POV Holder: McCRAE Next POV Sept 7th
POV Used POV Ceremony Sept 9th
HOH Winner: Spencer Next HOH: Sept 5th
Original Nominations: McCrae and Ginamarie
Current Nominations:
Last Evicted Houseguest Aaryn, Amanda, Elissa
Have Nots


Big Brother 15 Live Feeds: FREE 2 DAY TRIAL

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10:55am – 12:55pm The Big Brother 15 live feeds were blocked for the Power Of Veto competition. All of the 5 remaining house guests (Judd, Andy, Spencer, Ginamarie and McCrae) competed to win the Veto. When the Live Feeds return we learn that McCrae WON the POV!

1pm Up in the HOH room – Spencer and McCrae are up in the HOH room talking. Spencer tells McCrae that he doesn’t really want to get involved in it on who to keep. He says that they are probably going to try and campaign to you. McCrae says that Judd already started campaigning to me. Spencer says yeah that’s why I called you up here. I want you and Andy to come to a consensus. I will go with whatever you two decide. McCrae says final fucking 4! Spencer says that Ginamarie and Judd could blow up this week. Andy joins them. Spencer tells Andy that he wants McCrae and him to decide who goes home this week. Andy says that there are so many pros and cons to keeping both. Andy asks why was Judd so pissed when you won? McCrae says that he said he would so that it wouldn’t look suspicious. McCrae says I am going to tell them both I am keeping them. The can compare stories and it will be the same for each. Spencer says we could keep it all guys like we talked about or.. Andy says Ginamarie is all broken. Spencer says yeah but she doesn’t give up! Andy says which one could we beat easier. McCrae says it comes down to who could win the before/after HOH competition coming up because they would send one of us home.

Judd fingering the camera after losing the veto comp:



1:10pm Judd joins Andy, Spencer and McCrae in the HOH room. Just before Judd comes into the room Spencer asks so what are we talking about when Judd comes in. McCrae says the competition. They talk about the POV competition. IAN TERRY the winner of Big Brother 14 hosted the competition. Spencer and Judd comment how they could tell Ian liked McCrae. Judd says he didn’t like me much. When ever I talked to him he didn’t really care to talk to me. Andy and McCrae head down to comfort Ginamarie who is crying. Judd talks to Spencer and says he doesn’t want to go home. Spencer tells Judd that he doesn’t want him to go anywhere. You need to talk to Andy and McCrae and convince them they need to keep you. Judd asks so there is no way you would consider putting up Andy? Spencer says I would consider it. Judd says that Ginamarie and I wouldn’t vote out Andy. Judd says that he is really worried that if I go up they would scheme up a plan to get rid of me because Ginamarie is so beat up. Spencer says you have weaknesses to play up too how you get over heated in comps like today and the Zingbot one.

1:15pm – 1:20pm Andy and McCrae are in the bedroom talking. Andy says that Ginamarie has been in the dark most of the game. Andy says that he thinks Judd could win the game. McCrae says one of us needs to win HOH because if we don’t the other one will be going home if we don’t win the veto. Andy says I would much rather it was us in the end. I would rather go against a formidable opponent. McCrae agrees and says if you take Spencer people will think you are trying to take the easy way out. Andy asks so do we tell Judd or Gina ..or do we keep them in the dark? If we tell them, they could blow up. Andy says I really want to see how broken Ginamarie is. Andy and McCrae head to the kitchen where Judd and Spencer are. Andy comments that Ginamarie is going to need stitches. McCrae says I am still so excited about meeting Ian.

Big Brother 15 Live Feeds: FREE 2 DAY TRIAL


1:20pm In the kitchen – Judd, Andy and Spencer are standing around. Spencer asks Andy why he doesn’t change out of the costume. Andy says because I look pretty. Judd says I don’t want to go home! Andy says you’re not Judd. McCrae comes back down from getting his water bottle from the HOH room. McCrae and Spencer comment on how Gina win need stiches. Spencer asks what if they tell her she can’t play any more? McCrae says they won’t, the next competitions aren’t physical.


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1:30pm Up in the HOH room – Andy talks to Spencer. Andy says my gut is to keep Ginamarie over Judd. She is broken. Spencer says but she doesn’t give up! Andy says but I think Judd will get sneaky and cut one of us. Spencer says I think Judd does want to stay with the exterminators. Spencer says I just don’t want one of them to spill the beans about the exterminators. Andy says maybe once we figure out who to keep we sit McCrae down and tell him. Spencer says we would just need to down play it. Judd could be down there right now telling him. I don’t think Gina would spill it in a million years. Andy says he thinks Judd will beat us in the end. Spencer says Ginamarie could too. Andy says McCrae is such a good competitor I am scared to be in the final 4 with him now. Andy says that’s why if we are honest with him I think he would stay faithful to us. Spencer says that is why I think we need to cut Judd. Spencer says final four strategy is over, it’s down to who we can beat. Spencer comments it could be good to send Ginamarie to jury for Amanda. Andy says I am scared if we don’t tell McCrae about the exterminators, then someone else will. Spencer says I just think it would make our alliance look pu$$y. Spencer says Judd knows his dates better than Ginamaire. Andy says he does, Ginamarie has to count on her hands. Spencer says I don’t want it to be a situation next week with you and me on the block and Ginamarie to decide who goes. Andy says us telling McCrae first about the exterminators will make him trust us more. Spencer says how do we explain him being on the block. Andy says McCrae just can’t win the next HOH. Spencer says yeah in a perfect world I would want you to win HOH and Veto. Spencer asks what should I tell Judd. Andy says just tell him he is safe no matter what. Andy and Spencer head downstairs.
In the bathroom – McCrae and Judd are talking about past events of the season. McCrae tells Judd that he honestly thought it was the end of his game when he had to vote out Judd. McCrae heads to the bedroom to change. Spencer comes down and pulls Judd into the lounge room. Spencer tells Judd – Andy said he would vote to keep you if you went up.
1:50pm Ginamarie comes out of the diary room hobbling. Andy helps her up to the HOH room. Andy leaves her at the door and goes back down stairs. Andy goes down to the kitchen and tells them that he is so over Ginamaire – I know she is faking it! Ginamarie thinks he is still there and says thanks Andy, I didn’t know who else to call. She then looks around and says oh no ones here. Ginamarie goes out of the HOH room and asks for the saran wrap. Spencer brings it up and Ginamarie goes into the bathroom to saran her bandaged up leg so she can take a shower.

In the kitchen Spencer tells Judd that this is the perfect time to cut Ginamarie. Andy said he will keep you. Judd says I want McCrae gone though!! I want him gone!! Judd says I wanted to cuss Ian out before it started! Spencer says Ian just roots for the underdog. Andy talks to Judd in the kitchen. Judd says that he didn’t understand the puzzle and even tried to copy McCrae’s but still couldn’t get it.

1:55pm – 2:15pm In the rainbow room – Andy tells Judd that he is being 100% honest with him when he says he want to keep him. Andy says but I know that Gina will 100% take me to the final two. If we keep you and you will get rid of McCrae right? Judd says yes, that has been my mission. Judd says McCrae said he would keep me but I think he would definitely vote me out. Andy disagrees. Judd says I just have a feeling I am going home. Andy says I just need to know that you will vote him out. Judd says yes! I talked so much sh*t about him. I want revenge on him. When he sees this season he is going to hate me for all the sh*t I talked about him. Andy says I newly trust you but I’ve had trust in Gina for a long time. Judd says I will give you my bear shirt. Andy says you don’t need to do that. Judd says if we can’t beat McCrae next week, we don’t deserve to be here. Andy tells Judd that the exterminators secret can not get out. If Ginamarie knows she is going home I don’t want her to be pissed and say something. Judd agrees and says we have to keep her from saying anything.


2pm – 2:15pm Up in the HOH room – Gina is crying about ever since she lost Nick she’s had no one to fully trust. She tells Spencer that he is her new Nick. Spencer says we both have a good shot at this. Spencer says I love Andy and I like Judd. Gina comments that Judd was helping McCrae in the veto. She says Judd told McCrae one of his pieces was upside down. Spencer says he wants Judd to get called into the diary room so that I can tell him if Judd tells McCrae about the exterminators we will just deny it all. I think we should just tell Judd he is safe all week just so he doesn’t spill the beans. Then he will go out shocked and we can just deny anything if he says anything about it. Spencer tells Gina she is good at competitions which scares him if she isn’t with him. Spencer tells Gina that she could win this. Gina cries and says I just want to go home with something. Spencer says don’t worry I wont tell anyone about our conversation. Spencer tells Gina that he will tell Judd he wants McCrae and Andy to decide who goes. Spencer says I am not some bullsh*t deal maker, this is solid to the end. Gina and Spencer shake hands. Gina heads downstairs to rest.


2:20pm – 2:30pm In the rainbow room – Judd, Andy and Gina talk about the Veto. Gina says the exterminators really messed up today. Andy puts his costume and cape back on for a diary room session. Judd says I am not putting mine back on, over my dead body! I don’t care.


2:30pm – 2:40pm McCrae heads up to the HOH room to take a shower. McCrae says Judd is already campaigning to me. I don’t want to tell him anything because I know he will use it against me. Spencer says you know if Judd knows he is going him he will be making deals and lies. McCrae agrees. Spencer says our guy alliance (Spencer, McCrae and Andy) is the best final three. McCrae agrees. McCrae says Andy and I were talking and if its Judd going home we can’t tell him anything but if it’s Ginamarie we could tell her. Spencer and McCrae say they will talk more later. Spencer goes down and talks to Judd in the living room. He tells Judd if he goes up he needs to just stay calm and cool. Spencer says that GM is broken and messed up. The worst thing you can do is freak out. Judd says yeah. Spencer leaves. Spencer comes back and tells if McCrae doesnt want to keep you.. you’ve got to make sure Andy does. Judd complains again about not wanting to put the suit back on. (He’s being a big baby.) Judd says maybe I will get a penalty nom. I don’t care I am not putting it on. Spencer says I don’t think they would go that far. Spencer heads back up to the HOH room to listen to his cd.


2:50pm – 2:55pm Judd head up to the HOH room to talk with Spencer. They talk about Judd and Ginamarie’s injuries. Spencer complains that Gina has had a broken toe for a week and they haven’t done anything about it and now they say she needs stiches but they aren’t giving her them. He says I don’t understand why they can’t just bring in a doctor to give them to her. Big Brother switches the cameras to downstairs. Spencer tells Judd again to just be cool this week. Andy joins them. They talk about Judd and Gina’s injuries. Andy and Spencer ask how they even got hurt. Spencer says he couldn’t even touch his toes where Gina hit her knees. Judd leaves the room in a huff and says he is going to bed. Spencer and Andy talk about denying the exterminators alliance if Judd spills it to McCrae. Andy tells Spencer about his conversation with Judd how he told Judd he would keep him over Gina. Spencer says this is where I am at. I think I want to keep Gina. Andy says you know where I am at because Gina is a vote for me so I want to make sure you are okay with it because you are HOH.


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225 thoughts to “Big Brother 15 SPOILERS – POWER OF VETO RESULTS!”

    1. Simon or Dawg, maybe one of you can explain this to me. Running the risk of sounding dumb, the situation this year is that the math doesn’t quite work for me. I know that it was announced that there would be 9 jurors this year… Okay, so, there were 4 when Judd came back because essentially he was swopped with Helen. Aaryn, Amanda, and Elissa have all been evicted now, so that is 7. 2 more will be going this week to get it to final 3, that will be 9…. So what is going to be done with the 3rd place finisher? Can’t be a juror if there are only 9!?!? You see what I’m getting at, or did I miss something?

      1. Never mind, there were only 3 to begin with, for some reason, I was thinking that Howard was there!! Problem solved….DUH!!!!

        1. Judd is a pathetic dickhead. I swear if I have to listen to his incessant whining any more about how he thinks he deserves to win I’m going to puke. The asshole already lost. He was voted out fair and square. No way in a million years did he deserve a second chance. CBS was wrong to bring someone back. So unfair. That being said, he is a turd. He is a shady scum ball who is dumber than dirt, rude and cocky. His ass should have been so out of there the second he got the gift of coming back. It will be so sweet if it’s his ass booking out the door, and even sweeter if he is blind-sided, the arrogant piece of shit.

      2. There are six in jury now – two this week = 8 Leaving 3 in the house – the 9th jury member is one of the final 3.

      3. You did your math wrong. Candice, Jessie, Helen, Arryn, Amanda, Elissa are only six. Three more from this group of five will join them.

      4. Candice and Jessie are also in the jury house. Special eviction this Wednesday and this Thursday. After Thursday will be the final 3 and the 9th juror will join Jury House on finale night, September 18

      5. Candice, Jessie , Helen Aaryn, Amanda, Elissa that’s 6 this week will make 2 more make 8 and the third placer will be number 9

        1. Thanks guys, but if you’d kept reading, you’d see that I had already answered myself before any comments were made..

    1. My man Ian Terry from BB14! It was like yesterday, when you stood up to Frank and gave him the famous birdy.

      I prefer u, J U Double D. I wish I can come in the house and lay right next to u, dude…

    1. I forfgot to say that eventhough they’re going to probably evict GM, I would love for Spencer to put Andy up and evict him. That would be his biggest move.

        1. GM is so banged up – toe, knee and probably a really deep cut – it would be wild to see her beat the boys and then leave the house in a wheelchair. She’s not my favorite, but seeing her win despite all her accidents would be entertaining.

          1. gina kinda goes crazy if you mess with her but for a 33 year old women that bikini picture im sure no guy would btch about that in there bed just saying

            1. I would, RSW. I think GM is uglier than shit. Literally. Maybe with a lot of make-up she could pass for a pile of dog vomit. But most nights when she is not wearing make-up she is hideous. Like a human rat with that odd long nose. Then there’s her ass. Bigger than a football field. I mean her ass is so big that wherever she goes there should be a ‘wide load’ sign hanging up front. I won’t even talk about her shitty attitude, stupidity, or ignorant racist mind. So, sorry, RSW, I beg to differ with you. In my opinion if GM was the last woman on earth the population would cease to exist. Ugh. A total piece of shit to look at.

        2. But…..Spencer LOVES Andy….he said it himself!
          yuck yuck yuck!!! AND Andy looks pretty in his costume!
          OMG!! Plz! McPussy finally USE. ….. some B A L L S!!
          Shake-up….this crazy fuc**n BORING game!

  1. My guess is Judd goes up and goes home.

    If MC is smart here he splits the vote and makes spencer send one of them go thus potentially losing a jury vote if he goes to final 2. MC def has some leverage here.

  2. Spencer: Hey Andy, Have you ever been mistaken for a man?

    Andy: Very funny. But I’ve always been the odd one. When my brothers and I played cowboys and Indians, I was always the Chinese railroad worker.

    1. Lurker….. that has got to be one of the funniest comments I’ve read in a very long time. Was trying to read it to my wife and every time I came upon the ” I was always the Chinese railroad worker ” part I couldn’t read it. Just looking at it made me laugh. It took at least 5 times and a time out before I could read the punch line.

      Excellent post !

  3. LOL @ how rigged it is.
    They decided that it would be too obvious if Amanda won, so they decided they would rig it for McCrae to win the game instead.
    I honestly am not watching the rest of the season it’s so stupid. The worst final 5 ever.

    1. How exactly does that work? Amanda isn’t in need of any money sooo besides winning the game what exactly did she need from the show?

      It’s WICKED obvious that the hoh and veto at the double eviction were set up to keep MC around… You know, with him not winning the veto and taking his sweet time finding two buried keys in a haystack that even GM could do had she been participating.

      I like a good conspiracy theory as any but you’re reaching for the stars with this.

      1. mccrae was the only one that had 2 bones or keys everyone else only had one under there so they would never find the second one that’s how you fix a comp were nobody knows and it didn’t look obvious I called it before they said go

        1. It’s not called “big brother house guest that needs money the most”? I really don’t see why people worry about that so much. That’s not really the point of the game. And not the point of “America’s favorite”, the title is self explanatory.

          1. So tired of people saying that this one and that one don’t need the money, have they forgotten that its a game???

            1. BTW McCrae, if we can believe…what he does, for a job?
              “PIZZA DELIVERY BOY”
              HE CAN USE THE MONEY!!!!!

    2. WTF! So they rigged IT….. for Amanda, Elissa and now McPussy? Don’t think so!! McP has played his A** OFF!!!
      THAT DAMN DEAD WEIGHT – AMANDA – HOLDING HIM BACK!! There is no future with her, he needs to win!

      🙂 GOOOOooooo McPussy! U CAN WIN THE $$$!!!

      BTW Raggedy Andy the ball-bag…..MUST GO!!

      1. Shut your mouth Suzie Q! You are dumb, Amanda was his shield for the entire game, she aka they, controlled almost all evictions since day one!! And I trully believe that he is fighting his heart out for her right now.

        1. Excuse me….fuck face! You have your opinions!
          I DO,TOO!! Don’t like it here … GO AWAY!
          He used her – for a meat shield! WTF?
          MR/MS …. ” NO NAME ” …. BACK – OFF!!
          BTW? Are you also – the chicken sh!? …. LOSER ….
          Buffalo Bill?

          1. Lol like I said, you are so dumd! And just so you know I will take my “name“ any day before calling myself a fat slotty Asian person name. Lol

            1. Correction to “name”: 1) dumd correct spelling is DUMB
              2) slotty is SLUTTY
              ALSO, FOR YOUR INFORMATION!! “Suzi Q” is a nickname!
              My dearly departed grandmother,whom died at the
              age of 103, called me Suzi Q !!
              NO! I am not Asian. BUT, WHAT IF I WAS? ASIAN?
              STUPID….ON YOUR LIL’ PEA- BRAIN !~!

              1. Sorry I do not give a shit about my spelling on a cellular conversation with you or your grandmother for that matter! Your DUMB! LOL

    3. Remember the other day when Andy told spencer Elissa was tryin to flip the house but not to worry cause before sure wasnt changing his vote? Remember how he masterminded the idea that IF he was WILLING to do this for HIS allience that he had to act “shock” and pin his vote on Elissa so MC doesn’t come after him?

      Remember Spencer’s short pause (not cause he figured it out but because he’s a rurally too slow) so Andy replies with “does that make sense?”

      My response would been fuck no it don’t make sense. Unless your Andy and this keeps both sides of the house from coming at you. Like this white lie doesn’t benefit anyone but Andy and if I’m with him in an allience I wonder to my self why he can’t just commit to me and be done with it.

      The reason is cause he CAN’T and WON’T commit cause he needs to flock to who has the power.

      1. I NEVER understood that, either. The entire Exterminator alliance was in on that idea, too, and I kept thinking — shouldn’t they care that he wants to make it look like he’s with McCrae? Furthermore, wouldn’t McCrae also notice that nobody was up in arms about Andy’s alleged vote to KEEP Amanda, whom everyone else wanted out?

        Hasn’t this whole season been about voting with the house?

        How did NOBODY figure this out? I don’t want Andy to win, mostly because saying he’s the best player in this house isn’t really giving him a compliment, but geez. It’s hard to argue that there’s anyone else worth winning it. :-/

        1. Why was GM okay with Andy making a show of pretending to apologize to her regarding the vote too? He was hoping that McCrae would overhear from the kitchen, but if his hard sell to the other three is just that he’s keeping McCrae in the dark about the Exterminators so that he doesn’t have to play as hard in the comps, that doesn’t really work. Just because he doesn’t know the name of their alliance, doesn’t mean he doesn’t know there’s alliances going on. It is Big Brother after all. Why would they so fully commit to Andy working both sides of the game? I dont see how Andy has any chance at winning when everyone knows how much he’s backstabbing everyone else.

    4. I am glad I am not the only one to think since the whole rigging it for amanda thing came out that they were going to be sending her packing but making mccrea win so amanda can still get the money and since she had him whipped you all know all that money will go to her and her plastic surgery and next fe we see her on something she won’t even look human anymore

    1. At this point, never thought I’d say this, I’m rooting for McCrae. Even tho he almost never bathes, he’s the least revolting of the bunch. He says way fewer gross, vulgar things. All of these others are way too horrible in what they say. I would hate for any of the others getting rewarded for the stuff that they spew.

      McCrae never even supported Amanda in her despicable rants. Never defended her in her ridiculous fights. Yes, he’s passive, but it got him laid, allowed him to sleep all summer and he’s still now in the final four. Good for him.

      It is sad that it’s come down to rooting for the least vulgar, gross mouthed player, but that’s the way the season has gone.

    2. I am glad McCrae won as well, even though he made a stupid move in voting out Elissa. Had he kept her he would still have her on his side 100% against Andy the Rat! He needs to win the next H.O.H. or Veto to survive to final “3”. I don’t like GM so I would rather see a final “3” of McCrae, Andy & Spencer . I think McCrae has a good shot against them “2” in final “3”. I doubt they will want this since they all know if McCrae make is to final “3” he will beat them & also they know he will more likely have more jury votes than them as well. IMO

  4. OF COURSE HE DID…..McPussy will probably win this effing thing now. HATE THIS SEASON. Simon and Dawg, thank you SO much for making it easy to not watch this debacle of a season.

    1. It didn’t need to be rigged for McCrae to win veto this week. GM has her foot injury, Judd is beaten up by the drill sarge exercises, Spencer is useless and that only leaves Andy, who is not the best competitor. It was smart for the house to get out the strong competitors early in the game, and that is one of the reasons why there is such an odd crew remaining in the end this year.

    1. That’s why I don’t see Spencer or Andy winning it. they’ve hidden behind everyone for so long that they have no clue how to play up front.

      1. I just really hope McCrae wakes up and realize Andy has been playing him. And I think Judd will tell him in order to keep himself safe if he goes on the block. I think it will come down to Spencer breaking the tie if Judd is on the block because Judd is not going to just lay down and die, and neither will GM. I think Andy is going to be ousted this week, which may force Spencer to choose sides to insure his own safety for next week.

    2. What Mind? If he had one what good would it do him? He’s been allowing someone to think for him and speak for him since the Moving Company dismantled.

    3. Spencer is known back home as a slug!
      We didn’t expect MUCH – out of him!
      The boy has always been………SLOW……..A S…….MOLASSES

  5. I’d hoped McCrae would win – just wish Spencer would put Andy up, but since that won’t happen next best thing would to see GM walk out the door. If they want to be worried about who will win a before or after comp then they should vote out Andy.

    In honor of McCrae’s POV win I was able to make a small donation. Wish it could be more, but I may be able to make another donation before the season is over. I really appreciate how much work ya’ll put in to this. Thanks!!

  6. Idiots! Why did they nominate McCrae? All they had to do was not put him on the block and then reassure him that he was safe. Then, he wouldn’t have tried so hard to win the veto and they could have backdoored him.


    1. Completely agree with you! This was Spencer’s one and only chance to make a big move. “Spencer tells McCrae that he doesn’t really want to get involved in who to keep……Spencer says I want you and Andy to come to a consensus.” I’ve watched every season of Big Brother and never has a HOH been so pathetic. Hoping to win BB on the platform of “I was nominated more than anyone else” is a joke… about you get rid of Andy so that you can claim at least one strategic decision?

      1. Absolutely agree! Luck got Spencer this far. The rest of the house needed a pansy and a pawn and he fit the bill perfectly. He has done nothing worthy of winning. I hope he doesn’t win this. I hope he goes next.

  7. Now that McCrae won, Judd should go to him and tell him about the Exterminators. Tell him that he should put Andy up since Andy could really win this game. Then Andy goes up, Judd votes to evict him, Spencer will vote to evict GM, and since we have a tie, McCrae will vote to evict Andy. ANd then the Rat will be out.

      1. Good point, but is Judd smart enough to figure it out? Will the DR help? Will Andy guess this move? So many questions, but at least people are talking game.

    1. I agree, McCrae is so stupid he still is clueless that Andy is the Huge Rat this season. Judd would be well advised to let McCrae know the truth…

    2. Spencer is HOH so he would vote to break the tie, not MC…..what a Wuss Spencer is, he’s HOH but he wants Andy and MC to decide who goes up??? I hope GM or Judd tells MC that Andy voted Amanda out and they were all in on it.

    3. McCrae does not choose who goes up Spencer does and Spencer will not put up Andy. That should be a red flag to the others.

    4. EXCUSE Me BUT what are you talking about????McCrae won POV not HOH. He doesn’t get to put anyone up. He can only take himself off. Spencer has to pick the replacement! I do agree it would be awesome if Spencer backdoored Andy. It would be the best move of the season. If Spencer does it I would almost want him to win. Backstabbing the Backstabber is the best.

  8. Another great aspect of this is McCrae will probably finally hear about “The Exterminators” as either GM or the other one nominated will spill the beans to stay in the house……

      1. I’m so sad about Elissa leaving……Judd is such a dick after all she did for him. Bye bye for my vote for america’s favorite – it goes to Elissa because she’ll use it for charity – so it’s like a doulbe whammy.

    1. Amanda suspected Andy, and she said something to her
      McPussy! HE would be a fool to TRUST the rat!
      McP can come back, IF he can trust GM, who is desperately …. trying to hang in the game!! She has to KNOW that Andy and Spencer are dicks!! Judd is out – of – control!
      She needs McPussy, to stay for the final 2!!

      1. Most disappointing season contestants for the most part were b o r I n g. Not Amanda though,she s just crazy. I do not care who wins this one I hope more thought is put in to contestants next year

  9. I think GM’s time is up. Spencer wants an all guys F4 and GM is so beat up they’ll probably think she’ll get sympathy votes from the women in the jury. We know that’s not true but these fools have no clue about women. And it seems McStinky is still McStupid when it comes to Rat Dog.

  10. He may have a crap game strategy, but if he keeps winning games, McCrae may be able to win his way into the Final 2. I don’t think he could beat anyone besides Andy though…

    1. He’d beat spencer as well. Spencer is a dirty, disgusting piece of crap. Most of the Jury hates him. He couldn’t beat Judd though. Even though Judds a moron.

      Judd is sort of like Andy, but he just mumbles instead, whereas Andy actually talks.

      1. MC can beat Judd…..he got to go back into the house after being voted out, so he will lose votes for that. MC will win if he gets to final 2. Yes!!!

        1. I’d love if McCrae won and then ditched Amanda, but if he was up against Judd, I’m not sure the votes would be there. I think Judd would have formed bonds with Candice and Jessie in Jury House so they’ll vote for him. Helen will feel bad for backstabbing him so she’ll vote for him. Aaryn might still be salty from Amanda and McCrae turning their backs on her so she’ll vote for Judd. Obviously Amanda would vote for McCrae. Andy would be a toss up and would depend on who was responsible for his demise but he might stay loyal to McCrae. Spencer would probably vote for Judd. GM would vote for Judd. That’s 6-3 for Judd. A lot of sh!t talking would have to be going down in jury for them to sway votes to McCrae’s side. Judd and him are both pretty much floaters. Judd relied on a mumble mouth social game while McCrae admittedly used Amanda as his meat shield for 72 days while he slept. Neither is really worthy of the money other than the fact that they aren’t as vile as the other HGs. It’s down to a best of the worst situation this season

    2. Andy has no chance in winning, he burned everyone in that jury house. It’s all been personal this season, no way it stops on finale and people just start thinking gameplay.

  11. pleading to BB producers, adopt BBUK style daily tasks and other of their techniques to keep the show imteresting and difficult for floaters to hide.

  12. Even though I don’t really like McCrae I’m happy that he won the veto, because then he can break up that group of floaters even though he was kind of one himself but I’m kind of rooting for him….. its weird lol

  13. McCrae, buddy, your little voodoo doll has done its job. Now I don’t care how you do it, but get Andy out of there while you can.


    1. McCrae doesn’t care much about Amanda. He cried much more when Judd left than when Amanda left. He will not be going to Florida. Maybe their relationship will last one week outside the house. I don’t think he’ll share any money with her.

    2. Out of this terrible final 5, the order in which I want them to win

      1) McPizza

      2) Nick’s Nightmare

      3) Dudd

      4) Rat

      5) Pervert

      It’s really a toss up with Rat and Pervert, I don’t know who’s the most disgusting, probably Pervert.

  15. Holy Cow! Way to go, McCrae!! I like how Spence and Andy are cozying up to him now, while Judd is cozying up to Spencer and Andy. Poor GM, she’s beating the crap out of herself in these comps!

  16. GM or Judd…..Please tell Mcrae that RatBoy voted Amanda out! Backdoor his whining “I feel” ass!!!

  17. It’s funny how the underdog always seems to pull it out and win the veto when they are about to be sent home. They need to send Andy home but I know that wont happen. Judd I think you need to pack your bags….Jessie is waiting……to kick your hillbilly ass Cya

  18. I’d never actually thought i’d be happy for McSloth winning a Comp. Looks like the exterminators have to exterminate themselves 🙂
    It’s funny seeing Andy going to McCrae saying he doesn’t want to take Spencer to the end. I hope this news gets back to Spencer and he sends the rat home! Honestly, out of the Final 5.. i REALLY don’t want Andy to make it. I do not respect his game play at all and these people should know that after Amanda called him out when she got evicted. McCrae though was stupid in the first place to nominate GM and Elissa, so that f*cked his game up BAD so his only hope is to pretty much win every single comp and maybe strike some deals.

    My Final 3 Choice is GM,Spencer and McCrae.

  19. Oooops!!! There goes that plan. Now let’s see how you exterminate each other. Thank God that entire alliance didn’t make it to the final 4!! Have to root for McVeto…he’s fighting his Ass off out there lately with these do or die comps!! Too bad it doesn’t look like Rat face is going to be the replacement.

    1. I knew that alliance wouldn’t go past the first eviction. That alliance was made up of people who have no idea of loyalty unless it comes with fear

  20. I can’t remember but when they do the eviction Wednesday is that live? && do they do the HOH and veto before The eviction Thursday?

    For the life of me I cannot remember how they do it!!

    1. It’s not live -,the feed will be down for quite a bit – probably most of Tuesday and until after the Wed CBS show.

    2. Everything on Wednesday will probably be taped. If I remember correctly, they actually evict the 5th place houseguest on Tuesday, so they’ll block the feeds through the Wednesday episode?

      Then on Thursday show, everything though the POV comp will be taped. The eviction part will be live, and they’ll begin the final Endurance Comp and leave us hanging. I just hope the last Sunday show is a real show, and not a montage because it probably isn’t possible to put a hour’s worth of funny/positive footage into a full episode.

      1. Thank you (:

        I know what you mean! Every time I try to watch the live feeds I can’t cause everything that comes out their mouths is horrible. Which is really putting a damper on any of them winning America’s favorite.

        I’m still a Judd fan though, he has had his horrible moments but compared to the others his don’t seem as truthful, rather than just going along with all the others.

        1. Agreed. I liked Judd for most of the game until he joined the Exterminators, but he needed an alliance, so good for him I guess.

          GM, Ratboy, or Spencer winning would be a disaster.

          If MC can navigate his way to the F2, he’ll be a worthy winner, even though being with Amanda puts a damper on how much I liked him for quite awhile.

  21. I still think there’s a chance they’ll keep GM over Judd simply given the fact that she’s injured and won’t be at 100% in the comps.

  22. Rat Dog and Perv are talking about telling McStinky about the exterminators. Andy is afraid Judd will tell him first. Doesn’t Rat Dog realize that once McStinky knows about the exterminators, he’ll know Rat Dog voted Demanda out.

  23. I recently saw the post on TMZ about Aaryn, including pictures of Aaryn’s with prom date (trying to say she isn’t rasict):
    Then I saw Regan Fox’s (BB12) twitter response: Ragan Fox ?@RaganFox 3 Sep
    Aaryn’s mom claims she took an African American to prom. I took a WOMAN to prom. What’s her f’ing point? #PromDateDefense #IWasntStraight

    I think Regan has a good point. Thumbs up if you agree…

    1. The point is she is not racist, otherwise she wouldn’t be caught dead with a black man. Aaryn has been the scapegoat for racism this season, while Demanda and probably GM got away with it, and they are 10 times worse than Aaryn.

      Aaryn is much younger and ignorant than the other two and she wasn’t as bad. I’m not condoning what she did at all, but I don’t agree with CBS and say that she was the worst.

      I bet if they put a video together with all the racist crap that these 3 said, Aaryn’s segment is going to be the shortest one.

      1. I agree all of the house guests should have been treated equally and shown for who they really are in the house by CBS/BB. All the nasty comments that are racist, homophobic, derogatory, pedophilic, the threats of homicide and rape, the bullying…the people that ignore all of these things, out of fear it will hurt their game… Oh my gosh, I’ve lost track, it’s so bad- yes, Aaryn has been outed, and so should all the others. I can’t say who is worst, it is a truly horrid group of people. I have friends that only watch the TV show, and have a completely different perception of the people on the show.
        I thought Regan’s comment was spot on, and made me laugh at a ridiculous defense (Aaryn’s prom date). Aaryn showed us who she really is, as did many of the other house guests. I did see a youtube video of Amanda’s worst highlights, and it was pretty bad. Both Aaryn and Spencer’s moms are trying to defend their children (understandably, it’s gotta be hard to be their family right now). I hope all of the house guests go through some self reflection after the show and try to make some changes for the better.

  24. If they had any “game” or BRAIN left n that house – Andy would be back doored!!! SERIOUSLY! GM is more dude than he is so if they want an all guys alliance – send the little rat bitch to the jury house w the rest of the girls & aMAN-duh Amanda!!!

  25. Spencer tells Andy he is fine with coming in second and Andy deserves to win?? Really guy? You came on a show to settle for second place? Spencer already won enough for the little game playing he did.

  26. FFloaters or not, they’re all fighting for their lives now…if they’re smart they’ll put up Andy. Thanks for the updates! Best site for bb fans on the internet!

  27. Tell McCrae that Andy was the one who voted out Amanda and that he and McCrae can go to the final 2. Spencer puts Andy up as McCrae’s replacement, and Spencer can break the tie (if there is one) sending RAT boy to the jury house full of very mad cats.

    1. You think you’re fucking funny, but youre not. Get your own damn handle. Ive been posting here under this one for years. Go fuck yourself.

  28. What happened to GM? Dammit- gonna have to watch live feeds of the morons now to see how GM is!?! Poor girls all beat up! Obviously a physical challenge and the ghost certainly insured Judd had no chance after putting him through BOOTCAMP like they have- Spencer’s fat pervert ass shoulda gotten that punishment!!!

  29. Now that McCrae has won the veto time to get everyone’s biggest competition out and that’s Andy! Please houseguests wake up and backdoor him! The convo needs to happen about Andy backstabbing Amanda!

    1. ^ that I’m thinking he’s planning on cutting out the ass part of a pair of shorts. Imagine the hot shirt, ass hanging out his pants, Spencer drooling and then the lights go out.

  30. I will be pist-off if judd, spencer or g.m do not bring to light what rat boy’s been up to these past few days, so mccrea can get rid of him once and for all.

  31. DO you guys realize how dominant McCrae could have been without Amanda?

    2 HOHs
    3 POVs

    He clearly distanced himself so much throughout the game with Amanda he does not have enough time to gain trust or make a game move.

    But these “exterminators” are so terrible that McCrae will probably win out and make the final 2 and win.

    I really really hope he can win out cause nobody after this week will be taking him any further, rather he must win HOH/POV next week then the final HOH but again with a broken racist (GM), perverted dimwit (Spencer), funny dumb dude (JU DD), and well the rat (Andy) winning out is not just possible but at this point likely.

    Thumbs up if you, like me, want to see McCrae on an ALL STAR SEASON without Amanda !!!!

    1. I agree but then if he’d won all these comps the girls would’ve had him out way before now. He played a good game as far as using Amanda as a shield. Keeping the bigger target on her.
      I hope he makes it to final 2. I think he could win against anyone but GM. Unless Spencer puts up Andy & they vote him out – then Spencer may have something besides a record for being on the block, a trip & 10K that would give him a chance to be the winner.

    2. To be fair at this point the only competition is McCrae vs McCrae, and possibly GM. The rest couldn’t win a contest of counting to 10 even if they were allowed to use their own fingers to do it.

      The point being, anybody would look like a superstar competitor against the Exterminators.

  32. Well……..OK. Not too shabby. Andy is going to have knipshins. His game is up..because Judd or Gina are going to spill the beans. McCrae should seem undecided on whom he’ll vote out..and then he’ll get all the info.

    Then…vote out GM. No way will Spencer put up Andy. McCrae need to win HOH..put up Spencer and Judd. Backdoor Andy. Then…we have to root for one of those losers. ( They all are).

    What a motley crew. However..I’ll go for McCrae. From what he’s said..he’s not in Love with taking a month off..and there is no way that relationship is going to continue. Nick may be a no show at the finale..can’t blame him.

    Andy will be the most despised..with GM..Amanda..Spencer next. At this point..anyone except Andy and Spencer.

  33. I never, ever thought I would say this but GOOD JOB MCCRAE!!

    I’m with the others hoping, that Judd or GM rat Andy out to McCrae. It would certainly bring a bit of entertainment back into the house. Just the thought, of Andy’s oh sh*t face, makes me all happy! At the very least, seeing Andy scurrying about trying to cover his arse would be worth seeing.

    I’m also hoping, that Spencer and McCrae, compare notes about who Andy wants to take to final two.

  34. I want Andy to go home!!!!!!!! At this point I only see one way for Andy to go; Judd needs to tell McCrae that Andy voted out Amanda and he has been lying to him. McCrae then needs to go tell Spencer to put up Andy as his replacement and in return McCrae will keep him next week since Spencer cannot play for HOH.
    I don’t think Judd has the guts to do it! booooooo!

  35. So Judd or Andy will be the replacement nominees. Judd seems to be losing it a bit more each day. I wonder if he’ll cause a scene, or if GM will cause a scene… another “drop it like you drop your pants” moment.

  36. my god people ik this season isnt nearly as good as years past but come on big brother hasnt been as good since season 8 its just gone down hill what do u expect if u really hate it so much just stop watching and pray next season is all stars 2 WITH players from the first 7 season especially howie… i miss howie

  37. Whatever happens, I do not want Andy or Spencer to win this game. What I’d love to see is Judd and GinaMarie final 2. We’ll see.

  38. JUDD or GM would get more votes than Spencer or Andy
    but at this rate McCrae has high odds of being final two…
    I’m hoping CBS has a returning ALL*STARs BB next summer.
    I’m really worried the finale will be bland + anti~climactic…
    if the series gets cancelled, I’m blaming Aaryn + Amanda totally.

  39. I will say that Andy is probably the only guy in that house that could handle being in the jury with those six crazy women!

  40. Spencer doesn’t want blood on his hands and wants Andy and McC to come to a consensus. If that doesn’t tell McC what’s going on then he’s a stoopid as Judd.

    1. Good point! Is there any chance GM or JUDD will
      figure out how tight Andy, Spencer and McCrae
      are before the next HoH? the one who does not
      go home will have to fight like a dog for it. McCrae’s
      wins are less of a fluke, he was in sleeper mode
      for weeks upon weeks at the epicenter of it all…!!!

  41. It is crazy to me that Elissa is winning Americas favorite on the poll! WTF??? It should be for the person who has played the best game, right?

    1. by that logic you must hand it out to Helen on a silver platter despite all her over the top epic blindspots
      or Amanda for the long standing ability to evict people despite her bullying & unpleasant manic behavior.

      1. Yes, well if Helen played the best game, she wouldn’t have been eliminated so soon right? So how can she have played the best game?

        1. the hammerlock Amanda had on the game plus her tendency to SEND lil ole Andy around with
          the ever ready cups of koolaid despite her unspeakable tactics, tantrums and remarks sorta
          has her picking it up by default if it is not a popularity contest. the three MVP wins Elissa had
          are legit, and part of the reason she will get the $25,ooo on the 18th and i will not be upset. if
          we think competitions, McCrae is starting to win a few, and Aaryn had won several. Amanda
          did not drink Andy’s “koolaid” — she was more isolated when he begins to lie to her, so if sheer
          brazen duplicity and dishonesty is a criteria, Andy’s falsehoods also deserve a quiet mention.
          had the season not been as crass and unbelievable, i’d be more upset about Elissa’s big win!!!

    2. Winning…she is crushing the poll. If you add all the other house guests left in the house they still are not even close to her.

    3. This season, America’s Fav apparently is going to be the least gross person. Elissa was just the least despicable. Sorry.

  42. I wish they would alternate the live feeds between the jury house and the BB house for the rest of the season. It would be a 100% more interesting to watch!

    1. Completely agree with you!!! Everyone left in the house is so boring! I would like to see the jurors’ reaction when Amanda arrives

  43. I can’t stand the vile rainbow rat. He’s scurrying like a rat to keep himself safe by throwing spencer under the bus. I hope the idiot judd and the racist hood rat GM tells pigpen, mccrea, about the exterminators and that it was Andy’s plan to say it was Elissa who voted Amanda out. If Specer, GM and Judd were smart they would put Andy up and then each of them fight to go to the end with pigpen because there is NO way pigpen would get first place.

  44. It seems as though Andy and Spencer are having their first spat. Andy is terrified that Judd will out his betrayal and the excrementor alliance to MC. But mostly Andy’s part. Spencer thinks if he and Andy get on the block (God forbid) and GM is the deciding vote then GM will definitely vote to keep Andy. Still not sure what they decided. Personally I don’t think it has occurred to Judd to use his info as leverage against Andy to ensure his vote. GM all banged up and crying and Spencer promising her a F2 deal because they are “real people” who know what it is like to need $$. He even goes as far as to say he is playing for 2nd place cause he can’t beat anyone. I hope MC and whoever stays keep winning and gets a clue so in the end if the nasty ginger twins end up in jury.

  45. I hope GM pulls McCrea aside and tells him that he voted Amanda out too instead of Elissa. If she does he will vote to get Andy out! Or if anyone tells him what Andy did, how he lied to him. I’m still routing for GM! GM deserves it as she is playing hard. McCrea slept thru most BB and hid behind Amanda. I’m glad to see him coming out of his shell, but I’m afraid if he won Amanda will stay with him for the money and then dump him. Still don’t like Amanda.

  46. @ William , I think there was 3 that came back to complete to re-enter the house….( Judd, Jessie, Candace)…..Now the jury is : Amanda, Elissa, Helen, Aryaan, Candace, Jessie; Add one more on Wed, one on Thurs, then one more for the final eviction, equals 9…..

  47. This is only my observation. If you look back at Andy’s interview before the show started,he stated that this was going to be his strategy, to play both sides. I know that people have to lie and manipulate in the game, but what he did was not play both sides. The only thing Andy the rat did was to walk in on everyone’s conversations and report back his findings. I think in real life Andy is probably a good person. What is scary to me is after being isolated with these people, how the group/mob mentality becomes the norm. I am seeing it on a reality tv show that can not end soon enough, but this mentality exists in the real world. I think when Andy watches the show and reads the blogs, he will be very unhappy about his behavior.
    Out of the remaining houseguest, I hope that Judd or Mccrea wins. Judd is not the sharpest crayon in the box, but I think he is a good ole country boy that is way over his head. Mccrea, has spent 24/7 in bed until Amanda left, which is repulsive. However, I have not heard him make racist or homophobic comments. Also he has kicked ass in the last few competitions. Of the remaining people, I will feel sickened if Spencer the booger picking, hand down your pants, vulgar talker wins. In regard to Andy the Rat, the reasons have been stated many times. In regard to GM, when you think she has turned a corner, she makes some of the most racist remarks and never ever say anything about anyone’s child.
    Well CBS, has BB15 thankfully draws to an end , I am sure you are so happy with your ratings. However, in order to get those ratings you sold your soul by allowing racist, homophobic remarks,statements about people’s children and bullying.

    1. Judd didn’t make racist or homophobic comments, but he has made it clear that he has no respect for women, and is as foul mouthed as the rest of them when expressing himself about the women who have been voted out. So, I have to go with Team McCrae, in spite of his physical dirt, his talk is so much less offensive. Not perfect mind you, but a lot less vulgar than the rest of this lot.

  48. I think Andy’s goose is cooked. Judd and GM will both go to McCrae and tell him about the Exterminators and how Andy was a rat and that Andy and Spencer are working together. With a little finesse, McCrae will convince Spencer to nominate Andy, saying he wants GM out, so he should put up Andy. Spencer might bite thinking Andy is safe because GM is so loyal.

    Just my opinion.

  49. From what I hear ( my friend works on a different set) the Judd pulled rank on production and told them he would keep Amanda. That is why Julie Chen was not prepared to interview Amanda she was caught off guard. She thought Spencer was going home. Amanda and Elissa were still supposed tow be in the house raisi hell ans ratings. I heard CBS is pissed and that besides all of the legal ramifications this season brought they have been the most rebellious of all the cast and have refused so much of the prodding of production throwp fits when they did not get what the want and have constantly threatened to walk off the set. They have used foul language with production and have changed the way BB15 was supposed to turn out. The cast have used the live show to undermine productions authority. CBS would’ve taken their sweethearts (Amanda and Elissa)to the end in the most dramatic jaw dropping fashion. But the guys had something else in mind.

  50. I’ll be the first to admit that I made a big error in judgment when I thought that Elissa had some mastermind plan to out Andy to AM/MC. Her interview with Julie (MC the betrayer?? wtf!) gave me a reality check as to the limited ability for this season’s players to think strategically. I will continue to PRAY that GM or Judd clue MC in but I am not holding out any hope. Right now Spencer and Andy seem to have come to a consensus after Andy talked (snowed) Judd and Spencer had his “real” people” chat with GM. Damn. I said before I wasn’t going to pull for and jinx anybody because they all get “Andy played” so I am sorry Judd looks like you are out for the moment. Something could change so lets hope we can expect the unexpected. In this case I would settle for someone OUTING ANDY TO MC!! JUDD & GM YOU HAVE NOTHIBG TO LOSE!!

  51. In the double eviction hoh comp I do not think at all that it was rigged for mccrae…if anyone-dont hate me for this because I love Elissa- but it would have maybe been rigged for her if anyone because at the end interview with Julie when she said “I should’ve won that veto” it just seemed a bit weird..but if anyone I do NOT think anything has been rigged for Mccrae. And I love Elissa so please don’t twist this.!
    But then again, i could be wrong!

  52. Does anyone else find it funny that Judd thought Ian hated him but if you read Ian’s twitter he even admitted to Judd being one of his favorites. LOL.

  53. If mcrae has any brains? he will know his best bet is up against spencer in the final two. He should force a tie now so that spencer will have to break it and expose himself. judd & andy are his two biggest obstacles. andy the self-serving, lying, little weasle and judd a conniving, waffling suck-up.

  54. For those of you that think GM or Judd will out the exterminators …. i don’t believe it will happen!!! Spenser and Andy are ensuring both feel safe. Didn’t Mc tell someone that he wouldn’t take Andy to the final 2? I believe Judd goes home on Wednesday and Andy on Thursday. Just hoping it’s GM and MC for the F2. At this point I am not rooting for anyone I just don’t want Andy or Spenser making it to the final.

    1. Judd is out of smokes and he seems to have anger control issues on top of that. Throw in the xanax and booze and he is a train wreak waiting to happen.

  55. So glad McCrea won the vveto and put a monkey wrench into the exterminators F4 . The key to winning BB is to work with what is really happening. Not what you think is happening.. And/or want to happen..
    This will drive Andy nuts as he like to control everything.. His perception seems to be if you just lie enough, including to yourself, all will turn out OK… Reminds me of a person with an obsessive – compulsive disorder. He does it over and over and over…….Lies his only solution to every senario.. Now he spends as much time and energy making up more lies to cover other lies.. It’s sooo funny.. LOL

  56. There’s no way Andy will get votes if he’s in final two. As if, he didn’t do anything to deserve $500,000. Bit being a rat. Jury won’t vote for him, his game isn’t as good as he thinks.

  57. I”ll be damned! Could McRae ACUALLY win this thing? Just imagine what a beast he would have been had Amanda not screwed up his game…or was this his plan all along?….

    1. The only way Mcrae can win (IMHO) is if he makes a deal with one of the two on the block now (GM or Judd) and that person stays. Then either Mcrae or his new ally must win HOH next week and put up Andy and Spencer, then KEEP them up through the veto to get rid of one of them. Finally the new alliance would need to win the final HOH and select the other to go to the final two.

      Frankly, I don’t think there’s a male in the house with enough “sack” to make a move to shake up anything, or at least they haven’t shown it up to this point. That means the best lier wins, and clearly that is the rat-man.

  58. Judd, you are probably going to be blindsided again, but you have no one to blame but yourself. You were lucky that Elissa won HOH when you came back because had it been anyone else you would have been right back out the door. After she saved you, you turned your back on her and trusted the weasel who had a huge part in blindsiding you the first time.

    1. Exactly. He is dumber than a sack of rocks, as is Mcrae, for voting out Elissa. One of the many reasons this season has been so disappointing. Spencer has done nothing but float. Andy has done nothing but float, lie and backstab. Judd has been evicted (to his total shock) and then come back to coattail ride to this point, doing nothing but voting along with his exterminator alliance.

      Mcrae used the meat-shield and slept his way through the season until she was gone.

      GM is the only one of those left who has actually competed somewhat strongly, and even she rode Arryn’s coattails for the first half of the season.

    2. Ya, he deserves it for trusting the weasel and not respecting the opinion of the woman that was there when he was not.

  59. There is probably more gameplay going on in the jury house than in the bb house right now. Maybe the best floater win, unfortunately.

  60. I hope Andy wins. He has been the only one who seems to know how to play the game. I hope production starts to give him the heads up to STFU about Elissa and the rest of the evictees. I just hate that. Glad to see Judd going out soon, I had once envisioned a F2 of him and Elissa, but he squandered that chance. I think whatever the stipend is, is more than enough compensation for GM’s contribution to this craptastic season. McCrae spent his time in a sexual coma, I think that’s reward enough for this unattractive boy, don’t you? Spencer’s Mom is defending him, while his Dad And brother are seeking election (and reelection for Judge Clawson), his work in attempting to bring shame on his family is almost done. Put your homophobia aside and recognize that the rat has earned his cheese.

  61. That’s real nice Judd still calling Elissa the c word!!! She was the only one on your side when you came back, you stupid shit!!!

  62. McStinky is taking a shower!!! OMG! This is the 2nd shower in two days. I think that’s a record for him. Of course I’m not counting the comps they scheduled to hose him down when the stench got too bad.

  63. Looks like this season is following last seaon when it comes to the linear layout of the season for each episode. If so it should play out like this..

    9/8 HOH nominations

    9/11 POV competition results, LIVE eviction and Live HOH competition

    9/12 HOH nomination, POV competition results, Live eviction

    9/15 Final 3 dinner, Final HOH part 1

    9/16 Final HOH part 2/3, Live Jury vote

    Hows that sound to everyone??

  64. is everyone forgetting that this is a game. As much as we dislike Andy and we all know what a rat he is, he has played the game better than anyone left in the house. The votes should be about who has played the game the best, not personal reasons. Same goes for the game of Survivor. It’s not about backstabbing, Andy has played this so far the best

  65. if andy somehow pulls this off and wins bb15, he will be the first ever from any of these ridiculous reality shows to play both sides, never get caught, and win

  66. McCrae just told Andy that he got suspicious of Judd what he said not to trust Andy!!!! I can’t believe how Andy has lied to all of them but no one is smart enough to catch on. Andy is even bragging about things he has done in the game.

  67. As trashy as the remaining HG are, I hope they do get someone to look at GM’s knee. That looks painful. Who knows what kind of bacteria is crawling around that disgustingly filthy house!

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