“Aaryn says Elissa has a crush on JUDD She thinks He’s the hottest guy in the House” – Amanda

POV Holder: Amanda Next POV Aug 31st
POV Used Yes POV Ceremony Sep 1st
HOH Winner: Elissa Next HOH: Aug 29th
Original Nominations: Aaryn and McCrae
Current Nominations: Aaryn and Andt
Last Evicted Houseguest David, Nick, Jeremy, Kaitlin, Howard, Candice, Jessie. Helen
Have Nots


9:18pm Bathroom Elissa and GM

E – I would die if I left without seeing a Pandora’s box
E – Oh my gosh
E – Everyone wants a Pandora’s Box PLEASE
GM says she doesn’t mind as long as it’s something good.
E – oh my gosh I want it so bad
GM – Still could happen
E – I doubt it .. I’m not going to lie I will cry
Elissa asks her if she is sad Aaryn is going home
Gm says yes but she is still voting out Aaryn she loves Andy
E – Yay
E – you have to vote her out it’s not even a option
GM – I know I know


9:47pm Backyard Looks like Beer pong is a go

An argument start 1/2 the houseguests want to play traditional beer pong with the beer in the cups the other 1/2 want to drink the beer and put water in the cups. Amanda is adamant that they fill the cups with Alcohol.
They end up putting wine/beer in the cups. The first ball that is thrown spills a cup and they lose the alcohol. They decide to put water in the cups.



10:38pm Beer pong continues Amanda/Andy vs JUDD/Aaryn
Aaryn and JUDD on the same team and they lose which means they do not get to drink anymore. Aaryn and JUDD head into the kitchen. Aaryn says it’s not fair they only had 1/2 a beer each. She says JUDD should go into the Diary room and request some alcohol for them. JUDD leaves (I assume he’s going into the diary room)

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10:46pm GM/Elissa vs Spencer/McCrae

Specner and McCrae win. Amanda says the winners get to split the Alcohol. Spencer wants it to be winner Vs winner.


11:07pm Backyard everyone but Elissa
Talking About Twitter alias’ that are out there. JUDD wonders if the bear shirt has a twitter account. Aaryn said she did hashtag bear shirt in her HOH tweets. Spencer says Ginamarie’s cl!t ring probably has one.

Andy and JUDD start calling Ginamarie Marie. Ginamarie doesn’t like that name says her name is Ginamarie, “Would you like it if I called you DUDD” (LOL)
They start playing telephone..


11:17pm Cockpit Andy and Elissa
E – I dunno i’m just freaking out.. Aaryn is going to do whatever it takes to stay here
Andy assure her he’s been Silently making sure everything is alright, “I’ve been touching base with everybody”
Elissa – “Literally I will leave this house if she stays”
E – “I will walk out the door behind you”
A – “Ya.. I’m nearly positive it’s OK.. Did anything happen to make you worried”
E -”Ummhmm ummphf no .. I’m just freaking out”
A – “I believe it’s fine”
E -”Ummhmpfhh “
A – “I Hope it is if everyone is telling me the truth”
E – “You have to kiss Amanda and McCrae’s butt”
A – “I know I know”
He gives her a thumbs up “Don’t worry.. you going to bed”
E -”Umm ya”
They leave the cockpit

Andy goes coming back into the backyard after talking to ELissa. Amanda really wants to know what Elissa wanted. Andy- “She just wanted a poke before bed.. she just wanted to know if I was campaigning.


11:27pm Aaryn, Amanda, GM, Spencer and Aaryn
Amanda is saying that Elissa is obsessed with Aaryn. Aaryn should feel flattered.
Amanda: “Elissa obsessed with you since week one”
Aaryn – “I think she’s freaking out because she told me a couple weeks ago she thought JUDD was the most attractive guy in the big brother house she basically has a crush on JUDD.. A secret crush on JUDD”
Amanda: “NO way she told you that”
Aaryn: Ya”
Amanda – Did you hear that brent
Aaryn – ”That fact that I’m flirting with JUDD is the reason she called Andy into the cockpit to talk because she doesn’t like it”

Amanda: “Cmon.. she told you.. Can I go up there and tell her you know it will cause world war 5”
JUDD walks out and they fill him in.

Aaryn explains that Elissa said JUDD is the hottest guy in the house. She’s seen JUDD flirting with Aaryn and is worried that is why Elissa called Andy in the Cockpit to talk.

Of course Amanda goes up and tells Elissa.


11:30pm HOH Amanda Elissa
Amanda says Aaryn is downstairs saying the reason Elissa wants Aaryn gone is Elissa told her a couple weeks ago she had a crush on JUDD and you thought the was the hottest guy in the big brother house.
Amanda – “You want want her gone because she is flirting with Him”
Elissa – What is wrong with this girl.. I almost want her to stay because she’s so stupid
Elissa – She did not say that
Amanda – I swear to god on my life
Elissa – Andy is super mad at me
Elissa says she’s only attracted to her husband she not attracted to anyone else in the entire world.\

11:35pm Hottub JUDD, Amanda and Aaryn
JUDD says he wishes she wouldn’t have done that. It’s going to make it weird for him. Amanda tells them what she said.
Amanda – “Did she really say that to you”
Aaryn – “Yes”


11:37pm Aaryn and Elissa Hot tub
Aaryn – “Do not leave me here you pretty much threw me to the wolves.. what was the point of that“
Amanda – “Entertainment.. make you a bigger target”
Aaryn: “Make me a bigger target.. to make me leave”
Amanda:” To make you stay.. what some pretzels”
Aaryn – “I know you don’t want me to stay Amanda”
Amanda – “I want you to leave? .. are you crazy.. f** love you”

Aaryn tells her to get McCrae to realize that she is a huge target and will help them. Amanda says McCrae has been loyal to Andy from the beginning. Aaryn tells her Spencer and JUDD will not vote for her to stay it’s up to McCrae and Amada.

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12:00AM Backyard McCrae, Amanda and Aaryn

Aaryn says Andy told her and Ginamarie he wanted to work with them.
Aaryn: “I have nothing else but that.. we were working together to use against you”
Amanda – “Would you take me to final three”
Aaryn – “if I made it yes.. If I strayed here I would do anything.. I’m going home Spencer and JUDD will never vote for me the only way I stay is if you and McCrae vote for me”
Aaryn – “I told them I would put you and McCrae up if they voted for me and they still won’t vote for me”
Aaryn – “If you save me I’ll be loyal forever.. plus i would get voted out next week unless i win something”
Aaryn says GM knows that everyone was trying to get her up on the block. Amanda wants to know who GM will put up if she wins HOH
Aaryn: “probably y’all”
Amanda: “If you stay”
Aaryn: “same but i’ll be a vote”
Aaryn tells her at this point if Amanda/McCrae go on the block together one of them is probably going home. If they got on the block against her she is going home.
Aaryn – you have a better chance of me winning HOH than Andy.. If I was HOH i would keep you.. I’m officially a bigger target than you two Andy will never be a f*** target”

Aaryn -” you all voting me out after all that I’ve done is bullshit and the only way I will vote for you in the jury is if you are up with each other”.
Aaryn – “Just think about it.. this is a game not friendship”
Aaryn leaves

Amanda whispers “As long as she was here she will always go on the block”
McCrae “I doubt it.. you are a much bigger target because of the shit that you pull.. you are always going to be a big target”

McCrae questions that Spencer is really coming after them like Aaryn is saying.
Amanda is convinced he is points out that Spencer has lied this entire game.
McCrae says Aaryn lies all the time.
Amanda points out she swore on her family
MC – “That doesn’t mean sh!t to me.. means piss Dan f** lied on the bible.. doesn’t mean anything
Amanda – Andy won’t go on the block again
MC – Ya I know but why did we pick him for our team
A – to get us far.. he will get all the votes
MC says Andy is more loyal than Aaryn
aaryn – Ya you are right
Amanda knows Spencer did say he is targeting them.
MC – we’re sacrificing one person for another person
A – I trust Andy more
MC – I trust Andy one thousand million percent more
A – me to
MC wants to know why she as starting sh!t with Elissa tonight. Amanda explains that she wants to keep Elissa and JUDD from scheming.

12:15AM Backyard

Spencer and Andy join them. They tell Andy and Spencer that Aaryn is campaigning. Spencer asks Amanda if she is pissed at him. Amanda says she’s not she was just thinking.
S – Agrey looking thinking face
Adny – Elissa said I seemed mad at her
Amanda – ya
Andy – well she did put me up for eviction.

Andy says he trusts them all but he really doesn’t want to get blindsided. Spencer says she’s not going anywhere.

MC – “goddamn.. I f*** hate poopy”
Andy – you hate poopy why”
MC – She makes me feel paranoid”
MC mentions that Aaryn said she’s not giving them her jury vote if they vote her out.
Andy says that is the same shit Helen was trying to pull and it only made him want her out more.
Andy – Helen got extremely pissed when she doesn’t get her way
Specner and McCrae agree.
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156 thoughts to ““Aaryn says Elissa has a crush on JUDD She thinks He’s the hottest guy in the House” – Amanda”

  1. LMAO, “would you like it if I called you DUDD” that sentence made me laugh out loud. GM should stay around a little longer, I bet she’ll be more entertaining and fun once that hate filled Aaryn is GONE!

    1. I honestly believe that Amanda is obsessed with Elissa, even when she’s not around or nobody is talking about her Amanda finds a way to bring her up and talk smack and she keeps asking people for reassurance that what she’s doing is okay! WTH is wrong with this crazy b*tch?!? You know you’re vile when you look like the biggest, nastiest bully in a household that includes Aaryn! Also, I think the reason Amanda & Aaryn keep bringing up Elissa’s husband being old is ’cause they have NOTHING else on her. She’s not a disgusting person like them and that irks them even more!

        1. if your talking about Amanda winning its impossible already 7 players will never vote for her but you believe everthing you hear and when shes evicted there will be a couple seconds of pause then you realize your the idiot

          1. Russell you are a good quarterback, but unfortunately, when my Jewish Queen wins, you will take back that statement. With my Vegas winnings, I will actually fly to watch one of the Seahawks games. You are an exciting quarterback to watch. Take care my friend.

        1. And why does Elissa have money? Not from her own merit. It’s because she’s a gold digging WASP who had to get fake boobs, fake hair, fake eye lashes, and Botox her lips in order to look more presentable to her old sugar daddy. If this is how she looks AFTER all those add-ons she must be one hideous beast without them. I bet her sugar daddy has eye problems. That or he is as dumb as she is for agreeing to let a creature like her marry him and spend his money.

          1. At least Amanda has a real job and has worked for what she’s got. Elissa doesn’t do shit except travel and spend her sugar daddy’s money and wouldn’t be able to make it on her own in the real world if her life depended on it. She can’t handle being around regular people. And most regular people don’t like being around pretentious assholes like her.

            1. *goawayelissa* Correction ….Amanda HAD a job!!
              OMG! She is good at giving a “blowJOB” !
              btw “Adult film” male stars need her as their “FLUFFER”!
              Do not worry! She will be in good hands!

              STFU!! WHAT A SHAME

          2. PEOPLE, Botox is for wrinkles, NOT LIPS! At least have a brain when you’re spewing all your Elyssa hatred. (I wish she could win HOH again this week, dammit. No one else will likely put McCranda up. Maybe Judd?)

          3. And people talk about the racism in the house. You’re a bigot calling someone a WASP. I bet if they called Amanda a JAP, you’d throw a fit. I’m not an Elissa fan, but you’re worse than Aaryn and Candice combined.

      1. Elissa has a husband, children, is financially secure and doesn’t need to be the center of attention to know she is somebody. She is everything Demanda and Aaryn aren’t plus they know what the things they say and do are disgusting and that’s why they do say/do them. And Elissa is not afraid to tell them so. In fact Elissa is not afraid of them (except when Demental gets in her face) and if you can’t strike fear the Mean Girl dynamic doesn’t work.

        1. Elissa is everything Amanda is not. She is a good person, clean living and has a life. Amanda is seething with jealousy. Pure and simple. She acts like she is in high school and the leader of the mean girls club. I just wish Elissa hadn’t fallen for the Judd thing. She should have just laughed it off and said something like “Of course I have a crush on Judd, who doesn’t, he’s adorable….” instead of playing into their hands. I hope Judd doesn’t feel weird talking and hanging with Elissa now. Don’t they know Amanda’s schemes by this point?! I am so hoping for an Elissa and Judd final two.

        2. So Sorry Carl. I meant to post to the other Demand Kin below, Elissa Sucks.
          You are right on the money. Amanda is all greed and Jealously. Oh boo hoo for her.

      2. Everything about Elissa is disgusting. The way she looks (with her joker face and duck lips), the way she eats (like a cow), the way she always breaths through her nose because she can’t open her lips wide enough to breath through her mouth), her fake eye lashes (which looks like long-legged spiders), her lean body (which makes her look like a man when she is doing her stretches), her gold digging snobby attitude that she is better than everybody, and her lousy game play (if you can call it that). There is just so much to talk about when it comes to Elissa, and none of it is pretty. So I disagree that Amanda and Aaryn are jealous. They are just exposing the vile repugnant creature Elissa is.

        1. The proper way to breathe is through you’re nose moron, also El is into yoga so she’s learned to do that properly go get some culture

    2. If Elissa really does have a crush on Judd that just confirms she is as retarded as he is. I wish he would talk normal instead of mumbling his words and sounding like an inept dumb ass. And it is so nerve wracking listening to Elissa’s mmmm hmmm, um, hhhhhmmmmmm all the time. I think these two retards are perfect for each other.

  2. Really, that’s all that happened during the beer pong? Facebook and others had Amanda loosing her shit again and acting like the crazy nutbar that she is. I guess some people over exaggerate.

    1. She (Amanda) did act a little crazy, and threw out a couple of ‘quiet’ threats while Elissa was in the house. She also had a few overtly sexual actions but pretty much kept herself in check for the most part. However I did notice that she was called into the DR several times, and removed herself from the yard a couple of times to seemingly keep busy by helping out with the game.

  3. Elissa does have a crush on Judd and it was apparent the moment he came back, the way she was looking at him and laughing. She was flirting without realizing it. She’s not going to leave her husband, but with the fucked up hair he has and considering how much older he is, she can’t be in it for love. Judd’s a young, funny, good looking guy, so hard to blame her. Her life was over the moment she married a much older guy with 3 children, but that’s her mistake.

    1. The sad thing is Dudd the moron will probably believe Aaryn…..I just don’t get Dudd….this guy is an imbecile….I’m glad Elissa has strong resolve and decided to laugh in Amanda’s face again and went straight to bed and not entertain these assholes……UNLIKE….Amanda who went crack head nuts when Jessie just said hi to McPuss……..

    2. Goofy, you know NOTHING as you live outside the BB house with the rest of us, it was apparent the minute you put this post up. Stay out of people’s marriages!

    3. Wow, I would hate to be a neighbor of yours with those judgmental skills you possess, real housewife of whateverville. You must be the gossip queen of your block, no wonder why you love demanda so much, you love dramatic people and all the crap that it comes with. People like you need to get a life of your own, your own life cannot be that boring to be SO meddlesome about other’s people’s lives you don’t even personally know. Wow, shows what kind of person you really are to share the same kind of personality as aMANduh and not think there is something seriously wrong with that.

    4. Clearly, some people do not understand what love is, how it happens or why it lasts. Love is not based solely on physical attraction. Physical attraction is what causes you to be initially interested in someone but it cannot and should not be the basis of the relationship. Chemistry, compatibility, similar interests and commonality have far more importance than physical attractiveness. Remember when Agelina Jolie was madly in love with Billy Bob Thorton. It wasn’t based on looks, at least on her end. Billy Bob Thorton was much older, not physically attractive, a little on the sleeve side and Angie is/was one of the most beautiful girls in the world.

      My point is that it is unfair of everyone to judge Elissa’ mate and marriage. We don’t know them together and we don’t know how she feels. She does appear to be in love with him so let’s leave it alone.

      Why not speculate why Aaryn is all over Judd or Amanda and Mc Crae’s relationship, which is certainly odd?

      1. There is an old saying:

        Men fall in love with women they are attracted to

        Women are attracted to men they fall in love with

        Any thoughts?

    5. Sorry Judd fans but he is too short for Elissa and he is not her type. If she is looking at Judd at times she is probably reading him because he is in alliance with her and I remember her saying before that she does not talk much but knows what is going on. Elissa is smart did you guys see when she tackled Andy and she won POV and this HOH she almost fell but so smart and strong on hanging on to the poll to swing back on the stand. Hoping Elissa, Judd, GinaMarie final three with Judd winning, cause Elissa has money and GinaMarie favorite plaryer, but if you are judging the game plays and wins Elissa should win because other players that won were helped by other players by sacrificing on getting off and Aryan wins one was given to her and the other one was pure luck on 36 but not Elissa.

    6. I kind of believe it because she made a lot of threats as to harming and killing the other houseguest. Amanda threatened them not even as a joke but she did say it several times and even though this is a game and with her taking medicine is a real concern with the production and of course authorities. Amanda
      threatened almost everyone whenever she did not get what she wanted. We just have to see on Thursday and if it is true then the real Big Brother is back.

    7. Elissa has a crush because two weeks ago she said Judd was the hottest guy in the BB house? Let’s see . . . Andy, Spencer, McCrae, Judd. It just means she can see to say Judd is the hottest guy still in the BB house. LOL

    8. I never respond to these ridiculous statements BUT I married a man 13 years older than me who happened to have 3 kids. I was not his mistress and it did not ruin my life or his or his kids. I did not marry him for money but I can assure you people often think that is the basis of our 21+ year romance. So STFU about people who have a different idea about what a real relationship is like and maybe you’ll find one too.

    9. wow amanda asks elissa about a story that aaryn is telling everyone and suddenly she is a home wrecker out to destroy someones marriage? you guys are sick. elissa probably does have a crush on judd. anyone who says that they are only attracted to their husband and not attracted to anyone else in the entire world is full of it. even people in the best marriages admit that they still find other people attractive from time to time, they just don’t act on it. the fact that was her response and that she was so all up on judd when he re-entered the house makes me think aaryn is telling the truth. whether she is or not the whole thing has nothing to do with amanda.

    10. Give me a break!!! Brent’s hair, age, and money have nothing to do with his marriage to Elissa. They got married because they love each other and make each other happy. You have no proof to back up your venom so stop spewing it. You are insulting someone you don’t know to try to make yourself look good and you are failing miserably. You are as bad as Amanda and Aaryn and that is really sad.

      1. Okay, “Name”. And you are such an expert on Elissa and her sugar daddy’s marriage? I don’t think so. So quit lecturing others about doing it while propping her up and giving all kinds of rosey reasons she married the guy. It could be he wanted arm candy (which confirms he has eye problems) and she wanted a gold digging lifestyle. Nothing wrong with that. There are thousands of marriages like that. She just shouldn’t go around believing that she is better than everyone else. That’s the most disgusting part about her, in addition to her shallowness.

        1. The problem is she is better in every way possible than that fat ugly man that calls himself Amanda. Amanda is a vile disgusting human being that should have been aborted.

    11. She probably did say, yay, Judd is the cutest guy in the house. She has eyes. If you were stuck in that filthy, misbegotten place with, Spencer, Andy, Mccrae, and Judd, who is your pick? Judd all the way.

    12. Why, o why, does anyone believe anything that any of these houseguests say about anyone else. If Elissa was on medication, you can bet it would be dolled out just like evryone else’s. Or she would have disguised it as something else. Everyone of these people lie! It is their only past time.

    13. *goofy* Is that your birth name?
      Or – the nickname U gave to your “penis”?
      U R dumb to think Elissa has a crush on JU D D!
      It is a GAME….Goofy!
      STFU!! It does NOT matter if he has 3 OR 13 kids!!
      IT IS HER LIFE! 🙂

  4. After Demanda tried once again to mess with Elissa’s marriage and made a shout out to “BRENT” , I searched for Brent and Elissa Slater and found lots of sweet photos of their wedding and family. How can you hate on Love… takes a special person Demanda. http://brentandelissa.ourwedding.com/

    1. Sweet? He looks like he could be her father. It’s a complete mismatch. And he looks even worse now.. somebody here posted a video.

        1. she be a juzt a prostitute wit a difrent name. she iz paid to laze on her back juzt da same mak no mistak aboutz it girlz dat mary old rich dudes are juzt hores wit a licenze spreedin fur da bread

          1. Instead of wasting time commenting on Tyrone’s posts, do what I do and as soon as you see his name, scroll on 🙂

      1. Why does anyone care who Elissa is married to? It has nothing to do with this game & really it’s nobody’s business! This is all driven by jealousy on Amanda & Aaryn’s part, and once again it’s disgusting! Amanda is a complete & total bitch. She’s trying to wreak havoc in Elissa’s marriage when this game is over ( not that Brent will believe it). It’s one more example of how malicious she really is. She’s constantly pitting Aaryn & Elissa against each other as if they need ANYMORE reasons to hate each other. Aaryn has every right to campaign to stay, just like ANYONE would. I’m SO sick of the Amanda, McRae, Andy alliance of we can do & say WHATEVER we want, but if someone does the samething they run around the house like 5 year olds bitching how terrible everyone is. Did they remove all the mirrors in BB house? OMG “Elissa is threatening me”…no she’s not… And wake the hell up… Aaryn (not my favorite) has done everything for Amanda, & Amanda is voting her out. That should tell EVERY houseguest left that Andy is the one they want to keep b/c he is Mcmandas rat. His game has been exposed and serves no purpose unless they win HOH which then means he will no LONGER part of the Exterminators!! The ONLY shot Amanda has now of winning this game is against Aaryn & possibly Elissa and she’s too stupid to see it. McRae should also want to keep aaryn. Everyone in that jury house hates her & she won’t get many voters if any against him. Elissa should want her there for the same reason, but They are too blinded by their hate for each other to put their differences aside and play 2 gether ( bad game pay)! You need Aaryn to help get McRae out! He gets to the end he beats EVERYONE left in this house! Spencer hasn’t done crap, an is vile as Amanda, but due to editing most people aren’t aware…GM 2nd biggest floater, but she can deep throat a lot of ice cream if needed ( also a bigot), Andy lost minion from despicable me..Judd was evicted and should have remained evicted ( don’t like these twist) he’s probably an ok guy out of the house, Aaryn ( well we ALL know her story), but she’s a competition beast ( usually carries some clout) her downfall is her mouth, Amanda started off on a decent foot ( I thought) , but after her true colors were revealed she’s just a miserable person (obviously) Elissa has played a clean game compared to the majority of these guests… ( she has participated in some normal gossip) but has been a target all season. McRae showed he was NOT to be trusted from the minute he turned on the moving company, he was decent b4 attaching himself to Amanda, and he keeps her there bc he knows he can beat her. I don’t think this guys cares about her at ALL (that’s sad) , but honestly… How could he? She puts him down all the time. He will run for the hills when this is over with his 500,000. Good Luck Elissa and McRae. I believe outside the house these 2 are probably decent human beings…and Andy ( maybe) BUT I don’t want Andy to win! He’s done nothing but gossip all season & then act like he’s been everyone’s friend. Whew… Needed to get all that!

      2. Who cares goofy you did not marry him Elissa did. My husband is 15 years older than I am and we have been married for almost 40 years. The age did not matter to me and I think Elissa has love and respect to her husband and vice versa.

      3. Who cares how Brent looks. Who cares how much money he has. You’re not the one sharing your life and bed with him, Elissa is so be quiet. How Elissa and her husband choose to live their lives is their business. The only reason you are insulting their marriage is you can’t stand for other people to be happy and you are trying to bring them down. That is really pathetic. So what if Elissa thinks Judd is cute. She’s not going to act on it. She is using his vote to advance her game, nothing more.

    2. On that website, in the About Elissa section, she describes their romance as “world wind” and now I can’t stop cackling.

    3. They got married on 30 June 2012 and she is good at keeping her personal life private, since she was in the BB house on their 1st anniversary. I like that about her.

    4. Too bad you posted the website. Cyber-creatons have ruined it. A game is one thing, but what they did should be prosecutable. Very ashamed for my fellow man

      1. half the comments are people complaining about the comments which for the most part were made by the same 2-3 people

  5. Can’t stand Amanda. Can’t wait to see CBS refuse to air all her craziness this week and make her seem normal. #RIGGED

    1. That’s the point I’ve been trying to make on the people on this site. Amanda, my Jewish Queen is going to win because my favorite network CBS wants her to win. Why wouldn’t you bet the house on her. I did a month ago and will be making a fortune. People I guess don’t like money.

    1. Isn’t Aaryn doing the same exact thing that Jessie was vilified for by everyone in the house including Aaryn??? Everyone flip flops when the people you were counting on discards you. Aaryn might even have less reason to be hurt. At least she knows she’s on the block with another Mcranda ally. Jessie was screwed over by Helen to keep Spencer.

      1. You’re right and if I were going home, I would do the same. The Elissa/Judd thing is stupid though and has no real value. Very highschool. She has MANY other things she can throw out there that will actually do some damage.

      2. Jessie was screwed by the RAT ANDY. The rat ratted out Jessie when she was trying to flip the house when Howard, Candice, and Amanda were on the block. Jessie did this because she didn’t like how Aaryn was going up in the totem pole and no one was talking anymore about getting rid of Aaryn, GM, etc.

        The RAT put Jessie on the block with her being his target. Helen wanted Mc/Amanda. The RAT is such a great liar that Jessie wasn’t even mad at him.

        Jessie was toxic to everyone’s game. Because she was trying to flip the house, people were suspecting Judd in on the plan because they were considered a duo.

  6. I’m starting to think McCrae is trying to get rid of Amanda. The 3 losers who’ve done nothing in the game (McCrae, Andy, Spencer) know they can’t stand in the final 2 against Amanda or they’re not winning. Aaryn just told Amanda exactly what is going to happen, which is basically that unless Amanda or McCrae win HOH, they’re going up and Amanda’s leaving. Amanda believed her, but McCrae insisted Andy’s more valuable to them.

    It would be something if Andy accidentally won the HOH competition next week and put them up. I think the writing’s on the wall and here’s a perfect opportunity to get a good competitor to stay with them (Aaryn), and they’re keeping Andy instead who has to stab them (specifically Amanda) in the back to have a chance at the game. Aaryn isn’t afraid to be in the final 2 with Amanda, as she has won 5 competitions already.

    Getting rid of Aaryn in favor of Andy may be Amanda’s mistake that costs her the game.

    1. Um, problem with that scenario is Amanda was very aggressive when McCrae was put on the block and terrorized Elissa. I doubt Andy who is a bit of a coward will do the smart thing. He will put up Elissa and GM. Now, only hope is for GM or Judd to win HOH. Those are the only two that have the guts to break up the super alliance of A and M. Don’t fool yourself, Aaryn won’t do it. She’s too easily manipulated by Amanda.

    2. mccrae and Amanda if the exterminator alliance is real elissa mccrae and Amanda between those 3 better win a couple hohs in a row or they are gone

    3. i agree. mccrae and amanda are pretty much for sure going up together next week, unless they win hoh, then probably elissa and judd would go up, or elissa and gm. if aaryn stays, she would target elissa whereas if andy stays, he probably won’t win hoh and even if he did, he may not target elissa. and aaryn is right, andy will not be a target, whereas aaryn staying will be a huge target. if mccrae and amanda were really thinking smart, they would cut andy this week, use aaryn to go after elissa and get gm on board with them since they saved aaryn. they would piss spencer, judd and elissa off, but they are all coming after mccranda anyways. i just REALLY hope amanda doesn’t win the POV next week, I do not want mccrae going home instead 🙁

    1. Actually Elissa is the one with herpes. Several different houseguests saw her Valtrex (herpes med) prescription. No joke.

      1. Valtrex is an antiviral used to treat a variety of viruses. I know someone who had shingles and was on it.

      2. Not an Elissa fan, but if I had to live in the same house with infected houseguests I would take every medication known to man to make sure I didn’t catch anything

      3. Herpes is a virus. Once you have it, you cannot get rid of it. It lays dormant until right situations fire it up again.
        Cold sores are a herpes virus. Shingles are also from the herpes virus among many other diseases / skin infections.
        The virus is transmitted through body fluids or skin to skin contact. You don’t have to be having sex to get herpes. So please get informed.

    2. This season is so screwed up I want to see Aaryn and Amanda as the final two just for shits and giggles. And if anyone is ‘outraged’ by that then you’re taking a tv show way too seriously.

    1. I would say it is doubtful Michelle, she seems to be talkiing game quite a bit with McCrae. She would be acting more pshychopath-ish (my brand new word-and please dont bash the spelling, i already know). She gave up reading the rule book to find ways to torture Elissa and has resorted to mean talk. I think if she were told she would have to self-evict, she would be off the hook cray.

    2. RIGHT I have a better chance of self evicting from that sour rotten hell hole than that ever happening!!!!!

    3. This is a complete lie set up by some bored person in hopes of stirring up some BS!!! There is NO WAY Amanda has signed papers and is going to leave the BB house on her own. This is just childish rumor set up for something to talk about.
      My guess is, since you want to know everyones opinion on it, you might be the one that started the rumor in the first place! Am I correct? Be honest

      1. Actually, you can find the origin of the rumor on Amanda’s Facebook page, or through another major BB website. This is my first season of BB so I wasn’t sure exactly if anyone has been as nasty and crude on the level that Amanda has.

  7. Judd got it from Jesse and now, Aaryn. This knee-biting, bear shirt wearing contenstant better realize he’s in a game for a second time and that hasn’t happened. So far, he’s been very neutral and the target will keep getting bigger. I hope he doesn’t trust anyone but Elissa. Since Helen spilled the beans, he knows she has nothing to lose at that point (production clearly was involved and she may have known in advance). I think BB15 is picking up and if Judd wins HOH and wastes his HOH, the game goes back to the same mundane, predictable one two weeks ago. GM for HOH! Spencer’s DR sessions also peg him as a possible threat to A = MC squared for eviction, otherwise, the votes will be in favour of A = MC squared. This will be a crazy HOH.

  8. I don’t believe for a second that Amanda will self-evict on thursday. At most, perhaps she will apologize and laugh it off. “Oh, Julie, I was just being silly! I am back on my meds and it will never happen again. I LOVE Elissa!”

    I wouldn’t put it past someone at CBS creating the rumor just to generate high ratings for thursday’s show. It might get a lot of people who have sworn off watching any more of this season to tune in.

  9. Personal Aside And Game Strictly, If Amanda Can’t See That Mccrae Is Looking To Protect Himself And Not Her By Keeping Andy Over Aaryn Than She’s Stupid. aaryn Is Right She’s The Bigger Target Over Andy. So Keep Her. Mccrae Is Playing Amanda, He Has Even CalledAmanda A Meat Shield. Can’t Stand Any Of Them But It sickens Me That As Smart As Amanda Is She’s Letting Her Emotions For Mccraes Control Her Game. Stupid Girl.

  10. I just laughed so hard a little pee came out…
    Amanda rumored to apologize & self evict…
    Gotta be the most hilarious thing I’ve ever seen posted at any BB site I’ve ever been at!
    The standard by which all undeserved self-entitlement on earth can be measured, “self evicting”…
    Aw jeez, my sides hurt…

  11. Anyone – blah blah blah
    E -”Ummhmm ummphf”
    Anyone – blah blah blah
    Elissa – “Ummhmpfhh “
    Anyone – blah blah blah
    Elissa- “Umm ya”

    That essentially sums up 99% of every conversation with Elissa….especially prior to Helen’s eviction.

  12. this is what I heard tonight:
    McCrae is 22 and delivers pizza,
    he only pays $100 a month rent (lives with guys in one of their parents house)
    no credit card (no credit)
    piece of crap car
    had an argument with his gf Jessica before he left and is not sure what is going to happen when he get’s home (seriously)
    and once a month he video tapes the local council meeting for $14 an hour (how many hours do they meet?)
    I don’t get it, he is obviously smart. Where is his ambition?
    He lost me when he yelled at Elissa (it doesn’t mean I am a El fan) and
    called her names.

    1. based on what he has told us about his life he has no ambition. he must be content with sliding by through life and unfortunately for him going on this show has no doubt broken his little eco-system and he will have no choice but to grow up. if he thinks his ex is still waiting for him he has another thing coming. no woman would take a man back after watching him do the things he did on big brother. sad to say but his best bet would be to move to florida and let amanda support him and help him get his act together.

  13. I wish people would stop with the negative comments about Elissa’s husband. He’s not that much older and a lot of women who have been thru bad relationships with men their age seek out older men. I saw a interview that he did and he isn’t as ugly as his pictures make him look. Some people just take bad pictures. It is so hard to find a good man that when you do you don’t care if his teeth aren’t perfect or if he is loosing some hair. If you marry for looks you will be sadly dissapointed in 20 years or so when the looks start to fade. I sincerely wish them the best and hope she is happy.

    1. I hate it when HGs talk about other peoples family members, just vile. Saw the interview with Elissa’s husband. Seems like an intewlligent, sweet guy with nice dimples. If he is wealthy then she hit the jackpot, plus he’s Canadien so there’s that too.

    1. agreed how anyone could think that she was being honest when she said that is beyond me. i’m sure she is loyal to her husband and just wanted to phrase it in a way that her husband would enjoy hearing but honestly that’s the sort of line you expect to hear from a cheater.

      1. I have been married 8 years and have never in that time been attracted to another man………..does that make me a freak.i dont think so. Some people are just happy together.

  14. Our local CBS is showing stinking football Thursday instead of BB. HELP!!!!!!!!!!! Is there a way to watch the Thursday night live show online while it is happening?????? PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Yeah there are ways. first look it up and see if their just holding it until after midnight. That’s what my station does when they have football on that night. If not there are a few websites that have the show up a mere few hours after they’ve aired. The thing is you have to have a certain player (Real, Windows Media etc) to use them. I don’t remember their names though, I haven’t been on them for a while.

      1. I am in the same fix. CBS showing firkin footie in Florida. I cannot access on-line as I live in the Caribbean so “content is not available in my region”. Very frustrating. I jumped ahead in the tv listings and there is no indication that it will air later. I contacted CBS Florida but no response. What will probably be one of the best shows this season and it is unavailable.

  15. Demanda is much too relaxed. Im not buying she is gonna self evict. Even though that would be the best thing for this BB and would make me very happy to have her gone. She is such a trouble maker. A nasty women that mc doesnt even want to have sex with.

    1. I’m not buying it either. She is too narcissistic to really believe anyone hates her. She is too busy rationalizing her behavior to learn from the situation. And WHY is she saying stuff about Eliissa’s marriage still? She’s just being sneaker with her personal attacks.

  16. PFFT. Would anybody out there be scared of mcpussy if they were in the game? LOL. It’s s comical how the pussies in the house “are SO afraid to piss IT (mcpussy) off.”
    I hate how it would be the end of the world for them if they don’t bow down to mccranda’s wishes. Makes me sick to think that they think they hold that much power. I cannot believe mcpussie’s strategy as a superfan is to hide behind a girl as his target for the whole season. what a douchebag. He doesn’t even come close to comparing to Dan or Dr. will’s game. I don’t see why he keeps mentioning them.

  17. I think Andy will either throw the HOH or if he accidently wins it he will never put Amanda and McCrae up. He is too chicken. He will put Elissa and maybe Spencer or GM up. He is ridiculous being mad at Elissa for putting him up and yet he put Spencer up and Spencer is not mad. What an ass especially since he knew he wasn’t going home. That boy is all talk and no action. I hope he’s the replacement nom next week too if the veto is used.

  18. The day Amanda self-evicts is the day I grow wings and fly. And, no I am not a bird. Sometimes I would like to flip her the bird, but still no wings here. It would be nice to see who gets HOH and if they put up Amanda and McCrae. But, this show is rigged and we all know that Amanda or McCrae will win HOH. Just another year of the same old crap. I keep saying I will never watch it again, but still do. Maybe I need those wings and take a trip away from the spoilers.

  19. I’m afraid we’re going to end up with Spencer, Andy and already once evicted Judd in the final 3…. that’s just sad.

    1. Better that than Elissa and McCranda. The sooner those three leave, the better. Maybe the rest of them could salvage SOME dignity for this season.

  20. How ignorant was that 9/11 conspiracy discussion last night? I wish production could have brought Monica from BB2 into the house so they could say that shit to her face. Something tells me they’d shut up REAL quick if they know her story.

  21. Why do they call Aaryn poopy??! It makes me laugh, specially because they say it all the time even in serious conversations.

  22. I think it is hilarious that Andy believes getting Judd out was a big move. Judd got out because Amanda believed he was the MVP. She has run all the HOH’s except for Elissa’s. That’s why she is so mad. And her plan to get GM on the block didn’t work. Elissa saw through it. So Amanda turns into a bully and harasses Elissa. Andy is one of the biggest floaters in BB history. He’s always saying how other house guests are delusional. He the delusional one. Zingbot calling him out was awesome. I was really routing for him in the beginning, but he has proven himself to be a rat, floater and Amanda’s puppet. If I was in the Jury, I wouldn’t vote for him. I hope Elissa and Judd for final two with Judd winning

    1. andy has been loyal to amanda the entire game and he has won competitions by definition he can be a floater. a floater doesn’t win HOHs and they take the side of who ever is HOH at the time rather then taking a firm stance with any one side. the biggest floater is Spencer by far.

      1. I don’t think Spencer is a floater. He was with the MC first. Then the MC got busted up when McCrae turned his back on them.

        Spencer stuck with Howard, who was also an original member of the MC. So far he has been faithful, no floating.

        Then Spencer spent how many weeks as a “pawn”. He couldn’t align with anyone while he was a pawn. And he never offered to kiss any HOH butt. Spencer has just been by himself, keeping himself safe. He has not been a floater.

        Even now, he still does float to whoever is in power, or in between alliances. He is a lone wolf and he is plotting his way to the end.

  23. Aaryn’s whole game play since the second or third week…….”I’m a bigger target, keep me.” Of all the amunition she has against the McNasties, that’s all she can come up with? And we think GM and Judd are the dummies. Glad when that little Gremlin is gone!

    ….just thought of something else. Imagine Scumanduh in a store shopping, she see’s some people having a conversation…

    “what are you guys talking about? you talking about me??? You guys are looking shady as f&*%!!! Did Elissa put you up to this?”


  24. What the heck was wrong with Amanda last night? She was slurring her words and acting very erratic before she even had a drink. Something was definitely off with her. She blamed her behavior for not taking her meds for 4 days but now she seems over medicated and alcohol on top of those meds is not a good idea. That girl can talk shit behind people’s back. In the middle of a group conversation she just out of the blue brings up Elissa and just repeats the same old bashing. She is a piece of work. Aaryn is trying everything to stay and while Amanda may realize she should keep Aaryn she is only one vote and McCrae is not changing his mind. The boys want an all boys alliance and will target the girls with the exception of maybe Judd.

  25. Just curious, where did the term “cat ladies” come from. Who does it refer to? Just hoping I am not one of them.

    1. You would need to type something in to the actual top field first. The one right above the one that says ‘website’…not trying to be mean, but most of us here do not even consider th opinions of nameless posts.

      When I see a post that says NAME I pretty much skim past it. If you didn’t have the sense to put in a moniker, anything, to differentiate yourself from the rest of us here, then to me, that opinion doesn’t count, j/s

    1. It would be funnier and more entertaining if they did. Real people are funnier than this cast. Production always picks people who want to move to CA and start a career in acting LOL

  26. So glad amanda is giving that devil some of her own medicine. Hey ellissa nice fake lips, they look really natural!

    1. Let me see if I understand this. Amanda spews racial slurs, threatens people with bodily harm, threatens to throw her vag discharge into Elissa’s eye, goes into great detail about gang raping Jessie and slitting her throat, makes disgusting comments about Elissa’s husband and children and bullies and terrorizes Elissa for the better part of an entire day and all you have is Elissa has fake lips. Really? REALLY?

    2. Yea Nooooo, it is the other way around Elissa is giving Amanda her own medicine with the xanax . yup. yup, yup.

    1. I’m sure the producers are afraid to let Amanda get drunk. They already took all the scissors out of the house, they’re probably afraid she’ll hurt someone.

  27. so the rat bastard andy can now add self righteous indignation to his resume. hey dumbass, how many times did you lie to helen’s face about voting for her to stay? and then you didnt and she knows you never had any intention to do so. and you think she should vote for you. you are a total prick and i hope that she completely cold shoulders you and it makes you cry

  28. Duh- It’s a game people. And Amanda uses her power in the game to throw people off balance and by making them have to defend themselves. She play a good game, and plays within the confines of the game. This is not a game of Morality.

  29. What isn’t in this post is that when McCrea told Amanda that she is getting into shit she doesn’t need to by telling Elissa what Aaryn said Amanda replied with Judd will be too uncomfortable to talk to her now, and Elissa won’t want to whisper in his ear or talk to him in private if she thinks the viewers will see it as romantic. Obviously Amanda thinks we, as viewers are stupid. Also when Amanda went and told Elissa, Elissa said I can’t believe she told you that, I told her in confidence…she’s my best friend! So clearly Elissa isn’t concerned about it.

    1. Yes she is concerned. She was testing Aaryn to see if her leaving was the right thing to do or should she campaign to save Aaryn.

      Elissa won”t tell any of those idiots ANYTHING in confidence.

      Amanda is not the only one who can play “mind” games

  30. I say the only way to salvage this season is to turn out the lights and give the remaining HGs knives. Let them dual it out in the dark. Turn the lights back on and if someone survives, that’s the winner. If not, give the money to charity.

    I’m joking of course. Just making a dramatic point about how little I care about the remaining players in the unnecessarily long and boring season of meanies and miscreants.

  31. McCrae saying his showmance is good for his game???

    Amanda told McCrae she stopped tormenting Elissa because she (Amanda) decided Elissa had had enough.

    I know I heard Elissa say last night that she would be able to participate in the next HOH.

    Has Andy ever said why he decided to rat out Helen to Amanda/McCrae. This was happening even before he joined w/Judd & McRanda.

    Aaryn’s parents aren’t KKK, they are White Supremacists. Hence, the spelling of her name, anagram of Aryan. Good catch on that, people.

  32. “Elissa says she’s only attracted to her husband she not attracted to anyone else in the entire world.”

    Okay Elissa, it’s actually not biologically possible to only find one person in the world physically attractive. Love and physical attraction are completely different things. That said, I want you & judd in the final two. Stop Mcranda !

  33. “Aaryn said she did hashtag bear shirt in her HOH tweets” What the hell is this? do they get to see tweets when they get HoH ?!

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