’s alright. It’s chill. But Oh my God. And let the record show. Angela wants all these TV moments publicly calling people out when we were in the kitchen and I was ready to get active. I was like F**** it I’ll show you the circuitry and wires. I don’t care. I’ll be a dick. Then all of a sudden she doesn’t want to talk. So just let the record show. She was only bullying people. She said she’s not. She
could get away with so. damn. I really wanted to get spicy, but I didn’t. ”

5:30 pm Rubina and Kimo
R – You’re worried? I don’t think it’ll be you going up.
K – we don’t know what is being seen.
R – I’m thinking of all the possibilities in the event that it is whoever goes up Tucker let’s say Tucker doesn’t win the AI Arena. Very unlikely, Best for Kenny to go home? How do you feel?
K – Makes sense
R- Tucker is good for our game
K – I know
K – I think what’s bothering me too, is like the uncertainty of you don’t know who America will choose, and then it’s such it’s so last minute that then you have to process the fact that you were put up by an entire group of people and then also have to like go in and shut that off and then go in

R – the processing time is made to make you the most vulnerable ever So in my mind, I’m like, who does America not want in this game that they would want to put in that position or is OR could it be based Off Because that’s going to be shown before then. And so with the speech that Tucker gave, I want to be competitors. But like, will they be influenced by that, or will it be?
Kimo – other things
R – right that we don’t know Diary rooms
Kimo – live feeds.
R – live feeds. Who are the people that are voting and seeing?
K – just uncertainty.
R – It’s just so much. the past times we’ve been able to at least prepare in every situation what our goal would be. And this one leaves it very literally unsure because I don’t know how if people want for most of who I’ve talked to seems like it would still be Kenny. It seems like that because Tucker’s good for a lot of people’s games that he’s cool with still minus Cedric and CAM.
K – That’s what. Yeah, yeah, exactly right.
R – So. But in the event. But I mean, at the very least, if it’s Kenny up there with whoever sure clear.

6:40 pm

6:42 pm Chelsie and Brooklyn
C – she wants to do her, Leah, Me, you , Tucker
They chuckle.
C – Quinn over Tucker?
B – We don’t have the numbers sorry
B – They are scared. Have you talked to Cam yet?
C – No What happened? Have you talked to? No. And Leah was trying to pull me in and talk to me about their conversation, but she never did.
B – SHe told me she was mad and set him straight him throwing her under the bus and lying. She said he is also in another alliance but he didn’t name it. That’s what she said. But he told her he’s not sure if that will work out or not anyways after today.
C – we have your back if you have ours we have the numbers.
Chelsie says Leah doesn’t even like Leah.
They talk about the pentagon is all they have left everything else is exposed.

7:13 pm Tucker and Cam
Tucker – he could have told the truth. I was taking the f***ing heat. I was telling the truth.
Cam – I don’t know why
Tucker – I was supposed to thank him for the shower and do all that shit and be like bro whatever you know water under the bridge. I’m pissed at you. I’m still coming for you, but if that’s really what you felt smart man I respect you.
Cam – That’s just I mean, I personally when I talk to him, he just was like it’s a risky move for him and I’m like he’s but again he’s thinking about his game totally not thinking about like putting he didn’t think the house was just gonna blame so he said his listen.
Tucker – he should have through this through.
Cam – I know but this is what he told me and he was like it was a risky move for him. That’s why he decided to put Mikala up
Tucker – Makensy
Cam – yeah Makensy that’s why he decided to put makesny up and now everything got blown up and I’m like bro if the house sticks with Quinn it puts a target on all of us
Tucker – this is ricky
Cam – I know but he didn’t think that
Tucker – not a smart move at all BRAH.. I hate being called a liar when I’m playing a straight game.

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67 thoughts to “Big Brother 26 Spoilers Week 3 POV Ceremony Results “Such a b1tch a$$ move” **updated**”

    1. It is fitting considering Cedric has been up Chelsie butt who’s played rather personal. If you couldn’t tell by last nights episode Chelsie has a weird obsession with Leah and the girls in general. It is a little strange three weeks in and Chelsie has gone after makensy over Matt, then Lisa, Leah, and makensy again- talk about a dead giveaway!
      Cedric tried reNominating Makensy now because of Chelsie and how she was the rat in the girls alliance.

    1. Because his crazy ass plan didn’t work even though Cedric told him he wasn’t doing it.

      A rational person uses the Veto on themself at the very least, doesn’t blow up, and then tries to win power to get out Cedric or Quinn asap if that’s what they want to do.

      He is an impulsive child which is ironic that he is calling Cedric a kid.

      1. Unless it is your future wife like Jeff Jordan or what Brendon did with Rachel or Dick using it on his daughter. You always use the veto on yourself !

        1. For sure.

          I just re-watched the episode where Brendon used the Veto on Rachel. It was only the second time the Veto winner didn’t save themselves iirc and I think Tucker’s is the third or fourth. It’s so rare because it so dumb…

        2. Correct, BB-POV 101: UNLESS someone like say your daughter is on the block with you, YOU use the veto on yourself.

          I wanted Angela to go NEXT THEN Tucker but…
          Hopefully, Tucker gets voted out this week!

          I think Marcellas has lost the crown of the dumbest BB move ever…
          What would be hilarious would be that Tucker would get evicted and Marcellas would get to co-conduct Tucker’s exit Interview. 🙂

      2. Tucker for sure is chaotic, but it is possible that Cedric was not firm and clear enough in talking to Tucker. It’s one thing to say, don’t take down Angela bc we don’t have the votes to take out Quinn.

        It’s another to say, hey dude if you take down Angela, I will put up MK. So, don’t bother.

        I can just see Cedric’s concerned face while Tucker kept talking and saying, it’ll work, it’ll work. Then Cedric just gave up and went to tell the others.

        Awful, weak game play, Cedric.

        1. He admitted Cedric told him not to make the move. Tucker is full of himself and tried to force Cedric’s hand, which didn’t work. Now he’s going around lying because he did make an idiot out of himself. It wasn’t a weak move on Cedric’s part. Tucker’s arrogance is his downfall.

          1. Both of them made idiotic moves. Tucker’s was not saving himself, and Cedric’s was putting up Makensy when he knew America would be making the replacement nominee if she used her power, thus putting all of his allies at risk (and making them upset with him) if one of them end up OTB.

            I believe his best move was to just put Leah up. I don’t think Makensy would use the power to save her out of fear of pissing off the others. Just my opinion.

  1. This will make great TV but wtf?

    Is Tucker just bored and ready to go home or what?

    I mean if you win the Veto and don’t use it on yourself you should go home.

    At least Brendon used it on his future wife and baby-momma Rachel, who deservingly ended up winning the Season 13, Tucker used it on Angela!!!

    If Tucker loses that AI competition HE is the one who is done lol. If he wins, which I do want to create more suspense, then Kenney can finally go see his family again…

    And winning HOH or next weeks AI Competition is the only way he gets to Week 5. Because surely Quinn is high jacking whoever wins HOH and will try to backdoor Tucker. If his intent really is to get Tucker out he will need strong nominees though to beat Tucker in his third AI comp.

    Kimo beat Matt but idk if Quinn will risk him (even if he should since he will surely realize Kimk spilled the beans to Tucker about his power). Being a pawn for Quinn would be a way to redeem himself. Even more if Kimo beats the man he is lusting over smh…

    But at the same time you really can’t put two people you don’t want to lose in case Tucker wins and then two of your top allies are left on the block come eviction night. That would be crazy. So Quinn probably will use Angela as a nominee and second option to go home should Tucker win the AI comp for a third time. Either Angela or Leah/Makensey. Who actually probaby have a better chance to win against Tucker and even if they both are left on the block at least he gets rid of one of them.

    Leah has been shown to be strong in competitions and Makensey won her power so she isn’t bad either. That Leah/Makensey/Tucker triple threat would be good.

    This vote will be interesting but next week should be crazy.

  2. There was another website with some details this morning. Cedric tried to warn Tucker not to use the Veto on Angela because the votes weren’t there for Quinn. Tucker pretty much said he was doing it anyway.

    Cedric ran back to the Collective and told them everything Tucker was doing beforehand. And then feeds went down.

    Straight up — Tucker is as dumb as he acts. He wants to be the rogue player — you got it!

    He or Kenney must be evicted no matter what. The combo of Brooklyn, Kimo, Joseph, T’kor, Rubina, Chelsie, and Quinn will be enough to send either guy home. Even if one of them is the 3rd nom, it just takes 6 to evict.

    And then they can throw the HOH to Makensy/Leah/Kenney or Tucker while Quinn hijacks their nominees next week.

    1. Tucker Tucker Tucker. You’re not thinking straight. *If* you go home you will have deserved it. And I like you, I really do.

  3. Dear Rubina,
    You know Tucker and Kenney want the women out. You know Tucker just said in the house meeting that he wants to get rid of the threats and float to the end. You JUST head that he wants to break the first in curse.
    And your response to learning he wants to brodown and keep the sloths to make it to final 2….
    is to be happy to be his Victoria.
    Stand up.
    For all the eyerolls regarding Cam and Leah…. this Rubina and Kimo and Tucker subplot is worse.

    1. Actually earlier he said he wanted to get rid of a certain type of player and Kenny didn’t pick up that he was the type of player Tucker was talking about. I really don’t know what Tucker was thinking since Cedric warned him to take himself off the block and that there weren’t votes to get rid of Quinn. So far Kimo has been playing the reveal of Quinn’s power perfectly

    2. Rubina just wants a boyfriend. A 35 year old woman,(look it up) acts like a immature 20 year old, who wants a showmace with a manchild (Tucker).

  4. America don’t do Quinn , don’t give him know what.. Quinn would win the ai and tucker would be piss again so..ok 🙂

    1. no way america votes in quinn. we wanna see him use his power not voted out still holding it.

      i’m assuming we can’t vote angela, so that leaves me torn between voting cam or chelsie in to highlight just how bad this play was. either way i’m rooting for kenney in the ai comp and hoping this sends tucker home. really don’t care for him at all.

      1. I’m right there with you on the Chelsie or Cam vote, and for the same reason you cited.

        No way I vote for Quinn and give Tucker what he wanted.

      2. I for sure would be okay with Quinn or Joseph being America’s renom to help get Tucker out. I think either of them, along with Kenney, have a good chance to beat Tucker in the AI eviction comp. I would prefer Kenney win the comp. and if he does then either Quinn or Joseph would beat Tucker in the vote. Of course, sadly, if Tucker wins the comp then Kenney would go in the vote up against either them. 🙁

    2. Quinn won’t be leaving. There’s currently an agreement to treat whoever America picks as a pawn and not get voted out

      1. It’s a long time until Thursday. I’m sure Tucker will come to his senses (if he has any) and will spend copious amount of time butt kissing and brown nosing trying to smooth things over with everyone.

        By Thursday, if Kenney wins the AI competition, Tucker may have a chance, depending on who the new nominee is.

    3. I have some bad news. Another website is running a poll on who should be the 3rd nom and Quinn is the leader by a mile.

      1. And a Facebook group is focused on Joseph for some weird reason so you never know what’s . Personally I want either Leah or Cam voted as the 3rd nominee to scare them because they are the Non-player Characters of the season

      2. Might as well vote for somebody to win big brother who had the worst HOH ever in that placement while solely being saved from a twist giving them the only second life. Oh right that was 2 years ago.

      3. eh, a lot’s going to come down to the episode edit. usually it’s more casual viewers deciding these types of votes. to that end i think chelsie should probably watch her back cuz she’s got a lot of air time this season and been neutral at best in terms of likability. but if cam gets a really bad edit wednesday he could be in trouble too.

      4. Good hope he goes home this week. He makes it boring, gotta keep tucker or this season will be a snooze fest.

    1. feel very much the same. i just wish julie would really rub the salt in the wound during his exit interview were that to happen, but she’s usually not that cruel

  5. That’s what Tucker get for being so arrogant. I hope America’s vote is Quinn, so his safety is gone also . Him and MacKenzie deserve to lose those powers, since they couldn’t keep their mouths shut about them. They’re both terrible players and I’m glad Cedric did what he did. Flush the powers out since they couldn’t keep quiet about them. And when will Cam realize that Leah is a “professional flirt” as some in the house has commented. The way she’s doing that guy is a little hard to watch. Hopefully Quinn, Leah or Brooklyn will be America’s choice.

    1. Why on earth would anybody vote for Brooklyn to go????? It should be Kimo, he’s the narc that broke Quinn’s trust and ratted out his power. Cam or Chelsie would be good, too.

      1. brooklyn’s married so has no showmance potential. she’s too dull to get votes though imo. i think chelsie will be the most likely nom unless cam gets a really bad edit on wednesday’s episode.

  6. Simon/Dawg – will we be able to rank the houseguests this season? The only satisfaction I can really get from this season of morons is to hand out as many zero votes as possible.

        1. It’s because it takes quite a lot of time to keep updated/current. They’ve already addressed this issue repeatedly through these updates since the very beginning….with the “new” rules of live feeds, it’s impossible to upkeep, along with health issues, not “because it’s not PC in the current era of wokeness”….Simon also said (lol) that hopefully it could come back next season. So please watch your p’s and q’s, don’t judge unfairly (unless you’d like to take over the ranking system yourself) and attempt to create a narrative about the creators of this site and what you believe without actual facts. Thank you, but just no.

      1. Aww man…First CBS/Paramount messes with the live feeds playback and now this. Oh well…Thanks for still updating and recapping at least.

  7. I can tell from the many comments here that people lie about wanting an entertaining season.

    And I know people won’t ever admit they like house alliances & unanimous votes all season but that is what many want. Plus they’re personally offended by any villains or characters on the show.

  8. Whoever America votes in gets the stink of not well liked by the audience.
    Spin that correctly and that can be a positive. Whether it’s real or fake, the house agreed to keep the voter replacement nominee.

    Chelsie wants to keep Tucker because she wasn’t told TUCKER said her name, she was told Kenney said her name. THEY BOTH DID.
    Rubina. Lost in the sauce cus he said he likes her. eyeroll. Go play bachelorette.
    Kimo eventually… see Rubina. Hope NOBODY concentrates on how Tucker outed you as the snitch.

    Put it this way: If your game is based on strategy, you require order. Tucker wants EVERYONE else to get their hands dirty while playing chaos. THAT SHOULD BE EVICTED AT THE FIRST OPPORTUNITY.
    WITHOUT TUCKER…. Kenney goes back to send me home if I can’t have my brodown.

    Will the house do it? No chance. Does that make the house dumb? Yes.
    Grod breathes a sigh of relief.

    1. America can’t nom Angela. She was saved by Tucker’s veto.
      Cedric, Tucker Kenney, Mak, Angela are immune.

  9. Production REALLY don’t want waffle wednesdays and vote flips to happen.
    For the second time a houseguest has said they aren’t allowed to talk game on Thursdays.
    They’ve got the three nom system with a comp to determine final 2 noms.
    The uncertainty kills any plots to voteflip.
    No wonder when Julie says take 60 seconds to campaign on the eviction episode… nobody does squat.

  10. I have a question about Quinn’s power? Can he still use it this week? That could really mess with the game.

  11. can someone just tell me why on Earth $ucker saved Angela…….I have really no clue how he thinks that would help him in the game! Thanks!

  12. Are you sure the rules say we can’t vote Angela? She’s not safe, she’s just off the block, to my way of thinking.

    1. She was on the block. She was taken down by the power of veto. Therefore, she is safe from re-nomination for the rest of the week. It’s BB 101.

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