Tucker “If I did do this then my resume would be even better and America would think it was crazy but I don’t really care”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Angela
Deep Fake HOH Power: Quinn
Nominees: Quinn nominated: Makensy, Tucker & Cedric
POV Players: Cedric, Angela, Tucker, Makensy, Joe, Brooklyn
POV Winner: Tucker
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: No havenots again this week

8:10pm Backyard – Tucker and Rubin sitting by the hot tub.
Tucker – …like that f**king curse but also like if fell like I’d be pretty good if there was a battle back. I would f**king win that sh*t. Rubina – we already know. Tucker – so if there is, you don’t have that chance if you’re in jury and I would quit if I went into jury because jury is not an option. Rubina – I know. I know its either all or none for you. Tucker – and if I did do this then my resume would be even better and America would think it was crazy but I don’t really care what they think of this. Its more of like a game strategy thing but people have been like America would go nuts! Rubina – I know its not for them but.. Tucker – I’m like yeah but it more fun for me. I already got my outfit.. or I mean my character. Big Brother switches the feeds. Tucker – it would be nice to be the one to put Cedric out. But we need to make sure we have all out people would vote for him. Like if we can double confirm that in the morning and then I would talk to Angela.. then sure. Because if we can convince her that it is a good idea because if not he would probably win and come back making 3 of the 2 sides of the house battling and that would make their side strong if he won and came back. Rubina – this is fucked up and doesn’t make sense but like in everyone’s mind I feel like you already being up there is gonna fuck everyone like there’s no way they’re gonna be able to do it if you’re up there.. Tucker – yeah they’re already going to be.. Big Brother blocks the feeds.

Tucker – I want this whole experience and I’m getting it, which is already a blessing. And then like the miracle would be winning the whole thing. But only one person gets to. So if I’m going to get kicked out of, they still get kicked out at this point. Big Brother blocks the feeds.

Tucker – he (Quinn) said that he would drop everything for her (Leah). Rubina – wait what? Tucker – Quinn said that when we were havenots.. Rubina – Week one?! Tucker – that he would drop everything for Leah. He thinks she is the most perfect girl. Word for word. Rubina – EWWW… I mean not ewww.. Tucker – this has been stewing and brewing. Rubina – I get it she is cool and.. Tucker – she is not my style. And you or Kimo told me that she wanted to wing HOH to break me. Rubina – oh yeah. Tucker starts talking about how much makeup Leah puts on. She looks totally different with it off and with it on.. in my eyes. To each their own. Rubina – obviously that’s her game play. Tucker – flirt with every guy in here to make them think they have a shot. Rubina – yeah with Cam, Kenny and Cedric. Tucker – yeah and they have no idea.

8:30pm – 8:47pm The house guests are playing Mafia ..

8:55pm Unicorn Room – Quinn and Joseph
Quinn – Here’s the game plan. So I go up and tell her. Hey, you know you’re going on the block, essentially. And it’s probably like Quinn. Joseph – Why did you talk to her first? Quinn – Well, I knew that he was flip out. Whatever but I also thought if he heard from Rubina that she was going out, he would feel more sympathetic and denying to not use it versus me threatening him. Joseph – smart. Quinn – So then he’s actually in the shower and I’m like, this is perfect buying more time. I’m hoping run the house and doing whatever. But then I talked to Tucker. This is going to be like, I know you’re the only Big Brother player in the history of the game. Joseph – OK, what he said he says. Quinn – Oh yeah, I’m not using it. Joseph – Is that it? Quinn – And then he wants. He said that he wants to finish the job with Cedric. Joseph – that’s crazy!

9:30pm The Mafia game continues..

9:53pm Bedroom – Tkor and Kimo
Tkor – So l did talk to Rubina briefly. She basically just said that Tucker did offer to use the veto on her and so she’s debating whether or not to take him up on his offer. So what do you think? Kimo – If she does that for sure, people are going to come after her. If he doesn’t use it on her, people might think why isn’t he using it on her? Kimo – If he doesn’t I think we could get the
numbers for her. Tkor – Yeah.

9:55pm Another game of Mafia starts..

10:30pm HOH room – Tucker and Angela.
Tucker – But it never happened when we were just in there having cooking food. I was talking about, we were just, again, spitballing ideas, like I did up here, and she’s cuz I want to, she’s the only. girl, I’m iffy on. Angela – she doesn’t want you here. Tucker – I know she doesn’t and I got more confirmation of that tonight, cuz she would be the one to do the to flip the vote, but act like she voted.
Yeah. And that’s, that was a confirmation I got, cuz I was like, I know he’s putting Rubina up because he thinks we’re in a showmance,
yes, we’re close, and we have similar personalities, and I’m there for her. We have never kissed. None of that is going to happen. I would not get into show me. Angela – It’s really don’t care. Tucker – No but I’m just being honest because this is a rumor that’s been going around. Angela – and I never heard it. Rubina said that last night and I swear on my life I never heard it. Tucker – everyone thinks we’re in a showmance. I don’t know if its spreading from Makensy. I don’t f**king care. I am already in everyone’s sights in this house. I know that Cam wants me out, I know that Joseph, Quinn and Makensy would probably vote me out.

Tucker – Yeah, I did some crazy movies because I was bored, and this game was moving slow, and it paid off. But for that, lightning doesn’t really strike the same spot twice. And I’m safe right now. And if this next challenge coming up is what we think it is, everybody’s fucked. I’m going to win HOH, and then I’m going to expose Quinn again and Cam now. I’m going to put Quinn up there with cam and Leah, because Quinn loves Leah since week one. He told me he would drop this whole game for her. Angela – oh wow! My gosh!
Tucker – I’m gonna give you a hug. Oh, I got you. Angela – I know you do. Tucker – Yeah. And I know you got me. And I think that’s just that’s perfect. Like that. And and if there’s ever a point when if either one of us gets iffy then we can lock it in. But I’m sure we won’t ever cross that bridge. Angela – I never will with you. Absolutely. Never ever. I have your back 100%! Tucker – same. Angela – I am giving you 100% allegiance!

11:50pm Bedroom – The house guests are hanging out and chatting about random things.

12:05am Backyard Upper Level – Joseph, Kimo, Tucker and Angela
Kimo – What other shows do people usually go on after Big Brother? Tucker – I have no idea. Angela – I think, like, the only person I know from here is Hayden went to survivor after this survivor. Tucker – My friend Cody (Cody Calafiore) was on here, and he was on Traitors. Big Brother cut the feeds.

12:20am – 1am Bedroom – Cedric, Chelsie, Leah, Tkor and Cam.
Cedric tells them that when he has girls over he teaches them how to write. Leah and Cam ask how old these girls are. Cedric – For lack of better words they think like I’m just like a fuck boy. He says that he likes proving peoples first impressions of him wrong.
Cam – Literally. He’s trying to be different, but yeah, it’s just not packaged the right way. You’re trying to be like something more than they expect me to be. But the way that you’re saying it still makes you come off as what they would pin you to be because single one of them. The point of a game plan is like you’re already rehearsing her
response, so you’re not even really reacting to what she’s saying.
You’re just going off of, like, what you predict her to say, and you’re just creating responses off of that. If you just be organic and genuine, you’ll actually lead the conversation into something that matters. You wouldn’t even expect or something that matters. So, like, going in with the pickup line. See, that’s how you know you’re an attractive person because that is terrible game. It’s terrible. Cedric – Y’all just had to see it in practice. Leah – No, we don’t want to see that. Cedric – Yeah, I’m great. I’m Batman. Shout out to shorties of the world! Leah – why? Cedric – just because they’re great. Y’all got to get a pencil. I’ll give you the game Cam. Cam – don’t want you to give me any game. Leah – I am sure if it worked for somebody else, I’m happy for him. Being yourself and being authentically you is what is going to work. Women are the prize. Cedric – I don’t agree. Why are women the prize? I don’t agree
that the woman is a prize simply because I don’t think that either
one of the people in the relationship is a prize, the prize is the
relationship itself. Leah and Cedric continue to talk about their thoughts on the topic.

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42 thoughts to “Tucker “If I did do this then my resume would be even better and America would think it was crazy but I don’t really care””

  1. Out of all the HGs, I don’t know who Tucker is. I see Tucker the character, but I don’t see Tucker the person. He kinda reminds me of Phillip Sheppard from “Survivor: Redemption Island”.

    At least with Angela, I know she’s either a great producer plant or a psychotic woman.

  2. OMG GUYSSSS! I just watched the show and there is this girl named Rubina and she and Tucker are such a cute couple. I looovvveee them!

    1. there’s a contingent of about 500 “fans” over on Jokers Update that have been pushing Mackenzie,Leah, Rubina and now Tucker to the top of their favorites chart. very discouraging

  3. Is Tucker trying to pull a Kenny and get evicted before jury? Anyone have any insight? Is Grod losing all her boytoys?

    1. Tucker is putting out misinformation. He told Angela he was going to put out a bunch of stories to see who spread which information.
      Problem: he’s a paranoid nutbar that can’t remember who he told what…. so jumps to wrong conclusions continuously.

  4. T’kor and Kimo discussed how they don’t think they could vote out Rubina.
    Go pack your bags and go home because neither of you OBVIOUSLY want to win YOURSELVES. You’ve know the chick for a month.
    These two weren’t even recruits. They applied.
    Oh the last few days has NOT made my esteem for either of these two go anywhere but the toilet.
    Same goes for Capt. Douchecanoe when he told Rubina “what kind of guy would leave a woman on the block…..
    a) there’s a woman on the block now.
    b) you have known them both for a month.
    Performative nozzle.
    This bunch of yawhoo asshats…. it’s like Grod just watched bbcan6 and americanized it….
    right down to character behavior crossover.

  5. I’m watching Angela and Tucker, the power duo, and wondering what happens when their delusions start conflicting with each other.

  6. Tucker thinks he is invincible, and he is not. If he doesn’t win the HOH next week, he’ll be backdoored.

    On another note, Quinn is seriously annoying and should go before it’s too late. Him and Cedrick have got to be my least favorites.

    1. Their is no such thing as a backdoor this season because of the AI Arena. You cant backdoor someone if they still have an opportunity to stay safe.

        1. I know they won’t do it but I wish they’d keep the Ai arena but instead have it BEFORE the POV. That way the way the POV comp players was chosen would be back to the way it was before & we’d still have the backdoor.

  7. As far as I know, there are no have nots.
    Quinn is in the have not room voluntarily because of sleep issues (talking/walking).
    Grods pet?
    couldn’t sleep and got ear plugs, boxing gear, an air purifier.
    Quinn takes furniture from outside to the have not room, and gets told to take it back by production after Tucker complains about it in the kitchen.
    In case anyone is keeping track of JUST how tilted the table is this season.
    Like the edit isn’t ALREADY showing us just how tilted the table is this season.

    1. On feeds Tucker mentions having a friend named Cody that was on Traitors.
      Feeds cut.
      There’s only been one Cody on Traitors. The same Cody that will be on the Tuesday episode to discuss week 1-3.
      The same Cody that the not all-stars but who was available season was rigged to make the winner from the jump.
      oh Grod. your pets feeding you more pets… and they all can’t help but share that they are 2nd gen pets. eyeroll.
      Yeah… enough is enough of him. Prodomanipulation for one houseguest’s benefit is a nope offense to the recipient. Tucker’s nope.

        1. Noped 3/4 of 18, and noped all of 19. Every last one of them was nope by second week of feeds. Noped almost all of 21.
          Quit watching can6 about 3/4 of the way which was even worse than noping. When your episode one guess of the eviction order for the season is 100% correct from week 1-6, and you later find out your only error for the entire season was transposing the last person evicted week 8 triple and the person evicted week 9…. what’s the point? That’s why i rag on can6 so much… it was so transparent that watching the premiere episode you could guess the entire eviction order for the season…. even without knowing which 2 add on houseguests would join the cast week 2, just guessing extra female and extra male. That’s bad.

          Honestly, for 2 years I’ve tried realllllly hard to control my nope tendencies.
          I allow myself one gut level nope, the rest have to have cause: either they are getting too much prodo help / aid / edit manipulation in their favor… or they express views and play the game in such a way that i have to nope them in good conscience.

      1. When other houseguests suggest that the number of jurors might change or the existence of a battleback might happen if Tucker needs that help because he is production’s favorite….There’s a problem.
        They see he’s given special treatment. We see he’s given preferential edit and house treatment.
        How do you even hope to cling to the premise that it’s a game when EVERYONE playing and everyone watching knows that one houseguest is Grodboy to the nth degree?

  8. why do we keep seeing/reading these useless conversations between Tkor and Kimo, who are two of the MOST useless people in the house???? Just WHY?

  9. Can CBS tell Tucker to be a man and GROW UP? The FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK all day out of his mouth shows his maturity level. Please stop promoting Tuckers language, attitude and hostility. Season is boring

      1. Actually, I think it does, but that’s just my opinion. I have the same problem with my son and he’s close to Tucker’s age.

        Using language like that in every sentence just isn’t necessary, and it really shows that you have a limited vocabulary (and maturity), again IMHO.

    1. There are very few house guests combined that don’t constantly drop the F bomb. It’s always been VERY annoying to me. Especially if I’m trying to get in a few minutes of live feed and my little one is around. It’s impossible! Unfortunately, there is a generation that has grown up thinking it’s OK to speak this way anywhere at any time. Even in a booth next to you at a restaurant trying to have family dinner. It’s literally EVERYWHERE. It’s incredibly disrespectful! But what do you expect when their parents are the same way or weren’t around to teach them correctly.

    2. Personally, I’m team Tucker all the way. I’m sick of season after season of players playing it sage instead of having the ballz to make boss moves. I’m sick of the house votes together instead of voting who THEY want out individually. You don’t win this game as a group. Only ONE person wins. I enjoy Tucker shaking things up. He IS strategic & he had a great plan. He also kicks ass when he needs to. I wanted Angela gone & thought Tucker was insane to use the veto on her. I was holding my breath willing Angela to win HOH. I’m glad Tucker pulled out another win. I’d LOVE Tucker to win HOH next. Put up Quinn, Cedric, Cam. Joseph, T’kor,the Hawaiian guy, Brooklynn,Rubina..floaters. Brooklynn acts big & bad. When she told Angela “noted”, I was saying “ok, what are YOU going to do?” Not jack. I want the pentagon busted up. I’d like Angela, Mckenzie, & Leah to team up. Work together to win HOH enough to knock off the pentagon alliance. The floaters will shift to the side with power to cover their rears. My pick to win is Tucker with Angela in 2nd. My vote for America’s player is also Tucker. Because he’s the 1st player in a long time that has wanted to make the game interesting.

    3. I love Tucker. He’s his own person. I hate when the house gets all gang up on one person and vote them out. Why can’t they all be their own person and vote how they want to instead of going with the house. Those are the useless players can’t win on their own.

  10. Two of the three winners coming on Tuesday night are my least favorite winners! I’m going to probably watch but it’s going to be difficult to get through.

  11. The Dying to be Famous Sir Tucker is such an egotistical manipulator that he makes my stomach turn…..but he is the only one truly trying to win comps…and he is. The rest of these lay arounds are on a free vacation. All these little minions better get to hustling in these comps or Sir Tucker will be going home with the Prize and his “I am taking Angela with me because I can beat her for first place” fool tool will take second place. Come on house idiots it doesn’t take a genius to figure that out. START PLAYING WITH POWER IN THE COMPETITIONS or PACK YOUR BAGS. I mean you all exercise enough…good grief…the worst season ever

    1. I know do people who vote with the house realize that they are not with the house? Somebody tells me how to vote I think that probably aint the best thing for my game because my number will be coming up soon.

  12. Why is this dude so worried about his resume this early? If he makes it to the end he will have that resume. But making it look even better is dumb strategy. He is starting to become more and more full of himself.

    1. He can’t help himself. He’s a showoff and using padding his resume as an excuse. He’s so good at the comps, he probably surprises himself. He’s a runaway train.

  13. “Tkor – So l did talk to Rubina briefly. She basically just said that Tucker did offer to use the veto on her and so she’s debating whether or not to take him up on his offer. So what do you think? Kimo – If she does that for sure, people are going to come after her. If he doesn’t use it on her, people might think why isn’t he using it on her? Kimo – If he doesn’t I think we could get the numbers for her. Tkor – Yeah.”

    Have these people even watched one episode of this show, much less one season? Rubina is not currently on the block, and thus cannot be nominated UNLESS Tucker either uses the veto on himself, or on Cedric or Makensy, in which case Rubina would likely be the replacement nominee. But he can’t use the same veto TWICE and then save Rubina, after he’s already removed whoever he already removed!

    Either they don’t understand the game, or their language structure is the absolute worst in getting their point across. I guess in their weird minds, Tucker is “using” the veto on her, when he chooses to NOT use it at all, thus keeping noms the same, and leaving Tucker, Makensy and Cedric on the block.

    But that’s NOT using the veto on Rubina, and it’s NOT going to paint a target on her as Kimo seems to suggest.

    I wish BB would stick to people who actually know the damn game and quit recruiting “types” who know nothing at all about it. “Type” recruit all you want, just make sure they have enough knowledge of the game to be able to play it at a competent level.

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