Big Brother 26 Spoilers Week 2 Eviction and AI Results

AI results: Tucker VS Lisa VS Angela

Tucker wins safety “I really like Puzzles BABY”

Lisa and Angela Campaign.

Angela cries.

Angela freaks out while giving her speech.


Tucker votes to evict Lisa
Rubina votes to evict Lisa
Quinn votes to evict Lisa
Kenny votes to evict Angela

Joe votes to evict Lisa
Makensy votes to evict Lisa
Cedric votes to evict Lisa
Brooklyn votes to evict Lisa
Cam votes to evict Lisa
Leah votes to evict Lisa
Kimo votes to evict Lisa
Tkor votes to evict Lisa

Lisa is Evicted. She appears shocked.

Angela happy.

Angela – you got this momma’s heart beating fast thank you from the bottom of my heart by keeping me here… you guys are like my babies..

Lisa tells Julie she was blindsided. She admits she doesn’t have a power.

39 thoughts to “Big Brother 26 Spoilers Week 2 Eviction and AI Results”

    1. Yes, it’s wrong on all levels… you can tell she wants to be the villain to make a “name” for herself… Karma catches up…

  1. Why is Angela not evicted, I can’t watch her anymore. Watching her I feel sorry for her family having to see her lose her mind. I will wait for her and her ridiculous behavior to go before watching again… hopefully next week..?

  2. Great HOH week for Chelsie!

    Tucker wins the A.I. Comp in a landslide. I don’t think the other two were seriously competing.

    Lisa did not see her eviction coming. Her interview shows me what I feared in the pre-interviews:
    She didn’t understand the game she signed up to play.

    The game could be flipped if Makensy, Leah, Kenney, Cam, or Angela win HOH. But Quinn could spoil it with the deepfake HOH.

    1. Is it a great HOH week for Chelsie? She got out arguably the least threatening HG. This week goes down as insignificant.

      1. Lisa would be a number for the other side of the house if they won HOH. No way would they nominate her over plenty of other HGs.

        Chelsie was able to keep peace in the house unlike Angela, 3 of her 4 nominees basically volunteered going OTB and was able to get her target Lisa evicted, she gained Makensy and Leah as allies who would flip the house and keep Chelsie safe, and she’s involved with multiple alliances and groups without being considered a target.

        The least threatening HG so far is Rubina.

        1. Who the Hell is “the other side” of the house? Except for Kenny, they all seem to me to be rushing to join with each other, to try as best they can, to be in THE BIG alliance, whoever and whatever that may be!

          Some of them are trying to manufacture a “the other side”, by using the fact Makensy and Leah didn’t vote with the house in week one as an excuse, but as has been pointed out here, they were intentionally left out of that block voting by the others in their supposed alliance (The Barber Shop), only to have those same people then turn around and use that fact against them – seems pretty sketchy to me. Both Mak and Leah have been working this entire week to integrate themselves, so that they WON’T be seen as TOS, mostly by carefully naming Angela and Kenny as targets when asked and pledging loyalty to the remaining members of their fake alliance.

          Targeting Makensy is a waste because she has the power and will use it on herself to come off the block. I suspect she might use it on Leah too, but she might not be mentally strong enough to do that, as that would require her to go up against the power of the herd.

          So I just don’t see a “the other side” of the house actually formed up and working against anybody here. What I do see are lone wolf Kenny, lone person Angela, who nobody likes and nobody wants to work with, and two girls (Makensy and Leah) who are both desperately trying to ingratiate themselves with everybody else in the house, but not actually targeting any of them except for Kenny and Angela. If not voting the “right” way in week one makes them TOS, simply because they voted in support of a close friend AND they didn’t know everybody else was voting him out, that’s a pretty weak reason for targeting them as TOS, and falls right into BB19 protocols.

    2. Tucker had a huge advantage bc of his strengh and height. It helped with moving the heavy pieces, and having a better vantage point.

    3. But the edit has Chelsie in d/r saying that Angela is the target.
      CASUAL non-feeders will think Chelsie’s HOH was a failure until the Sunday episode d/r that explains. That’s a few days of Casuals, who outnumber feeders thinking Chelsie was a chump on her HOH.
      This is a problem, isn’t it?

  3. Idiots! Will we get the chance to rank the house guests here again this season? So many zero votes to give!

  4. Eviction Episode Review
    we’ve got a wannabe Carol. we’ve got a removable offense being shielded. We’ve got an annoying hippydippy vegan. We’ve got an entire group begging to pawn themselves. We’ve got an entire house that almost seems to be under orders to tell one housegusst every secret so that he can be edited as a mastermind….. and they are all playing hate who i hate as a strategy.
    What could go wrong? Again… this is how season 19 started, so that’s what could go wrong.
    powers. crazyeyes. bye. Chelsie HOH. Pentagon from week one. Understanding not alliance with T’kor. Telephone.
    Kenney quitter strategy wins veto. Tucker volunteers to pawn.
    Edit will tell us probable winner of AI in the first five minutes. Just like Kimo edit last eviction episode. Tucker. He’s winning AI by edit.

    They’re going to show the twit argument not the real argument. mmhmmmm. STILL WONDERING WHICH REMOVABLE OFFENSE WORD GOT USED.

    Chelsie lying says the target is ANGELA. SHE IS NOT. NEVER WAS. BULLSHIT.

    Tucker still after Lisa will get the mastermind edit. His AI win will mark his compbeast introduction without threat to the house.
    Angela plays victim d/r.
    Tucker pushes Lisa has a power like it’s the first time to get target back on her.
    Lisa Tucker 2 truths and a lie argument. I’m a cia superspy… who works one step above fast food and acts/models while being a sales marketing guy. and I juggle chainsaws at the county fair and I personally save seagulls from those plastic thingies on sixpacks.
    ANOTHE PUZZLE IS THE AI? mmmhmmm. who sucks at puzzles? Lisa and Angela suck at puzzles. Now we know why Tucker is volunteer pawn…. for sake of the edit to introduce Grod’s boy. He ‘Your boys’ in the d/r even once and i’m getting a pitchfork.
    Angela Tucker convo outing Quinn.
    Quinn walks in. Angela crying personal attack. Angela. reallllly? Angela crying about personal attacks….. which leads us to Angela making personal attacks.
    Angela listens as Pinkpony room discusses the situation. Tucker of course still targeting Lisa.
    Angela mocking Lisa again but skipping Last week’s start to the acrimony. It’s still ignored.
    Let’s be real here….. the whole house does what Angela did behind Lisa’s back. She’s annoying but this shit isn’t cool. Just say please keep the glitter to your own meals, we don’t want it. Done. Is that so hard?
    Security Race. Puzzle. 3 layers. Lisa sucks at puzzles. Angela sucks at puzzles.
    Tucker wins AI. Introduction to Tucker is the mastermind compbeast wildcard grodboy controls the house era.
    Lisa didn’t come down the stairs with Tucker and Angela… oh there she is.
    campaigning are we still calling it that?…. T”kor promises vote to Angela.
    LIsa knows or Lisa is still snowed. who knows. Likely snowed.
    ANGELA: family. dream come true. Grandma. I want to play. Enthusiasm rewarded by Chen commenting on it…. then oh you can talk now eeyore to Lisa.
    LISA: gratitude. welcome. I want to stay what is right and what we represent.

    Tucker. Rubina. Quinn. Joseph. MJ. Cedric. Brooklin. Cam. Leah. Kimo. T’kor.
    Vote of 11 to 1 LISA IS EVICTED.
    Ice hugs from Lisa to house. Knows Kenney was her only vote. Reward the bully season19 part 2 has begun. HOW DO THEY EXPLAIN ANGELA IS THE TARGET D/R THIS EPISODE?
    NOTICE THE LISA INTERVIEW IS…. Postponed for Angela to get a psa this never happens. Lisa still seething in the chair with Chenbot. COMMERCIAL.
    Lisa had long enough to answer nicely after commercial. Chen trying to cover the house is mob mentality. You’re too good at the game… no she isn’t. She’s loopy. Her strategy and social game blew chunks. But the house is haterade reward the asshole.

    1. I have to admit, I’m starting to feel some deeper negative stuff about Chelsie. How cold can someone be to see a person huddled in a corner wanting to hide from feeling so vulnerable with no support at all, pretend to comfort her, and then trash her in the DR with gaslighting narrative?

      1. The whole house did that repeatedly. It’s why Lisa was blindsided.
        No issue with getting out a veto winner that a houseguest isn’t in an alliance with.
        Again like last week it’s not INTENT i am bothered by. It’s METHOD.

        1. Tucker is such an obvious comp threat who is staying under the radar with his social game. He just proved to viewers that he is not totally stupid, but rather jumps to false conclusions bc he’s so impulsive. The house doesn’t know how well he beasted that comp, but they should have some sort of instinct by now that he’s the one that could dominate the game. Yet, they still don’t.

          So really, intent this week was crappy as well. It’s all personal, in part as everyone is playing safe to not alienate anyone (well, except Tucker, who doesn’t fear people in that way), so they target the weaker ones.

          1. I’m trying to be kind in assessment that intent wasn’t just personal… but personal was a big part of it.

          2. did you notice it seemed that the house KNEW how they did in the comp, and the kind of comp?
            So we’re not seeing that the house SEES the AI comp now?

  5. Man, Tucker is most likely still celebrating for his win in AI contest.
    What a narcissist. I started to like him. Then he acts like he’s the man.bloody peacock.

  6. Anyone else sick of douche boy Tucker yet? I thought Quinn was gonna run away with the game in the first few days, now I think he’ll be possibly gone before jury…… hoping Karengela wins HOH haha

  7. When feeds come back.
    We’ve got houseguests offended that Lisa told them do the right thing in her speech after each one of the pearl clutchers went to Lisa when she was crying, and pushed the lie that everyone was getting rid of Angela because of her behavior.
    Cry me a river.

  8. First time since I started watching in 2006 that I’m completely uninterested in the live feeds. This season, this cast — they all suck.

  9. Angela crying and they all fall for it Every time she’s on the block they are going to save her to get someone else out. She will go all the way to the end and hopefully not get a single vote. She is a bully does she think she’s perfect, she’s a overweight old woman, a bully of a woman, again I ask as she is moving her eyes back and forth in the HOH room ( crazy eyes ) is she perfect among the imperfect? I can’t wait for the next outburst and I hope whoever stands up or themselves! Put her in her place! Eleven people just saved your game and your going to go after them?

  10. IMO, Angela not being evicted was the simply the will of prod and Grod. After all, Angela is boosting ratings with her histrionics. It’s beyond clear to me, however, that Angela is ACTING, and she’s not even very good at it. Every time she “cries”, she scrunches up her face like she’s ugly-crying, she wipes her eyes, and she exhales dramatically. But there are never any actual TEARS coming out of her eyes! LMAO!

    She’s a prod plant, evidenced by her having been cast in 3 or 4 other CBS shows over the years. She probably came onto BB agreeing to play the part of the unhinged villain. Before filming began, production probably gave her specific instructions to ACT over-the-top and emotionally unstable. I’ll bet she’s nothing like that in real life. She probably even has an agent and a SAG card. But, she could use some serious acting classes. It’s disturbing how many viewers are being fooled by Angela’s poor acting skills. People on Reddit are angry that she’s still in the house after she “bullied” Lisa.

    It bugs me that BB continues to get more and more scripted and inauthentic. So many houseguests nowadays come on to BB without ever having seen one season – or even one episode – of the show. More and more cast members seem to want to use the show for their 15 minutes of fame with the end goal of becoming actors, models, super-influencers, etc.

    1. The 2 easiest nominees are Angela and Kenny. Both bring zero blood if you put them up. The only question is who is the third in my opinion?

      The most likely option is Leah, but he could ask for a pawn volunteer.

    1. They shouldn’t be. Which post are you having trouble commenting?

      I know the site has been having some issues last night we may need to upgrade the servers.

    it was supposed to be the ones who haven’t been have not.
    Who would prodo want to keep from being a have not?
    Kenney might walk.
    Angela might explode.

  12. Ok production, if you want to manipulate the game with crazy, fake looney bins, fine….but at least get some that can really play the game and make interesting, intelligent moves. Why you would possibly think that we are so bored in our lives that we fans would enjoy watching psycho, creepy, stupid people handed wins, is just plain insulting. Angela needs to go, it’s not interesting to watch her crazy fake self. In my opinion, Tucker acts like he has ADD and needs his meds……Quinn is annoying to listen to….he has no clue, but he has a super power..please…….Tkor seems nice, but she gets a little creepy sulking around silently in her bathrobe and sunglasses. …..Joseph who? The rest of the houseguest are the same person….and then to top it off you throw in an undercover cop……Really… I would like a REAL GAME PLEASE…….not a day at Disneyland….Thank You from sometimes fan

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