“The one thing nobody knows about is the Brown Sugar Babes.”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Cameron
Nominees: Felicia and Izzy
POV Players: Izzy, Cameron, Felicia, Matt, Jared, Jag
POV Winner: Jared
Veto Ceremony: Veto wasn’t used.
Havenots: Everyone except for Cameron is a havenot this week. Everyone is on Slop, Everyone takes cold showers, and they all take turns sleeping in the havenot room.

Lock your ranks in before midnight

The Situation Nominations will likely be unchanged. Vote this week is looking very interesting.

9:30 am Houseguests are waking up.
COrey – I have two jobs today not get backdoored and get close to matt and Jag but not in a suspicious way
America’ That’s the plan.
America leaves.. “See ya Tonight”


Corey – My position isn’t trash but it is trash adjacent this alliance with America gave me a shit ton of information last night what do I do with it? F** knows.. But a Crazy night. I f***ing Believed Cirie. I’m a moron for that. I have to be smart. If I immediately spill everything to Jag I Don’t trust he won’t spill everything to everyone. So… It’s going to be complicated and I don’t know what the F*** I’m going to do. It’s cool Stuff is shifting

Corey – The reality is that group that final 5 or whatever I am in worst shape than my idea for final 6 But I don’t think that final 5 or 6 was ever real I was always f***ed so.. the more you know..

10:10 am Corey and Izzy
Corey says he had a tough conversation Cameron yesterday. Cameron said “You need to reconsider and reevaluate your relationship with America.. do yo think you are getting too close?”
Feeds cut. When we’re back.
Corey – you talked to jared
Izzy – yeah I think noms are staying the same.
Corey – that f***ing sucks..
Izzy – Why?
Corey – WHY? she says
they laugh.
Corey says Cameron knows he doesn’t have the votes this week
Feeds cut..
Corey – jag seems a bit nervous not sure why which sounds good to me.. If he puts up Jag perfect. Never mentioned Cirie but like those are the options I would Guess.. Jag, America and Cirie (for renom)
Izzy counts her votes. Cirie, Jared, Corey, Blue, Matt
COrey – and Jag last I heard was fully onboard with Felicia.. Bowie is going to vote out Felicia
Izzy – Bowie’s up here saying she hates me and how mean I’ve been to her. Have you ever seen me being mean to Bowie? I’ve never done anything to Bowie.
Izzy says Bowie complains that nobody talks game to her and trusts her.
Izzy – how can we trust Bowie when she’s up here every hour with Cameron She’s the biggest hypocrite in the house.
They talk about America’s game. Izzy says Blue told her America may not trust Corey as much as she says she does.
Corey tells her Cameron and Jag are bigger threats to her Than America.
Corey reassure her she has the votes to stay she will likely get 9 votes.

10:41 am Cirie, Jared and Felicia
Jared – everyone feels like they are eligible at this point. Corey’s scared..
Felicia – that’s why everyone is sucking up
Jared – pretty much.. you will see a complete energy shift come thursday whoever that may be that wins.. IF MEME wins?
Cirie – Mmmmmghmmmmmmm
Jared – You though they were scared this week
Cirie – Mmmmmmhmmmmmm
Jared – If MEME wins or I win they are going to be shook
Felicia – Mmmmhmmmm
Jared – SHOOK
Cirie – Mmmmmmhmmmmmm
Felicia – who do you think he wants out more between me or Izzy?
Jared – Izzy
Felicia – I don’t think so

Jared – he has a DEEP disdain for IZZY
Cirie – you can tell.. he’s a liar.
Jared – he wanted to get all three of you in one hit to show you you’re not untouchable
Jared – You all are the brains Izzy is the one that goes out and do everything for you all
Jared – without IZzy they don’t think you have nothing. He said you can’t go out and get relationships with other people Izzy does that for you all.
Cirie – wow
Felicia – he thinks she has better relationships in the house than we do?
Jared – yeah and he thinks she’s a better competitor than you and he hates her
Jared says after Cameron is going to be going on a campaign to get everybody to vote out Izzy.
Felicia – so he thinks he can leave us in the game because we are not competition for him
Jared – yes
Felicia – he’s got a lot of nerve
Felicia asks what happened between Cameron and Jag.
Jared doesn’t know he hasn’t figured it out.

Izzy joins them and they eat their slop.

10:51 am Matt and Jag
Jag – how close are you with Jared?
Matt – I feel good about him I know he’s close to Blue above everybody else.
Jag – we have to think about the route forward
Matt – it’s hard. What route do we go?
Jag – Keep Talking to America she mentions to me she talked to you and it went really well.
Matt – that’s good.. WE don’t need to get rid of her we can take her with us
Jag – Exactly.. she’s smart enough to know she’s at the BOTTOM right now she needs people and there’s not way she’s going to get them. The only people she will get are you, me, Corey, Blue, Maybe Jared?
Jag says keeping America in the house is better for both their games. She wouldn’t take a shot at either of them.
Jag – how do you feel about Cirie?
Matt – Her and Izzy are one and two.
Jag – do you trust Cirie fully? I trust you Fully.. straight up I don’t trust Cirie fully.
Matt – that’s fair, From what you’ve said she’s on everyone’s side
Jag – I know for a fact
Matt – she’s know show to maneuver
Jag – Should I trust America more or Cirie more? When I got voted out was it Cirie lying or America lying?
Matt – I think America lied.. Trust me Me and Cirie were panicking for you
Jag says they can trust America more than Cirie.
Jag – she has Corey
Jag – Bowie doesn’t f*** with Cirie, Izzy and Felicia?
Matt – F*** no
Jag – At this point Bowie does seem like a free agent.
Matt – she’s with Cameron now
Jag – Bowie can latch onto you maybe me.. We can’t align with everyone because that will be messy in the Jury.
Matt – you, Me, Blue, America, Corey.. Are you going that way to?

Jag – Come up with your perfect alliance right now. What’s your ideal alliance given everything.
Matt – You, me, .. If Cirie is honest Cirie, Blue, I still need to talk to America and Corey more. The whole comment that America would put me up if she wins HOH kinda scares me. Even if it’s as a pawn it’s still scary.
Jag – that may be different now.
Matt – that is before my convo yesterday.
Jag – How do you feel about Jared
Matt – good enough but I don’t know he can go any way he can go any direction he wants.
Jag – I feel like same he can go either way. He hold his cards close to his chest. For me it’s Me, You, Blue, I don’t know about Cirie full.. maybe.. maybe no. Felicia NO, Izzy I dunno she is someone I just don’t know.
Matt – I feel like you were choose between Izzy or America
Jag – Talk to America again and make sure you are solid. This next comp might be Wall comp and she has a good chance..
Jag – Part of me trust America and Corey more than Cirie, Izzy and Felicia (wow took being on the block 3 times and evicted once)
Jag – that’s because I know Cirie, Izzy and Felicia are going to choose each other over us every time.
They both don’t want the veto used.
Matt says if Jared uses it he’s not trusting Jared anymore because he told him he wasn’t.

11:19 am Cirie, Felicia and Izzy
Cirie – All the brown sugar babes needed was one person they could trust and we will control the votes. What are the votes this week?
Felicia – 5
Cirie – we need one person
Felicia – one person we can trust
Cirie – we need not to be on the block
Cirie – if we can not be on the block and get one person we’ll still have the votes.
Felicia – Mmmhmmmmm
Felicia – then we look around at who is left in the house. Bowie Jane isn’t going to vote with us no more.
Cirie – The one thing nobody knows about is the brown sugar babes.. Let’s keep it that way
Felicia – NOBODY
Cirie – if we are able to make through these next two weeks we’ll always have the majority
Jared joins them.
Felicia tells him if she stays they still have the brown sugar babes and if they have Blue that is the Five they need.
Felicia – that’s our majority
Jared – I know
Felicia doesn’t know where Jag is right now.
Jared says Jag isn’t crazy enough to make a move on them.
Jared talking about putting Bowie up as a Pawn next to Jag in some future HOH he plans to in.
Feeds cut to Pound.

12:39 am Feeds return Veto wasn’t used. Get ready for the Izzy death spiral.

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38 thoughts to ““The one thing nobody knows about is the Brown Sugar Babes.””

  1. I know this is wishful thinking, but I would love it if Jared was talked into taking down Izzy thinking Cameron was putting up one of Jared’s suggestions. Then when it happens, Cameron says” Oh, look what Jared did. He just made it possible for me to put his mommie in the block. Yes, everyone Cirie is Jared’s real mother and they have been feeding each other information all game long. Oh, and by the way, Izzy has known from day one.” That would actually make this show worth watching.

      1. I said it was wishful thinking. However, if Izzy was smart she would have leaked it during their punishment late at night when no one was watching. She could have been taken off in exchange for the information. But I guess she thinks she’s safe.

        1. Why not just go to JARED’S face and tell him straight up:. IF YOU DON’T YOU THE VETO ON ME, I’M GOING TELL TELL THE WHOLE HOUSE OF YOUR MUMMA BEING IN HERE TOO.

          THAT should shake him up.

    1. THAT “wishful thinking” would be worth 1,000 pounds of gold each year for life, bottomless fill-ups of gasoline or diesel for life, and 25 Arabs a year to work for free as servants.

  2. Hmmm no feeds for you must be veto ceremony. I would love Jared to use it and Cirie see the block but that just doesn’t seem like it will happen.

    as much as I would like to see izod go I am really expecting Felicia to be booted Thursday

    1. “Hmmm no feeds for you must be veto ceremony”

      I don’t have the feeds, so I’m wondering:
      WHAT’S THE QUALITY OF VIDEO AND AUDIO? Broadcast quality or do they look like a security camera (which would suck).

      1. Quality video is fine. Audio is very poor because these people are whispering. Personally the fees became too toxic for me with things people said, so I just cancelled. I don’t think you are missing much. Get the highlights here and save your money.

    2. I can’t wait for Felicia to find out about mother and son. She’s going to be pissed. That’s the best reason for her to go, just to see her reaction.

  3. Analysis (while trying to set aside my bias)
    The noms might have been fun for viewers, but what did they do? Cam is not setting himself up for success, because the house is realigning without his involvement. The veto tricks for kicks assures that.
    Speaking of the veto shenanigans: What did Jared accomplish? Turned someone that was team Jared against him (Cory), and caused Jag to lose more trust in him. Due to his ties to Cirie and Izzy, both have lost faith in them too. Crossroads and 7 Deadly Sins are fake now to the two people most tied to those alliances. One night of flexing temporary muscle did that.
    Cory needed a wakeup call.
    Jag needs a brain.
    What about Blue? Izzy told Cory the blue papers.
    So, does Cory tell America and Jag that Blue is a rat?
    Blue is 95% in prodos pocket to lustsloth and protect the Fields family. That doesn’t mean she has a ticket to finals week. That means she’s cannon fodder.
    Meme. will she be left out of the vote, or will she pivot? She hates Izzy’s closeness to Cirie and Jared.

      1. He should be trying to build a new majority. His little tricks haven’t done that.
        HE will always run to the intimidation tactic of ‘I put you in danger to save you, aren’t you grateful’… and telling people he screwed with that’s what he did.
        Normal human reaction: so you’re a backstabbing dipshit backstabbing me for my own good? Bye.

        1. I honestly want Cory or America to win next HoH so that Jared can see how his actions backfired on him (and I want him to tell Cirie what Jared said to him in a 1-on-1 HoH meeting so that Cirie yells at Jared for a whole hour afterwards)

        2. CAM doesn’t appear to be tactful at anything. BOWIE just doesn’t have a clue. She’s the ideal #2 person to have in final two.

          INTERESTING how CORY is trying to talk realignment with JAG, MATT, AMERIKA, AND BLEW, and he leaves out CAM and BOWIE out of it. VERY TELLING about the new round of BULLSH** that will start flying next TH.

  4. Obviously this is several days old now, but I found Red’s interview with Entertainment Weekly and thought the people here might be interested in hearing what he had to say. It’s a long link, so I hope it works…..


    1. Thanks for the link to Red’s post interview interview. Enlightening. Red is such a nice guy. The link downloaded on my phone quite easily; however, I have a new phone. Had I been using my old phone, I would still be waiting.

  5. My family now leaves the room when the Pigmen (Cam and Jared) are together on feeds. Yes, Jared is a Pigman…without a pig costume. “It’s the Pigmen. run.”

    1. There are so many alliances, with so many common people, yet with different people who obviously aren’t really included on the “real alignees” team (“real alignees” = Cirie, Jared and Izzy) that I can’t keep up with them even when looking at your chart! I’ve never even heard them mention the name “Crossroads”, although I’ve heard you say it multiple times in your posts (I’m not saying they haven’t said it, or that it doesn’t exist, just that I haven’t heard them say it), nor have I heard that one mentioned on the air during the TV broadcast.

      To say the whole game is “messy” would be a total understatement. Nobody can make up their minds who to send home and when, nor can they seem to decide who’s an ally and who’s an enemy. As soon as they decide someone’s an enemy, they find a reason for that person to become their best ally and keep them around longer. It’s no wonder the chart is hard to figure out because so is this game and so are these people!

      Everybody talks about Cirie’s great social game, and while I agree she’s in a great position, I don’t understand exactly what she’s done to put herself there, other than walk through the door, spread her arms wide and let herself be worshiped by those who seem intent on doing everything in their power to hand the check over to her. She doesn’t even have to go out and work to get information as most of them can’t wait to run and tell her every little detail of whatever they know just as soon as they’ve learned it, with the exception of America and Cam, both of whom gladly download their intel to two of the three rats in the house on a daily basis, who then promptly downloads it to Cirie directly, or to the other rat who then passes it on to her.

      I’m not one to say I’m done watching the show, because I’d be lying if I said that, but I swear this has got to be the weakest bunch of players they’ve ever put together to play this game. Any other group from just about any season I can think of would tear this one apart, as they have no strategy, and outside of Hisam and Cam, don’t appear to have any competition skills either, plus besides America, it doesn’t appear there’s a single one of them that has a clue as to anything that’s going on inside that house! Hell, Cirie’s running the whole show, and not even she knows what’s going on half the time, and that’s with 75% of the house whispering in her ear all day long too!

      I guess it’s just disappointing to see such a weak ass effort from an entire cast – right now we’re witnessing Cam take on the entire house basically by HIMSELF! The sad part is he’s pretty much holding his own while doing so. Yes, he may go home next week, but shouldn’t he when it’s 1 against 9? He’s got Bowie but she’s done zippo in the game so far, and she’s not going to be able to help him next week either. The rest are too weak, too dumb or just too plain chicken sh@t to join up with him and help him fight the power, so they’ll follow him out one after the other. Then we’ll be left with Cirie, Jared and Izzy in the end, along with whoever they “drag” along with them to present them with their checks.

  6. Why do none of these people want to align with Cam? He wins challenges and is a free agent. Will always have a bigger target too.

    1. Good point that I’ve been asking myself.
      I think it has to do with poisoning the well against him early in the season as a result of lies by REILLY, AMERIKA, AND BLEW (with the help of JARED) about him. Unfortunately, all of them can’t seem to look beyond the petty stuff even when 750k is on the table.

  7. The NEED is REAL the pretending to be people’s friend to get their vote is gross just gross. Evict Jared. Evict Meme. Evict Felicia. Evict Cirie. The Brown Sugar Babes are burnt based on lack of their integrity. Also their game play of being hypocrites and lies they tell. SHAMEFUL!!! I switch feeds whenever they come on screen.


    pleasure derived by someone from another person’s misfortune.

    1. “The NEED is REAL the pretending to be people’s friend to get their vote is gross just gross”

      I practically puked on myself when BLEW was in the HOH room with CAM, and she says to him with a straight face: “I’ve never lied to you. I’ve always told you the truth”

      LOL…. lying ho ho ho…while going down the chimney in the other room….lol

      1. Cirie says she’s playing an honest game. I wanted Bowie to call them bitches. And I don’t call people that word.

  8. Felicia and Jared are delusional if they think they play the good game. The two talk alot and not one word is great game play…just riding on Cirie’s coat tails and Filicia is making herself really unlikeable and Jared has no idea how to play the game.

  9. 9/11 4:22 PM EDT – Cams 3/4 (Blue, Jared, Matt talking) Blue calls out Cameron as racist for going after Cirie and Felicia.

  10. Simon, I just have one issue with the above. Cirie is like The One Ring in that every time Jag gets near Cirie his judgement is clouded again

  11. Ya, not feeling the Cirie love… especially with her jerk of a son showing his true self…..can’t stand fake Blue…. Don’t get me started on Spazz McGee Izzy…….:” Wake the fk up Matt”, adolescent wet dream Cory……Crude ass farty pants Felicia; get-a-clue Jag; Creeper -Chaos -Cam (yeah, currently rooting for him) …..Invisible Mecole ( that name sucks btw) ….BJ, pick a fkn side……..America, save us

  12. “Jared – You all are the brains Izzy is the one that goes out and do everything for you all
    Jared – without IZzy they don’t think you have nothing.”
    Did you mean to say that “with ICKY they think you have everything” ??

    Also, does ICKY “Do” or “Does” ??


  13. I do wonder….. if Luke had never said what he did, and stayed ……… if the game would be a) somewhat different b) a little different c) the same d) more than a little different e) completely different

    It’s neither here nor there, but I’ve just wondered about that.

    1. I bet it would be different, because every single “man” in the house right now is a total beta male. Possibly, Luke would’ve been an alpha. We really need that this year@

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