Rubina – “It’s really shitty I’m still here and she isn’t.. I miss her SO MUCH

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Makensy
Nominees: ?
POV Players: ?
POV Winner: ?
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: ?

Spoilage: Angela and Kimo are suspected Noms. With the “Target” being Angela.

12 – 1:30 am Makensy goes through her HOH loot. Everyone chit chat in the HOH about the competition, her basket, music, etc.. They are all happy to be back in the house and out of Janke World.

1:30 – 2 am Most houseguests are getting ready for bed.

2:00 am – 2:30 Kimo and Rubina playing pool
Rubina crying “I feel like I owe her so much and I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for both of you.”
Rubina – it’s really shitty I’m still here and she isn’t I couldn’t even advocate for her the way she did for me because I was on the block too.
Kimo – I’m not naive to think deals were not made and that is why. If it wasn’t Tkor it might have been Chelsie. Angela may have ruined the plans because I think everybody has to recognized. Everybody is a threat in their own way.
Kimo – She kept saying we have to get rid of ‘T’ and ME and Angela those three. The social players. Chelsie was like WHAT! that doesn’t make sense.
R – you and T’s social game is so good.
K – there’s people with KILLER social games and other abilities too. So the fact that T and I only had social
R – but it’s so threatening
K – there’s people that have social, Mental and Physical
R – they’ve been in positions of power and we really haven’t been.
K – T was, that’s what boggles my mind like. If you are looking at everyone on a threat level. If you would tank us all. the three of us are literally at the bottom.
R – I’m at the bottom I don’t even have social.
K – you do
R – no I don’t
K – Leah was with us to but then she started winning things and became a threat. So in my head I am thinking there are so many people that can be non threats to people that are threats right. If the pool of non threats is larger than the pool of threats non threats have to get rid of each other because it’s the threats that pull the non threats to the end.
R – thats us.
K – right, so if there are too many of us. Me, you, Tkor, Leah, even Angela is viewed as a non threat which is amazing. She continues to win.
R – the only person that wants her here is Leah.
K – She has a final 2 with Angela. Did Chelsie tell you that Leah was trying to make final 2’s with everyone.
R – yeah.. She was like your jury management is so bad.
K – I think she’s just trying to get as far as she can to make as much money.. power to you
R – she wants to win … but..
K – top 2 you still walk out with 80K
K – MJ asked me to be a pawn.
R – how do you feel? you mad?
K – MJ wants me Chelsie, you to make it to the final 4. that’s what she wants.
R – I do believe that
K – when Chelsie asked me to be a pawn for her. I trusted that and it worked. You know. Sometimes I am confused because I don’t know who is with who
R – MJ wants Leah out. She can’t be the one that takes her out.
K – I know that.. I know that MJ talks to Leah as if they are working together. But she knows she has to vote her out.

R – I want to have the opportunity to protect people I haven’t had the opportunity.. It sucks..
K – I know me too
K – I am really nervous
R – Don’t be nervous

R – it’s like… I miss her SO MUCH immediately and her look back at us I will never forget. When they announced we only have 15 minutes before I felt bad I was talking to MJ so I sat right here on the cot.. it was her basically saying goodbye
R – the things she prayed for were growth and friends and … so specifically that. that is why she was smiling and so Okay .
K – she told me I think I’m here to help people. Like if she said if not her she would want you, me, chelsie or MJ to make it to the end (LOL)
R – I see that for us
K – she was like if it’s you, she told me.. if MJ and Chelsie are still in the game towards the end they have a really good shot of taking it.
R – I am aware they are front runners. We’re on the back end.. they have most wins we have most non wins. Both are ways of surviving.
K – you can’t be on the block more than a couple times and still be in the game if it had..
R – unless you have other things at play.. that’s you
Rubina goes on about how amazing Kimo was to survive the block so many times.
R – I do feel like Cam will go before us and I feel like Cam, Leah then Angela.
K – if it’s Angela this week right then, Ideally you or I.. I think Chels and MJ don’t want to take a shot at Leah.
R – we have to
K – it’ll have to be you or me, or MAYBE Cam would have to win next week during a double, be very realistic doubles are opportunities to back door really BIG targets unfortunately. If we want to make it to final 2 we have to take shots.

K – Chelsie said Quinn said to keep T’kor in the game… I think Leah wanted to take a shot at me. SHe wanted to get me out. I don’t think she thinks she will win against certain people.
R – she won’t win against you.
Kimo suspects that Chelsie, MJ and Cam made deals with Leah. “Are working with her to some capacity even if it’s not real”

2:45 am Hammock
Rubina has trouble getting on the hammock “I never get on this by myself it’s always with T”
Kimo says MJ told him to not give away anything and act surprised. SHe doesn’t want to give anything away to Angela or Leah. Gunning for the veto which I understand. You and I have to be good with Angela, With her in the jury house we have to make sure that anyone that ends up there we are good with. T will vote for either of us. Quinn … mmmmmm…. depending on who it is he could vote for one of us.

They debate who Quinn will vote for in final 2 Kimo or Rubina. “you only need 4 votes to win”
Kimo – if the two of us make it to the end we’re both winners
R – 100 percent
They go on about having two Asians in the final 2
K – A Asian Woman and a gay asian man
R – what a beautiful … I’m going to spend visualizing it..
K – we have to be smart while still being ourselves because being ourselves has gotten us here. Luck is on our side..

3:36 am Rubina misses talking to T’kor at 4 am about nonsense..

3:49 am Kimo and Rubina
They are looking at the memory wall talking about how good everyone was that has already been evicted.

4:50 am zzzzzz

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47 thoughts to “Rubina – “It’s really shitty I’m still here and she isn’t.. I miss her SO MUCH”

  1. R (imo) is the biggest floater next to Kimo. She has only got this far because she was getting the Tucker express every night.

    1. I was watching a YouTube commentary by some BB person/fan/analyst and it was interesting how he pointed out how opinions of the players has changed over the years. Floaters were not disdained as they are now, but see as having the better strategy. They keep themselves non-threatening in comps and is the person that is friends with everyone. And truth is they often make it farther than the power players. To me Rubina has seemed like a player that does not really know what is going on and doesn’t really know how to strategize, so she just stays with the people who do. Leah on the other hand seemed like she wanted to play and make moves, but b/c she was not comp strong and not very social no one saw her as having any value to them so she just got pushed to the side. But yet they are still here and others are not. More likely where I find fault with them is that this was not a strategy per se for either of them it just sort of happened. But instead of realizing this and using it to their advantage they still just sit back and whine about not being included. So wouldn’t it be just the icing on the cake if it were Rubina and Leah sitting in the final two chairs? But hey if that does happen maybe production will finally start rethinking a few things and make BB a good show to watch once again.

      1. I dont think he is floater, more like playing a not so strong game , when he actually seems to trying too .
        Floater ususally suck to anyone with power .. thats more like joe and quinn . Now its prob only mj (being floater isnt a bad thing)

    2. I think the same about MJ. At some point, she has been playing it too safely. Honestly, if she wants to increase her chances of winning, she needs to eliminate Cam or Chelsie this week.

  2. Tkor’s accent once again disappeared while Julie was talking with Tkor. It wasn’t until right at the end when she started slipping some of it into her talk. I am not going to miss it one bit. I am soooooo haaaaappy she is gonnnnnnnnne.

    1. It was mentioned by someone who commented that T’kor couldn’t pronounce “R’s” because she spent time in England. Well last night she pronounced plenty of “R’s”. Phony accents come and go, T’kor is proof of that. Thank goodness she & her hats are gone.

    2. Me too, and please everyone, don’t forget to send some love to Simon and Dawg. This season is kind of hard to watch except for their funny insights. To me, they are almost always the best part of BB :-)!

    3. Leah….like, like, like. Does she not know how to make a sentence without using “LIKE” a hundred times. And the rambling…OMG

    4. My thought was wondering if TKor had a hearing problem/disability of some sort which would explain her pronunciation of words.

  3. So Angela is the target… again. There’s another plan to put her up and vote her out. Yeah Yeah Yeah. I’ll believe it when I see it.

    1. I have no doubt they will use the veto on her so she can extend her veto use record that she will gush about when she is sitting final two.

      Painful to keep watching her, always crying.

    1. MJ has been working with Chelsea since week two. She basically next to her until they go to bed. Do you think she’s going to throw that away for Leah who just started working with her when Quinn left. Even Cam told Chelsea he only got close to her because she was always with her. She wants Angela up because she put Matt on the block and had him evicted. Getting rid of Chelsea won’t help her game since she’s obviously aligned with her

      1. MJ was feel suss about Chelsie last week. It would benefit her game to get rid of Chelsie and ride to the end with Cam. She needs to consider if either of the Cs would take her to F2, if they are all in F3.

        If renom is an option, she’d be foolish to not at least feel out the house and consider targeting Chelsie.

        1. Tkor was the one pushing the POC agenda. Since both two alliances Chelsea was originally aligned with had Joseph and Quinn in them there was no cookout situation. Chelsea respects MJ as an athlete and as a player. Fortunately the people most hung up on the racist aspects are not houseguests but the so called BB fans

  4. putting up angela makes no sense. angela doesn’t seem likely to put up makensy. options should be either rubina/kimo or chelsie/cam to break up a pair. i think i probably go rubina/kimo and then backdoor cam if he doesn’t win veto (and go for chelsie if he does win it, trying to convince him angela will go up and taking someone down helps him in jury). at this point i think makensy needs to take out the biggest comp threats and while cam’s mostly underperformed he’s physically the biggest threat to makensy.

    1. Hasn’t it occurred to you that MJ has a final 3 with Cam and Chelsea. She’s been with them since week 2. Leah blew her own game up when she keep Angela for her jury vote .

      1. makensy would be a fool to honor that f3 deal. she’s much better off in a final 3 with literally any other two of the remaining houseguests. leah didn’t blow up her game saving angela, quinn blew up her game (and his own) renoming joseph instead of t’kor.

      2. Tell me again how much 3rd place pays? Oh yeah, that’s right – $0 for 3rd.

        And that’s exactly where Makensy stands in that trio – 3rd spot. It was fine working with them up to a point, and we’ve reached that point. Now it’s time to re-position and work herself into a final 2 spot. That means either Cam or Chelsie has to go, and maybe both of them, if Mak wants to win.

        It’s as simple as that.

      1. winning this hoh guarantees she plays in every pov for the rest of the season. the only mistake would be to not take a shot at a threat right now as this is the last opportunity to backdoor.

        rubina/kimo should be the noms. sell the house that the plan is to backdoor angela to guarantee veto gets used. actually backdoor chelsie/cam (tell angela and leah this plan so they also use veto) should be the plan.

  5. This morning.
    Mak told Angela she was pawn to get Kimo.
    Angela didn’t freak out, just cried like one of her daughters hadn’t talked to her father in five years and she wanted a nice Christmas.
    Angela is back in her angry stewing thinking chair in the kitchen.

    Mak has made an error. She’s told Chelsie that she hopes Rubina doesn’t win and use veto on Kimo because she doesn’t want to renom Leah. You could literally see the grinch in Chelsie’s thought bubble… doing the big evil grin where even the hair on the top of his head curled in response.

    I still think five of the houseguests in the house would use veto.
    I’m not sure about Cam.
    I still think this was the worst week for Mak to win HOH.
    She was nobodies target. Kimo might have nom’d her, to get Leah out…. but she had greater odds of staying. Now that she has 2 arenas, a veto and an HOH, her threat level has gotten too big with a double coming. If they can’t take out Leah, they’ll shoot for Mak.

    I’m dumfounded that Rubina is so willing to follow Chelsie. Kimo I get. Rubina confuses me. But here we sit with 2 people that acknowledge Chelsie is the odds on winner… becoming her lapdogs to get Chelsie there.
    If Rubina or Kimo won, they’d nom Leah and Cam most likely, but by the end of the week, I think they wouldn’t mind getting rid of Mak because she’s too close to Chelsie.
    This was part of T’kor’s intent in telling them to look at Mak and Chelsie together as dangerous as they get closer to finale… It wasn’t nom them together, It was knock off Mak.

    1. Thanks for your funny and on the spot recap of last night’s eviction. I said it before and I will say it again, I am dumbfounded too by Kimo’s and Rubina’s blind loyalty to T’kor even when she isn’t there. When Rubina told Chelsie that T’Kor told them( she and Kimo) to stick with her We all shouted but she( T’Kor) is 22 years old, you are 35, are you (R) reporting to your new mother as instructed!? When MJ told Kimo he would be a pawn he rolled over and said yes as he usually does.These two , perhaps, are more to be pitied than scorned.
      Although I am glad T’kor is in jury, things have settled back into predictability. MJ has longed wanted Angela out, and she is bound and possed to do so this week. Bad move. MJ is loyal to Chelsie and no other. Leah, if they get the shot will go in the double. Even Cam said he would take Leah out ,when MJ said she couldn’t do it. Say what now? Cam, despite Chelsie’s lack of respect for him, rides with Cheslie no matter what case that’s what gets him to the final two ( it’s only a matter of who Chelsie will take MJ or Cam. Rubino and Kimo are just there to be used as pawns and they appear to let everyone know they are okay with that because without their Queen T’kor they have no minds of their own. So very sad and disappointing. So it seems cut and dry now, Chelsie wins, MJ gets rid of Angela this week and Leah goes in the double. I had to turn off Chelsie, Cam and MJ in the HOH planning it all out and congratulating themselves on their pettiness( my word not theirs). I was so in hopes pettines would not win, but NO ONE but Angela wants to take a shot at Chelsie even though they know she has the best chance of winning. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE!! Chelsie is no DerricK, or Dan, or Daniele R, or Janelle.. or even a Jag. Donate to Simon , Dawg, Un autre nom, Gan, Beef who have all patiently sst through this idiocy, tried to help us make sense of it all and keep us laughing while doing it.

    2. The way this season has been going I would expect a Leah renom and eviction. There would be a misalignment in the universe if this HOH doesn’t blow up in Makensy’s face.

    3. I would be dumbfounded too except for the fact that these people, and by these people I mean pretty much all of them, but especially Kimo and Rubina, have shown no penchant to actually think for themselves throughout this entire game! Even when they had T’Kor in there with them, she was the one who came up with most of the ideas that they never followed through on, and all of the strategy that they never implemented, including all of the nominees that they wanted on the block, but never pushed for, so it was really all her thinking, and not much the other two, at least that’s my perception of things.

      That’s why I said in a previous post that Rubina would just latch on to somebody new if she stayed – it was just a question of who. I should have known T’Kor would TELL her who, and that person would be Chelsie because OF COURSE it would be Chelsie, and we all know why.

      I actually like Kimo. He’s a very likeable person, but I’d like him a lot better as a player if he had his own thoughts in the game, would stop being everybody’s punching bag and stand up for himself in there. Maybe then he wouldn’t be going up OTB every week, if he didn’t just take it lying down like he seems to be doing. When somebody asks you to be a pawn, how about you say NO once? Maybe you say it in a firm way, so that they know you really don’t want to go up this week! Might not change anything, but that’s better than just saying yes or okay, as if you’re fine with it, and it makes it a lot easier for them to do it to you again the very next week too. If it makes them uncomfortable, that’s fine. They don’t seem too uncomfortable putting your ass up OTB, so why is that a problem?

      At some point you have to say enough is enough, and if I were Kimo, I would think he has reached that point.

    1. Won’t happen. Only way Chelsie would be a possible option is if Leah wins POV and takes down Angela. But MK will put up Rubina before Chelsie.

  6. This season has NOBODY using strategy at all as they just wing it every week no matter who wins HOH. Look at MJ who says her target she wants out is Angela, the same Angela who MJ used a POV to save her just a couple weeks ago. ?????????

  7. What… probably gets zinged.
    Cam: socks. or a jealousy comment backhand zing on Chelsie.
    Chelsie: something that makes her look like a non threat.
    Mak and Rubina likely Matt and Tucker based zings.
    Kimo a crying zing.
    Angela and Leah likely get the zingest… but no idea what they choose.

    Not at all what they SHOULD go for. BUT they have to work off of what the EDIT has chosen to show us. Zings are usually MORE based on episode edit than actual storyline and feed behavior.
    Cam should be a cardboard cut out zing with a backhand sucking up to the ladies zing leading into a chelsie henpecking wife without a ring zing aimed at Cam though.
    Mak… the odd treats Cam like a brother thing. with banjoes.
    Kimo eating thing.
    Leah was always Jankie so winning that week was no surprise.
    Rubina…. who knows. meh. stick with the Tucker shit.
    Make a zing that sounds like it’s going to be at Leah… but make it Chelsie. THAT WILL GET HER PISSSSSED.
    Angela realistically doesn’t need a zing and not zinging her would cause a thermonuclear meltdown. So do that.
    Zings are usually HELPFUL to the houseguests that production are pushing, and detrimental to the ones impairing the golden children.

  8. Zings we are currently aware of:
    Mak: dirty feet.
    Cam: no substance.
    Kimo: non-factor. puts audience to sleep
    Chelsie: a compliment turned cold.
    At some point Tucker was called a fu–er so likely in a Rubina zing.
    The Care Bears didn’t get incinerated.

    1. Angela’s was a won’t win zing. Leah’s was a chubby chaser zing. Rubina’s was a tucker zing.
      Production pointing out Angela won’t win and Kimo is a non-entity…that’s earworm.
      The fact Chelsie thought hers started as a compliment and didn’t elaborate…

    1. What mini-cookout??? The 2 black players just voted out the 3rd remaining black player and they had the numbers to keep her?

  9. Idea.
    Send Jankie to the juryhouse.
    Make them live in the bushes and eat pine cones until the next juror arrives.
    Film it.

  10. MJ is missing out on a lot. Cam and Chelsie will never take MJ to the Top 2 when they are in the Top 3. However, if she is in the Top 3 with Rubina and Angela, she will have the choice of who to take to the finals. I don’t think Cam will win, but I know that if MJ is in the Top 3 with Cam, he will never take her to the finals. That’s why MJ needs to eliminate either Cam or Chelsie.

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