“Nicole is busy trying to contrast the way America will view me versus the way they’re going to view him.”

Head of Household Winner: Nicole
Nominations are: Jackson & Holly
Power of Veto holder: Jackson
Power of Veto Ceremony:
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8pm HOH room. Story time with Cliff. He’s telling stories about his travel adventures.

8:27pm Kitchen. Jackson and Nicole.
Jackson – So tomorrow until Wednesday, in that seven day period.. we have the Thursday Live Evcition, the veto ceremony, someone will come here and have a lot of time eaten up to do tv stuff for the recap, we have the first HOH competition, the second HOH competition, the third and final live HOH competition and the live finale day all in a week. We have a lot of stuff. It is seven days but I think it will be the fastest seven days and its the last push. Cliff joins them.

8:47pm Jackson – When we wake up tomorrow it will be one week left. Then Thursday will be the last Thursday. Friday will be the last Friday. The weekend will be the last weekend. When I do walk out ..whenever it is .. the first thing I am doing even before I shake Julie’s hand .. is I am finding my mom ..sprinting to her and giving her a fat hug. Then I will continue with what I have to. Holly – there are not right decisions. There are not right moves. There is no right way to play this game. Our heads get so jumbled and its hard to make the right decisions. The only thing we can do is listen to our hearts. Even if it isn’t the right decision as long as it feels good. Jackson – that’s the problem with this week. Neither one feels good. Holly – I know. I know. I know.

8:50pm HOH room. Cliff is talking to his wife about how she should not feel bad or guilty if she can’t make it out to LA for the finale if they can’t afford it or if other things are going on that he doesn’t know about. Nicole joins him. Nicole – I am officially the girl in the end with the showmance.. Blaaa.

9:33pm Havenot room. Cliff talking to the cameras. Cliff talks about how he found Orwell the owl in the kitchen behind a pillow. Cliff – Of everyone in the house, who spends the most time in the kitchen ..None other that my former pal, Jackson Michie! Don’t know what his plan is.. He was such a nice honorable guy. Jackal and Hyde.. Jackson and Michie?! Or there only two personalities or are we dealing with a third?! Maybe that third one .. just doesn’t like birds. But even as I say that .. it dawns on me. There is someone else in this house other Jackson Michie that doesn’t like birds. Nicole wouldn’t do it. I don’t think Nicole would have done it. She doesn’t like… its not like she doesn’t like birds .. she is scared of birds. Was Michie using Orwell to frighten my friend Nicole?! It’s not enough that hes turned down me! But now he is trying to intimidate my partner with my best bud Orwell. God! So if we were to summarize.. Michie kidnaps Orwell, Keeps him in the kitchen. What if Michie was weaponizing my friend Orwell. You can’t trust anyone in this house.

10:48pm The house guests sit down to eat. They talk about the jury and pre-jury house guests. They wonder if Nick and Bella are still together. Jackson bets that they aren’t ..thinking that Bella saw Nick all over Sis and probably ended things. (Yup she sure did)

12:27am Bedroom. Cliff talking to the cameras.
Cliff – Nicole and I are tag teaming him. Hitting him one at a time. Making him feel a little guilty. A little bit worried. I don’t think it worked this afternoon when I talked to him. We will see what happens with Nicole. But at dinner I did mention that I can only cast one vote for a winner and I hope whoever doesn’t get the vote understands that I had to make a decision. Michie was very quiet during that .. I wanted him to start thinking about jury votes and what happens if he makes it to final 2. Tomorrow night I will tell him if I have to decide between someone who honored a promise and if breaks his and sends me out of this house he likely will not win the title and the half million dollars. He will try to argue that is personal and why it was okay for him to do that. And I will point out that he waited until after the veto competition. Nicole is busy trying to contrast the way America will view me versus the way they are going to view him. He is worried about how he is being viewed by the American public. We will put the pressure on him. If it doesn’t work, at least I tried. I may end up losing a friend at the end of this but I have to try. If he treats it as person, then I can’t do anything about it. I can’t not use everything available to try and stay in this house. Tomorrow night might be interesting. I am working it. I really have one last deal to make and that is with him. And if I can make it, I succeed.

12:32am HOH room. Jackson and Nicole.
Nicole – if I had hauled a$$ … 2 minutes and saved 20 seconds here and there, I know who the final 3 would be and that’s what is driving me insane and that is my own fault. If Cliff had won the veto would you have expected him to uphold..? Jackson – I don’t know. I don’t know if I expected him to? Two weeks ago I would have said yes. After last week, I don’t know if he would have. I don’t know if I would have expected him to. Nicole – he was going to. Jackson – I know. Nicole – my mentality is whether Tommy and Holly swap places .. it doesn’t matter. I don’t know its a game. Jackson – I get why you’re mad. Cliff and I talked and had a good conversation. I feel bad. I decide who goes to finale night. Someone is going to be arms length away and fall short and someone will go and solely based on my vote. Nicole – well if you need help I can give my input. Jackson – but don’t repeat that. I don’t want to get in trouble or anything. It just sucks and I wish so badly things were different. The way I look at you and think about you will never change. Nicole – I feel the same way. Jackson – I hope you mean that because I am terrified if I were to evict him it would jeopardize you and I. Nicole – on a personal level absolutely not. Game level I just have to reassess what is happening moving forward. If I go out 3rd, I want to know its two people that have scraped their way to the final.. Jackson – I am one week away from fulfilling a dream of mine and I am one week away. Big Brother blocks the feeds. Jackson – if I won, I am taking that cheque and handing it to my parents. If I go to Vegas I am not spending any more than I would 6 months ago. I am buying a car because I need one, getting an apartment and taking care of my family that need it. Covering mortgage and bills.

2am All the house guests are sleeping..

7:50 am zzzzzzzzz

11:00 am House lights on
11:31 am Cliff is now up playing solitaire.

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255 thoughts to ““Nicole is busy trying to contrast the way America will view me versus the way they’re going to view him.””

  1. If i’m in final four, and one of the other finalists is telling me what they are going to spend the prize money on? Oh, that lights a fire under me to make sure they don’t get to final 2. Moreover, Call me a bitch but i’m telling the other two fool already spent the money, ask him about it. You good with that? Cus if you are there’s the door, go vote for him. But it’s Nicole. She’ll think it. She won’t say it.
    Has Holly even once considered winning the final HOH for herself? That’s not an intentional dig, I’m actually curious.

      1. he needs to count votes. jess, kat, and cliff are all in the anyone but michie camp. does he have tommy, christie, or nick? he may have already lost regardless who he sits next to. i’m not even sure it matters who nicole takes if she can win the final hoh (though taking out michie probably secures tommy and christie who will see it as a strong game move).

          1. Has Nick given an interview since he was convinced it would be Jackson and Christie in final 2?
            asking honestly because I don’t know.

            1. I’ll never figure out the rhyme and reason for up and down voting lol. But I don’t believe he has. I haven’t heard a peep since his exit interview. All I can gather is that he likes Michie as a person but I think he’ll look at the body of evidence. He also really likes Nicole. Further…it’s Nick, I think we can beat our heads tryin to figure out what he’s thinking or how he’ll base his decision.

      2. Jackson will win and take holly or vice versa. Nbc wants someone pretty to put on there soaps and promo. They should not have started online feeds because we start to really see all the favoritism. We can also see that they are truly not good people. You might be nice to look at but if most people see what an a$$hole you are its hard for them to forget especially in this era. Can’t watch when I know the outcome… That’s just boring!!! Yes, I am also one of those people who did watch left came back to the feeds and show and getting mad again because of the feed blocks for Jacksons sake. Feel disappointed that I spent money again….Hello to Frank Fumes you have been watching for a long time and love you Simon and Dawg!! the discussion…

      3. But, I don’t think the jury will give it to him after they find out how he treated Tommy. Most of those in the jury house are from the original 9/8/6 alliances.

    1. Each contestant has their own way. She got this far so she must be doing something right.

      However, you’d have to be missing a few brain cells if you don’t think grodner is going to make sure it is Nicole (good) versus Michie (evil) in the final?

      Go Michie.

      Go away Cliff

      1. Grodner has let Michie cheat all summer….so why would it change? He ate when he was a have not – ALL of the time. He had help on at least one competition. He used the words “production” in his lie to Nicole and Cliff. (Christie was told by production that she couldn’t lie about her power.) These are just the things that I’m aware of and I don’t watch it every day.

      2. Technically, yes i’m missing a few brain cells. Figuring out how to do some things like equations is still an issue, It just takes me longer. But the grod has a plan thing: I’ve been soap boxing that stuff since week one. Just saying if I were in the running and somebody were so pompous they were already counting the cash in front of me, I’d be petty. When things get boring like the last couple of days, I think petty would be fun. It’s not like they’re going to give them booze. They’ve been stingy this season, for obvious reasons.

          1. So!


            Are you kidding?

            That’s Jackson you’re talking about…the most evil thing to happen in your living room since Angela’s mustache drove them into a similar frenzy.

            1. Yep Jackson is Satans spawn causing world hunger, pestilence, and every other human suffering condition on the face of the earth. Bad Jackson.

        1. Most of them have discussed what they would like to spend money on he’s not the only one. oh my god so petty to think that, “ oh my he’s got plans for that money”. They all have plans for that money. At one time or another they have all spoken about it.

    2. He said “if,” not “when.” “If” is conditional. Everyone speaks in the conditional tense in the BB house. Your hatred is blinding you.

  2. What am I missing here on Cliff? He talks about his world travels, a Petroleum Engineer, promoted from field work to sales. Leaving his job to be on BB with no guarantee on winning the 1/2 million. Has mentioned that his job may not be available upon his return. Then I read were there may not be funds available for his wife to fly out?
    I know what engineers in the Chemical and Petroleum fields starting wage average is and one that has been in the field for 20 to 25 years average is. Its good, no, actually great. But giving up a job, having to cash in his 401K so there would be funds for his family while he seeks glory on BB with fame and celebrity status he can use on resume. Then to hear he has a very high IQ? Something is not right if you take endeavors like this and can’t save a dime for the future.
    I almost feel sorry for this guy, almost.

    1. Come on, don’t you realize this is Cliff’s play for America’s Fav? He’s a huge friggin manipulator, got Nicole feeling like he deserves it more then her. Trying to guilt Jackson. Yuk.

      1. Nancy, oil prices are driven by speculators who buy options, then when supplies drop and there’s a need for more oil to be refined, they sell their holdings for a higher price. Major oil companies, refineries and their needed workers for refineries, field work, and exploration are still working and the need is always there. During the worst crisis to hit oil companies during the 70s shortages, I never heard of laying off employees nor hiring new ones. In fact it was during that period I was hired by a major oil company. One thing that has kept prices from going to the hyped 5-6 dollars a gallon predicted several years back is that the US has become independent and not rely on foreign oil, (which speculators were buying up and causing higher prices). But the problem is there still because gasoline output is also sold on the open market and when a foreign power needs what can’t be produced there, they buy contracts and causes prices to rise. Also, gas stations get their gas from Terminals, most now independent and the gasoline you buy from a name brand station, may well have been produced by another company or independent oil company. They also control prices as to what they have to pay.

        1. Very informative. I will say that when I was a lil kid in the late 80s…the oil downturn hit Houston especially bad. They furloughed my Pops, so he was working 3 weeks, then off a week. Then they offered us a transfer to Thailand and he jumped and took it cause he wasn’t sure if/when things might get better. Halliburton laid off loads of folks, he was thankful he was just furloughed.

      2. If Cliff is an actual engineer (with a degree in engineering) then he should be making at least $150K per year regardless of oil prices. My son just graduated with PhD in computer engineering and his salary is 200K.

    2. I’m sure that Cliff will recover even if he did quite his job. I imagine his folksy charm will go over well as he asks people, “Would you like to super-size that Happy Meal?”

    3. Yeah I agree. I feel like he’s positioning himself. To pull at Jackson’s heartstrings or to at very least get AFP. He may not be swimming in money but I think he’s ok.

      1. Unfortunately, he’s also positioning Nicole.

        Nicole had yet another pleading session with Jackson, and when Jackson walked away she said, “Come on Michie. I know you have a conscious. I know you have a conscious.”

        Cliff guilted her in a big way, and she swallowed it hook, line and sinker.

        While there is the usual hue and cry about how she’s going to feel once she’s seen how Jackson talked about her. Maybe, but I do believe when she sees what Cliff did to her, and how Cliff convinced her to play her game, she is going to be very hurt.

        1. I agree, I think she will be very hurt when she see’s how Cliff has played and only REALLY had her back when it benefited him.

      1. Particularly after taxes and paying household bills for the duration. From some of his monologue I believe he hopes this will launch him into something new (such as the social media broadcasts he’s hinted at). Trying to sell his folksy Boss Howg thing.

        I know this is what a lot of the regular contestants hope to gain, and maybe he could have sold it, but I do believe his bitterness these past few days are tanking those opportunities right along with an chances of AFP.

        1. I know it sounds off to say this: but if you are 45+ with kids headed to college and a mortgage 500K isn’t life-changing. It helps.

          If you are 25 it is a very different story.

          Cliff isn’t 25.

    4. Cash in his 401K to be on a tv show? That indicates there might be a brain cell missing. Who does that? His boys are grown.
      “Oh Pity Me” Sharon does not have the money to come to the finale. I don’t believe it, playing for America’s Favorite.
      Nope voting for Sam. Nicole got rid of him, enjoyed Sam and Kat.

      1. Not only that….granted he made it to final 4, he wasn’t the youngest or fittest houdeguest. So I can’t imagine taking that kind of risk with what he had going for him. He’s def blowing smoke.

    5. I think that’s all bullshit, he didn’t quit to come on the show I don’t think…I think it’s just to make Michie feel guilty about cutting him loose. Cliff isn’t stupid, now way he’d quit a high paying job AND cash in the 401K (his retirement) and come play BB…he’s either retired already or just lying. I think old Cliffy will be just fine. I do wish Michie would keep him over HOlly but I really am not holding my breath on that one, just can’t see it happening.

    6. He talked about kids in college. You piece meal out to envelopes when you budget. He has spoken of things that make that apparent. Just cause your job might have been good $$, also down sides of economy slump shut downs. Happens all around the country.

  3. Everone likes Cliff and thinks hes a honorable guy. He is always up the current hoh butt. I’m not a big fan of Jackson’s but he is loyal to Holly. Cliff has played just as shady in his game as the others. Hes a big hypocrite.

    1. I agree with Deb and am bumfuzzled as to why he (Cliff) is in 2nd place out of the top 3 for AFP poll listed above.
      SURELY you jest!!

      I also agree with overitall regarding Cliff’s “talk” to his wife telling her he understands if she can’t come out due to “lack of funds”.
      Puhlease! I didn’t think it was possible for him to lower himself any further and think that was just a final ploy to get America to give him the $25k for AFP. So disgusted!

        1. He’s just practicing. During one of his monologues, in betwixt spouting off about honor, integrity and a man’s word, he said he’s considering going into social media after this.

          He obviously believes his monologues and folksy moral indignation have won him a following that he can translate into a show.

          1. Must’ve been Sis and others rubbin off on him…I was thinking he was loving it, while he was on the Orwell hunt yesterday…filling us in with every exciting move he made throughout…and I am sure he thought every one of us was at home, eating it up…sitting on edge, wondering where next he would look. I don’t know about yall, but I sure was. :p

            1. Been hitting the wolfbane have you?

              Wanna bet that he doesn’t put all of his monologues onto DVD and give them out as gifts? What better way to say “I love you, I respect you”…76 unedited hours of Cliff monologue.

      1. I 1000000000% agree and didn’t he say to Jackson that he was looking forward to seeing his family on finale night? This guy is a liar ! and now is saying that he has no job, cashed in his 401k and she has no money to travel? There is no way he is the engineer .. maybe janitor (with his cash flow as HE has stated it) .. lying fool!
        I just hope that Nicole gets her ass in gear and fights like hell to get to the finale… she needs to just accept that dumb cliff is leaving and start working on her self preservation and think only of and for herself!

    2. Holly is convenient….Jackson just knows that she will let him walk all over her. If you remember, earlier in the game, he acknowledged that HE couldn’t get her out but wasn’t that upset about her being a target. He just knew that with Holly gone and Tommy in – HE would have a harder chance to make it there….AND wouldn’t have available sex for the next few weeks.

    1. I thought Cliffs conspiracy about Jackson hiding his bff Orwell was over the top. Even if Jackson was hiding Orwell on Cliff maybe he was doing it as a practical joke seeing how Cliff was pulling these jokes on others over the season.

  4. Simon, you left out the part when Jackson said he would use his position as winner, to speak out against bullying! I didnt sleep well last night and up at 5 this morning…but that right there kept me laughing all night! HIM a speaker against bullying?!

        1. DISGRACEFUL- just watched the you tube expose wolfwoman…wow what an eye opener to who these people truly are. When they get out and see all that was exposed of them, omgosh What an about face production had in a lot of their behaviors. I literally had to wipe away tears & to think one of these hateful people are going to be rewarded smh Shameful. OH, and for Holly to see this side of Jackson & still want to sleep with him, she is NUTS!

        2. People have short memories, the first half of BB was the real Jackson on the live feeds not the one you saw after production talked to him after mommy complained.

        3. Look up the word bully in the dictionary. He didn’t bully anyone in those clips. He was talking about people behind their back. That is NOT bullying.

          1. You’ll defend the definition of bullying, but not address the fact this asshole is a racist POS? Ahhh makes so much sense! (Eye roll)

        4. I’m going to have to say some of that was cringe worthy! That was definitely “I’m a tough guy” talk. Was it nice? No, but they are playing a game. It was not in any form bullying. People really need to revisit that word. it’s getting used too loosely these days.

        5. Thank you for taking the time to put that together, so many people people need to watch this.
          Find out what a true disgrace Jackhole Michie is…. nothing but a racist, cheating POS! And CBS IS COVERING HIS A$$!

      1. Kat the big break up talk. Closing the door in Nicole’s face. All of the house watermelons are mine and I’m not sharing get away. I could go on but I’m older and my memory doesn’t work so good and I’m not going to rewatch the scripted whitewashed earlier episodes. So if someone else can refresh ihatethisseason’s memory I’d appreciate it.

  5. Whether the Rotund One’s financial woes are real or not, the nation as seen his comments…

    I have to wonder how Sharon and the little piglets are handling poppa Howg’s performance; the phone constantly ringing with calls from friends and family commiserating with them over their ruined finances…and reminding Sharon that she was a major idiot to marry him.

    His monologues have gotten truly bizarre, asking people to buy him tickets to certain events, talking about maybe going into social media broadcasting after this…I can see that lasting about as long as he did on his last competition.

    1. The national average salary for a Petroleum Engineer is from $118,428- $145,800 in the United States according to The National Petroleum Institute. He isnt in financial dire unless he just blows money all willy nilly and doesnt save a cent (at the age of 54)

        1. Before the misses (wink, wink) of course.

          I wonder if Sharon is tired of people showing up at the front door with a casserole and sad looks?

        2. He’s also very irresponsible with his nipple ring purchases ………lots of rare encrusted stones he simply can’t afford. Sharon should hock one for her plane ticket.

      1. LOL, that’s low. At least for the company I worked for. An hourly employee with some overtime makes the high end of that average.
        But then there are small companies and companies that have engineers and contract them out for field work. But you only get paid when you are hired out.

      2. Oil prices are down and a lot of those “$100k” jobs are no longer available. Yes, some are still making it -but some are out looking for a job.

        1. Nancy, have you not listened? He always talks about all the countries hes been to for work. His company apparently contracts out to other countries…he’s not poor.

    2. I don’t believe he’s broke. He is a specialized engineer with 20 plus years experience and will get another engineering job. I wouldn’t be surprised if he already has job offers.

      1. That’s always assuming that he is actually good at his job. We know he’s a creditable bull$hitter but don’t know what kind of engineer he really is.

      2. Sherry You are assuming that a company would want to invest in someone who is on the back end of their career vs. someone starting or in mid career. Ageism is a real issue for anyone over the age of 50 regardless of their profession. I agree he is probably not broke but trying to return to the work force will be difficult.

  6. I honestly don’t believe for a second sponge bob square head has any intentions on giving that money to his family. If his family is desperate as he makes them out to be…why does his momma threaten to sue? Where is momma getting the money for a lawyer? This oxygen thief is a fraud and her concerns of them making him out to be a monster is a joke. You raised him and are the only one to thank for this piece of work.
    I hope when he and Wholey walk out there is dead silence a clear rebuke. I hope Wholey’s family looks at her with disappointment for allowing herself to be degraded and treated like a dirty old street mattress on TV while proclaiming she is for girls who were told they couldn’t. I pray there are no girls looking up to her but if there are please know this is the exact opposite of how you succeed.

    These two make me think there is no hope. Seriously disturbing.

    I honestly can’t wait until this season is over and I never see the likes of these two. I’ll be in Vegas the week after the show concludes and I hope that’s not when these oxygen thieves go.

    Ok I’m done —- it’s really not like me to hate on people so much but these two have absolutely lit a fire under me. I guess I just need to stop watching. One last comment….I do hope some nice person who has $ to burn helps Cliff,s family be at the final night. Better yet BB gets them there. Not that I matter but it would give me hope that there is still some. Good in this show.

    1. Did you watch the show with the comp on it? Cliff is the one that asked her to throw it and the only one telling her to drop off and throw it was Jackson. Nicole did not “bully” her in any shape or form to throw it. She’s the one houseguest who didn’t tell her or ask her to throw it.

    2. Well his mom should be ashamed of herself! She raised his ass to be EXACTLY what we’ve seen on BBLF and that she’s blaming ANYONE other than her son and herself for his actions is a joke! Idiot!?

    3. I’ve said this before, I really hope after everything that he’s done and is still doing I hope his mommy doesn’t show up. If he was my kid I’d be to embarrassed to be seen in public with him. The same goes for Holly and the stool. Please don’t say what has he done. Just click on Wolfwomen’s link above.

      I live in Vegas. My chances of running into one of them is a little higher. I will be frequenting the strip this coming month as I have a revolving set of friends coming to town.

      1. Jets jets jets…they don’t want to watch the video (which by the way has 3 parts to it with one of Jackson pouting for being called to the DR for using racist and bullying/threatening words to people). As for Holly, yes even tv show only watchers say she just slept her way to where she is and don’t want her at F3. As for momma, you can bet she will be there, tugging at Jacksons arm to drag him away from “that older woman that made you look even worse”.

        1. They both make me sick wolf. I’m going to watch all of them tonight. Thanks for the link. I really hope mommy saw what a disgusting pig she raised.

          1. Careful jets I get shit for criticism of Jackjaw all the time….how quickly people can forget what a POS looks like.

    4. People don’t seem to know what bullying is…..Curt. Making a deal to save herself is not being a victim of a bully. Banging pans all night – bullying. Not letting people finish speaking – Bella, Michie. – bullying. Nicole has been on the receiving end – not the dishing it out side. Princess Holly is just sad that she can’t just be in bed with Michie and be handed a check.

        1. Hmmm I think my boss is bullying me too then. I wonder if we can file some sort of grievance for bullying with corporate?

  7. So once again Nicole and Cliff are doing exactly what Jackson did last week. The difference is while they are doing it they are condemning Jackson and calling out his integrity for doing so. The hypocrisy is truly unbelievable. And what I feel is worse is N/C are also acting like babies because if they don’t get their way they are going to be bitter jurors. I think these people would all have a great career as US politicians!! As an FYI…petroleum engineers are the highest paid in the field (my son is chemical engineer). They start out of college earning in the six figures. Cliff has been long out of college. Plus he also stated that he had a patent I believe. So unless he has a gambling problem, there is no way he doesn’t have money! I never like Jackson, but I have definitely changed my mind about Nicole after this week…no longer routing for her!

  8. It’s like Nicole and Cliff have NEVER watched the show before. They know that Michie and Holly are bumping ugly on a regular basis, right?? I thought so. So, that being the case, and them having watched at least ONE season of Big Brother, where in the hell do they even remotely get the idea that Jackson would boot Holly…even a little bit??? The house must cause brain damage because they are delusional if they think Jackson is going to take Cliff to Final Three over Holly. OR, Holly would take Cliff to Final Three over Jackson should he do the unconscionable and use the Veto on her so she can cast the vote. The only answer is that Production has them convinced that Jackson has no intent on taking Holly any further in the game because NOTHING else makes sense as to how they believe ANY promise they could make, short of promising to give him the 500K, would convince him to give Holly the boot.

    1. HE wouldn’t boot Holly but two or three weeks ago, he wouldn’t have minded somebody else doing it. However, she has proven her worth as a doormat so he definitely wants her around.

    1. No, I felt that way since they all walked in the door. A couple of them grew on me a little but that’s not saying much.

    2. I’ve often wondered if this season is so bad because season 20 was so good, or was season 20 so good because season 19 was truly awful? Didn’t like the cast this year and the 19 cast was the worst. Loved watching Season 20!

    3. I think there is always HG’s that are hated BUT there is/was always at least a couple likable people in the house. This year it was hard to get behind any of them. It was almost like I had to talk myself into rooting for someone just so I would have someone to root for. This season is in the top 5 of all time worst seasons, that’s for sure.

    4. I think the most depressed season had to have been season 4. It seemed that there was so many disgruntled jurors that were left to choose between two despised options. That cast couldn’t seem to get off the stage fast enough at finally. If not the most hated, Jun seemed to be the first winner that left a very bad taste in everyone’s mouth. Or am I wrong?

    5. my number one clue that these people are idiots…….they keep saying how they loved “Foute”…some of them even called them good game players! that sums it up for me…

        1. Foute wasn’t unlikable.

          They were just stupid. And it was kind of funny to watch Fessy think he had a shot with Haleigh.

    6. I still believe David is the luckiest one of them all. We will never had the chance to get to know him or what kind of person he was. It could be possible that he was actually normal, or at least semi-normal.

      But there is always the possibility (given a year perhaps a high probability), that he left before we found out his particular qualifications to be part of this group.


    8. I think there has been unlikeable houseguests before but what makes this one different (and worse for me) is that production is helping him stay in the house and clearly giving him special treatment. Unlikeable is one thing, but when the fix is in and the game is rigged it makes for shitty viewing. Who wants to watch when the outcome has so obviously already been decided?

    9. as soon as i saw the cast photos i felt this way, then after seeing the pre interviews it was confirmed. This season’s cast has been the worst, Bad gameplay/strategy, and the lovefest all season with all the hugs and “i love yous” helped destroy this season.

  9. Cliff has truly lost it. The whole owl rant? Wtf? I can’t watch him walk out of the house fast enough. His obvious pandering for AFP is truly pathetic.

    1. I was watching the owl/Cliff show last night on POP. How does he possibly think this is entertaining for anyone?? It’s like watching Mr. Rogers on valium watching paint dry…

  10. I just love all the ranting here. We finally had a season were someone is playing the game. Come on people! Is he evil sure but IMO Michie has played a great game. Hate him it love him. Cliff, Nicole rode his coat tails until Nicole won the veto in DE. Holly has done nothing but that is his girl that has stuck with him since day 1. Why would he ever keep cliff?
    It’s big brother! I hate bitter jurors specially floaters that feel they played a game.

    1. Finally had a season where someone is playing the game?? Tyler definitely played it last year and as much as I hate him Paul definitely played it the previous two years.

    2. Michie was messing around with Kat for the first week… Holly assuring everybody that she would have won this competition is hilarious. I don’t think that Holly is that better at comps than Nicole.

    3. He’s great at certain comps, and made one great move. He overplays his strategies most of the time but is then able to save himself with veto. I’m not a Jackson hater, but I wouldn’t say he’s played a great game. He just doesn’t have much competition.

      1. I respectfully disagree. IMO, Jackson needed to win in order to stay. His back was up against the wall after the Jack betrayal and everyone in the alliance (except Holly) were against Jackson. The fact that is still there is because he won. I don’t really think it matters how good the competition is he still fought for his place in this game by playing a great game.

    4. Seriously…how can you hate people you’ve never met who are doing what they are supposed to be doing…playing a Game! Trashing and judging them because you don’t like their gameplay. Get off the couch and show us just how perfect you would be sitting in a box for 3 months under the microscope of hypocrites 24/7.

    5. Not a Holly fan at all, but to say that she did nothing is not true. In addition to winning some key HOH comps to keep them both safe (and in power), she was a stabilizing force to Michie’s game midway. You have to remember, they were on the outs with the 6 Shooters. I think Holly’s strong social game counter balanced Michie’s and saved them. Michie most certainly would not be in this position without his partnership with Holly.

      If nothing else, safe to say she helped keep him on his game and destressed with their frequent stool sessions….otherwise he may have had to resort to tearfully violating his beloved watermelons in the shower while muttering “Where’s Momma? Where’s Momma?

  11. In my opinion Cliff should have kept his word and voted out Tommy when Nicole suggested to break the final four deal . Nicole would have Voted Holly then Jackson would have broke the tie,showing Jackson and Holly he was loyal . He wouldn’t be in the spot he is now.

    1. I do agree with you. Cliff never wavered, much, in his desire to keep Holly over Tommy. He spent a lot more time convincing Nicole to keep Holly than he did to convince himself to flip on his alliance. I think that is one of the big reasons he kept Jackson in the loop through the whole thing. I do believe he was trying to prove his loyalty by not keeping the conversations secret from Jackson AND to hedge any blowback should Tommy have actually been feeding the information back to Holly and Jackson.

      It would have solidified Jackson’s belief in Cliff if Cliff would have let Nicole vote her way and split the vote, but it would not have been enough for Jackson, with Nicole as HOH, to choose Cliff over his stool buddy.

      I will never believe that Jackson would have taken Cliff, in this situation, regardless of how loyal he was. And it stands to reason. “Hey Holly! Thanks for banging me for the last three months. But, I am in a ride or die commitment with Cliff. See ya on the outside.”

      1. The agreement was for a final four and then they would fight it out. All the promises of final three, final two were after Cliff and Nicole broke the original agreement — making them total b.s.

    2. My opinion is that Jackson would keep Holly no matter what deal he made with Cliff. The fact that C&N waivered on F4 (ultimately upheld deal) is just a convenient reason for J to hammer on now in order to execute his plan to keep Holly for F2. IMHO

      1. I agree with you. I think Jackson is using the almost flip as a reason to NOT keep Cliff instead of just saying “sorry Cliff, you got played”.

  12. When Nicole gets out and sees the clips of Michie saying he knows how to play her….make her feel loved, talk about family, etc….she is going to feel so played. Smh

    1. Yes, I’m sure that Nicole will fixate on Jackson who said he knew how to play her…and just completely ignore Cliff who actually played her continually while pretending to be a fatherly figure to her.

    2. When Holly gets out and sees what she “means” to Michie – they “shouldn’t” have to worry about booking trips together….

  13. To Fed Up and Noneya Bizness……This is a game! A flippin game!!!! Lie! Cheat!!! The name of the game…..may the best PERSON that figures out how to do that win! There should be NOTHING PERSONAL in the GAME!! sheeeeeeeeesh!!!

    1. I totally agree with you so I don’t know why you’re calling me out. All I was saying is that these people are hypocrites because it’s ok when they do it but when it’s done to them, they cry about how rotten those people are.

        1. It’s just because your post may have possibly had a HINT of having Michie on a level playing field with the other contestants. That’s what it boils down to. It was literally unfair for you to point out what’s obvious to most people. (the deals) The hatred and judgement cast on him is like nothing I’ve seen…and I’ve seen many contestants play this game (tv AND feeds) and seen much worse.

      1. “….I don’t know why you’re calling me out….”

        They probably included your name in error. Sometimes it’s difficult to keep names straight when the drooling packs are running wild.

  14. Simon why is Jackson telling Nicole to not repeat that he’s the sole vote?

    I feel bad. I decide who goes to finale night. Someone is going to be arms length away and fall short and someone will go and solely based on my vote. Nicole – well if you need help I can give my input. Jackson – but don’t repeat that. I don’t want to get in trouble or anything.

    Am I missing something? This is not a secret?

  15. So tonights episode will be the POV but not the ceremony. Do we think that it will be part of live show tomorrow along with the eviction? Or will they tape it tomorrow morning?

  16. In every season, the one with the choice chooses the person they can beat in the finale. Why should Jackson be any different?

  17. Knowing the BB21 cast – how they played in the comps and socially – who would be your dream pick for F4?
    Mine would be: Nicole, Jack, Sam and Kate

    1. Hmmm, I think Nicole, Sam, Kat and maybe David? I liked him but didn’t get long enough to know his personality/how he played before he left, so maybe him? I really dislike all the others so much I really don’t know who else to pick as a fourth!

  18. A great move that will never happen
    Jackson uses the veto on holly – cause he wants to make good tv and he trusts holly to have the single vote
    And holly takes him out!!
    It seems like holly can win against him but I’m really not sure
    If she takes him out.. win the last hoh by herself..
    She will get the votes for sure
    She can also do that in the final 3
    He can throw the hoh to her .. and get burn

  19. Well at last…some good news!

    You can now get your ticket to the official BB21 cast party…bonus, one of the hosts is Rachel Reilly!!!!!

    For just $60 you can party with the cast of BB21 and Rachel.

    (I hope Tommy’s aunt and Sharon’s attorney go to the party.)

        1. I’d go for $60,000…

          …hang on a moment…

          …the wife just told me we pay them $60 to go.

          Forget it. Not even if the stool was there doing some song and dance.

    1. All joking aside, this party might be a bigger thing then I thought. I’m seeing that even some of the airlines are offering specials for people going to LA for the party.

      Our usual airline has a special, stools fly free when accompanied by two consenting adults.

      1. Oh yes, the cast party is very real; that is the real official poster.

        Okay, I’ll admit that I may have pulled a Jackson on the stools flying free when accompanied by two consenting adults. In fact, stool are still required to pay full fare. Sorry…just gaming.

  20. hahaha Jackson already trying to sway Nicole’s Jury vote by telling her I will give the money to my parents oh wait I’ll buy a car, get an apartment and pay off my bills first lol…I hope Nicole or Holly wins, Jackson is way too sure he already has this in the bag. Come on Big Brother influence the game and give the HOH to Nicole lol. I’m no fan of either one but want Holly and Nicole final 2. This season is the most unlikeable cast ever!

    1. “hahaha Jackson already trying to sway Nicole’s Jury vote by telling her…”

      While she’s trying to sway his game play by telling him Cliff sob stories.

  21. I think production should cutoff these “conversations” Cliff has with the viewers……I thought that use to be a violation!?
    He’s clearing auditioning for AFP. What an ego this guy has!

  22. I think one of the few things I may be looking forward to is if Holly makes it to the final 2. I can’t wait to hear her reasons to the jury why she should win. I can’t imagine anything she can say. Unless she thought being used by a guy was the main point of the show?? She used more makeup than anyone in the history of BB? The stool? wearing a flannel off your shoulder like you’re an 18 yr old high school girl? Maybe all the fake hair?

    1. “Unless she thought being used by a guy was the main point of the show??”

      Okay, hang on…I’m a little confused now. Are you talking about Holly or Nicole?

      1. Nicole as insecure and unsure of herself she is has more backbone than Holly whose twice her age! Can you show me where Holly EVER stood her ground with Jackson?! Nicole wasn’t used she put her trust in someone she looked at like a dad and dads don’t use you. Nicole doesn’t know what Cliff has done behind her back. Holly knows exactly who she’s laying with.

        1. Can you show me where Nicole ever stood her ground with Cliff? She doesn’t know she’s being a door mat for Cliff so that’s okay, whereas a adult woman having consensual sex with an adult man is not okay?

          So many of these excuses being used against Holly are becoming extremely tortured.

          1. She followed his guidance she doesn’t know what he’s doing behind her back. You’re talking apples and oranges. Can you show me where Holly stood her ground with Jackson? I’m not slut shaming Holly I’m woman shaming her. She needs to get a backbone!

    2. I’m just curious how she was used? Most girls I know enjoy the sex as much as the guys. On top of that…she had a beast competitor protecting her for weeks….and she won a few comps as well. The other jokes about make-up and the stool…funny…but just am not sure how she was used. To be clear…this is not a character endorsement nor is it an endorsement for her being the victor of BB21…I legit wanted to know where you’re coming from on the used angle because I’ve seen a few others post something similar and I didn’t understand.

    1. He’s talked about being excited to get home, have people recognize him and ask for his autograph.

      Who knows, maybe “Hey Dumba$$” is considered a friendly hello in his part of Texas.

  23. I would so love to see Cliff walking out the door, wearing his cowboy hat, smiling and waving to the crowd…and Orwell come flying through the door at a very high velocity and smack him upside the back of his fat head.

  24. Nicole needs to stop with Jackson about Cliff.
    If, (of course he is) Jackson is stringing you two along, it’s for Jury Votes for himself – to help you decide that’s he’s a good guy being torn up about evicting Cliff.

  25. This is all Cliff’s own fault, Nicole wanted to evict Holly and keep Tommy…this is why! He’s the one who talked her out of it so he only has his own self to blame. So frustrating, I just hope and PRAY Nicole wins her way to final two cause if not it’s pretty clear he’ll take Holly…which means Holly may very well win! Can’t see the jury giving it to Michie, just can’t!

    1. Yep. Jackson’s only hope to win is if he’s sitting next to Cliff, sadly like every season the jury will be filled with butthurt jurors

  26. This show is like watching impoverished prisoners hoping that they get a lucky scratch off when they are released. I wish they would limit this to 1 month and do 3 live shows a week…boom boom boom. It is just torturous the way it is now.

  27. I wish Nicole wld let it go and let Cliff go to jury already its a bad look for Nicole and plus Cliff can help explain alot for Nicole to the jury its a plus not negative shld Nicole get to f2….

    Has anyone else noticed how Jackson looks like he’s put on 15 to 20lbs since he hasnt been working out much and eating a ton???

    That cld be a plus for nicole if they do the lift puzzle the one where u climb and do either evictions,hoh, or wall puzzle…. If he doesnt win 1st Hoh which if its like last year with hanging than he wld prob win part 1….

    1. To be honest this entire week feels production directed. Cliff has made deals all season but this week even for Cliff is ridiculous.

      I feel all the hamsters DRs this past week seem like they are reading cue cards even Holly. Sure she’s pissed she had to throw the HOH but again even for her whiny self this seems to be overkill.

      I can point to speeches by each of them that seem either out of character or TPTB inspired. This is why BB has become less enjoyable these past few seasons. Either were dealing with recruits who know NOTHING about BB, it’s history, fan sites or live feeds or we’re insulted by TPTB dictating the plot, selecting favorites they want to win etc, etc.

      If TPTB happen to read these sites —- PLEASE bring back the true Big Brother – hire a casting agent who doesn’t mind spending time looking for engaging people who ARE fans of the show, add some more diversity into your cast with a better mix of mature adults and above all let the players dictate how the seasons progresses.

        1. Seems like they get people who need to “do time” with a house arrest. (Michie doing time for his assault charge?) Do ya think?

  28. Cliff please enough with Orwell!!! Over it find something else to ramble on for hours abt…

    See if production will give u guys dodge balls and lets see u guys take your frustrations out by wailing each other with them…

    1. Maybe, just maybe, Cliff being a fan of BB remembers Paul and his ducky. So Orwell is he believes his ticket to fame and AF. But,I’m sure I’m not alone seeing this old man infatuation with a stuffed owl and how obsessed he is with it, looks childish almost.

  29. Cliff’s little “secret agent” has been able to set the Cliffathon aside for a little while and is having some quality girl time with Holly. They’re getting along quite well.

    Thanks Cliff for giving her a little time off. That’s big of you.

  30. On finale night there will be a “Big Brother Season Finale Watch Party” in West Fort Lauderdale. Hosted by Josh, Meg, Amanda (yes, that Amanda), Zach and everyone’s favorite, Christmas! Wooooohooo!

    There will be a live “celebrity” panel Q&A, HoH competitions, prizes and Zingbot Cocktails.

      1. I know. I’m really torn between this and the main event in LA. Maybe we’ll just go to Waffle House…in honor (and I use the word loosely) of Cliff’s game play.

        I’ve no doubt there will be other venues across the country where some of the previous house guests can stretch that 15 minutes.

      1. I mean has Cliff had any good ideas? Jackson mentioned he’s not himself he’s making messy deals but to me all Cliff’s ideas seem hairbrained.

  31. Does Dickson think we believe the ONLY reason he’s not evicting Holly is because C/N broke their agreement by thinking about breaking their agreement. Puhlease! He was never doing that. He’s too busy worrying about his edit!

  32. Watching Nicole on the show tonight — boy is she full of herself now! She knows she didn’t win the HOH — she bullied Holly into throwing it to her, but she thinks she is hot stuff. Yuck!

  33. There is NO WAY Jackson won that veto – I heard production was even saying DID NOT , DID NOT repeatedly over the speakers to him on one question. THAT was the most blatant production fueled interference of the season.

    Jackson is a great competitor but giving him a POV he didn’t win is disgusting (that’s two we know of for sure – the clothes removal one was the other).

    Also bullshit b/c the real winner (Nicole) could’ve used that on her resume & we don’t even know if Cliff would’ve voted out Jackson even though that’s what Nicole would’ve wanted.

    It’s a game but come on production stop interfering & cheating

    1. Sorry, dont believe that theory at all. After the 1950s quiz show scandals, the FCC passed legislation prohibiting the rigging of televised contests. There are too many people (potential whistleblowers) witnessing this in production for them to consider this, and there would be full length, stationary camera recordings of each one to support the times.

      1. The FCC rules regarding game shows do not cover the category reality entertainment programming. Even if the reality program in question is in the form of a gameshow. If it were covered, the contract for big brother would not look like it does.
        Further, it did occur in a past season where the feed block for the individually timed veto was LESS than the added times they posted for the comp. That is impossible. If FCC rules applied, such a thing could not happen.

  34. Jackson says it is ok to do exactly what he wants to get to the end, throat cuts, back stabs but will ravage any one else who would think of crossing him. He thinks his religion will agree with him. (I am religious but you have to walk the walk you talk.) No religion says you get to be evil for any purpose. Holly, this baby man has used you this whole time, making mama promises.. You are 31, he is 24. He is still an immature little boy. Dump his ass.

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