POV Holder: | Amanda | Next POV | Aug 31st |
POV Used | POV Ceremony | Aug 26th | |
HOH Winner: | Elissa | Next HOH: | Aug 29th |
Original Nominations: | Aaryn and McCrae | ||
Current Nominations: | Last Evicted Houseguest | David, Nick, Jeremy, Kaitlin, Howard, Candice, Jessie. Helen | |
Have Nots |
The cameras are acting erratic, GM and Amanda start to scream . Elissa opens the HOH door to see what is going on.
GM tells her the cameras are acting funny. Elissa comes down the stairs for a minute then heads back up to the HOH room.
Big Brother 15 N*de flashback times here
9:14pm Elissa is alone in the HOH room laughing and smiling over by the spy screen. She looks around then says “Oh My GOSH!” She then heads into the HOH bathroom. The camera view switches to the cockpit but the audio is still on Elissa in the HOH room and she says “What is going on!” (I think the camera operators were just acting really odd. The others downstairs noticed the camera’s spinning around. Elissa heard them screaming downstairs and went to check then came back up to the HOH room. I think it was just the HOH room camera operator acting weird making Elissa laugh.)
9:16pm Cockpit Aaryn and JUDD
Aaryn says production is probably going to give Elissa a power because she is threatening to leave.
JUDD thinks they are due for a Pandora’s box he points out that production doesn’t want anyone to leave because it messes up their show. JUDD then tells the powers they give players are random.
Aaryn whispers to him “It’s a TV show.. don’t forget that.. sometimes I do”
9:23 Kitchen
Amanda says she asks the DR what was going on with the photo booth and they told her they needed more pictures.
9:29PM Photo Booth pictures are almost done
9:36pm Bedroom Amanda and MC
AManda says when Elissa left the cockpit last night she was dead set on putting up GM but after JUDD talked to her this morning she seems to be putting Andy up. MC says it will suck if they give Elissa a power after her getting MVP for 3 weeks in a row.
JUDD joins them wonders why they haven’t gotten a Pandora’s box yet. MC says production was waiting for ELissa to win HOH. Amanda thinks they will have to hang out with Rachel and Elissa will get a power.
Amanda starts looking through the rulebook there is a map in the book that show the pandora’s box room. Amanda reads a line from the rule book about what the houseguests should do in the event that there is a intruder in the back yard. THey are instructed to go to the Diary room immediately and are not supposed to engages the intruder. MC says that is what he’ll do if Rachel comes into the house.
9:49pm HOH Elissa and JUDD
Elissa asks him what happens when you get Pandora’s box
JUDD says the door in the HOH has a question mark on it and there is two envelopes.
E – Amanda freaks me out
J – She’s still reading the rulebook
E – Oh my gosh she is so crazy.. why does she hate me so much
J – no idea.. because they are too good to be put up on the block
J – I hope I get HOH next week
JUDD asks if she is still putting up Andy
Elissa – I don’t know JUDD i’m really upset I haven’t been thinking about it.
JUDD doesn’t think Amanda will say anything more tonight. He points out that Amanda cannot physically touch Elissa and if she does she gets removed from the house.
E – “it doesn’t feel good for someone screaming at you yelling out insults to families… she was following me up the stairs thank god she dropped her drink.. I’m going to go make a sandwich or something .. Hmmmm ummmm “
They head downstairs
9:56pm Elissa, Andy, Spencer and JUDD
Andy says he was talking to GM and they asked her if she was going to vote for Andy to stay and she wasn’t able to give them a straight answer. JUDD and Spencer confirm this is how it happened.
A – you have three people here that will not screw you over.. three votes to get Aaryn out right here.
E – can you say that in front of GM
A – that is going to cause some trouble
S – that is what she said I don’t want to start a fight
GM joins them.
E – Gm the guys were saying
Andy interrupts.. Asks GM if she will vote to keep him him
GM – I told her personally that I will vote Aaryn out.. Sure she is my friend but I came into this game by myself and i’ll play by myself.
E – you shouldn’t even explain yourself.. That’s all I need to hear(Elissa leaves)
A – so you are saying you will keep me if I go up
GM – yes
GM – Aaryn is distancing herself from me.. she’s always with Amanda and McCrae.. Amanda is in her ear all the time..
A – I am scared shitless that I am going home.. can I count on your votes.
Gm says yes they have three votes in the backyard right now.
Andy says he’s pretty sure he’s going up now.. “The way she just acted insinuated I was going up”
10:06pm Bedroom Amanda, Andy and Aaryn
Andy retells what happened in the backyard.. says he’s going up.
Aaryn – I’m going home..
10:10pm GM and Aaryn bathroom
GM excited that she is not going on the block. “I gotta stay off to keep you were .. my bunny”
GM explains that Elissa thinks GM is the swing vote. GM tells Elissa that Spencer and JUDD want to vote Aaryn out. Elissa doesn’t know what Amanda and McCrae will do but she thinks they will vote to keep Aaryn.
GM retells what she told Elissa about how she’s in this game by herself and she’ll do whatever it takes to stay another week. “Why would they ever think I would vote you out. they are crazy” (GM is laughing like crazy)
GM: “you’re my bunny forever.. ha ah ha hha hahah a”
GM warns her to be careful around JUDD because he’s been talking to Elissa a lot.
GM – I don’t know what the F*** he’s been telling her..
Aaryn goes outside while GM showers and tells them GM just told her she is never going to vote her out. Aaryn asks them how on earth can Elissa believe that GM would ever vote her out. Spencer – Maybe she needs her processor updated..
10:24 bedroom Aaryn, Amanda and Andy
Andy says Elissa is back up in the HOH room hiding.
Andy – Elissa is a f** moron
Amanda – “I was told I cannot go into her HOH room”
Feeds cut
Amanda to Aaryn “We still have another 1/2 a day.. don’t worry about it yet.
10:44pm bedroom Andy and Aaryn
Andy – I don’t get it she’s hated GM for 9 weeks I’ve been her friend since day one I don’t get it
Aaryn – She thinks you Amanda and MCCrae are working together.
Andy leaves
(There was a conversation after this that included GM and Amanda. In that conversation GM tells Amanda she’s been lying to Elissa the entire time and has no intentions to vote out Aaryn. She also shares her dislike for Specner with Amanda. )
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10:40pm Backyard Andy, JUDD and Spencer
(Andy is freaking out that he is going up)
Spencer – Dude how dedicated are you to working with Elissa.
JUDD fumbles his works says he wants to work with them all
Andy – ELissa is not logical the minute she gets an idea in her head she throws out all logic
S – we sat her down in the cockpit and told her we have three votes and she still puts Andy up
JUDD says it would have made more sense for Elissa toi have put up Amanda and McCrae.
JUDD tells them he trusts them both 112%
J – if I go up tomorrow I am for sure going home
A – part of me still thinks Amanda and McCrae are trying to pull some funny business..
J – you think i could go up
A – no it’s going to be me.. what happened here 30 minutes ago solidified it.
S – I think Elissa likes working with woman
A – Elissa wasn’t on my radar but if I go up tomorrow i’m gunning for her.. what am i supposed to do… If she wins HOH she’ll probably just put me up again.
A – I was someone completely willing to work with her.
A – what is she thinking she hated GM for 9 weeks and I was the only person that was nice to her and kept it up throughout the game.. this is the biggest f** slap in the face to me.
A – Oh my god I’m going to scream at her..
J – do not do that
Andy points out that GM also voted out Helen. He wishes they could have kept Helen last week because Helen would have never nominated him. Andy says that Amanda light the fire under Elissa’s a$$ last week that is why she won’t the veto
S – AManda needs to shut the f*&&* up
11:04pm backyard Spencer, Amanda and Andy
Amada tells them GM is mad and Andy, Spencer and JUDD because she thinks they are all trying to get her nominated.
JUDD leaves..
They tell Amanda that JUDD is working with Elissa.
Andy is now worried that he told JUDD Elissa is on his radar now. Spencer doesn’t think it will matter Elissa is on everyone radar next week. Amanda asks them if JUDD would put Amanda up. Spencer doesn’t think he would Andy adds that JUDD is pissed at Amanda and McCrae. They both have trouble reading what JUDD is thinking.
11:31pm bedroom Andy and Amanda
Andy is panicking about what will they tell JUDD after he goes up and Aaryn starts telling everyone about their scheme to get GM up on the block. (When this comes out it’s going to be damaging to Andy’s game.. Andy is in full panic mode seeing how he’s taking the stress right now does not bode well for his chances later in the week. I’m predicting a sh!t storm to erupt once all the 3AM lies start unraveling. This is great BB going on)
Andy say they have to beat Aaryn to the punch.
Amanda – why would Aaryn tell JUDD that
Andy – when it’s me and her on the block.. she’s going to tell him she knew about the plan all the time
Amanda – Deny it
Andy wants it to become common knowledge in the house before Aaryn can use it.
Amanda – I really wanted this to work
Andy – I know.. F*** Elissa
Amanda – You really don’t think it will work
Andy – no.. her f*** idiot stupid moronic robot mind has been programed on me and she’s not going to change
Amanda – she seemed dead set on not putting you up
Andy – she was for like a second
Amanda – so why were you in that room for so long
Andy – We were trying to convince her.. She was dead set on it but GM talked to her for like 10 seconds and changed her mind
Amanda – well you have nothing to worry about.. it’s just f** annoying
Amanda says that Elissa somehow knows that there is a plan to get GM up.
Amanda tells him to make it very clear to Elissa if he gets nominated he will be gunning for ELissa hardcore. Andy says he’s going to make it very clear to Elissa tomorrow.
12:00AM Hot Tub Aaryn, JUDD, McCrae Spencer and Andy
general chit chat
Aaryn’s Zing “in the beginning some people said you were acting mean and nasty But I disagree that wasn’t acting.. zing “
Spencer says David’s eviction speech and nomination speech were the worst of the season.
1) keep me in the house if you want to see me in a dress
2) keep me in the house and i’ll teach you how to surf Bra
Aaryn thinks they were hilarious says that is why he was cast for his personality.
JUDD – I didn’t think he had a great personality until I started hanging out with him.. then I liked him
12:15AM Scheming Amanda and McCrae
They say they love each other.
MC – We have to pick up Spencer instead of Aaryn
A – I just feel bad
MC – for Aaryn..
Feeds cut
Amanda is going to tell Aaryn the day of the vote and tell her they do not have the numbers. MC says Aaryn will see through that bullsh!t because she knows all she needs is our vote and she will be fine.
A – I can tell her that you… I can throw you under the bus
MC – what is she going to do.. we’ll need to figure out how to make GM on our side..
They are not going to do exactly what Andy wanted and act like he never knew about the plan to get GM nominated. (i’m not clear on what they are going to do)
Amanda – too bad that throw us under the bus
MC – You’ll have to talk to Andy first
Is this show really rigged???
Yes it is rigged. If some one believes the show isn’t rigged they are naive. Amanda is going to win the show. Some people argue that if it was rigged they would try and make her look good – they do try and make her look good… they don’t show 99% of the disgusting, racist, horrible things she has said. She seems to be the center of every episode (also has the most shown DR sessions), she said she has friends in production, she has worked for CBS, an ex CBS employee already leaked that she was going to win, etc. list goes on.
By the way… They didn’t show the hand that pushed Helen off from the last HOH comp on Sundays episode. They used a different camera angle on her so that we couldn’t see it. Sorry CBS too late! We already saw it 🙂 that is what live feeds are for lol.
proof of Helen:
That is unbelievable!! Even tho we’ve all suspected the show is rigged, to actually see that makes me ill. Thanks so much for posting that.
I think they didnt really push her as much as give her a tap to let her know “its time for you to “fall” now. If you watch it looks like as soon as the hand touches her the first time, Helen looks down to make sure it was time and according to what i read Candice fell right after Helen but the edit made it look like she was up there for a lot longer. If this show really is rigged, i think its funny because it just shows they dont care, they just want the sponsors for money and viewers to come back for their tv show. Ill continue to watch just because i get a laugh out of the cast for how they act.
Amanda wont win she could never get votes in jury like dan of last year im upper upper level management this cbs employee would have to be close to running production to have any knowledge we don’t tell bottom feeders anything unless we want them to here it I looked up gambling they show big brother on a few sites didn’t see any odds but trust me vegas wont put odds on anything rigged that’s why the only sport not on the board is wrestling because its rigged
yeah usually online betting is available for BB. This season I can’t find anything. That’s the biggest tip off for me too. I think the fix is elissa and/or Demanda and production doesn’t care which one. Anyone notice that some of the balls Elissa caught seemed to be tossed underhand. I wish they would show more Yoga stuff. She is amazing. ratings are up this year
She wasn’t pushed. There’s people back there fixing the boards to cover the back or you see the rigs back there. I saw fingers behind Spencer and someone saw them behind Elissa so it’s not fixed.
Wow, I have to be honest. Had I only read your comment, I wouldn’t have believed it. But looking at the evidence confirms it. I’m shocked. Don’t get me wrong, I know the show’s rigged & production plays a huge role in the game. But I had no idea they’d go that far. I figured Helen would be one they’d want bk in the house so she can go after Amanda & McCrae to make things interesting. However I do know that production knows America loves Judd. And I can c why they’d want him bk as well. I just can’t believe they pushed her off. I’m in shock.
***I’mso pissed Amanda won the damn Veto. I have to say, it makes that Supposed CBS employee saying she’s gonna win look a little more legit. And I hate that. It is quite funny how she hasn’t won crap this whole season then she just happens to win, when they need it the most. How convenient.
That link makes me sick!!!!!
Anybody here read “1984”?
Did Big Brother allow the people to do whatever they wanted?
Was Big Brother in control?
Did they determine outcome?
Is this show called “Real Life”?
Believe me, I’m not happy about what’s going on either.
But that’s the name of the game.
Apparently the winner has been predetermined to be amanduh according to an ex cbs employee who had a hand in picking the houseguests. She said that amanduh and mccrae would get into a spot that gets them almost evicted but amanduh pulls a win…POV. She also said she would divulge more the day before season finale night and it will prove again that it is predetermined. I have already decided that this is my last year for livefeeds and if amanduh does win it will be for sure my final year for BB which is sad to say. After amanduh’s behaviour today i have stayed away from the live feeds…..it is disgusting how she was allowed to get away with what she did for so long and now looking at the rule book to see what else she can get away with???? Also how she verbally attacks Elissa’s family is the lowest a person can go. To attack children is disgusting. I can see the green monster of jealousy poking its ugly head out of horseface. I wish someone would vote her out but it isnt going to happen…they already have her name on the cheque.
All you have to do is watch the love show to see. Close to the end when elissa was winning they had the water pounding her in the face and Amanda’s water was aimed at the wall beside her head. I love big brother I have watched it for years but this season is really gross.
Yeah, attacking a person’s family is the lowest someone can go… Hey, what about when Elissa called out people in production, then called out those same people’s families, and CBS didn’t show a second of it on any of the shows? Or, actually, they haven’t shown even a second of Elissa being anything other than a model wife/mother/christian, which we know is an absolute lie. Is that lower than Amanda? Or shall we just ignore all of that because Elissa is the victim here?
Oh, and Amanda definitely has the game rigged for her. Her BF goes up on the block and she wins the veto to save him and ensure she doesn’t go up? That’s exactly what she needed to happen, there’s no way it’s not rigged, right? Hey, how about how Elissa ABSOLUTELY HAD to win the HOH this week or she would have gone home… and then what happened? Oh, she won HOH! Damn, that must mean the game is rigged for Elissa; there’s no other way she would have won anything when she needed to unless it was rigged! DAMN YOU CBS YOU BASTARDS!
All of you need to get your heads out of your asses.
They are trying to create a bad girl – good girl show down between the two. They will be the final two. Elissa will win. All the stuff about Amanda was to distract us from what is really happening. Yes it is rigged. The producers take the game where they want it to go. This is why it is classfied as a reality show rather than a game show. If it were classified as a game show the producers would not be aloud to manipulate the game the way they do.
you nailed it ANG
I think you are the one who needs to get his/her head out of his/her a_ _
Great retort. Really, just fantastic. Do you have anything useful to add? Or do we, once again, just ignore everything Elissa has done and portray her as David and Amanda as Goliath?
They should just give her the money already. We could continue the game for 2nd place. i think they should have a 3rd place just for all of the aggravation Queen Amanda has caused…kick out MC for he will be sharing the 500K with his love…
Don’t Really Care Which One Goes, So Long As Andy Goes Up. If Andy Goes, Then It’s 3 Boys Vs 4 Girls. If Aaryn Goes, Then It’s A Strong Girl That Stays Because Of GM. Scary For Elissa. Either Is A Minus One For Team Mccranda. Game On
the caption of Aaryn @ 10:33 pm,… I didn’t realize she could be that attractive :p yum
She has gotten a little more plump in the last couple of weeks but I would still lick her raw. she is in need of a good hard f*ck! She is in position waiting for production
“she has one of the prettiest faces too bad she’s an overt racist”
Production has exactly what it wants, tons of publicity. They are so happy about what’s going on, and will do whatever it can to continue the discourse. I have a gut feeling they are hoping for the most hated finals ever, Amanda, Aaryn and Elissa. Not sure how they can get this combo to the end.
cbs wont get my business. dont watch the shows or the live feeds. all i do is read here because its so much easier 🙂
nobody gives a f*ck, hypocrite.
way to pick another fight dickhead. but here is where you are wrong. my comment about reading gets more thumbs up and your yet another demanda loving post gets thumbed down.
fuck off and leave the people alone who want to only read the website and not watch whatever
I’m amazed that CBS allowed this bullying to go on. And half-decent network would have have evicted Amanda for her shocking behavior. How would she feel if her kids get bullied like that some day? After she leaves the house, will her family and friends even want to be seen with her? I want to CBS’s official site and entered feedback that it was horrible their letting this bullying happen.
I think that production did tell her to stop after letting it go on for a while. On Big Brother after dark last night Amanda made the statement “maybe that is why they wanted it to stop”. I do think they called her into the DR and told her to knock it off.
How is Amanda any worse than GM or Aaryn? They have all bullied someone at some point….
Stop all this Amanda bashing!! You all hate her cause she has the balls to speak the truth!!
Michelle – you HAVE to be either a friend of family member of Amanda’s. No one in their right mind, other than family, would actually speak up in favor of this vile excuse of a human being.
Yes, CBS is probably happy for all the publicity. I remember seeing a clip from one of the online tabloids where they catch Julie Chen and her husband coming out of a restaurant a few weeks ago. They were asking Julie about all the racial talk in the BB house. Les Moonves just stood back with a giant grin on his face as Julie talked. Both him and Julie will probably get big bonuses this year.
btw Julie Chen is a minority TOO!
She would be bothered
as much by the racial bigotry as anyone…does not matter the color of your skin…racism is WRONG!
(Fyi: Her husband always smiles. He is CBS …. RICH!)
WTF? Julie Chen talked about the “racial slurs” on her daytime show “The Talk”. She also mentioned Aaryn being dropped by her talent or modeling agent and about GM
(I think) losing her job with some company that does pageants.
Jay-You-Double-Dee 112% !!!!!!!
So now I am confused. Is GM lying to Elissa or Aaryn and Amanda? And is Andy really anting to vote Aaryn out or is he just wanting GM up so they can all vote her out?
McCranda and Andy want Gina Marie nominated so they can vote her out, and keep the 3am alliance intact. Judd is being duped to think that Andy will be evicted, if he is nominated. This is why Judd has been pushing Elissa to nominate Gina Marie. At present, I believe Gina Marie intends to keep Aaryn, however, at the end of the day, once she is told by McCranda that they will be keeping Andy not Aaryn, Gina Marie will vote with the house and evict Aaryn.
we probably wont ever know what she wanted to do because it wont matter. demanda and mcpussy will vote aaryn out along with spencer and judd.
the hope now is that she team with elissa and judd for the next week. she has to know that’d be a better move for her due to elissa will genuinely work with her, whereas demanda and mcpussy only see her as disposable and a hopeful tool to use against elissa.
What I don’t get is why Spencer is trying so hard to keep Aaryn?? In his DR session we may see he really wants to go after Mcrands and if so losing Aaryn weakens them. But even if he decides to work with Mcranda then he becomes the fourth with Aaryn gone. Either way Aaryn gone is good for him. I can see him pretending he doesn’t want her gone but the things he’s actively doing would hurt him if they paid off.
Apparently Elissa & GM made a secret deal together but have to continue to act like both of them still do not like each other. So far so good, but i guess we will truly see if this a real deal if Aryan walks out the door and GM aka Deepthroat did vote against her. If Aaryn the Aryan would have kept her deal with Helen and pretended they were enemies and kept their secret alliance, then maybe she wouldn’t be in the nail polish drinking predicament that she has gotten herself into. Elissa is set on putting up Andy the gnger rat up and DeMANduh is acting crazy because for once she doesn’t control or influence a housemate(s) vote. (Boo-hoo.) Sorry crazy lady, your no Evil Dick fyi. Evil Dick came in as a punk and left as who he is, and well DeManduh, you came in as a supposively sane respectful businesslike woman, and is now acting like a complete crazy sociopath. (Koo-koo). Andy the ginger rat is pissing his pants because for the first time he too is not in the know. A rat without cheese is a figity rat. So I hope that explained some.
I don’t want Aaryn to stay and help out Amanda and McCrae but how great would it be for Andy to be put out by Elissa because McCranda betrayed him. I guess either scenario is a Win.
Ratboy got cold busted. He was ready to knife her and she drew first blood. Lighten up Ratboy “it’s just a game”. Now they want to tell Judd it was all fake, wow is he gonna be pissed off, but that’s what Keychain and Ahandjob want to take some heat off of them and the idiots can’t seem to grasp this. I was wrong in thinking that GM was a good nom. Kudos El, you being a hard head payed off on this one bigtime. So who do they send home? A competition beast that can help them of the rat that stayed loyal from day one. I wouldn’t be surprised if they gave El some kind of power to take herself off the block DPOV? Keychain and Ahandjob are in a real tight spot, Judd will be pissed for sure but it won’t distract him from getting rid of the stinky couple first. The question is where is GM’s head at? She’s got everyone confused. Oh what a week this will be. Even if El goes next week, she shook the house to it’s core. All bets are off now. Spencer might just slide into F2. He’s the biggest winner in all of this. LOL.
Didn’t Elissa allude to Judd that she thought them telling her to put up Andy was to fake her out into putting up GM? And, didn’t Judd try to tell her he didn’t believe that was true? Well, I think Amanda’s plan to fill Judd in on this will not only piss him off, but they are also ensuring that Judd will be fully trusting of Elissa. He will have to tell her she was right. I think he could use this to get Spencer with them. GM is still a wild card, but I do believe she will be grateful to Elissa for keeping her word not to put her up. I must say I have not been impressed with GM at all, but she found some humanity when she brought Elissa’s clothes to her. It’s funny that as gross as GM can be, she didn’t want Amanda to defile Elissa underwear/1 Kind of sad and funny at the same time. Stick to your guns Elissa and be strong. It doesn’t really matter which one goes home. For entertainment purposes, Elissa’s HOH has been the best by far.
Praying GM Isn’t Lying To Elissa
GM’s a floater and will go wherever “the house” goes, which is likely sending Aaryn out.
What I’m confused over is the stupidity of Amanda/McCrea. The house is shrinking, you are covered almost everywhere…and you work this hard and tie yourself up in a big overdone web in order to save Aaryn? Why? If anything they should be happy that somebody else is evicting an ally, while shoring up relationships with all the people who will still be in the house on Friday. Other than Andy winning HOH, I tend to think Amanda and McCrea have to go trade HOH from her on out. Amanda has made a spectacle of herself and Andy is the only one dumb enough to keep them safe.
If Amanda and McCrea were smart, they would have just shut up after the veto, accepted that Aaryn was likely cooked, and worked to ensure safety next week.
IS DISPLAYING AS ” A Spectacle “?
Really? Have you got her confused with someone else on
another reality show? Or maybe a soap opera?
It is no spectacle….Amanda Zuckerman is a MONSTER!
If you people really want CBS to listen to you, you don’t need to contact CBS. Instead, complain to the sponsors regarding the disgusting behaviour (which by the way comes on our televisions during a time when children watch tv). I have always believed that the only power the general public has is the power of consumerism. They have to feel it in their wallet before anything will get done.
If Paula Deen can lose sponsors for a racial comment made years ago, I’m really surprised some of CBS’s sponsors aren’t ready to take a step back. I realize the racist and derrogatory comments arent shown on the actual broadcast, but the feeds were offensive enough to cost 2 (and maybe 3) of the houseguests to their jobs.
Basically it looks like Elissa has no one. If that is the case I do hope they give her a Pandora’s box with something good in it. Because next Thursday i don’t know whether Judd or GM will have the balls to keep her.
Oh, and Ahandjob is a serious coke head. I live in the San Fernando Valley in CA and believe me I know one when I see one. The Xanax and Adderall is a dead giveaway.
I wish you would elaborate a little more. Why is that a dead giveaway? I’m not that well versed in drug lingo but isn’t cocaine a stimulant and Xanax a relaxant? How is Xanax and Adderall comparable to cocaine? Anyone?
Besides most coke heads are super skinny and often rely on it to keep them skinny right? Amanda is built like a sack of laundry. She doesn’t look like a coke head to me. Ijs.
That is hilarious! And i think she’s even gotten fatter on this show.
Both Are Synthetic Uppers
Here is some real basic information on the drugs you mentioned. When looking at the mechanisms of actions there are more uses than I’ve listed here but I would need to write a book to explain it all which would probably bore everyone to death. Also remember each drug has side effects as well as benefits in their use.
Xanax or Alprazolam is in a class of drugs called benzodiazepines. They are useful in treating anxiety, insomnia, agitation, seizures, muscle spasms, alcohol withdrawal and as a premedication for medical or dental procedures. Xanax tends to have a depressive effect on the nervous system causing drowsiness.
Adderall is a mixed amphetamine salt and is a strong stimulant. It is used to treat narcolepsy and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Cocaine is a stimulant, an appetite suppressant, and a topical anesthetic
The use of xanax or adderall does not infer the use of cocaine.
Short and sweet. Xanax stops the panic attacks brought on by the withdrawls and the paranoia that that comes about from the long term abuse if coke. Xanax is far from being an alcohol suppressant. I’ve seen many people pop two of those suckers and drink half a bottle. Adderall is a legal stimulant like coke. It doesn’t give you the same type of high but it gets you up there. Adderall is effective with people with hyperactivity because they are wound up and one dose of it sends you into overdrive, thus basically tiring the person out and making them”normal”. So when a person that isn’t hyperactive and takes it, it gives the person a zing and will hype them up, the only difference is that they aren’t licking their lips or grinding their teeth. No doubt you’ve done your research but I’ve seen it firsthand in many people in this town.
Basically Adderrall is what methadone is to heroin addicts but it’s for the cokeheads.
This is all similar to my understanding too. Roisin Dubh I’ve worked in mental health for 15+ years and there’s a lot of abuse of the stimulants: Dexedrine, Adderall, Ritalin, Strattera for those struggling with coke or meth addiction. Plus, I gotta say, I could totally buy this (rumour) about Demanda – her behaviour and erratic (nay, lunatic) ravings, along with having 0 filters on her mouth and irritability+ are classic symptoms of coke withdrawal. Sounds about right, doesn’t it?
Like Amanda Right!, How Many Times Have You Watched Amanda In An Adderyl High. I See It About An Hour After Dr Gives It To Her Daily. Even Aaryn Has Tagged Amanda AS Not Needing It.
You have NO idea what you are talking about esp. about how Adderall works to combat ADHD – go do a little PROPER research in the scientific journals.
Why is it it’s always the people that have no life experience with things are the first one to tell people who’ve seen it up close and personal that they don’t know what they’re talking about? Weird.
I Knew My Half As$ Response Would Draw You Out. All I Know Is Taking Something That You Don’t Need Works In The Opposite Of The Intended Effect/Affect
**Meant To Draw Out lucker001, The Rx Expert
Thank you all for elaborating. I get it now. I’ll be watching for the differences in behavior so I can see this stuff in action.
This is the worst big brother ever broadcasted where did they find these people they are dirtiest people that have moved in they have no respect and they are
so boring I dont think anyone should win give the money to a charity
Ok, I got to ask- what is Aaryn doing in that last picture? It’s like a circus in the house this season.
She’s been saying her hamstrings are sore.. she was stretching them prior to whipping out that fancy move
This is why I love your blog! You always pluck out the best screencaps and the best quotes! Even with a horrible season with a horrible cast, you make the spoilers and recaps so much fun to read. This is the best BB blog on the internet. Thanks for all your hard work.
Simon and Dawg are the best. This sight is the best because of their dedicated hard work and most of the posters with their insight and funny rants and jokes. You guys have me crackin up to the point where almost piss myself. This sight is by far a ray of light in the darkness.
This site is like a stream of bats piss………..Ummmm what I really mean is that this site is like a shaft of gold where all around is darkness
GM has me totally confused. If she’s telling Amanda she’s voting for Aaryn and she knows Aaryn needs 3 votes then she must really be voting for Aaryn to stay. I guess she’s lying yo Elissa so she doesnt get put on the block. I was relly hoping Elissa, Judd, and GM could work together. O well, I hope Judd and Elissa can make it to final 2.
I think she is true to her secret alliance with Elisa. She is just trying to keep the appearance that her and Elisa aren’t close. And I don’t think she trusts Andy and Spencer when they were also trying to get her up on the block and were lying to Elisa about her vote. I think tomorrow she will tell Elisa all about this alliance.
Ugh, what is the deal with GM? I thought for sure she was working with Elissa but her conversation with Aryan seems sincere. Honestly, I would be happy if either Andy or Aryan went home so it doesn’t really matter. Still, Aryan is likely going to win HOH and evict Judd or Elissa next week.
Was it production that said Amanda is not allowed in the HOH room? If that is the only penalty for her antics, it’s a lame slap of the wrist. I wish they would make her a Have Not for the rest of her time in the house unless she wins HOH.
GM is doing nothing more than the usual bullshitting – everyone does it – just in case Aaryn stays so Aaryn won’t nominate her if Aaryn gets the next HoH. But GM is so unbelievably stupid to think that they won’t tell Elissa that she is going around telling virtually everyone that she’s actually lying about voting out Aaryn.
she does not nor will not get a penalty for her antics….they aren’t against th rules. she cant go in hoh b/c she does not have elissas invite/permission.
Sounds like True Blood – The vamps need invites/permission to enter homes.
Nice one! 🙂
Anyone else notice how quick Amanda was to suggest that she tell Aaryn it’s McCrae’s fault they won’t be voting for her? Guess Amanda’s trying to rack up as many jury votes as she can at this point. Whatever happened to wanting her pizza boy to win it all?
Elissa has every right to keep the skank out of HOH !
WTF! Why does Amanda need to read the “house rules” ?
Checking to see what she can get away with? How is this in
anyway normal behavior? This is out of control by CBS!!!!
Actually it really does matter who gets sent home. At this point Andy has been rendered useless to McRanda because everyone now knows what a rat he is and won’t feed him anymore information. Aaryn on the other hand is stll hugely helpful to McRanda as she is good at winning HOHs and is their puppet when she is HOH. Essentially when Aaryn is HOH, McRanda is HOH. Aaryn needs to go to open this game up. Andy leaving won’t have much of an impact on this game.
Not even GM can be trusted.
These people are weird. Elissa winning is a miracle. Only person who is truthful to Elissa is Judd. Elissa made a huge mistake – Amanda/McCrae should have been on the block. Seriously.
If Judd is as smart as some of the hgs think he is then it’s a big mistake to tell him about what they were doing. Don’t get me wrong I hope they make that mistake. He doesn’t seem real happy about the way they treated Elissa already and now they gonna tell him they were only doing it to keep Andy off the block, EVEN THO they weren’t going to vote him off. On top of that, if he can put 2 and 2 together, he should be able to figure out that they wanted to save BOTH Andy and Aaryn. He should at least ask himself who did they want up. I actually hope he asks them who and why and questions them a bit so I can watch them backpedal. And if they tell him it should strengthen his bond with Elissa knowing she read the situation better than him.
Judd: I always find it hard to remember names, and it’s really embarrassing to have to ask people again, so I came up with an ingenious plan: ask them how they spell their name! Back home this guy named Fred thinks I’m retarded.
Andy: I’ve never had a problem remembering names. Do you know any celebrities?
Judd: I remember the year my uncle went to prison for forgery. It was around the same time I stopped getting birthday cards from Pamela Anderson.
Fred!! lol
Amanda said tonight that she is frustrated because she cannot run Elissa’s HOH. pOOOOOR BABY!!!!!! bOO HOO !!! ANDY “ELISSA IS A MORON FOR PUTTING ME UP” !!! I have been loyal to her .{ Yeah, right, that is why you are going to vote GM out and keep Aaryn} What are they putting in the water that these people think they are entitled to run a HOH they did not win, no one is allowed to put them up on the block, and you have to do anything and everything they say. If you tell them you are going to vote them out if you don’t vote my way, that is a threat, but they can say the same thing but that is different. These people are freakin idiots!!!!!
I think it is funny Amanda is not allowed to go up to Elissa”s HOH room, CBS I think told Amanda she is not well liked, but it has not changed her vile behavior. I think before it is over, Andy will be looking for another job, the same as McCray. I think these players families are going to be paying a price for the way their children have behaved on tv. Their businesses are going to be taking a big hit.
Amanda did a number on harrassing Elissa for whatever crazy
reasons…? Making threats and terrorizing her!?!
All the BB crew/production people can DO is say to this NUT
oops! Amanda you need to avoid the HOH room?!?
Amanda didn’t steal a cookie from the cookie jar WTF!
She is making threats on a national realty tv show on CBS!!
NOT…on Bravo and the housewives of Atlanta or New Jersey
where you expect crazy shit to go down!!
It is in their contracts to do – say – act – fuc n crazy!
personally I think mccrae will definitely definitely keep his job. who wouldn’t want to order a pizza in hopes of stuffing that jerk on a tip? that pizza place’s phone will be ringing off the hook when he comes home check-less.
but then again, after that conversation about how nasty he keeps his car that he delivers these pizzas in, maybe they might just cut ties with him since it is a food place after seeing his hygiene, or lack there of..
Do you really think McGross is a pizza delivery guy? I don’t. I believe he is lying about this just to throw people off. He’s probably somewhere up there with producing or something. He is really disgusting, nasty and vile but I’m not sure him being JUST a pizza delivery boy. Just wondering what you guys think.
someone said he works for a production company – and the pizza delivery thing was a ploy – the person he was delivering to was his dad…..and he was on a commerical for either scotch whiskey or irish whiskey…
I think no matter what Aaryn is going home because if she is up against Andy I don’t see McCranda voting him out over her.
My impression is that if Andy and Aryan are on the block, Aryan will stay and Andy will be evicted. Although McCrusty wants Andy to stay, Amanda wants Aryan to stay. She knows she can control Aryan better than Andy because Andy is more likely to fall in league with Spencer and Judd. Amanda will get her way over McCrusty for sure. So I believe that Andy will get evicted, the votes coming from McCrusty, Amanda, and GM.
Yup, except how bout this – Aryan does get evicted 3 to 2 with the 2 votes to evict Andy coming from Amanda & MC. Then it gets better – Andy still stays crawled up Amanda & MC’s butts even after they are the only votes to evict him. Of course Amanda would want to keep her hit man Aryan over her snitch. In this scenario, all of them stay true to their ridiculously insane & entitled natures. A trio of lying ratbag scum bullies who will all betray each other as quickly as their gang mentality stops being effective. Andy is nothing without his gang, MC could have been something but is less than nothing with his gang, Amanda is Jabba The Hut! I would luv to see Elissa in the Leia costume with a chain around Amanda’s neck. COULD ANYBODY WHO IS GOOD AT PHOTOSHOP PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE MAKE THAT HAPPEN?
That shot of Aaryn with her legs up……I’d like her to stay just for the eye candy factor.
Definitely one of the more interesting weeks we’ve seen in a while. What is up with the New Year’s Eve grandma Amanda? Losing her marbles (we know McRae doesn’t have any balls for her) lol
Why “granny”? WHORE aka Amanda has 65 cameras in the BB house….”dresses – up” for EXTRA camera attention!
Please BB staff – give – Amanda some Ritalin or whatever medicine cocktail needed to stabilize her cocaine withdrawal
or something for her chemical imbalance!
I might be alone here but I actually think we’re witnessing GM pull off the greatest performance of her life LOL!!! I don’t think she’s voting out Andy if he’s put up. I say this because GM only reassures Aaryn when Aaryn confronts her about it or when she brings up the way other HG’s are voting. In fact, it almost seemed like she was trying to avoid the conversation; ie: her being pissed at Spencer ( which is random as hell). If anything, GM is probably holding out hope that Mccranda will not vote out their most trusted (gag) Rat Puppet so she won’t have to betray Aaryn. Long story short, BYE BYE POPPY!!!!
sidenote: Andy is a fucking moron for gunning after Elissa now, as opposed to Mcminute and his BB Bride from Hell
I really hope you’re right!!!!
if Amanda is still there F4…..I will pull her out maself!
I have always thought GM would not vote out Aaryn. Gm and Aaryn have been friends since the beginning of the show. One heart to heart with Elissa in the HOH room isn’t going to change everything. Elissa putting up Andy is still the right move even if he does get voted out. Someone has to start chipping away at the 3 am alliance.
Elissa please set up the rat traps and throw Andy on the block. make the rat sweat and make him beg for votes.
So Elissa didn’t believe the BS even though her one partner-Judd-did, and the hgs are mad and calling her moron because she didn’t fall for it. My question is, has anyone in any season ever said “man we try to BS her/him and they saw right thru it and made a great move”.?
My God I have to laugh at Andy! “I’ve had her (Elissa’s) back since week 2” or whatever. HA! He was busy backstabbing Helen. AND he says horrible things about Elissa despite the fact that Amanda AKA “I’m just going to tell them I’m throwing you under the bus but I REALLY don’t mean it” is actually throwing him under the bus. This does not seem to register in Andy’s mind. If he gets a Hail Mary and Aaryn goes he will attack Elissa even though he owes her a half million apologies.
Judd must win HOH next week or so help me baby Jesus.. Seems like most of the HGs are walking on Amanda’s tight leash still, and McRae is gladly sitting on her lap (ew). Didn’t GM, aaryn and Jessie say they would not want to be roasted on national television because of Candice’s outburst? Well, I see a future of amanada terrorizing them one by one
If an intruder comes into the yard, MustyAvenger would be screaming like the other girls…
Not sure why everyone’s panties are in a wad…this is BB not Survivor! Ellissa is the lamest, biggest waste of a BB player ever! Anyone that is that unappreciative of being on the show..saying they will walk out of Jury..hiding in HOH. “I’m BB blood”…..it’s sad and laughable at the same time. Too bad Helen left..at least she loved the game….Elissa thinks she deserves special treatment.. she thinks we should be grateful she stays around. Puke! I can only hope whoever wins HOH next week puts her up on principle alone.
Did you know that McCrae is really blonde? That’s right, no one knows that.
That’s just a blonde wig he wears at the truck stops when he propositioning the truckers.
If that was true, we’d be seeing his blonde roots by now.
Oh Andy.. Our sweet gremlin ginger boy… Helen and her possé warned him he would be nominated. I’m definitely looking forward to an Andy meltdown once he gets voted off. This is why you don’t join the McNasty and Amandork goon squad *Shrugs* I hope Elissa gets a Pandora’s box soon, maybe big sis can do some damage control for Elissa.
Andy’s reactions this week have been both pathetic and fun to watch. He is so shortsighted that he cannot understand why anyone would think he is insincere. He believed wholeheartedly that every single person in the game would love him and keep him in the game regardless of the fact he lied to their faces and had an active role in getting them evicted.
You can’t hitch your wagon to that many horses without the horses noticing! And when they do, they will all drop you. It’s pathetic that he seems actually surprised at this outcome.
Having been a BB fan since the beginning, I can only laugh in derision at the idiotic and incredulous mess that is now BB15. It is insulting that they, TPTB, think that we are all mindless lemmings and will go along with whatever farce they throw our way. It has clearly been leaning this way for years, all the MActors, but Amanda has been the nail in the coffin for this show. Talk about a ringer. And their double whammy? Amanda AND Elissa. Yeah, we’re not all that gullible. BB has now lost all credibility. Hard to believe this ruse was not intentional. I could cast a better “reality” show recruiting bums off of skid row. Pathetic.
Stay strong Elissa, don’t fall for the BS. The weasel Andy needs to be nominated. Finally a HOH that McCranda can’t manipulate, intimidate, bully, terrorize or threaten. Can’t wait for Andy to be nominated and Aaryn sent packing. Look out McCranda, you’re next.
I think this house is full of so many immature HGs. When things don’t go the way they want, they cry and whine around. Its a game!! Everyone has to do what they need to, to make it to the next week!! There is no need for all the name calling and bullying. I know at times Elissa hasn’t been very nice but at least she isn’t personally attacking other peoples families and loved ones, nor is she messing with anyones personal possessions. If any of these people were one of my children I would me ashamed of how i had raised any of them. I feel bad for their families and how this is reflecting on them.
I can’t figure out why Andy is so worried about going on the block. If he is so confident in McCranda that he has been willing to be their rat all season long he should feel they have some loyalty to him and not worry about it. But the fact is he has seen and helped them lie to everyone that has walked out that door so he knows he can’t trust them. But he should have realized that weeks ago. He deserves to go home as much as Aaryn.
I could not be in that house with those people. And with all of the lies swirling around. I don’t know how they all keep them straight. I really can’t figure out who’s going home this week and who’s lying to who. I love watching it though =)
Here’s a little nugget for the Aryan haters. I read on another BB website that her dad pulled his waiver that gave CBS permission to air anything she says about her dad and show him in HOH photos. Every time she talks about her dad it goes to fish or a different camera and that is why her dad was cut out of her HOH pictures. Even her own dad is embarrassed by his daughters behavior. Poor “poopy pants”. Btw–her nick name is perfect that they call her, anything to do with poop is fitting for such a varment.
Aaryn on live feed: “Once Jeff decides to settle down, maybe they’ll ask me to take over and do it.” (regarding BB interviews)
Ya, u moron. They’re dying to select a racist dim-witted sheep like you!
If you look at the screenshot, that’s Just Aaryn auditioning for her next line of work. She will want to eagerly demonstrate just how much she appreciates men and women of all different races, sizes, etc. Her dad has probably figured out the new roadmap to fame she’s going to go down now and is backing away slowly.
If the house guests were smart they would all convince MCCranda that they will vote out Andy but actually vote out Aaryn. Then when the vote comes down its 3-2 and Andy will know for certain that he was expendable, flip sides and team up with Elissa and JUDD to get McCranda out. I can’t understand why Andy is so mad at Elissa for putting him up but not mad at McCranda for not placing Andy above Aaryn in their alliance. Andy has been with them from the beginning. He should be higher up on the totem pole.
I find it kind of hilarious that Andy is angry that pretending to console elissa today didn’t save him from the block. he’s probably thinking of all of the conversations he could have popped into during those minutes.
hope he gets evicted.
If Amanda does win i believe an investigation should be done about the rumors of the show being rigged. Also how the 3 Jurors Candice, jessie and Helen came off that comp seemed so set up and Helen seemed fine with it all very very odd. I been reading about what is being said during the live feeds and Amanda does not hide how she is being told things in the DR. so not fair none of it. I really hope Amanda and MCjerk goes up next week and Amanda goes home i truly believe McCrae can not think for himself and will be totally lost without her. I am not a Elissa fan i do love how she does not take Amandas crap and it is driving Amanda crazy she said it she has controlled HOH for weeks and it is eating at her she can not run Elissa. Wish we could turn back time and changed Elissa noms that was a huge error but we shall see what next week brings. it would be awesome if Rachel did come for a day in the house and set Amanda straight yup to wish…..
Totally agree. Julie Chen cannot be this oblivious with these rumors. I’m counting on TMZ to ask her face to face
There will no investigation because it is classified as a reality show rather than a game show. This means that they do not have to follow the rules that game shows do. The producers of BB can legally manipulate the game. There is nothing anyone can do about it.
Rat boy is gonna shite his pants when he gets put on the block tomorrow
Andy said himself, frequent @nal sex leads to anal leakage. Add sudden stress and KABOOM
I hope Alissa does put up Andy because for the first time Amanda and McCae will have to get blood on their hands with there vote and finally show there true colors either to Andy or Aaryn.
Interesting development! So McHorrid has convinced Amanda to evict Aryan over Andy? Of course that is better for HIS game, since if Amanda gets evicted he will keep Andy on his side while Aryan would just go on to win every HOH and evict him. I didn’t think that he could persuade her! I want both Andy and Aryan to go home, but it’s better for Aryan to go first since it will provide a more even playing field next week for Judd to win HOH.
Wasn’t Helen and Elissa’s last big play to keep Helen safe to threaten Andy saying he’d be the target if she went home?
Logically speaking then he shouldn’t be surprised if he’s put up? This making his threat against her to not put him up irrelevant?
Don’t they think that’s a bit too easy? Every time someone is you to threaten them saying you’re my target if you do? How exactly does that work? Since she has to put SOMEONE up and this making them the target of said nominee. Doesn’t exactly feel of excellent game play to me. Dumbasses
Yes. Andy has selective memory and is an idiot. He was clearly told that if he put up Helen and Elissa and got Helen evicted, they would target him to go up on the block. He had a fit and said he was threatened. And now he has the gall to act surprised that Elissa would stay true to her statement. And now he feels it is absolutely ok to start threatening people. What a hypocrite!
The selection of houseguests this season has been remarkably poor. All of them have zero sense of complex game play. It shocks me that any of them know how to play chess at all.
Agreed! It always seems funny to watch they play chess when we know they have no sense of how to play a game. Does Andy start crying every time you put his king in check?
I hope Elissa tells Andy that he could use some acting lessons and that he has a tell when he lies. Tell him that Helen couldn’t see it but she always could so she knew he was lying and so was Amanda.
If Amanda ever wins HOH (god forbid!), I hope that a Pandora’s Box is given where the whole house is given an awesome luxury while Amanda is locked in a room alone for hours with someone bullying her with the same type of comments and antics she was doing to Elissa. It would never happen since it would just further condone bullying, but it would be satisfying to see her get a big dose of her own medicine.
If haven’t been this confused since trying to read a book on quantum physics.
If anyone could be so generous, kind and patient enough to untangle the mess that I can’t make sense of.
What is this scheme to get GinaMarie put up on the block? How did it backfire and expose a lie?
Is Elissa actually targeting Aaryn – if so, why isn’t Aaryn freaking out?
Since Elissa’s HOH I can’t figure out who’s working with or against her.
GM should be so easy to trick into confessing her lies about the vote to Elissa or to blab somwhere with El hiding and listening.
Hey Simon, I went to another BB site, by the way yours and Dawgs is by far the best BB Spoiler site anywhere, but this other site had pictures of Elissa in the HOH alone looking very happy and thrilled as she looks at something that they don’t show. Mad speculation about a pandora’s box. Did you catch any of this? What do you think?
Yeah I caught that but don’t think its anything. I updated Simon’s post with the following and a bunch of photos. It’s not pandora’s box just the camera operators being weird and making the HGs paranoid.
Elissa is alone in the HOH room laughing and smiling over by the spy screen. She looks around then says “Oh My GOSH!” She then heads into the HOH bathroom. The camera view switches to the cockpit but the audio is still on Elissa in the HOH room and she says “What is going on!” (I think the camera operators were just acting really odd. The others downstairs noticed the camera’s spinning around. Elissa head them screaming downstairs and went to check then came back up to the HOH room. I think it was just the HOH room camera operator acting weird making Elissa laugh.)
Cool, Tx Dawg. I figured it was just something stupid like that. I think when they do a pandora’s box they do an outdoor lockdown cause it takes a while to set up. The feeds did go down for a while today so I thought maybe they sneaked one in then.
Yes agreed. And if there would be a pandora’s box it would happen after the veto ceremony. It would happen most likely on a Tuesday afternoon .. maybe even a Wednesday.
I think Amanda was raised by wolves!
I think wolves would have done a better job. Perchance she was raised by ….Lordie I don’t even have anything to compare to. She is just vile, and I can’t imagine that her parents and their real estate business isn’t going to suffer from backlash. With Amanda’s behavior, I saw someone comment “well,she had to learn that somewhere?”…
Hello viewers! We thank you for watching the rigged show where we allow contestants to bully each other. We choose drug-addicts and coke heads for this very purpose. We hope you all are psyched for the finale where we will award our star contestant Miss Zuckerman for providing shock value by her racist rants and threats against other contestants.
I totally agree! Thats what i said on an earlier post!
Whoops that was meant to be a reply. Damn phone,
Has anyone noticed that McNeuticles looks a bit like Charles Manson?
Last night that did strike me…that McMinute/McNasty/McDirty does indeed resemble Charles Manson.
Andy said it himself how he was threaten last week , if he did not save Helen he would go next. So he should not be surprised and Amanda runs McCrae so i would be shocked if she changes towards Aaryn and evicts her. Amanda always seems to get what she wants. she states it every chance she gets. No i believe Andy will go home ,, awwww sooooo saddddd toooo badddd NOT!.. He has seen first hand how they have lied to sooooo many so why not him as well. yes Elissa did make this a better week by far. Amanda winning POV is exactly what the ex CBS employee stated that they will do a twist and save her some how some way and that is exactly what happened. I am not a person that puts a persons looks down at all however i will make an exception. Amanda looks evil but in a Grinch type of way look at her eyes and eyebrows when she is talking game….. i am just saying is all …..
Two words will lead to Aaryn and GM leaping to accept a job hosting alternative pageant events together.
Clownie Cosplay
Right now I am pretty impressed with GM’s ability to play both sides with Elissa and Aryan. From the footage I’ve been able to see, I am still unsure if she will vote to keep or evict Aryan. Since I always believed that GM has the subtlety of a bull in a china shop, I find her ability to lie in this situation rather impressive. I hope she has indeed chosen to stay loyal to Elissa. It would really make this game a lot more interesting to watch with Aryan gone and GM making her own decisions.
if Elissa most likely puts Andy up and reminds him
of how he lied to Helen, as she negates some of
clout the 3 A.M Alliance has had, all the other players
need is a lucky break that lets them pit Amanda at
McCrae. Elissa is seeing why a bold mood would
have quietly gained her friends. Helen bought and
drank the “koolaid” Amanda had Andy send around,
we saw that as the HGs got paranoid over Judd’s
and Howard’s game. Andy being sent next to poor
Helen forces Amanda + McCrae to leave their bed,
I’m glad production banned the skank from Elissa’s
HoH room. Either Aayrn or Andy could be evicted.
Elissa did give in to her gut level feelings as she did
try to sidestep a savage confrontation with A + M
that clearly was inevitable. Helen delayed in moving! .
its just funny to me how they all react this season to being put up. oh using elissa is fine, putting her and spencer on the block…oh that’s totally cool, but if you nominate Amanda or mcrae or andy, OMG OMG OMG, DUMBEST MOVE EVER. leading to more stupid jokes about elisa being a robot. the sad truth for them is that she is actually the one using her brain. the rest of them are the mindless robots following the only other one in there thinking for herself(Amanda)
this is where I miss a mike boogie. he at least respected game, would say behind people’s backs to frank how certain people wouldn’t turn etc. there was SOME game in there with the negativity. this year, there is just NO GAME. judd returns after being evicted, and he has absolutely no new gameplan. he is doing the same thing he did before. its unbelievable. and GM, wtf is her gameplan? it doesn’t exist.
at this point, they need to consider only doing all star seasons or super fan only casts. its just the way reality TV is these days, too many people who just want to be famous, instead of just want to play the game. half the house has no desire to play the actual game. the other half doesn’t know how
hey spencer, try teaming up with the robot who you keep complimenting on her athletic skills. maybe be her friend and work with her instead of doing this pretend nice BS and #### talking behind her back? you suck at this game and are a disgrace to the casting process. the whole thing is a joke. spencer is a freaking joke
Even if this gets Elissa sent into the JURY in the next two
to three weeks, it leveled the playing field and has removed
the prize money from Amanda’s greedy grasp. yes… i do
think McCrae could be final three but this lets Judd or GM or
Aaryn have a chance at the prize money, or even Spencer.
i think Andy is going to leave but the vote is to be close. i
think the days of the lockstep votes with no dissenters are
over. the superficial superfriends allience has shattered!!!!
Helen is more inclined to rally people in the JURY for Elissa
over Andy, were he to stay. I think Amanda and McCrae are
soon to be split up as a team, or they both hit the JURY a.s.a.p!
It’s so sad Production is slipping LSD to
the house guests.
Thank god Elissa avoiding drinking the water!
anyone catch andy tell judd and spenser how he is loyal to alissa. so he used how he even tried to push for helen not to be the target last week but to make allisa the target. he seems not to be ableto grasp he can not have it both ways. he basically gave judd the reason why he is up.was waiting for judd to call him out on it and say well maybe then alissa does have a good reason to want you.
Helen laid it out in pure binary to Andy… its her or Amanda.
He could not simply continue to flatter people and outright lie.
Elissa actual had only a few wise moves after Helen leaves.
Andy acts like its a mortal sin if he is put on the block. Did he actually think he would NEVER be nominated?? Who the fu$k does he think he is? Talk about someone who thinks he is better than everyone and NOT be placed on the block. Cry me a river Andy.. Snitches get stitches and in this case its at least his a$$ nominated.
Judd, GM, Andy and Spencer now in an alliance. Gm says they have to get rid of El, MC, and Amanda. GM should be thanking El for making those guys grow a set and see the light. Andy should be happy EL put him up because he found his support group. Judd should be happy with El because she didn’t fall for the BS like he did. Spencer should be happy with El because she was never on her radar. These guys owe El bigtime. She doesn’t deserve to be blindsided, if they vote her out, they should have enough respect to tell her it’s coming.
had they done this a few days earlier, taken themselves
to Elissa and asked her to put Amanda + McCrae up with
Aaryn as the replacement nominee, i’d have more respect
for them! I agree! Elissa made the move that almost succeeds!
is Andy deliberately situating himself for his final betrayal?
i am expecting spy Andy once again to snitch to the pair…
It’s illegal to rig a t.v.quiz show, it should be illegal to rig a t.v.game show.
Just had to say how nice it is to get a welcome back greeting when signing in It’s so civilized, like saying good morning or excuse me. So good morning Dawg and Simon. And thank you.
If only Elissa could receive a special power that would give her protection from eviction next week…so that she can play for HoH the week after as I truly hate to see her go at the hands of the filthy nasty McCranda’s.
Andy, Andy, Andy! So desperate for Amanda’s attention, he is willing to hurt his friend Elissa for it. He’s a fine specimen,,,,of what’s wrong with America!
CBS needs to get rid of Amanda zuckerman. She is an evil Billie and she has crossed the line
As much as I can’t stand the big eared racist Aaryn I want to see “I am going to kill myself” rat boy Andy sent packing. Is he delusional to think when he makes moves for what’s best for his game, as he puts it, it’s ok, yet when Elissa makes moves for her game which includes putting him up he calls her all kinds of vile names. And to think that vile, nasty, crybaby rat faced ginger actually teaches in a college. Boy how great would it be to have students, especially the females boycott that rats courses, especially after rat face called Elissa a c***, females in his classes should be pissed at him for referring to another female as that…….Send rat faced andy packing!!!! !
Scumanduh is just suffering from HOH withdrawls. This is the first HOH where she hasn’t been able to lie up in the bed with her flea infested boy/girlfriend. She’s out of her comfort zone and there’s nothing else she can do about it. She’s like a queen with no thrown or thrownroom. Wereas before she was just a queen with no crown, but had a thrownroom (HOH room). It’s driving her even battier!
Ha ha ha, good one. Flea infected McDirty. Love it. God knows what is lurking in that hair. And who knows what Amanda has transferred to him. And one day he will have no fingers left because they are always in his mouth being dined upon. Ewwwww.
After reading the comments above, I’m convinced CBS has pre-determined the outcome. That’s too bad. I’ve only watched BB for two seasons and this will be my last. Amanda obviously knows she is going to win; this fact explains her behavior towards Elissa. I was shocked at the racist comments early in this season and wondered why CBS did such a poor job of vetting the contestants.
How does a college professor (Andy) act so much like a snake? This ‘child’ has done nothing but stab house members in the back the entire season. Where did CBS find Judd the Dud? Every time I see Judd the Dud without a shirt, I’m thinking ‘man boobs?’ Keep your shirt on, Dud! McCray the Pizza Man? Please…he begs Elissa to not put him up so that she can have all of McCray’s cancer sticks? Wow, I bet Elissa was so impressed. Funny how Amanda tries to make fun of Eliss’s husband. Has Amanda not seriously looked at McCray? McCray..now there’s a man’s man! NOT. Let’s judge Amanda…wonder how long it took McCray to find out about Amanda’s penis?
Big Brother is no better than professional wrestling. I do not watch professional wrestling and I am done watching Big BOTHER (not ‘ Brother ‘ ).
I have been fooled again. First, finding out that Santa is not real. Now Big BOTHER is not real. Ugh.
It’s funny that Andy’s plan is to “threaten” Elissa tomorrow when he was so deeply offended when Helen and she “threatened” him last week. He is a drama queen.
The only I want to see win this is Andy….he’s been faithful to his 3AM alliance the entire time. The whole show is premised on lies & deception, but he’s stuck with them….he’s not a rat, he’s playing the game the right way. None of the others are worth it:
Spencer: he’s a disgusting pig who only wants to discuss sex & masturbating, and he’s a bigot.
Amanda: She plays a good game but has a big mouth & doesn’t know when to shut the hell up.
McCrae: He’s a wimp and a disgusting slob
Aaryn: Though she’s gotten better, she’s still a racist
GM: Miss New York is a bitch willing to fight anyone at any time
JUDD: Total flip flopper who is as dumb as a brick
And finally:
Elissa: Total elitist who believes she’s better than everyone else in the house and cries and pouts if she doesn’t get her way. She plays the game on total emotions, not strategy. All she’s ever done is talk about how many houses and cars she has, how she and her husband go on big vacations, and even mentioned that her 12 year old stepdaughter already has a car! She believes that she’s better than everyone else and I’m convinced that Production is pushing her toward the win, especially if she gets Pandora’s Box this week.
Bottom line: CBS should not select BB players that are taking “mood behavior” meds! I think this has seriously affected Big Brother this season…..
lol at Andy’s logic!!
“Amanda tells him to make it very clear to Elissa if he gets nominated he will be gunning for ELissa hardcore. Andy says he’s going to make it very clear to Elissa tomorrow”……………I thought that they determined that this is a threatening a person.