Tucker “Rubina and I have our thing .. It’s not like I don’t have room for you” **updated**

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Tkor
Nominees: Tucker, Makensy, Cam
POV Players: Cam, Tkor, Makensy, Tucker, Joseph and Angela
POV Winner: Cam
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: No havenots this week

Spoilage – Tucker is the AI instigator

3:55 pm Tucker and Angela
Tucker – I trust you more than anybody in here. I know Rubina and I have gotten close and we’ve had OUR talks but I’ve heard from others about her having that talk.
Angela – haven’t heard anything like that or anything stirring about you and
her at all. I think the whole thing of the showmance isn’t even a big
deal in this house. Tucker, nobody can.

T – No, no, I’m saying about her voting me out when it comes down to it.
A – I think we both know that won’t happen. She won’t do that
T – I heard from people.. maybe she’s just playing him
A – She won’t do it.. People’s actions speak louder than their words in here. Tucker.
T – Yeah, I know it’s I’ve been reading everybody. But then there’s so many words going around It gets hard.
A – I’ve been nothing but honest with you from the get go. And I’ve even told you that Joseph takes me aside and he tells me things.
T – Yeah, yeah.
A – And I don’t like the suspicion of that. So I let you know that he was and anybody else who wants to ask me, he was, but he’s not talking. He’s kind of talking past game. He’s not talking future game with me. It’s kind of weird, actually But he’s super smart, and he is somebody that I think you should have on your side. He knows this game, and he is very, very brilliant.
T – he’s done a good job covering that up for awhile but now it’s coming out.
T – we still have the AI Arena
Feeds flip When we’re back.
A – Quinn for Tkor. The man and the friend that you are to Kimo. The protector that you were of me that first week when I really needed somebody and nobody was stepping up to the plate. You did that. is that was beautiful.
A – And now I know that America’s still watching and they know that. for my sanity here and for me to feel somewhat happy because I don’t have anybody. I can sit and just talk with like that.

T – You always can with me I know. I know. Rubina and I have our thing but there’s I don’t It’s not like I don’t have room for you and we had our thing before. As sh1tty city as it is, that’s something I’m going to honor.

Angela cries
T – Regardless that Rubina and I have this showmance thing or whatever. I hate that F***ing word but I was there for you first and I’m not going to forget that. I will never forget that
A – I won’t either
T – I think she’ll understand. We’ve had our little talks here and there.
And you know, we really appreciate each other and we care for
each other and we like each other. But we also it’s.
we’ve said it a bunch. But that’s just in here. Yes of course we think it’ll carry over to the outside but we don’t know and we’re just going to keep being us in her and then see how we are outside lives go together and regardless, she’s the one that said it first. Regardless, she’s grateful To have had this experience as am I.

T – Don’t worry.I doubt they will put you up and If they do I’ll make sure you stay in here and we can flip the script on everybody again. But I don’t think think that is going to happen
T – I love you I’m always here for you
A – I love you to .
Angela Smiles
T – don’t worry.

They hug
Angela – thank you

feeds switch to Rubina in the kitchen.

4:16 pm Tucker and Cam
Cam is telling him about last week’s AI competition with the letters swirling around. Tucker says he would find that the hardest.
Cam – at least you don’t have to worry about it being something like that.
T – Angela is getting called into the DR A lot. (I think he mentions Tkor too but not sure)
C – with nothing to do..
Production – you can’t talk about production
Cam – I guess us saying people getting called in is production.
Cam – If you are not on the block or if you aren’t competing then why would you?
T – Yeah, And who’s to sa.. I know the upstairs one is more for another purpose
Cam – hows to say that’s the case
T – yeah
Tucker and Cam laugh about the “Camel Tail” that is being shown from Tucker’s body suit.

4:40 pm Dinner time

4:43 pm Kimo and Tucker
Tucker doesn’t think the AI Instigator isn’t Angela. Both Tucker and Kimo think it’s Leah.
K – If it’s not Leah I think it could be Cam.
Rubina joins them. Tucker fills her in on the AI Instigator suspect.
They talk about the renominations. The three agree it should be Leah.
T – it has to be Leah
K – It has to be
R – I know

4:50 pm Tkor and Chelsie
Chelsie says Leah is thinking the guys have an alliance.
C – if you put Angela and Leah up this week you will not be affected next week. At all. Number one is Angela will probably not win HOH and neither is leah. So and Tucker offered himself so he’s not going to touch you and I don’t think Cam is going to touch you at all. Actually I don’t know who Cam will touch.
C – with you people you plan on putting on the block you’re fine next week.
Chelsie says if her target is Mackensy she’ll have to put the renom up that ensure her target goes home. She might be the one that puts you up next week if she wins HOH.
C – If you put up Leah and some way A miracle happens and Leah win AI or Makensy wins and it’s one of the girls and Tucker. I don’t know where the house Stands on Tucker because there’s the women’s side regarding their vote.
C – I don’t know where the majority numbers are right now. Do you have a feeling
T – I don’t know.. Tucker does have good pull

4:50 pm Angela, Quinn, Makensy,
Angela is wanting to get Tucker out “This is the bravest thing I’ve ever done”
Angela – he just planted so much craziness in my ear I freakin believed it.
MJ – Tucker plants a lot I was close to Tucker for two weeks and he’s trying to use me.
Leah – he planted things in my head to and tried pinning me and Quinn against each other.
Angela – Don’t believe it. Don’t believe anything He’s an ACTOR. He acted so terrible by the pool he was ridiculousness. He knows.. He’s afraid right now.
Leah – literally they were mocking me up there. It’s funny to you… It bothers me.
MJ – one thing That bothers me is, In this house you never feel safe and I haven’t felt safe since week one and they feel like they own this. I will state it they have it on LOCK and if something isn’t changed they will go to the end.
A – we’re done…. we’re done… we’re done… If you have to pretend with him do it I have to. I am not.. I want him GONE He’ll never get back on there AGAIN NEVER
MJ – he feels confident now because he volunteered
Feeds flip

5:50 pm KImo and Tkor
Kimo tells her that Tucker asked Cam for a final 2 “it’s either before or right after the veto”
Feeds flip to Makensy and Rubina for 4 minutes. When we’re back .
K – Tucker just had a conversation with Angela and she’s worried about you, me and Rubina. That’s why she doesn’t trust 6th avenue cause we don’t hang out all the time.
K – She was advocating for Leah to stay because she needs someone as a friend in this house. I don’t trust Angela when she says her names.
Tkor mentions when she had her one on one with Angela she said “Leah she talks to me”
T – that’s the person she has in the house where she’s formed a good emotional connections with.
Tkor – what do you think about 6th avenue? Is that the thing you want to take top 6 to the end and just stick with it and ride out?
K – no
T – ok same.
K – I told you this
Tkor says the same people she wants to go to the end with is the same as Chelsie.
“Me, you, Rubina, Quinn, Chelsie, Cam”
Kimo says she should call Tucker out on all his sh1t when they talk later tonight.
K – why the f** is he telling people sh1t. There’s a thought in me.. .I don’t know if it’s real there’s too much risk if it’s real. There’s a secret alliance between Tucker, Makensy and Cam.
T – that is another piece of information Leah gave me about Makensy having some sort of top three alliance with Tucker and Cam.
Kimo – mmmmmmmmmmm
T – I don’t know how legit that is. It’s obvious he has his hands in a lot of baskets but which one is he prioritizing
K – I agree.
Tkor says Leah suspect Tucker threw the Veto competition “If he was really trying to win why wasn’t he more upset than he was”

They agree 6th avenue “Is not it… it never felt right”
Tkor wants to solidify something tonight “that does feel right, then whoever ends up going up is going up. they’ll have to go up eventually”
Kimo is worried that Angela will blow up everyone’s game “She’s a blower upper”
Kimo thinks the deepfake is Cam.
Tkor – his reaction was very… similar when you reacted when the whole blow up thing happened.
Kimo – I think it’s Cam he also gets called in randomly..
Kimo is upset about Tucker lying to him about Leah. Apparently Tucker told Kimo all he talks is personal “sh1t” to leah.
K – I’m not f***ing naive
Kimo – Quinn mentioned him and Joe are close to Leah and he wouldn’t want to see Leah on the block. That’s the kinda stuff that worries me when you are protecting someone else.
T – And Leah os not protecting you.
Kimo wants to make sure Quinn know “those things that were said about him are True”
K – Like did I tell you that he apologized by the poor. I was sorry for believing that, like somebody told me that, like, these things were being said about me, and that,
Kimo – like those things were said about him they were true.
T – we both heard them.
K – And I know right now you don’t trust Tucker and right now I would feel like I want to call him on that sh1t because he’s f**king lying. But I do think we have still should keep him closer than not close.

T – one concern I’m starting to have, once Rubina and Tucker get closer will that be a challenge? the thing is. the example I will use is when we had that whole conversation right. One thing I noticed with Rubina she very easily… she doesn’t let Tucker walk all over her but she very easily sides with him. it’s small things.
T’kor goes on to explain times when Tucker ate the corn she saved for Rubina.
Tkor – I said Ohh Rubina you just going to let him eat your corn.. she said it’s not mine.
Tkor – Tucker was like ohh sorry I thought it was the leftovers I’ll eat something else. and she was like no it’s not mine you can eat it.
Tkor – then she told me why did you say something? that was the red flag.
Kimo – I agree.
Tkor – Tucker is a great man don’t get me wrong but he’s not perfect he makes mistake and you can’t let him slide.
Kimo – If we have tucker around we have to keep that Leash f*(**ing tight.

T – Quinn, Joe and Leaf do seem to have a close relationship i think they are the friend group kind like you, me and Rubina are a friend group.

6:05 pm Rubina joins them says she’s had a long talk with Makensy and she feels Makensy will be more loyal to them than Leah.
Kimo says he thinks Tucker threw the veto to Cam. Kimo also suspects that Tucker will throw the AI to Makesny to keep her in the game. (LOL)
Tkor says Tucker is constantly trying to start things with other people and that makes is messier than it needs to be.
They talk about the possible guys alliance.
Kimo – Tucker and Joe are close I know they talk game all the time. Quinn is close to JOe.
Kimo – I’m not in it.

They talk to 6th Avenue and Rubina agrees it’s not the people she wants to take to the end. She would rather Chelsie and Quinn in the group
They mention how Tucker is talking to people when he doesn’t need to and spilling information. He’s also forming things on the side.
Tkor – he says stuff to other people that don’t need to be said.
Rubina – I don’t think he even processes that he can shut the f*** up about something

Rubina asks Tkor who she is leaning towards.
T – here’s the thing, It’s really hard for me to make a decision because of the fact that we have six avenue right . Whatever, I know that Quinn and Chelsie are also people I want to protect which leaves me with Leah. Personally I have a great relationship with Leah more than I do with some of these people I’m aligned with. I also thinks Leah is the type of person if I put her on the block and she survives she’ll put all three of us up on the block together.
Tkor says they need to solidify something tonight.
Rubina – just Quinn?
They aren’t sure if they are going to solidify their new group of 4, 5, or 6.
Rubina – once you talk to Tucker you’ll have a better idea what to do
Kimo – he can’t keep lying to us
Rubina – or double dipping, it’s not the time. You got to choose.

Rubina leaves

6:30 pm Quinn, Tkor and Kimo
They talk about the visionaries.
Quinn swears he and Joe are working with Leah. he says Leah isn’t working with anyone if she was it would be with him and Joe.
Quinn mentions Angela flipping on Tucker. Tucker saved her and she flipped on him that fast.
Quinn – Angela thinks she has 6 votes to send Tucker home, Me, Leah, Makensy, Cam, Joe and Cam can get Chelsie.
Kimo – WOW
Kimo – Makensy does tell Tucker what she hears
Q – yeah so that will get back to Tucker 100 percent.
T’kor – I wasn’t even considering putting her up but her paranoia has almost manifesting it.
Quinn – YES
Kimo – Yes
Tkor says it’s annoying when Angela comes up stairs and cries to her “As a 51 year old”
T – it’s like Makesny has handled it with so much more f***ing grace and she’s in actual danger being on the block
Kimo – yeah
They all go on how much respect they have for Makensy and how cool she is.
T – I feel like what messed her up is first week so she’s behind. If she had one more week she would be up to speed.
Q – I fully agree with that.
Quinn is worried makensy will tell Tucker and he’ll go “see Quinn is scheming”
Quinn – it highlights that she (Angela) is with you until she convinces herself you are the problem. Tucker has been going SICKO mode to keep her safe and then she flipped on him, She flipped on me. called me a narcissistic idiot.
Tkor says she’s not putting up Rubina, Chelsie, Quinn, Kimo, Joe.
Tkor – only leaves me with two options which is Angela or Leah. I think that for me I really like Leah.
Quinn – I don’t think she’s working with anyone
Kimo – are we sure
Quinn – I swear on everything because if she was she would try to create it with me and Joe and she has not done that yet.
Quinn – I swear on everything so me and leah were talking about it downstairs. that was OUT of nowhere.

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23 thoughts to “Tucker “Rubina and I have our thing .. It’s not like I don’t have room for you” **updated**”

  1. ehn, not really sure who t’kor should put up. leah adds nothing to t’kor’s game but doesn’t actively hurt it either. angela is a liability as long as she is in the house as she can’t be trusted with any information and makes decisions super emotionally, that said if you take a shot at her, don’t miss. everyone else t’kor has the facade of an alliance with but it’s pretty much just a facade, she’d likely struggle to beat any of them in a final 2 and painting a target on them is likely to just cause blowback on t’kor, so it’s really just leah and angela as options but both are bad options if the plan is actually tucker/makensy. i remain confused as to why t’kor even won this hoh, she was in a relatively safe spot and not on anyone’s radar.

  2. t’kor and kimo every week after forming a new alliance.

    T’kor to Kimo in the hoh: “Let me ask you, is Sixth Avenue the six you want to take to the end?”

    Kimo- “No.”

    T’kor- “Ok me neither.”

    You cannot convince anyone that flipping on a new alliance every week is good for your game. What do you think about that Tkor? MmmmmmmHHHmmmm…MMMmm hmmMMMmmm..MMMmmmmMMMMmHHHhhmmmm

    Tkor sounded like she was straight out of sling blade.

    1. T’kor is more of a survivor viewer than a bb viewer.
      She’s using voting block strategy of fluid alliancing hoping to get past the merge in her ideal alliance.
      Note, she just told Rubina that in the ideal alliance it’s 5 vs.1 whereas in the 6 Ave when the alliance splits it’s a 3-3.
      That’s survivor voting block thinking.
      Not saying good or ill. Just saying that’s what her brain is processing alliance to mean.

  3. I wonder, are Tucker fans really Tkor fans? She’s the one who blew up games and flipped the house even though on the show he gets credit for it. Or are Tucker fans just all about the style instead of the substance? Just wondering.

  4. What I’m hearing:

    when the new alliance is brought up to Rubina, she isn’t cool with Tucker being excluded.
    THAT right there should tell T’kor that Rubina’s talk of being able to get rid of Tucker…. ever…. is absolute shite.

    Angela’s paranoia… has gotten her bused. If the renom choices are Leah or Angela…. and Angela went to Leah, Mak and Quinn to give out boarding passes to crazy town the only question was HOW SOON BEFORE ANGELA BECOMES A SPEED BUMP.
    Not long. Quinn and Mak have already revealed.

    Kimo says his animosity to Leah is because she was going to vote him out week one. Looks to the left. Looks to the right. She was stupid to give a head’s up before AI, but mayyyybe if they were SOOOOO close… he should have told her the real situation of Week one. I mean, he was stringing her for someone he was so close to, and still hasn’t fessed up about it. Naah. smell test tells me it’s the successfully flirts with the guys and it drives Kimo crazy because he can’t do the same.

    In regard to the AI Instigator stuff. The first one removed him from suspicion to many. What did the other ones do? The effect of his information has had NO effect, it’s just a whodunnit it would have been regardless. The way to play this is to make crap up that is plausible that can make people think it’s a possibility because the first 2 were truth based.
    That’s how he betters his game with the power.
    So… fail in the sense that his USE of the power has done nothing to IMPOVE his standing, it’s just bitch whine and moan about the same shit he’s been kvetching about for weeks that is nothingburget at this point.
    I’m surprised some of his conspiracy theories he insists are real haven’t been in the AI… someone MUST be proofreading and editing for him.
    THIS POWER HAS THE POTENTIAL TO BREW MISTRUST. Instead he’s rehashing old gripes. I call that unsuccessful use of this power. Sorry. It was ALWAYS going to be a whodunnit. So evading being found out is the LEAST he could do with it and should be rewarded AS SUCH.

  5. When T’kor explicity tells Kimo to keep his mouth shut and tell nobody and tells him the tea she has learned….

    Kimo runs to Tucker and exposes that Leah told T’kor that Tucker spilled 5 pointz and underdogs to Leah.


  6. Tucker fans took the instigator, which could have been a fun and shady tool and made it lame. Thanks Tucker fans.

  7. Just watched tonight’s BB episode wasn’t sure if I was watching a soap opera or BB. The whole episode was nauseating.

  8. Feeds 100% skip the Quinn reveals to Tucker that Angela wants him evicted tea.
    What the….
    We can’t see Chelsie’s One on one. But they put part in episode.

    Supposition flies that it’s a Leah thing.
    Chelsie and Leah chat about her mom’s illness and hug the next morning to the silence of the crowd already lighting torches.
    Would she hug the one that made her cry with a racial slant? Or would she just avoid?
    This is Chelsie. I’m not seeing hug your racist on her bingo card.

    We can’t see Quinn tell Tucker about the newest whackjob side trip to crazytown.

    We get T’kor and Rubina doing a half ass Tucker slanted talk about Angela.
    Take note of that. In every single conversation with Rubina the slant she imposes is what is best for Tucker. If T’kor isn’t clocking it…. it’s on her. Just like it’s on her that she hasn’t realized the ally that told her nothing about his side alliances and side deals from week one and week two is slowly but surely shanking her to impress Tucker… who wants him out in about 5th place.

    Chances Tucker believes Quinn about Angela…. somewhere around ZERO.

  9. Kimo and Leah is this season’s one sided Steve and Becky (season 17).
    Feeling that his rival might not be renom, he runs to Tucker and spills info to get Tucker riled.
    Reality: Tucker DID tell Leah.
    JUST like Tucker told ANGELA about the side deal between Chelsie and T’kor.
    Kimo ALSO told Angela that Chelsie was safe with T’kor and not a renom option when he lit the fuse under Angela’s paranoid ass.

    Imagine if Kimo had been sequestered for 24 hours.
    From team fun angle that would be sad.
    From team strategy angle that would be a blessing.

    1. Kimo’s idea: let’s call out Tucker on his shit. If he is truthful then crisis averted.
      The audience for this call out would be T’kor who is afraid of confrontation and Tucker who lies like a rug and has a bit of a hair trigger… and two people so wanting to fellate Tucker that they’d believe any damn word he says.

  10. Awwwww shit! Anudder website where some clod has to play God and give me a right to type or not. What a phuqing joke!!!!!

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