“Like literally if noms stay the same I’m literally toast”

Head of Household Winner – Holly
Have note are: Cliff, Nicole, and Jess get punishments
America’s Prankster – Nick
Nominations are: Christie & Nick
Power of Veto Players are – Christie, Holly, Nick, Jackson, Jessica, Cliff
Power of Veto holder – Jackson
Power of Veto Ceremony –

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Midnight Christie and Tommy RV

Christie says Nick has been Holly’s target since day 38
Christie – me and you need to find the time to talk like really talk
Christie – I slash we have a really big decision to make going into next week. Michie and Holly really want to work with me and I want to make a final four. Cliff and Nicole also really want to work. They never said it directly
Tommy asks if Cliff/Nicole is working with Michie/Holly
Christie makes a face no
Christie – CLiff is terrified of Michie “he said to me today I don’t want to compete against him”
Christie goes on about how Cliff told her he wants to be in the game with Christie and Tommy people whos “Faces light up about this game”
Christie – I need three votes, I have Jackson
Christie says she has to decide who the two of them will go final 4 with Cliff/Nicole or Jackson/Holly
Christie – I would rather go with Cliff and Nicole or CLiff and Jess

Tommy – Nick’s got a plan up his sleeve.
Christie – you have to tell me
Tommy – I told him their only shot is if they take you off and put someone else up
Christie – I think it’s a really horrible plan. Jackson is not using the veto
Tommy says that Jackson wants Nick in the game as a shield
Christie – Nick is so dangerous in this game.
Christie – he is so dumb why did he put me up.. that was so dumb (Cause everyone watching sans that one person in the comments wants you out and we manifested it)

Tommy – he’s then going to offer Holly and Jackson safety for the next week .. you’re off the block
Christie – where does that leave me for next week
Tommy – I don’t know..
CHristie is annoyed by this plan because it leaves her exposed the following week.
Tommy says it’s good because it leaves a target in the house for Christie.
Christie – alright
T – you pissed at me
Christie – I don’t get it
T – I told him the only way he gets my vote is if you get off the block
Christie says they have to get Nick out “He’s so strong”
Christie – I feel like an idiot Tommy. I feel like I think about you with every single decision

Christie starts to cry “I literally threw a competition”
T – hey WHOA
Jess rolls in “Smells like a rancid ice cream parlor.

12:04 am Michie and Nick
Nick says he’s the prankster he put Christie up because she’s been throwing his name out there

Nick – I will throw this next HOH whatever. I will not f*ing win you can f*ing take me out next week
Michie says he needs to seel this to Holly “I’m playing my own game.”
Michie goes on about being in the last surviving showmance. “if she’s on the block and she’s not next to me she will go home, your hardest sell will be here.. you are on the block because she thought you were going after her”
Nick – she wasn’t my target a pawn.
Nick explains he wanted Jess and Holly up only because at the time Christie wasn’t in the house otherwise he would put Christie and Jess up. Holly was always the pawn.
Nick – I put up Christie because I thought it could beat her. I’m f*ed now because I won’t be able to get votes. Like literally if noms stay the same I’m literally toast, I’m literally willing to go up if you win next week whoever wins next week I will be a pawn I’ll throw the f*ing competition.
Nick says keeping him in the game keeps another big target that will shield Michie.
Nick – I have your back in this game. even if it’s in here for one more week it would benefit you so much I will put up whoever you guys want.. WHOEVER

Jackson – if I won America’s prankster I would have nominated myself it’s the smart thing to do. High risk high reward
Jackson says it would have allowed him to backdoor someone and have no blood on his or Holly’s hands.

12:18 am Christie and Jess
Christie wondering what Nick is doing in the HOH for so long
Christie – I’m over this game. (wait I thought your face lit up when mentioning it)
Christie – go home like honestly (Nick)
Christie goes on about how she can’t wait to see her family “I feel like I’m going to lose my mind”

Jess talking about having to maneuver yourself in the game and talk to people “Who, what, where”
Christie having heard Nick down from the HOH – “Should I go upstairs now”
Jess – why you already have
Christie panicking that Nick was in the Hoh for 10 minutes
Christie about Nick “I can’t stand him”
Jess says Holly wanted him out since week 4.
Jess says the goal is to take out your biggest threat (as HOH)
Christie – and not piss off the entire hose
Jess says some people probably want Nick here “Nicole wants him here”
Jess says as if it’s between Christie and Nick “I’m going to pick him to win I Don’t care how many vetos whatever. He’s playing this game alone”
Christie – pretty much
Jess – he doesn’t have a Holly, he doesn’t have you know… like

12:22 am Tommy and Nick
Nick giving Tommy an update about his HOH conversation
Nick says even if Jackson doesn’t make the deal pre veto ceremony he can he can still offer it as part of the campaign post veto ceremony.
Nick – I’m going to fight until the end bro.. I wish I had f*ing told you. I’m sorry I was getting paranoid.
Nick says that someone told Michie and Holly I was putting her up next week, “Probably Christie”
Nick admits he was talking too much saying too many names as people he would put up

Nick points out how Christie has flip-flopped to working with her biggest enemy in the house. “If that’s what she’ll do how do you know she doesn’t do it again when times are tough”
Nick – you’ll always have my vote, I’ll always take you down you never have to question. LIke..
Nick thinks that America gave him the power because they think the position he is in isn’t his fault
Tommy – there are other ways around this even if he doesn’t use the veto
Nick – I got so many good points even if he doesn’t use it I’m still not dead
Nick says if Cliff hears he does have the votes he will tell Nicole to just vote him out.
Tommy – Nick don’t go there you’re thinking too far ahead

12:35 am Holly and Michie
Holly says she went off about her ZING. Production comes on over the PA “you are not allowed to talk about your diary room sessions with other houseguests”
Michie – Nick is pitching us hard.. he’s going to tell you he’s America’sd Prankster and he’ll do whatever we want. He’ll throw comps, He’ll win comps, He’ll put up people we want. He said If I used the veto on Christie he doesn’t want me to use it on him he wants me to use it on Christie and he said he would put up who the f* they want

Holly – I don’t want anyone else up right now. Who would it make more sense to get out.. nobody
Michie – JESS (OMG YES)
Holly – right now?
Michie – the only wildcard about putting me up or you up. I’m not pushing to use it I’m just playing devil’s advocate.
Holly – look at Nick in comps and look at Jess in comps. We need to get Jess out YES but .. we have a higher chance of beating her
Michie agrees with her he’s just wanting them to discuss all options
Holly – the next person I would want out Is Christie
Michie says he made it clear to Nick that this is Holly’s HOH and he has to sell it to her.

Holly brings up “Going far with people we respect”
Holly – I want to move forward with people that I am ok with losing 500000 dollars to if it comes down to that. (WAIT so you’re okay with Jess winning)
Holly – I don’t want Nick to beat me.
Holly – on a strictly moral level I want to move forward with other people (not Nick)
Michie warns that Nick is going to be aggressively pitching.
Michie says Nick not only got to pick one nominee he also got to play in the veto he’s had enough chances to save himself this week.
Holly – I came into this game to make big moves and he’s one of the biggest competitors in this game. Resume builder for me, Get Sam out because he was a BIG threat, Get Nick out because he’s a BIG threat… BOOM

12:49 am Nick getting ready for Bed.
Nick to Christie – Goodnight I love you
Christie – love you
Nick – love you more
They congratulate each other for doing good int eh POV.
Nick – maybe you’ll come off
Christie doesn’t think she will “it’s a game”
Nick – you should though (come off)

Christie starts to cry “nothing feels real”
Nick – you’ll be fine sitting next to me
Christie- you think I hate you but I don’t want you to go either. This game just sucks
Nick – I’m sure you don’t want to be on the bloc. I think it can happen
Christie – it’s just scary I’m not going to ask anybody to use the f*ing veto on me. I just feel like sh1t
Nick – I’m just saying you could come off and someone else could come on
Christie – Michie could go up if I come off
Nick – no he doesn’t have to
Christie – It’s a possibility
Nick – I don’t think he has to go up
Nick tells her he put her up. Christie hits him with her scarf.
Nick – who was I going to put up you just called me out.

Nick says he talked to Jackson and told him it’s not good for his game to let Nick go
Christie – how are you going to get votes.. you will need to promise everyone safety it’s going to look extremely sketchy.
Christie – people will know for him to use the veto on me he would have to be extremely secure. When you are rallying votes people will be like Who will you put up
Nick – I am literally going to throw the next competition like that will be my thing. Anyone can put me up and I’ll fight for the veto. I’m f*ed unless you come off.
Nick – I don’t have another choice.
Christie – it’s a decent plan it has cracks.
Nick – but you come off the block and know you are safe.
Christie – if you come off the block and you are swearing in blood you are not coming after me next week
Nick says he won’t even win the competition he wants another week says he never had a fair shot this week.
Nick – if I got you off the block could I get your word
Christie – people are going to ask you for swears and sh1t now because we’re going into Jury.
Christie – talk to Holly

Christie still going on about Jackson not using the veto because he might go up. Nick reminds her Jackson can’t go up “he has a veto”
Christie – ohh right.. he can’t go up
Nicole – and Holly’s safe too
Christie – who would you put up
Nick – whoever they ask me to. I am assuming I know who that would be and I don’t care (jess)
Nick – there are only three options, CLiff, Nicole and Jess. I would rather go home than put Nicole up
Christie – putting up Jess.. yes she’s vocally coming after you BUT. Cliff is much more dangerous
Nick says Nicole would be fine with Cliff “She’ll get over it”
Christie says when she was trying to get votes Cliff told her him and Nicole are a package deal.
Nick – he said to me If I was ever sitting next to Nicole he wold vote me out
Christie says Jess is coming after Nay male in the house, “Cliff is more strategic”

1:03 am Michie and Holly
Holly – Getting Nick out will also secure getting Nicole to work with us
Michie – agreed cause Nick is under the impression it’s just me and Five next week in the HOH which is GREAT (Michie thinks he’s got everyone)
Holly is worried Nick will stir shit up
Michie – that’s what scares me about the time between Monday and Thursday
Holly – we have such a great thing now.
Michie – Cliff and Nicole shook on a final 4 we need to keep that as close as possible. Christie and Tommy need to be under the impression we want to work with them but not lock anything in because they will be jury votes and we can’t go against a word at this point
Holly is more worried about Christie, Tommy and Jess coming after them over Cliff and Nicole
Michie – I’m not worried about Cliff and Nicol. What are they going to do work with Christie and Tommy? Work with Jess?
Michie – Tommy wins HOH and puts us up he’s f*ed for Jury votes and also .. there’s .. both of us get a chance to play in the veto. Cliff and Nicole are voters if one of us comes off.

1:28 am Nicole alone backyard
Nicole – I know Cliff and I are working with Michie and Holly. The way Tommy has been acting lately I get a weird vibe that Michie and Holly also made a deal with either him and Jess or him and Christie.
Nicole – I wouldn’t be surprised if they set themselves up with a good position with making final 4’s with 23 different groups. I wouldn’t doubt it
Nicole says that Cliff is closer to Michie and Holly on a game level. I wonder if I were to win HOH next week who would I put up? Do I go the Sorry you guys are a huge threat Michie and Holly route and potentially break a final 4 deal? Do I go the Tommy Christie route, I don’t know
Nicole – of the two nominees I feel for Nicole’s game It would be better if Nick stayed because I feel if Christie won HOH she would put me up only because I know in the past she questioned where my head is at.

Nicole – If Michie won HOH I don’t think he’d put me up. I don’t think Cliff would put me up if Nick stays Jess wouldn’t put me up. Christie, there’s a good potential she could and Tommy maybe.
Nicole says Cliff is worried that she’s giving too much information to Nick so he’s been holding back, “that’s fine he’s allowed to play his own game. I want to make sure we compare notes and do what’s best for us moving forward”

2:00 am everyone on the feeds is sleeping

3:25 am PIE TIME

6:07 am everyone sleeping ..

10:25 am Houseguests waking up.
RV room talking about Nick’s cuddling. Christie says she didn’t get Zach and Franke’s cuddling but now after seeing how TOmmy and Nick are she gets it
Christie – this is normal
Tommy – his girlfriend is gone and Nick is so confident in himself and open-minded he just likes attention once and awhile that’s what it is
Christie – he’s very affectionate.. he likes to touch

Tommy – he likes to touch and be touched he requires it.

10:40 am Pie Time
They have to surprise someone. They agree to hit whoever comes into the storage room next.
Production over the PA “there are fresh batteries in the storage room”
Jess – I feel bad whoever comes in here

10:50 am Jess gets Nick (So much for cliff pushing him in. Cliff maintains a nice safe distance)

Cliff gets Nicole and Nicole gets Cliff..

10:53 am Nicole took alot of damage

11:30 am – 11:50 am Nick and Holly
Nick – I have a proposition
N – so, the only way to really show loyalty when people don’t know what you are doing. I am America’s prankster I told Jackson yesterday I let him know MY word means a lot I could have put him up but I didn’t .. I did not.
N – I’m good for your game to stay only because I’m a big threat. I’m not asking him to use the power of veto on me BUT if he uses it on Christie you two can pick. I can put up literally any person. Any person you want.
N – I will throw the HOH, I can now guarantee you I will not put you up. Even if it’s for a week.
Nick pushes that with him going in the house they become the bigger target and Jackson doesn’t play in the HOH, “He’s going to get f*ing attacked. ”
They go back and forth about if anyone specifically said they re after Holly and Jackson
Holly – Jess is mostly against men

Nick goes on about he’ll throw the next HOH “you can’t compete next week..”
Nick says Tommy promised Christie this week he’d vote for her.
Nick promises her he’ll take her off, throw every comp and vote their way forever.
Nick backtracks saying he’d put Holly up as a pawn.
Nick says he doesn’t have Tommy’s vote, probably Nicole and Cliff. he doesn’t see jess voting out Christie.

Nick suggests Cliff goes up to replace Christie. reiterates his deal above.
Nick – you have my word I’ve never lied ..
Nick says he’ll throw the next 3 HOH’s “as long as I’m here It protects you and Jackson”
Nick – use me to your advantage use me to protect you guys.
Nick – even if you don’t use the veto because you think the person I’m sitting next to is more threating
Holly says Nick is the bigger threat to her but Christie is high on the list also.

Nick says people have been making decisions for their own games and he’s been making his decision for the people he’s loyal to
Holly goes on about how her first HOH was for the team.
Nick offers the same deal to her regardless if the Veto is used.

They hug it out

“I appreciate you so much I love you so much “

70 thoughts to ““Like literally if noms stay the same I’m literally toast””

  1. Every chance “America” had to change this game enabled getting Crusty out. WTF. Why don’t they get a clue? And “Tommy”…….please, he is the Mr Rogers of the neighborhood. I am still laughing at the old buzzard……:)

  2. Jackson – if I won America’s prankster I would have nominated myself it’s the smart thing to do. High risk high reward
    Jackson says it would have allowed him to backdoor someone and have no blood on his or Holly’s hands.>>>says the jackwad that had Christy on the block last week and blew it. Holly is just as dumb. I wish Nichole & Cliff would break their promise (why not? everyone else has to them) and go after Christie and Michie. If they are comparing notes in jury house, they should all know by now how literally evil Christy is and may not get many votes…and most in there would be mad at Jackson & Holly for booting them in a “emotional” game, not a lets play game-game

    1. It’s easy for him to say that after the fact! More than anything, I think Jackson is desperately trying to redeem himself. He is worried about how he is being perceived by America. He took a big hit in the beginning. Bad enough that production stepped in. It hit him hard enough to do an about face, especially when it comes to his treatment of women. Now he has put Holly on a pedestal, becoming her protector, acting like her game is more important than his. He is now an honorable, trustworthy, noble hero ready to throw himself on a sword to save his queen from getting blood on her hands. (Eye roll.) He went from freaking out about his reputation to acting like he didn’t care. I believe he then downplayed the situation…saying what matters is the people that really know him, friends and family. I wonder if his mom is aware of how he treats women. Obviously, Zingbot hit him where it hurts. Just a little reminder to Jackson. We see you!

      Note: Just last week, in a conversation with the boys, Jackson talked about how aggressive he is when he goes out. What did he mean by that?

      Nick is such a low life. I can’t imagine why anyone would want their children around this pervert after the show. Having said that, I still want Christie out now. I hate that she is going to skate by. Did it ever occur to Jackson that by sending Sis out, he risked losing 2 votes? Jack and Sis.

    2. Please explain why Christie is evil. Seriously. I’ve watched the live feeds so much this season & I’m not seeing it. Eccentric, maybe annoying…but evil or playing dirty I don’t see. I sincerely want this explained to me.

      1. Eating manners and crying aside, she calls people out for doing the exact same thing she is doing. She talks over people when they try to defend themselves, or when they try to call her out. Her overactive paranoia puts crazy ideas in people’s head, granted she’s surrounded by idiots who buy in to her paranoid theories. Plus she uses her her ability to talk in circles to manipulate situations. Some of those traits are necessary to play big brother, but shes more haphazard than calculating if you ask me. IMO, she’s one of those people who can’t carry on a conversation without dominating it.

      2. Seriously? You don’t see her playing dirty? You must be blind then. She’s killed her sister I don’t know how many times, that alone qualifies as dirty. Not to mention how she berates others for doing the exact same things she does. She threw Sis under the bus while she was campaigning, and that was her best friend! Then add in all her constant crying and declaring how good of a person she is that the universe is rewarding her…I’m surprised she hasn’t burst into flames yet!

        1. Nick telling everyone he can’t help how much everyone likes him! Christie admits she’s annoying & talks too much and that America must hate her in this game. Nick hasn’t a clue he’s inappropriate humping Tommy & mauling everyone including Nicole who has expressed she’s uncomfortable with it. He is nasty!

          1. In compacted that’s why she will go next first Nick.he honestly thinks he’s so good honest and likable gheesh deluding yourself much

          2. How about when everyone thought that Holly and Kat “knew” one another, outside of the house? She literally almost had them burned at the stake, when in fact her and Tommy do have that close relationship! A much more appropriate response would have been, “do we really know how well they know each other, if even at all.” And then when Kat was becoming emotional on the block, she made fun of her! The very next week….she’s crying her eyes out b/c she’s on the block! Her hypocrisy is beyond redemption. She tells 1 person 1 thing, and then turns around and says someone else said this about you. If Evil Dick and Venessa Russo had a baby, it would be Christy(she even likes being compared to Vanessa, ugh!) If anyone would have told me week 1 I would be rooting for Jackson, I would have laughed out loud! BTW, I really miss Granny! Hoping she’s alright!

        2. @FedUp you are correct! Christie is all smoke and mirrors. Everything she says applies to everyone else but not to her. She believes her own lies and finds some ridiculous scenario to justify every single lie she tells. It’s nuts, typical SJW. She’s right no matter what.

      3. My biggest issues with Christie are the facts she is in the house with Tommy who she’s had some relationship with for at least 7 years as that’s how long she dated his aunt. Some places say they knew each other even before then. She has friends who work or worked in production of Big Brother. Those things really make it hard to suspend disbelief that this isn’t as scripted as Monday Night Raw (Is that still a thing?). Every season has production interference but sometimes it’s easier to overlook it because the season is more entertaining, like last season. Much like Paul’s apology season this one seems contrived to benefit Christie/Tommy. As for her gameplay, it’s not that good but I don’t really pay attention to her because of the other issues I have with her. Her presence really took the fun out of the season for me.

      4. She called Sam a p**sy numerous times and then went personal and said she felt sorry for sams wife Melissa for having to be married to a p***y coward of a man. Sam stated during one of lock downs attack me all you want but leave my family out of it and she crossed that line. She will do anything to win and every time she swears on her sisters life it a lie. How about when she called Nicole a master manipulator, a Vanessa by saying Nicole swore on her gmas life, and pointed out to everyone that Nicole is a liar because her gma is dead. Nicole actually swore on her gmas grave. She will go very low and lie and she calls out others as liar because she is the supreme liar and manipulator. What she did to Ovi early in the game she poos on everyone else’s character because she has none herself as the ultimate liar and scum bucket and self centered ego maniac.

  3. My thing is, if Jacka$$ is so not upset in front of everyone but then tells Holly how much that ZING bothered him you would think…. hhmm America gave Nick prankster (after the blowup), he put up Christie…. maybe I’m a freakin douche because we kept Christie? Hhmmm…… DUH. Yes Humper Nick needs to go Jacka$$ too but since Holly is HOH, for this week get Christie OUT. I personally see yes she’s playing the game unlike Jess but just her chewing alone has driven me CRAZY. The fake tears, and OMG did you think Tommy was going to go with you either to jury or finale two. And why oh why, I want to respect the HOH and I’m telling everyone how I’m voting??? Why are these people not playing for themselves? Nicole talk to Tommy see if Nick had 2 votes would you vote and tell Cliff we’ve got Tommy and me let’s keep Nick and this is why…..then we’ll just not talk about our votes after GGRR

    1. It used to be a rule that they weren’t allowed to talk about their vote until after the eviction, but they haven’t enforced it for a while. I wish they would bring that rule back I’m so sick of seasons where everyone “votes with the house”. Make it truly anonymous, and we may get more interesting evictions.

      1. Agreed. The anonymity was great in seasons past because it called for game play even if u sucked you had to figure out what was up versus “let’s be lazy n vote with the house” With this season, they should bring back the DR confessions n let people hear snippets of them like they did in BB 3 which cost Danielle the game. That would be heaven to see how they would react. Certainly how the BB game has evolved is very telling

        1. The problem is the DR is very contrived now and never really a candid thought from a player. In the old days those DR’s were more honest thoughts from the players. Now get off my lawn!

    2. Just saw your reply after I jumped in with mine which was probably way to wordy and not worth reading. I should have read on before commenting. I could have saved myself some time just by liking yours.

  4. Take a look at the photo above of NICK in the brown leather wing chair….looks like those wings are his own. As I’ve said before, NICK is a high stakes gambler in VEGAS, not just a psychologist. He’s playing the game here for big money not just to make friends or find a mate, etc. He uses his psychology background to stroke all the players mentally and physically to manipulate them into his game play. As for game playing, the rest of the cast are out of his league.

    1. He’s not a psychologist…his LinkedIn shows a business degree and he works with money. Bella on the other hand is studying in the field of therapy.

      1. That’s old news. He’s a licensed therapist in NJ and works with kids. BUT he’s also well known in VEGAS and ATLANTIC CITY as a gambler…won $250,000 in one night….even Jack knew about him and asked him how much of that is left….Nick said about $60 grand. The rest of the cast is ignorant of all that so, because they play with their emotions, he skates on by them.

    2. Psychologist are trained to help others. It’s a lot easier to see the bigger picture when you are not in it. When it comes to their own life, they have the same problems the rest of us have. The field itself attracts many people (not all) that have gone through their own difficulties & feel they can help others. They may be in recovery themselves… recovering addicts.

      By now, everyone seems well aware of Nick’s gameplay. Christie is far more dangerous. She manages to manipulate people into keeping her even when they know what she has done. She can talk circles around Nick.

      (When I say “everyone,” I should add with the exception of Jess!)

  5. I would rather see Christie out than Nick right now. If I were in there, I’d want to vote out Christie because she can talk people out of anything and everything. Nick is not good with putting his thoughts to words. It would be easier to get him out later. Christie will always do what she did last week. She’s very manipulative to me. Why is no one talking about that in the house?

    Jess is just aggravating.

    Nicole is not getting to play in comps other than HOH so we really don’t know what she’s capable of doing. I’d love to see her win HOH to see what she who she would put up. She has the right thoughts, just has no way to put them forth. She has to just go with the flow for now.

    1. AGREED. Nicole now has TWO HGs who are putting her safety equal to or ABOVE their own (Cliff & Nick). Holly’s ideal F3 includes Nicole. How’s THAT for “having no friends”??? (ZING) Nicole’s (genuine!!!) empathy with the underdog has her consoling all HGs at their lowest point. (Jackson remembered and thanked her that she was there for him, asking nothing in return.) In addition, HGs observed Nicole staying true to and warning her allies, only to be attacked by same “allies.” Low-key play is not no play…and it’s working.

    2. It’s not so much that Christie can talk and sell anything, she just got lucky that her entire cast (except David) are morons who believe whatever they hear last.

  6. The Crusty and Tommy relationship has been unfair and CBS should be called out on it. At this point I see Tommy winning the whole deal and Christie coming in second by default. Jackson and Holly are getting ready to screw up the second time by not getting rid of Crusty and then Tommy, if they are lucky.Hopefully this week will be a prank and the whole deal will be a rewind.

    1. Christy has friends in production…she and Tommy will go to the end. Even when the loudspeaker backyard thing happened Cliff doesn’t see tommy and Christy are close? I have watched for 21 seasons and clearly see how it is a “reality show” not a game show so production can guide the outcomes heavily. If nobody sees tommy and Christy as final two come on Nick even when Tommy tells you he will save her…Nick is one of the dumbest in reading people and that is supposed to be his profession, but he is also the most disgusting vile person and he need not work in that line of work hence forth! My summers of bb watching may truly be coming to an end with this season. Nicole is only decent person and she can’t catch a break with these horrible players. Cliff is an embarrassment to us over 50 people with the wuss ass way he plays. Yes you have a family and a job so play the f***** game don’t play scared and do whatever those in power say from week to week…have a f***** backbone you yellow bellied wuss!

      1. Yeah totally suspicious of that with Cliff. B4 even hearing the backyard stunt by the public, Cliff outed himself giving Cliff notes in the AM too loud n Christie heard it. Cliff had put together THEN Christie n Tommy were a “duo” and that’s when he became public enemy #1. Then Cliff has the power n doesn’t take a shot THEN is privy to the info in the backyard with Tommy n Christie. He even mentions it the next day saying it was “disturbing” and STILL he doesn’t want to target Tommy n Christie??
        I call BS on Cliff!!!!!!
        For weeks I have been hoping Nicole’s integrity will get her to the end. Sadly she’s working with a bunch of players who are all trying to back track on the disgusting things they did this season whether personal or gameplay

    2. Tommy will screw Christy over in the end, saying that’s for his cousin and vote against her.

  7. I literally laughed out loud when I read:
    (Cause everyone watching sans that one person in the comments wants you out and we manifested it)
    I thought for sure Zingbot would trash Holly about all the makeup all the time, but old buzzard? I get that she’s 31 messing with a 23 year old, but I don’t get the zing.

    1. Even Zingbot is baffled with this bunch…even tho I am mad at Nicole’s zing for being so hurtful instead of funny.

    2. I think they were indirectly referencing the fact that she “swooped in” on Michie after Kat and he were done. Buzzards pick at old scraps.

  8. Someone please take out their “target”. I can hear their jury speaches…. no I never went after fill in the blank, cause they deserved the money. We make fun of Jess, yes she drones,on and on, she is annoying in CAPS, but she stayed on target. I’m not suggesting anything but it is a,fact. Nick and Bella had a chance for a game winning back door nope not going to listen to someone who’s entire game is I am honest to a fault.i.e. Nicole, nope. Cliff changed his too, I know he was worried but it’s BB . Now Holly and Jackson wavering I swear take the shot. A showmance wins back to back HOH .and the veto!!!!! Take the shot. Jesus Holly’ s b.s. about who deserves who they feel deserves is exactly why the last several seasons have been hard to enjoy. You think Dan cared? Dr Will? No Janelle or any players pre season 13 or so. Even Derrick drug Victoria along do you think he thought she deserved anything??? Stop this is Big Brother. You SHOULD need more than making it the,end,with your friends or showmance. You need to at the end show some victories. And I know Christie is hard to like too but guess what she doesn’t care who deserves anything, not really. Too bad she won’t drop her b.s. and be real with us.

    1. This season summed up perfectly = strongest display of being HOH, so far, goes to ….Jess!

      Who would have thought…

      1. Yeah but the only problem with Jess is she is playing the “maleaphobe” game. Any male that was specifically targeting only females for the specific reason that they ARE female, would quickly be called out for being a misogynist! But it’s OK for Jess to only target males and only vote to evict males (if one is available to evict) based solely on the fact that they ARE male, and she wants a female to win.

        On finale night, if it’s a man vs. a woman in the final two, and it doesn’t matter which man or which woman, I guaran-damn-tee you, Jess’s vote will go to the woman, regardless of comp. wins, social game, or anything else, and that’s just sad.

        1. I agree Jess is out of the BB cast type of girl power alliance. Nicole is the honesty to a fault HG type, she also checks the quirky girl box, Ovi is our quirky male HG. I wish we would get some intelligent, game wise folks, maybe BB will do some,reflecting and watch some older seasons and shake,it up a little in BB 22. Jess week four voted Bella over Jack. So perhaps her girl power has some day light.

  9. Nick is such an idiot. We gave him the golden ticket and he isn’t even using it. He needs to be telling everyone that he won the prankster so he could put up Christie.

    1. He did all he could do in putting up who we wanted and just about everyone knows he was the prankster. He can’t force the house to do what America wants.

  10. Nicole will win the whole thing if they are not carful. She has not won anything but riding coattail and staying under the radar

      1. I hope Nicole wins and whoohooo’s all the way home with the 500 grand & the entire house left speechless and batting their eyes in wth did we do! ‘Laughing all the way, hey!’… whatever game she is playing is working so far for her…go Nicole!!

  11. Between Christie or Nick, I think it’s a crap shoot for Holly and Michie in regard to who is a bigger threat.

    Christie’s comp performance has been subpar, and I don’t believe for a second that she is throwing anything, she’s too much of a narcissist. Nick has the edge in that arena.

    Christie talks a big social game, but it is common knowledge that she is erratic and I don’t think Tommy even really trusts her.

    Nick is in good with both Tommy and Nicole, so if you cut off that connection it better solidifies their F4 with her and Cliff.

    Nicole might be hesitant about going to the end with the showmance, but I think it puts them in a good position. They are strong competitors, bigger targets, and not wildly liked by any of the other HG’s.

    I know a lot of people are not big fans of Michie, but I think that Sis and Nick were/are the better choices to cut over Christie when looking at relationship dynamics. I also don’t think he is that dumb for wanting to cut Jess, name one person that shouldn’t want to sit next to her in the end.

  12. Nick deserves to be evicted. He is trying to sell his soul to Jackson like Christie. Why doesn’t he go to Jessica, Cliff and Nicole and sell himself as a shield and their last chance threat against Jackson. Jessica is ready to be convinced, she wants to be asked to join something.

    1. Yes. It’s Holly that has gotten the least pieface. Once i think (?). The others are somewhere around 4.

  13. Please explain why Christie is evil. Seriously. I’ve watched the live feeds so much this season & I’m not seeing it. Eccentric, maybe annoying…but evil or playing dirty I don’t see. I sincerely want this explained to me. Also, why is it ok for Nick to hump Tommy (as a gay man) continuously, rub his penis with his foot, etc & not be called out? If he were doing these type things to a woman hell would break loose. Plus he still crosses boundaries with Nicole even after her explicitly telling him in week 2 she’s uncomfortable with it. And he’s a therapist?!!!

    1. Tommy has done the same to Nick. It’s awkward to say the least. I personally have disliked the gr8ful bunch from the second week. They were rude, cruel and cock sure. That demeanor has carried on too long. I hope to see them all go, the sooner the better. The Munchkin and Crusty are my most unliked.

    2. Canace, I agree at least she is playing and thinking ahead. She is very annoying to the BB viewers, feeders and this season being kind of dull, Christie is taking some hits. Like BB fans are blowing of some steam maybe. And let’s face it she needs to be more real in the DR. Of course the DR isn’t what it used to be,either. Nick well untill Tommy tells him to stop or knock off they both seem to be having a good time. Nicole is another,case she did tell him. Nick wants to take her along to the end F2. Christie reminds me a little of Vanessa BB 17? It’s the emotional ups and downs that many fans have issues with.

  14. Nick campaigns to Holly.
    His moral outrage at being accused of throwing comps (oh he had three or four pearl clutching moments about that) rings hollow when he’s just offered to throw the next few hoh and veto comps unless Holly tells him to win them.
    He says he was chosen as Prankster because America saw he didn’t deserve the treatment he was receiving (oops wrong. no. he isn’t liked or pitied. voters just thought he’d nom Christie for sure, he’s still a dick).
    We’ll honestly have to wait until her next d/r visit to see what ‘she’ really thinks.

    If Holly wanted to guarantee drama: she’d get Nick to agree to nom Tommy, and then tell Tommy that Nick agreed to it. That is, if she wanted to guarantee her target (for the second time) goes home.

    Any other season, I’d say Nick is wasting his time trying to secure the HOH’s blessing in a week where the HOH doesn’t get a vote. But this season of respect the HOH crap…

  15. Okay. Since the image correction, I think it is still worthwhile to note that Jackson is still a douchecanoe. He’s just a douchecanoe acting like he’s in church with his mama most of the time now.
    He is still the guy that started the season off with a bang with the public outcries after the whole POC/ Old guy banishment debacle, and it’s horrible optics. Still the guy yelling at people for their food choices, controlling what they ate while eating 24 times a day. Still the guy throwing away the cookie dough from Nicks HOH basket, bragging about it, then changing his story when it isn’t seen as positive a few weeks later. Still the guy that threatened mule kicking and sabotage about David. Still the guy that cheated as a have not multiple times. Still the guy that dumped and slandered Kat to bang Beth. Still the guy that dumped Beth when she wouldn’t put out on command. Still the guy that admitted to lying on the health portion of his application contract. Still the guy that admitted he didn’t have ADHD while taking medication for it (and multiple other pharmaceutical abuses). Still the guy that made fun of Jess’ body and eating habits. Still the guy that threw tantrums. Still the guy that gets special treatment by production for his food requests.
    THIS is why he’s zinged a douchebag.
    NO amount of admitting that he’s on best behavior now after d/r dressing downs is going to alter the fact that he is THAT guy.
    Beth can walk around blaming production for how they edit him all she wants (he’s been getting a TITANIUM edit), if he hadn’t said and done things he has, they’d have no way to edit him how she supposes.
    Jackson can complain about all his hard work to put on the fake has been for naught, given the zing. If there was nothing he’d ever done that could be used that way: he wouldn’t have to try so hard to correct now.

    It has nothing to do with working out. That’s not why he was uberdouche.

    1. I’m still on the fence about the banishment thing being anything other than 3 folks who actively balked at letting him have the power and wanting it for themselves and the only person in the house who didn’t bother to state her case to him why he shouldn’t choose her. I’m thinking it was mostly ego that made him pick those with some bias thrown in although some comments made afterwards may be very hard to explain as anything other than gross ignorance.

      1. The banishment doesn’t HAVE to be about anything other than four people at random. That’s not the point. It’s how it was perceived by a group of viewers that set the tone of the season of hyper vigilance to questionable behavior. The fact that he, or production, didn’t even notice that his short list would be perceived as both black people, latina and old guy might be problematic in setting a tone for the season is what started him down the road of douchecanoery even before the ignorance was visible on feeds.
        The first three evictees sitting on the stage with Julie was a picture that added to that perception whether it was by chance or design. This season has had some really horrible looks. The fact that it started with Jackson making a choice whose basis we will never know for certain (because it was pre-feeds) starts his portage into douche lake because of perception. The rest: pure paddling down that lake.

  16. I haven’t forgotten all the sh**ty things Jackson has said and done , and it’s plain to see they stopped Have Nots , because he cheated, and got no punishment for it. I will never rank him higher than the one star he deserves. Zing Bot was correct he is a pompous douche bag, and the sooner he’s out the better. Also Holly letting production “have it” over her Zing is laughable. Has there ever been a cast less self aware than these jokers.

    1. I’d love to see Jackhole and Holly go after Crusty the clown. Jess and Nick to follow with Tommy Cliff and Nicole in the final two, mainly because they’re decent people, even if Cliff totally screwed up his HOH. His dumb move ruined the entire season and Jackhole and Holly made it even more of an unbearable season to watch. I’ll read here to find out what happens in the future, These knuckleheads have lost another viewer for this season.

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