“I will promise him anything and yes I may potentially break that promise. I’m sorry if that makes me look horrible”

Head of Household Winner: Nicole
Nominations are: Jackson & Holly
Power of Veto holder: Jackson
Power of Veto Ceremony:
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2:38 pm Nicole and Cliff
C – what did you learn my little secret agent
N – so I went to the hammock and he was working out
Nicole goes on about how he asked her why she’s feeling bad. It’s because Jackson said he wants to go to the final 3 with people that fought. She feels the same way.
N – I go, You don’t have to, believe me, I know my truth he (Cliff) was fighting for that Veto to bring you and that’s what is making me so sick and upset.
N – I kept just laying it on and he was like .. He got teary-eyed. SAid I know I feel that way too.
N – He got really quiet so I just let it simmer.
N – he goes Nicole I really want to be in one of those two chairs. So Nicole laid it on even thicker
N – I was like OK I get that. If you need one of those two chairs I can give you one at this point I think the people in the final 3 should be ones that fought and if you want one of those two final 2 chairs it’s yours.
N – he was like .. yeah I know I know I hear what you are saying. After a paused he was like there’s a lot of days before Thursday I would like to sit down with you and cliff
N – you know a lot can happen
Nicole mentions how there will be the recap episode where the banishment and comeback will be shown. Someone who went through all those “things’ should be in the final 3
N – I thought that I had him then he went inside for awhile.. He came back and said ‘Can I ask you something’
N – I said sure
N – Was keeping Tommy and attempt to, therefore, get rid of me and go to the final 3 with Tommy
N – I said to be honest no. It was more so me feeling like the 4th wheel to a tricycle. I was trying to think how do me and Cliff get to final 3 it’s not going to happen with us four I thought maybe Tommy would give us better odds getting to the following week, Me you and Cliff would still get to final 3.
N – he said ohh you mean it wasn’t an attack on me. I said no. me and Cliff would love to see you in final 3.
N – and then he was like.. it kinda spun. I want you to know regardless of how Thursday goes. you still have me in your corner I still love and respect you and .. whether Cliff goes or not it’s not you or your game. WE all have a 33% shot.
Nicole – I feel like the beginning of the conversation I had him then he came out and more aggressive. “What was the point of keeping Tommy” So I defended that. he went back in and came out more aggressive.
N – I felt like I had him (ZOMG)
N – He’s at least willing to listen
C – if he asks about Tommy. I’ll say look it was concern about four people and only three spots
N – That’s what I said. I’m a numbers gal we can’t all four be in finales. Us 4 vs if I take out one I move up on the totem pole and we can all get to final 3. (WOW)
C – you weren’t on the block HOlly ways it was the idea that if she was gone then…. er.. I don’t know if Tommy was going to come after you (Michie) or if he’s coming after me I really don’t know. BUT at least it gave us a chance, Nicole and I to the next one

C – I’ll tell him too .. err Look Michie it hurt my game potentially having you there opposed to Holly because you are a stronger competitor but I made a promise to ya and I told Nicole I was going to keep that promise
N – I told him I know you are worried about appearance and I know it is not relevant to the game I want you to know and I don’t want you to believe me but I go I sat in rooms with cliff 4,5,6 times where he said to me Nicole I know Michie is a competitor I don’t know how it affects your game but I gave my word I’m bringing him to final 3. I said Cliff we’re playing our own games I respect you KEEP YOUR WORD and you’ll see when we get outta here plenty of footage of Cliff saying that and plenty of footage of Cliff BLEEDING in the veto to win it to bring you.
C – how did he respond to that.
N – yeah.. yeah I know
Cliff – if I have to offer up a final 2 seat.. tell him you can have the seat it’s between Nicole and I for the other one May the best man win.
N – I’ll promise that Final 2 chair and if he wins the HOH and he can pick whichever one he wants to bring that’s his doing. If you win and you want to honor your word to take him go right ahead so be it. I’m being honest I am probably going to promise it and I will see how Nicole Feels in that moment on finale night (hmmm)
Nicole – I know it’s horrible but it’s a game
Nicole mentions how Mihice went on about when she gets out she’ll see how much he loved her and thought of her as a little sister
Nicole – I said Michie I want to believe you but I have trust issues. If you did say or have done anything My dad is a very scary man.. I’m telling you .. then he hugs me said I love you

N – I would rather take third to you and Miochie than Third to Michie and Holly. It’s nothing against Holly
Nicole explains she wants people that “Fought and competed” to be in the finals
Nicole goes on about pushing on Michie’s “heartstrings” saying things like “think about the fans watching”
Nicole now saying that Holly did win HOH’s and take out big targets “But living in this house there are people that fought more and fought day in and day out and cared and had that fire under their a$$ everyday” (Holly did have that rash.. could have felt like a fire)
C – yeah
Nicole says her last-ditch effort will be to say if he evicts Cliff she’ll take Holly to final 2 if he keeps Cliff she’ll take him.
N – He seemed very receptive when I was upset.

2:53 pm Nicole alone
If I need to promise the world to Michie to get Cliff in that Final 3 I will do it I will promise him whatever I need to promise him. I will shake hands I will look him in the eye.
Will I break that Promise? Potentially but you know what it’s a game at this point I just want Cliff in that Final 3. I will promise anything and if Cliff gets to that Final 3 I can be happy knowing that it’s Michie and him in final 2 OKay. If it’s me and Cliff in final 2 tremendous. If it’s me and Michie final 2 GOOD.
Yes, America I will promise him anything and yes I may potentially break that promise I’m sorry if that makes me look horrible. I’m sorry that makes me look like a villain but this is a game and the only people I owe anything to is myself and in my guts Cliff if we can get to final 3 C’mon .. that would be so fricken tremendous
Nicole – C’mon America root for the underdogs.

4:07 pm Holly and Jackson
Jackson – you’re not going anywhere.
Jackson says they’re campaigning to him hard.
Jackson – I’m here to play a game.
Holly in the shower going on about not seeing her family ever because she can’t afford it.
Jackson – why would I remove my half of the duo to keep another duo
Jackson says Cliff is a great guy and he’s smart. His social game is very good.

4:10 pm Cliff “moping around”

4:14 pm Nicole reiterating everything said above. She says Cliff is moping around but that’s all part of their plan. She’s wanting to have a sit down with Jackson and Cliff where they will promise Jackson final 2.

Nicole – We’ll promise we’re playing separate games and that he has a guaranteed spot in those Final 2 chairs and that’s not me lying he will have a guaranteed spot in those final 2 chairs. Of jury

5:10 pm – 5:50 pm
Cliff campaigns to Jackson

5:50 pm Cliff alone
I don’t think he’s going to pick me over Holly though. She’s his girlfriend.
Which means I’ve worked myself into fourth place. Instead of third.
I was trying to make sure I had a better shot at getting to the final 2
It would have worked too if Michie had been a little more honorable (LOL)
The difference between final 4 and final 2 is a lack of integrity and honour from Michie that’s what I’ll have to accept if that’s the case.
I tried to do what I had to do to get to the top and it jeopardized my position.

6:02 pm Jackson and Holly
J – He was saying he left his family in a financial crisis to get here
J – He (cliff) doesn’t care if he takes third he just wants his family who love the show to come out and be a part of the Big Brother experience he cashed in his 401K because he had to quit his job . he would guarantee me he would throw whatever comps they would guarantee me a free spot in one of the 2 chairs

Jackson going over what Cliff was saying. “He said Sharon can’t afford to come out here and he just wants her here all these different thing”
Jackson – Cliff I asked you if YOu would give me one vote and I would break the tie. You preached about playing individual games I said look unfortunately as much as me as a individual to you as an individual knows that You didn’t necessarily break your word to me as much as I was asking you to play your individual game you made it clear that you wouldn’t that you are A group and a package deal unfortunately because one of you two decided to break your deal it’s essentially both of you and unfortunately since both of you are not safe you’re the one that will be taking the hit .
Jackson – I told him why beyond a personal level would I turn my back one someone that has never done me wrong and never left my side when I thought I had her game blown up 50 days ago. She’s never gone against me. How can I turn my back on her for a duo that almost that was about to send her home and take a deal back.
I said Cliff if you stay you stay if you go I hate the fact that someone else game may have jeopardized yours .. if things had differently Holy would have won the HOH you and Nicole would be on the block and we wouldn’t even be talking

6:43 pm
Jackson still going on about “if he only gave me one vote”

6:45 pm Cliff still talking to the cameras about Honour says he thinks Nicole and him will be the deciding votes for who wins 500 thousand. Cliff says if Jackson burns him on this by evicting him and Nicole is the next one out the two of them will vote for Holly to win and Cliff doesn’t think Jackson has enough votes to win

7:47 pm

165 thoughts to ““I will promise him anything and yes I may potentially break that promise. I’m sorry if that makes me look horrible””

  1. Now that we’re coming down to it, there is no justice if the first of the three final competitions isn’t resurrected from season 19.

    (And I’m surprised you two guys haven’t mentioned it yet.)

    1. Am I the only one who wants to see Nicole get to participate in the farting unicorn challenge?

      Unicorns that farted rainbows!

      That is so the “Nicole” challenge.

        1. When they were torn between Tommy and Holly. Michie wanted Cliff to Vote for Tommy while Nicole voted for Holly. Since Michie was the HOH, he would have broke the tie. Cliff kept telling Michie that Nicole was the one who wanted to vote Holly out, he wanted keep Holly.

  2. Disclaimer to temper the tribalism. Nicole is my favorite person left in the game this season and during the entire season, I would give her no less than a rating of 3 which for this season was HUGE. Under certain circumstances, I would say she wins. Under certain circumstance Jackson should win.

    Now with that behind us.. Nicole hasn’t dealt with these events well. The amount of hypocrisy coming out of her right now is insane its a huge downgrade.
    Her fight is commendable though I appreciate that.

    1. I’d be more upset if she laid down and died. That’s the New York way. Do whatever it takes. Stab him in the back if that will work.

      Btw. My Jets really suck.

          1. Why aren’t they going for the money shot. If you take Cliff you have a shot at the half mil. If you don’t. Neither of us is voting for you and your stuck with the fifty k unless and sense there are no deals she can’t share it with you. Forget honor greed is much more compelling.

      1. “I’d be more upset if she laid down and died. That’s the New York way. Do whatever it takes. Stab him in the back if that will work.”

        Jets, she’s not going to stab anyone from under that bus. She needs to take care of that jackass bus driver of hers first.

    2. Totally agree! She should’ve stood her ground with Tommy staying. This talk about breaking your word is bs! It’s BB! Cliff cost them their game. Truthfully it’s probably further back to Christie. I know everybody hates her but seeing Holly who’s done nothing besides keeping the shower stool company should’ve been gone. Nicole needs to just let it go. Mr honorable is just stringing her along.

      1. Was with you up to the shower stool. She’s “earned” the right to fight for F3 just as much as Nicole.

        1. Sorry I can’t with girls like her. Earned it how? She’s been protected the whole game. Nicole was an outcast. IMO the stool had more purpose than Holly.

          1. We all know how she earned it through honesty and hardwork….and a intricate understanding of manipulating square pegs while balancing on a slippery stool….

      2. Holly has won 2 HOHs and threw that last one to Nicole… talk about useless.nicole never cooks, nor does Cliff. So sick of Nicole patting herself on her own back. She is the type who was happy to get a participation trophy. If Holly didn’t throw the hoh comp, Nicole would be going home and crying all week. Cliff and Nicole have not earned any cred for being brought along by Jackson. She was a quiet little mouse with zero game

    3. Okay Simon, a hypothetical for you.

      Cliff says that if Jackson votes him AND Nicole out, that he and Nicole will vote for Holly.

      If Nicole were to get voted out, AND actually follow Cliff’s lead and vote for Holly, will she still be your favorite person during the entire season?

    4. Jackson could have saved the lot of them all of this agony if he had resisted the urge to explain/ apologize/ justify his actions regarding Tommy’s eviction. Nicole and Cliff have been dining out on his post-eviction words ever since. They are (figuratively)stuffing their mouths and chewing with a ferocity we’ve not seen since Christy, the mistress of manners, left the house.

    5. yup, so true… she is always composed (game wise) and self-aware so seeing this side of her act is a let-down. To her defense, she fights with enemy’s tactics, which some think are the best choice of weapon. And wants to be upfront with America! (LOL)

    6. Oh well! I can’t be but so mad at Nicole, when amongst a bunch of hypocrites one becomes a hypocrite among hypocrites.
      No way in a house of insanity, lies and telling her that shes a liar and Cliff stabbing her in the back while others stabbed her in the front could she remain a wholesome person of utmost integrity the entire game. No one is perfect, you gotta be willing to do what u gotta do to get that $500,000 especially at THIS point in THIS particular BB season of production prophesies. Although feeling a little different about Nicoles current take, I was more upset when her n Cliff blew up their own game with his side deals and the Tommy pinky swear that set the game in this trajectory. When you take any good angles out of the game, this is the game we get a Sh$t show but a show (tragic like a B movie) non the less.
      I forgive u Nicole (F%#!)
      Not a fair weather fan

    7. No way she has fought. Jackson and Holly carried her for the last 5 weeks. They also had to deal with the others questioning why they were not putting up Cliff and Nicole as Noms. She did not win when there was a house full of people and Holly gave her the hoh. Nicole has, however, tried throwing Jackson and Holly under the bus every time she could. They are lucky Jackson brought them along over Tommy and Christie. Both Cliff and Nicole have lost their minds and really tried to bully Holly. They wanted to be given the final 2 vs. work for it. How sad

    1. The shower stool is giving out and he is testing the frame strength to see if it is good for replacement wood.

  3. I really can’t wait for finale night when Nicole looks Jackson in his pompous doucebag eyes and says I’m evicting you. Then the cherry on top is when the three names for AFP are called and it’s Cliff, Tommy and the winner by a landslide as his big ass jaw drops and Holly’s mascara runs NICOLE!

    1. Well all she has to do now is win the comps. As for AFP, even hearing Cliff and Tommy’s name in relation to it will be a perfect cap to a crap season.

      1. Sadly yes. Cliff was right behind Nicole and Tommy right behind him. I’m thinking Cliff’s numbers might take a bit of a tumble over the next few days…moving Tommy up.

      2. Unfortunately, Tommy is in the lead in most of the polls I’ve seen. I’ve been voting for Sam. He won comps, stirred things up, and he wasn’t horrible to people in the house, but he doesn’t even seem to be in the running for AFP anymore.

  4. What did I miss about Jackson lying on his application for BB? I read something here last night about him doing something on his application and not qualifying for the 500k?
    Nicole is getting too nervous and saying things that are hurting her game. She needs to just hope she wins the next HOH and stop talking.
    I still say let’s throw Insta-Granny in this game!

      1. I was reading some of the tweets today. One of my favorites was someone who hasn’t hated a player so much (Jackson) since Angela. Whoa! Jackson…Angela. I’m not seeing what those two have in common.

        1. Tyler’s Angela?? No, nothing in common. Definitely more commonality with Holly. My least fave female of all time is Natalie from the season with that douchey bulked up guy BB likes to trot out every now and then (Jesse?). Natalie’s eating habits made Christie look like a debutante. Anyone else remember Nastalie? (Sorry if that’s mean and offensive to anyone in advance).

          1. The barista from Oregon?? I’ll always remember seeing her topless in the hot tub, streaking in the backyard, giving a bj to that felon from Boston and falling in love with him, and him shooting her down. If that’s the Natalie you mean…I didn’t dislike her as much as I felt really bad for her.

            1. Not the barista, she was season 9. The Natalie they are referring to was part of Jesse’s athlete’s team on the season of school cliques. She lied about her age, pretending to be younger, had a boyfriend at home and Jesse was in LOVE with her. She chewed terribly and they kept giving her sour pouch kids which was the worst! She went to final three with Jordan and Kevin. The excitement of Jordan winning over those two was pretty close to how it would be if Nicole beat out the Monster and the AFP Pandoring Texan.

          2. Agreed absolutely nothing in common but if you pull up that season you’ll see that she was painted with the same brush that Jackson and Holly are being painted with this year.

            Same vitriol, different names.

        1. It’s not real that they would take away his winnings. that’s a hypothetical that was being discussed.
          On feeds in week one he told Jack and Tommy that he had failed to disclose some medical information that would have kept him from being in the game. It was in the back yard while everyone was getting some sun.
          So not a real story that they’d take away the money. In his words, factual that he failed to disclose information.

          1. I believe he said something about abuse of prescription drugs and a psychiatric med he did not disclose on his application…..again not sure though.

            1. Since nobody is sure what the information was, that’s why i’m leaving it as the blanket failed to disclose and not specifying.

        2. EvelDick leaked the story that Jackson’s mom once had an illicit affair with Satan and Jackson was the result. Production asked Jackson and Satan to provide DNA samples and it proved to be completely bogus…but Satan did admit that Evel might want to take his own DNA test with his daughter.

  5. NICOLE!!
    Listen Up!! Take off that Unicorn Hat & Get In The Game!!

    I understand that there is no one left to help you gain game perspective, no one to talk to that doesn’t have ulterior motives.
    Time to remind Yourself that This Is A Game – YOUR Game. NOT Cliff’s.

    Start being the Rose from Titanic, not the Jack.
    Let go of Cliff’s chances and remember, no matter what – Jackson is playing to WIN.
    **He’s not here to be fair.**

    Go back to studying & strategize.
    It has to be NICOLE’S GAME.

    1. Just curious…in the movie, did Jack keep shoving Rose back into the water and keep the float for himself?

      (But I like what you’re saying.)

          1. With great disgust, I watch as he adds lies to his pitch, as she comes up for air.

            I doubt he cashed in his 401k, he’s just soooo bitter.
            Honor is his excuse for over estimating his worth, his perceived leverage over Jackson, his ‘aged wisdom’.
            He needs to stop saying “if I go home” (own it), please.
            Most of the time I agree with your posts, but your last one . . . dang that earworm!!!!

    2. What else do you want her to do right now? For Frankenstein’s sake she’s in the final THREE! All she can do now is try a made for tv try to save Cliff and wait for the final HOH. If there’s something else she should be doing let her know. Oh yeah wait she needs to study dates so she’s not falling behind the other two. Oh wait!!!! She’s the ONLY one doing that too. Quit being a f-g hater.

    3. Nicole has her own back.. she argues with herself, pats herself on the back for winning the hoh that Holly gave her. She would be out if Holly did not throw it. Nicole trying to say Jackson take the 10k as a consultation prize is ha big joke. They have lost their minds this week and both are sore losers. REAL Fans know good game play from floaters. Not sure if all the Holly and Jackson haters know the difference… personal vs. game

    1. Why did everyone love Tommy sooo much, he makes me sick, phony, hand clapping like a 4 yr old and laying all over all the guys who would let him, kissing them on the cheek and hug, hug hug, I guess he thought he was one of the girls.
      should have gotten rid of him and hippo mouth, Christy a long time ago. Hope either Cliff or Jackson wins. They played hard, Holly why the heck did you give that HOH to, (now she is smug,) Nicole, She blocked you and so much for playing fair. Cliff cannot make up his mind, keeps promising and then changes his mind. She did not play, just rode along like Tommy on someone elses coat tail. He reminds me of the gay little person on last BB, he like to roll around on the guys too but had a nasty atitude and a snake!

  6. Nichole is fighting too hard for Cliff. He would not do he same for her in return. You cannot expect this man to vote out Holly. He played Cliff. Good job Jackson, even though i am not a fan. Cliff deserves to go home for being a fool. nichole has to battle 2 people because of Cliff and his stupid word. Why would u bring a comp beast like Jacskon to the finals. smh. Nichole needs to go ahead focus to try to win part 2 of the hoh. she has no shot in the physical.

    1. nicole just has to do better than holly which really isn’t that tough. physical she probably wants to make sure jackson wins and doesn’t throw to holly. next is gonna be a fill in the houseguest comp which should favor nicole regardless who she faces. then part 3 is usually how well do you know the jury, which again, as long as she’s there, again favors nicole.

      even if she loses though she can make the vote out your showmance for a guaranteed vote pitch.

      it’s not over for nicole.

      1. Sorry I just don’t see nicole winning it. Here’s my prediction

        Part 1 Endurance – Holly
        Part 2 Physical/Puzzle – Jackson
        Part 3 Questions – Jackson

        1. part 2 can favor nicole. remember that medieval castle themed part 2? i think she knows what each houseguest did better than jackson and holly.

          1. I think Nicole knows some of the houseguests a lot better than Michie/Holly….but I don’t know about the 6 shooters. I think they knew them much better. I think that will be a really interesting comp.

        2. jackson will gun for part one. it will be a more physical endurance like season 20 that depended on strength than a carbon copy of the comp they just did for final four hoh. He’s not throwing it to her. It’s what Grod would do.
          that puts holly and nicole in part 2.
          part 3 my premonition is they’ll do the before and after they’ve been skipping all season.

  7. Sorry Nicole, but Cliffs selfish and bad decision i believe has cost him his game and has made it extremely difficult for your game as now you have to compete against the stool lovers. I want you to win and hope you have the fight in you left to win. You really deserve to win. This sucks. I hope you get AFP.

    1. remember how holly did in bb comics? or how about jackson in what the bleep? i think people are severely underestimating nicole’s chances of winning the final hoh.

      1. I do agree she has as good a chance as them. I only think they have an edge if they play it right…like about who wins what.

    1. Whoa…what are you saying there sport, that they’re not?

      Maybe it’s just a coalition for the prevention of abuse to stools that are coming so unglued.

  8. Cliff should have told him that this was the only way they could afford the operation for their youngest child…gasp…sniff, sniff.

    Cliff, do yourself a favor and stop using the words integrity, honor (or honour in Canada) and word.

    No, on second thought, keep using them and make an even bigger ass of yourself.

    1. Cliffs poor me attitude is pathetic. He talks about honor and keeping his word…yeah right.. look how he stabbed Kat in the back. Cliff is only about Cliff. Nicole just needs to shut up at this point. I can’t listen to any of them. I never thought I would say it but Jackson is the only one that deserves the win.
      KAT for AFP

      1. There were things I liked about Cliff during the season and things I didn’t. But he sure is emphasizing the things I didn’t like now.

      2. I agree 100%. Kat was so fun to watch. I think she would have gotten AFP if she had stayed a little longer. People are forgetting about her. I still don’t understand why Tommy and Nicole are winning in polls.

  9. Why?
    Why is Cliff doing this guilt trip on Nicole?

    Is it because he can’t stand that she is moving on and he thinks he is more worthy?
    He just seems like such a sore loser.
    He has created a much more difficult week for her.

    Oh, that’s right . . . his last job was selling oil drilling contracts in environmentally conscience California.

    1. Maybe because they didn’t try to hide it? It was broadcast with every episode practically…hense the first time an inanimate object has been given its own name..and even rutted away with other people in the room with them?

  10. I am so over Cliff and Nicole. They were my votes for AFP, but now I’m going for Kat.

    It’s amazing to me that Cliff and Nicole break their word about going to final four and that’s okay. Now, Jackson is the villian with no integrity because he didn’t take their bs new deals — after they already went back on their promises. Jackson may not be someone I want to be friends with outside of the house, but he has played the heck out of this game and he’s been loyal until he’s been smacked in the face with betrayal. Nicole and Cliff haven’t won as much, and they have not been loyal to anyone other than each other except when they want that person to carry them. Cliff would not be in final four without Jackson carrying him there. The last HOH Jackson won was one that he should have lost to set him up to be able to compete in the next HOH — but Cliff would have gone home and he honored their deal and won it to protect him.

    1. jackson’s only fan ( so jackson was loyal when he had 2 final 4’s?? remember christi/tommy?)
      none of them hav been loyal

    1. i might have pushed 2 by mistake a few days ago, and said meh, not like it’s going to help him instead of changing it.

        1. week one his age for sympathy talk annoyed me. week two his pandering for afp ticked me off. week three and after it was his boot licker game. Dude never got over a 2 with me.

        2. That said, there’s been times i’ve given people i’m completely ambivalent about ridiculously high ratings in order to further the disparity with people I dislike greatly (sort of like giving them a zero by pushing the who cares people up a point or two). But I only rank roughly once a week.

    2. I vote Cliff!!! The most annoying and stupidly embarrassing player of BB hall of shame.
      I gave him a 2 once to be nice when he came back into the house and I feel like he played me literally 30 minutes thereafter!

      1. The owl tried to hide from him last night. It’s done with him. The it’s not me, it’s you tie die card will arrive on pop tonight.

  11. The person who played the best game is Jackson. Every season, the player with the choice picks whoever he thinks he can beat to be in the finale. Why should this season be different

    1. I absolutely agree! Jackson has played the best game. But, I find it quite hilarious that Cliff and Nicole are talking about how they will control the jury votes to make sure Jackson doesnt win because he is breaking his word and evicting Cliff- BUT Nicole is sitting there saying she will promise Jackson anything to make sure Cliff makes it to final 3, but in her exact words she says ” Will I break that promise?” “Yes I will, because it is a game, and I will do whatever I have to do BECAUSE IT IS A GAME!” So why is it ok for them to break promises and do whatever it takes to get to the final two, but Jackson does it and he has no integrity???? Talk about double standard. I am actually quite disgusted on how holier than thou they feel they are, but Jackson does it and he doesnt deserve to win? Jackson, love him or hate him has played the best game, and now they are just being bitter and stooping so low to say they will give the win to Holly out of spite.

      1. I find it quite hilarious that anyone thinks Cliff or Nicole could possibly have the slightest influence on the cool kids who make up the current jury. Don’t forget how the house was severely divided with those two as the outsiders all the way through until recently.

    2. Don’t anyone be shocked, but in terms of comp numbers and guile to keep himself off the block, I agree with you.
      He owes his game to Kat and Holly in some ways (convincing Jess, Nicole, and Cliff that Jackson was the lesser evil), while he was sulking in have not. Jessica originally said who cares, let the house decide until the two pushed Jack as the more evil. He owes his game to Cliff feeding him information daily). We can, if you want, put that up to social. We can put that up to the alliance loyalty of others. Whatever.
      His problems (somewhat big but not disaster big) are with the actual Jurors. Sis left feeling he’d betrayed her and lied to her (pawn). Jess left feeling he’d betrayed her and lied to her (she thought they were working together). Kat left feeling they (both Jackson and Holly) hadn’t done anything to help her (their final 3 and final 2). Nick was pleased with them (hated Christie more). Jack still liked him (but is impressionable to others, especially Tommy). Christie. oy gevalt. Crustie. who knows what the magicuniversalbladderinfection will tell her to do. Tommy. yeesh. Cliff. yeesh from his perspective.
      Part of social game in the social experiment is judging the house guest’s you evict personalities to know if they will be petty and finesse them accordingly. How many of the jurors weren’t petty all season? He did not manage the nominees and jury well in terms of how they left the house. He lucked out with Nick being Nick (I’m not saying it). We can assume it won’t be a jury that says you played the best comp game, but your jury management bites and we don’t respect you. We can’t guarantee. I still think he wins, but it’s not a cake walk.

  12. I think Nicole amd Cliffs Pitch is embarassing now.
    He is Never going to take anyone over Holly.
    Thats really more fucked up for his game to to jury if he kept anyone over his SM

  13. Nicole- Do I take Holly knowing that I have a better chance of winning against her? Do I take Michie because he is the bigger competitor and I feel like earned…fought more.

    Cliff- I’d take Holly in a heartbeat

    Snap out of it Nicole. Remember the last time you took the Rotund One’s advice?

  14. how does anything matter? nicole needs to win final hoh to go to end with holly and likely win. game discussions don’t matter, who eveyone takes is obvious.

    keeping tommy would have put her in a worse spot cuz she probably couldn’t beat anyone. tommy was better for cliff and nicole to get final 3, but holly was necessary for a winnable final 2.

  15. The thing that isn’t brought up much but was tonight is why cliff didn’t just give Michie the tiebreaker on the tommy vote. Cliff is very bitter and turning his own self hatred to Michie. I really used to like cliff. Now I just think he’s a piece of shit. Especially for using Nicole like he is now. Also, does anyone actually believe his “financial crisis”? Adios, fucker.

    1. cliff’s weak ass gameplay has made me hate him since the bella vote. it’s big brother, you don’t have to honor every deal you make. the best players rarely honor any deal they make (but get their opponents to hold to deals they should break). cliff should have forced christie to use her power or if he wanted to be remembered as an all time great, thrown her on the block and got her voted out when she didn’t use it. instead he cut a deal that benefited christie way more than him for no reason and got out someone who he could have used as a shield. it was horrendous gameplay that he’s bumbled his way to top 4 with, just like jc last season (though jc got top 3).

    2. His career makes huge bucks, he is no where near broke unless he made very bad investments. I sure hope nicole wakes up soon.

  16. Missed this last night.
    So all this time mensahomer the buffoon has been poorly wrapping that dubious calf injury, when he could have been pointing to a severed and reattached toe? Oh.

  17. Wtf Cliff told you straight up he was gonna take Jackson for final 2 and you are still fighting for this guy? Enough Nicole…. we are rooting for you. Just smoke up the three part competition and take Holly and pray hard that those assholes in the jury pick you over holly and thank God Jackson wont get a chance to rally any votes for her. That’s my hope for you. Wink wink

  18. At this point I’m sick of all of them and I am voting for the sex stool for AFP. Can you put the sex stool in your lineup for your weekly poll? I bet it wins.

  19. How can Holly complain about not having the money to visit her family?? Let’s add up all the botox and fillers, fake lips etc. She certainly CAN afford it.

      1. Sonny Bono to Debra Harry “Her hairspray bill alone ate up all the profits from the Tilt-a-Whirl”…..from movie Hairspray lol.

    1. I was dreading this the first time I saw Cliffs Notes. I knew the week he was going out was going to be the absolute worst!

      1. will it be enough for past season ‘need the money deserve to be here’ house guests to pass around a hat (with each of them then arguing about who needs the hat more) as part of the chenmoonves telethon?

  20. I’m a huge Nicole fan, and was a Cliff fan for most of the season but her going to these lengths to carry water for Cliff is a little undignified. She doesn’t need to be debasing herself to drag Cliff across the finish line, unless it is just a way to kill time.

    1. Imo, It’s a mix of loyalty (he’s been her albatross since week one), jury schmooze, and anxiety. She’s more comfortable with him than with the other 2 (find a time she chats with Holly alone where they both don’t look like their skin is crawling). She’s heard the guilt trip that it’s her fault (when she should have countered shoulda kept Tommy there buffoon boy, who tried to tell ya, but oh no, you had to keep Jackson happy with you, he looks happy now) and guilt is one of her magic buttons.

    2. Yeah, she is definitely working hard to keep Cliff. One motivation would be to improve her odds of F2 by 50%. She is safe this week and could be relaxing a little but not Nicole. She is playing the game hard as if she is at risk. The little engine that could…

      1. At least she’s trying, as opposed to the “let me give you sex stool lessons” that has only hung on this far by clamping onto a stronger player (it was hard to write that…I cant stand Jackson)

  21. It seems like there’s too much planning going on at this point when its pretty clear which way Michie is going with his Veto and Cliff will be gone. Plus Nicole will just have to fight hard to make it to final 2 because Jackson will never pick her over Holly.
    Maybe production is encouraging them to keep up the game talk to keep the feeds interesting?

    1. Oh, don’t count on Jackson not taking Nicole. That option is still on the table.
      He’s dropped a few hints . . . and he admitted to admiring Tyler (who cut his Girl), would love to grandstand with a speech saying keeping a SM would hurt his chances, that he would rather win against a scrappy competitor, his ‘big sister’.
      He’s an adrenaline junkie seeking fame & fortune.

  22. Cliff is smug and disgusting and Nicole acts like she has already won final HOH. Well no one is throwing this one to her. They both think they are so much more deserving then anyone. I hope they both win nothing.

    1. I think Nicole does deserve it more…..people are so disgusted with Cliff (me too) they forget what an a$$hole Jackson was and treated to a extraordinarily phony edit by CBS.

      1. Nobody forgets that Michie was a douche. How can we…we were reminded of every single dick sneeze who took from the first hour in the BB house in these comments, day in and day out. And yes, we all know he absolutely did douchebag things. But a lot of us don’t think he was AS bad as many on here made him out to be.

          1. For sure! Kat may have been my fave though. Ovi was just average to me, nice dude, lousy game player. I liked Kemi a lot actually…really was hoping she would go far, but she set herself up for disappointment when she told Michie the first or second day, that she’s against getting into alliances. Sam was aight, but very loud, lol….didn’t like Jack from day 1…never liked Christie…Sis…I wonder how someone can be so nice to look at but be such an ugly person. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen such a dichotomy. I like Tommy’s personality a lot. If he could convince me he’s authentic, I’d be friends with him. And the only reason I say he has to prove his authenticity over others, is just because of how slap-you-in-the-face-lovey he is. Jess…what can I say? Seems nice enough but I never took her seriously because of how much she did not understand the game and could not see the simplest dynamics that were right in front of her. Bella…someone else who I really liked at the beginning, but then was not a fan of her personality as time progressed. Nick…liked him, disliked him, thought he was really nice, thought he was nasty and gross. Almost forgot David…I liked him. He seemed a genuinely good dude…fun…had a good handle on the game…and he’s another one I wanted to go far. Never finding his way out of the dark and the terrible set-up of camp comeback was his demise. And although on paper, the idea of camp comeback sounds like it might be a cool idea…the ratty room and idea of letting houseguests stay living in the same house, but have no part of the game, was nasty and cruel. Like why not go the route of several Euro BB’s and have another, smaller house for them? That’s gotta be better than having these folks wearing a certain uniform with no voting rights and no say in the game whatsoever.

  23. If Cliff were the mensa poster child he thinks he is, he’d get Meemaw all likkered up and then start asking Jackson about his frat days and telling him how he needs to go on The Challenge asap. And while Meemaw’s stewing, lean over and whisper in her ear, “he told me Kat was better.” Boom!!!

    1. Of course the ultimate for me would be if Jackson thought about it a second and replied, “Hmmmm, I think he’s right…but she’s still better then Sharon.”

    1. Nicole, herself said the winner should be someone who fought and competed… Nicole did neither…. period. She even managed to blow her partners game while being given her last HOH. Her and Cliff talk about honor but they jumped ship. Nicole and Cliff have 2 faces and they are weak minded “geniuses”. Cliff latest rants are so beneath the player he was… just threw it away in minutes

  24. Did production just tell them to do this for feeds for entertainment ? Or does Cliff suck more and more each day and think he’s gaming? Jackson can see the prize and Nicole can feel it slipping away.

  25. Jury question to Jackson:

    Can you tell us how many deals you made with the shower stool and how many times you broke your wood on — uh, I mean, broke your WORD to the stool?

    1. Bitter shower stool! (That should be this season’s emoji cause when you google “stool emoji” ya get the poop emoji!!! Soooo apropos.)

      The season has definitely improved as certain people left. Just wish it were Sam and Kat instead of Meemaw and Jackass, tho.

      1. Heck, as the subsequent anti-Jackson player have fallen by the wayside, “Meemaw and Jackass” have become the underdogs.

        By the way, I do believe production gifted the title Jackass to Jack.

        1. So what do you think they call Jackson? ( Didnt mean to confuse. I call them both Jackass.) As far as underdoggery, I see your point. Guess I gotta change my name.

  26. In Canada I know that every winner has won their season without having received a single eviction vote a couple more that were never nominated at all for the season. I know two of those winners won by unanimous jury vote. The others had at least one vote against them.
    In Celebrity season 2 US, I know the winner won by unanimous decision but had eviction votes during the season i’m pretty sure.
    I know Dan won season 10 by unanimous decision… and i’m 99.9 sure it was no eviction votes as well.
    This means if it were Canada, Nicole would statistically not win. She had votes cast against her in the last week of comeback.
    In the US it’s not so cut and dried for any of the finalists, and chances of winning aren’t so easy to predict. I can prattle off a number of people from season 3 to 20 that never had an eviction vote, others that were never even nominated.

    Is it possible that any Season 21finalist could win by unanimous decision? My gut is telling me no. With Jackson and Holly the pre-existing relationship between Kat and Holly is a factor. Cliff’s sour grapes is a factor. Unanimous vote doesn’t happen. Jackson and Nicole. votes that are debatable: lots of them. The Cliff and Holly votes pretty much make it impossible for a unanimous vote. Nicole and Holly: Jackson and Kat vote Holly. Cliff votes Nicole. unanimous doesn’t happen.

    How many times has a woman in regular season beaten a man in final vote? Canada season 1 (asterisk Topaz vote). Season 3. Us season 18. Season 20. both celebrity if you count those. ott was fan vote… it’s… no. i’m just not going there when who knows who to the what now, same with season 1.
    How many times has a man faced a woman in finals? Canada: 5 times out of 7. US: 7 times out of 20 (19 if you remove season 1 as… odd). celebrity both.
    That would mean it’s more likely a man defeats a woman in final 2 barring any aberration and trend.
    trend: since US 18, every time a woman has faced a man in finals the woman has won. Including celeb. (2 of 2 reg. 4 of 4 with celeb)
    trend: since canada 3 women have lost to men every time they faced each other. (2 of 5)
    the math part of my brain is questionable, it’s triggering the anxiety and buzzing thing for something I was able to do easily but haven’t been able to pick back up and just do yet.
    hmm. this is and isn’t helping. i’m going to sleep. If anyone else has a head that still does numbers or can use the data: go for it

  27. I called it several weeks back how I thought Cliff was a self-centered duetchbag and caught hell for it. The guy is a egomaniac in sheep’s clothing. At first, he tried for AFP 24/7 with his lame dancing and his neato cliffaholics catch phrases. But once he realized he had a shot at winning, he turned his duetch snozzle on full blast by using Nicole and trying his hardest to be Jackjaws #2. Now this jerk off is going to be Captain Petty and ruin yet another jury. Fuck a bunch of Cliff. I bet this guy has been a backstabber since way back. That is all.

  28. Cliff and Nicole have lost their minds. Cliff’s ramblings are troubling. I liked him prior to this past 2 weeks. He is a sore loser who wanted everything given to him. He has not won anything after his HOH win. Nicole is the same story but has to pat herself on the back for everything… including the hoh that Holly threw to her. Neither cliff nor Nicole cook. Everyone has fed them throughout the game. Bottom line, grow up and don’t be a sore loser. He has already stated he was going to be a bitter jury member and try to sway votes away from Jackson. Jackson has told each person to play their own game.. vote whichever way you want if it helps their own game…. he has also taken great risks to keep his alliances safe. They would have voted Nicole out if Holly was not asked to throw the Hoh. cliff should be mad when he reflects back and watches the season. They even tried to put stipulations on Holly playing the veto. Can anyone honestly say that either Cliff or Nicole deserve to win the season. I cannot wait until Jackson sends Nicole out right after Cliff. priceless

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