Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Angela
Nominees: Kimo, Lisa, Kenney
POV Players: Kimo, Lisa, Kenny, Brooklyn, Angela, Joseph (Tucker is the host)
POV Winner: ?
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: ?
DEEP FAKE HOH Upgrade: Quinn
AMERICA’S VETO Upgrade: Makensy
MASCOT: Cedric & Chelsie
The feeds return after the veto player picks. We will confirm who is playing when its confirmed. Tucker is the POV host!
10:16am Bathroom – Matt and Kenny.
Matt is upset / crying about what Angela did this morning.
Kenny is talking to Matt. Kenny is telling Matt he can’t quit and says that no one has changed with him after the blow this morning. Kenny tells Matt that he wished he had pulled Matt’s name for the veto player pick.
Kenny – You wouldn’t even be your emotions and getting the best of you right now. You tired? I said, like, believe me, I’ve been emotional. I caught on the thing. I’m sorry. As soon as I said my wife’s name, I started crying. love you, man. Which is crazy to me, because I watch this show and I’m like, how do people bond with somebody right away? Like to have that immediate connection with you? I’m like, like, this is great. And you’re right. You have to second guess stuff. You have to hope it’s genuine. And I know you’re a genuine dude. But you’re a good guy Yeah, you ain’t insane. Vote me out. What do you think I’m saying? Vote me out. I miss my **** kids and my family. I wanted to. I want to hug my kids more than anything. But know what? I **** give me both. I already said that. Like, I need you to get me the votes. And you still got the votes because no one **** bought into that. No one bought into that **** No one’s coming up to you. No one’s avoiding you. Everyone’s talking to you. The same people that were talking to you before are still stuck and talking to you, dude. Matt – Okay. Kenny – The only people that I’m talking to you is her. And Joseph is avoiding you. That’s the only two people that are avoiding you. Everybody else is man. I think you’re **** boats. I don’t know what these **** comps are going to be. I was going to **** pick you that way. I was like, I pick him. He’s automatically safe. Like, even if she tries to pull some I mean, you got the **** votes anyway.
10:40am Storage room – Makensy, Cedric, Chelsie, Brooklyn and Ktor
Brooklyn – If I win it (veto) I am NOT using it. They talk about how they think Lisa has the power.
10:50am Bathroom – Matt, Cedric and Kimo
Matt – Yeah. I mean in my personal opinion I feel like the events of today. I freaking right now I’ve been so… I forgot whether you accountability come with them you’re not if you forgave me I forgive 100 percent! My personal life person to person I forgive her. I won’t forget. I hope I stay but if I get voted out. And I go on that stage with Julie I will say with everybody to know like it’s a game. No bad blood and if I did and I didn’t do anything else perceived like that I just forgive. Kimo – you’re a good dude Matt!
10:50am Storage room – Ktor, Makensy and Angela
Angela – so nice how are you? Makensy – I’m I’m 0K. Angela – I’m sorry I just come talk to you because totally I just talk about me I had just heard things like it’s going to be sad when it’s time to get rid of Mama things like that kind of hurts what’s happening right now what you guys are doing it hurts, it hurts! So I just I want you to know though that. I think you’re amazing truly from my heart.
you’re playing the game I mean who it. I mean you are doing it you
are doing it it just you guys got caught a little bit and that’s okay
you know I understand. It’s a game and I just thank God that I am not stupid. Here’s the thing you are a great player and I know that and I’m talking to everybody and I’m trying to figure out what to do. Makensy – like there’s no alliances yet. Angela – Yes there is you make all you guys made an alliance. Makensy – You and Matt me are 0K but there’s not like alliance with me and Matt. Angela – No no you two rallied and made an alliance there is. Don’t, don’t, don’t insult me please! Don’t insult me I’m like I know I’m a mom but I can I mean honestly I’ve got 4 kids I’m like I can read faces and I’m reading yours right now honey stop I’m going to leave because I can’t I can’t let you lie to me like that honey I’m sorry OK! I do love you though 100% OK! Makensy – I love you. Angela leaves.
11:10am Bedroom – Matt and Ktor
Matt is crying about earlier and how he can’t protect his mom from everything that comes from this while he is in the house. Matt – It’s hard. Yeah, it is hard. I don’t know. I’m trying to be like me. I want to give up. Ktor – Don’t do that. Don’t do that. Don’t do that. Don’t give up. Don’t! Stay until the very end. 0K.
Matt – Yeah. Angela joins them – And you guys were in my room too. Fun. I love it! Ktor – Hi, Do you mind just giving us a minute? Do you mind just giving us a minute real quick? Angela – For you, sure. Ktor – Thank you. I really appreciate it. Angela – Yeah. Ktor tells Matt that she can talk to her anytime. Matt thanks her. Ktor leaves. Matt lays on the bed alone. Matt – there is a life outside this. Its just a game. This is not real life. Its just a game! Train your mind. Your mind is strong. You’ve gone through way more difficult things.
Storage room – Ktor and Tucker
Ktor – I believe, I believe Angela because I don’t think she’s a liar
and she’s got a family and kids watching and personally she also wants kids that are going to have their behavior that gets influenced by you. Tucker – Yeah. Your mom might spank you on the a$$ when you get back but she is a role model for her children and personally and that was a strong woman to stand up for that and in front everyone. The game is really started. Tucker – Kumbaya is over no more!
12:10pm Bumper Pool room – Brooklyn and Makensy are playing bumper pool. Kenny, Matt and Lisa are hanging out chatting. Cedric and Chelsie are playing chess. Matt – when you get out and see my intro you will see that it is all about my mom.
12:17pm Kitchen – Ktor and Angela
Angela – It worked out. It made me stronger. It made both of us probably ..your situation and mine stronger and more any things in your life and knowing you want different and and all of that. It’s in survival mode. And then being a survivor of that. Ktor – Yeah.
You need to help yourself. Angela – Thank you. I appreciate that very, very much! Cool. Thank you.
12:30pm – 1pm Bumper pool room – Matt and Makensy
Matt -I signed up to be misconstrued whatever but at the same time I didn’t sign up for any game for family to be used. I’m like she she called me out on a show put a target on my back you know. Makensy – I’ve been thinking that I’m like dude she’s gonna like make it even
harder on you and she’s going to put me up. Matt – I know that’s what I’m saying. Matt – dude she played us. Makensy – I know that’s what I am saying. We can take however she wants to play the game like take it I said but when she throws in just dirty sh*t like nasty comments and like just being a literal bully as a 50 year old woman and bringing your family in. Bringing your family into it. Worst Big Brother players in history. Matt – I may be cuz, like, so these people are cold blooded killers. Makensy – If that’s the case. I was like, dang it. They head down to the bedroom. Matt – I’m like y’all was wrong like I didn’t take acting classes like all I did was like do f**king push ups and like play with my dog to prepare for this like that’s all I did till I get ready to be here. These people took acting glasses like freaking screaming at babies and spitting on puppies. Like they’re terrible. Makensy – I just like personally.. I just want to make it like for me because I just want to see how this all plays out. Matt – there are two stories here… either like the way I see it is either I just get f**ked … like that’s just it. I hope in real life America sees I don’t suck this bad. What are the three things she just attached me on like one that I am not a good person, two that you and I are in a showmance and three said something about my mom.
1:15pm HOH room – Lisa and Angela
Angela is rehashing all of her issues and drama with Matt again…
1:21pm The live feeds switch to the kitten cams..
3:10pm Still blocked.
Can someone explain what is happening lol. I’m confused. All I see is Angela repeating the same thing over and over. What is the problem lol
For the last 24 hours Angela has been a paranoid mess.
She believed Matt stole all her allies.
She made her noms and was upset crying to each nom about how hard it is to be HOH seeking sympathy from the nominees. She failed to get the appropriate sympathy from Lisa, who raked her over the last few days of being friends joined at the hip were a lie on Angela”s part. Guilty and not given the appropriate level of sympathy, Angela spun more.
Brooklin, Cam, Quinn, Joseph and a couple more allies were all thought to have turned against her Angela decided at different poimts in the day. Everyone was out to get her.
At some point last night, fearing her allies had turned against her, she entertained the notion of brining Matt, MJ and Leah into a 9 person alliance. She spun out more after that, and ended up crying to Tucker (who she believed was team Matt) that Matt was threatening her/ This felt very much like sympathy seeking emotional manipulation.
By the end of the night the new eight was semi formed. The Collective.
After Angela learned she had a team again, she went to bed thinking they were conning her and the men in the have not room (including 2 of her new team) had formed an all male alliance and were out to get her. She then practiced what she would say to get everyone back on her side and against Matt.
This morning she enacted her plan to turn the house against Matt and gain everyone’s sympathy.
I seriously doubt that the convo Angela found to be threats and intimidation were ANYWHERE near as bad as she recounts, because her version has gotten worse and worse with retells. That says something. It says something about how she plans to play Big Brother. She’s BBCAN5 Karen seeking a thatkevinrobertmarin.
It seems that Angela did cross the line when telling Matt he’s so good looking. During her rant she said:
When I see this man and how good looking he is
How is that appropriate after the guy felt offended? It becomes sexual harassment where she refuses to admit to herself she found him super hot and attractive, so she’s digging in as if she’s the victim.
Matt seems sensitive about not being just another pretty face, as he alluded to in his DRs.
I don’t like the guy but I’m starting to feel some sympathy for him.
I think Angela likes to rub up on her children’s friends and play it off as innocent mom just being nurturing. Run her hand through their hair, pat their biceps.
As a 60yr old mom I would never speak that way with anyone, and my kids would be mortified if I did.
I don’t think the good looking thing was sexual harassment.
I don’t think Matt is a choirboy. He’s really got some douche opinions.
The point for me is truly that I don’t think Angela is being authentic, she’s performative.
Her entire game is based on whining victim, paranoia and deslusion with a side of what will make good tv…. manufactured and practiced good tv not actual good tv.
Sexual harassment isn’t only about intent. It’s the behavior which she insists on repeating.
I guess, though, that her motive which upset Matt, was to create a showmance target by linking Matt and MJ.
But even so, she’s weaponizing his good looks, first to seque into the showmance conversation with him, and then to excuse herself in front of everyone for her original comment.
It feels dirty in a violating way. In public to imply, well he’s such hot dripping sensuality, that of course I noticed and speculated on his sexual activity in the house.
Omg thanks so much. That really helped. Not having rewind really sucks lol. But I appreciate it. I was so confused. And like tuned in at the wrong time. It looks like she is having meltdown after meltdown. My God lmao
Well, the house assumption that the HOH doesn’t play veto appears to be false.
Angela is playing veto.
Hopefully the feeds will let us know if she actually plays
I thought I read someone’s comment on X that it’s not a guarantee the HoH plays but they do have a chip and can be selected as houseguest choice. No idea if this is true or not.
How is Chelsie competing in Veto? She and Cedric are mascots and can’t compete in anything.
Yeah I got that wrong! I thought she said she was competing … lol
Who is MJ???
Makensey. The house calls her mj or mak.
Thank you so much!!
I find remembering everyone’s name the first week hard enough without them introducing a bunch of nicknames.
Xanax, you’ve failed us. Try harder.
I was going to go with Angela’s Missing Xanax but I thought it was too long. I’ll definitely fix it though, lol
One more question one of you in the know might be able to straighten out. Which two of these houseguests are already apparently in a showmance? I’ve seen references to two of them being a “couple” but no mention of their names. Could you help a brother out?
Angela keeps saying Matt and Makensy are in a showmance / relationship. They’re not, they’re just hanging out / friendly.
I could see where she gets the impression given how late they were up talking in the dark
Angela is quite obsessed with Matt and his sexual potential in the house. She is deflecting that really, really hard now.
Oh okay. So, it’s just more of her paranoid delusion. Thanks Dawg!
Yesterday Angela told people that Cam, Quinn and Joseph had turned on her.
She confronted Quinn and Joseph.
They reassured her she was incorrect (batshit crazy but they were nice about it).
This led Joseph to try to create the 9 with Matt and MJ and Leah. Dude has a bigtime boner for majority alliance to control the game… and I don’t really think he cares WHO is in the majority as long as he’s a member. There was a meeting that Lisa crashed to try to get the majority ironed out with Angela and Joseph aligned with their mortal enemies. Joseph ditched it because the rest of the new 9 were most definitely not down. SO here is the 8 formation….. and they tell Angela she;s got a named alliance team.
Overnight she decided her new team wasn’t real and the men had a secret alliance of five against her.
Today T’Kor realized Angela didn’t believe in the alliance and called them Gremlins plotting against her… and told Quinn, Joseph and Cedric.
See the Problem?
Mad ravings don’t make for credibility. How many cry wolfs before the townsfolk stop believing?
Quinn has told Angela he has the power. Angela thinks Lisa has the other power and is plotting her downfall.
Why Quinn gave blabberjawed Karen offf her meds the info he gave her? Who knows.
So, post POV ceremony…. how many people do you see hanging out in KookooKaren’s Gaslight Garden HOH…. other than to keep her delulu brainstorming from having her enact another performative display of victimhood, this time at their expense.
It’s all gaslighting and emotional coercion brought to you by a paranoid professional victim.
I would not be able to play Big Brother with that energy in the house.
The Collective has decided Angela is not Collected enough to be a member…. and it’s only Saturday.
haha she either needs more meds or a lot less… the verdict is out
“It’s a game and I just thank god that I am not stupid!” WHAT?!?!?!?!!!!News for her: SHE IS STUPID!
*She says that THEN makes STUPID comments to MJ calling her liar over and over to her face.
*I HATE, HATE, HATE the phrase ‘It’s a game’ (GEE nobody knew that until you pointed it out…THANKS!) or worse yet the phrase ‘It’s JUST a game’….well the 1919 World Series was just a game but it had real out-of-the-game consequences.
#1 So many cry-babies and so few days in.
#2 AGAIN, POV winners should HAVE to use it.
#3 UGH, HoH’s claiming victimhood for the least little reason/no reason at all.
#4 Angela went from being Mamma to an Evil-Stepmother PDQ.
#5 A Borg Queen, she is not. The Borg Collective would AVOID this whole ‘house’.
#6 People with a ‘power’ should ALMOST NEVER (unless MAYBE they are COMPLETELY sure about a final 2 deal) tell another that they have a power!