Steve’s comp secret “Vegetables here, I kept it to the left, your’s don’t move to the side”

Finale Schedule
Sun, 9/20- 8p
Wed, 9/23– 9:30-11p Finale = Winner of Big Brother


Part 2 of 3 – Liz and Steve will compete against each other
Part 3 of 3 – The winner of part 2 competes against Vanessa
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4:10pm Bedroom Final 3
Talking about Victoria and the rest of the final 4 from last season. The conversation is as exciting as BB16 was.
Steve says he’s not looking at this show to be famous like so many other people do.

Steve brings up Aaryn and Ginamarie having some troubles outside the house due to their racial slurs. Steve says Amanda from from Season 15 is a mean person.
Steve- there was no bullies this year.. there was no Evel Dick, Amanda or Devon
Liz says Jackie never didn’t do much
Steve – she was a goblin

Steve says early players sometimes affect the game, cites Nick uhaus and Devin both having lasting impacts on their season due to the alliances they had set up before they left.
Steve adds that Christine was only part of the detonators because of Devin.

The girls both comment on how Steve is acting much calmer now. They mention having having champagne and omelettes. Steve gives a shout out to Brian Lynch (@LynchMgm)

Liz says the only person that played a good game in season 13 was Rachel. Steve thinks Shelly also played a good game. Liz says Rachel was the boss.
Steve says Shelly and her family got death threats after voting out Jeff. Adds that Jeff and Jordan were campaigning during the finale to tell the JEJO fans to chill out it’s only a game.
Steve- that was my biggest fear coming into the house.
Liz – it’s a game bro, damn
Steve – Shelly, Jeff and Jordan got that some fans didn’t

Steve – Vegetables here, I got it right there, I kept it to the left.. your’s don’t move to the side
Liz – it was rotten
Steve- endurance comps are supposed to be rotten

Liz goes to sleep. Steve continues to wander around. Vanessa is in the Diary room probably getting some meds.

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5:02pm Steve and Liz Austin’s work out plan… he will make you sweet.

Liz mentions how production really hates all their Irish Spring endorsements.

Steve brings up Jace. Says he knew Jace was getting backdoored and was going to tell him but told him something to test him first to see if he could trust him. Steve told Jace to keep the conversation to himself he had something important to tell him.
Jace agreed and Steve went on to warn him that brotips him and Austin are doing are pissing everybody off.
While Steve was still in the room Johnnymac walks in and Jace said “Bro are people having a problem with Bro talk”
Steve adds at that point he knew he couldn’t trust Jace anymore.
Steve – I really liked Jace as a person.. he’s actually my favorite people in this cast.. I would totally be friends with him and hang out with him in real life
Steve says he got to really know Jace.

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They start talking about all of Jason’s trash talking. They agree he probably does a little bit of that outside of the house.

Steve says Jason came up to him and said ‘the Cameras give us more privacy than you do”
Liz – what a rotten little boy
Steve – if that was game play that was bad game play.. but I have no animosity towards him.
Liz – the thing about Big Brother it’s not good to do mean game play.. unless you’re eval dick
Steve- Eval dick won because of America’s player..
Steve adds that Eric would have won that season if he wasn’t america’s player.

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7:04pm Vanessa now up in the kitchen complaining that she’s sore says the bruises are getting bigger on her a$$.

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8:02pm Nothing…. everyone is very sore from the competitions last night.

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8:28pm Jenga

8:46pm Steve and Vaenssa
Steve is saying he “milked” the fact he’s 1/16th native American. Adds he was given 110% the amount of Money needed.

Steve also got a scholarship because his dad is a veteran, “He served in Vietnam.. When my dad was my age he was in Vietnam”
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9:31pm Liz and Vanessa are both very sore from the competitions.. Liz says she needs one for her “VAG”
The girls are sleeping and Steve is scampering.

10:26pm Vanessa sleeping, Steve and Liz studying.. very little talk going on.
10:42pm Liz and Steve chatting. Liz says 7 days is long to wait when you want to “Camp” with someone.

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11:14pm Liz and Vanessa doing some power studying while Steve showers.

Vanessa starts talking about Austin, says he was as loyal to her as Liz. Liz says Austin thought she was more expendable than her. Vanessa says it was really sad getting Austin out it was her least favorite thing to do in the game. Vanessa says Austin is going to have money no matter what and he’s initially was only here for the TV time.
Vanessa – That made is easier

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12:04am – 12:30am Studying. Steve, Liz and Vanessa head to bed.

12:50am – 1:15am Steve gets up to eat and scamper. He heads back to bed.

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158 thoughts to “Steve’s comp secret “Vegetables here, I kept it to the left, your’s don’t move to the side””

      1. So after all the drama keep Julia or Liz, she’s first out in POV and throws it to Van in HOH? Wow, Twits you showed us! And so did Steve wow! And this sham isn’t rigged? The highlights are v Steve crying to mommy again and Van crying her butt hurts. Did you hear these douches answer BBAD viewer questions about how’d they spends the money if they win? Steve said pay for school, Liz said get her Masters and Van went on for a half hour about a ring for Mel, pay Mel’s bills, train Mel for DJ, synthesizer equipment, a trip for her entire family, pay bills for mom & sis then save the rest cuz she has a hard time supporting her & Mel since being shit canned from poker. It’s clear Liz Steve plan on winning $50k and Van $500k. This has been a 3 month show about second place.

      2. No lie, Liz can’t figure out how many Veto comps there were. Count the number of black and white photos Luz one for every eviction. That’s why poor Austin got the boot. The Twits are the Twits.

        1. I don’t think it matters because whether Steve or Vanessa win they will both probably take Liz to the final with them.

        2. It’s not fair to Liz bc she and Julia switched places for the first 5 weeks….. Freaking show is rigged – hasn’t been a show about second place – has been “The Vanessa Show”…. So fucking over Big Brother !!

    1. I must post another post as my last. Johhny Mac played a perfect season until the last HoH. He won no HoH so no “blood on hands bs” . He won numerous Povs to show competitiveness. He lost to Steve on a suspicious technicality. Steve forgets math ??? Nice one BB. But now Vanessa will win and we can all gamble with her and CBS online. What a beautiful farce.

      1. Does BB have much credibility? We already know that production coaches and interferes in the DR. Why not show it? It would make for a more interesting show.

        1. We expect the house guests to own their shit in the DR. Why don’t we expect production to do the same?

    1. Steve didn’t get hurt because he had no package. Watching him count Jury Votes with Skittles and lie about throwing comps, forgetting zeros and quitting counting days POV makes me sick. Listening to him describe how he contrived his character to get cast, fakes crying to mom, begs Liz for hugs saying he likes it when Van Jace Liz yell at him, tell him he’s got serious problems, and cry for Coco when he was fine without him for 85 days, sick. If he does have a mental illness he’s not doing anything for his community by parodying himself and calling all his so-called symptoms acting. He can tell the cameras he’s really not on Vans side all he wants but throwing comps to the b*tch that tells him he’s gonna suck his mom’s tit’s at the Wrap Party is sick. Helping his abuser beat him is nauseating. Now he’s got to win 2 in a row after slipping his cocky ass off the apple. His trivia knowledge is useless and groveling to Van while talking assassin into the cameras, then crying for mommy makes him more schizo than Van. She’s not taking him no way. And Van’s gonna get him her head doctor in Vegas. Coco too? Gag.

  1. Sigh…don’t know if I have an incentive to keep watching now that JMac is gone…maybe they’ll show him in the jury house on Sunday.

    1. Oh gosh! What did he ever do to keep you watching? You’ll miss him acting like a sack of potatoes. He brought nothing to the house and couldn’t even speak in complete sentences. So glad he’s gone.

      1. I see how cults happen.Lol I liked Donnie last year but for different reasons and he was no mastermind.John didn’t do anything but help other people’s games. He gave it a go at the end but what else was he going to do at that point. I would have loved to see him in a real alliance early in the game other throwing comps for Shelli on the BOB to help f*ck up other people’s games who he maybe could have worked with. Nothing against him, but to applaud that form of mediocrity an indifference in the game is probably why they keep casting like they do. I get the staying low strategy but at least up your social connections which is also part of the game. He was a big disappointment along with Becky because I liked them both.

        1. I really agree with this comment. John was good for a laugh but def. mediocre! It upsets me to see that he will probably win Amer. Fav. Player. I would live to see James win this because he played the game straightforwardly and brought life to the house. He really impressed me with his great attitude when evicted. As opposed to Austin! Come on! What a baby and rotten attitude- hating on Vanessa when he would have evicted her if given the chance.

          1. Well judging by the poll here more people liked John than James and by a pretty wide margin. James was too creepy.

          2. True Johnny didn’t play that great of a game but neither did James. He did make a big move putting Clay & Shelli up, but the rest of the game he just played pranks and didn’t even seem interested in game talk. Johnny was the most entertaining of the HG’s. I loved his DR sessions and his narration of what was going on in the house. For instance, when Steve won HOH, Johnny was saying the twins were all over Steve saying, Steeeve-uh you are so cute, Steeeve-uh father our children, etc. He is so funny. He is my AFP for sure.

            1. It was all an act. He was never like that in the house without the diary room cameras. How can you be one way in the diary room and act like a different person when you leave the diary room?

              1. remember when JMAC followed Vanessa up to HOH room after the two had talked so she wanted to blab to Liz and Austin what he said to her. he confronted them and she says to him what do you want. he says we just talked and you run up here…why and then he lets out his funny laugh, yes good act

            2. I think Vans plan was to do a chop in the end anyways. Either a 3 way, or 4 way. So I bet JMac is walking away w/ $125,000 plus AFP. That’s why he didn’t give a shit getting evicted, he wanted to go live it up in jury… Genius.

          3. Which show were you watching? James got distracted by a love triangle, wasted his HOH’s, cared more about bro-mances with Clay & Austin, got used by everyone, turned his back on his own alliance, saved Vanessa who couldn’t stand him bullied him, he rolled over for promise of protection, threw more comps and quit the POV those ball tosses was a complete sucker move. Meg & Jame wasted more time whining afraid to talk game with anyone, but trashing everyone hoping a game of potball would win them back over. They were seen as a joke for being cliquish, fighting over Clay’s shirt and never plotting more game than, I don’t give a shit as long as I’m safe this week. They weren’t trusted bc they turned their back on every partner they had, Day, Jackie, Jason, Becky, John, Steve happy to sacrifice them so they weren’t pawn of the week. They gave Vanessa $500k by being unanimous voters with the enemy. Seriously, this show must’ve sucked if jumping out of closets, sexually harassing women and being Van’s monkey is worth $25k. For a military very and a Mayors daughter they sure showed no courage when druggy Van started her screeching, bullying, finger pointing, threats about giving her their word. No awards for running scared and giving up your friends. Let Vanessa give James his daughter money while she’s passing out bribes and pay offs.

            1. Actually, his HoH broke up Clay and Shelli and effectively ended 6th Sense. I don’t really count the first HoH because they are basically flailling around blind during that one. His problem was Becky’s HoH, they continued after Shelli because she was a bigger and more immediate threat to James. They wanted Vanessa gone but thought they had time.
              The non-aligned part of the house simply waited too long to wake up and get to work. There were simply too many targets for them to deal with then. If they had taken out Vanessa, Shelli, Steve, Austin, Liz or maybe Julia would have finished James. Too many people were waiting to win HoH to even talk game with others. They were timid and wanted to be safe before they started taking risks.

        2. I think JMac was working towards a formal alliance with Clelli in the early days, along with Becky. They didn’t know at the time that they were part of the ‘6’. I think they were getting ready to formalize things just when James put them on the block and then, poof, it was over, and he and Becky weren’t able to make things happen with the Goblins. Clay said something about this on a Youtube BB After Show episode. If only…(sigh). It would have been a whole different game if only James hadn’t messed up Becky’s HOH. All in all, I think JMac did a pretty good job considering he was working practically solo the whole time.

    1. LOL and i an hear Julie say on the finale “With only 500 votes casted ____ is the winner!!! That would be pretty funny.

  2. Julie Chen said that in an interview that Austin almost refused to leave the Big Brother House and wanted Vanessa to redo her vote. She said that has never happened before.

      1. Interview with Entertainment Weekly. Literally took me 5 seconds to find it. It’s exactly what Julie Chen said.

        So yeah, you’re personal knowledge of what Julie Chen might say in an interview would be wrong in this case.

          1. LMAO,,,,,, wow. You’ve mastered it! You know? The whole your you’re thing! Amazing job really! Congrats! (That’s short for congratulations) I sure hope CBS casts you for season 18! You’ll (you will) kill it in there!

    1. Maybe we can’t paste links, but I found this ‘alleged’ interview and this person is wrong. Its in the entertainment weekly.. ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Let’s start with Austin’s eviction. That was easily the biggest blindside of the season. Tell us about the mood of shoeless Austin after he came out of the house.
      JULIE CHEN: I’ve never seen someone almost refuse to leave the house like Austin did. He sat there in utter disbelief and almost seemed like he was not going to leave. He was trying to get Vanessa to undo her vote. That being said, he pulled it together and was a good interview — honest and calm. Gotta give him credit for that. He was poised. ————- funny how people lie .

      1. ummmm….no. She’s got more class then to say shit, She’d probably really like to say what she thinks, but she does;t go that route.

        1. Jeez-you expect her to discredit the brand she works for? on the network paying her mortgage. Closest she gets is looking bored and annoyed as shit hosting. I don’t think she like these houseguests any more than hubby.

  3. What moon trip is Steve on th at Jace is such a good guy? Didnt we see Jace brow beat (bully) Steve before his eviction. Just proves to me that Steve has endured much ridicule before BB that he does not even know that he has been Van’s whipping post all along. All the more reason that I hope she fails. She is such a BULLY.

    1. No “mean” people this season?!? She really had him fooled! I guess if you treat him like shit and then swear he is your friend…it’s ok. He is in for a rude awakening when he gets all the info.

      1. I am literally dying laughing. I’ve never met a person who believes the people who belittle and bully them are really their friends. Is he crazy?! Poor dumbass. So, If he get’s married to a spouse who beats and verbally abuses him that must mean they love him unconditionally right?

    2. so steve is going to become a SKITTLE MASTER? good luck with that, steve. Personally,i’m looking forward to getting my copy of “Every Day Skittling, Finding the best move in Real Life”, by Vanessa Rousso, Queen of GAMES!

        1. Yeah! M&M’s NOT Skittles! Gadzooks! For the love of all that is unholy, keep your (not you’re LMAO) candies straight!

    3. Steve probably has Stockholm Syndrome where he bonds with his tormentors. He probably figures being bullied is a natural state. And he still has that bug up his butt about that remark Jason made about the cameras offering more privacy than Steve. But it was absolutely true. Jason had no idea how really weird Steve was/is. His remark about Amanda being a mean person is BS too. I’ve followed her twitter and instagram occasionally since her season and nothing could be further from the truth. She doesn’t suffer fools gladly but she’s no worse than some of the people he admires. And he believes in Global Warming which is the big tip off that he is no smarter than anyone else. He’s more Idiot savant.

    4. Vanessa has never bullied Steve. Do you know what a bully is. Someone who manipulates is not a bully. You realize that everyone manipulates others sometimes. Give me an example, and please don’t say when she found out Steve orchestrated an alliance to get her out and she confronted him crying. That is NOT bullying, she was letting him know she was hurt. If bullying was what Vanessa was doing then what is taunting someone, hitting, pushing etc.?

      1. Bullying is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively dominate others. The behavior is often repeated and habitual. One essential prerequisite is the perception, by the bully or by others, of an imbalance of social or physical power, which distinguishes bullying from conflict.

        Its up to the victim and observers to be able to say STOP. It only needs to happen once, and if the behavior continues, that’s when the label “bully” comes into play. Vanessa was told by JMac to STOP. He didnt like when she yelled, cried and attacked people. He told her straight up. James is another that told her she was “playing to hard.” Unfortunately, he wasn’t as articulate as JMac was, but he was still saying she is aggressive. She is smart enough to know what this means. However, she immediately spewed threats at him, and tried to intimidate him. We wont even go into some of the things she said to Steve…

        Vanessa is a bully, by definition.

        1. You can not label someone as a bully based on how they played a game (a game in which lying, intimidation, gaining sympathy, etc etc etc, is a huge part of the game).

          If Vanessa is a bully, as you say, then every single house guest who has ever played Big Brother is a liar, a manipulator, etc etc etc. See how silly that sounds? They are playing a game

          I can’t say all house guests are those things because I DON’T KNOW THEM. All I know is how they play a game.

          Nobody here knows Vanessa, which means nobody here knows what Vanessa is, or isn’t. Nobody here knows ANY of the house guests, so you have no idea who any of them really are.

        2. Vanessa is not a “bully”!
          You ppl need to get over your freakin ignorant politicle correctness BS
          It’s the BB house/game. Grow some thicker skin ppl.
          Comedians are refusing to go do shows at college campuses because
          they are being over run with a bunch of winny p#ssies
          By you ppls def. Sports should be banned because all coaches are bullies
          Hell cops too, their bullies, some teachers
          Wake up and shut up winers, we all know what real bullying is.
          Vanessa is not one
          V 4TW

  4. I want steve to win part 2 hoh
    liz why did you throw the 1st hoh you should of never did that
    I whould of never did that 500 thousand on the line I whould of told her
    no I could go for weeks I would sleep up there that’s why the only person
    im going for is steve to make it to the end in evected venssa in win it all

    1. Liz will most likely take Vanessa. That’s what she told Julia at least. So if Van beats Steve in final hoh or if Liz beats Steve in part two of hoh, Van will go to F2. It would be a miracle if Steve beats Liz then beats van at the next comp too. It could happen, but not likely. Even then he still may take Van lol

  5. I watched the presidential debate last night. It was much more entertaining than this season of BB – and the kicker is, I don’t like debates – never watched one prior to this. That should tell CBS how horrible this season is. I’ve quit watching the show this season. Total waste of time and energy.

  6. While Steve’s in DR: As if Liz is going to Jury, Van spends hours practicing her Final2 Argument and getting her to agree Van did everything to get the Twins in the game (no), she figured out the Twins first (no) Austin did nothing (no) Austin wanted to put the Twins up (no), Austin was closer to James than Van (no), she created all the alliances (no) Austin was after Julia (no) Van won all the comps (no). Liz says ummm…. wow…. really….. hmmm. Van says I really played game for you (no), taught you everything you know (no), and now you don’t need me (no).

    And the revisionist history lesson continues…she starts to bag on Steve: Steve is a basket case (no), he targeted Twins Austin from start (no), Steve was closer to JMAC not Van (no), she swears on Mel she never v had a F2 with Steve (no), never had F2 with Austin (no), Steve can’t win (no). Shut the fuck up clench your mouth don’t tell him I told you (no) we’re going to F2 (no), there’s no way we can’t lose (no). Liz says he’s creepy, he’s a wuss, I guess I better win (ya think?) Van refuses to clean up (what’s new) orders Liz around some more (Liz follows direction) Van shows her rising bruises, from chomping drugs no food (OD Amphetamine Caffeine chic).

    Steve catches Van in lie when she says they were in argument back and forth (no), Steve says I never argued you just screamed at me (yes).

    1. Vanessa was the first person Lizia told about the twins. Shelli and Clay were told the next morning. Austin was told 24-48 hours later.
      Austin did want Julia evicted. He did say it to Jason. Austin’s big contribution to keeping the twins safe was to tell the biggest mouth in the house their names, and said that targeting Julia was okay in his books. He later plotted getting rid of one of the twins to make sure he had Liz to himself all the way to Jury.
      Austin did like James more. He was more fun. Austin said it himself multiple times.
      Steve was closer to Jmac than he was to Vanessa. Steve says so. Jmac says so. Vanessa says so.
      Vanessa did bring together the Sixth Sense. She convinced Clay and Shelli to get close to Austin and Liz. She did bring together the scamper squad. She convinced Austin to get close to Steve.
      All of this was on the feeds. It’s all in the updates. Most of it isn’t portrayed significantly in the episodes.

      1. I watched feeds read feed transcripts.
        1.Everyone knew about Twins, looks, vocabulary, voices, weight, intelligence, Liz told Austin first in bed, promised not to tell
        2. Van was first to suggest they need to get out Liz to protect F2 with Austin and didn’t want to add another competitor
        3. Van switched to agree to keep Twins once Austin said he could control Liz, and would vote against her out her up if she didnt comply
        then switched once
        4. Austin trusted Jason he needed to get out of Van’s control, he said he’d give up Julia just to make sure they wouldn’t get out Liz. Jason couldn’t keep mouth shut Shelli glad to have something on newly formed F4 Austins Angels
        5. Austin used Liz Julia to vote for Vanessa whilet she created alliances from others alliances. Copied Audreys strategy after she left. Double standard while she abused anyone for looking much less talking to another player. Paranoid schizo crack head act right?
        6. Austin reached out to Jame because Van threatened his game continously, turned Twins against him because he had tightest alliance AusTwits and knifed him after requiring oaths on family members they were F2. James Meg to frightened to talk to Austin for fear Vanessa would find out, they self evicted playing potball instead of BB.
        6. Van was unnecessarily cruel to everyone, abusive, cheating and drugged diva mental breakdown strategy is how she got kicked out of law school and online poker. Offering her psychiatrist after her emotional abuse is disgusting. Dont indulge her, She doesn’t deserve a hug, shut her down, direct quote to Steve during his panic attack yesterday.
        7. She’s sick, vile egoistic and CBS is whitewashing. All sites hate Van, not just this one. She needs to be humble, say thank you and sorry but she won’t, she’s sociopathic narcissist & pathological liar. She should at least thank BB doctor for excess pills and weaning her off Adderall Opioid Ambien abuse.

        I could go on but I’m bored explaining what everybody already knows. Van never did anything alone and refuses to give anyone credit. And that’s why everyone inside outside house hate her, unless she pays them to like her.

        1. Every one of your points has factual errors.
          People can just flip back 40 or so pages and fact check.
          You hate her. Fine. But hate her for the things she’s done, not made up reasons.
          Empirical Evidence:
          On the night of July 8th Julia told Vanessa that the twin rumor was true. That was the first time one of the twins ADMITTED to anyone that they were in fact twins switching out. They discussed feeling out Clay and Shelli to keep the twins safe. Julia said she was happy to be with Vanessa for a while, because Austin kept touching her in bed and it made her uncomfortable. An hour later Vanessa told Clay and Shelli that Liz was two people so they now had the numbers advantage to rule the house if they could get both twins in the game. They debated telling Austin, deciding they had to because Julia was uncomfortable with Austin groping her at night. This was the same night they discussed Audrey attempting to cause chaos by trying to flip the vote to save Day’vonne. They could soon potentially cut Audrey because they would still have a number advantage if they could get Liz and Julia in the game together as their allies. On the late morning of July 9th, Vanessa told Austin about the twins. He didn’t know, He thought it wasn’t true at first, and was more concerned with why Jeff didn’t like him. On the late afternoon of July 9th, the twins switched. An hour later, after talking to Vanessa, Clay and Shelli, Liz talked to Austin. Suddenly Austin was on board. Shortly thereafter the name Sixth Sense was suggested by Austin in the presence of Liz, Shelli and Vanessa.
          July 10-11 is the time period where Liz was flirting with Jeff and shared a bed with James instead of Austin. It was Austin during this period that acted betrayed by the twins for not returning his affection, and first suggested the possibility that they should get rid of the twins because they weren’t trustworthy because they wouldn’t sleep in a bed with him for a night, and because Liz was flirting with Jeff. The twins switched. Both Vanessa and Julia had to talk down Mr. Butt hurt. the lasting affect was that now Jeff was the target.
          I”m not going to continue because the post will get way to long.
          The point i’m making here: Vanessa may indeed be disliked by many. The people that dislike her have some valid points. The argument can be made without using fiction in the guise of fact.

  7. Steve only chance is with liz to win the game. I hope there is a blindside on the final hoh and I hoping steve get vanessa to kick rocks please. I have feeling that vanessa wins hoh she kicking steve for good because she does not want to piss off austwins and she has the feeling the goblins will vote for steve. Its going to be bbcan2 finale all over again. When jon cut neda at the end.

    1. I agree Steve and Liz final 2 is the only chance they have to win the game. If either of them takes Vanessa she will win.

      I’m thinking Vanessa will win the finale HOH though.

      After two months of the feeds I find Vanessa very maddening.

      1. She really ruined the feeds for me this me this year, man. I commend you guys for hanging in there to give us the updates all summer. It’s like having your brain slapped repeatedly with a wet towel. I seriously don’t mind if she wins; she played harder and smarter than the rest of this year’s dead beats. But as a person and contestant on this show, she is repulsive and genuinely unwatchable.

  8. I wonder how the jury will react on social media once they find out the kind of poker player (professional with a net worth of $4 million) Vanessa really is…and not just a “gambler” as she’s been saying LOL.

    1. Would be great BB twist if Vanessa (worth millions as everyone thinks) wins and donates the 500k to a great charity. Everyone would love her and great promo for her new show POKER FACE. Sorry about the other HG who thought they had a chance to win the $. Would make the look bad if the lost to a great charity.

    2. What makes anyone think Vanessa still has all her poker winnings? Yes, she has won 4.5 playing poker, but that was a while ago. Gamblers have to keep winning and she hasn’t been, and has been dropped by Pokerstars, her former on-line gambling site sponsor. No doubt she has lost it back or spent it – she likes lamborginis. She seems a little desperate to win the money to me – looking for a gambling stake?

        1. yes, Anonymous, Vanessa barely made $ 40, 000 the last two years. and was dropped by Poker Stars. how will she overcome the three vote deficit against Liz, probably Steve will vote for Liz, if Vanessa evicts Steve after telling him she’ll take him to the finals? Vanessa will probably have to make up three votes whether she takes Steve or Liz.

      1. My, such hardship. A Lamborghini fetish ate up her earnings. It’s not as easy as it used to be living the superficial high life. Never mind what we all said about her net worth. She clearly has as much need as everyone else for that money. And to think, all Derrick wanted to do was save for his daughter’s future, when he could have had a hot car instead.

      2. Vanessa has an economics degree. She probably has more than 4.5 million. She won it at a the time when the economy had tanked, land was dirt cheap in Vegas and stocks were undervalued. She might have doubled it by now.

  9. I hope at finale they talk about johnny mac dr, the votes that liz and steve are the votes, and james and meg relationship.

  10. They should all know by now that their game depends on their winning. They shouldn’t be trusting anyone to take them. They better play to secure themselves. They have seen Vanessa isn’t trustworthy. At all!

  11. rachel?!!? talking about rigged seasons. season 13 was daniel donato season. the next deserving was porcha.
    rachel only won comp. this year vannesa earned control even when the other side got hoh and of cours when her side won. she didnt had to win to be in control. and rachel had brendon also to win and die for her.
    rachel saved herself in the final 6 with a stupid rigged twist. im shocked steve didnt talk about how moch this pov saved her and jordan. shelly start playing only in dani eviction and still didnt have any control, even on adam. (worst hg ever… ).

    1. 100% agree with your comment on Rachel, BB wanted Jeff Jordan, Brendon, Rachel, Dick and Daniell to form a super alliance against the newb’s. Dick had to leave the show and Daniell looked at the people she was with and said screw this, you people suck (both the group they wanted her to work with and CBS) and decided to make the show worth watching. BB production was in shock and did everything they could do to keep them in the house. So when there was just Jordan and Rachel left (either was CBS’s pick to win) the famous ” duo ” twist was put into play because Jordan couldn’t win sh*t and Rachel could protect her, then when Rachel was on the block and for sure going home production made the veto a competition that Rachel had won earlier in the game and it was for the first time in BB history…(drum roll please) an endurance comp (just hang onto the dummy) which she won, had she not won there would of been a rewind or coup d’etah. They tried to keep Jeff in but he couldn’t find the clown shoe they left on top for him.
      Rachel is the least deserving winner of BB ever and will only loose the title if Vanessa wins.

  12. There’s always those people, every year, who are like, “My player is gone, this show isn’t worth watching anymore!” Quit being so dramatic. Yeesh. If you’re done for the season, be done, but recognize that the rest of us just don’t care. You’re the one taking time out of your life to note on a BB message board that you’re done watching BB. Good for you. Really. You must feel so accomplished.

    That being said, props to Vanessa winning comp 1. I see Steve winning comp 2. and honestly, I’m willing to bet Steve beats Vanessa in comp 3 and takes Liz. All this whining about Vanessa, when in fact she’s the strongest player, and she’s probably getting 3rd.

  13. Sunday night is Kol Nidre, The start of Yom Kippur, a little more important than finals without JMac , I’ll watch the show Monday online at cbs. Don’t really care except I love the underdog, so go Steve. )

    1. Yom Kippur does not start on Sunday night as you stated. It starts at sundown on Tuesday night and ends past sundown on Wednesday. (Wouldn’t want you to be alone at temple). Wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year!

    2. Yom Kippur starts Tuesday night at sundown not Sunday. I would not want you to be in temple alone! Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year.

  14. I really hope Steve wins part two and three of this Hoh. And I also hope he takes Liz because the look on Vanessa’s face would be priceless.

    1. Me too! That would be best case scenario… Second best, if Steve goes with Vanessa and Steve still wins! Hilarious. I think he does have a good shot. From day 1, he was thrown out as a target. He reminded people of Ian(not even close?), he was dominated by the “cool kids”, but he was the first to turn on his alliance. He is a good speaker, and I hope the Jury is little bitter.

  15. I must admit I have been watching BB since day one and if it wasn’t for Simon and Dawg with this site I probably would have stopped watching 4 seasons ago. You Two make BB worth watching!!!!

  16. I think its crazy how all the people who hate vanessa just spew so much hate n ridiculous things abt her like she ruined your life and would rather see mommas boy win who hasnt accomplished nearly as much as vanessa(5 hohs, 3 vetos including f4 veto, best blindeside of the season , pretty much sent every juror to jury) steve and liz wldnt even be in f3 if she didnt drag them along. Be careful what u wish for cuz if steve evicts vanessa it doesnt mean he wins and liz could very well win it and then instead of a good player whos out played everyone winning you will have someone who had a showmance and was there for summer camp win and then your all really gonna be bitching how this was the worst season ever!!! Oh and she will probably have vanessas vote as well.

  17. i know this is history now …. But…. Didn’t you think it strange that in the pov between John and vanessa one of the questions was about the timing of the trip outside the house with Frankie? Clearly, V had an edge over John with the answer because the trip involved her. Don’t you think she and Liz would have done the “86” calculation together during the trip??? Again… It’s clear that the comps are rigged for Vanessa when necessary to secure her advancement. My thoughts anyway….

    1. He was standing right there welcoming Frankie with everyone else. It’s not like he was evicted and had no idea what was happening.

      1. It was rigged. Production didn’t take any chances. They selected the type of competition and gave her the answers. She “studied” and was “awarded” the pov.
        I’m too invested to not see how it ends, however, I don’t think I’ll watch next year.

    2. It was a question about something that happened in the house on a particular day that they all witnessed. If it was rigged for Vanessa it must have been for JMac too because he came pretty damn close to winning.

      1. So that day wasn’t more significant to Van than JMac? So in a time competition it should be just as easy for someone to remember the date of a party they attended vs one that was thrown for them?

    3. I disagree about the POV being rigged. They know they have to study the days. Clearly a day when someone visits the house is important and worth studying. John was there when Frankie came in. Plus, that event happened about one week before they played the POV … just do the math and count backwards.

      1. Not saying the question was tailored for Vanessa.

        The type of comp selected allowed production to guarantee themselves the winner they wanted. Sure the others could’ve worked it out, but how do you compete with someone who already knows the answers and doesn’t even stop to think about it?

  18. I know he is gone. Austin – I mean dude on paper like you should be somewhat likable . I’m not saying I hate Austin he is just such a tool. Ackward,un smooth , weird aroun chicks, kissed that junky Vanessa ‘ ass. Ud figure big dude, decent frame, nice guy .. But nothing transferred . He jus is not good at life . Funny how things work out . Sorry bud, your like … Weird

    1. Everyone thinks Liz will leave Austin after this thing is over, but I think he will leave her. He has a very, very sensitive ego. When he hears that she initially thought he was gross and was going to break up with him in the jury house, he will be so embarrassed. And, when he finds out that she made fun of his kissing ability even after she supposedly fell for him, he will be pissed. His ego is going to take a beating when this thing ends.

  19. Ps … Vanessa is a fuckin bat shit crazy loon bird . Thumbs up though – hated you but your such a friggen kook you made it fun to watch ….. Still hope a safe falls on you but ahh…

  20. Johnny Mac! But still a diehard fan and now rooting for Steve. He’s deserving, if not flawed. Vanessa played a great game, but not a fan and Liz, while more like able now, spoke too harshly, too often. Great season in my opinion. Unpredictable, but agree that comps need a boost. In the end, I’ll always be a fan and lover of Big Brother!

  21. Danika, I thought the SAME exact thing. I didn’t think it was fair to John (even though I don’t like him) for that question to be asked in competition.

  22. I hate how they rush the last week. The last jury member is going to have practically no time to deliberate with the other jurors who have had time to discuss and analyze who should win the game. They should extend the game at least another week because now on Finale night, you’ll have the last HOH comp, the last vote to evict, the “reunion” of the houseguests, , questions from the jurors to the Final 2, “final reasons to vote for me” from the Final 2, the actual vote & America’s Player. Way too much in 1-1/2 hours.

    1. That’s always kind of bugged me, too. The final evictee actually joins the jury on-stage and isn’t involved in any conversation, catch-up, or coaching with them. The finale is always rushed and poorly paced. I think we deserve more wrap-up information after committing to this whole process for 3 months.

  23. If Van wins final HOH and cuts Liz Steve” might” have a shot. 3 Austwits + Becky + Jmac= Van loses and Steve wins. If either Liz or Steve wins final HOH cutting Van will give them the win. Unfortunately I think only Steve realizes this. But will he do it?!!

  24. As another season rolls slowly by I would like to give some shout outs.
    Simon and Dawg, as always you are the best????
    Min o Pause, love you so so much???? Eric CA ,very inciteful ????
    Missing Raceypanyts, always entertaining????
    All you various anonymous ones, some of you were, great , some of you weren’t, but I still loved reading your comments????have a beer on me!
    To those who say your through, well bye. But we all know we’ll see you next year????so cheers!

  25. Vanessa is going to win period. All the HG have been program to respond to embedded commands that she already program, in her speech all she has to do is trigger dose key words and they will all vote for her and won’t know why.

    Here is an example of embedded command

    NLP people will consistently use language with hidden or layered meanings. For instance “Diet, nutrition and sleep with me are the most important things, don’t you think?” On the surface, if you heard this sentence quickly, it would seem like an obvious statement that you would probably agree with without much thought. Yes, of course diet, nutrition and sleep are important things, sure, and this person’s really into being healthy, that’s great. But what’s the layered-in message? “Diet, nutrition and sleep with me are the most important things, don’t you think?” Yep, and you just unconsciously agreed to it. Skilled NLPers can be incredibly subtle with this.

  26. Steve and Liz won’t talk because Van has planted too many seeds of doubt in both their minds about the other that both fear if they say something to the other it will get back to Van. SCARY!! It wouldn’t matter at this point because it is all about the comps. Van is already in the final battle for HOH and has at least (if not more) of a 50% chance to win. Why risk pissing her off and lose the 50K?

      1. You guys must own the NLP company. Neuro linguistic programming has been studied and the claims for its effectiveness have been disproved. There is no scientific evidence that this has any efficacy at all.

      2. It’s great that someone is pulling out a practice popularized in the late 1970’s, and debunked by the scientific and psychology communities by the early 1980’s as a therapeutic tool. Sure it’s still used in sales and marketing but it’s not been considered a scientifically valid process for treatment for years.
        The fact of the matter is, if she is using NLP tools on her competitors, and it is working to get her further in the game, more power to her.
        It’s ingenious to go into a fishbowl environment where the objective is to complete challenges and socially manipulate your way to being the last person standing by actually manipulating the other competitors’ unconscious minds through subjective input to their learning processes.
        Nobody complains that some competitors come into the game with physical backgrounds that allow them to excel in a majority of the challenges more than their weaker competitors. Why is it less fair that someone has learned techniques to socially manipulate their competitors?
        If she is using methods to socially manipulate the other house guests, it should be applauded for it’s ingenuity and forethought, not condemned.

        1. I agree, she was very smooth in stroking everyone just the right way to make them believe they were #1.
          I like many others just wish she owned that in the DR. Hell I don’t even watch the feeds but thanks to this site could see what she was doing. Her crying in the DR telling US how honest and loyal she is was a bit hard to swallow. That has always been my biggest complaint, when house guests try to BS us in the DR. Just own your shit. I blame BB15 for really scaring people to be so PC correct. The last two seasons now people are so scared of being hated. All in all a decent season. Last year was a snooze. I agree with those who said James and Meg chose to play pot ball instead of BB. Not only were their games a waste that ruined BBAD by keeping every together playing nice instead plotting and planning way to regroup and turn things around. Very disappointed in James being military he should have had the ability to play BB better. He was childish and crude with his comments. Him and Jeff can toss each other salad since they find it so interesting.. J-mac I guess for AFP but I for one didn’t find him that funny and sleeping through the season is not playing the game. He could have acted like a leader instead of the class clown and solidified a group with Becky, James, Meg and Jackie. He put too much trust in Steve who was this years rat. Most of the things John said would be told to the sixth sense. Steve did hold a little back knowing he would have to turn on them at some point since he was at the bottom of the pecking order and expendable at any time. As it was when the sixth sense was not in power the would suggest Steve as a nom and plan to save him. It’s BB and I think mind F’ing so many people and winning so many comps makes Vanessa the rightful winner. Just please future HGs OWN YOUR SHIT! Finally a thanks to all the regular commenters. Some of the funniest shit of the season is said by you all. To those who are done bye! to the rest of you crazy fans have a great year. Let’s all hope for some revamped comps and a better BB18!

      3. I don’t think Vanessa has been all that subtle while planting the seeds. She has straight up told both of them that they must not trust the other in order to protect their perceived F2 deal with her. Does NLP include saying to someone “It is important that you not talk to Steve about our deal.”? Seems pretty straight forward to me.

      4. It’s called being a mean b*tch! Anyone that has talked game to someone else has felt the unending full wrath of Vanessa. She doesn’t use any linguistic method when screaming at people. She didn’t have to ‘program’ everyone to be afraid – everyone is afraid of her because she goes berserk! And her language at that time is pretty straightforward.

  27. Making a pitch for James as AFP. Unlike JMac (who I also like), James didn’t know much about this game coming in. He wasn’t afraid to win HOH, made some big moves (say what you want but putting up Clay/Shelli was a hell of a move), stood his ground, and was awesomely funny on the feeds. I can only say one of those things about JMac. Just asking people to think about it…

    1. I can’t vote for James because I don’t want the money to go to a stalker and I can’t get past his massive choke on the final veto comp where he rolled both balls off the table. Him and Meg both quit at the end.

  28. Vangina wins final HOH Stephanie thinks She is going to FINAL 2 Vangina takes LIZTWIN # 1 Instead Jury Votes 8 – 1 LIZTWIN WINS BIG BROTHER 17 Karma Strikes Twice For Bullies Stephanie & His Twin Vangina

  29. IF part of the problem viewers have with Vanessa is that she doesn’t own her game in the diary segments, I have a serious question: how is Vanessa’s lack of taking responsibility in the diary room any more eggregious than Johnymac going into the diary room and putting on a muppet act, then going back into the house and crawling into bed for the week?
    Her game doesn’t match her diary representation. Neither does his. If his d/r matched his game, they’d need a hide-a-bed in the interview chair. And yet, playing the lovechild of bobcat goldthwait and kermit the frog in the diary room has Johnnymac in serious contention for winning 25k?

  30. already seeing some serious HATE from the people who obviously have one agenda, to see James win AFP. sorry to you guys…MAC is going to win, and he deserves it, I guess I find his DR’s a lot more comical than James scaring people on the feeds, and MAC’s interactions with Vanessa way more intriguing that anything James did other than nominate Shelli and Clay.

    your hatred only makes me want MAC to win even more———————

  31. It doesn’t matter who wins part 2…I really think that if they let Vanessa feel totally comfortable that she is going to final 2, Vanessa may throw 3rd comp to whom ever she is playing against…
    let’s say it is V and Steve in last comp. V says I have final 2 with Steve, I will throw it to him and let him evict Liz that way during finale night V can say, if I had won that final comp I was going to take Liz to final 2, thinking that this may get Austin/Julia’s vote.
    But it would be funny if she did throw the final comp based on her confidence that she is going to final 2. and Steve/Liz voted her out…
    I hope while V is in DR, Liz and Steve get to talking about V and make it a plan to make V feel real comfy and blindside that bitch…he he he

    1. i’m not a Vanessa fan but you are nuts if you think she is going to play this hard all year and throw the final giving someone the chance to bounce her out of the game. No way she throws it,

  32. I’m really going to miss all of you crazy asses. So will my Mom. She wants me to thank you both Dawg and Simon for all your updates. I also thank you. Be reading you next year. Everybody take care and be kind to one another. I hope all of you prosper this year. Good luck in everything you do. Lots of love, wasoffthegrid. Later!

  33. I hope Vanessa wins because I really think Mel deserves a large blingy piece of jewelry. Although I occasionally waiver and think Liz deserves the money because once she gets out you know Austin is gonna incentivize her with his Judas top hat on.

  34. I love the comedy the Vanessa haters. They are a real hoot!

    I also love that now the Johnny lovers are battling the James lovers for Americas favorite player. Lmfao. They take this shit real serious. James lovers will be so pissed if Johnny wins. Haha.

    Can we get a live feed of all these people watching the finale. The haters watching Vanessa win. I would pay to watch them mad and then run to the nearest keyboard and make up lies about her and how it isn’t really a win cuz it was all rigged for her and she killed their pet rock.

    Great season! Thank you to all the Vanessa haters. Your unintended comedy made this site better and made Vanessa’s steam rolling of every house guest more enjoyable.

    Remember “ding dong the wicked witch is dead” ? You said she was going home since week 2. LoL. Hey guess what. She is still there and she is going to win 500 grand and go back to her happy life. What do you haters have after the finale? Survivor? Lmmfao. Oh god someone get me those hater in house feeds for the finale. That would be a show I would pay to watch. LMMFAO!

  35. I personally do not like Vanessa but she played to win. A lot of people hating on her for her game play but look where it has gotten her. I know if I was on BB I would do whatever it takes to win the $500,000. I would do everything possible within the rules of the BB because I know I would be going back to my life before the game and my life before the game wouldn’t include the 15 houseguest from a TV show.

  36. Not sad to see this season end….started off good, then went to sh1t! Please do a BB All-stars next season…PLEEEEEEEEEEZZZZZ – UH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  37. I’m so happy that Vanessa feels better for voting Austin out because he was never really there for the money just the exposure. What ever gets you through the night, Vanessa. Please, please Liz or Steve win part 3 and send her phony ass packing!

  38. I enjoy OBB way more than the actual show! Simon and Dawg do an awesome job every year and should be awarded AG’s job. And all the creative posters have my thanks as well. I’m addicted to reading everyone’s thoughts and hearing the different perspectives the viewing public have. This site gives me something to look forward to, even when all my favorite houseguests get evicted and we end up with four people that I don’t particularly care for, I read all of your comments and will always end up rooting for someone in the end. That being said, as much as it pains me to admit it, Vanessa really is the only one that truly deserves to win. She has owned every other person in this cast. Poor player selection on CBS’s part has ensured that.

  39. Yes! Steve beating Van in the last comp and then telling her ‘Don’t take it personally, this is game play. You know I love you, I’m so sorry, but I’m evicting you from the Big Brother House.’ She’d have a melt down….

    If Steve or Liz choose to take Van to the end then they deserve to lose.

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