Christie “I feel bad because now Kat is going to go and I made her feel safe all week.”

5:40pm Boat room. Christie and Tommy. Christie – it seems that everyone does not like Jack. And I am thinking what am I a schmuck for pulling at this backdoor? Get my hands dirty and his clean?! And now I am just praying that Sam doesn’t use the veto. But I am scared that he’s going to and I’m scared that I’m going to have to put someone up. And I feel like an idiot because I don’t want to play anyone else’s game. And obviously this “alliance” is not a thing! Tommy – this sucks. Christie – because Nick made it cleat that its not.

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Jessica “Nick & Bella are going to try and turn everyone’s vote if its Kemi.”

2pm The house guests on a backyard lock down. Big Brother is likely cleaning the fish tank / replacing the dead fish. Jack is talking to Analyse & Holly. He tells them that there was something that happened 4 weeks ago … 5 weeks ago… that you would not believe that I still considered doing this thing. My parents were like how the hell are you going to go on Big Brother with what’s going on. There were probably 10 things that were going on from not being able to take a job, quit a job, not being able to make enough money, totaling my car, medical issues, getting cheated on, getting lied to, family issues, dog issues…

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