“Spare Votes to Stay Sir”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Chelsie
Nominees: Angela Quinn and Kimo
POV Players: Chelsie, Quinn, Rubina, Makensy, Angela, Kimo
POV Winner: Makensy
Veto Ceremony:Makensy used the veto on Angela. Quinn nominated in her place
Havenots: No havenots this week.

Spoilage – Today so far it looks like Quinn is still going to be evicted.

9:50 am Angela safe another week. The game is so hard she’s physically having trouble continuing.


10:30 am Quinn begging for votes.
“Spare votes to stay”
Q – looking for Spare votes here.. I’m on the block.. spare votes to stay think of the children.
Q – Spare votes to stay sir
Q – I’m going to go chill on a stoop for a bit
Q – spare votes… willing to make a commitment

10:32 am Quinn continues the act.
Spare votes to Stay…

11:30 am Chelsie talking to the camera going on about how Quinn’s attempt is not the right one.

12:30 am Makensy, Cam, and Chelsie
The target stays on Quinn.
They want Angela and Leah to be on the wrong side of the vote.
Chelsie says Quinn being a little “extra” is helping them get him out this week.

1:30 pm
Quinn begging for votes…

3:00 pm WTF

3:18pm just a wacky day.

3:40 pm to 5:00 pm Feeds on fish

6:00 pm Kimo and T’kor
Kimo – at the end of the day it’s a choice to be.. just be me and not give a f***
Tkor – mmmhmmmm hmmmmmmhhhmmmm mmmmmmhmmmmm

6:18 pm Angela going more campaigning while not on the block then Kimo has done all season he was on the block.

6:23 pm Leah and Quinn
L – Her energy is weird to me already.. Saying I’m the reason you are up there. Umm.. NO she’s the reason she put you up.. Not me. Stop blaming me for sh!t.
Q – I’m worried if you acknowledge she is treating you that way that it’s going to get worse.
L – Next week she can’t have power so I don’t care. Now I’ve been here collecting my thoughts. She doesn’t have the votes. I already talked to Angela and cleared sh1t up. She told me that she apologized.. all this whatever.. she said she wants to vote for you to stay.
L – Because she feels like she should have come to me first about her suspicions.
Leah says Chelsie was up in the HOH Sh1tting on Quinn and Joe. “All this stuff about me.. Makensy can vouch I was sitting there.”
Leah thinks she has Angela and Makensy’s vote for Quinn to stay.
Q – I’m really nervous being on the block.. I’m making a point to stay in rooms.. Joe left. Whenever you leave people are able to visualize the house without you.
L – every single conclusion she’s come to she’s a hypocrite as f*** playing a dirty game.
Q – that’s how people are in this game though. People always think they’re own thing is justified. It’s just something to roll your eyes at.
Leah – I’m seeing what’s happening and I forgave her for a lot of sh1t because I thought it was Tucker and it’s not
Q – I know
L – I’m just not that Kinda and I don’t care. I’m like.. obviously I’ve done this before I’ve dealt with her before and forgave her for things. Don’t let her fool you like this is something that is about me.
Quinn says his approach was if he sensed someone was trying to manipulate or trick him he would let them. “It shows what their intentions are”
Q – If they can control you they are going to tell you what they want and then you can capitalize on that. I appreciate you campaigning for me. It’s very sweet. you’re just a cool cat.

6:46 pm Kimo, Tkor and Rubina
Kimo is talking about growing up queer.

7:50pm HOH room – Leah, Makensy, Angela, Cam, Chelsie and Quinn. They’re chatting about random things. Meanwhile in the bathroom – Kimo and Rubina are helping Tkor with her hair.

HOH Room. Quinn to the cameras – First of all, through the hours of like 10 until like 4 or five people are still sleeping all day. And so then I know ironic. I was just napping. I’m part of the problem. I’m a hypocrite. Okay. Oh, my god. Cannot talk to people to save my back. It’s so annoying. It’s lame.

8:57pm Kitchen – Kimo, Cam, Makensy, Rubina, Chelsie and Angela are in the kitchen chatting / making dinner. In the unicorn bedroom Leah is deep in thought.

6 thoughts to ““Spare Votes to Stay Sir””

  1. It’s pretty shitty that the panhandling joke campaigning is more campaigning than Kimo has ever done any of the times he’s been nominated.
    Again: personal theory… if a nominee doesn’t campaign for your vote they don’t want your vote so send their ass home.
    Chelsie was of course cheesed. What does she expect the blindsided renom to do? She promised him final 8 on thursday night. She nominated him on Monday. He’s not acting agressively and angry enough to make her guilt for backstabbing justifiable… is that it?
    She can go sit with the triplets saying they believe in karma and Quinn deserves this.
    I believe in karma too and hope their stipend cheques bounce.
    Did Quinn play well? No.
    He trusted Kimo who sold him out to Tucker because he was crushing on Tucker.
    He trusted T’kor who has stated repeatedly that she doesn’t trust exclusively the white houseguests. Check it. She’s no better than ‘i’m nominating you because you stand out in a crowd’ HOH’s of season 21.
    They sold him out for prioritizing the 2 of them and not their friends too.
    Now they’re upset he’s not mad at Leah for doing to him what THEY have done to him since week 3. I really DO hope karma is realm because it’s going to hit them like a bag of rocks.
    Cam is lotioning his feet now. That’s the Cam update.

  2. On day 57 T’kor asks Kimo about his life and past.
    For the first time.
    Blink blink.
    Yeah… this isn’t a one sided relationship. NOT at ALL.

  3. The nominees are:
    1. Oblivious MJ and passive Cam
    2. Rubina and Kimo- who have excepted no real chances to win, won’t fight for themselves, and remain steadfastly loyal to T’kor
    3. Chelsey – she’s known for pushing for what she wants( remember her hit, This is the time to get Tucker performance) then she lets others push her plans for her, then she circles back to her plan .
    4. Leah- believes she can flip any one, particularly Cam and MJ. She won a supporting award for playing Quinn
    5. Quinn- is known for being more performative than substance. He will gladly support Leah in any role, even his own demise.
    6. T’kor – has everyone’s support but no one is really sure why. She has already written her acceptance speech: mhummmmm
    7. Angela- she appears to have the lead, anyone sitting next to her would gladly give her their award because she is toxic
    And the Oscar goes to……

    1. He was doing a takeoff of bb5 Jase. He’s mentioned him previously. A few times.
      When Jase was being evicted via the six finger hand plan he made a cardboard sign and begged for votes.

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