Big Brother 19 Week 1 Top Animated Gifs

HOH competition is endurance, watch it on the feeds.. Watch it play out LIVE around 10PM ET on CBS All Access with a FREE trial.

Every week we go through our list of Gifs and pick the juiciest 10 for your viewing pleasure.

Let us know which one is your favorite in the comments below.

Typically Gifs always go to our Twitter accounts and sometimes they make their way to facebook.

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Check out our BB19 Ranking Grid. . rank your houseguests here

I’ll include just a like to this one it might be NSFW for OBB

Presented in no order.

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Cheese Farts

Kevin, I want to like you, but your lady shirt makes it hard.


Let’s even assume he’s what you’re insinuating he is, does that mean you can’t like him because he is what you’re thinking? What has his style of clothing or sense of fashion got to do with him as a human being? Whether he wears a lady’s dress or not, I like him as a human being. He is my favorite so far. Judge not! Do not take the place of God. Love all, unconditionally. Peace.


I agree with you…Kevin makes this season interesting so far! Hope he can find a posse and stick it out to the end.