Michelle – “Paul has lied to me so much.. He’s a snake .. he lies to my face.”

POV Holder: ? POV Competition Aug 20th
POV Used ? POV Ceremony Aug 22th
HOH Natalie.Meech Next HOH Aug 25th
Original Nomi1nations: ? AND ?
After POV Nominations: ? AND ?
Have Nots Victor and James

Watch the next week of the feeds for FREE – 1 week Trial!

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1:37pm Corey and Michelle
Corey – if one goes home this week the other goes home next week.. I promise you I’m going to win that HOH i’ll keep you safe..
Michelle is onboard asks him if her hair looks cute

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1:43pm Michelle and Nicole
Michelle – Paul has lied to me so much.. He’s a snake .. he lies to my face..
Nicole – he’s been planting seeds for awhileeeeeeeeeee
Nicole – she says that’s your guys mutual targettttttttttttttttt
Michelle – yes

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Nicole – who do you think about putting up.. Vic
Nicole explains if Vic does go up he can win POV and take Paul down, “That’s what natalie is worried about.. She says Vic would have to go up otherwise.. He could take Paul down and I would go up.. “
Michelle nods..
They hug it out..

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1:49pm Storage room Nicole, James and Natalie
Nicole says she talked to Michelle and she said she’s 100% onboard.
Natalie says her and Corey has to keep her and james safe next week
Nicole says of course.
Nicole – I got your backs.. Moving forward.. This is what we have I really appreciate this I owe everything to you guys..
Natalie – I thought Paul was getting the care package because he was my only target. (when voting started Paul and Natalie were allies)
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1:51pm Cam 3-4
Natalie says Production wants her and James to work with Nicole and Corey.. (I knew it.. It’s a Kraken season.. official.. BB18 the third Kraken season we’ve had)
Natalie – especially [points up] mom and dad want me working with you and Corey..

Nicole leaves..
Natalie says at first Meech wanted Nicole out but she talked her out of it.

Natalie says they feel bad about him going up because they ‘Actually” like him. Natalie adds that Paul is an atheist.
James- don’t put Corey up there as a pawn..
Natalie – why..
James – whoever you want..
Natalie – we have the numbers.. The votes are going to be 2 to 1
Natalie – it just makes so much sense..
James says America is behind they are saying “that had to happened” (if they only knew)
Natalie – I know how conniving he can be.. He has sworn to god to my face..

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2:18pm Kitchen Nicole, James and Natalie
James promises if Victor or Paul win POV he’ll vote to Keep Nicole or Corey if they are the renoms.
They wonder if they go warn Victor so he doesn’t freak out but if they do that he’ll go warn Paul
Natalie – Paul is going to go nuts look how he’s been..
James – he’s forgotten what’s the Block feels like.. He doesn’t want to go back
Natalie – I feel bad for Victor. Paul… never cared.

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2:30pm james and Natalie Bathroom
James says the only thing Victor can do is go to Corey and Nicole and say we were “working with them” (See image)

Natalie saying she’s already prepared Nicole and Corey saying she was only working with Victor and Paul to get Paulie out.
They mention if Paul wins the veto.
Natalie – it will be easier to take paul out than Victor.. We’ll have to have a conversation with Meech..
Natalie is onboard with getting Victor out if that is what they have to do..
James- yeah..

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2:42pm Michelle gets her HOH room.. It’s the same room as Natalie…

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Apparently Michelle’s sisters are lookers..

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Her HOH letter is from her Dad..

3:10pm Tears into it..

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Meech’s sisters

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3:30pm Corey and Nicole
Corey – we’ve done everything we can..
Nicole – I don’t think they’ll put up both of us.. might be 1 of us
Nicole – they are kissing butt so hard.. I see thru that
Nicole – they’ll stick to their word.. who knows..
Nicole – Natalie is legitimately mad at Paul.. when I read their non verbal language..
Nicole says she’s glad he’s her best friend int he house she wouldn’t have done anything differently
Nicole points out that next week Michelle and Natalie can’t play so they really only have to worry about 1 person.
Nicole says if they put Victor and Paul up those are the exact moves they would put up and they get to play in the next HOH.
James joins them.. Nciole points out that Victor is kissing Michelle’s butt big time. Nicole is hoping she’ll see thru that.

3:54pm HOH Victor, Michelle, Natalie and Paul
Friendly chit chat.. Paul has the social game turned right up
Natalie says New York City is legit..

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4:07pm HOH Paul and Victor..
Victor says natalie and James don’t want COrey and Nicole to win but at teh same time they want to get them out.
Paul – they got to get us out anyway
Paul – we’ll see bro.. what can we do at this point
Victor – nothing
Victor – hope that it’s not us and hope we can lock up the veto..
Paul – if we don’t lock up the veto we might be f**ed
Victor – backdoor
Paul – yup

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4:20pm HOH Michelle and Natalie
Michelle – If Corey wins who does he put up next to Vic..
Natalie – I really want to put up Paul.. that’s the only person I’m really set on
Michelle says they can tell Victor he’s a pawn and he’s going up because they don’t want him winning a veto
Natalie – in order to get out big targets you got to put up 2 big targets.
Michelle agrees with putting Paul, Honestly..even if I did want to put up Nicole it’ wouldn’t make any sense.. James and Corey are going to vote out Paul..
Natalie says Victor will got over Paul
Michelle – no they all said that.. Paul
Natalie – oh they all agreed.. Oh
Michelle brings up when they get to final 5 she’s the odd person out.
Michelle tells her she’s taking Natalie to the end if she can. She’ll understand if Natalie won’t take her because of James.
Nicole comes in needs to go number 2…
Natalie now saying they don’t have to put up the same people they can pick from 2 groups.

Michelle – I just feel really bad Victor has been good to me.. I don’t know what we should do
Natalie – even if you put up James that’s your game I respect that..

Natalie says Nicole/Corey, Paul/Victor are taking each other to the end.
Natalie – we can pull one person per group to make it even..
Michelle is proposing they ask Victor not to use the veto if he wins it to stay off the block.
Meech – I kinda wish I didn’t win it.. Kinda sucks..
Meech – I’m going to be the odd person out.. lets face it..

Michelle is scared to work with Corey and Nicole.
Natalie says they have to work with different people week to week..
Michelle – I’ve wanted Paul out for awhile now.. I’m not goign to lie.. I don’t want to put Victor up.
Natalie says she’ll put Victor up and Michelle can put Paul up.

Michelle – If Paul and Vic stay and they win HOH they are goign after Nicole, James they are not coming after me or you..
Natalie – or Corey
Michelle – If Victor, Paul and James win we’re safe..
Michelle says long term Paul is bad for their game but short term he’s good.
They agree Paul’s got to go
Michelle points out that Nicole has not been on the block Michelle doesn’t want to see Nicole slide to the end.
Nat – would you put Nicole on the block
Michelle – yeah I would..
4:50pm They plan to talk to Victor and tell him he’s going up as a pawn.
Michele says they’ll tell him if Paul comes down they’ll put Corey up and send him home.
Michelle says Victor has never lied to her.

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Victor comes up

Natalie – we want to be honest with you.. I respect you’r game 100%.. you are not my target
Vic – don’t put me up as a pawn..
Michelle – Paul is a target.. he’s lied to me so much..
Victor – if Corey goes home this week me or Paul are guaranteed a care package Nicole is the target then it’s us 5
Natalie – I don’t trust Paul .. I trust you but not Paul ..
Victor says why not put Corey and Paul on the block.
Michelle – we don’t want yo to win it take off Paul..
Michelle swears to god she’ll use the veto on Victor tells him he’s safe the whole house wants Paul out.
Victor points out if him and Paul are on the block together Nicole and Corey cold flip and vote him out.
Natalie says paul is playing all sides of the house.
Natalie says she’ll respect him if he puts her up
Victor – Nat I wouldn’t do that..

Victor – if you trust me enough would you trust me enough to throw a veto comp..
Vic – if you put Corey and Paul up and I throw the Veto comp and Paul stays on the block..
Victor – if you trust me.. look I want to stay in this game..
Victors says all along his plan was 100% to take out Nicole, Corey and roll from there. Victor isn’t thrilled that they are changing the plan.
Natalie – I take it week to week

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4:41pm another week of this

5pm Big Brother blocks the feeds.

6:25pm Still blocked for the nomination ceremony..

7:05pm No feeds for you

152 thoughts to “Michelle – “Paul has lied to me so much.. He’s a snake .. he lies to my face.””

    1. Sorry Simon and Dawg posted this on last page 3 min before you updated haopes its ok to repost. Yes Production is Steering the players again Natalie told James that they wanted her to work with Corey and Nicole BOOO
      Likes and dislikes of each persons games (just my opinion)
      COREY (Dislikes) whiney boohoo me Needs Nic now so is up her and Hated that Never cared BS that’s just unnecessary meanness he can be cruel when in power (likes) I guess he is loyal to his boys
      NICOLE (dislikes) petty mean girl stuff EGO God and America want us to have packages,,um really BB is the devils game baby, falls for silly boys (Likes) She is loyal to the guy she likes ,she has caught on to a lot of the sketchiness of the house
      PAUL ( Dislikes) He can be very juvenile and I hated the PP and Antichick thing (Likes)
      he did not make anything personal its all strategy to him and he does seem fun, Plus there is no denying he is intelligent is playing a really good game.
      VIC (Dislike) Hated the antichick group he was in and sometimes he has an ego (but lots of young guys do) I don’t think he has a real strategy except to win comps (Likes) I love that he cleans . He also seems genuine and loyal. I also can tell Vic loves his mama
      JAMES (Dislikes) Stop with the falling for the chicks play the game already, some of his pranks are really juvenile and not funny. (Likes) He has a genuinely huge heart, loves his daughter and try’s to do the right thing.
      NATALIE (dislikes)She works peoples emotions (Meech your my best friend when 2 min ago she was going to get her out with V and P or at least have her be a pawn plus some of the James stuff I just don’t like that game but hey if it works) her ego to lately (she is young too)
      (Likes) She is bubbly and seems so much fun to be around. She is far more intelligent than people give her credit for and she loves her family . Cant say what kind of player she is because she has been good about shielding herself until recently (smart Strategy)these next weeks will tell.
      MICHELLE(Dislike) She seems wishy washy at times although she did say this was strategy. Can be petty but said she was working on it.(likes) She loves this game!!! According to her DR. she is blowing up people and trying to seem swayable so no one sees her as a threat. I think this was bad strategy for her with Nicole because Nic is petty and not strategic so now Michelle is a real target for her. I like that Meech apologized toBridgette and admitte she was being immature.
      PRODUCTION (dislikes) It is clear they steer certain player some for their benefit and some not so much. EX. when they did not show Paulie Natalie’s Negtive goodbye (she told James that she was mean in her goodbye) but they showed him Meeches Knowing he is a vote and could be a player that comes back I don’t like that its steering people They have done this before. Hate them pulling people back in the game if they have been out for several weeks. Natalie Said on the live feeds to James that they told her to play with Corey and Nicole WTF(likes) so far better than last year or maybe not with this new BS.

      1. Production steering the house guests in the direction they want to go is a huge turn off for me. I mean, I know it’s happened in the past, but when someone actually says it out loud, it takes the fun out of watching. So disappointed.

    2. Welcome to Rigged Brother. it’s obvious production is giving orders to Nat and Meech. Victor is production’s target for eviction. they need an excuse for this jury buy back crap which will be tailored for Paulie to return in the game. The game has officially corrupted by production for James or Nicole to win this season. Expect the expected.

        1. Vic, Nat ,and Meech finale three. Not in any order although I am starting not to want Nat ONLY because I feel like production is Obviously helping her. If they stop than those three are who I want. James lost me to win but I love him.

      1. It makes me mad. Vic and Paul just aren’t white and Christian enough for this show so they get kicked off. Shame on production.

        1. Christian? Paul is Armenian, and Armenia is the first country in the world to have accepted christianity as its official religion.

          1. Paul’s not from Armenia; he’s from Tarzana, CA and he’s an atheist according to Nat. (I am aware that he is of Armenian/Russian descent.)

            1. Who cares we are all American all different and those difference make us beautiful and unique. Does not matter what you look like does not matter what your religion is we are a beautiful mosaic of difference. Heck we are all Human love is love and this is just a game. … We are even ok with Canadians.

              1. Which is why blatant bigotry shown on TV disgusts me. I love Big Brother but hate how they shuffle anyone who could even slightly be considered a minority off of the show at the end of every season.

              2. I was trying to point out the absurdity of assuming that Paul (who is American) would be Christian just because Armenia (as a country) is officially “Christian”. It would also be absurd to assume that ALL Armenians (from Armenia) are Christian, as well, just because it’s the official religion. They do have freedom of religion as of 2005. In addition to Christians, there are Jews, Muslims, Bahai and others.

    3. Dammit, I was looking forward to Nicole crying for a week ” I don’t wanna be around any of these peopleeeeeeeee to be honesttttttttttttttt goshhhhhhhhhh.
      If James and Nat get put up next week, would serve them right. If Paulie comes back, Nicole and Corey are gonna be right back up his ass again. Ughhhhh

      1. I loved Corey’s pep talk to Paulie last night. I’m not a big Corey fan but he showed what a good dude he is.

        I want to see Paul and Vic campaign against each other. Once Victor is out this game will be wide open.

        1. Corey is a sexist idiot who attempts to entertain others with stories of his past attempts to set animals on fire. He is not a good dude.

    4. See?!?!?!? I tried to tell you guys and you gave me a bunch of thumbs down. Lol. She point blank admitted they told her to do this. This crap is rigged! I always thought they just asked “leading questions”. Apparently I was being gullible. Ugh

      1. Chill, Sweetie. Did it cross your mind that people may have hit thumbs down because they don’t like the idea that Production interferes with the game? Shoot, I missed your post, but maybe I will go back and find it and give it the ole Thumbs Down! 😉

    5. I think the girls are actually going to step up and nominate Victor and Paul. Let the fun begin because those two will lose it.

  1. Natalie and Meech will be on the block next week. I think this is a bad move.
    Don’t like Paul, but I do like Victor. Want him to win.

    1. Bad move? So leaving the 2 most dominate people in the game that are clearly a final 2 is a good move for little Nat in future comps? Say James, Nat and Meech battling it out with Vic and Paul in the final 5. Come on, bad move!! Look, favs are favs but more people need to think about the game and not personal likings/dislikings of the players. Like or dislike Nic/Corey, Vic and Paul are the bigger threats and quicker to turn on their alliances!!

      1. I agree 100%…hate nic/corey all you want, but from a game stand point leaving paul/vic in the game together is dumb. Their target should be Vic because he’ll run away with this whole thing. As a viewer I’d like to see him win, as a player I get him out asap.

      2. There is no doubt that nominating paul and vic is way to go. They are clearly a duo, and a formidable blend of winning comps(vic) and social /strategy(paul)…both nat and meech match up more evenly with the likes of Nicole and Corey going down the stretch ..no brainer imho..

        1. Yeah, Production needs Vic to get booted so he can go kick Paulie’s ass in the buy back. Otherwise, they will have to deal with more of his shit. It’s either that or they can release a bunch of butterflies in the middle of the comp so Paulie will sit down and cry. Might be a bit obvious though. Anybody else think Paulie looked quite “medicated” last night?

          Plus, Paul has given them solid gold t.v. this week with his enthusiasm for his Secret Security detail. TV fans are probably going to want to see a bit more of Paul as well.

    2. They are hooped next week any which way they go. The only savior they have is James, and someone returning most likely a comp beast, and most likely will gun for them. Its a lose lose lose for the hoh this time around. Kinda wish corey got the care package now, since its going that direction anyways…

      1. Then Cory and Natalie would be sharing a bed!! I’d love to see Nicole deal with that all week!! To bad Cory didn’t win!!

  2. “James – he’s forgotten what’s the Block feels like.. He doesn’t want to go back” But Nicole hasn’t been on the block once. They gonna Nicole float to the final 3? 2 vets in the final 3.. smh James and Natalie..

  3. I can honestly say I don’t think I’ve ever had my favorite HG change so much. Paul and Victor are pretty much the the only ones I can begin to support right now with Natalie going to the dark side with Corey and Nicole. I was so excited to see the tears/drama from Nicole this week too 🙁

    1. They probably did. I’m surprised victor didn’t win because I saw so many people on social media, the feeds and on here saying they are voting victor. Hell victor probably won but seeing how shady production is now, they just tossed the votes out and picked who they wanted.

    2. I voted for Victor since he could not play in HOH and due to the threat of the Paulie with RT. It was between Vic n Meech.

  4. So, Production interferes and tells Natalie that they want her and James to work with Nicole and #NotGayCorey.

    What a freaking rigged ripoff of a show!

    1. I’m curious as to how it went down. Did production aggressively steer her or did she ask their opinion of what she should do? There has been mentions of her asking for lines in DR sessions so it could have been that . Either way it sucks

    2. And I could have sworn that last week Victor mentioned that Production did not want him to put Paulie up. Any one else remember this?

    1. That’s what production is setting this up for. So paulie will have someone to align with. That or they’re just saving Nicole’s butt. I’ll never understand why they like Nicole so much. She’s terrible at the game. Let it go already production!

      1. Nichole understands the way CBS wants women portrayed and so they protect her. A women’s place on that station is flat on her back or propping up a man. They are not supposed to have anything but superficial relations with other women or be good at anything other then taking care of their man and their children. Your man should be able to order you around and make jokes at your expense.

        Nichole is smart and probably an interesting woman in real life. She is playing along with the image that the show wants for a chance at a lot of money.

    2. Wait – so someone is coming back? Did I miss something. Please advise. I mean, I was a little sketched that Julie never mentioned the date of eviction but…..

  5. u voted for michelle, instead of someone who’s deserving, someone who worked hard, and someone who actually played the game.
    good luck in November
    u fu*kin morons

      1. after watching your political primaries. U American’s don’t deserve to vote in anything, too many ill-informed morons

    1. I don’t understand people like you! People aren’t stupid because they prefer different houseguests than you do. And just because Michelle doesn’t win comps doesn’t mean she isn’t playing. Victor shouldn’t even be in the house!

      1. another stupid american defending utter stupidity.
        I would have hoped you would have voted the best player for safety.
        But, you americans are so dumb you voted for the do nothing big mouth – typical

      2. why shouldn’t victor be in the house? B/c he was evicted?
        Let me explain something to you moron.
        Evicted house-guests have been coming back since season 6 (Kaysar), we’re in season 18. Do you need help with the math too?

  6. It’s a terrible move. If you take out Paul you leave yourself vulnerable. Because next week Natalie and Michelle can’t play and it puts a target on James.From Corey and Nicole or Vic and Paul or Paulie if they come back.

  7. Paul and vics only hope is vic plays and wins veto and pulls Paul down then it forces them to put Nicole up and either her or Cory will be eliminated!
    Best case scenario ofcourse

  8. Best case scenario vic plays in the veto wins and takes Paul down and both Nicole and Corey are up together and one goes home

  9. if thats true about production telling natalie to work with nicorey…then it will be fixed for paulie to return and win the game…then i am definitely done!
    i dont wanna be done..ive always sided against people saying the show is fixed
    will be very disappointing
    i enjoy the seasons…but wont be able to if true!

    1. Some of us seen this a long time ago. We got fussed out, even cussed out for saying it’s rigged. Production shouldn’t have any say so in how these HGS play THEIR game. I knew it was strange that all of a sudden Natalie and Nicole start talking game to each other. SMDH

  10. Hopefully if paul/vic end up on the block one of them wins POV and takes themselves off and the other who gets evicted wins the battle back comp. next week michelle/nat cant play hoh and they have great odds of beating nichole/james and corey for HOH!!! Thats what id like to see but who knows production i mean paulie will likely slither back in! I gotta give credit where its due and vic and paul have been putting in work! sick of all the lame ass people left in the house!

  11. Im so disappointed in Nat and James, I mean if your not going after Rattcole and No-game Norey this week u should of kept Paulie in the game. Atleast you would have split up a duo and you guys would not even be mentioned as targets with Paulie gunning for Vic and Paul and Vice Versa……..I thought i seen it all this season but these houseguest continue to amaze me with their poor play.

  12. so michelle calls out nicole for nothing?? don’t get me wrong i know it’s in their best interests to get a strong player like vic or paul out but…why would michelle’s nomination be anybody other than nicole??

  13. Production’s interference doesn’t surprise me at all after that golden edit Corey got last night. I *really* do not want Nicole to win- not because of how boring I find her or her desperate need for a showmance but bc she never owns any real opinion. She plays too scared for me. I get it’s her strategy, but please let anyone win but her or Corey.

    Also, Natalie BS about Paul swearing to God and being an atheist… SMH.

  14. Hopefully if paul/vic end up on the block one of them wins POV and takes themselves off and the other who gets evicted wins the battle back comp. next week michelle/nat cant play hoh and they have great odds of beating nichole/james and corey for HOH!!! Thats what id like to see but who knows production i mean paulie will likely slither back in! You gotta give credit where its due and they’ve been putting in work.. Im sick of all the lame asses left in the house :@

  15. Sucks for Vic, he made a big move getting Paulie out and now he’s screwed. Paul’s my favorite I was hoping he would win 🙁

  16. I really can’t stand Natalie anymore because she is just going against everything she says she stands for. The more she talks, the more she reveals her true colors. What does Paul being an atheist have to do with anything? She really is as fake as everyone says she is.

    1. She’s playing the game and its working. I hope she masterminds the heck out of the rest of the season.

      1. What has she masterminded? Michelle and Bridgette pushed the flip last week – giving credit where it’s due, Natalie pushed James. Without Bridgette’s persistence, Natalie wouldn’t have done anything other than vote the way James wanted her to. Even during the flip I was not a Natalie fan – she seemed to make everything about her and needed to put herself and her feelings into the middle of everything. I’m not surprised she flipped again or that she’s letting production influence her (remember players from past seasons saying Production was pushing them in another direction and they said ‘no’?…them asking Derrick to save Donny was the first that came to mind and he shut it down). Paul/Victor shouldn’t be surprised either, her only loyalty is to James.

    2. The atheist remark was in the context of Paul constantly “swearing to God” as a strategy. That’s all.

  17. Simon/Dawg
    not sure what Kraken season means×3?
    i probably should know but my mind is blank
    whats it mean?

    1. I followed a link he posted and it is a drink. I’m not from Canada so I googled it. Kracken is a brand of Spiced Rum.

  18. It’s one thing for production to stir the pot but if the DR is pointing out strategy to folks it gets very much like professional wrestling. Now it just seems like production for some reason is guarding Nicole. Which makes little sense as she is so annoying and adds nothing to the show. I’m sure the poor saps who have to comb through all the content have to work hard to find something to show Nicole isn’t growing barnacles.

    1. I saw productions work almost all through season 13. They’ve made it more obvious every season. Expect The Expected…

  19. I had to google Kraken (legindary sea creature and there is a movie Tentacles of the Deep) – awesome use of the word Simon! Fits perfectly for those sea rats in production trying to save the bed ridden rats from eviction. I dislike Corey and especially Nicole more every single day. Nicole hasn’t played a single day in this game and yet production wants to help her even though they know we all know what a terrible player she has been. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

      1. Well, hopefully it won’t be as boring as 16. Might as well let Mr. Pectacular call the shots cause I’m getting the feeling he’d fit right in with the DR folks with his job history.

      2. Haha Simon, I love it! I gave a bottle of Kraken as a secret Santa gift last year, never tried it myself though. Perhaps I should, as I’m going to need it if I want to keep watching this season ^.^

  20. interesting that someone comes back from the jury and these two will not be able to play in HOH, but that returnee will be. if they don’t win, hopefully everyone agrees to get them back on the block to get them out,

    I want paul to get the 5k bribe, i wanted to see what he would do with that task. no one else i could care less, i mean who is left, the returnee, vic or corey.. sure for vic, but no way for corey, it’s a waste without being able to give it to paul (or bridgette if she came back)

    i wonder if natalie is interpreting right what she says production said to her, or if she’s just using it as a reason to do what she’s doing. she might be the sort of person who hears a question or comment and say to herself, hey they said ……… it’s not like we haven’t seen her blow up about perceived things when maybe maybe stuff did not go exactly the way she remembers it.

  21. Here’s the thing, I understand the going after Vic and Paul as they are real good at comps. This is the weakness of comps dominated by some physical aspect. The “mental” comps are pathetic and rare with most just a 50/50 or at best 3 three choices.

    What really kills the enjoyment of this game for me is the heavy handed production interference. I guess it’s necessary when you cast so many fame whores but really makes it hard to get excited about the “twists”. It seems production is pushing for a showmance final 4 and final 2.

    I’m getting a Vince McMahon feeling…

  22. Well Natalie & Meech will be on the block next week, don’t like James anymore he’s too flip floppy, it will be funny if Vic or Paul (depending on who wins veto) or Paulie (can’t stand him) comes back in and takes all of them out!!! #BadMove

  23. Maybe production wants vic out.
    Maybe buyback comp will be puzzles (Vic is good at puzzles)
    Vic comes back in (second time) wins hoh and takes out James or Corey.
    I still have hope for Vic. Don’t give up on him yet.

  24. Best case scenario, victor wins veto, paul gets evicted. Day comes back in with Victor as HOH, things will then get interesting next week. I just want Day to come back to see Nicole squirm.

  25. The Good Lord knows I love my Dallas Cowboys, but not when they preempt my Big Brother. And y’all know Granny can’t be stayin’ up to 12:30 AM, even if it is Friday night.

    What’s that streaming link, again, Simon and/or Dawg?

    Y’all don’t want Granny keeling over from BB deprivation!

  26. Not happy someone from jury gets to come back unless it is Bridgette. If this is a way of getting Pualie back in the game I am going to be super annoyed!

    1. Producers get that power. It’s their show. Unfair? Yes! But it is what it is……same goes for other “reality” shows and game shows.

      1. Yeah, these house guests are paid to perform for us, you see. They are like monkeys in a zoo, and their job is draw viewers in thus creating a bigger payday for said zookeepers. When you make an investment, you want to protect that investment. It may not be a scripted show, but production definitely wants to get the most bang for their buck.

        That Paulie boy has a pretty solid chance of returning to the game. He is great at physical comps, and although he is a bigger baby than Meech, he isn’t a complete idiot and would likely do well with puzzles, too. The only juror currently in the house to be a proven competitor that I believe jury would favor is Bridge.

        If the comp for the jurors turns out to be physical and Paulie or 5th juror wins, we would have more proof that the game is being “designed” to increase the odds in a particular direction…in other words, I feel that the only reason Paulie didn’t self-evict is because he was likely told there would be another opportunity for HIM to get back in the house.

        Paulie draws in a big audience, so it’s in production’s best interest for Paulie to make it back in the house. I’m also sure production gave him the idea to play off his mewling as “strategy”. (Yeah, right Paulie! I may be shaped like a turnip, but I didn’t fall off the truck yesterday!) Paulie finally followed through on his pie punishments likely because production reminded him he could be disqualified for not participating.

        Bearded Paul is well liked among the house guests and he is highly entertaining for everyone (he is doing a great job with his “security detail” and his comical ways are money in the bank.) He can win comps. Paul is serious competition for the remaining HGs. Any HOH’s to leave solid competition in the house would be cutting their own throat. Nicole and Corey are not competition because the jury is not in favor of CoCo winning.

        Nat and Meech are doing just fine. They need to dwindle down their “competition”. Boys on the block makes sense! If I was Nat & Meech, I’d want to take Nicole to the end because she is their least threatening competition.

        There’s only one more care package coming. The ones eligible to win it are Paul, Victor, and Corey. The girls would be better off sending home an eligible care package winner. Natalie knows that Paul is a favorite to win the game with the jurors, so she’s smart to make him a target. Yet, I believe Nat to be truly capable of figuring that our on her own.

        Production indeed has a hand in everything. We’d be fools to believe otherwise. But, it’s ultimately up to those house guests to play that game.

    2. They are favoring Nicole to win. That’s why she got the Safety Care Package because she was going to be the renom. If Michelle was such a super fan, then she should know that BB favors some contestants and rigg the game for them. She should also know that your are supposed to do everything opposite of what Production suggests that you do

  27. If Natlie can make it to the end and clip James to take her best shot person for her to win (say mech of nic) to the final two she very well could emerge as best bada** player in a while. In the ranks with Janelle and Rachel. She wouldn’t have to blindside him. She keeps saying you can no longer play emeotional. Would love ot see her mastermind this to the win from here.

  28. I really don’t understand these HGS at all. I know this is a game, but where is the loyalty at in this house. Wasnt Michelle just calling Nicole a snake a couple of weeks ago? Now Michelle is willing to work with her( Im confused). This is not a good move Natalie is making. How can she really trust Nicole( who haven’t talk game to her the whole season)? Nicole is going to stab Natalie and Michelle in the back, head, arms, butt, legs, feet, and neck next week. Everyone have been on the block, except Nicole and James. Open your eyes Natalie and put Nicole and Corey up. Oh and Why did Natalie mention that Paul is an Atheist? What does that have to do with the game?

    1. My feeling on this is that Natalie is keeping her word…from the beginning she has said a girl will win this season and that she will ONLY vote for a girl to win(I suppose that’s impossible if there is no female in the final two). This means bringing along Meech and Nicole (and hopefully Bridget with the returning jury member) then see where the chips fall.

      I imagine her plan is to take out all the guys (James last) and bring home her win.

  29. I think production is actually setting it up for Victor to win. Who doesnt love an underdog story?! If he gets voted out this week and has to battle back against Paulie and makes it back into the house AGAIN…. who wouldnt want to see him win the whole thing? Plus that makes for good tv. They can say yet again… in a never seen before event… Victor wins his way back into the house a 2nd time … blah blah blah…

  30. Natalie making all her decisions based on a care package that was intended for Bridgette and CBS screwed its viewers and fans over and gifted it to Nicole… Now natalie thinks America wants them to work together…. Thanks CBS
    And thanks America foor giving this care package to the easiest person to brainwash…. Michelle should have never gotten that care package, people just wanted to give it to the only available girl, smart…. Congrats to the fruitloop Dingus for winning Big Brother like Dan and Derrick without winning a thing, unlike Dan and Derrick she did absolutely nothing socially…. Snuggling is the worst strategy ever, atleast Andy played

    1. Save yourself an hour you can never get back… dumb…just dumb… the only way it could have been less entertaining is if Frankie had made an appearance.

  31. I am glad Paul isn’t sliding to the end. He is playing the best game and seeing him up and hopefully out will be different for sure! Simon, you must really really dislike Nicole lol. I do like her (minus Corey :P).

  32. So now production directly gives orders for Nat to f#ck over the people who kept them safe and work the showmance angle for another rigged season CBS are such assholes….as usual.

    1. I’m sure production gives the house guests direct orders all the time, Nat is just the one who is ditsy enough to say so on the live feeds.

      The show will probably find a way to punish her for slipping up. They’ll tell her to have sex with James on camera or something.

      1. Where’s Paulie? They knew without a doubt that he was leaving this week, and no round trip ticket? Hmm.

  33. You guys really believe the diary room told her to stick with Corey and Nicole? You think they would take a chance like that? They would lose the show if that stuff really happened. Think! Natalie is a bit ditzy. She just stated what happened wrong. Think!

  34. BB18 Production- you suck!!!! Let the game play out the way it should. Stop guiding players and creating buy-back twists to get your players back into play. I repeat, BB18 production, you suck!!!

  35. Does anyone else think the 5k bribe is kind of weak?

    Doesn’t seem like it would have much influence on someone trying to make a decision based on winning 500k.

    If they really wanted to have this last ACP be the ultimate power, it should be set up so the winner gets the only vote to evict whoever is on the block.

  36. Dr simon and dawg, the new sponsored links are really gross and nasty. If i wanted to see an enlarged infected pimple i would zoom in on michelles face.

  37. I don’t want victor in danger! Why does he have to work the hardest for sh%& in the house . Paulie got away with stuff that would have gotten victor sent right out the door. Nooooo I don’t want victor gone. Let someone else battle back. Easy street for Nicole and Corey. Must be effing nice to be them.

  38. I am super bummed that Natalie and crew appear to be turning on Paul and Vic.

    Watching Paulie get evicted and Corey & Nicole stressing out this past week has been the most enjoyable week of the season. I was really hoping they would have kept it going.

    It’s really looking like we’re going to be witness to the lamest winner of Big Brother since Season 4.

    Once Paul and Vic get evicted nobody else in the house deserves to win.

    I can’t believe Nicole could possibly win this thing when all she’s done is lay under the sheets with Corey all freaking season.

  39. This Care Package is such a waste. Moving forward, Meech can’t play HOH next week. Doesn’t she know that she’s going up? Why put up somebody that will have your back the following week when you can’t play?

    1. Why are everyone thinking Michelle can’t play in the next HOH when she was awarded the Co-HOH? There’s no rule saying she won’t be able to play in the next HOH! She will be allowed to play just like the rest of them besides Natalie. Also I hate how it’s allowed for outsiders to influence the outcome of the game just because we might want a certain person to win! Why can’t we just sit back and let them play? I bet if anyone of us had a chance to get on the show we would be pissed if we were doing so good to win and the viewers somehow changed that!

  40. Big Brother is nothing but a big lie! We are all being manipulated! We are so addicted to it ,that we don’t want to believe it!

  41. When has Paul ever lied to Michelle? What has he ever done but be kind to everyone? Sure, he coaches the others on when to not say anything, but that’s because they are morons.

    How hard the show tries to make him look bad is gross. His sweet funny moments never make the show. How he makes everyone laugh and treats the girls with respect is rarely shown.

    Then they cover up the bad behavior of jerks like Frank and Paulie. They reward twits like Nich and Cory who have thought that they were above everyone else from day one.

  42. Natalie has revealed her inner scum bag. I hope next week her and James End up on the block together.

    Saying Paul is playing both sides of the house? How is that? He sided with her and her little toad to get Paulie out and break up the power in the house.
    Either way if Vic or Paul get evicted this week, hopefully they will give Paulie a beat down in the buy back come back in and make her sweat.
    And Meech is an idiot. Screwing the guys that promised her a final 3 to side with Nicole? WTF???

    1. One where Paul and Vic have been solid allies of Natalie all season long? Because as far as I can recall it was in effect this last week to take out the biggest threat in the game. A move that benefited everyone. Don’t act like it wasn’t self serving for Paul and Vic to do that.

  43. Just done…….Snake & Borey sliding to the end with FT & Lames…..liked Nat but over the self obsession ……James, ain’t gonna happen ,dude….she may give ya a bone if ya win 500k but she’ll b gone just like Borey with the 4 eyed snake will. Knew Meech would flip

  44. So, this ziggy marley/carnival took place on 8/15. Where is Paulie in this episode? They taped it without him?


  46. Uggghhhhh I like big brother so much, why does production have to rig it and take out all the fun? Not even excited for the week now. So over it. I wish someone would pop Paul’s floaty. It’s starting to get more annoying than “friendship” and “your boy”.

  47. Big Brother is a scripted mess. No wonder Paulie left on a Positive note with everyone hugging and kissing. ITS ALL AN ACT FOR THE CAMERAS. Such a shame for scripting this so heavily.

  48. It just takes all the fun out of it to have production directing the targets. I’ve lost my enthusiasm. I can understand pushing an oblivious player to run through a series of “what if’ and “then what happens” to make them think through all the scenarios but they should be completely neutral when doing so.

  49. Whatever.

    This whole season sucks again.

    1 good week out of the whole season.

    I’m so excited to watch Nicole/Corey and Natalie/James all snuggling under the sheets together.

    Michelle is an idiot for going along with this plan……………and the worst part is that she knows it.

    1. It won’t and she is completely aware of it. Nothing that happens makes sense to her though. If she is trying to be evil kicking off the only people who care about her is as good of a move as any I guess.

  50. Very disappointed in Natalie. Nicole and Corey are the biggest floaters to ever float. They literally lie in bed all day. They’re not even cute to watch. Maybe that’s why they never had time to lie to Michelle’s face, because they were too busy lying in bed. Except Nicole is a giant liar, so there’s that.
    Natalie won’t get votes if she makes it to the finale, if she cuts off her allies too soon. Paul and Victor dropped Paulie like a hot potato. They’ll do the same to Natalie if she does them dirty. Except they’ll take $500,000 from her. Those boys are cold.
    And Paul’s an atheist? He gets a big thumbs up from me then 🙂

  51. It’s better to be put up and not get back doored, unless everyone gets to play in the Veto. Natalie is going to kick herself in the ass when she finds out about the jury buy back. Nicole is annoying and boring.

  52. To James. This was a move based on believing he was thrown under the bus and in danger. She might have been mistaken. But she’s just guilty of being fooled. Nothing more malicious than that.

  53. Watching Paul and Vic squirm, talking nonstop. My how the tables have turned.
    Never cared looks more like freaking out.

  54. Oh Rigged Big Brother. Shame on you again! Saw on the live feeds Natalie tell James that production wants her to work with Nicole and Corey. WTF? Just can’t let them play the game without your interference and on their own. Tell ya what. Why bother? Why not just skip this BS you call a “game” and just hand the check to the one you want to win to begin with. Morons! What’s next? Going to fix it for your boy Paulie to come back, too?

  55. How quickly Natalie forgets that when Paulie was in the HOH and was rude to her and clapped his hands at her that the only one to do so with him was that goofy f$@k Corey. Victor and Paul just stood in silence. That’s when they decided to step away from Paulie. Dumb, dumb, dumb.

  56. Does Nicole ever put to a brush to that rat’s nest she calls hair????? What the hell is cute about her??? Absolutely NOTHING! She’s a slob! Messy hair, big glasses and slitstrils.

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