Quinn “I’m trying, I tried okay. I tried America. I tried to make a showmance happen. I didn’t have it in me.”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Angela
Deep Fake HOH Power: Quinn
Nominees: Quinn nominated: Makensy, Tucker & Cedric
POV Players: Cedric, Angela, Tucker, Makensy, Joe, Brooklyn
POV Winner: Tucker
Veto Ceremony: Tucker used Veto Quinn nominated Rubina
Havenots: No havenots again this week

7:55pm Living Room – Quinn and Leah.
Quinn – He had a lot of expectations and stuff like that. You know, just case things fell through for you, but. I don’t know. Leah – You’re unbelievable. Quinn – I don’t know. Leah – You’re unbelievable. Quinn – I don’t know. You know, I got to protect my own imagey you know, it’s a sleepwalking, isn’t it? I know that every time it happens the like potential of you even remotely thinking I’m cool is just shrinking every single time. And it’s just like I got to put, I got to put me first. You know, something to think about. Leah – right? Quinn – It’s hard. It is hard. It’s like listening now, you know. I also heard, you know, what it took, what it took to say. And you were just so impressed. Leah – Snap out of it. Quinn – What are you thinking? Leah – You’re speaking in code. Quinn – What did you talk about? I heard what you what you liked. How are you doing now that I’m not flirting with you anymore in this game. Leah – shut up! Quinn – that is humiliating for me. Leah – you are cancelled. Quinn – I guess I probably am. You were like I flirt sometimes and that’s weird now. Leah – how is this.. what is going on?? I am going to punch you. Quinn – I am friend zoning you and you just have to accept that, alright?! Leah – well life is just that fast in the big brother house. Quinn – I think I am strong enough to get through this.

8:05pm Storage room – Leah and Tucker
Leah is hiding from Quinn down in the corner of the storage room. Leah – That’s a really good strategy, thank you so much! Tucker – I don’t f**king know. Leah – no because then whenever he started like joking about making me be uncomfortable, I agreed multiple times and then he was like that’s just great da, da, da, da… what am I supposed to do then? Tucker – I don’t know I just walk the f**k away! But we can’t. Leah – That’s what I do but then I’m found. I think its making me paranoid now but now I can’t win because when I am paranoid about it, then I am going to be targeted. Tucker – Just put him on the block. Leah – EXACTLY! Tucker – That would solve it all. Leah – Perfect. Tucker – I’m sorry. Leah – it’s just always like people who speak about certain things who just like aren’t that. You know what I mean? Tucker – Yeah, Oh yeah. Leah – It’s like a big pet peeve of mine. Tucker – Yeah, I feel you. Its entertaining though! Leah – I’m glad it’s entertaining. I’m really happy. I’m so happy. Tucker – Oh, man! I made my sh*t clear with him. You’re gonna have to lay it down .. or if you want me to do it? I can do it! Leah – How so? Tucker – I can’t tell you.

8:25pm Bathroom – Quinn and Cedric
Quinn – Words of affirmation is how I show love for people. So even in non romantic situations I like to give a lot of.. like I like flirting with my friends and I don’t want that to be misconstrued as like me shooting my shot because me shooting my shot is a little more like it’s me being real sweet and like whatever you know? I’m trying, I tried okay. I tried America. I tried to make a showmance happen. I didn’t have it in me. Cedric – I really don’t think I could do a showmance here. It gets messy. Quinn – she is adorable. She’s so cool, but I think it’s cause of her personality that I enjoy her so much. Like absolutely and that’s my thing, please. I like that. She’s weird as fuck to me like that to me is very endearing. And I like that where I’m like, she’s obviously cute, but it was once she started talking and was being ..like help.

8:50pm Unicorn Bedroom – Brooklyn and Chelsie
Brooklyn tells Chelsie that she used to be a dancer in Dallas and how she danced for the Tampa Bay Lightening back in 2016. Chelsie – I knew you were lying to me.. what else have you lied about? Brooklyn – that’s it and it wasn’t a part of my story line. Its really hard to hide having rhythm when no one in here has rhythm.

Unicorn Bedroom – Joseph and Quinn
Joseph – do you really think I’m throwing comps? Quinn – Yeah. Joseph – Are you being serious? Quinn – Yeah. Joseph – I’m really not. But like, genuinely bad. Quinn – I would be okay if you were. Joseph – I’m not. Quinn – I don’t want you to compromise. Joseph – I’m not throwing comps. I’m genuinely not athletic. You got to trust me. Quinn – but I would not be shocked if.. Joseph – no, I’m genuinely not athletic. Quinn – Yeah. Joseph – I’ve tried my hardest in all these. I would have done better than you had I had the right strategy.

9:30pm Kitchen – Tucker is cooking dinner while the other house guests are playing a game.

10:10pm Bumper Pool Room – Joseph talking to the cameras..
Joseph – I haven’t thrown anything. I’m just genuinely terrible at these. I’ll say I’ve performed halfway decent in the last couple, so terrible might be an overstatement, but and typically in these competitions. If you’re the last ones picked, you should mean you’re doing pretty good, right? So that was a good sign for me. You know, I hide up here sometimes hoping that people will forget about me and they know I’m not doing any scheming. I know I’m just here. If they want to talk to the godfather, they can come on here and do so. Yeah, I think the collector is going swimming. Seemingly Tucker, I don’t know. Feels like he doesn’t trust it. It’s really controlling which, to be fair, we haven’t voted together yet, which will be my excuse I give to him if he brings it up again. But, yeah, I think this will be the first what we truly prove that we’re in the alliance. Yeah. getting rid of MJ or RB, Rubina. And yeah, I can’t wait. I can’t wait for Thursday. Everybody in the lights knows what to do. So to me, there’s not a lot of need for nefarious talk. Now I feel like there’s no need for this game talk where I can get myself into trouble somewhere like how Quinn has and yeah, I’ve just been stoking the flames.

10:35pm Unicorn Bedroom – Leah, Makensy and Rubina
Leah talks about how Quinn’s infatuation with her is getting on her nerves. Leah – Now it’s getting uncomfortable. I’m like, what the! I’m like, I never! Just give me two seconds alone. Rubina – No, honestly. Leah – And it’s like, why do you keep saying these things? Like, do you want me to hurt your feelings? Like, because I will. Quinn and Joseph come into the bedroom. Leah and Rubina leave and head to the bathroom. Leah – I have never said anything like that. Like any compliment that I ever gave was no different than the compliments that I’ve been throughout the house. Rubina – you didn’t do anything. Leah – I know, but it’s just like frustrating because like I deserve to just like be. Rubina – I know and it’s not fair for you or your game or just being in this house. Leah – I’ve had to do a lot of damage control.

11:10pm – 11:35pm The house guests are finally eating dinner.. After eating the house guests are hanging out talking about the “tea” in the house.

12:35am The house guests are hanging out and chatting..

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40 thoughts to “Quinn “I’m trying, I tried okay. I tried America. I tried to make a showmance happen. I didn’t have it in me.””

  1. From what I understand Angela Lisa Brooklyn Leah Tkor and Tucker were all recruited, does anyone have any info.

    1. Tucker knows Cody, Brooklyn knows Aryn, and Angela has been on three other CBS TV shows. So those three are likely recruits. I haven’t heard anything about the rest of them.

      1. Yeah, I don’t think Aryn has ANY pull in getting someone recruited onto the show, given her performance on it and the way she was treated when she left it.

        Do I know this for a fact? Obviously not, but Aryn is one of the most hated house guests to ever be on the show, due to her racist comments and actions during BB 15, so it just doesn’t make sense that Grodner or whoever CBS uses to recruit the cast would have her number on speed dial to use for new recruits.

        I believe that Angela and Tucker could be recruits, but I also believe that Angela could have applied due to her strong desire to be on TV. Tucker knowing Cody makes him a more likely candidate for being a recruit IMHO.

        1. I read that someone said Brooklyn is friends with Aryn but don’t know if that’s true, however Brooklyn like Angela was on the Dr. Phil show.

    1. I’m beginning to worry about Joseph. His mouth will get him OTB and he may get evicted if he’s seen as an ally for Tucker (which he isn’t).

      He’s safe for now because he hasn’t caused trouble or wrapped into the drama. And they’re other HGs who are targets for different reasons: Tucker, Angela, Cedric, Quinn, Brooklyn, Cam

    2. He’s been planting seeds of doubt without making himself seem shady. He’s got lots of potential. He’s right in that it makes sense for him to lay relatively low for now.

      He will need to win comps though at some point. Maybe if better competitors are evicted.

  2. Hopefully they will soon have a “how bad do you want it ” veto competition in which Quinn has to shave his head bald or a hands-tied pie eating contest for Angela, I’d love to see her fat face covered in blueberries.

    1. He so badly wanted an Americory story. He should know that was a rare occurrence, and anyway, Cory is way more attractive than Quinn.

      Cute nerd can work. Homely looking, not so much.

      Idk where Quinn gets his romance confidence from. Cory was surprised that America seemed interested, and only followed her lead.

  3. Too bad none of them know Rachel Reilly or all the floaters would be gone by now and that’s 3/4 of the house

    1. rachel’s definition of floater was pretty flawed. it wasn’t that no one else was playing the game, in fact there was a huge alliance (especially if you count the brigade’s buddies of brittany, regan, and whoever hayden was in a showmance with), but she wasn’t in it and she was completely oblivious to that because the alliance did a good job of keeping itself secret.

  4. Assessment:
    T’kor and Kimo: As a duo too passive. It’s almost as if they don’t trust any group that would include them as a member. T’kor is ultimately only invested or interested in working with a group that is POC, and Kimo is ultimately only interested in working with a group that includes a meat shield (Tucker) for him. Their bitch whine and moans about Quinn are ridiculous for one reason only… he’s the one that has given them all the dirt on house structure… what have they done? zip. zero. nada. complained.
    Angela: eavesdropping on people talking and jumping out to say include me or else…. doesn’t make you a member, it makes you an albatross.
    Joseph thinks he’s Will? Really?? He’s barely Couch.
    Leah is excluded from all gametalk. Tried to get an alliance going when Lisa was still in the house… but it was more Lisa legwork that came to naught. Too pale and too blonde for the bias crowd. Her style for float (not coast, float) game is too hard to maintain long term.
    Her lack of loyalty in playing a float game is exposed too much when she right out says she’ll vote out an ally without any convincing.
    Quinn? What’s the point. He is in a 3 where he is bottom. He’s in a five where he is bottom. He’s in an 8 where he was only kept to use his power… and it’s used. Doesn’t seem to realize he hasn’t done enough to fix his over-exposure from all of his over-alliancing.
    Chelsie…. sit back and kvetch some more why don’t you? Gotta be the MOST negative person because really she’s in a great position but spends allllllll of her time, quite frankly, being a bitch. What she’s failing to grasp, while they’ve done away with flashback, social media captures have all of her Danielle/Jun Paras camtalks. Enjoy those post season reunions…. see bbcan9 Beth for what I’m really saying: She still seems to be persona non grata to her cast and that series has been cancelled. My suggestion: keep it game and stop going personal. The game attacks in camtalk are strategy, the personal attacks in camtalk just degrade yourself.

    1. I really think Joseph is at least half kidding. He’s got an incredibly dry sense of humor.

      He has been laying some groundwork for tensions down the road that he can exploit. His comments may be based on that, but I think he’s just messing around with the mastermind comments.

      It’s like dancing and singing in your underwear, then pointing in the mirror and saying: You’re a regular Michael Jackson.

      I could be wrong, but I ‘get’ his type of personality and humor.

      I think he has a lot of potential as the ranks thin down, if he can win some comps when it’s important.

      1. I hope you’re right and he’s kidding, because in no way shape or form is that guy in control.

        I also don’t think Joseph has much chance of winning any type of skill comp. Did you see his performance on that balance beam comp? His feet were skewed outward at almost 90 degree angles to the beam, so that he looked like he was “duck walking” that thing!

        Nobody with any athletic ability of any kind would take that kind of approach to that, if he had any intention of doing it with any speed whatsoever. I firmly believe the next “jock” Joseph puts on will be the FIRST jock he ever steps into!

        1. I definitely noticed Joseph’s duck walk on the beam. He seems to have some sort of issue with the way he walks, in general. But lots of skill comps don’t require footwork.

          He has potential for a mental comp.

  5. Some thoughts:
    while everyone talks about endurance comps or the wall.
    Let’s remember how rigged the endurance comps were for last season. cough cough last season’s wall.
    Let’s remember how many individual time comps there were and how we’ve already had 2 individual prodo decides veto comps and it’s only week 4.
    Sure, prodo is being more equitable in the first four weeks comps….
    but even then, this group of mooks can’t even keep their mouths shut that week one HOH was for plot and story which leads to the possibility that the win was staged.
    Let’s remember that Quinn was already without his glasses and mic’d up with a micbelt used in comps BEFORE it was announced that he was the America decides veto pick.

    Prodo gonna prodo in New School as much as Prodo Prodo’d in old school. They’re just worse at hiding it.

  6. Who is worse?
    Leah – blah blah blah ex boyfriend blah blah blah Quinn gives me super ick yet I still dangle a promise of the Snoods to him.
    Makensy – I’ve been to 3 proms and bought 3 dresses and I don’t know why no one likes me I have never been to New York but I have been to Times Square!(manipulated like her nose)
    Quinn – I asked permission to flirt with Leah was is she so disgusted that I flirt with her?
    T’kor Kimo – whisper whisper whisper
    Chelsie – too busy coveting these dirty crusty socks
    Cedric – too poor to go to prom I had to work my mom was 16 when she had me and I am experienced in dirty Dj’ing (hope you heard that one mom)
    Tucker – I live in Brooklyn and I am great (eyeroll couldn’t SURVIVE in my old Brooklyn neighborhood)
    Angela – oh don’t get me started everyone makes excuses for me to continue with my bad behavior I am going to win with my bullying powers and the producers fixing it for me.
    Joseph – I rather watch paint drying then hear this floater talk He is Jag 2.0
    Rubina – height is great to keep kissing Tucker’s bum
    Brooklyn – my hair is falling out (Tucker it’s all in your mind.) Tucker but it was after my womb was removed my hair fell out. Thanks…
    Cam – come on talk Cam (Cam talks) oh shut up Cam nothing interesting to say

  7. Did a Latina seriously with a straight face, just tell a POC that no one else in the house has rhythm?

          1. no. I’m only answering the question who is latina that was posted above with the answer that I believed Brooklin had mentioned part of her ancestry was latina.

      1. I knew someone would come at me about her ethnicity.

        Cuban is Latina. If you live in NYC, we have large population of Hispanic and Latin American. She looks more Latina than White to my ethnically immersed eyes, ahem.

        If she has some White and Native in her, that just underscores my point even more. Which you seemed to miss bc you’re so focused on whether her whiteness is being denied.

        White person telling a POC she’s the only one with rhythm. Even worse! That’s not a negative stereotype, in case that’s the next shake head trigger.

  8. Tuckey Wuckey doing a tantrumy wantrumy because he can’t crack Rubina’s neck! Studies show cracking a neck or knuckles causes ARTHRITIS! Tucker is a MORON

  9. Ok isn’t it a little early to be having a recap show??!! Hell we are only on week 4

    they could have chosen 3 better players to represent like Jeff, Daniel or the rubber duck in the pool to provide better analysis.

  10. Sorry, not in the proper mood to watch the Tuesday clip show.
    Social media says they didn’t reveal what the next twist DOES.
    It’s called AI INSTIGATOR. It involves a viewer vote.
    Wild guess:
    remember America’s Player?
    That type of thing.

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