Azah “You’re the one that wanted the power to switch teams mother-trucker. I’m a joker till I die!”

HOH: Tiffany
HAVENOTS: BIGD, Alyssa and Claire
Nominations: Alyssa and Xavier
Power of Veto Players:
Power of Veto:
Power of Veto Ceremony:

Big Brother 23 Houseguest Rankings – – RANK THE HOUSEGUESTS –
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Big Brother Spoilers – Alyssa and X are nominated. Alyssa is the target. Alyssa winning Veto could bring some drama. Otherwise, it’s zzzzzz for the most part.

Bedroom – Azah, Alyssa, Xavier, Big D and Hannah.
Big D – I am just the pawn this season. That is what I said to Sarah Beth and Tiff .. same thing. You know I am trying my best to win and I feel like I can’t f**king win. On top of that you know what I feel like I am going to be the pawn and I don’t know where is your head at?! I stand on my own. I am on a lonely island. You know!? I haven’t made any deals. I haven’t even made deal with this .. Azah. That is the honest truth. Love her but I am on my own island. Azah – But I am on the island too. Big D – You’re on a different island. I’m on my own island! I have made it clear. I have no ties!! So that is how I go into these speeches with these HOHs and they look at me like… Azah – you’re the one that wanted the power to switch teams mother-trucker. I’m a joker till I die! Xavier – you wanted Tiffany’s power then? Azah, Alyssa and Big D leave. Hannah to Xavier – how are you feeling? Xavier – I’m good. It is what it is. Hannah – but you obviously have to play up sadness or the defeat. Xavier – Mmmmhmmmm.. it is what it is.

Living room. Big D and Tiffany.
Big D – She (Alyssa) asked me to play for her. I said yeah of course. Tiff – yeah. Big D – we’re almost there. I just want to get there. Tiff – we’re almost there. We just have to make sure this week goes through. Big D – Mmmmmhmmmm.. But it will probably be ZING-BOT tomorrow. I can feel it. I feel it. I feel the jokes coming!

5:39pm Big Brother opens up the backyard. Hannah – that means its going to be ZING-BOT tomorrow and we’re going to be one at a time in the basement. They wonder if it could be the dark room comp. Ky – I am just going to assume that I am one of the two people not competing just because that would make me sad. Hannah – watch its going to be Azah, Big D and Claire that are picked so it will just be me and Ky chilling. Azah gets called out to fix her mic. Ky tells her to wear it like the guys around her neck. She does it and it tightens up. Azah – I like to be choked.

Kitchen Table – Tiffany and Alyssa. Tiff to Alyssa – do you think he missed SB? Alyssa nods yes. Alyssa – ZING-BOT zing.. 100%%%%! Guaranteed! Tiff – That is his fault! He is going to blame it on me. If they say anything me roasting her .. I am going to be in trouble. It would be like KYLAND I would roast you on Sarah Beth but Tiffany… They both laugh.

6pm – 6:20pm Backyard. Azah and Tiffany.
Tiff – is everything okay out here? Azah – its all good. I am worried about HOH next week if Kyland wins. I want him to win and on the other hand I don’t want him to win. I want him to win so that he can’t play in the six. On the other hand, I don’t want him to win because.. Tiff – For the double? What do you think he would do? He would take out Claire. He couldn’t.. AZAH! Azah – I would trust you to put two Cookout members up. But I wouldn’t trust him to put two Cookout members up. Tiff – because you think he would put up the wrong two? Azah – he might put up me and you. Tiff – it doesn’t matter if he does. If someone wins the power of veto ..even if its .. no f**k that.. it can’t be Claire. Whoever wins it, they’re going to use it and then he’s going to put her up. Even if it is me and you, it doesn’t matter as long as she doesn’t win it. Even if Hannah wins it and pulls you down .. Claire is going up next to me. I think X will win this one and I don’t think he will throw any more competitions. Azah – I don’t think he will throw anymore competitions. Tiff – I think X will win it. He doesn’t need Ky to take out Claire. I think X will win it and he will put up two members of the cookout .. it will probably be me because I haven’t been up. As long as someone wins it and pulls us down .. then she goes up.

6:30pm – 6:45pm Backyard – Block mates – Xavier and Alyssa.
Xavier – do you think it would be face swap? Alyssa – Ummm. I don’t even know. I can’t even think straight being on slop. Honestly. If its anything memory, I am losing! Xavier – confidence is running high. Alyssa – I just don’t have the energy for this game anymore honestly. I have no energy. Talking about it, I am just not in it anymore. For how good everyone competes here its not going to be an easy win for us. There are a lot of good competitors here. We could always not win things and stay safe. If you get house guest choice who are you going to pick. I am going to pick Big D. Xavier – that’s a good question, I don’t know. Alyssa – I think you should pick Azah. If Azah wins it and you come down, Big D would go up but I don’t think he would go home. Xavier – I am thinking that Hannah might be the best option. Truthfully, I would want to pick someone that I could beat so I would pick Big D. I don’t think anyone would use it on us so I would pick someone that I could beat like Big D or Azah. Alyssa – I just don’t care anymore. Xavier – I can see it on your face. Alyssa – I don’t see who keeping Ky helps her game. Xavier – easy, anyone sitting next to Ky, Ky goes home. Alyssa – I don’t think so.

Backyard – Alyssa and Big D
Big D – Since he lost to Sarah Beth he’s been quite. Alyssa – he’s quite? He’s been kissing a$$ since day 1! He is having a conversation with AZAH! He is (kissing noise) his way to final two. Big D – well you know what, he don’t get my vote! No f**k that! Alyssa – would you really use the veto on me? I don’t think that would be smart if you did. I don’t think you would use the veto on me. Big D – why? Alyssa – think about it.. if you do that Azah could go up instead of me. Big D – I know I just feel bad. Alyssa – Like I will still pick you but I don’t think you would use it. Big D – I have to wait till I see how the house feels. You get what I mean? Alyssa – so you would at least consider it? Big D – Yes, absolutely because you took me down .. I only have Azah. Did she (Tiff) say who she wants out? Alyssa – I don’t really know .. the plan is me or X. I don’t think she really cares who it is. Double homicide. Big D – I think if I did try to use the veto on you she would probably tell me I’m a throw up Azah. Alyssa – well Azah wouldn’t go home. You said you’re on your own island .. you have to make your own decisions. Azah would not go home.

7:43pm – 8pm HOH room – Claire, Tiffany and Hannah.
Hannah – I was kind of thinking if X was going to choose me for House Guest choice, then you can choose her (Claire) and then you have both. Plus if Ky thinks X and I are like this (fingers crossed) and then he doesn’t see you (Tiff) as influential as you really are because you’ve gone from having two people to only having one because I’m with X and Azah. Tiff – yeah, I say if you’re chose.. I need you to play. I don’t care what he thinks. Hannah – and then I will just keep noms the same. They start studying the days / events of the season.

8:30pm – 8:45pm HOH room. Xavier, Hannah and Tiffany.
Tiff – I was able to have conversation with everyone almost but you (Xavier) today about our plans for the six and I know that you, me and Chaddha have always discussed or since we discussed it we all agreed to work together to get to the end. Do you still feel that way? Xavier – I do. Hannah – me too. Tiff – okay me too. Especially after the conversations that I had today. Xavier – what was the vibe that you got from everyone today? Tiff – Big D said that he pretty much only thought about getting to the six and is not thinking about making any moves or deals .. which I don’t know if they were all lies but that is what he is telling me he is giving me nothing and that lets me know that he has no intention of working with me and he has no intention of telling me he has plans to work with .. but I do know that he is working with people and is definitely not offering me anything. So that makes me feel like I am really low if not first on his list of the six.

9pm Dinner time..

10pm Alyssa and Big D playing chess..

10:35pm Living room. Claire and Azah.
Claire tells Azah – all my things are together.. just in case its a double and I go out. Azah – oh my god! What is wrong with me? I haven’t even .. I’ve thought about that but I didn’t think about the fact that we have to pack. Claire – well you don’t really have to fully pack because they won’t give us our suit cases. You just have to have .. all my things together and then you tell someone where all my stuff is. Then it comes, it goes and then you’re out the door. Azah – so I haven’t felt this way since and SB sat me down and shared your conspiracy theories but that scares the shiitake mushrooms out of me. Claire – I know.. and the thing is this is most likely going to happen .. the double is coming!

11:40pm – 12am Backyard – Hannah, Claire and Azah chatting about random things. Hannah brings up how Tiffany told her that Frenchie told Tiff to watch out for Hannah. I was like that’s nice he told someone that was older to look out for me but no he told her to look out for me because I was dangerous.

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40 thoughts to “Azah “You’re the one that wanted the power to switch teams mother-trucker. I’m a joker till I die!””

  1. X is most definitely trying to break the cookout but blame Tiff for the breakage.
    He’s now gone to both Ky and Couch about keeping Alyssa.
    His reasoning: If Claire stays and wins, Claire puts up 2 guys.
    If Alyssa stays and we throw it to her, she gets rid of our Tiff problem.
    In orher words, exactly what he’s been planning since week 5.

    Yes, Tiff has a similar interest in Claire. Not saying otherwise.
    I’m saying X is making all the moves to break the alliance for the second week in a row.

    1. It’s a smart logical plan so good for him.

      I do wonder if Tiffany would put up Claire and not Kyland/Big D if she has any inkling that they helped Alyssa win the Veto in any way.

      I have serious doubts Alyssa will win this Veto but I want her to just like I wanted Sarah Beth to win last week if only to root for an underdog.

      1. I’m actually not judging. At least not moralizing. Tactically it should have been done last week.
        I’m expecting another feed block. You know, some more re-education of the houseguests to get them back in line.
        They are now “assuming” the veto is going to be individual timed for the third week in a row.
        And it will be zingbot in the basement. And it’s a double eviction this week
        Gee. Um. Why is production telling them everything?

        Every time I mention cracks forming in the cookout I half expect to be chastised by the ‘cookout is for a greater cause’ crowd that forgets it’s also six individuals that want the cash prize all for themselves. Not one of them has talked about splitting it with every former black houseguest, or current, or donating it to the cause, which tells me oh yeah, cookout is an alliance of strangers that say cause and mission a lot until they smell the cash.

        1. Any Cookout member that directly breaks the Cookout before the final 6 would loose the Cookout jury votes and they know it.The only loophole is throwing HOH at 7 to the non-Cookout (X’s plan) but with that now being Claire it’s a moot point.

          1. That’s not a loophole. That’s breaking the pact.
            The pact is six to the final six. Not oops I don’t know HOW my plus one misfired like that.
            And let’s say X had followed through with his idea of taking Alyssa to the final 2 and then say mission to the cookout in the jury. Who gets the heat? X for taking non cookout to the end, or the cookout jurors that don’t vote mission? Because at this point cookout and mission becomes a threat of irl social effect on the members.
            Let’s say X follows through on his plan he’s been slowly backing away from…. let’s say he engineers Alyssa getting off the block.
            He has outright said Tiff broke the cookout pact by winning HOH this week, to both Ky and Couch, because Alyssa is leaving (something he NEVER said when Ky did it, because it didn’t effect HIM personally). Hypothetically, If he were to save Alyssa, and in retaliation, Tiff put up another cookout man… who actually broke the pact?

            • Tiff for winning out of order and still targeting a non cookout?
            • X for saving Alyssa to intentionally screw Tiff (his stated intent)
            • Tiff for retaliating?

            Who gets the heat? In the house? Not X.
            In the public eye?

            But then, I’m sure X has already been in to production to manbaby at them.

        2. Let’s vote for Larry elder for the cause in CA!! 1. He is black, 2. Would make him 1st black gov of CA.

          For the cause!! No newsiome

    2. I’m surprised Tiff can’t taste Xavier’s salty energy whenever he enters the room. Also, the fact that X wasn’t angry at Ky whatsoever for screwing up the Azah HOH plan, yet immediately went in on Tiff…does he really think Ky would have nominated Claire over Alyssa? lol

      1. That has to do with ego. Remember that Kyland and X couldn’t stand it when Hannah won a competition instead of them

    3. I thought i read that X wanted Claire out first, so that he could tell Alyssa about the CO at 7 and tell her she was kinda in the CO because she is a POC. Which is STUUUUPID! That it would make her feel good and that she would understand.

      Please correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought i read that here on OBB.

      1. He’s wanted Alyssa to be the last one of the plus ones because she is HIS plus one.
        He’s already insinuated the POC winner cause to her, but not talked about alliance.
        He’s hoping he can use her to take out one of the other five cookout members.
        The tell her she’s a part of the group thing? Subterfuge for why he wants to keep her.
        He already openly stated she wasn’t POC enough to take to final two in one of his cam talks.

        1. “Let that be Your Last Battlefield”

          these guys would make for a helluva BB season
          POC is a funny acronym used in our world where all people are a colour of some kind

  2. I think this is the 1st season in a very long time that there hasn’t been anyone from the outside that forced a lockdown

    1. they sent cease and desists to people that had bullhorned in the past, and increased security this season. There was a meeting held by the producers about closing the backyard for a week when Dx was evicted in case bullhorners did come to spoil the cookout. Instead they increased security even more.

      1. How do you get the inside information on Production and a lot of the ins and outs? Do you live in CA around the BB studios? Don’t get me wrong, I love that you have this inside info on the happenings and are willing to share it. Give us more!!

        1. Some of the prodo stuff and the casting stuff in general? I know from former jobs and friends still in the industry.
          Some of the specifics for this season, I read in articles. The security info this season? A one time bullhorner posted the cease and desist. There were also articles about the security changes. I read two, but only remember one was a tmz, the second, if i could remember I’d site.

    2. I saw photos on Facebook of a sky writing plane telling about the CO. It flew over with 2 different messages and the caption said that houseguests were brought in and kept inside until the plane was gone. That was a week or two ago. The pictures looked real.

  3. Note: If the zing on Kyland is as weak as the ones they are discussing, there would be an audience revolt. I think the subject of Kyland’s zing will revolve around keeping people hostage with his words

    1. The zings are not going to be hot.
      Claire it’ll be something like ‘claaa-ire, do you plan on start-ing to plaaay the game be-fooore or afff-ter you are —– evicted’
      Alyssa? ‘ i’d ask you a ques-tion… but who’s going to throw you the Annn-swer?’
      Azah? seriously? Zingbot can only zing people actually participating.
      Ky? something about never finishing a sentence.

      They aren’t going to go in hard on them. At. All.

      1. X? You say you’re a barrrr-tenderrrrr, but you go to bed before any bars open. Zing!

        Yep, zings won’t really be zings this season. I wonder if X and Ky have been told a list of possible zings in the DR, so that they can approve them?

  4. Maybe it’s time to realize that, yes, these people don’t like each other. They have nothing in common to build anything. They bore each other and need to weave bs for entertainment. It’s all about the cash. It’s not personal “I just don’t like you or enjoy your company”—it’s game. Whatever. They kinda bore me too

  5. CO for the win. If they win like this for next 10 years it will all be just given to them & production driven. So if they take pride in that kind of win, well then be happy. The rest know they will never be a real win, no matter how much they try to tell you otherwise. Never measure up to normal BB seasons/wins.

  6. Remember how I said Ky’s jibberjabber kyversations with SB were pointless?
    That’s sort of how I’m feeling about whatever tf Hannah thinks she is doing with Alyssa in their bathroom talk. It’s… either she’s andytheratting Tiff, OR she’s 100% lying her face off to Alyssa for no reason. I can’t actually tell.
    So far she’s said she might use veto on Alyssa ( i think?), will vote for Alyssa to stay, and needs Alyssa to push for Ky to go on the block with her (or Couch?… there was interplay there)
    I know, they’ve got that totally didn’t matter until wednesday last week alliance thing going on….but, this seems absolutely pointless.
    I have NO clue what she’s doing, but something smells.
    Especially since all of what she’s doing flies in the face of her post feedcut re-education on cams that she just did a couple of hours ago.


    • She’s trying to act like she isn’t close with Tiff, hoping Alyssa spills to X to get X’s grace.
    • She’s actually planning to snake at the vote
    • She’s actually hoping the veto is used so she can do one of the above
    • She’s trying to make Alyssa feel comfortable and supported for a jury vote she’s never getting if she sits with a man.

    If I got the entire thing wrong and just didn’t understand wtf that was about… someone please correct me, because i’m a bit confused by that talk.

    1. I’ve been saying it for weeks. Hannah is a cold-hearted back stabber. She totally used DX, and I think she’s doing the same thing to Tiffany, Claire and anybody else she can that she thinks will help her get to the end and have a chance to win. Your personification of her as Andytherat is on the money.

      For those who want to point out that Big Brother is a game of lying and back stabbing, don’t bother. I know that, but I also know that most people who play the game are loyal to at least ONE person in the game when they play it. Some are just total cold-hearted back stabbers, and it appears Hannah, as sweet as she tries to appear, is one of those.

      1. I don’t typically have a problem with a rat game. Or with a real floater game when done well (a real floater game is actually the hardest social strategy to pull off).
        With Hannah, I just don’t know what her game actually IS.
        Under the radar and lying? Um. Try selling that to the jury as what should win.
        Is she respected by the jurors? no. Liked and respected are way different things.
        At this point, she can only actually beat Azah or Couch in finals.
        What game move can Hannah claim as her own?
        X and Couch are claiming formation of cookout (though there is speculation Tiff brought the idea to Couch to begin with).
        Tiff is claiming the plus one plan (though Couch tells Azah he actually thought about it before Tiff said something, so he deserves ownership).
        So far Hannah can claim? oh. The lied about roulette playing and lied about the coinflip? Won an individual timed veto? Her big moves are… not big.
        I see where she ‘thinks’ she’s pulling a modified floater game within the cookout, but, that’s not even going to get her the votes of the rest of the cookout, let alone the non cookout.

    2. she is acting like her friend. alysa can still win veto than hoh.
      also by telling her she would use the veto .. she wants to get picked so she can win to keep it the same

      1. from a game perspective if she’s telling Alyssa lies to give her false hope, she’s burning a jury vote. That’s why I’m confused.

    3. It’s not only Alyssa, she also does it with X…I think even more! After telling Derek X NOT TO PLAY the Chopping Block Roulette, I don’t trust her at all! That was cold to do that to a trusted friend. There were others that could have been evicted that week.

  7. Claire is getting her things together in case she is evicted during the double. She knows about the CO alliance. It would be great if she won the veto, took Alyssa off the block and another guy went up.

  8. I SO want to see Alyssa win that veto and take herself off the block, leaving Tiff to have to put up a replacement. The only remaining non-POC is her bestie, Claire. We might finally have an exciting week!!!

  9. Claire has all of her things together (basically packed, just not in a suitcase) in case its DE. But she doesn’t know what’s going on in the house. Yeah, that’s not suspicious at all.

    So far this week, we can confirm that production told the HGs: 1) Zingbot is coming, 2) Veto will be individually timed in the basement, 3) DE is next Thursday. We can also confirm that production told Claire to forget everything she figured out earlier this season, but she’s also right with what she figured out, so get packed.

    1. Claire said last week that evicting SB wasn’t the best move for her personal game. Maybe she will realize getting Alyssa out also isn’t the best move for her and she will make a move for herself. Doubtful but hopeful.

  10. After X showed Big D (with Ally present) last night how Christian ran his HOH & specifically said “it was like giving a kid HOH” it should be very clear to everyone what is going on.

    X always said Ally was his type & the reason he didn’t blow a gasket (like he is now) over losing Christian is it meant HE would get to spend 95% of his time with her. The man is l believe either in love or deep lust with Ally. Everyone is looking at his rants of throwing Ally POV, removing her himself or getting Ky to all while screwing Tiff over in the game as just being tied to him losing control or a deeper strategic choice to take Ally to the end where he’ll be guaranteed 5 CO votes.

    I disagree — IMHO everything he’s doing has a much more distinct purpose — to get in Ally’s pants!

  11. Xavier has moved on from whining & being a dick to outright trying to tear down Tiff’s game working hard on Azah …

    X: From a jury standpoint, I don’t know if any of us can sit next to her (Tiff) and win.
    (Oh but you aren’t the favorite to beat everyone right X?)
    Azah: Legit.
    X: You just gave everybody a reason to want to take you out. I hate selfish play when it comes to us. Cant stand that shit. Your reason is just “I wanted it”?
    (Really X — tell me was taking out DX better for Tiff, Hannah Ky & Azah’s game or JUST YOURS?)

    X: Mother f*ckers is like “I don’t want my person to go”. That’s what irritates me. Kyland, Tiffany and myself have won the most competitions but only one of us has been willing to sacrifice shit in every situation. Why am I looking out for everybody else?
    (That he can say that with a straight face is beyond me b/c Ally wants Tiff or Azah out NOT Big D & not Ky & won’t touch Hannah b/c of X.)

    I mean Azah pull your f*cking head out of his ass. He is the MOST selfish person in the CO (I mean if DF had any comp ability it would be him but he can’t win so…) & prior to this week the ONLY time someone left before he wanted was Christian & he tried to flip the vote. He thinks he’s the only one allowed to change the script or push his order. X is NOT a team player & YOU are not someone he will take over Big D or Ky or Hannah to F2 — SO WAKE THE F UP!

    The good news is the CO all want to throw this upcoming DE HOH to Big D. The 5 CO who can play are seriously setting up the house for a Claire vs. Big D battle & believe he’ll win it. I guess TPTB could hand him all the answers & we’ll need to keep an eye for him suddenly knowing showcasing comp ability after he’s been first or second out in every comp that required intelligence — so not highly suspect at all (please). If it’s anything else – physical, puzzle or skill my money is on Claire (and even mental if TPTB don’t screw with us).

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