Head of Household Winner: JACKSON
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8:08pm – 10pmBig Brother blocks the feeds…(No idea why) The double eviction second HOH has not happened yet..
10pm Jackson and Cliff are playing backgammon. Nicole is watching. Jackson – and I know if I am this proud.. your family.. Cliff – I just think it was so cool they were watching live. It wasn’t even a middle of the night competition that they maybe heard about it later or something. Nicole – they would see it like boom, boom, boom. Cliff – yeah we were jumping around so much. Jackson – the big brother double. Cliff – I wonder when you will get your basket Nicole? (For winning the HOH during the double eviction. She doesn’t get the room just the HOH basket.) Nicole – I know, like do I pick it up in storage? Nicole is still wearing the HOH key from the first HOH around her neck. Holly – comes out of the Diary room. Holly to Nicole – Hey HOH!
10:14pm Bedroom. Nicole and Tommy.
Nicole – I feel good with Cliff and I feel good with you. Me evicting Christie .. it wasn’t an .. yes it was an attack on you. Tommy – no, no, I don’t see it that way. The only thing I am thinking is that I don’t think it would make sense game-wise for me to go next. I recognize that if a deal was probably made that I would be the one that would probably go. So I am just trying to sit back and relax.. and I will see what happens after that HOH. Nicole – absolutely. Tommy – I feel awkward being around people because I feel like I am awkward. I’m fine .. like I really am okay. I am happy to be here and I am going to fight. Nicole – and there is so much that can happen in the course of an hour and a day, in a week. Tommy – absolutely. Nicole – and I know because I’ve been in your spot before. Tommy – I really am okay. I do feel alone but its okay. Nicole – today I just stopped looking at people as pairs and looked at people as individuals. Tommy – I think it was smart. I think it was fine. Tommy – I am a bit relieved in a way because it was hard to play the game with her. You know if I win, you’re not going up. Nicole – If and when you win this HOH .. I respect you and I respect your game and no matter what you do .. even if its me I respect it. Just do what’s best for Tommy. Tommy – I have to talk to people and see who wants to move forward with me. Nicole – I would love to move forward with you on a level playing field. Nicole – I meant what I said when I said I trust you, I trust Cliff… I didn’t say that to Christie. Tommy – trust me I get it. It was just the way things worked out. Nicole – we’re all final 5. I love you so much and respect you so much. I feel bad for Christie. Tommy – she will be fine.
10:30pm Bathroom. Holly and Jackson.
Holly – I do hope that people are excited that we’re still in here. When I think about jury.. like I know people are excited to see people. Like people just because they missed them .. you know what I mean. Obviously Sis will be excited to see Christie but like will she be excited that I’m still in here? You know? Like Jack.. will he be excited that we’re still in here? I think so. He told me to go for it. Jackson – he told me back on day 30 something that he thought I was going to win it. Holly – really? Jackson – yeah by the pool before music in the morning.
10:54pm Bedroom. Tommy, Cliff, Nicole and Jackson are laying around chatting. Cliff – you figure once we do HOH there will be one person up there and 4 down here. Holly joins them again. She isn’t feeling well.
11:23pm Big Brother calls Nicole to the storage room to get her HOH basket. They all look at her HOH photos. Nicole then reads her HOH letter from her parents.
11:39pm – 11:50pm Nicole shows off her HOH photos to the live feeders. Tommy heads to bed. The others head to the kitchen to eat.
12:20am Bedroom. – Tommy and Cliff join them. Cliff and Nicole. Cliff – Nicole, I think I am almost as happy as you are for you. I just love watching the joy as you celebrate. Nicole – finally! I just can’t believe it! Finally. I just can’t believe it. I knew it, the second it started ..II was like I got this! Cliff – on to the next step. This isn’t the only HOH you’re going to win. This is just the first one. Nicole – you’re right. Now we’ve got HOH’s and Veto’s to go back and fourth. Nicole – plow! Cliff – we will go back and forth and we will make it to the end. Nicole – those first episodes when they were forming .. we were the bottom feeders.
1:15am Jackson changing in the corner of the room.
1:20am All the house guests are sleeping..
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so no new hoh yet?
If you’re not happy for Nicole you have no heart!
I actually can agree with this statement even if you’re pulling for someone else to win the overall game. How can one not be thrilled to see a sweet lady like her get a win and get to see pics of her family. The only people who may not be as thrilled are Christie’s immediate family lol
She wasted her only hoh to get a picture when the game is basically over. Very stupid move
Well there are at least 7 heartless people out there.
Nicole, have up her game. A very ignorant move and I blame Cliff. If he’s an engineer, he’s a dumb one and killed Nicole’s chance to make final 2
Can’t wait to see who wins HOH
I have a strong feeling ( manifestation,lol) it will be Tommy…. he’s got upper body strength, smarts for BB Comics. Jackson may have the strength but questionable memory skills ……Holly not feeling well so. Cliff is a question mark, but could surprise .
The BB comic is the veto not the hoh or did I miss hearing as swag and his girlfriend are doing the hoh comp. the veto was listed as bb comic.
they said swaggy and bayleigh would appear for veto and one of the comps would be comics. as comics is not a comp that really needs a host, i’m thinking it will be the hoh comp.
I said last night I really thought Julie said tune in Sunday to see Swaggy and Bayleigh host the hoh. But apparently I’m the only one who thought that.
Sorry but thumbs down for mentioning the S word.
Said, Sunday, or Swaggy?
Julie said BB Comics is veto. But at this point, veto matters as much if not more.
Comics is the POV comp, not HOH
i hope tommy does win it, not that i like him but he will take a shot at jackson & holly. jackson leaving next would be perfect!
So you want someone who doesnt deserve to win to win it all. Jackson deserves to win even if you dont like him. Nicole and cliff just floated there whole way to this point. Tommy and holly are ok but the real winner should be jackson.
Hey Moe, I agree with you that Jackson deserves to win…his back was against the wall most of the game and he literally had noone. Holly at times wanted to be liked so much by others, that she also talked crap on him. He may have been in your face at times, but he was and is extremely loyal. I also believe that he found out that Kat had a boyfriend, which CBS is editing. Now, I don’t agree with you about Cliff. He was banished from the house, won his way back in, made some sick deals to stay in the house, and intergrated into a group of younger people. He also won comps, and he’s had this game figured out for a while now, and has been able to adapt to every situation. I completely wouldn’t mind him winning either.
Agreed! Michie has had no choice but to go balls to the wall in every comp or else he would have been out of the house. And Cliff…at times I’ve thought he was a floater and whatnot. But in retrospect…it was more me being annoyed with decisions he made. I’m coming around to realizing the odds he faced in regards to age and body structure, and the fact that he is overcoming those odds.
I like cliff hes a nice guy. i just think he floated to whoever was in power. To me thats a floater. All i know is we better not have a bitter jury if jackson is final 2. I almost lost my mind when Dan lost to ian because of a bitter jury.
Moe, I loved Dan, and i remember his iconic funeral! He’s probably one of the best players…but true story, Ian is my husband’s cousin.
I agree with tskoffe. Cliff has done a masterful, if not frustrating to the viewer, job of navigating himself and Nicole to what could be a final four and may be a final two for one of them. That was no easy task considering it is difficult for one “bottom feeder/floater” to make it to final four, let alone navigate it for two. Nicole has done a lot of work avoiding the block herself. It helps that she didn’t win HOH until DE, and it is not her fault she was never picked for POV. But, despite her misplaced trust for sharing the truth, she has been able to navigate the, what was at one point, Juggernaut that was the H8ful 8 and SexShooters.
Jackson won it…..Again
Bye Crustie, hopefully nicole is next lol
this season of big brother was worse than bigbrother canada which was hard to beat since bbc1 horrible production and casting on both ends. This double eviction was easily predictable SHOCKER no one cares who wins anymore. We need a new cast not ur idea of some teen dream b.s wtf smh
While this is a junk season for casting it’s still better than Amazing race 😉
I’ve never been able to get into another reality show after BB. I’ve watched a few (the old project runways, paradise island, etc). With what I know CBS has done on BB edit side. I learned pretty early the liberties they take in the editing room to push through their focus group tailored narrative. I could only imagine what happens on other shows without the feeds to keep them ‘honest’
I say give Survivor a try, it’s a pretty awesome show IMO. I still think BB is best but Survivor is my 2nd best!
I have watched a bunch of survivor seasons even tried blogging it once. I’ve only made it through one season.
You need to watch Sandra’s seasons, or Ozzy’s, or…well I can name a few. I get more into Survivor then I do BB
Agreed, Sandra and Ozzy are entertaining. Richard Hantz is also a crazy person to watch.
The Hantz’s were poison on both Survivor and BB. I could never understand CBS’s fascination with this toxic family.
One of the craziest week ones was BB14
Me too! I absolutely love Survivor. Jeff Probst is an excellent host. The show doesn’t feel as scripted and the comps are intense. They are definitely roughing it! (I couldn’t handle not having a toothbrush or TP!) Survivor does have its share of bitter jury members.
I know that no one is probably interested but this is an interesting article regarding production, etc. For anyone that doesn’t give a sh.t, move along, IDC. Lol!
Pretty cool article. I always wondered about some of those things…now, thanks to you, I know! Thanks again for giving us the link! Appreciate it!
Survivor is a lot of fun to watch. The ONLY thing BB has is the feeds. If you compare episodes Survivor wins in a landslide.
The new upcoming season of Survivor features both Sandra and Boston Rob. I saw the previews last night and it will start after BB is over. Can’t wait!!!
Survivor is a different animal. I’m sure there is production manipulation but since they get to crank out the entire season before airing anything they can blend the rough edges a lot better. Plus with little outside influence they can stick to a single narrative instead of changing course when someone does something to irritate the internet. Basically it’s a more polished “reality” show.
Oh I love Survivor one of my favorite’s our of all of them. Not that I don’t love BB but Survivor is way harder they hate to fight for food it’s not just given to them they have to go everyday and get their water it doesn’t come out of the tap. And their comps are far way harder than BB will ever be. They don’t get bedding and pillows under an air conditioned house they sleep out side with the bugs on what ever they make for shelter!! BB gets a pool and jacuzzi, washer and dryer shower and shampoo, games to play pool table!! Chairs to sit in. On Survivor they have to wear the same clothes and don’t get to shower and shave!! So there is no comparison at all!! Survivor is much harder than any other reality show out there!! That’s why they get a Million dollars instead of $500,000 like the winner on BB. I do believe that just about anyone can be on BB unlike Survivor it’s takes a lot more out of a person. It’s not just about the physical comps it’s about being out in the elements with the rain and the hot sun and cold nights with rats and bugs running around. And not being able to brush your hair or teeth for 39 days not being able to wash or dry your clothes for 39 days and not to mention you have to shit and piss out side for 39 days. So I would love to see this cast on survivor now that would be a show. Sorry girls no makeup and if you make it far in the game the weight you lose is awful it might be good for Jess as some people would say. But I guarantee Jackson, Jacks, couldn’t do it Jackson because there is no watermelon!!!! Jacks because there is no shampoo or conditioner for his hair!!!! Holly couldn’t make it Kat maybe Sis there is absolutely no way she could Jess noway she could because you can’t lay around all day you have to work. Cliff maybe TT or CC nope no way!! Nicole maybe, I could go on and on but don’t have anymore time. Oh but if Nick done anything out there to any of those guys like he did to TT his ass would beat!!
I’m not going anywhere that doesn’t have toilet paper!
Survivour is my favourite. Watched amazing race for a few years but grew tired of it.
Tonight’s CBS show was so satisfying! Yes I agree, they should have voted Tommy out. But he’s alone in the game now so still great to see both Jessica and Christie out the door. Nicole winning that HOH was SO AMAZING! So excited for her and much needed! Cliff was right behind her and Tommy in 3rd until that last minute.
My thumbs down was only because I am happy that Christie is gone. It WAS so satisfying in total and was psyched for Nicole. Happy with the final five!
Ding Dong Amanda II is gone, long live Dorothy, Nicole is a sweetwoman1
So happy for Nicole! She slayed the chompster! Win win!
AHHAHA the chompster!!! OMG why have I just heard this nickname this is the greatest.
Haha, Thanks Simon! Why didn’t I think of it sooner!
Ive never been so happy for a houseguest, once I saw Nicole’s puzzle I was screaming! As she made that 2nd shot I got little misty eyed. So freakin proud of Nicole! Love watching Christie all shook and sad bc SHE’S OUTTA THERE!!
I was so happy .. felt like old BB again with the excitement.
Simon, Let me say first that I am glad Nicole won but, do you think Tommy was throwing the HOH comp to Nicole? Maybe thinking he was good with her. He did not look like he was in his normal spaz mode and in a rush. Cliff clearly threw it to Nicole. You can see him remove a piece that fit when he heard Nicole was in the lead.
on after dark…Mickie was telling Holly that ‘he’ ( I don’t know which ‘he’ is he referring to) told Mickie something that is making Mickie smile really big to Holly, however, I believe the feeds blocked what it was that was said to Mickie? I felt like it may of had something to do with Nicole possibly calling Tommy back to the room during eviction to possibly let him know it was Christie going home & that Tommy was ok??? Maybe Tommy told Mickie Nicole gave him the heads up & Mickie may be taking it that he could use this against Nicole later? I d k lol…anyone know what I am talking about???
Me too so happy for Nicole best episode this season.
I hope Tommy wins and puts up Holly and Jackson, then Jackson gets evicted. Then I want Nicole to win final 4 HOH and put up tommy and holly. Nicole wins veto, Cliff votes out Tommy, then holly wins part 1 of final HOH only to lose part 3 of the final HOH to Nicole who at this point in my delusional fantasy is just sweeping these comps. Nicole takes Cliff to the end and beats him 7-2 because of her 4 comp wins. That’s my ideal ending to this terrible season. Nicole getting the win and we’re done with this terrible cast of characters. Will it play out like this? Most definitely not cuz once again…this is a terrible cast of players.
But you can MANIFEST it
Lets all “manifest” it!
That would be ideal.This next HOH and comics veto will be a battle between Tommy and Jackson.Hopefully one is evicted.
Very well said. I really hope Jackson goes next then final 4 can duke it out. Nicole is my first choice to win with Tommy being my second. I guess votes for AFP will start soon not sure there is a front runner. HS I found entertaining were Nick, Tommy and Nicole. Sam would have done well in this category but left too soon.
I still think/hope Sam has a chance at AFP!
Nick, really? The guy that humped Tommy daily, obsessed with sex, rubbing his foot on Tommy’s junk? Gross pervert imo, but whatever
That was Nick!
Nick is in the dead last spot on the Joker’s poll right now. I really think that Prankster situation was more a vote against Christie than for Nick.
Sam not nick. Icky no comparison
So much hate for Jackson but I really don’t get it as he played a good game, had to fight his way through. If this was Jack or Christie or Sis I would have lost my mind. I really feel good about the final five (better than I have in several years) and don’t wish anyone “out” but just excited to see how they all do.
I think it’s because the only reason he’s a ” good guy now ” is half edit and half editing himself because they told him he was hated. He is still racist, misogynistic, food dictator and a pompous DOUCHE. He’s latched on to Nicole IMO because DR told him she was loved and he thought without comp wins she could easily take 2nd, he really doesn’t understand that game, again not a Christie fan but the fact that he thinks America would hate if she went back on her deal would make her be hated. Uummm no, she’s hated for a few reasons but that deal break IS the game.
That fight with Holly (not her fan either) was awful to see, not the edited part and not the 4 hour stop and repeat. He never let her talk everytime she tried to get it out if she paused he pounced. He saw how much it hurt the first time he walked away and kept using that. And I’m not a professional chef but OMG he sucks on the grill and isn’t this the 3rdor 4th person including him to get sick from something he ate.
I’m not a Christie fan or a Jess fan so as much as I love Dawg and Simon I’d rather Jess had stayed with Christie and Jackson gone, then Jess then the 4 can duke it out. Sorry but both should be gone. Not his fan but I do want Tommy to win get Jackson out then he can go. I like the idea of Nicole finally getting confident winning comps so she’s in f3 (Cliff and Holly) then f2 and winning
LMAO, you’ll down voting but Jackson just won HOH. So they handing are handing half a million dollars to misogynist, racist, pompous douche who is a recruit, doesn’t know the game, broke the rules when a have not and is clearly just an all around awful person
I’m really not sure why you’re getting down voted and why there is any acceptance of Jackson’s behavior.
Sam was and is my favorite character this year w Nicole second
I would have liked to see more of David Alexander; but if he ran true to most of the casting this year he may have left before we had time to learn about some major personality flaws.
I do like Sam but…WHY DID HE HAVE TO SCREAM ALL THE TIME? His poor wife is either a saint or stone deaf.
Nicole? She’s my Dorthy in the Oz this season has been.
Agree. He appeared to be the only one that had a clue and it was early in the game. What David would have done with that information, who knows? More than likely, it would have been just another disappointment.
Everybody seems to love David but the fact is he utterly failed at every comp he was in. Look who beat him out in the banishment. Cliff, Kemi, Ovi, and Jessica. He was so lost they had to stop and send someone in to find him.
I agree…I just happened to like him and thought he was going to be fun, if only he had made it out of that first comp.
I do hope Jackson goes next but Nick for AFP??? He is a pervert! Put me in the “Never Nick” group. Tommy seems like a decent guy but I found him to be a tad bit annoying. Sam had potential and while others may disagree, I think Kat should be a contender. I didn’t care for her at first but she grew on me and I found her entertaining. I do really like Nicole. I think this season has given us slim pickings!
People complain this season is boring but cheer for Nicole who is about as boring as it gets. It’s non sense. She has no strategy, only wins when she is thrown a competition near the end of the game and no personality other than crying or anxious. You guys understand that CBS knows who you like and pushes them to win. People who cheer for Nicole type players are the reason BiG Brother has “bad casting” and “boring seasons”.
I’m hoping next season they bring in a bunch of hard-asses to liven things up.
CBS could cast the entire Hantz family and give them real knives.
Maybe most people relate to being boring and anxious… I know I do 🙂
“CBS pushes them to win”? So that’s why we’ve had a solid month of Jackson and Holly? Nicole is one of the only breaths of fresh air in an unusually stagnant season.
Maybe Tommy is Grodner’s choice, I always thought it was the chompster. BB comics is made for Tommy to win. It will be hard for everyone else except maybe Nicole.
I was hoping for that too, now worried Jackson my run this 🙁
I am assuming that the HoH competition is today in the afternoon. Is that correct?
it usually is but looks like there’s been a bit of a switch up. I blame Swaggy-p, Bayleigh and Grod.
Stands to reason Bayleigh’s always late in the big brother house…
Lmao !!!
Totally forgot about these two, I just want to know why them.
Forgot about their engagement that is.
Uhg, Swaggy-P and Bayleigh! A showmance known best for having unprotected sex. Individually, Bayleigh gave us that wonderful dramatic (and bloody) temper tantrum but the showmance was sickening.
6 Reasons why last night was sooo amazing and def the best night of the season !!
1) Jess gone 2) Nicole wins Hoh !! Nicole wins HOH ! So awesome worth repeating ! At this point I was so happy I didn’t even care who she put up ! And Tommy has his puzzle done . 3) Christie’s Face when Nicole hit her with the news she was going up, it was a shock and awe moment, Omgosh fricken priceless !!! 4) Cliff pulls out the POV in a nail biter against Christie ! 5) Double eviction so Christie and production doesn’t have time to spew garbage and get the house to keep her ! 6) the cherry on top Christie gets evicted !!
Wish I could “vote up” on this more than once.
Did you notice that Christie had the correct answer in the POV comp and changed it at last minute. Since that was last question – Cliff & Christie would have to do tie breaker. That one moment changed the whole outcome. It would have been Tommy going to jury.
Your right !!
“Did you notice that Christie had the correct answer in the POV comp and changed it at last minute…”
The universe manifested a brain fart.
It was those huuuuuuuge bites she takes and the way she chews and “swallows” her food! AAACK….COUGH…COUGH…GAG…..COUGH – CHOKE JOB by Chewy on question 7! She knew she had to have it and she knew it was between herself and Cliff for the bling – she just CHOKED!!
Finally…a great episode!
Just so happy for Nicole and it was nice to watch her enjoy her moment.
Has there ever been a delay like this before for the next hoh on double night? I guess they need to rethink the crusty winning comp they had planned…..
SOOOOO happy with last nights results!!!!!! Yay finally the witch is gone! Next should be Jackson and after Tommy. I like Tommy but he had an advantage from the beginning in knowing someone already inside the house which is not fair to the rest of the HG. So I hope Nicole can get something going win it!
my list for evictions- Jackson, Tommy, Holly
final 2 – Cliff and Nicole
Nicole wins!!!!
I also thought that Christie may have thrown the puzzle comp. The other four player ran to their stack and immediately placed the first piece in the center of the grid. Christie flipped through her stack and pulled out the 3rd piece then randomly placed it. She kept doing this, skipping over the big first puzzle piece that was in her way each time she pulled from the back of the pack. Did Christie feel that safe, or was this pre-planned as CBS finally realized how much Christie was disliked by the fans? I also thought that Holly was throwing it, but now knowing that she was very sick (based on her vomit stories during AD) maybe she just didn’t have the energy to pick up the pieces and carry them around. Also confused about Cliff, moving a piece that was already in place. Although his last piece was turned faced-down at the head of his board, maybe it blended in too well and he didn’t realize he still had a separate piece to fill the final hole. Regardless of my theories, I am extremely happy with how the entire episode played out. Very exciting!
I thought Cliff did that back & forth with the puzzle piece to make sure that Nicole wins. Clearly he was almost finished – down to last 2-3 pieces which should be a no brainer. Now whether he did that because of his affection for Nicole or he didn’t want to take the shot. Probably a little of both.
Cliff has done a decent job on the comps. Maybe he is being under estimated and therefore more dangerous in the end game. Next HOH is the comics zip line so Jackson and Tommy will be fighting hard for a win.
I doubt Christie threw the hoh comp as she wanted to put up Michie-Holly and avoid a fifth time up in a row. I did notice her weird puzzle strategy as well but I think that’s just how her mind works – not a fine tuned machine. Cliff definitely threw it to Nicole as he was carefully watching her progress vs. Tommy and nearly stopped playing just to watch her score the win.
I mentioned in another update that it looked to me like Holly, Christy and Tommy were ALL throwing the comp as it took place live. I still haven’t gone back to re-watch it yet to verify. I know this was discussed by H and J as well as C and T, assuming they could get N and C to fire at H and J. This all goes back to the “manage the jury” type of thinking that some recent bitter juries has provided emphasis for, along with getting others to “take the shot”, avoiding getting “blood on your hands” as well as throwing numerous competitions.
When you’re in the Final 6 with two obvious pairs, this makes about as much sense to me as a football bat, but it would seem this is where we are with Big Brother today, or at least with this set of maroons.
I realized I was holding my breath for Nicole to win. I saw how close Tommy was to winning it. Then I rewound it to see Cliff on their heels, too! Holly and Christie were absolutely horrible at it. Christie could have been throwing it!! haha Tommy seems to be good at everything, but mental comps. Cliff is actually pretty good on everything, except his physical endurance is slacking against Tommy and Michie. There are still some pretty strong people in the house…Michie, Tommy, Cliff, Holly, and Nicole is my opinion of strength to weakness in comps. The only one who is good with mental comps though is Cliff. Michie, Tommy, and Holly have not been great at those. Nicole chokes, I think. I think she’s a pretty smart cookie! When I’ve heard her talking to herself/camera, she has it all figured out. She just wasn’t winning the comps to get it done. I honestly hope to see Michie, Holly, or Cliff wins HOH and gets Tommy out. I’m just ready to see him go, too.
Yes his ever pinned smile and oh I can kick like a rockette and I love everyone bullshit is difficult to take
As far as I can remember there has always been the second HOH later in the night of the double. a couple theories
a) There was some sorta Drama with SWAGGYC and Bayleigh
b) Grod had a special HOH planned for Christie to win but since Christie was evicted. Grod was pissed by this and proceeded to rip apart the set before the crew was able to caom her down with pictures of Jesse the wreslter. Unfortonelty se had destroyed too much of the comp so they had to stay up all night to rebuild it.
I do hope they get it worked out…I want to see how well the brow transplant worked out. Hopefully the Grod didn’t damage it.
I use to think about ScoobyDoo every time someone said Swaggy’s name. Do you remember when Scooby use to say Shaggy’s name? Sound familiar? There, i Just revealed my age.
I heard Tommy say to Nicole in the buck room “yall gave me $5000 so I am happy”……..maybe the feeds were blocked for a luxury comp??
I think he meant by keeping him, he at least gets $5,000 for 5th place.
Its probably the money for getting 5th place.
The top six receive extra money. The amount goes up as your ranking goes up. Tommy looked it up in the BB rule book on day to see how much it was.
Since there was a delay, I wish they would have, at least, let Nicole have the HOH room for the night. I know she was happy with the pictures & letter but the room would have been the cherry on top!
I watched the after-show interviews, Jess is so cringe-y
Also, Christie confirms she is not a mastermind strategist, just a pathological liar. She lies so much and justifies it so much she doesn’t even realize she’s doing it anymore, it’s nature for her.
I’m not trying to be mean – just trying to figure out why everyone likes Nicole so much? I don’t dislike her but she hasn’t really done anything (aside from last nights win).
And what she did last night the rest of them couldn’t do in a month of play; clicked her heels together and parked a house on Crusty.
You adore Christie???
Definitely not a Christie fan!! Was just curious!
I don’t know that a lot of people love her gameplay but she is a sweet smart intelligent person and the rest of the cast has been rather nasty.
Imho Her gameplay hasn’t really been all that bad either more of an incomplete because no one would listen to her. When she is talking to herself and the cameras she shows us she has figured a lot of stuff out throughout the game. she just wasn’t one of the “cool kids” so no one would listen to her to affect change. She is pretty bad at comps so she couldn’t change anything by winning hoh either (which winning comps is part of gameplay so that’s definitely a negative).
Honestly her gameplay of telling bella and nick all the stuff the rest of gr8ful were saying about them was crucial to the break up of them and it got her in hot water that week but once she got through that eviction it made a ton of targets in the house ahead of her. If she never tells nick and bella about it she is never targeted and subsequently saved by 6 shooters (because they actually knew nicole was telling the truth about both sides). Which then shows nick and bella they are on the outside. Breaks up gr8ful earlier than expected and they start targeting nick bella and Sam because of Sam’s relationship to them. Get bella out one week next week put nick and Sam on block nick wins veto sam blows up the 6 shooters trying to stay and all hell breaks loose.
Sam deserves a lion share of the credit but it doesn’t start deteriorating so early in the game if nicole doesn’t start planting those seeds. Again she was the target and likely to go home but once she stayed the house was full of targets allowing her to fly under the radar and coast.
I think it’s just the fact she’s not a member of gr8tful and not Cliff. Nobody really liked that alliance and Cliff rubs some of us the wrong way. Many fans say she’s the only likable person left in the house.
she is…….1
Ahhhh. Ok!! I don’t get the live feeds so I was wondering if I had missed something!!
Because she’s a good person?
Tommy needs to be the next to go.
Okay, let’s get this out of the way…I DO NOT like Jackson, his personality (despite the social makeover production gave him) or his game play (he’s been playing tiddly-winks not chess or even checkers). I don’t dislike Holly (even after her conscious decision to hookup with Jackson); I just don’t really like her all that much. For me Cliff never lived up to his edits; he always talked big but never delivered. What can I say about Nicole other than love her; a sweet kid in a house full of…them.
Tommy? I don’t actually dislike Tommy the person, and let’s face it, none of us know whether he was actually “glad” to see Crusty there or not. Sure, they played together, they’ve apparently known each other for a very long time. Still, we don’t know what their personal relationship has been since “the breakup”. He could actually be thrilled she’s gone…like most everyone else. Still, I hope his aunt meets him at the airport and…”high kick, high kick”!
The reason I want Tommy gone is because BB has given him an automatic vote in the jury as well as a personal advocate within the jury. That isn’t game play, it’s pure production manipulation and I’d rather see it have no influence whatsoever. Let him join Crusty right away and let the others fight it out on a level playing field jury wise.
I hope the remaining houseguest see that Tommy has all of the current jurors in his back pocket……Jack, Sis, Nick, Crusty, Jess………that’s the five votes he would need right there! THAT is the reason he needs to go next!
Agree! This is the very 1st time this whole season that Twinkle Toes has felt any stress. I do not care for him. He behaves like a 5 year old on Xmas morning. I find it creepy when a grown man is that juvenile. IMO.
Last nite was a Kraken nite!!
But fans are overlooking Holly who has won stuff. I like Tommy more than Holly, so I’d rather see Michie out, then Holly, leave Tommy for final 3 with Cliff and Nicole whose strategy has been to carefully craft her conversations. I agree Cliff oversold as some mastermind. Is where he is because of his methods, but nothing fabulous.
I think Tommy is glad to see Christy gone. Tommy actually does not like Cristy because Cristy’s EX is Tommys relative and his entire family hates her. The two got stuck together as an alliance because of their secret. Tommy has been sitting in that house waiting for someone to take Christy out… if you never noticed Tommy never campaigned to keep Christy, when Christy was up with Sis, Tommy was campaigning to keep Sis & only voted to keep Christy when he realized Christy was staying. He gave Christy all the worst ideas for staying. Now Tommy is safe from his big secret coming out with Christy gone.
As a viewer it was great watching yesterday’s episode. But from the game’s perspective, I think Cliff and Nicole made a big mistake. I think it’s much easier to beat Tommy/Christie then Holly/Jackson. Why do you think Holly and Jackson teamed up with them? They know they can and will beat them in almost all comps. They had the perfect opportunity to backdoor Jackson and did not. It will be so much harder to get Jackson out of the house now. Jackson will most likely win Big Brother.
To be honest Nicole send to have a better grasp of the game. Good Sam’s to have blinders on with Jackson and Holly.
Kind of agree should have put up Christy and Michie. Waiting too late to get him out. He has won too much. And is an *&&hole.
All the swaggy-p/Bayleigh fans are giving the old JEJO crazys and brenchel army folks a run for their money in the craziness category. The behavior of their fan base is identical except for the JEJOS are a bit more into ruining your life whereas the other two fan bases just want to ruin your day.
Do you think there is a JackHol fan base??! I never dreamed there would be a Brenchel one because they were so nauseating together and had more arguments than JackHol. JackHol won’t stay together, will they?? Vote up if you think they will, and down it’s done after the finale.
I was dead wrong about brenchel so I’m not the best with post BB love. AS for fans. If Jackson and Holly make it all the way and one of them win it CBS will edit it like they are saints and the 4 million or so TV onlyes will love them.
Here’s how it goes:
If Tommy wins HOH: puts up Cliff and Michie (his best shot is vs Holly and Nicole in final 3). Michie is target.
If Cliff wins HOH: puts up Tommy and Michie (his best shot is vs Holly and Nicole in final 3). Tommy is target.
If Michie wins HOH: puts up Tommy and Cliff (his best shot is vs Holly and Nicole in final 3). Tommy likely target if they stick to deal.
If Holly wins HOH: puts up Tommy and Cliff (her best shot is vs Nicole and Michie in final 3). Tommy likely, but could see Cliff primary.
I think Tommy wins every comp he plays in from here on out and puts himself in position to be overly dramatic for making final 2. I think Nicole is lock for final 3.
Tommy has best chance to win with jury, with Cliff being second. Tommy has played best social game and loves everyone and everyone loves him. Cliff as oldest, having been voted out, battled back, and played a clean and decent social game gets respect from jury.
Despite season long floating, jury hands Nicole win if she is final 2 with Holly or Michie as she gets major points for taking out Christie and being nice all season long. Holly may win against Cliff or Michie, but it would be close. The only scenario Michie could win would be against Holly, and it will be close.
The jury increasingly rewards the houseguest with the best social game vs. proactive strategic game play. The one who has played the hardest no longer wins.
Agree for the most parts , but i do belive Jackson will win easily against holly , 6-1. And he can very well win over the others with his comps rasome
Don’t disagree with the logic but look at the last two years. Both Tyler and Paul played the hardest and absolutely deserved to win, but didn’t get it because of a butt hurt jury.
Of the remaining houseguests, Michie is easily the most loathed by jury members. Jess, Kat and Sis are NOT voting for him over Holly. Christie says he is “so good” but clearly does not like him and might deem that the universe is telling her he should not win on finale night. No clue where Jack really sits after the fall out between them — could respect the game play or could be like F-you. Nick is probably his only lock and votes for his Vegas bro over Holly.
You put anyone else up against Michie, likability wins over comp domination with a bitter jury. Barring any major changes over the next few weeks, Tommy, Cliff and even Nicole (who can say she ousted Christie, on Rockstar’s daughter’s birthday no less, when Michie couldn’t) get the $500k over him. Not saying that his how it should be, but that is how the game has gone in recent years and nothing looks different with this lame cast.
Whi!e I’m happy Nicole won, it was a wasted HOH. It was the perfect opportunity to get Jackhole out. Christie is way easier to beat in comps.
All I can think is Cliff and she were thinking jury loyalty votes from Michie or Holly over realistically looking at being dominated by Michie/Holly going forward. I agree with you.
Yeah. Or at least tommy.
Not too proud to admit that the fam & I screamed very loud when Nicole won….. we like, literally, like jumped out of our seats. Ok, last time for that , lol…Very happy that Jess & Crusty are gone and don’t have to listen to that crap……so are Simon & Dawg, I bet
I like Nicole on a personal level, but I don’t feel as tho she’s done much to deserve the win. I mean she really has only won 1 comp so I get why everyone likes her, but def not deserving to be the winner. As much as I hate Jackson he’s the only one left in the house that deserves the win. Even tho his personality sucks. That’s just my opinion tho.
But I don’t feel she “floated” as much as Jessica who did win an HOH. I feel she had a strategy and did her best. I like her cautious conversations and her personality is pretty balanced. She is the most likable.
Jessica even beats out Victoria for worse big brother player ever hahaha and I didn’t think that was even possible lol
I think a lot of people underestimate Nicole and I’ve no doubt this jury would/will.
The thing is, throughout the season she’s had a better read on everyone else and their game play than anyone else in the house. The problem for her game is that she had no way to capitalize on her good perception. She doesn’t have an athletic ability, she never had a meat shield and she was never part of a power alliance. Yes, Jackson has played a fantastic physical game, but strategically he’s just been lucky that his opponents have been even been even worse.
I guess it comes down to what one considers deserving. When it comes to reading everyone else and comprehending their game play/strategy, I see Nicole as being a giant compared to the rest of them.
I agree with you but I think you also have to consider that she should win for the fact that she isn’t a comp beast and that she got this far on her social game. As she said to Cliff, they were the “bottom feeders” when everyone else in the house were forming alliances and they were high on the list of the next ones to be voted out.
Victor (season 18? 19?) was a comp beast and was voted out early. . .he got far after two chances to get back in the game and then teamed up with Paul (his “social game”),
I agree. Nicole is a sweet girl and I was very happy she finally got a win and an HOH basket AND she took Christie out but it really depends who she is up against as to whether she will get the votes. I don’t like Jackson’s personality either but none of us here are on the jury and I think people are underestimating Jackson’s ability to win the game. You have to think of it from the juror’s perspective, not the viewer’s perspective. Jurors don’t like when they vote someone out and he/she comes back in – it’s sort of like a cheat so I don’t think the jurors will be as keen to vote for Cliff as a viewer might be. Evil Dick tweeted something along these lines, that you cannot be the best player if you were voted out.
Jack – betrayed Jackson’s trust twice, had a final two deal from day one; could very well feel he owes it to Jackson to make up for his betrayal
Kat – Kat had a strong threesome with Jackson and Holly regardless of their personal relationship; Kat seems to me to be a bitter jury member (look at how she left the house) and in the end, only Jackson and Holly were on her side. She felt betrayed by Cliff and Nicole and wasn’t close to Tommy so she’d vote for Jackson unless he’s up against Holly in final two
Sis – another bitter jury member I think would vote for anyone other than Jackson unless he’s up against Cliff (she hated Cliff)
Nick – lover of the game, he gets it and was very upset with Tommy (checkout his exit interview with Julie). I also think Nick has the opportunity to sway other jury member votes. I think he would vote for Jackson unless he’s up against Nicole
Jess – I think she’ll be bitter against Cliff and Nicole and she’s easily swayed by Christie. I could easily see her admiring Jackson’s wins and ability to orchestrate the noms and vote for Jackson unless he’s up against Tommy and in that case, Christie will sway her toward Tommy
Christie – she said it at least 3x before and after her eviction that Jackson would win the whole thing; only Tommy will get her vote if he’s up against Jackson
So, it will be close but Jackson definitely has a great chance at winning $500K. By my estimation, it will only take one juror switching sides in a couple scenarios for Jackson to lose:
Jackson v. Cliff – Jack, Kat, Sis, Nick, Jess, Christie, Tommy, Holly – 8 to 1, Jackson wins
Jackson v. Tommy – Jack, Kat, Cliff, Nicole, Holly, Nick – 6 to 3, Jackson wins (could be 5 to 4 if Nick forgives Tommy)
Jackson v. Nicole – Jack, Kat, Jess, Christie, Holly – 5 to 4, Jackson wins
Jackson v. Holly – Jack, Nick, Christie, Tommy, Cliff – 5 to 4, Jackson wins
“Jackson v. Nicole – Jack, Kat, Jess, Christie, Holly – 5 to 4, Jackson wins”
I can’t imagine Jess would vote for any man over any woman, but in particular voting for Jackson. I see her as a solid, safe vote for Nicole; her fellow outcast.
As for Crusty, I could see her voting for Nicole. Crusty takes this game very, very personally. Just look at her complete obsession with Nick when Nick was no threat to her game. Once Nick was gone she had her mind set on Jackson as being the great evil who would rob her of her just rewards. I’m not sure she can turn that off just like that and even though Nicole outed her, I think she would use that as her excuse to vote for Nicole over Jackson.
No matter who any of us are pulling for…that’s a very thought-out and fair brainstorm.
How many times was her name chip NOT pulled from the veto player bag? Can’t win if you can’t play.
Is there anyone who wants Michie or Holly to win?
Nicole baby!!!
I know I’m falling for the bait…but yes…well Michie, not Holly.
I have to agree with you. When it comes to Michie as a person, Holly said it best. He’s a f-ing a-hole. However when it comes to playing the game, he’s killing it with comp wins & he’s not finished yet.
Dumbest move, if nicole is seating next to Jackson at the end she loses, next to Christie she wins. I think this cost her the game.
illogical, this season nice 1 wins
good point, whomever doesn’t agree please explain why??
This is why I disagree:
As the game stands now…Nicole has won 1 comp. If you’re a jury member and are inclined to vote for her TODAY…it does not matter who she’s sitting next to. You have decided you like her and you think she deserves to win. That’s not going to change no matter who she’s sitting next to. As a matter of fact…if you are voting for her today because of those qualities…you will admire her even more for getting into a final 4 and being loyal. This is not meant to say Nicole deserves or doesn’t deserve to win…I’m just saying if you think today that she deserves to win…nothing will change in 3 weeks.
At this point in the game, I think Nicole loses to whomever she sits next too.
Nicole is a fan favorite but watermelon, high kick and the shadow dancer have played a better game. This cast totally sucks but the game is still up for grabs and that hasn’t happened for a few years at least with 5 players left. I can’t watch them even on BBAD because they are so boring but I am still into the game play. I don’t think whoever gets to the final two will anyone be really confident on who will win and to me that is a good season ( I get it they all are weak players, boring, annoying) but I will watch to see who wins.
I agree. I have who I think I want to win…but there is truly no telling. It really can go several diff ways and that is what’s making it exciting.
I think several people have made good points why Nicole could be deserving of winning BB 21.
Before last night’s HOH win and being willing to use it to get blood on her nands and get out a big target, I didn’t think was deserving at all. You may feel that she picked the wrong target, but you cant deny that Christie was indeed a big target.
I will also add that she she went weeks without getting to play veto. Would she have won a veto she didn’t get to play-my guess is no, but it’s a possibilty.
I dont think I’m ready to say I think she deserves the win yet, but one more good game move (especially a comp win) would probably lock it in for me.
She was going to get blood on her hands no matter what. She only had 5 people to choose from all who are playing a better game than her.
Excellent point and it may be another reason why I’m not 100% ready to jump on the Nicole bandwagon.
Isn’t that the point? Avoid blood until it is time to bathe in it?
Random question-what is up with Julie being so controlling during some of the competitions?
I get that she probably needs to keep things moving and say lock in your answer, but someone tried to reset last night before she told them to and she was like-dont reset until I tell you to reset.
Do you think there is a legitimate technical reason or is she just a bit over the top?
It’s always been that way. In case there was any question of an answer.
I think it is to make sure all answers are seen and confirmed since it’s a live show.
That makes a liot of sense. I think when it happened she had already recapped who got it right and who didn’t, but it would make sense for her to remind them so because if they did it a second time it could have been too early.
Thanks to the people who answered nicely and didn’t just thumbs down!
She says it every year
Jackson won the HOH
He’s killing it !!
Later Tommy!! :p I know it’s early…but I just am relieved there’s a good chance of him leaving.
He’s leaving unless he wins veto then it will probably be Vliff
Right again Mav! Per usual lol :p Almost makes me wonder if Michie should backdoor Tommy. I think Tommy thinks he’s good with Michie which may tone him down, even just a notch, during the veto??
Everyone plays in the Veto and Tommy has a good chance to win Comics. There really is no back door once everyone can play.
I def agree he has a better than average chance…but it’s still 4 against 1…and it doesn’t matter how many people are playing, it’s still a backdoor.
I believe the original intent of the backdoor was to deprive the target the chance at keeping themselves safe by winning the veto. Many folks go by if they had a chance to ensure their safety then it’s not a backdoor. Some will say if the replacement nom is the target then it’s a backdoor even if they had a chance to be safe.
You’re right. I’ve used it to describe both ways.
Tell me about it hes so loud and obnoxious
Tommy leaves HAHAHAHA
Unless someone gets him in the next HOH Michie is going to win. I really don’t like him but it is hard to argue against his game at this point.
Totally agree. That’s why I think they should have have backdoored him last night.
You all are just nasty, give me actual good reasons why you don’t like Tommy? So he’s a bit more optimistic than the regular person and doesn’t choose the best people to be around but he was killing the social game, because of how much everyone disliked Christie he was dragged down as well, I hope he wins the veto and makes it farther
Uh really? Mr I love everyone kick and smile turn head to look sympathetic or puppy like. Ugh grown man acting like that shmoozy is hard to take and why hang w crusty I’m sure his relative isn’t thrilled they Played all game together
I don’t hate him or anything. I think it was a huge disadvantage for everyone else, that he and Christie knew each other and nobody knew. I do not respect his social game because it’s too fake. Other than that, I don’t think he’s this big, bad, evil person. I just don’t think he’s a comp beast or a social mastermind, just too fake for my liking.
He floats, he let Christie do the talking for him, he voted against allies and he is so fake enthusiastic and over the top, especially on live TV, I can’t stand it. He wants to always be the center of attention and is very loud about it.
I’ve felt from the very fist episode that on live shows he needed to be tethered down or he’d fly away. All that artificial enthusiasm is a little off-putting.
Fair enough reasons, I just like people with Tommys attitude and Christie definitely destroyed his game, you actually think he didn’t want to send her out but she was his best shot to make it far, that’s why he saved her twice, anybody with half a brain would take the advantage of knowing someone even if they didn’t like them, he just needs to learn to win more comps. He was my only entertainment this season. I need him and Nicole to make it to the final.
He IS killing it. Since Christie is out, something came over me that I’m good with any of these these five winning. Jackson doesn’t bug me like he did with Jack in the house. And let’s be honest; he’s not Paul, or Paulie, or Amanda and Cray.
That’s where I’m at for the most part. I didn’t realize until last night at around 9:40 PM eastern time…that she was basically the reason I have not liked this season.
Jesus christ jackson won hoh again
Unless he wins Veto in which case I Think Cliff is out..
He’s now won the last three he’s played in, right? Dude is a beast.
And I don’t think he’s the “genius” Christie says he is, but he’s a lot smarter than he lets on. When you watch the feeds, you realize he knows what happened on which day maybe better than anyone in the house.
Glad Christi is gone but cant stand they are giving Swaggy and Bailie and more air time. Glad this season is over soon!
They’re the perfect tribute to this season…and would fit right in with most of the house guests this season.
So who is Mellon head putting up beside Tommy. That is the question, I expect Cliff but maybe just maybe holly so she can say she was on the block
Actually I read elsewhere that Cliff told Jackson to put up Nichole
Ok- ARGH. Jackson won HOH. Shocking. The only way to save this season from being massacred by Jackson is: Jackson put up Tommy and Cliff on the block. Nicole win POV and pull Cliff off. Jackson will then HAVE to nominate Holly. Nicole and Cliff vote out Holly on Michie’s HOH. Next HOH Michie can’t play. Whoever wins, nominate him and win the veto, 3 against 1.
A girl can dream… I mean a girl can manifest
Jackson fans are gross.