Big Brother 18 Part 2 Premiere Episode Results

Last nights premiere started with am in introduction of the 12 new Big Brother 18 houseguests. They get their keys to the “Big Brother House”. We saw them in their native environment with family/fiends. Natalie showed us she could do this .

twist 1 4 stowaways are in the house and will be competing for the 500K prize just like the rest of them.
Nicole from Big Brother 15
James from Big Brother 17
Da’vonne From Big Brother 17
Frank from Big Brother 14

Twist 2 They are playing the game in teams of 4.
The teams are:

  • Category 4 = Frank, Michelle, Paulie, Bridgette
  • Big Sister = Da’vonne, Paul, Zakiyah, Jozea
  • Team Unicorn = James, Natalie, Victor, Bronte
  • Freakazoids = Nicole, Corey, Tiffany, Glenn

The teams play a series of competitions with the winning team being safe from eviction, the runner up getting 10K, 3rd place gets a mystery punishment and the first team out are the have nots.
Big Sister became Have-Nots
Category 4 went to Mystery Land
Team Freakazoids won $10,000 to split
Team Unicorn received immunity for two evictions

The members of Team Unicorn compete in a competition as singles. The loser of that competition is evicted before the feeds start.

Tonight we will find out Who is evicted (out of Nicole, Corey, Tiffany, Glenn ), Who becomes the Head of Household and which two houseguests end up nominated. On Sunday a new competition is revealed “Shakes up the Big Brother House giving 1 player unprecedented power to change the game”

A great season yo! We’ll be watching all the feeds and will summaries what we observe. Sometimes our focus is on the funny stuff, but we try to keep it game oriented. We’re not immune to “Circle Talk” and we’ll take a liking to the weirdness, this is OBB. Buckle up. Ohh and get your feeds if you haven’t already there’s links all over the site.

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The Final competition the loser is evicted the winners decide who the Head of household is for the week.

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Results from the show

Evicted Houseguests is Glenn

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HOH Winner is Nicole

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Have nots Big Sister
Have nots room is a carnival room with bumper car beds and flashing lights.

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Nominations are Paulie and Jozea

The Power of veto will be played on Saturday, Sunday we have some secret power competition and on

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121 thoughts to “Big Brother 18 Part 2 Premiere Episode Results”

  1. Ok,,,Paul has GOT to go !! He may be THE most annoying Player ever !!

    I would rather listen to Bronte sing Ethel Merman’s greatest hits than listen to Mr “Look at me I am the center of the universe” mugging for camera time one more week

    Please Nicole !!! Make this happen !!

    1. oh yea Paul yep gotta go for sure!! I tried to give him time but each time he opens that mouth makes me dislike him even more, and that Bronte gal ummm bye bye…

    2. Ha-ha how does he get his beard so sparkly?? Yes I agree he is near the top of this list of most annoying player

    3. I don’t like Paul, he’s to judgemental towards Da. Shes trying to look out for her team and he’s already saying nope, she’s going home. I hope when Da does find out, she’ll be the one that kicks his booty out.

  2. I’m on team Vets so far, they are practically big losers on their season so I really don’t see the advantage. Having said so once feed starts I have a feeling I’ll switch to one of the newbies.

    1. I didn’t think I would be , but I’m for the vets too. Maybe because I know them already? Lol idk but I’m really pulling for them and hope Nicole’s plan doesn’t backfire. Ugghh

  3. Hey everyone, pick which HG annoys you the most of these five and let me know:
    1. Bronte’s squeaky voice
    2. Nicole’s nasal twang
    3. Davonne’s ghetto talk
    4. Josea’s effeminate intercourse
    5. Paul’s obnoxious interjections

    1. Josea is definitely the most annoying, he reminds me of Frankie the attention whore.

    2. definitely davon I cant stand her DR sessions where she cries all the time
      thought she left that behind with her first season

    3. Why do we have to pick one? I hate them all. They should all be evicted. By way of cannon.

  4. The less DR sessions Nicole and Bronte have the better, listening to them is like nails on a chalk board.

    Also after watching the premier episode it looks like Da’Vonne hasn’t learned anything from her first time around, she got a 2nd chance and you would think she would change her approach to the game, NOPE comes back in with an attitude and a big mouth which is gonna get her sent right back out the door unless the vets win HOH.

  5. Damn is Kia looking amazing in those pants. Yummm. Ok. BeardBoy please nominate him and send his ass out the door. Dude is so lame its not even a joke anymore. May be the biggest douche bag of all seasons and thats saying a lot. There has been some huge douche bags.

    Good job Tiff! Keep low key this week and observe.

    Nicole with any power really will make a fool of herself. So get ready for “I dnt know what Im doing Im so scared” fake crap meanwhile making everyone hate her.

  6. Newbies are always dumb. I didn’t get to watch the episode, did everyone vote to evict? If not, then the newbies had no control

  7. I knew it. Either Victor is the stupidest player ever as Nicoke said or Victor is this season’s Dr Will

  8. Nicole not only got her first pick handed to her by Victor, but now she can use that information to her advantage later in the game. (double-cross Victor w/the newbies)

    1. There are a lot of negatives about DA and frankly I NEVER liked the woman. But she’ll play vets only til a newbie wins HOH. The other 3 may work together but DA will jump as soon as necessary. The edit clearly hints at DA’s intentions.
      I’m trying to measure up the teams. I like most here really dislike Big Sister. But remember there are 8 players potentially for eviction including in theory Frank or DA. James team is safe. This Sunday comp could turn out to be a game changer. One rumour before the season was POV holder could choose the replacement. That could leave Frank and DA in danger despite the vets holding HOH. At this point not sure if it would be better to nominate 2 from the same team(Big Sister) rather than 1 from each. I think nominating Paulie was stupid based on what we know at the moment.
      Was it just me but it looked like Glen got his flag out 1st. Perhaps he lost a coconut and I missed that? Was a fun 2 parter and a decent 1st week. Lastly it’s nice to not see the obvious boys or girls alliance. No fav yet but only Big Sister to hate on so pretty good IMO.

    1. Sorry, must have answered door, about that time. Nail Polish and hairy armpits? What did I miss? LOL

  9. Nicole may just make a mistake. Her pawn could easily go home unless Paul paints a bigger target on his back

    1. Apparently she’s stuck with the BotB strategy mode. There is zero reason to put an ally pawn on the block next to your target. There really isn’t a pawn now. Put Paul next to him and one of them goes. If the veto is used throw one of the other girls and rally the troops to get rid of the guy. You don’t start alienating someone you’re trying to work with right out of the gate.

      I understand there are only six viable choices if you exclude the vets. Paul, Jozea, Michelle, Bridgette, Cody’s brother, and Zakiyah are the only non-vets available. You could have kept Cody’s brother safe and still had your target.

      1. Yes Nicole is stewwwwpid!!! Paul will libby HARD for Paulie to go be cause he does not trust him, and thinks he will get with the vets.. C’mon Nikki!!!

  10. Nicole lacked strategy last time she played.. it drove me nuts. The smart move would be to put 2 players from the same team up to ensure one from that team goes home and not piss off other teams. Putting Pauley on the block means he will most likely go home and he was most likely to work with the vets. Dumb move Nicole.

    1. I don’t know if it is a dumb move if you do the math on who is there. If your goal is to take out Joesea or Paul, you have to put POV in play. You need a strong player in the PoV.

      Corey: He is Team Nicole. He wants to work with her and she wants that too. It is foolish to waste him.
      Frank: Frank is a vet also and that makes him her ally
      Victor: Victor has immunity she can not put him up.
      Paul: Is a good backdoor target.
      The girls… it is hard to see who the comp beast within the girls until they show if they are a comp beast. Nicole has been the sweet girl pawn she knows they go home.

      So with Glen gone that leaves Paulie.
      Paulie has a good shot at winning a PoV if you consider they are usually a physical comp and the season is too early for anything else. At the worst Paulie go’s home week one…. but in the best you know he will be in the PoV and you know he will bust his ass to win and not throw it… that would leave Paul available to backdoor. It would be a very good move considering what Josea said…. it is actually a savvy move.

      1. I hope you are right. I like the Freakazoids best and want them to stick around. I also like the vets so far and want them to stay. Its so early to be picking favorites but there are a few that I just know will get on my last nerve this summer and I’d like to see them gone sooner than later. Paulie might be one that gets on my nerves too but not as much as Jozea and Paul. Either of those 2 would be great to go.

  11. Wait, I was only half listening. Did Jozea just tell Da’Vonne that they need to get out the vets and said his brain was good, but didn’t realize that Da is one of the vets he was talking about getting out?

  12. I am still not exactly fond of Paulie but he has a point in his favor for not weaseling out of being nominated like Cody did in his season

    1. Cuz she doesn’t she what we see. How is she suppose to know Paul is coming after her?(assuming no one even through his name out)

    2. It really is not a bad move, there is the PoV it leaves Paul available to be backdoored. In this situation she has a clear target for a replacement nominee. Pauiel is a great choice when you conquer who she has to choose from. Now stupid is if she did the typical BB Girl dumb move of letting the guys slide and nominates a girl. That is really how BB women get screwed in the game.

  13. I’m team james! Momma Day hasn’t leaened Her lesson! Bronta need to get evicted for her voice and I want Paul out of there Josiah could have waited!

    1. Nope. I say if you have a target, go for it. Don’t you remember Helen’s season? Both sides of the house kept putting off going after their main target

  14. Holy shitballs. I am sorry but Jozea is way more annoying than Paul could ever be for me. Hopefully it’s BUH BYE.

  15. Josea’s a dumbass,now Nicole is a hairy dumbass for putting up Paulie who would’ve worked with her and will now go home because the newbies have the majority vote and the closest thing to a vet is the brother of a vet. Goodbye Paulie, hope Nicole follows you out the door!

  16. Nicole is THE WORST PLAYER in the history of Big Brother!

    Why in the hell would you put up a potential ally this early in the game!

    She is a complete fruit loop dingus! It’s dangerous for one’s game to be her ally. It was dangerous to be her ally in her original season and it’s just as dangerous now.

    My God is this girl stupid!

  17. I really don’t get why Nicole is getting hated for her first nominations, she has four people (three vets + corey) that will fight for her safety against the remaining ten next week. She can’t nominate Natalie, Victor and Bronte, and out of the remaining seven she nominated two of the strongest players, granted Paulee revealed he wanted to work with the vets but its week two, the moment a newbie gets the power he would throw them in the gutter as fast as he can. I really don’t think this HOH is a waste, at least she managed to get rid of a strong player.

    1. Maybe Nicole’s trying to look fair by nomming a “strong” player from each of the other teams, when Paulie comes down with POV, she can put Paul up.

    2. The problem she created is that if anyone wins the POV and uses it on Jozea, Cody’s brother has a good shot at going home. Because whoever sits next to him should link him to Cody and thus the vets. If the POV is used the only people left are Bridgette, Michelle, Paul, and Zakiyah. Plus whoever uses the veto can’t be nominated whichmeans there’s a good chance either Paul or Zakiyah had the POV.

      She just screwed Cody’s brother and he didn’t like it.

  18. Vet Alliance (8): Tiff, Nicole, Corey, James, Da, Frank, Paulie…Victor?

    Newbies (7): Paul, Bronte, Natalie, Joze, Zakiyah, Michelle, Bridget

    1. Victor said he and Jozea are buddies and Nicole needed to start making friends with the newbies. Victor isn’t going to toss Jozea out.

    2. If the show is any indication then it’s more like:

      Newbs: Jozea (nominated), Paul, Bridgette, Bronte, Zakiyah, Victor, Natalie, and hopefully Michelle.

      Vets: Day, James, Frank, Nicole, Corey, Paulie (nominated), and Tiff?

      Vote: 7-5 to evict Paulie if noms stay the same.

      It is in teh newbs best interest to stick together to take out the vets, Otherwise it’ll turn into them going after each other and carrying the vets to the end.

  19. This teams thing has everyone not thinking straight. It’s not just newbies vs. Vets. Corey And Tiffany are for sure not in the get the Vets out crew.

    Nicole basically pissed off Paulie by making him a Pawn. He isnt going to say he is pissed but yeah. I know a lot of you like Nicole but she isn’t a great game player. Also her game of trying to potray a confused scared little girl that isnt a threat is not only annoying but ineffective when the whole house saw u try the same crap before.

    Oh well. Frank, Natalie, Tiff and Corey are safe so I’m good.:-)

    I may have to add Kia to my favs list if she keeps looking so good. Ha.

    1. Nicole is too fixated on a primary target. She’s used to unanimous votes and not thinking about the fact she just put someone who could have voted her way on the block. She should have taken a note from James when he put up Clay and Shellie. Put two people she wants gone and let the chips fall.

      Her HoH will either get rid of her target or cost her an ally. That’s a terrible risk and a bad play this early. Risk the cannon fodder (meaning those who haven’t made overtures to work with you.

  20. Looks like battle of the block seared its message into the vets. Even Frank, who participated without it, is acting like putting one of your allies in danger is a good idea instead of saying there are six newbies we can target without risking anyone from our little group.
    I’m hoping Michelle or Bridgette have a brain because I haven’t seen one from anyone else.

  21. I don’t get why everyone thinks that it will be so terrible if Paulie and Jozea end up the final nominees… Jozea is getting votes from Da’Vonne, James, Frank, Corey, and Tiffany (Da is the only person she seems to have a relationship with, plus she’s on Nicole’s team and benefits from having Paulie there to take heat off of her for being a sibling). And I have a feeling Bridgette won’t vote against her teammate. So that’s a tie, and then Nicole breaks it.

    Also: how has Nicole ever been a snake, Jozea? If anything she TOO loyal on her first season, and it’s not as though Jozea has her back. Obviously someone didn’t even bother to watch the season he was given in sequester…

  22. Jozea will go home on a 9 – 3 vote. Paulie has the vets, his team, and the girls with the possible exception of Bronte or Zakiyah. Jozea has Victor and Paul and 1 of the girls (maybe). That’s if the noms stay the same.
    Tiffany is Vanessa with brown hair and no beanie. She is going to be as painful to watch as her sister.

  23. yeah, yeah, blah. Just don’t apply for BB19 casting call, or for any other game that involves strategy!

  24. I’m having flashbacks every time I see Vanessa’s sister. I swear production is cramming the whole “Look it’s Vanessa’s Sister!” schtick. What’s with the bandana? I’m surprised the beanie thing didn’t come back. She wouldn’t be so grating if they’d just drop the whole this is Vanessa 2.0 crap.

    Cody’s brother is acting just like Cody. It seems production is really pushing for those two to be clones of their respective siblings for some reason.

    1. I hated van so much but her sister isnt her and so far she seems very nice i like her.
      She has a nice smile.

  25. Actually, if Nicole was really smart she could buy her and the vets a few more weeks in the house, at least, and tell everyone that Victor was the one that outed Jozea to her and his big plan to come after the vets – hence her reasoning for putting him up and wanting him gone this Week. That at least may stir up some trouble among the newbies and all the vets can just sit back and watch the flames erupt. Then if Jozea does come off the block with veto she can always replace with either Victor or Paul.

    1. She can not put up Victor as a backdoor. Team Unicorn has two weeks safety. It is actually a savvy move to put up Paulie, that leaves the possibility to backdoor Paul.

  26. I had hope for the newbies…. Keyword there is HAD. Why would they let Nicole be HOH? Why the heck would they tell Day and Nicole the plan to evict veterans? The veterans just need to sit around and listen because all of the newbies have diarrhea of the mouth. They are making it too easy for the veterans.

    On another note, I think it was dumb for Nicole to nominate Cody Jr. He’s made it clear that he wants to work with the vets and by nominating him she made it clear that he is at the bottom of her totem pole. Not a great way to begin a trusting relationship. He is expendable to her and he knows it.

  27. Thoughts:
    Tiffany is going to be as annoying as Vanessa. Hope she goes home early.

    Jozea is like a Latino Frankie. Can’t Big Brother find any gay men that aren’t effeminate?

    I like Nicole but not enough to want her back.

    Da’Vonne is playing exactly the same as last season. Finger wagging, neck bobbing, Jesus quoting and ridiculous crying. So obnoxious.

    James also seems to be employing the same strategy. Either laying in bed or pulling pranks. The guy has no game.

    Frank? Ugh that’s all I can say.

    Lots of generic helium voiced girls. All blending together.

    Paul is an idiot. He should be the replacement if (hopefully) Paulie wins veto.

    I like Corey. I’m wondering if he’s sandbagging in competitions and strategy talk. He doesn’t seem to be a follow the majority thinker.

    Victor’s hard to figure as well.

    While I’m grateful Frankie isn’t back (I think I wouldn’t have watched if he was) of all the returning players those 4 were the best they could come up with? Where the hell is Zack? He would have told the newbies what’s what!

  28. HOH 101:

    Nominate two players that you want evicted, then step away and let the noms and the house fight it out.

    Do not get involved in that Asian land war of HOH micromanagement by trying to target one person by using a pawn (ie someone who is not a primary, secondary, or tertiary target).

    There are exceptions for great players.

    You are not a great player.

  29. That team comp was practically designed to ensure Glenn left. Shocking.

    These newbies can’t be this stupid! Victor and Jozea basically running their mouths off to Nicole and Day? Why? It was of no benefit to either of you! Just stop!

    Their saving grace is that Nicole is still a Froot Loop Dingus and put Paulie up against Jozea. Here’s to hoping it backfires on her. The last thing I want to watch is repeat of season 13 with Nicole or Frank being Rachel 2.0.

    1. Yea and I’m not 100 percent sure that he pulled the flag before the baseball coach dude. And I know damn well they had more angles than that one. Yea I thing that they got the nominations wrong as well. Not sure why someone didn’t just tell Nicole about the angry little bearded man. I’m still working on the names FYI. I mean all they had to do was throw his name out there. I also thought it was weak of the baseball coach guy to throw tiffany under the bus when the A.L.B.M got up in his afterwards asking why they gave Nicole the HOH. I’m just not a fan of Cody’s bro yet. Idk I just have a supreme dislike for name droppers. You’d think he was a vet by the way he’s acting.

      1. I know! That one angle business was fishy.

        Nobody probably told Nicole about Paul because they either don’t see Paul as a threat or they want to keep a bigger target in front of them. I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels like Paulie is acting like a vet. I’m over him and Corey at the moment. They’re giving me Adam vibes kissing up to the vets.

        I’m not sure why so many people want the “annoying” HG to leave so soon. I certainly wasn’t rooting for Rachel in season 12 (or 13), but I loved the chaos she created in the house. That makes things interesting.

        1. Yea it’d be nice to see maybe Victor on the block. I know what you mean with Corey and Paulie. I’m kinda on team vet right now just because, not sure why. I guess it’s bc of the over aggressiveness of some of the newbs. But honestly if it were up to me then Victor or Jozea would get the axe I’m afraid. Beside Jozea kinda seems like Devins bro from BB16. He kinda looks like him and he’s def got the same blow up game that Devin had. If they had said it I would have totally believed it. I can’t wait for Paul and Day to go to war tho, and you know it’s coming.

          1. Victor needed that two week safety lol!

            The major reason I’m pulling for the newbs is that more of them this time around seem to recognize that keeping the vets around is not in their long term best interest. So many of the newbs in BB13 weren’t aggressive enough, and just rolled over., I’m not sure if the comps will always be this rigorous, but if they are then these players need to get rick of the Paulie’s, Frank’s, and Corey’s as soon as possible if they want any chance of winning themselves. Jozea has some Devin potential. I thought they were relatives at first too.

            A part of me hopes that Day and Paul both make jury so they can be stuck with each other all damn summer! XD

  30. I was hoping that production would have learned that nobody wants to see people evicted on night 1 or 2. 50 isn’t the new 20, however Glenn is the new Jodi.

    1. In the comps they have, if you’re over 40 then good luck. You have to be young and fit to have a chance in most of then. I think they should just have a BB for senior citizens where the HOH is won over intense games of scrabble and bridge. Or the POV could be a scooter race. They could replace slop with Ensure and have lights out by 8:15. Or they could just do a better job of casting and add some older people with wisdom.

  31. How no one else sees Tiff is Vanessa’s sister is beyond me.. The look, the speech cadence, the bone structure.. c’mon people!

    1. Exactly. If you didn’t see it then surely you’d HEAR it because she and Vanessa sound exactly the same.

    2. Hah! My master plan to re-enter the BB house will soon come to fruition! If you look close, you can see a bit of green sticking out of Tiff’s suitcase!

  32. For all of you that are saying Tiff is so horrible to watch…name one thing you don’t like about her other than that she is Nessa’s sister? You can’t let your Nessa hate go.

  33. What a minute…didn’t Tiffany say she was nothing like her sister, Vanessa???? There were tears in the first 24 hours from her…oh Lord this will be a long summer if she stays in the house. Ugh.

  34. I thought it was stupid for an hoh to name a target pre-veto in week one in the canadian version last season. A guy that isn’t hoh naming targets before nominations to one of those targets… that’s even worse. yeah, that’s a real messiah move. oi vey.
    well that was entertaining but sort of expected.
    from a roll your eyes point of view: who sort of figured Glenn had a pretty short shelf life? Casting the old houseguest, and the out of shape houseguest as the same person… yeah, that wasn’t a one way ticket to jodie-ville.

  35. anyone else expecting another twist: keep your team of four intact longest and win more money? getting a weird feeling about the whole team aspect.

  36. Oh so you hate everyone who has ever shed a tear in the Big Bro house?

    Hey Nessa hater. Stop thinking of Nessa for a second and enjoy the season. Tiff isn’t Nessa. As much as you would like her to be so you could spew boring obsessive hate towards her all summer.

    Use a few more screen names also.

    LoL. I give u this. You crack me up.

  37. And another Glenn hits the dust. Or could it have been Abraham? Or Daryl? Damn gotta get my head into BB and offa WD.

  38. I am happy with the season thus far. After hearing Nicole’s move I was a little shocked and a bit disappointed in her second nominee choice in Paulie. However the more I thought about it, it
    may have been the right choice. 1) We definitely didn’t get to see that whole conversation and thought process and there may have been much more too it (it’s hard to tell without live feeds yet and full-length detail) and 2) Furthermore Julie mentioned to them new competitions as well as the alumni know the typical weekly timeline. If you don’t think the veterans didn’t at least mull over having Paulie there as a back-up for some major flip-flop, we are probably mistaken. I think there was more to her thought process about having at least someone she can relatively trust without risking a newbie as a CYA for the new competition and it’s possible outcome.

  39. I hate when people compare DaVonne to Chima because they are both black. Should every white female contestant to be compared to whiny Rachel or what about season 2 when the white guy put a knife to the woman’s neck? Or what about Evil Dick placing a hot cigarettes on someone? Or that stripper chick that cleaned the toilet with her housemate’s toothbrush? Were all white people compared to the white contestants of the past? NO! Stop the generalizations. It’s annoying.

    1. Can I generalize the high-pitched helium girls? ‘Cause I’m waaaayyy tiered of them casting Nicole clones. Pluse, well, Nicole.

    2. I compare the white women all of the time…
      I call girls like Bronte and Michelle… Holly’s the most annoying BB voices ever.
      I called crazy criers and insanely annoying power girls Rachel’s. Vanessa a I called Rachel a few times.
      Really we have not had a good Brittany since Brittany, Nicole was an almost Brittany Season 16

      For me it is a personality… People are calling Jozea a Frankie

    3. I could care less about Race/Color, if I don’t like someone!! I don’t like DaVonne…too much of a Drama Queen, for my liking.
      BTW…The girl that cleaned toilet with toothbrush, Was Not a Stripper. ( don’t know where you got that from? )
      What does the guy, with the knife have to do with ‘Generalizing’? ( he was put out of the BB House Immediately; barely spoken of since! )
      Evil Dick, if I remember it correctly… the girl ( forget her name. ) came too close to his cigarette and it was an accident. ( Or, he would have been cast from the BBHouse. )
      I think you are being a little sensitive here. You clearly like DaVonne and anything negative said against her, is being racist.
      Sorry you feel this way!
      Have a nice day!!

    1. I agree with you, regarding Glenn; never had a chance! Should have been a vote. The only older guy there…makes no sense!

  40. I don’t think Tiffany said she is nothing like her sister. So if you are annoyed by someone who sounds and looks like a sibling. I feel sorry for you. God. Get over it. Tiffany is playing a game. Who gives a f**k if you don’t like her sister.

    I hope she stays around all summer just to piss you off.

  41. Can anyone tell me when the live feeds start? Sorry if this question has already been answered. Thanks:)

  42. I think they did a great job this season all hgs seem athletic, no Victoria’s!!! The newbies thing is annoying though I think it will become less of an issue as the weeks go on. Every year you click on the first day and realize you don’t click and develop other relationships else where. Don’t make alliances too early in the game. So live it started, let’s be kind, there is too much hate in the world … Saying this we will still be allowed to “dislike the player” but let’s keep in mind it’s a game. So loveJames!!! Less liked player the bearded dude.

  43. i don’t know about you guys but I love James. This is probably the only reason I’m watching this season. Lol @ when he pretended to be Vic when Nicole was showering… Had me dying!!

  44. Already hating Paul and Josea. Still hating Da. Not thrilled seeing Frank and Paulie sitting around naked already. Sure hoping Tiffany doesn’t spend the summer crying like Vanessa did. Even with all that I am looking forward to a really good season. Still loving James.

  45. Oh no! Tiffany reminded me of Vanessa 2.0 especially when she put on the water works before she revealed her identity to Davonne.

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