Big Brother 21 “FREE THE ZING” Power Of Veto Competition!

Head of Household Winner – Holly
Have note are: Cliff, Nicole, and Jess get punishments
America’s Prankster – Nick
Nominations are: Christie & Nick
Power of Veto Players are – Christie, Holly, Nick, Jackson, Jessica, Cliff
Power of Veto holder –
Power of Veto Ceremony –

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Power Of Veto Winner: Jackson

1:57pm – 4:23pm Big Brother blocked the feeds for the power of veto competition. The veto competition was “Free The Zing” Zingbot competition. Jackson won

Boat Room. Nick and Jackson. Nick – ..loyalty is when people aren’t looking and you could do sh*dy sh*t.. that’s how you show loyalty. I hope you saw that. Jackson – who were you going to put up? Look I am sorry, I didn’t know. Nick – I couldn’t tell you. Are you taking her off? Jackson – I can’t use it. Nick – do you think I’m f**ked? Jackson – I have no idea but this is Holly’s HOH .. I can’t use it. Nick – no I gotcha. Jackson – and that’s nothing personal. That is strictly game. I love you man. I’m sorry. Nick – its fine. I’ll just have to get the votes now. You’re good. I couldn’t tell anyone. (He was the prankster) Nick – I should have told you before the comp. I hope that you do see that I did tell you. I’ve been loyal to you. I could have put you up if I wanted to. The sh*t you can do when you’re anonymous is huge bro. The best way to show loyalty is when people aren’t looking. Jackson – I didn’t know. Nick – I hope you know if I do make it past this week, I do have you. And she (Christie) hasn’t always had you dog. Jackson – I know. Nick – remember that. Keep that (prankster) between us. Jackson – I will. I got you. Jackson leaves. Nick – this f**king sucks!

Tommy joins Nick. Tommy – I’m sorry. Nick – its going to come down to campaigns now. If I go, I go. I have to get three votes. Tommy – you definitely can. Nick – I just need to get you and Cliff. (with Nicole) I think I can. Its just so far away. Its sucks. My campaigns are going to be so f**king good and its going to be really hard for me not to get three. Tommy – you don’t know what could happen and it doesn’t necessarily have to come down to that. Nick – he is not using it. He just came in an talked to me. He had to win it because he didn’t know if he was going to go up or not. He wouldn’t have .. that’s the worst part. Tommy – how do you know .. ohh.. what? Nick – he wouldn’t have gone up .. if I wanted him up, I would have put him up. She was the only person that I thought I could beat if it come down to a vote. Tommy – okay good. Nick – Cliff told me before if it was me and her you didn’t want her in the game. I have a good chance. Hopefully he sees who was loyal to him. If I wanted him up, I could have put him up. And I didn’t. Don’t tell anyone I told you that. Tommy – I won’t, I promise. Nick – America voted me this power because I didn’t do anything wrong and I got my sh*t blown up. I know I can get votes because I’m honest and loyal. Tommy – I love you ..

Nicole tells Nick that he has her vote.

HOH room. Jackson and Holly. Holly – good job! Jackson – I had to play like I would have gone on the block except I just found out I wouldn’t have. Holly – what do you mean? You were? Jackson – no… Holly – he just told you? Jackson – You cannot tell anybody. I am only telling you because you’re my person in this game. Holly – I won’t. Jackson – he said it wasn’t going to be you it was going to be someone he could beat. He said he could have done some shady sh*t but he wasn’t going to. But I am not going to risk it. I am not going risk him not going home on your HOH. I am not, I am not using it on Christie. I can’t! He’s got to go. This is your HOH. Your game is in jeopardy. Holly – even if in some scenario we cut a sick deal with him… Jackson – no I am not cutting two shady deals. Holly – I don’t want getting Nick out to enlarge the target on your back. Jackson – this is my fourth comp win in a row. Holly – in a row! And 6th total. Jackson – f**k .. he was second. Holly – he was two behind you. I was nine behind you. Christie had 16 left. That comp was realy fun. Either way they both need to go so bad. Jackson – I care about you and selfishly want you in this game. And respect you .. this is your HOH .. you want him gone … I am not going to use it especially knowing that he picks the replacement. Holly – yeah. I don’t know who he would pick. Jackson – he said someone he could beat .. I would guess Cliff or Nicole.. two people we’re in an alliance with. No!

4:30pm Christie joins Holly and Jackson.
Jackson – and we skirt my another week! Christie hugs Jackson. Jackson – did you throw it?! Holly – were you trying?! Christie – what happened was.. Holly – I know you’re not good with balls. You don’t have that much experience. Christie – I wasn’t meaning to be this stupid at it but I literally don’t care. It looked legit because I got my ball stuck. I also feel bad because I said I was never going to throw a comp. But the way that I justify it is .. I would never throw a comp just to not win a power. I would throw a comp to prove socially to someone else that I trust them. If that makes sense. Jackson – yeah. Jackson talks about his strategy at winning the comp. Jackson – I talked to him (Nick) in the boat room and I hope you know that I am not going to use it. I can’t use it for a lot of reasons. Christie – thank you. Jackson – One, I don’t want Tommy going up. Two, I don’t want to risk anyone on the block next to him that he could beat. He is not going to one, out campaign you.. or out talk you. Its her HOH. I am not going to risk him coming off and coming after her. You’re not going anywhere. Christie – Nick’s a beast. Mental, Puzzle, Physical. He is good. Nick is good. So thank you. I will do what she (Holly) wants. Jackson – I did not want this around my neck but I could not risk Nick having it around his. It would have been a lose / lose and you could have potentially gone home. You get why I am panicking .. this is my fourth comp in a row. Christie – you put trust in me and I put trust in you. Cliff joins them. Cliff – you killed it!

4:50pm HOH room. Cliff, Holly and Jackson.
Jackson – he has to go. Holly – they both scare me.. but Nick terrifies me. Jackson – its the lesser of two. Cliff – I got really worried last night .. Nick and Tommy whispered for like 45 minutes. They were just planning all this stuff if they don’t get it. It will be a full court press going forward this week. I can’t see any world where Jess would vote to keep Nick. And as long as she doesn’t and you and I make it official. Jackson – and I am not going to vote to keep Nick. Cliff – and Nicole will jump on board. She’s his friend but she will jump on board. Jackson – if he (Nick) stays he is coming after her (Holly) and I can’t risk that. Cliff – I am not doing that. Jackson – its us four riding it out. Cliff – I am 100% with you guys.

5:10pm HOH room. Jackson and Holly.
The talk about their ZINGs from Zingbot. Jackson – Should I call you Jackson, should I call you Michie.. or should I just call you what you are.. a Pompous Douchebag. Holly – and then what Chess not Checkers ZING! Jackson – he got me! Holly – I got called an old buzzard! Jackson – its funny because its not true at all. Holly – maybe in the bright light of the DR I have crows feet. Jackson – no stop .. you’re beautiful! I’m serious! You’re strikingly gorgeous and I’ve thought that since day 1. Holly – I just pray that Cliff or Nicole can win next week or anyone that would put Christie up again. I want her gone.. eventually and maybe not right now. Jackson – I want Jess gone more. We need Jess gone. Cliff and Nicole will take a shot at Christie. Christie and Tommy will take a shot at Cliff and Nicole. We need Jess gone because she will take a shot at us. Holly – we can’t have these guys (Cliff and Nicole) find out these guys (Tommy and Christie). We can’t get our wires crossed. Holly – Nicole’s zing was brutal. (Her Zing was something about her being a boring loser with no friends. Jess’s Zing was about being a snoozefest. Cliff’s was about his body size. Christie’s had to do with how she chews / loves food.) Jackson – we are the last standing showmance. Holly – I really do want to be a little more low key with the PDA when we’re down there.

5:05pm – 5:40pm Nick and Nicole playing backgammon.

5:53pm Kitchen. Jess, Christie, Tommy and Cliff.
Jess talks about all the d**k picks that get sent to her in her DMs. She says she shows them all to husband Steve. Cliff – I would show them all to Sharon.

5:58pm Storage room. Cliff shows Nicole the “special” pie he made for Jackson. Cliff – it has watermelon in it. Nicole – we should make a mayo one for Tommy. Is that mean? Nicole then finds the mayo and makes a mayo pie. Cliff – oh he is going to have a fit!

6:15pm Dinner time..

7pm Living room.
Cliff – I really liked that one and the one last week. (Veto Comps) I;m sorry that you (Nicole) aren’t getting to do any of these. Whoever is HOH next week you need to ask them to guarantee you’ll be in it. Nicole – Nope, no, that’s okay.

7:10pm Kitchen. Jackson – I’ve never been called pompous before .. douchebag ..definitely! The other house guests laugh.

7:10pm – 7:50pm Nick and Tommy playing backgammon. Nick then plays against Cliff. 4 camera views all on Nick and Cliff counting during their game..

8pm The house guests are sitting around the living room couches chatting about random things.

8pm – 9:20pm Jackson – what should I say to the feed cameras as a come back to the pompous douchebag comment. Cliff – how dare you say that I’m not pompous. Holly – damn Zingbot that was a low blow.. would a pompous douchebag bail you out of jail. Cliff – I might be a pompous douche bag but with 500k who cares?! Jess – why would you care, I’m a snooze fest anyway..

Jackson starts telling them about his guns and hunting .. when you get out there you’re acting as an owl and waking up the turkeys. Nick – why do you have an owl call? You’re acting as an owl. Jackson – You have an owl call. You’re acting as an owl waking up. Nature all works with each other. When nature wakes up, it wakes up in units. They wake up together. If the woods are asleep .. I want to know where the turkeys are. So I act like an owl waking up the woods.. Whoo Whooo.

10:07pm Bedroom. Jess and Christie.
Christie – its Holly’s HOH. He is a major competition threat. He almost won. I don’t see it happening. I really don’t. You never know. Jess – I’ve been thinking about this .. once he (nick) leaves … who is there to target!? Christie – it doesn’t matter. Do you know how scary it is? Forget what they want. Ad for the house, if I go and he stays … Holly knows that Nick is going after her. I think that Holly and Michie are in a good place with Cliff and Nicole. I mean if they change it .. its up to them but if they leave it .. if its up to the house .. who the f**k is keeping Nick!? And with him and Michie both playing in HOH next week scary! Is scary! Even Cliff said it .. I don’t want to compete against the two of them. Never again! No one stands a shot! And honestly Holly is amazing too. I know she can’t play in the HOH but.. He (Jackson) spoke to Nick and said I love you but I am not using it. Just campaign. You have a fair shot to campaign against Christie but I am not using it. I think that Nick thinks he has Tommy, Nicole and Cliff’s vote. Cliff pulled me aside and said just so you know I am not keeping Nick. Him and Michie are scary in this game together. Tommy told Holly that he will vote out whoever she wants. I just want to stay calm.

10:23pm Living room. Cliff and Nicole talk about how they won’t pie Tommy with the mayo pie or Jackson with the watermelon pie during the night. They agree they would only do it during the day if the other house guests were lined up to be pied too.

10:40pm HOH room. Jackson and Holly. Jackson is worried about where the pompous douche bag comment comes from. Is it from the producers? Or is it all of America? If its the first then I am okay with it but if its the latter then I am going to get smoked when I get out of here. Jackson – There are so many things that I am doing and not doing to not look like a douche bag. Even if we get backyard I am not letting myself workout as much as I want to.. I am not working out inside because I don’t want to get clipped working out all the time. I don’t want to get clipped shirtless all the time. I don’t want to get clipped shredded with an eight pack looking like a douche bag. I am doing everything I can to make myself look like a regular average guy.

11:06pm Cliff, Nicole, and Jess each have to make a pie and surprise someone with a pie in the face. Nicole goes up to the HOH room to pie Jackson. Jackson is hiding behind the door waiting for her. She walks in and he pies her with the pie. Jackson yells out PLOT TWIST! Jackson runs away.

11:30pm – 12am Backyard Hammock. Nick and Tommy.
Nick – what I told him (jackson) after he won was the best way to trust someone is when they don’t put you up when they could. I think that shows that I’m loyal. I wasn’t going to put you up and now you know. I could have put you up this week and I didn’t. Isn’t that the best way to trust someone? I could have f**ked you over this week and put you up and I f**king didn’t. The best way to know that someone has your back is when you’re not looking. I said that has to f**king mean something. Tommy – I wonder if he uses it on Christie and you have to replace with someone else. Nick – it would need to be guaranteed votes. I’m sure you would like that because then it wouldn’t put you in a weird position. You would have my vote then. Nick – but you don’t know now? Tommy – no. But you would 1000% have my vote then. Nick – but then I would need Nicole’s and Christie’s vote. Christie isn’t going to vote for me to stay. Tommy – you include her in on this plan maybe .. I don’t know. Nick – he already said that he won’t use it on Holly’s HOH. Tommy – but you haven’t campaigned to him and pitched to him this new idea. Nick – I would have to pitch to him and give safety to Holly. Tommy – you say that you will put up whoever they want. Nick – I wouldn’t have a choice at that point I would have to put up Nicole.

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73 thoughts to “Big Brother 21 “FREE THE ZING” Power Of Veto Competition!”

    1. Really..both of them are two different people when looking at them..but they are the same in many ways. Nick and Christie playing very dirty and I want to say Christie more so.. It is call BB and both of them are playing the game well. Nick is saying and doing things that are questionable..his behavior toward Tommy is unacceptable..I wish BB would make Nick stop. Just because a person is living a different lifestyle doesn’t give you the right to approach them in a sexual way..that is Just wrong.

  1. Nick may as well stand on the balcony and announce he was the prankster to the HGs at dinner. He tells Michie, who will tell Holly (done). He tells Tommy who will tell Christie…then Cliff…then it’s all over. Wouldn’t be shocked if everyone already knows.

    1. He did that by design. His issue is confined with Christie, the rest of them were not seen as a target by him.

    2. That is precisely his plan:

      Nick– My campaign is going to be f*cking fire. I’m saying “if I wanted to put you guys up, I could have done it”. I’m f*cking loyal. Think I would have got America’s Prankster if I deserved to be in the spot I’m in?

      Nicole– Exactly

    3. That has been so frustrating with this cast – their big fat mouths. Level 6 kept their secrets till the VERY end so the viewer felt like they were in on the secret. Brett pretending to be a lone wolf, Tyler pretending to be a heart broken, wounded baby bird when Kaitlyn was voted out. Bella told EVERY thing; Christie NEVER shuts up. They ALL blabbed their own powers… The power is in the anonymity. Idiots.

  2. Oh Jackson, he wanted Jess and Christie out. This is unreal. You are advocating for your actual biggest threat.

    1. Crusty & the 2 hump boys gotta go……TOMMY IS THE BIGGEST THREAT……Nicole could b right…..since it’s. “ prank” week , no one may go home this week then double next week

    2. whose vote does Crustie have? Nobody in jury is saying Crustie has my vote. Nobody in the house is saying wow, Crustie has my vote.
      For reasons of she’s horrible, sure she gotta go. For reason of game? Think of taking bbcan 2 Sabrina to the finals. As long as you are at least moderately more likeable… you will win.

  3. God jackson you’re a dumbass you take out nick this week and then christie is going to go after you and holly next.

    1. With all due respect to the state of Tennessee,wasn’t Fessy and also dumbass Jackson,both from that state? Maybe it’s the water?

      1. Nah, I personally know allot of people in TN; both book smart and street smart. Dolly Parton is an incredible business woman, Vanderbilt University and Hospital in Nashville. Fessy is so unaware it defies logic… And he’s from Florida. Jackson isn’t stupid; as he said, “douche bag – definitely” 😀

      2. Don’t blame Fessy on us, he’s from Orlando, FL. But yes, Jackson is from Franklin, TN…just below Nashville. I’ve seen him out and about before. It’s hard to miss that jawline. Ugh.

  4. So these morons are keeping Crusty AGAIN!?! Ugh I just can’t! Can the person with the bullhorn please go back? I don’t know that I have ever seen a dumber cast.

  5. Zing towards Christie had to do with her Chewing and love of food
    Cliff’s was about his body size
    Jackson’s zing …. ‘Should I call you Jackson – or should I call you Micky – or should I call you what you are – a Pompous Douchebag?
    Holly said Zingbot …. called her an Old Buzzard
    Zingbot called Nicole a boring loser with no friends
    Jess a “snoozefest.”
    Don’t know about Nick or Tommy

  6. Well Holly and Jackson want Nick gone so looks like Nick may go but it’s still early, and we know anything can happen with Christie and her blow ups… Nick has Nicole’s vote but if Holly wants him gone that could jeaporduze Nicole’s game voting Nick…

    1. Yeah but it’s looking like Nicole May vote to keep him, its cliff that can’t make a decision on his own without the king and queens permission! Ugh!! I’ve never seen a season where they honored the HOHs choice for eviction every vote. There are two people as a option for a reason! Jackson says do what’s best for ur game so do what’s best for ur game! Christy will win this season and these morons will deserve it! She can talk herself out of anything, she did the impossible last week but they don’t see that as manipulative and good game play ??? Wow

      1. Cliff and Nicole have already spoken about their hope something happens this week to flip the vote….. they both want Nick to stay and Crust gone. But, they’re only 2 votes vs. the 3 of Jess, Jackson, and Tommy, and it’d be idiotic to vote 3-2 against everyone else if Crust is staying anyway. If they can find another vote, Cliff and Nicole will pull the trigger.

          1. Yeah, that’s what I’m saying. There are 3 votes to keep Christie right now: Tommy, Jess, and Jackson
            Against only two if Nicole & Cliff vote to evict her…. so they’re smartly not planning to do it at the moment even though they’d rather Christie leave.

            However, if something changes over the course of the week and another vote to evict Crust materializes, Cliff and Nicole are on board to join in and send her packing.

    2. Nick is somewhat of a threat but casting him as some social and mental master mind is Christie’s deflection, and her moral justification to make lies and back stabbing be “righteous justice”. I don’t think it’s her game play either; I think it’s the way she does life. Zing But should have called her out on all her lies & given sympathy to all her dead sisters.

  7. Dawg- Your screen grabs are awesome,I almost fell out of my chair laughing.I thought I was seeing the world’s biggest”camel toe”!

        1. wait until she puts on the flesh color tights again. those things should be burned. You’ll be missing the days of her ass eating shorts.

  8. Holly and Miche are dominating these comps.
    At some point that has to put a target on their backs. If anyone gets the chance, that is.

    Get Christy out. Please.

  9. I just watched this:

    One hour of Sam & I’m depressed he’s not in the house b/c he kept feeds so lively. Few tidbits:
    *there was a bee crawling on his leg in the comp where they were suspended & he was trying to get it off his leg & did but his foot slipped & then they hoisted them up immediately in the air & it caused him to fall.

    * Didn’t think it was cool Jackson cheated on have nots (didn’t know till he got out of house). Sam lost 34 lbs in the house the last week he was drinking one protein shake with slop a day. And said we signed up for a game & agreed to the rules – so just follow the rules!

    *On the night he got evicted he was staying right up to the moment they sat down – things switched quite literally a minute prior.

    *ONE person he will NOT be friends with outside the house is Christie b/c he asked everyone “if you want to make a personal attack at me I’m fine but all I ask is you leave my wife & boys out of this, they have nothing to do with the show & bringing family into things is a low blow” He thought leaving the house he was cool with everyone & had no problem with the personal attacks on him. He knew Christie was calling him a p*ssy & a coward & said – no big deal – it’s game this was tied to him wanting to blow up Christie’s multiple lies but Jack ran & told her. So he calls his wife Melissa on way home at the airport (their first talk & she tells him Christie used my name & said something you might not appreciate) She was referring to Christie saying “I just feel so bad for Sam’s wife Melissa being married to a coward”

    *Best comment Sam made me laugh out loud b/c he said clearly if Christie tells you “I swear on my sister’s life” you IMMEDIATELY know she’s lying, it’s soooooooooo obvious .

    Anyway, if you miss Sam the interview is a great reminder of how much humor, life and energy he brought to the live feeds.

    Zings (they all sound pretty lame – which may tell the house guests how lame they are):

    Nicole: boring loser with no friends
    Jess: being a snoozefest
    Cliff: something about a bodacious body
    Holly: she’s an old buzzard
    Christie: something about her love of food & how she chews or smacks her food (when she eats)
    Jackson: ‘Should I call you Jackson, or should I call you Micky,or should I call you what you are – a pompous douche bag? (and there was another one about his chess not checkers comment)
    Tommy: Overuse of the word “amazing” and being an attention whore
    Nick: something about his hair

  10. So while Holly/Jackson ARE more loyal to Cliff/Nicole (you remember how they said they only wanted to play with people they respected right?). Well Jackson now has it set up so Christie/Tommy ALSO think they are F4 with them.

    Cliff told them he’s voting out Nick is b/c Holly wants but voting out Christie would be better for HIS game, (ditto for last week with Sis b/c Jackson wanted it). You can see Jackson getting a little territorial again where he’s now pushing his narrative that Jess has to go before Christie b/c she’ll target him. He believes Nicole/Cliff will go after Christie/Tommy and vice versa. What he’s forgetting is the minute one of those 4 gains power the two sets of alliances will be exposed. Holly of course wants Christie gone next b/c with Nick gone she believes she can pull Tommy to her/Jackson.

    I could be wrong but I’m fairly confident Christie would rather shoot for Michie & I’d be shocked if Tommy didn’t go after Michie as his target & Cliff or Jess as his pawn & cite losing two of his closest allies (Sis/Nick) b/c of his choices & that it’s nothing personal. He might understand Holly has to be on the block beside Michie though to ensure he goes b/c then he’d have everyone voting to keep Holly.

    Nicole I think would still target Tommy/Christie b/c her preference as she told Cliff would’ve been a F4 of Cliff, Nick, & Jess. AND although she wants Christie gone I do think she’s the ONLY one in the house who recognizes Tommy has the most complete game (social, comps, strategy).

    I don’t know if it’s blind naivety but something tells me this week isn’t going to count & regardless Nick will stay. When/if he does Tommy will be back peddling hard core b/c he’ll be exposed for being tighter with Christie and lying about it to Nick. The trio of Nicole/Cliff & Nick have already been questioning how he went from being so angry at her last week to suddenly being fine with her ummmm DUH b/c she’s his F2 partner idiots.

    Last but not least — funny how Jackson makes such a big point about it being Holly’s HOH but HE is the one pushing that Nick has to go not Holly – he’s falling back into the alpha dictator role & is misreading the house – like they always say don’t get too confident b/c the minute you do you’ll get burned.

    1. Here’s to manifesting your insight into further sense into the game. The alpha has returned for sure and clouded Jacksons brain into thinking he can beat Christie n Holly can get Tommy. Uhhgg. Poor Nicole at times on the lonely island called Common Sense.

      1. Agreed….but people get very defensive over Nicole because she IS a sweetheart. It does sometimes cloud people’s views of the game.

  11. As you may know from my posts, I have never cared for most of the HG’s, but this guy….man…he (and I do think he’s Bi or at least Bi curious) needs to be watched before he goes all rapist on someone! Just a bit earlier this evening:
    Nick says he would f*ck a blow up doll if they were given one.
    Tommy tells Nick that he doesn’t want to shower with him: “I know I’ll get a boner.”
    Nick jokes that he would toss Tommy’s salad
    As Tommy lays his head in Nick’s lap, Nick starts bucking his hips. Tommy: “No, Nick.”

    1. Nick is the grossest person I have ever seen play this game. Period. Sometimes I’ll feel bad, like when Christie thinks she’s owed an explanation of Nick’s gameplay…but then I remember the things he says ALL the time…and I suddenly decide he’s just getting justice served a diff way.

  12. Jackson is so dumb… he has to know Christie is not going to have his back after this week… after nick is gone Christie is gonna have tommy and jess on her side. She will easily convince nicole and cliff to separate from holly and jackson… who wants to have a final four with a fucking showmance who is way better at winning comps than u????? That’s all she has to say. Jackson is literally building an army for crusty to win and he doesn’t even know it

    1. It really just comes down to who wins the HOHs (and in what order) that’ll dictate which smaller groups get/stay together.

      I’ve heard talk that Nicole is the houseguest who seems to know her dates/events the best. It’d be nice to see her become a comp force of nature here in the final stages….. especially since she’s won nothing all game and only played a couple vetoes.

      1. Exactly! I think they’re a pretty strong final 4. Knock everyone else out…then ya get to some physical, mostly mental comps…and it’s anyone’s game at that point. I would like to be choosing from those 4.

    2. Michie is just a big kid and can’t see his stepmother is wrecking his game. He isn’t thinking for himself.

  13. Nick will be easier to get out later Crusty is the one that will cause problems for Jackjaw and his buzzard…..Crusty out this week then Nasty Nick next.

    1. I reallllly want Christie out this week….but the only thing is…I’m scared of Nasty Nick’s powers of persuasion…and his ability to easily manipulate Nicole, Cliff, and Tommy. If it was a decent person that was persuading and manipulating…I’d be ok. I think Christie’s luster is gone and not coming back…and she’s not good with comps.

  14. Anyone else notice when nick is lying, he talks fast and raises voice some. And repeats over and over? I see the difference when he just having a regular conversation , he talks slower.

  15. So, Nick is trying to save himself by saving Christie(?), getting whoever Holly says on the block (out of nicole, cliff and jess but he’d prefer not nicole), promising to throw the next hoh and veto, volunteer to be the perma pawn for just one more week in the house.
    So… the Christie deal from last week.
    He’s gone to Jackson already.
    I don’t get why he is going to Christie with this plan to get her on board… she’s going to file away everything he says and reveal it to Jackson, Holly, Jess, and Cliff for votes. Just wait for it. It’s too much dirt on your fellow block mate not to use.
    Holly is pissed with production and zingbot right now… so I don’t know if she’s going to listen to much. Right now she’s firmly Nick gotta go.
    Everyone but Cliff and Jess knows about the prankster identity now.
    If i gather correctly regarding zings:
    Holly: old. Jackson: douche. Tommy: attention whore. Jess: boring. Nicole: loser. Christie: chews funny. Nick: ugly hair. Cliff: old unfortunate saggy body.
    Uh… I’m meaner when i’m paying them compliments. Jess and Nicole’s zings are things they say about themselves weekly. Cliff’s game relied on playing old man role: middle age bod happens. Seriously. did they write these zings week one and two? When Holly called herself the older woman? When Jackson was still actively being the douche?
    They aren’t even trying anymore.
    Nick after learning Tommy’s vote isn’t a lock like he assumed… wants to use the sex stool in the shower. with Tommy. Timing is everything.

    1. Yeah they are really mailing it in this season more than usual………..I’ve heard rumblings that it might be last season what with Mrs. Moonves contract expiring.

      1. What a horrible ending to what use to be my favorite show. So many of the greats go out with a dud….Seinfeld, Game of Thrones….

    2. Nick after learning Tommy’s vote isn’t a lock like he assumed… wants to use the sex stool in the shower. with Tommy. Timing is everything.

      Omg, really?

      And nick plan can totally backfire. He needs to make it about jess. If it looks like he can put nicole/cliff .. will.make it easier for them to vote him out.

  16. Uggg Its been 3 weeks that we ALMOST get her out of the house and it looks like we will fail again.. I might see the logic in getting Nick out being a good competitor and they dont want to have both of the big guys to have to compete against. But dont you think anyone in that house will get a clue to know that America wants Christie out.. We have set it up twice now with special powers to make it easier to get her out but they throw the powers back in our faces each time. Cant they see that maybe we see it as a good thing to get her out of the house for their game sake..Maybe America is trying to help these people out to further them in the game.. but they are too blind to see it

    1. That’s my thing. In the game…I feel like there’s a lot to be scared about with Nick…and nothing to be scared about with Christie. For some reason, I thought she was a great game player 2 weeks ago and now I don’t. But as a viewer…I want them both out…but Christie a bit more.

  17. I have said as many of you have here that this cast Just can’t shut up and keep a damn secret!! Nick has done some questionable things in the house as far as behavior and trying a relationship with Bella and the whole staring at Sis n being creepy with Tommy.
    Seems as though Nick and Jackson are trying to change “their image” We will see what America thinks when they exit the house.
    (I am more excited about the exits then the winner at this point)
    Nick HAS to know that working with everyone in the past that no one can keep a secret. By design, he KNOWS he can’t win with fighting against Christie so he allows a “secret” (planned incognito campaign) to get out that everyone knows and he can get them to react by playing the passive aggressive role.
    Now because there is so much time until eviction and we know production is heavily involved this season (confirmed by Jackson) is THIS attempt too little to late for Nick or is it business as usual and they stick by the one that keeps sticking them, Christie?
    Will Jackson realize Christie wants to get rid of the strong guys? She keeps saying this to Jess about Nick and others in the house. This means Jackson next. Tommy is sitting pretty and will take it to the end if no one has him on their radar (unless Christie includes him in the male threat category?? Hmmm)

    1. At this point, I’m just hoping for no eviction Thursday due to prank week, then Nick wins hoh and puts up holly and Michie since they wouldn’t flip the votes.

    2. Use to be when people were booted from the house, the audience got to boo them or whatever, then the show changed that to “lets all be nice here”, so disappointed when someone everyone dislikes is booted but gets applauded. The closest they came was when Holly voted out Sis last week and heard the audience groan

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