Tucker “It would not be an enjoyable experience with Lisa and Angela still in his house 24/7”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Chelsie
Nominees: Lisa, Angela, Kenny
POV Players: Lisa, Kenny, Angela, Brooklyn, Chelsie and Joe
POV Winner: Kenny
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: Rubina, Leah, Makensy and Lisa

11:48am Bedroom – Rubina and Brooklyn.
Rubina – Tucker told me last night. That MJ told him about her power. So he’s going to try to get it (find out about Lisa’s power) at least something like I don’t feel like she’s (Lisa) obviously looking at you (Tucker). You need to just work that. And I think she would tell you straight up. I was like, have you had a one on one with her yet? He’s like no I don’t want to. I was like I decided last night that might be required. I said I think you can get it out of her. Brooklyn – Yeah, I know. Rubina – I said do that today because he is concerned about putting himself up (volunteering as the replacement nom). She would have to according to MJ’s powers. Yeah, she would have to at the nomination ceremony. I thought only after 4 weeks or something only one week so long. I don’t think she’d use it for him, but I’m just not sure because he’s putting himself up. I was like do it with your shirt off. Brooklyn – you’re not wrong. Rubina – He said that he sees her. He’s trying to keep with strutting and like she wants your attention and she will give it to you if you work it.

12pm Backyard – Chelsie and Tucker
Tucker – talks to Chelsie about volunteering to go up as the replacement. Chelsie – I appreciate that and you’re not on my radar. You were never on my radar even as a backdoor option and you won’t be. Tucker – There’s certain people that I want to make it really far in this game with because they’re great house guests. Smart players, people who want to play and you are one of them and we’ll make it be a good competition for sure for sure. Chelsie – So I don’t know where you stand as far as your trust with other house guests. I know that Mackenzie said she talked with you and she talked with me. I’m respecting her on that for sure. I appreciate her saying that. I don’t know if it’s a smart move for the game but to each their own. Tucker – I’m really good at reading people. She had a smile on her face. I was like why are you smiling? You can’t even hide it. I’ve studied human behavior. Makensy told me about her power but I think she lied about one part of it. I think it expires after 4 weeks which they normally do and I don’t think they ever put two of the same powers in play at the same time so I’m pretty that’s extra reassurance. Im not going to make you swear on God about that stuff because I know some people that’s like a big thing you know but that’s kind of what lead her to tell me about her power.

12:20pm Kitchen – Kimo hugs Angela.
Angela – Can I get a hug? Kimo – Yeah of course. Yeah. This is a tough house. Tough house and you are loved. Angela – This isn’t crying because I am sad. This is crying happiness because you’re hugging me. Kimo – Sometimes we got to be real people but like the best versions of ourselves and we’re real people. That’s really the only way we can navigate. Angela – Thank you for that. Kimo leaves. Angela – Sh*t is hard!

12:25pm Backyard – Tucker and Chelsie talk continued..
Chelsie – I didn’t want to put you up. I wanted to have a conversation with you first because I do not want to put you up unless you feel comfortable that you’re.. Tucker – I do feel comfortable with it, especially after yesterday and talking with everybody and going around. It’s like, there’s no, there’s no way. And if it does happen, hats off to you guys, but it would be a dumb move and everyone would be f**king you guys. It wouldn’t settle down in here. It would not be an enjoyable experience with Lisa and Angela still in his house 24/7. And everyone’s already fed up with how much the claws come out and retract and come out and retract. I think it’s going to be harder if I split. I think some people still might do Lisa. Somebody still might do Angela and it might come down to you to decide. Big Brother blocks the feeds.

Chelsie – Lisa, I actually feel better about as far as if she won HOH next week. You know what Im saying? Like, I feel like our relationship is getting better and if she even thought about putting you up and she let me know that I would obviously tell you and I would try to do whatever I can. Joseph – fucking appreciate that. But she’s also a wild card, so you never know. Yeah, I guess Im whatever the majority wants to do. Chelsie – there are pros and cons to both. Joseph – it would probably be best of Angela because she might be able to stick around. I feel like even if people don’t fuck with her because she’s not like a threat. You know what I mean? Whereas if Lisa’s here next week, people are going to be like I want to get rid of her. You know what I’m saying? But also she unlike Angela has the ability to pull herself. Angela she doesn’t have anybody in this game and she can’t win and she won’t and she can’t win a competition. And I think Lisa probably has MJ and Leah and she could win a couple and potentially as a power. I don’t either were I don’t care either because eventually next week it’s going to be another one so either. Chelsie – I just wanted to see where your head was at between Angela and Lisa where my head is at either one is fine. wherever the house wants to go I won’t go away because next week we have another target.

12:50pm Backyard – Cedric and Chelsie
Chelsie – Tucker’s going up. He offered himself to go up. If it’s between Lisa and Angela, who do you want to go home? Cedric – See what’s best for the house. Chelsie – either or there’s pros and cons to both. Cedric – I don’t have any kind of way. Chelsie – I just want to make sure if it’s a split vote and I need a vote, I’m doing the right one. Least amount of blood exposed powers. That’s it. And at the same time, Angela blowing up on everybody put a sour taste in her mouth. So like Angela got to go too.

1:15pm – 1:38pm Backyard – Chelsie and Leah.
Chelsie – I’m just updating the house. Tucker’s going to go up still as the pawn. He wants to win the competition. So we have Angela and Lisa left. Obviously, yesterday was crazy. Angela is obvious. Everybody is okay with that. People are trying to think about next week. There are pros and cons to both. I don’t care either way. I can’t vote. I just want to make sure that any event that the votes are split that I am voting for the person that everybody is ok. I’m glad we’re on the same pages. So here’s the pros and cons I’ve been hearing pro of Angela going. Is everybody’s like, yes, need it to happen. Pro for Lisa going is Angela’s vulnerable. She doesn’t have anybody. We don’t really know where Lisa lies. The con of Angela staying is Angela staying and there might be another blow up. The con of Lisa staying is in the event she wins next week. And Angela cannot win a mental or physical comp. If Lisa stays, she would win HOH. Lisa going has been the general consensus of the House of that. Leah – Yeah, I feel bad that I don’t want him (Tucker) to go up. I need to have a 1 on 1 of him because I heard through the great point that he thought that I was trying to backdoor him, or we were trying to backdoor with the Matt thing last week. I have to talk to him about that cuz I had no idea about that, cuz Matt told me that him and Tucker had a final too.
Chelsie – My goal this week was this amount of blood on my hands cause it’s too soon and expose the superpower. Those were my only two goals. So Angela will be the least amount of blood. The only thing is both the superpowers are not exposed, which I’m okay with both are wins in my book. Leah – whenever you’re done with this you’re good if I win HOH next week. Chelsie – thank you.

2:20pm Backyard – Tucker and Joseph
Tucker – Lisa and Makensy have it. Makensy has immunity. She can pull herself off the block before the Al thing. She said after four weeks it can switch. She can pull anyone off. I think it’s dead after 4 weeks. Pretty sure Lisa is still a double vote. I want to figure that out for sure today, so that I know for sure. Joseph – she told you? Tucker – Yeah, she told me to my face and she told Chelsea. I was like, yo, I know you got it. And she had a smile on her face. She couldn’t hide it. Now I will feel more comfortable putting her up if I need to, because I know she’ll be safe. So I’m just telling you because we got our shit. Joseph – Yeah. Tucker – So just just keep that knowledge for whatever. I’m getting more nervous about volunteering myself, but I’m going to stick with it. Joseph – Yeah. Tucker – Yeah. But it could be a power move to get me out. So, yeah, I’m just saying that’s what I’m a little nervous about now. Cam and Leah are getting tight.

3:10pm Kitchen – Makensy and Cedric are chatting about school and modeling.

3:25pm Relaxed day of suntanning and chatting..

4:05pm Big Brother calls Joseph to the storage room. In the storage room there is beer, wine and party supplies for his birthday.

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10 thoughts to “Tucker “It would not be an enjoyable experience with Lisa and Angela still in his house 24/7””

  1. Tucker still giving Chelsie the “in a tie vote out Lisa” spiel.
    Dear Tucker:
    I noped Angela. so kindly stfu.

    I didn’t believe T’kor about saying Chelsie has a thing for Tucker, but now i can’t stop seeing it. oops.

  2. I wasn’t expecting Tucker to volunteer to be the renom, but it makes things less messy for Chelsie.

    What I’m curious about is how serious HGs like Quinn, Kimo, Joseph, T’kor, and Rubina get about blindsiding Tucker if he’s still up for eviction. It takes 6 to tie and 7 to evict. Could they pull in Cedric and Cam?

  3. Let’s be 100.
    Chelsie is NOT taking a poll so that she stays with the house in case of a tie.
    If that were the case, she wouldn’t be debating any time someone says Angela should go over Lisa.
    I’m not knocking the strategic nature of what she’s doing. I’m just saying this isn’t a dogless race for Chelsie, she’s trying to push an agenda here.
    Again, despite the fact Angela is nope, I’m not knocking Chelsie here, I’m just being honest.

  4. It was too obvious Angela had the hots for Matt. When he didn’t hug her she got enraged. She probably was a cute girl 35 years ago and is in midlife crisis missing those days when boys wanted to hug her cause she was attractive. Her jealousy of Mackenzie , she showed her crazy hand big time. I hope she finds a good therapist and maybe some hormone therapy when she goes home this week.

  5. Tucker says he’s in the CIA?!!! Is he trying to take the target off Angela by being crazier than she is? This is a strange bunch.

    1. This is the strangest bunch we’ve had in the house in a looooong time! If he really was in the CIA, he damn sure wouldn’t reveal that. Plus, as a chef, he’s so insecure about his cooking abilities, his main target in the house is the other person claiming to be a chef! While Lisa is almost as crazy as Angela is, why wouldn’t a chef try to capitalize on that big thing you have in common with the other chef, and maybe work together?

      Heck, at least work together to try and feed the group one gourmet meal to show you’ve got some real chef chops. But not Tucker. No, he refuses to even work with her to whip up some spaghetti.

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