Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Bowie
Nominees: Cirie and Felicia
POV Players: Bowie, Felicia, Cirie, America, Matt and Jag. Host it Cory
POV Winner: Jag
Veto Ceremony: Jag used the power of Veto on Felicia. Cameron was the replacement.
Havenots: ?
Lock your ranks in before midnight
The Situation Cam’s going but he’s trying to stay.
10:26 am Cameron and Cory
Cameron – I assume it’s still no
Cory – I can’t predict the future and be a dick and not hear you out. It’s Big Brother.
Cameron – I don’t have a big Campaign speech you know the reasons to keep me.
Cory – Keeping you hear to target people but when you look at the votes it’s really hard.
Cameron says he thought he was working with people and they turned on him. “it’s a game man”
Cameron says Blue might not be hard to flip. Felicia would though.
Cory – keeping you pisses off two people who have a good shot at getting into power.
Cameron – I’m a shield, I’ll get aimed at again.
Cory – you’re a scary shield man.. You win a veto and it’s over.
Cameron – if I’m no here as the shield it’s just you
Cory – I think I have a week of shelf life that’s about it.
Cam – If I get a chance to be here we can play some Big Brother I mean really play it. When you get down to the stuff you really love. Like season 10
Cameron says jared was a “HOH Whore” Same as with Matt and Jag. They haven’t left the HOH since Bowie won.
Cameron points out that Matt and Jag are not going to want to win HOH’s they want other people to take the shot so they keep their hands clean.
Cameron says Matt and Jag kept Cirie and Felicia in the house this week so that next week they have two easy nominations and can backdoor whoever they want.
Cameron goes about how Matt and Jag have this whole game “Rolled up”
Cory – all it takes is one HOH and one of them is gone.
Cam – I know that is what I keep telling Cirie. I told America. If all of you can get past the Blue Vs Cory sh1t and work together. It’s 5 vs 2. The probability of winning HOH went up way higher.
Cam – On Thursday if Cirie goes home, the two of them will sh1t Their F***ing pants because they know everything has hit the fan .
Cory – who do you think their noms will be?
Cam – I’m going home if I don’t win a POV I’m going home.
Cory – I’m going home (If I don’t win comps)
12:43 pm Cameron and America
America – I just think it’s funny how.. I get what you are saying I think people were just going along with what.. You know what I mean
Cameron – Of course
Cameron – you do takes things personal and hold on to them The fact I said your name in a game for 750 thousand dollars
America – I get that you have to do that CAM but you come up and say I want to work with you. You lie to my face about it
Cam – It’s part of the game
America – I know it’s part of the game. I
Cam – what do you mean Lied to your face about it. What did I lie about.
America – You were like NO it wasn’t me.
Cam – the whole house was behind me. Regardless if I started the conversation or not. Everyone was behind it and Still are.
America – you could have said that this week going into HOH
Cam – Of course I could have I was With them it was a three person alliance I was doing the plan according to plan. Tell me the plan i’ll do it.
America – you’re a planner Cam I’m smarter than that
Cam gets up “You are incorrigible”
America – Ohh whatever
2:00 pm Cirie and Felicia
They are going over who is together, Cory/America, Matt/Jag
Cirie – I really thinks Bowie Jane is with Cory and America.
Felicia sayas Bowie is also close with Matt and Jag. Bowie will stick with the side that doesn’t falter. If Cory gets taken out she’ll ride with Matt/Jag. If Matt/Jagg take a hit she’ll stick with Cory/America.
Felicia thinks with Cory gone they can form the all female dream team. Five females Vs Magg and Jag.
Cirie doesn’t think Bowie will flip to them.
Felicia – 3 of them 4 of us. We still have the numbers.
Cirie – unless one of them wins.
Felicia says everyone has to keep their f***Ing mouth shut. She thinks they can pull it off if they do.
Cirie – nobody can keep anything a secret
Felicia – Including you
Cirie – Cory is saying more than I expected him to be saying.
Felicia – now he’s giving you names.
3:20 pm Cameron alone
“You gotta ride the wave. Plans have changed. there may be a crack worth investigating but you gotta be patient”
4:00 pm
Not a lot happening. Mostly Chit chat or bringing up past house events this season .
5:20 pm Felicia, Blue, Bowie, America
Felicia – I’m going to go Get Cirie and we’re making lamb steaks. what do you want with it?
Felicia – I’ll do some type of grilled potatoes
5:25 pm Felicia and Cirie
Felicia going on about a 5 girl alliance and the only thing that is stopping it from forming is America and Cory. They get rid of Cory and America will side with them.
Felicia – the 5 of us get rid of Matt and Jag. Girl it’s on like popcorn
Felicia – we’ll get rid of Bowie Jane right off the bat
Cirie thinks Jag and Matt want Blue to win HOH “They don’t want to show their hand”
Cirie – the problem will be when America’s Dumb a$$ wants to go after Blue because of Cory
Felicia says as long as Cory is here you can say anything to her
They talk about letting Matt win the HOH this week.
Felicia is going to try and Convince Blue to let Matt win it. (They are assuming it’s slip n slide)
Cirie is worried Blue will run her damn mouth.
Felicia says Blue tells Matt and Jag what she hears from other people
Cirie – I know
5:55 pm Cameron and Cory
They’ve been talking about everything from Cam’s 8 year old Birkenstocks to When the next Double is.
Cam asks him to make sure someone sucky doesn’t get evicted last.
Cory calls him out that regardless of who leaves Cam will say “I told you so”
Cory – I feel like you’ve told everyone they’re next
6:05 pm Jag and Blue
Using the velvet couch to strategize (hard to follow who they are talking about)
Jag says Felicia is asking Matt about me and Blue so she wants Blue out. “you only ask that if you are cooking something up”
Jag – Felicia is saying to me she wants Cory and America out .. I’m saying whatever going along. There has to be a point where I am saying.. AWW there’s other options
Jag – the last thing I want is for Blue to win
Jag is thinking it’s best to leave it alone until after HOH.
Jag – Cirie wants to work with you
Jag says if America/Cory win they put up Felicia and Blue “we take Blue out” or Blue wins and “we take Cory out”
Jag – that just leaves one of them and all three of us can play in the HOH and we pick one off.
Feeds cut. When we’re back.
Jag – next week they won’t have protection..
Matt comes in and Spooks Bowie.
They talk about Felicia wanting to take out Blue.
Bowie says they wait until after the HOH fo Jag to go to Felicia and say he’s not close to Blue.
Bowie – We can’t risk Blue finding out.
6:33 pm Cory, America and Jag
Cory – Blue’s talking to me about Felicia. Felicia’s talking to me about Blue
JAG – I’m trying to figure out if Felicia is actually Anti Blue. Making sure she knows I’m full on board.
Cory – I already told her I don’t think you all are close (Jag and Blue)
Jag wonders if Felicia wins HOH they can have that conversation.
Cory – I talk to Felicia more these days than I did before I’m going to keep talking to her..
Feeds flip then cut.
6:46 pm Blue and Cirie
Blue says if they can get matt to win the HOH next week to take out Cory then she will win it the week after and put up Jag and Matt.
Cirie – that is exactly what I see as a path.
They start talking about a all girls dream team alliance.
Blue – I think bowie might be on board. This all girls alliance could be a thing
Blue says she’s throwing the HOH this week.
Cirie – Cory and America will try to win
Blue – I don’t think so
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Unfortunately for you Cam fans there is a 0% chance that both Blue and Felicia flip and agree to keep Cam. On the other hand I think it’s interesting how Cam has given Blue, Cirie, and Cory (and Am but she was drunk during the convo) the keys to the kingdom and only Cirie has taken that sh*t for real and adjusted her target list accordingly. Blue immediately went and spilled to Jatt (which Jag was crapping his pants during that convo hearing that Cam has outed everything to multiple people). As for possible HOHs, the most interesting would be America or Cirie. Since Cirie ain’t winning a comp, an America HOH could play out like Jag/Matt initial noms, Matt wins veto and Bowie/Blue/Fel as the renom pawn. In that case, Cory, Cirie, and either Fel/Blue (whoever isn’t OTB) would vote to evict Jag. Or maybe I’m just dreaming! Gonna be interesting to see how next week shakes out now that the next two days are gonna be a snooze fest like today has been.
i agree that america is by far the most interesting potential hoh next week.
Tonight’s episode had a really bad edit. They cut out a lot of important conversation stuff involving Cameron
Yeah and they made BJ seem like she isn’t the backstabbing b*sh that she is.
The edit this season is HORRIBLE.
According to episodes FamilyStyle still existed until week 4.
Preamble: change from Wed to Tues still not clicking in my head until moments before.
Bowie synopsis. Cam / CoAm / MaJA.
Meme’s bomb drop.
Bowie wins HOH
RIP Fugitives.
Cam / Cory aim at each other.
Bowie not down with targeting either Cam or Cory
Bowie targeting Cirie
Cirie i get to play Veto
Felicia fuqinbowiejane
Cory asking about Cam bd.
Bowie doesn’t want to play dirty.
Jag mastermind d/r
Cam pushing Bowie to target Cory.
she wants clean hands.
Cam doesn’t get why she doesn’t want it.
Jag/Matt conspire how to get Bowie anti-Cam.
This actually started last Wed. It’s why i said poss but not prob Cam target when Bowie won HOH.
Bowie picks Matt. Cirie picks Jag. Fel picks America.
Bowie sketch that Cam doesn’t trust her.
Bowie wants power. Jag wants power.
2nd/3rd evicted: Reilly Hisam
Jag making stacks. Cirie has wrong pics. everyone passes her when she goes back.
Last in kicking butt: Kirsten
America dropped pic. after beating Matt and Felicia to the top, had to go get it.
Jag: anyone but Bowie win.
Piggy costume: Izzy
Pressure Cooker 1st out: Jared
8 vote to evict losers: Red / Izzy
Jag using veto. Who is replacement. Cam pushes Cory. no blood.
Cam would never go after Bowie
(the last Wed. info 80% was Cam being sketchy, possibly incl. Cam saying Bowie pawn).
I think the edit of the final round of the veto was highly suspect, and done to cover up the fact that Bowie threw it. There were multiple cuts/edits, so that you couldn’t tell who was really going hard to get the answers and get back up the ramp. It was similar to the edit they did of the wall comp, where they cut and pasted it to add time between when Blue jumped, then Bowie and then finally Jared, making 1 second turn into roughly 6-8 seconds. Bowie didn’t want to win then, and she didn’t want to win that Otev veto either, at least in my opinion.
Did you see that big grin on her face just before and as she was sliding down that ramp? That was not the face of someone who was disappointed they didn’t have all the power in their hands this week. That was a look of relief from someone who never wanted to be HOH this week in the first place.
That’s why i included the part that said house says Bowie threw for context.
I’m showing that was on my mind through the comp as I watched.
the reviews are written real time as the episode plays. That’s why sometimes staccato sentences seem odd, it’s quick gut reaction while the episode is in progress.
Going back and editing (other than spelling when my eyes are on episode and one hand moves one key over on keyboard to produce gibberish) would wreck the authenticity of live reaction synopsis.
Bolding of names and headings is done on commercials. Only alterations i allow myself.
America visits this site. She said so on the stream earlier. I meant to come and post this right away but got sidetracked and forgot. She didn’t say the name, but she was most definitely talking about here. She said’ “I love that place I’m addicted to it. Everyone comments about whats happening on the cams and you get to see what they really think. (paraphrasing) They even have houseguest ranking every day! You can see each houseguest as they rise and fall in the rankings.”
LOL wait till she sees where she ranks compared to Cameron’s many #1s. She is a nobody who’s done nothing (except Cory).
wonder if she’s the AMERICA that commented season 24. Haven’t seen that name this season.
She said, “I can’t watch the live streams all day, so I go there to see pictures and read what everyone has been saying in the house.” This is undoubtedly why she kisses Cory in the shower with her eyes open and staring at the camera. She knows she’s being watched. But she’s also being judged. I for one say send her back to the corner that you found her on.
i don’t think we’ve been too harsh on her compared to a lot of other people this season. if anything we’ve given her more credit for her moves than the house has. the house just sees her as cory’s puppet.
Jokers does the same and she ranks first and second on that one
Jag, Matt, Felicia, Cirie, Blue, Cory all plan to throw HOH.
Bowie can’t play.
How bad will America have to suck as the only one that wants to win?
The competitions are becoming ridiculous. Fatty and Nag have already decided to sit out the next one to avoid blood on their hands and they don’t even know what it is.
Why even have competitions if people aren’t even going to try? The wall this season really put it into perspective. They have to make changes to the way this game handles comps.
Come on CBS. This Show is a major money maker for you. Add a cash bonus to comps for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. Don’t just pay 1st place or people will just give up anyway, figuring they cant take 1st place anyway… but 2nd and 3rd place might be worth struggling for.
yeah, i think adding a cash prize to comps to discourage throwing would help a lot. but at the same time the letters and photos of loved ones should be an incentive already, it would be for me, but maybe i’m not a sociopath and actually like my friends and family.
At this point they should just ask the houseguests, “Who wants to be hoh?”
no mo bro: “Who wants to be HOH?” Now, that’s funny. Sad, but funny. Love your idea about cash prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.
Part of what makes the show boring is the lack of comp originality. I get that there is limited space to set up and have these things and that there are certain ones that HGs and viewers look forward to. That said they only come up with a new comp like every 3-4 years (the last new one I recall is the miniature stacking one). I think certain elements of the game really get lost when there is so much predictability in both gameplay and the comps. Hire a new team and get some real originality in the game twists and come up with some new and better comps then BB might actually be worth watching again.
I agree. Tonight Felicia is practicing how to spell a certain word because they expect the HOH to be the word spelling one.
We’ll, she’s already proven she can’t do simple math.
But I’m sure if the spelling bee involves ebonics, and obscene, vulgar, or otherwise offensive words, then I’m sure she will do extremely well.
I can’t be the only one that finds most of your posts offensive in one way or another. Even if I am, I just couldn’t not mention it any longer. Your comments often reek of misogyny (calling America a whore) or outright racial insensitivity.
You really can comment on individual’s play without relying on gender or racial jabs.
Fe and C would never throw HOH. They were up till after midnight finding long words in case the comp involves spelling. It was hysterical to watch
Is there ANY possibility that there is a battle back? Or am I done with BB this season? Much like last year, and year before. Crap. I’d give anything for casts more like they had back in middle seasons. But, then again, it’ll never happen because kids aren’t anything like they used to be.
I would love to see Cam come back with Fatty and Nag on the block. Break up that bromance.
I agree about “kids aren’t anything like they use to be.”
I wouldn’t count CAM out until the votes are casts.
Cameron need to let it go and just start saying how it will be nice to be a vote in jury and he can relax now. Tell them he can get some peace and not stress because they are hell bent on backdooring him week after week. Then watch as Jag, Matt, America and Cory smug faces change. These non BB playing jackals will then realize, that Cameron just might have the last say after all. That’s how Tyler lost to Kaycee on his season. He did Bailey dirty in an unnecessary way. She thought he had her back and he did her like J/M/B are doing Cameron.
“Cameron need to let it go…”
Maybe on your bloodstream, but not in his. Never say never.
“It ain’t over ’til it’s over.” Yogi
I feel all the time like I’m going to stop watching because so many aren’t really playing the game. But I never do my hope springs eternal. I’m watching now just hoping to see Matt Jag Corey America loose and ending up in the jury house with Cam. And having to vote for Cirie Fe Bowie or Blue all the money lol. Like I said hope springs eternal.
It used to be that I’d never miss the show, always recording it if I wasn’t home. However, a couple weeks ago I actually skipped an episode. Guess what happened tonight? I dozed off during the competition and didn’t even realize that I had missed the end of the show. I recorded the sow but not going to bother watching what I missed. I really think this show is addictive. I can’t totally stop watching but I think after Thursday, it’s gonna be a 1 episode a week show. I’m tired of wasting my time on these morons.
It is addictive and I do find myself cheering for people I didn’t like in the beginning. This year, I don’t want any of them to win!
I’m tired of the “Will Bowie do such and such OR will Cameron stay in the house?” Or something of the like. You always know what’s going to happen even without spoilers.