TKOR – “As long as it’s not me lets get some new blood on the block.” **updated**

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Angela
Deep Fake HOH Power: Quinn
Nominees: Quinn nominated: Makensy, Tucker & Cedric
POV Players: Cedric, Angela, Tucker, Makensy, Joe, Brooklyn
POV Winner: Tucker
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: No havenots again this week

Midnight Tucker and Rubina
Tucker – If I win it I’m doing Quinn, Cedric and Cam (Solid)
Rubina – don’t say IF say WHEN
T – If Cedric’s down to f**ng because.. I’m feel confident Like I’ll beat him anytime. I’m going to do Cam, Quinn and Leah. Because Quinn will throw this game and give it to Leah if they’re both on the box. He’s f**king told me. The most she has to do Is say I LOVE YOU and that’s it.
R – that’s sad
T – who gives a F** he’s trying to do that back to us!
T – it’s just going to get Dirty if he wants to play Dirty, I’m still being as clean as possible. Cedric owes me and now he knows he can’t compete against me.
Rubina is positive she’s going to be the renom, “Who else is it going to be”
Tucker – nobody knows… CAM he’s f***ing scared of Cam nobody sees what Cam can do.
T – I know but what you say if Cam and him are…
T – Do you know how many alliances he’s in? He’s playing everybody
R – You’re right
T – Because he had that power and now the power is gone and he’s looking scared as hell
T – did you see when he went on the block he turned as pale as a ghost.

Tucker goes into the bathroom and Rubina says something to him when he comes out.
Tucker – someone called you a idiot then called me 15 f***ing names to the entire world BRO suck it up or suck my D*** bro get the f*** outta here
Rubina giggles
Tucker – sorry what?
Tucker is going to give her a taste of what he’ll say when he puts Quinn on the block but the feeds cut. When we’re back.
They talk about their “Showmancne” Tucker says they haven’t done anything they have similar personalities “They can think whatever the f** they want it makes it easier to tell the truth”
Rubina – perception is everything and everyone already thinks
T – let them think because people’s actions speak louder than words.

1:10 am Kimo and Tkor
T – wait so y’all trying to save Makensy this week and take out whoever some other people on the block? Trying to take cedric out and not tell anybody?
K – Or somebody else or get rid of Rubina.. that’s what I’m saying there’s some sh1t happening.
T – Yeah
Tkor goes on about how Rubina is oblivious that she’s in danger
K – Hello
Tkor – I want her to not be in the house because I enjoy her company so much but game wise she’s making it so hard to play with. I Don’t want to play the game in a showmance. I’m sorry that doesn’t help me.
They laugh about thinking that Rubina would have taken the advice people were giving her to cut the showmancing out instead she doubled down on the showmance.
T – Well, the thing is, we got the pass for Quinn to let Rubina know that she would be the replacement nom. Honestly, maybe if we talk to Tucker
K – He’s going to use the veto on himself.
T – I know. I’m saying do you think.. I hate that the bridge is burnt can’t we rebuild it?
K – You mean between Quinn and Tucker?
T – yeah
K – I think there is.
Kimo – If Quinn is loyal to the visonarys he would actually consider it. If anything went wrong then we know he’s not
T – Exactly
Kimo – if he’s for it then it’s probably real
T – Exactly

K – there is a way and that’s a way bigger move
T – him putting Rubina up that is how the truth can be offered. You put me on the block technically cause America put me.. Tucker you put me on the block, I put you on the block we both got ourselves on the block we’re even.. Now what are we going to do about the replacement nom.
Tkor – What big game move do you want to make together? Now we can trust each other
Kimo thinks that the play.
Tkor – but it has to be before he picks Rubina to be the replacement because I feel at that point if she is named as the replacement the bridge will be burnt.
Kimo – I think so, I mean I feel like Quinn the fan and for fans if you know the game and you want to win I think any bridge cannot be completely burnt.
Tkor leaves for awhile after she returns they continue their conversation.
Kimo says they need to have the conversation with Quinn and Tucker Tomorrow.
Tkor says she Quinn told her he doesn’t think he can trust Tucker, “He says he doesn’t think he can work with Rubina until Tucker is gone, But he also said he didn’t come here to get fourth place he wants to make BIG moves so I feel like he can be coaxed into it”
Kimo – Floating in the collective is what we are doing
Tkor – and he’s trying to find a way to bring Leah in but that’s not a BIG move.
Tkor says you don’t put the same people on the block time after time it gives them more screen time, Builds their resume and gives them practice in all the competitions. “So when they get to the end of course they are doing better than you”
Kimo – they’re building their resumes.
Tkor – lets do better guys.. THat’s why I wasn’t even mad that Angela won. As long as it’s not me lets get some new blood on the block.
Kimo stresses that right now Quinn’s priority is to being Leah in.
Tkor – how does bringing Leah in help all three of us? It doesn’t we already have Joe
Tkor – What you (Quinn) are proposing is a new version of the collective but with people I trust less.
Kimo – the math is not mathing.. That is what I’m saying something is weird.
Kimo wonders if they are going to try and cut Cedric.
Tkor – they might be, I don’t see how that is a smart move, Quinn didn’t want to put a collective member up but Cedric volunteered.
They decide to have tea and head up to the balcony.

1:40 am Joe alone on Hammock sounds like Joe is predicting the order people will be evicted.
“Number 9 I have to say, Leah. yeah, she’s nice. She’s cool But I don’t see how she’s going to win”
“Number 8, Cam. He’s actually been playing pretty well. But Tucker doesn’t trust him. And him and Leah being around, people are going to target him
eventually. I feel like, I don’t think he gives people enough in conversations where they’re going to feel especially good about him. He’s obviously just looking out for himself.”
“Number 7, Quinn. I think he’s actually done a decent job of maybe getting a little bit of the target off his back. He obviously has the collective. that will keep him safe to a certain extent. He’s somebody who could slide by for a little bit, especially in a insulated alliance. Obviously, Tucker’s targeting him too.”
“Number 6, Brooklyn, She’s smart. She’s strong. People respect her. I don’t know how I feel like she’s very well liked by certain people and maybe other people They’re just so, so on her.”
“Number 5, Cedric”

Feeds flip… When we’re back.

“I feel like I’m doing pretty good. I don’t think anybody really sees me as a threat I feel like I have a really good social game and I get along with a lot of people. I need to do better though. I’ve been too cranky lately So tomorrow we’ll be less cranky. We’ll be happy Nice Joey and just really spread love.”

“But I am the leader of an alliance and that will be proven this week. Hopefully we all vote the same way. Then it should be relatively easy. I started the alliance. I was the main one talking when we all met for the meeting Obviously this could all blow up in my face with Tucker. So I have to handle this situation with him very delicately But I think that if I just keep doing what I’m doing don’t try too hard. Don’t play too much. I should be good”

“Obviously it’s a long game and there could be twists that screw me over and there’s a lot of luck involved and I’m going to need to win some competitions down the line. I feel like I have good enough relationships with everybody to were I can navigate my way no matter what happens. That’s really the game. So I think I’m doing well. I’m proud of myself.”

Feeds flip

2:00 am Feeds go to fish when we’re back everyone sleeping.

3:00 am Zzzzzz

9:44 am Some Houseguests getting up lights on in the house.

9:48 am Makesny talking to Camera
M – what do you want from me? is it because I look bad.. I didn’t sleep good I’m a little sleepy. It’s sunday shoutout to my brother BUB JT it’s his birthday he’s 25 I love him. Happy Birthday BUB.
M – 25 that’s crazy quarter life crisis… Happy Sunday it’s gods day.

10:24 am Chelsie and Brooklyn
C – They’re not saying a word. I know that
B – Yea
C – they have asked me, like, who are my top people I would want to protect and see at the end. And I always include Rubina. I’m not mad if Rubina makes it to the 9. It’s just Tucker can’t
C – Joseph’s going to keep digging himself into the grave.
B – I know
C – He needs to shut his mouth because he can’t protect himself if He tried. He can’t win nothing. The fact that he thought he got chosen. So that took you gotto be kidding me.
B – He did.
C – And then he said he had that comp in his hands.
B – I think I like either he’s just so quick.. Angela and him sat down after he got eliminated She was like, that was so much harder than I thought. He goes Yeah. I mean, I had it, but of course I had to go against him. It was just too fast. And then I was like, it probably helped. At least you
got to watch people go first. He goes. No, I knew exactly what I was going to do before I even watched you.
B – I said yeah.
C – I mean, let him be gone.
B – It’s the Lord’s Day. People are going to start talking to Quinn.

11:26 am Tucker practicing for the boxing comp.


11:40 am Bunch of Houseguests Working out


26 thoughts to “TKOR – “As long as it’s not me lets get some new blood on the block.” **updated**”

    1. Yes, which is a casting problem.
      It’s not even fun @ how dumb Rubina is.

      Tucker and Angela are safe which is good for the show.

  1. With Tucker winning Veto, I expect him to save himself this time (right?). Now I want Makensy evicted next. Worst case, Rubina goes instead.

    My targets next week would be Tucker or Angela so another chaotic HG gets evicted. Their jury votes would be unpredictable. Worst case, Rubina or Makensy (whoever survives eviction) goes home.

    If Tucker does win HOH next week, I’m not opposed to his nominees. Leah has been someone I’ve wanted out since Week 2. Cam and Cedric would be acceptable. But I’m surprised he doesn’t want Quinn nominated immediately.

    1. Makensy must be evicted next when 2 days ago you were saying rubina possibly could go. Now rubina leaving that is worst case scenario? Must be in your dna to either Only cheer and make decisions in the game based on appearance taking them out first or be a brown noser for petty driven women who project their own insecurities and badmouth others immediately after every conversation because their egos are so fractured. Either way Taylor played a mans man game. Was one of the worst winners ever being directly saved at eviction by a twist. After having the worst hoh ever by a winner as she openly admitted that she was petty and told everyone to F off for saying you inspired me Taylor for having such Grace and class. So it is confirmed you like all thee above.

      1. Boy, you are going in hard on what is a rather tempered sounding comment. It’s akin to Tucker or Angela going off on someone in the house for just having an opinion and heartbeat that somehow triggered them.

        1. It is clear you don’t understand the Rhetoric of this commentators several previous posts of only wanting those of a certain particular background to get evicted first. Let alone not recognizing the house dynamics in how makensy leaving. Means it ensures more of a steam roll from dead weight players rather than creating chaos or uncertainty which is better for the game and viewers!

          1. It’s not hard to deduce that commentator’s positions.

            I can see your biases in the comments you made about the HGs, which would explain why you feel so triggered by certain opinions.

            1. So when the women are wanting to help Chelsie you are telling me and everybody that it is reasonable and justified for Chelsie to have her one sided beef with girls being centered on targeting women that got the attention of the said men (Matt and cam) whom Chelsie crushed over and decided to rat out the women and betray their alliance and tell the men and Cedric but I am the one who is in the wrong with bias…… mhmmmm what game and show are you actually watching literally is your head buried under the sand ?
              You didn’t think it was conspicuous to see Chelsie tell Cedric about the girls ?? You really believe It was just a magical coincidence over the first three weeks Chelsie had solely targeted MJ and Leah couple of times and Lisa. Then pitch to Angela for over an hour week 1 how makensy needs to go over Matt ? A coincidence Really? If that is the case then You really must think nasa (man) didn’t land on the moon like Brooklyn believes because On what planet do you live on to say I am the one with a bias problem when Chelsie has exposed herself as displaying cruel and ugly behavior as the jealous vile one being TRIGGERED after every conversation having a fractured ego cameratalk diary banter insulting others intelligence exposing her jealousy over girls/showmance being duplicit and two faced immediately after is reasonable behavior all because she is the one not getting some attention and play but in your deluded mind I am somehow the one with the bias problem to question that it is bizarre and in bad taste to Stan someone with such ugly behavior? You are a whine trip that needs to slow its roll. For real lay off the sauce and educate yourself before coming with garbage like that again especially when you clearly don’t even fully grasp what has taken place.

          2. Team Taylor is probably one of those people that thinks it’s OK to burn your own city down when a drug addict overdoses when he is getting arrested.

    2. If you want to prevent one side from steamrolling, Makensey needs to win AI comp, and Rubina gets evicted. This leaves multiple strong competitors on both sides leading to more drama and entertainment.

      1. I’m open to a Rubina eviction because she would be a reliable number on Tucker’s side.

        My eviction list is based on getting my 3 pre-season picks all the way to the Finale. Those 3 are Brooklyn, Joseph, and Chelsie.

        1. Jealsie support still after her running toilet of a garbage mouth with duplicit cam talks of petty jealousy the last month? I stand corrected you really do just see things through a bias background lens and the whole Brooklyn thing doesn’t help either with her personal company and rhetoric which you either don’t know or choose to blatantly ignore. Even this season Joseph with info, or with Taylor and Jealsie you must enjoy rat based gameplay especially when it exposes women alliances.

        2. To base an eviction list solely for your preseason picks and to think that Joseph will be a loyal faithful to Brooklyn and Chelsea all the way through to your dream finale 3 pick you have to be out of your mind thinking that will happen. Your rats have already ratted each to other out about 5 pointz are losing trust amongst each other already by wanting to change the alliance.

        3. Mono no not chelsie and not Joseph what has he done in this game? Nothing hardly know he’s playing. I like Brooklyn.

        4. I hate to break it to you, but if the Core remains intact, Brooklyn and Joseph may make it to jury, but they won’t make it much further than that. Chelsie, Cedric, Cam and Tkor are using them, just like the Cookout used their “pawns” to get out the other players, before they eventually took out their own “pawns” and settled things among themselves.

          There was a repeat in BB24 when Monte and Taylor duped Turner to work with them to take out Allysa and Brittany (Monte and Turner were supposedly a Final 2), but in the end Monte of course stuck with Taylor, knowing he had out-played her throughout the game, which meant absolutely nothing to the jurors, who only wanted to see a female POC win the game, so they gifted her the win.

          Nobody expected these raw meat rookies to constantly volunteer themselves for the block (moronic game play), so Cedric could be in trouble this week, depending on how things play out, but if he somehow comes off the block, or ends up going against Makensy, he’ll be fine and Makensy will go home and the Core will STILL be in solid shape going forward.

          And Joseph, idiot that he is, will probably still think he’s the “leader” of the Collective, or whatever the name is of their supposed 8 person alliance.

  2. Quinn has told T’kor, Kimo and Joseph about the Pentagon. Days ago.
    So why were T’kor and Kimo confused about the power structure of the Collective?
    So why does Joseph think he’s the leader of an alliance when he isn’t even in the core of that alliance?
    Shakes head. stupidity.
    All of this save Rubina bullshit… why? What is she bringing to anyone’s game?
    The only person with even a minimally plausible reason to keep her safe is Tucker because she’s stupid enough to be playing Love Island as her ENTIRE strategy, and is therefore his puppet. Everyone else… knows she’s his puppet so what does that do for THEIR game?
    Mak and Leah... do they suffer from long term memory retention deficit? Everything they knew end of week one and beginning of week two, they’ve forgotten. Mak especially is stuck in the deluded impressions Matt had of other houseguests week one, and hasn’t realized all of his impressions were bullshit.
    Wake me up when Paras… i mean Chelsie has a camtalk that isn’t just being a bitch about her fellow houseguests. There, I should get a gooooooood long sleep with that wake up call.
    Let’s all remember… both Cedric and Cam wanted to play brogame as did Tucker. When you wonder why Cam is soooooo loose lipped to Tucker: That’s why. Add to that the whole production is rigged for Tucker thing… which come on, even the most die hard of ‘this is a game show’ people has to admit is real… aaaand…. eyeroll.

    1. On Chelsie cam talks that isn’t bitching at fellow house mates. I’ll wake you up when September ends on that one homes. Because we know it’s not gonna stop until she walks out the door.

  3. I think these houseguest believe that they each won a 3 month paid vacation to LA. Free accommodations and food along with a backyard pool and gym. Noooooobody is playing these competitions to win. The reason Sir Tucker is winning is because no body else plays hard enough to win…..I mean these lay arounds can’t even beat Angela who never has any idea what she is talking about…….or doing….what a waste of space…all of them..this is the worst season ever

    1. Totally agree the people they have on this season half are not playing don’t even know they are in the game, the other half are there for Showtime want to get noticed.

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